Christian rituals for water from damage. The principle of a conspiracy to water from damage and the evil eye. Ancient ritual with water

Damage and the evil eye can be removed with spoken water. Any person can have such a negative impact, even without using a special magical rite. The thing is that any negative thoughts or words that were said during a strong emotional upsurge can harm another person. Often they make a conspiracy of water from damage and the evil eye. This holy water from severe spoilage is used for drinking, washing and treating rooms in order to eliminate negativity or for prevention.

dark negative

Black malice is always only incited. Out of nowhere, she does not appear, does not enter the house. In fact, this is an ailment caused by envy of your happiness, and even supported by evil words. Corruption always causes physical or mental illness. Often, people on whom the negative feel suppressed, they begin to have panic attacks. Corruption, like a worm gnaws at the body and soul.

You need to know how they cause damage in order to understand how to remove it from yourself and loved ones. You can hover it in various ways, using various attributes:

  • through looking at the victim;
  • using biomaterials of the victim (hair, nails);
  • with the help of charmed things presented as a gift;
  • by photo.

There are many methods to send damage to a person, therefore, having noticed a series of strange events in your life, it is worth considering, because it is quite possible that an ill-wisher is constantly spinning next to you. The main ailment is noticed in time, then it will not be difficult at all to remove the negative. There are also several methods to determine the presence of negativity.

Varieties of influences

The most harmless negative is the evil eye. When they say that a person has an evil eye or an evil tongue, this must be taken literally. Such people are able to accumulate a lot of negativity in themselves and directly squander it around them. It is impossible to talk to them normally, they are energy vampires, absorb your energy, and in exchange leave emptiness and a black abyss of negativity.

An ordinary safety pin attached to the wrong side of the garment can protect against such exposure. If you are already under the influence of the evil eye, you can read a protective conspiracy that will help put everything in its place. Damage is directed at:

  • health;
  • death;
  • loneliness;
  • money;
  • good luck
  • beauty and youth.

The consequences of such a strong negativity can be simply terrible. Health is most often brought on out of revenge. A person begins to get very sick, and a perfectly healthy person begins to melt like a candle or, on the contrary, suffers from obesity. A special conspiracy or prayer can remove the negative impact.

The most powerful and terrible method of influence is considered to be done to death. First of all, carrying out this ritual is a terrible sin. The removal of such a slander can only be carried out by an experienced magician, moreover, not at a time. Poverty is usually made more successful by people, business partners or acquaintances. This negative affects a purely financial aspect and its removal is quite simple.

There are simply countless ways to create problems in the lives of others. Each negative, depending on the paraphernalia used, the targets will be filmed differently. One of the universal methods of protection is water. To protect yourself and loved ones, you need to learn how to read a conspiracy correctly into the water.

How to speak liquid for protection?

Pure water slander is a common method of pure magic. Many underestimate the healing and magical properties water and very in vain. Liquid has the ability to remember information, like a mirror. To work with the elements, it is very important to be in a calm mood and be able to renounce everything and drive all thoughts out of your head in order to concentrate on merging the energy of water with your own.

For rituals, it is necessary to use only pure spring water, but if it is not possible to get it, then you can take it from the tap, but you will have to defend it for a whole week. The plot you are going to use should be clear and easy to remember. You need to know the text by heart and, looking at the water, pronounce it.

You need to read the words quietly, in a half whisper, gradually moving to a whisper. Everything should look as if the secret you are telling her is only for water. Through such communication, a close energy connection is established between the water element and you.

In carrying out such actions important point is to maintain secrecy. No one should be told what you are going to do, and also no one should see you during the ritual. It is important to sincerely believe in the power of water and then it will do everything you ask of it.

The simplest methods of removing negativity

by the most in a simple way to strengthen your biofield or remove negativity, if you have been jinxed, is a warm bath with the addition of salt. It can be sea or ordinary table salt. You should stay in the font for at least 15 minutes, then you need to thoroughly wash off the remaining salt from yourself.

If a diagnosis has been made and you are completely sure that you have been jinxed, it is best to read “Our Father” over the bath and add holy water in addition to salt. This manipulation allows you to completely restore the energy balance and cleanse karma from negative influences.

When a child is jinxed, you can wash with holy water through the doorknob. The door handle must be bracketed. Holy water is taken and poured through the handle into the palm so that the liquid does not touch the metal. With this water they wash the face of the baby and wipe it with their hem with the words:

"What gave birth, so cured."


To cleanse the soul and body from filth, they often use the help of baptismal water. This is the liquid that is prepared for Baptism. Before drinking and washing, you need to remember any prayer words and say them.

For cleansing to help, it is necessary not only to pour water, but to sincerely believe in God. If in doubt, you can not even begin the rite of purification. When washing, you can turn to the Holy Matrona, it is she who helps in the most difficult moments and protects from all ailments.

pouring out

Casting corruption is a fairly common ritual among healers and healers. To conduct a rial, you need:

  • about 200 g of natural wax;
  • a glass of holy water.

Before starting treatment, you should read a prayer:

“Lord, have mercy, help me (name) find out to whom I annoyed (a) so much that I was spoiled (name of spoilage).”

After that, three times you should read "Our Father" and the same number of times "Sunday Prayer" and say Amen.

A vessel with water is held over the head of the spoiled one and the wax is carefully poured into it. The flushing procedure is carried out several times with short breaks. All this time reading a protective plot. After the procedure, the performer gives the order:

“It will cleanse with fire, wash it off with water, eat a pood of salt and crawl out like a worm from (name) a witch's splinter.”

Protective spells

A conspiracy from the evil eye to water is elementary. Light a match and throw it into a glass of water when the flame reaches your fingers. Say the words:

“Fire can purify, water can wash away. I no longer wear the evil eye. Let him return from where he came, I want him to find his true master.

Then you should set fire to the church lamp, and when it begins to melt, drop a few drops of wax into the water. It is necessary to keep the water for three days, and then pour it under the tree.

Through a protective conspiracy on water, a person can strengthen his biofield and cleanse his karma. If you carry out such activities for preventive purposes, then no one can jinx you. A similar ceremony can be performed for a loved one.

How to speak liquid to protect against strong negativity?

Removal of spoilage by water is carried out in the daytime. To do this, put a glass of water on the windowsill and say:

“The sun shines radiantly on you, and the people around me only with pure souls and thoughts. And for whom black magic is a sister, let everything return with a torus.

After that, you need to drain the glass so that it is clean.

The properties of water are not unlimited, however, if you sincerely believe, everything will definitely work out. It is important to remember that all thoughts materialize. The more positive you have, the sooner it will be transferred to water and others.

How to remove strong negativity?

The most severe damage is considered to be that done to death. Getting rid of such exposure at home is quite difficult. However, sacred faith in God can do the impossible. For forty days, without missing a single one, before going to bed you need to read "Our Father".

You can also perform a ritual with holy water. They read a conspiracy on the water and give it to drink and wash the spoiled person. CONSPIRACY:

“I will sprinkle with God’s holy water, I will give it to drink, I will cleanse my body and soul. Let, as water washes away and destroys even stones in its path, so let all disease be washed away and death depart from the servant of God (name).

How to remove the most terrible impact?

The most terrible damage that unkind people can cause is to add dead water at the threshold of your house. What it is? Dead water is the liquid used to wash away the dead. Such an effect is very difficult to remove. A person begins to have problems with the lower part of the body from the very feet to the waist.

It is difficult to remove such an impact on your own, but if you sincerely believe in yourself, it is possible. They begin to remove damage on the first day full moon. For carrying out, you will need snow-white linen, in which there should not be black threads or dots. In front of you, you need to set two bowls in one warm, in the other cold. Scooping up the liquid in turn from each vessel, it must be thrown into one's face.

At this moment, a vision may come to you, do not be afraid, you need to read the words:

“It came with the help of water, it will leave in the same way, it came out of the earth - into the earth and will return. Leaves my house. Whoever brought it, he will reap his own fruits, and the damage will lag behind me.

The whole procedure must be repeated for seven days. During this period, you can see the face of the one who caused the damage. During all this time, salt, bread and water should not be taken out of your home. On the eighth day, be sure to visit the temple and put a light on the one who did evil and ask for his salvation. Go to the cemetery and put water and bread there on an abandoned grave with a name like yours.

Ritual, a conspiracy from damage and the evil eye on water. Protection from damage, evil eye and curses, envy and evil

How to remove damage, evil eye, love spell. Ritual.

A conspiracy of water from damage and the evil eye


So, damage to holy water really exists. To protect yourself and your family from the evil eye and damage, you can slander protective conspiracies on water and use it to cleanse the room and aura. It is used for washing and drinking. Water is the best protector and conductor. With its help, you can both protect and harm. No wonder, when it was a very difficult day, I want to come and wash it off myself.

For water treatment to help, you need not just read the words thoughtlessly, but sincerely believe and concentrate all your thoughts on the water, as if merging with it into one whole, and then the Heavenly Father will help you. Some do not believe in such things at all and believe that this is complete nonsense. But there are also a lot of reviews on the Internet from those to whom water treatment for spoilage really helped.

Tired of constant bad luck in business? Maybe your life is filled with constant causeless fear? Or is your life completely subordinated to medicines and doctors?

Wanna know possible cause their life's troubles and how to get rid of them? Then read this article to the end.

Why Trouble Happens in Life

Our world is completely subject to the laws of balance. Therefore, the life of each person resembles a zebra: a white stripe is replaced by a black one, followed by a white stripe again. It `s naturally. But, all these changes occur smoothly and a person has time to adapt to prim. If everything in your life is exactly like this, then you should not be patient and wait until the black bar ends.

But, it also happens that the black streak has dragged on too long or troubles have fallen on a person unexpectedly and at one moment. In such a situation, it makes sense to think about the reason for what is happening.

From my own experience, I will say that abrupt changes in life for the worse, inexplicable events indicate that they are trying to influence a person with the help of witchcraft. In simple words he was jinxed, damaged or cursed.

You can check this with the help of the rituals that I described in the article “ ”

What to do if the “diagnosis” is confirmed

If you used one of the rituals from my article and the presence of witchcraft was confirmed, then something should be done immediately to get rid of it.

What exactly should be done? You can use the services of specialists or independently conduct cleansing and protective rituals to get rid of damage, evil eye or curse. But if you are a believer, then I advise you to seek help from the god in whom you believe.

For example, a Christian can use special prayers and ask God for help in the fight against demons.

Church methods in the fight against corruption

There are many prayers and church rituals that are aimed at fighting demons. To be honest, almost any prayer can help in this matter, but if you use special rituals, then the positive effect will come much earlier.

Therefore, I decided to collect in one article all church rituals that are designed to resist magic and protect against evil.


The sacrament of baptism is known to all of us, because almost every child was baptized in infancy. But now, they do it because they have to. Only a few baptize their children with the belief that God will protect the child from evil in the future.

According to Christian beliefs, thanks to the Sacrament of Baptism, a person gets rid of original sin. A person goes through this ritual only once in his life, completely clearing his energy from all evil. The cross acts as a protective barrier against demonic influence throughout life.

Therefore, in order to get rid of damage, you should go through Baptism and put on a pectoral cross. If you are already baptized, then just put on a pectoral cross and never take it off.


This rite is also known to many, although it is rarely resorted to. There are several types of confession:

  • ordinary confession is simple repentance for one's sins. This procedure must be carried out 4 times a year during large fasts;
  • the confession “nine” is carried out in the case when a person wants to beg grace from God. For 9 months, a person must repent and take communion 9 times. If requests are addressed to Jesus, then this should be done every first Friday of the month. If requests are directed to the Mother of God, then you need to repent and take communion every first Saturday of the month;
  • if the family has a very difficult case, then all family members must undergo this procedure at the same time.


This sacrament is performed only after confession. You can take communion at the Service of God for 9-21 days, or you can go through this sacrament on your birthday on the day of your guardian angel, on the day of baptism.

Exorcism (proofreading)

This method of getting rid of demonic influence should be discussed directly with the priest. But you should know that there are:

  • mass proofreading, which is carried out 5-9 times in a row, 1 time per week. Such sessions are repeated for 1-2 months.
  • individual proofreadings are carried out if a person has serious problems with his mental or physical condition. This procedure requires 1-2 long sessions.


This rite is also called the Liturgy. Wanting to get rid of damage, the evil eye and other witchcraft, this “event” should be attended:

  • every Sunday;
  • on major days church holidays(there are 19 in the year);
  • on the first Friday or Saturday of the month;
  • if you are going to take communion;
  • during Holy Missions
  • any day you wish.

Order a service to your health (simple note)

If health suffers greatly due to damage, then order a service for your health. To do this correctly and get the desired result, you should do the following:

  • visit 3 temples (churches) in one day and order a health service in each of them 30 days in advance. This must be done within 3 months;
  • to order a health service on the days of major church holidays, you should do it the day before;
  • also, the day before, you should order a service for health, if you want it to be held on your birthday, on the day of the Guardian Angel, on the day of baptism or wedding;
  • if health problems are very serious, then the health service should be ordered for the whole family in 9-12 temples (churches) for 1-7 days. You have to do it in 1 day.

Order a prayer service for the health of the saint

In addition to the usual service for health, you can ask for help from a saint. To do this, you should go to the church and order at least one of the services offered below:

  • a prayer service for health to the Mother of God, Jesus Christ or any saint;
  • a prayer service with an akathist (praise church hymn) and the blessing of water or chrismation;
  • prayer for the sick;
  • prayer for every need.

All these services can be ordered once a week or once a month. Except the last one. About how often it is held, you should check directly with the church where you plan to order a prayer service.

Candles for health

In addition to prayers, you can use such a ritual as putting candles for health. It goes without saying that you should do this for yourself and those close to you. You can use the time during the worship service or visit the church on any other day.

But you will achieve a greater effect if you light candles for the health of your enemies or those people with whom you recently quarreled. It is not enough just to perform this procedure mechanically. We must sincerely forgive those who were offended and wish to reconcile with them.

Candles for the health of enemies can be placed three days in a row or taking breaks between “sessions” of 3 days, 5 days and 7 days.

Candles for the repose of the ancestors

Sometimes it happens that our dead ancestors can remind themselves of themselves in dreams. Especially if we forgot about them. Often such manifestations can affect the well-being of a person or his life in general. To soothe the souls of the dead, go to churches for their repose.

This needs to be done:

  • on memorial days;
  • if the deceased is just dreaming or in a dream he calls for him.

In the latter case, you should ask for help from loved ones, because the candles for the repose must be placed simultaneously in 3 churches (temples), the location of which forms a triangle. In addition, you need to order a memorial service for the deceased and a health service for yourself.

Sacrament of Unction

This is a ritual that consists of two parts: first, the body of the patient is smeared with consecrated oil, and then prayers are read over it, invoking Divine grace. According to church rules, this procedure should be carried out by a “cathedral” - seven priests.

Assembly can be held:

  • 2-3 weeks before Easter;
  • if you missed the opportunity to undergo this sacrament during Great Lent, then you can visit the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra in Russia or the Pochaev Lavra in Ukraine for this purpose.
  • if the illness is very serious, then you can order the Unction at your home.

Sacrament of Chrismation

This sacrament lies in the fact that parts of the body of a sick person are smeared with consecrated myrrh (incense oil, which consists of a mixture of olive oil, white wine, fragrant herbs and fragrant resins). After that, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to the believer.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is performed:

  • for healing the soul and body once a week;
  • for prevention - 1-2 times a month.


To cleanse the soul and body of everything that provokes the penetration of demons into a person’s life, the main church posts should be observed:

  • in spring - Great Lent;
  • in summer - Petrov Post;
  • in autumn - Assumption Post;
  • in winter - Advent.

Also, you can determine for yourself one or two days a week when you observe a one-day fast.

Protective Prayers

Among other things, there are special protective prayers. They need to be read near the home iconostasis or listened to in audio format. For this daily ritual, the following prayers should be read:

  • Psalm 90;
  • Prayer to the Holy Cross;
  • Prayer for the healing of those possessed by unclean spirits;
  • Prayer for protection from evil spirits.

Visiting church shrines

Another way to get rid of corruption or protect yourself from it is through a pilgrimage. That is, a person needs to visit holy places and gain Divine grace there.

To begin with, you can limit your journey to the shrines of your locality. Then you should expand its boundaries. Visit shrines in your area, region, country. Then you can go outside the country.

Studying the Holy Scriptures

The Bible contains answers to all sorts of questions. By reading this book, you can not only get rid of corruption, but also find solutions to your daily problems.

But don't limit yourself to the Bible. Study the spiritual literature that the holy fathers wrote throughout the history of Christianity.

Cleaning the house from damage

In addition, in order to cleanse oneself from damage, a person must take care of his own house. To expel damage from your home, do the following:

  • make a home iconostasis;
  • 2-3 times a year invite a priest to bless the house;
  • go through the rite of confession, after which for 9 days in a row you should sprinkle the house with holy water;
  • using holy oil, draw crosses in all corners of the house.

These measures will help not only get rid of witchcraft in the house, but also protect it from it in the future.

Holy water from corruption

In order for holy water to help get rid of spoilage, you should perform the following actions:

  • wash or wipe sore spots;
  • take a few sips of holy water before eating;
  • add to drinking water (bottled or in a tank where such water is stored).

Holy oil from corruption

Oil is a mixture of olive oil and incense consecrated in the church. To help against spoilage, oil can be:

  • smear crosswise on sore spots;
  • add 2-3 drops to food;
  • draw crosses in the corners of the house.

Church amulets

There are church amulets, the constant use of which will not allow evil to influence a person. This is:

  • pectoral cross;
  • consecrated salt, oil, water;
  • icons for home and for carrying with you.


Divine power can really help you overcome demons. But this will only happen if you truly believe in the service of God. Therefore, if the church was not your favorite place to spend time before, then you will have to spend a lot of time to prove to God your humility. Only then will he give you the grace you asked for.

Agree, when life has turned into a nightmare due to damage, you don’t really want to waste precious time. Therefore, I propose to use the services of specialists who can conduct special rituals and cleanse your life of damage, evil eye and curses.

For example, you can write to me and get detailed instructions to solve your problem.

I look forward to your requests at the coordinates indicated on the site.

It is known that water has a unique property to “remember” information and transmit it in its structure. This scientific fact was not known to our ancestors, but this did not prevent them, using special conspiracies, to get rid of diseases and troubles.

The properties of water are not fully understood even in our time. According to scientists, we are waiting for many more incredible discoveries related to the composition of water and its capabilities. From the point of view of bioenergetics, water is truly priceless: it can be used to influence the energy field and get rid of negative influences, diseases and destructive energy.

Our ancestors were not familiar with any scientific theory about water, but they understood all its power. Water conspiracies passed from generation to generation, and the most powerful of them have come down to our time.

How to get rid of spoilage with water

Conspiracies for water from damage have the greatest power: with their help, you can completely neutralize negative energy, and in some cases return damage to the one who brought it. For a conspiracy, you will need cool drinking water.

If you find yourself, then you need to pour water into a clean transparent glass, set it in front of you and take it with both hands. Close your eyes and say the words of the conspiracy, mentally looking into the water.

“Water-voditsa, sister to the wind, daughter to the earth, enemy to fire! The fire burns me, embraces me with a black flame, takes away the power, burns out my darling. Spring water, put out the flame, take away the coals, return the power! Truly!”

Say this plot seven times, then drink all the water. The glass must be thoroughly washed and placed separately from all other dishes.

If damage or the evil eye began to manifest itself at the physical level, then the “Source of Power” water conspiracy would be a good help. For a conspiracy, you will need a source of water in which you can swim: a bath, a bathhouse, or a lake or river in the warm season.

In the evening, prepare a clean towel and a new set of clothes. After dark, undress and plunge headlong into the water three times. After, without leaving the water, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother water, life-bearing, I call you! Ebullient springs, mighty rivers, salty seas, huge lakes! Take away from me (name) all the ailment, all the pain, all the evil words spoken in the back, what is whispered to the Moon and the Sun, thrown into the eyes, promised behind the eyes! I will become (name) like water, pure like a river, strong like the sea, bottomless! Truly!”

After the plot is uttered, you need to plunge into the source again three times. Then put on new clothes, and dip the old into the source and then wash as usual.

How to get rid of diseases with water

Water can carry away not only destructive effects, but also diseases. The accumulated negativity can be “given away” to the water flow and thus get rid of the pain. For a conspiracy on the water, you need to wait for the evening and be left alone. Draw water into the bath, plunge into it with your head, and then say the words of the conspiracy:

“With pain, the beast, the man, and the bird come to the mother water. Mother Voditsa, take away from me spoiled shakes, fevers and braziers, pain and black dust! Just as you can’t count the water, so I won’t get sick for a century! Truly!”

Repeat the plot seven times, then get out of the water and do not talk to anyone until the morning.

With the help of water, you can not only get rid of negativity, but also attract positive events into your life. Knowing how to charge water for the fulfillment of a wish, you can get closer to your dream. We wish you good health and only good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.04.2017 02:02

Sooner or later, everyone will face financial difficulties. Problems at work, unexpected expenses,...

1. Water. For magical actions, water must either be consecrated in a church, or taken from a well or a key on Epiphany night. Preferably between 4 and 6 am.

2. Salt contains a lot of internal energy, salt crystals receive cosmic energy. Burning the salt, and before the magical ceremony, the salt must be burned in a frying pan for 10 minutes at 12 o'clock at night, we burn the black energy of evil.

3. Poppy grass - well accepts the program of recovery.

4. We close the entrance to evil forces with a knife.

5. Beeswax, draws out all the negative energy and sends it as a boomerang to the one who sent it.

6. The earth attracts damage, death during the rite (the most difficult rite).

A novice healer can only master the simplest way of a magical rite, a conspiracy or a slander when performing a particular rite.

Remove damage, slander, conspiracies

At present, there is an opinion that "damage", "slander" is just a relic of the past and has nothing to do with healing. My experience is that all this is possible today, and therefore it is impossible to exclude them from practice. When a drowning person does not have a lifeline, he grabs a straw and often it saves him.

The actions of the healer only partly resemble magic, but they contain some wisdom that we have not revealed at the present time. I call it all healing magic. Healing magic begins where witchcraft comes into force, the use of various conspiracies, slander, rituals (ceremonies), the use of animal and vegetable products for treatment. Of course, at the same time, we must remember that medical and general astrology is not averse to clarifying in a number of cases what a person should be afraid of under the sign of this or that constellation, etc.

I offer you conspiracies and slander, collected by me bit by bit in the distant villages of Volyn, Ternopil region, in the south of Russia and taken from other sources. Most of it is a legacy from the older generation of our family.

Remove the slander, the evil eye.

1. In all cases, in all ceremonies, the patient should sit with his back to the north. Under the chair on which the patient will sit, it is necessary to put: a knife with a point on the way out to the door, scissors (with fingers on the way out), a small cross, put a candle next to it. It is necessary to prepare a knife, a plate of water nearby on the table and put wax in a saucepan on fire (preferably with a handle, it is convenient to work with). Cross the plate with water with a knife, encircle it around the head clockwise 3 times. Then hold the plate with your left hand on the head of the patient, pour the wax clockwise into the plate with your right hand. After half a minute, remove to cool the wax. At this time, put a new portion of wax on fire. While the wax is melting over low heat, you carefully, with a knife, remove the circle of wax, put it down and carefully examine (the inside). Here you will see the whole world, what prevented good health this person. Then repeat the same operation and consider the second circle of wax. Already here there will be fewer figures. After all, the evil slander is removed. And the third time to melt the wax, repeat everything the same, only the dishes with wax must be carried not around the head, but from the feet to the head 3 times. The third round of wax will be different from the previous two. If it is completely smooth, then the work is finished, if not, then you still need to repeat. At the same time, do not forget that from the first minute to the last you must read prayers (see Ch. Healing Magic).

2. The second way to pour wax when frightened.

Conspiracy, prayer: Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, merge with the slave (name) from all diseases. Amen.

I will get up the servant of Akulina, blessed, I will go crossing myself from door to door, from gate to gate under the east under the east side to the ocean-sea, to Buyan Island. On this island lies a goldstone. The Mother of God sits on this golden stone. I'll come closer, bow lower. Blessed Mother Theotokos, save the slave (name) from reproach, from prisoner, from fear, from commotion, from pinching, from aches, from all sorts of diseases and from the inside. Can someone let in some kind of disease. From a cigarette-rolling girl, from a simple-haired grandmother, from red-haired, white, blond-haired men and the rest as they are.

I'll throw the keys into the blue sea. Just as my keys do not float, so do not burp my words, be stronger than a strong damask hole In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Melt the wax and pour it over your head into cold water 3 times, you need to pour the wax at sunset and before sunrise.

3. Early in the morning, taking a can for water (necessarily with a lid), you need to take water (to draw with the flow) from the key. Returning home, you need to be silent and not look back. Put three hot coals, a little oven clay, a grain of sand, a pinch of salt into the water. Wash this patient with water 2 times (morning and evening). At the same time, saying: "Like water from a goose, water from a swan - so trouble is with you, thinness!" Leave half a glass of this water and drink to the patient 3 times. Moisten the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart with half a glass of water, and splash the rest under the ceiling.

When a child cries

If he was jinxed, have mom wet the hem of her petticoat (or combination) with inside and reading the prayer "Our Father ..." wipes the child's face. He will soon calm down.

For nighttime urinary incontinence

Often the child behaves restlessly. Usually the reason here is one fear. (It happens often in adults). You can get rid of this trouble by applying 3 methods.

1. It is necessary to cook a raw egg, half a glass of water. Place three icons (you can use small ones) on the table to the right of the healer, light a candle (church) and place it in a glass of water. We begin to read prayers and from top to bottom, starting from the head, right hand we roll out a fright with an egg, without missing a single centimeter of the patient's body. (Under the armpits necessarily, under the knees). Having rolled out, we remove the candle and continuing to read the prayer, we break the egg into the water (after crossing the glass with water). By looking at what's in the glass, you can determine what caused the person's illness. Usually, a dog, a person, a cat is clearly and clearly visible in a glass, sometimes there are many, many threads, this indicates that the patient has been damaged (except for fear).

2. The patient, as always, sits with his back to the north. As before, they prepared half a glass of water, lit a candle. There are 13 matches nearby. Read all the prayers. Light the matches in turn and immediately throw (lit) into a glass of water. (The candle was previously removed). Dip the matches head down to the bottom of the glass. Lowering the last match, you say: “Jesus Christ rode on a black horse, held a silk thread, the thread breaks, the servant of God (name) has blood and fear stop. The fire went out. Jesus Christ is with us. Holy Mother of God save us." Matches should be given to the mother of the child, at sunset, it is necessary to bury them in the ground. At the same time, say: "As these matches mix with the ground, fear will go away. Amen. (3 times).

3. The patient sits with his back to the north. To the right of the healer are three icons. Everything is laid out in the order as in Fig. It is necessary to fold the child's panties and T-shirt in a triangle and put them next to a glass of water with a candle. When all the prayers have already been read, it is necessary (after removing the candle) to give the child a drink - 3 sips of water. Drink the remaining water 3 times in the morning. Grass pour boiling water (1 cup), let it brew for 5 minutes, add to 3 liters of plain water and wash the child. Pour water from top to bottom. At the same time, say: “There are 77 of you, I will give you a drink, feed and put you to sleep, and you take away with you, take away the fear and illness of the servant of God (name). Having finished work in all cases, it is necessary to pray:

"Lord Christ God, Who heals my passions with Your passions and healed my ulcers with Your ulcers, grant me, who have sinned a lot, tears of tenderness; passion my body from the smell of Your life-giving Body, and delight my soul with Your Honorable Blood from sorrow, with it me drink up my adversary, raise my mind to Thee, the valley of the drooping and raise from the abyss of perdition: For I am not imam of repentance, I am not imam of tenderness, I am not imam of consoling tears, raising children to their inheritance. I can’t warm myself with tears, even if I love You. But, Lord Jesus Christ, treasure of the good, grant me wholehearted repentance and an industrious heart for Your exaction, grant me Your grace and renew in me the signs of Your image. Leave Thee, do not leave me: depart not my exaction, build up your pasture and number me with the sheep of your chosen flock, raise me with them from the cereal of your Divine Sacraments, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother and all your saints. yin. Amen. Amen".

With this prayer you should always secure your work. Is it possible to help yourself, because it is not always possible to turn to a healer? Of course you can. There are several ways to remove the sent illness (damage) from yourself.

Removing damage from yourself

Method 1. At 12 o'clock at night, go to the place where there is spring water. Lay your underwear turned inside out next to the water, draw full palms of water three times and wash your face, only from the chin to the forehead. Throw the last drops of water that remain in your palms into the water and say: "As the last drops of water go, so the last drops of my tears will go." After that, turn your back to the water, take a little water in your right palm and throw it away over your left shoulder, while saying the words: "As water flies quickly, so evil damage fly away quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen . Amen." Underwear must be worn for 3 days without removing.

Method 2. At 12 o'clock at night, you need to put the pan on the fire, throw three handfuls of salt on it with your left hand, and watch how the salt is fried for 20 minutes on fire (strong). Say: “You are 77, I will feed you, I will give you a drink, show, tell who, for what and when evil was done to the servant of God (name), not by a beast, not by a fish, not by a bird, but by a man, show, tell, what? " If the salt crackles strongly, turns black (sometimes a groan is heard), go outside, count 21 stars to your right and say: “Give back the queens-stars, return the evil that they brought me, not by fish, not by birds, but by man. Return to him I forgive him." After that, do not take anything out of the house for 24 hours, do not lend anything.

Method 3. Dry the flowers with which the Mass was held, and Vespers on the Trinity. Put one flower on a dish, pour holy water (1 cup). Say with a lit candle the prayers "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith", "The Living in Help" (2 times each). Three sips of water to drink, the remaining, wash. Immediately set aside a coin (for alms). Continue treatment like this for 40 days. Then order 3 prayers in the church: to the healer Panteleimon, the martyr Tryphon and the silverless Kuzma and Demyan, distribute 40 coins in the church to the poor for health.

Conspiracies from damage

1. To every horny person: salt in the eye, hot sand, fire, scorching - evil - dashing, spoiled and schoolboy. Any horny person of God's creatures cannot be recognized; clouds do not open, do not unlock; do not beat or pluck frequent stars; morning dawns do not cross with an ax; You can’t push away the young of the month, don’t unlock it - so don’t spoil me, the servant of God (name), don’t spoil the century after century, onine and forever. Which words are forgotten, bydushye - be you, my words, everything is fully negotiated century by century, from now to the century. The sky is the key, the earth is the castle.

2. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will rise, the servant of God (name), being blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut by the door, from the courtyard by the gate, I will go to the open field, bow and pray to the true Jesus Christ, Yegor the Brave; I’ll wrap myself in a cloud, I’ll gird myself with the morning dawn, I’ll be hundreds of young months, I’ll hide with frequent stars from the guards, from the hairstyle, from the mowing, from the ugly person, from the slanting person, from black, from black, from fair-haired, from white, from black-eyed, from gray-eyed, from from a black raft, from a gray raft, from a white raft, from a one-wife, from a two-wife, from a single-tooth, from a two-tooth and from a trident, and from a sorcerer, and from a sorceress, from a bedun, and from a poor woman, and from every evil, lechia, and from his wife, and from a stranger, and from one's own person, and from a stranger, and from one's family, and from a stranger, and from anyone born: from a stooped and from a hunchbacked, sloppy in advance, from an old man, from an old woman, from a black man, from a blueberry woman and from a priest , and from the deacon, and from the seaside, and from the whole krylos, and from the simple-haired girl, and from the white-headed woman, on the road of a haircut, comprehending, looking, envious. Evil and dashing, spoiler, urchin, everyone born human- chaff in the eye, an iron back in the guzzle, a hard stone in the teeth of the evil and dashing, the spoiled man and the urchin.

3. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The servant of God (name) will rise, being blessed, will go crossing from the hut with doors, from the courtyard will go into the open field with a gate, will be enveloped in a cloud, will be girded with the morning dawn, with frequent stars will be shut up from prize-winners, from mowing, from an ugly person, from a black, from a white eye, from the devil, from the white-blood, from the one-wife, from the big-wife, from the one-tooth, from the two-tooth, and from the three-tooth, and from the sorcerer and from the sorceress, and from the sorcerer and from the sorceress, and from all kinds of dashing snakes, and from his wife, and from strangers , and from every born, from a stooped and hunchbacked in advance cursed, from an old man and an old woman, from a black and a blueberry, from a priest and from a deacon, and from a sexton and from every snout, and from a simple-haired girl, and from a white-headed woman, and from everyone on the road who meets, comprehends, looks, sees. God’s creatures cannot be recognized by any born person, clouds cannot be opened, cannot be unlocked, frequent stars cannot be beaten, not plucked, morning dawns cannot be crossed with an ax, young of the month cannot be pushed away, not unlocked, so his servant of God (name) cannot be spoiled, not mutilated , century by century. An evil and dashing corruption, a schoolboy, every born person, salt in the eyes, an iron knitting needle in the forge, a hard stone in the teeth. Which words are forgotten, bydushye, be my words all fully negotiated, every day, every hour, without hesitation, recklessly, century after century, now and forever. The sky is the key. Earth is a castle. Amen.

Conspiracies in case of damage

1. "The words of the Divine Gospel: May the servant of God (name), the power of the evil devil, fade away, disappear in you, may the power of the Divine spirit be infused. Amen! In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God of Gods, Lord of the Lord, Christ Son of God, Most Pure Theotokos, Virgin Mary, all heavenly power incorporeal, Guardian Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Principalities, Thrones, Dominations, Authorities, Powers, and all the forefathers, kings, prophets, Apostles, and Evangelists, and all the reverends, righteous, martyrs, saints, saints, sacred and all-holy cathedrals and faces, male and female, deliver, heal, and have mercy on the servant of God (name).Amen, amen, amen!

2. "Get out of the servant of God (name), who has the Cross of our God, the Life-Giving Cross, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Gospel. Get out of the servant of God (name), get out of his soul, thoughts, passions, desires and deeds. Get out of the heart and eyes, mouth and ears Get out of all the blood, skin and hair Get out of the servant of God (name) and all his body.

Where did you come from, go there. What you bring, then bring it. Put it in your footstool and give it to the one who created it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen!

Damage to male power, male impotence (impotence).

If impotence is the result of corruption (evil magical influence), it must be eliminated before proceeding with this ritual. For other causes of this disease, you can immediately proceed to this method of treatment. It is necessary to observe the ritual, time, take into account the astral influence. The plot is re-read 9 times for water, which should be collected from 3 to 5 in the morning.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. There is a holy ocean-sea, on that holy ocean-sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak. That damask oak has damask roots, the top is damask. bend, not break with a whirlwind.So the servant of God (name) would have 77 veins and a single vein ... on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women. Still under that damask oak, the body of rage and youth and az slave God's (name) I will take the body of rage and youth, I will dissolve the rage and youth on the servant of God (name) in a zealous heart, at 77 I lived and a single vein of the heart and in a single vein ... Still on top of the damask oak, a cheerful bird rooster sits, gets up early , raises his head and sings merrily. So would the servant of God (name) 77 lived and a single vein ...: they would get up early on the female and on the male, on young young women, on red maidens, on old women. a corrupt person who thinks and thinks evil on (name), hit his knees on a stone, kill him! .. better than the old, braver than the former, like a turium horn, like a spruce bough; so the servant of God (name) would become ardent and bright for female lust, for a hollow place forever and ever, amen.

Another conspiracy for impotence: "There is a mountain of bones. On that mountain there is a bone chair. On that bone chair sits the king of bones, leaning on his bone crutch, a hat on the heads of bone, mittens on his hands are bones and boots on his feet are bones. And all that king of bones , and all 73 veins are bone, and the backbone is a bone.So it would be with me, a servant of God (name), all 73 veins and all 73 joints were bone, and all the backbone and backbone would be bone, and it would stand on the chew 100 times and a thousand to incite to a small place for women's nifts and maidens: for black, for fair-haired, for red, for white, and for every month, young and dilapidated, and on cutting days.

Remove spoilage from a baby

If someone notices a mother that her baby is beautiful and healthy, praises her with a word, then the mother, so that lessons and prizes do not take the baby, let her do this: you need to lick the child’s face three times and spit on the ground each time, then sprinkle it with water, on whispered 9 times:

"Mother water, you wash the steep banks, yellow sands and white-hot stone with your swift golden jet. Do not wash your red banks, yellow sands and white-hot stone, wash you with the servant of God (name) all hits and tributaries, lessons and prizes, sorrows and illnesses, pinches and aches, evil thinness! Carry you, mother, their fast river into the open field, the earthly sea, for the clouds of mud, for the quicksand, for the pine forest, for the aspen tyn Be my words strong and molded in a contract ahead, not a contract behind. The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth."

Note: you can speak water for future use and store it for such an occasion. Before this conspiracy on the water, the "Lord's Prayer" is read 1 time. If necessary, you can treat after sunset, but repeat in the morning.

By what the servant of God (name) was born, He helped from all sorts of diseases, from all sorrows, from reproaches, from prize-winners, from fears, commotions, from burdens, from aches, from an oncoming one, from a sharp tooth, from a sharp eye, from white and black cover, from a woman, from a sister-in-law, from a simple-haired girl. Be my words light and strong. In those words, the castle is the sea, the keys are the teeth. (Sick to drink). Servant of God (name) Bad thought, go into the wind, wind into stone, stone into water. Be my words strong and molding, stronger than a damask knife, stronger than a gun barrel, my mouth is a lock, my tongue is a key. Amen three times and spit over the left shoulder.

Conspiracy and rituals with the evil eye

In healing magic, conspiracies and slander are widely used. Speak to calm down. To slander - to give strength, the power of the word to a sick person.

Consider several rituals with accompanying conspiracy prayers.

From evil eye and slander. I will get up the servant of God (name), without blessing, I will go without crossing myself, from the door not to the door, from the gate not to the gate, through the garden hole. I will not go out into an open field, not to the side of the east, not to the sunset. Winds rise from all four sides, from East to West, wash away lessons, ozopy, prizes, evil, dashing sentences on the lousy prey, carry them to the swamp meadows, where cattle are free, the people are not allowed, there you live good, sleep warmly . I close my words with a lock, I throw the key under the white combustible stone of the altar, and as locks have strong bows, so my words are marks. Be my prayer strong and sticky, smarter cunning cunning and pike tooth. Amen. Amen. Amen


A negative program, which is aimed at destroying a person's energy, is called the evil eye. This may be an unintended effect on the victim. It arises from such feelings as envy or jealousy. Many are interested in how to wash an adult from the evil eye with holy water, since this method is one of the most effective.

The power of holy water

Holy water is a liquid that has been blessed in a church or drawn from a sacred spring. You can also cook it yourself. To do this, lower the cross into a container of water and read 3 times.

The ideal option is to charge water with power on major Orthodox holidays. Better - on January 19, because it has long been considered unique.

Holy water is used to:

  • cure diseases;
  • keep pets safe from disease.

To cleanse a person from dark magic, it is necessary to sprinkle him with holy water and give him a few sips to drink. In case of a strong evil eye or damage, a ceremony is performed in the bath. But holy water will help only if a person sincerely believes in God.

Diagnosis of the evil eye with holy water

Before starting the ceremony, you should make sure that the reason feeling unwell in the evil eye. To do this, an egg is broken into a glass of holy water. It should be held over the head of the victim. If the water has become cloudy, the evil eye is present. In this case, it is worth conducting a special rite of purification.

Rite rules

Holy water from different types the evil eye and damage may not work if the ritual was carried out incorrectly, it will not work to remove the negative program. It is important to follow some rules:

  • thoughts must be pure;
  • you can not keep anger at the offender;
  • you have to believe in God and his power.

To protect yourself from dark magic in the future, you need to read "Our Father" every morning and evening. This is one of the strongest that can protect against witchcraft. You can also wear special charged water.

Removing the evil eye with holy water

To remove damage with holy water, you need to go to church, put a candle and fill the bottle. At home, you need to speak with these words:

“Bless, Lord God, all the Orthodox people, and me too. Take this water, Holy Mother of God, and wash away all the stings and lessons from me. All enviable eyes, let the holy water wash away from me. Thought, sent, guessed, whispered, stuck on, forged, let the holy water from the servant of God (name) take all envy. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

They wash themselves with charmed water 2 times a day. You can also sprinkle it on a room, personal items and a bed.

Charged water conspiracy

There is another easy way to remove the evil eye or damage with water. In the evening, you should draw water into a container, sanctify it yourself and leave it until morning. It is desirable that it be collected from a spring or a well, but if this is not possible, then liquid from a tap will also do. At night, the water is charged with power, and in the morning you need to read a conspiracy over it:

“Voditsa Stepanida, the dawn of Solomanid, the land of Levanid, the well of Jacob! Bless Father Jacob to collect water for the servant of God (name) for health, for strength and life! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This water is able to quickly cleanse a person from dark magic, the result will appear in 2-3 days. She is also able to cure alcoholism and gambling. To do this, you need to add it to food or drinks and wash it.

But use this water should be careful. Only the victim can drink it. Other people are forbidden to use the charmed liquid.

Ritual for the early morning

There is a ritual that takes place at dawn. You should get up early in the morning, but not earlier than at half past four and go to any natural source:

  • draw water into a bottle;
  • after returning home, put a nettle stalk in it;
  • after 3 days, strain the liquid.
  • then they wash their hands with this water and wash themselves, pronouncing the words:

"From where it came, there it went."

This ritual quickly removes witchcraft, it can also be used to cleanse children of magic. After the ceremony, the rest of the water is poured out in a deserted place.

Ritual with water and spoons

To carry out this ritual, you need to take a glass of holy water and 3 small spoons. Each spoon is alternately lowered into a container of liquid and stirred while reading the plot:

“As a spoon does not grow, so (name) does not grow.”

The plot is repeated three times. Then they take a glass in their left hand, and wash themselves with their right. Removing water damage with the help of this ritual can be carried out not only on adults, but also on children.

Ancient ritual with water

This method of removing water damage has been known for a long time. It quickly gives results and protects against dark magic in the future. You need to take a bowl and pour 1 liter of water into it. While the liquid is pouring, say:

“Water flowed through the mountains to the east, and cleansed the servant of God (name) from all evil spirits, from a dirty spirit. Carry, water, with your speed all the blackness from the servant of God (name), over the mountains, over the forests, over the swamps, over the blue sea. Amen".

Then you need to wash yourself with this water and say:

“Come out, unclean, from the servant of God (name). Amen".

This is a simple plot, but it has great power. If the ritual is carried out correctly, then in a few days the magic will completely leave the victim and return to the offender.

Ritual with water and matches

This ritual of washing is easy to carry out independently at home. It completely cleanses from witchcraft in a short time.

“Lord, remove the fiery cross from the servant of God (name). Amen".

Next, the match is extinguished in water and washed with a charmed liquid. It is necessary to sprinkle well not only the face, but also the hands and neck. Feeling better very soon.

Holy water quickly gets rid of the evil eye. Also, these rituals are easy to carry out on your own. But in order to have a result, it is important to follow some rules. Due to the fact that the evil eye is an unintentional interference in a person’s energy, you should not wish evil to your offender.

There are many rituals for removing the evil eye with holy water. You need to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

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