How does the full moon affect. The effect of the new moon and full moon on human health. What happens to a person on a full moon

The question of how the full moon affects people has been of concern to mankind for many centuries. In the past, it was believed that full moon gives strength to werewolves, vampires and other fantastical creatures.

But is it really so? What happens to us on a full moon? Let's try to understand in more detail the question of how the full moon affects a person.

The effect of the full moon on women

The moon hiding behind the clouds or shining brightly in the sky is a factor that has a huge impact on human emotions and well-being. Most of all, this luminary affects women - it is not for nothing that it is the personification of the feminine.

During a full moon, the moon is at a 180-degree angle to the sun. Simply put, two planets are located on opposite sides of each other. That is why during this period women experience some kind of confrontation between soul and body. Doctors know best how the full moon affects women, because these days ladies often turn to them, complaining of malaise.

On the full moon, ladies have problems with:

  • stomach
  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • vision.

If you are a creative lady, on the full moon your subconscious will definitely activate. In addition, sexuality awakens during this period. People say that on a full moon, you can easily win the heart of a person you have feelings for.

In ancient times, healers and healers taught women how to use lunar energy to maintain beauty and health. They said that swimming in a river or lake on a full moon, when the water surface reflects the white apple of the luminary, allows you to recharge your batteries and restore spiritual harmony.

The moon gives women strength, cleanses them. But if the luminary hides behind the clouds, night bathing must be completed, because otherwise it will give a negative effect.

How the full moon affects men

Most gentlemen are affected by the new moon. But a lot is also known about how the full moon affects men. On the full moon, their energy and feelings reach their maximum rise. Representatives of the strong half of humanity during this period can do what they previously lacked the strength to do.

However, the increase in emotionality also has negative consequences. So, on the full moon, the number of accidents, including those involving men, is becoming more frequent. These days, the impact on the body of alcohol increases, which leads to the commission of unpredictable acts.

full moon effect on a person has not yet been studied by psychologists or researchers of unusual phenomena. There is no doubt that people feel the influence of this phenomenon, but what are the reasons. Why the full moon from time immemorial has been associated with the appearance of evil spirits and its revelry also remains a mystery. Many people face these questions, but they can not always find the answer to them.

The mystical influence of the full moon

In ancient times, people tried to protect themselves from any evil spirits and were afraid of its appearance. Especially often its revelry occurs during the period. It is for this reason that people tried to come up with all sorts of amulets for themselves, their families and housing. Many religions and practices offer this day to purify not only the flesh, but also the soul. During the full moon, prayers and mantras are read, which help to find the true path in life. At this time, only an ascetic way of life can contribute to the preservation of the soul.

Not only religions offer protection to believers, witch schools are on the alert, and devilry. The Sabbat of witches and rampant evil spirits takes place precisely during the period of the full moon, when everything around takes on a different form and special meaning.

The influence of the full moon on fate

full moon effect on the fate of the saints regardless of religions and life path noted in religious books and eyewitness accounts.

It was during such a period that the great Buddha was born, received enlightenment and plunged into Nirvana. On the new moon, Jesus Christ resurrected and left the mortal earth, ascending to his father. Prophet Muhammad was born and died on a full moon. All these facts indicate that the moon has big influence on the fate of great people, saints and even the children of God cannot escape its impact.

The influence of the full moon on a person

Everyone, at least once in their life, experienced the direct impact of the Moon on their mental state and well-being. During the full moon, according to statistics, the number of murders and suicides increases, people quarrel and come into conflict, various kinds of disasters and accidents occur.

There is an opinion that more children are born on the full moon, people are more likely to experience sexual attraction, especially sensitive and emotional ones begin to experience insomnia. Strange things happen to lunatics who feel this period very keenly.

The full moon passes in several days - this is one day before, one day after and the moment of the full moon itself.
The human nervous system becomes unbalanced and can fail. People often break down, can develop violent activities, experience a feeling of dissatisfaction and longing. Not only a person feels out of place, but also animals. Many have seen dogs or wolves howl longingly at the full moon. This fact is captured in many literary works.

What can not be done on a full moon?

To avoid problems in life, some things should not be done on the days of the full moon. First of all, you can not make responsible decisions. An unstable mental state of a person can play an unkind service, so all important things can be postponed for three days until everything falls into place.

You can't go bareheaded on a full moon. There are several reasons for this. First, hair is the most powerful trap of energy from space. BUT full moon effect energy can be detrimental. Secondly, lunar rays can act on the mental state.

You can not sleep in the direct light of the moon. On the night of the full moon, it is recommended that the curtains be closed as tightly as possible. Perhaps the stereotype about the influence of the planet on is very exaggerated, and scientists cannot find evidence of this fact, but centuries-old observations say the opposite. In this regard, it is best to heed the advice.

It is necessary to beware of taking drugs, especially those that have a strong effect on the nervous system. The following regularity was revealed, all medications are several times stronger.

Beneficial effect of the full moon.

Do not think that the Moon in its full phase can only have a detrimental effect on the human body. Doctors have found that the most complex heart surgeries performed on the full moon are more successful and the recovery process is faster than other patients. This is amazing phenomenon called the Transylvania effect.

Interested in this fact, medical scientists began a study. It has been found that in people suffering from heart disease, attacks during the full moon are much less frequent than at all other times.
The influence of the full moon on things.

Not only animals and people experience the effects of the moon in the full phase, but also objects. If a new blade is opened and placed under direct moonlight, it becomes completely unusable the next morning. Nobody knows the answer to this riddle, but the fact remains.

full moon effect on a person and everything around him is indisputable, you just need to be more careful in order to identify these patterns.

For thousands of years, the sky has attracted the attention of people. In our solar system, the sun is the only source of its own light. The Moon is the Earth's satellite and the brightest luminary in the night sky. The moon itself does not glow, but only reflects sunlight. Only one half of the lunar surface, facing the Earth and illuminated by the Sun, is visible from the Earth. The constantly changing appearance of the Moon aroused curiosity, surprise and even fear among our ancestors.

A special state of any person is caused by the full moon. Women cannot take their eyes off the beauty of heavenly shining magic, they are seized with awe and delight, there is a surge of energy, happiness and joy. The rising of the full moon in its beautiful splendor literally fascinates, amazes, delights, enchants! After all, it is not by chance that many poetic works, romances and songs are dedicated to her! The names of the Moon in the languages ​​of the people of various countries of the world also sound delightful: “luminous”, “brilliant”, “bright”, “shining”, “majestic”.

But something mysterious, magical, mysterious is also connected with the Moon (ebb and flow in the seas and oceans, sleepwalking, vampirism, etc.). There is a belief that it provokes a person to inexplicable and even illogical actions. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon "affects the life of all living things", and sometimes an invisible, inevitable threat comes from it. There is an opinion that depending on the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth, a person's reflexes, his intuition and inclination to good or evil depend.

In various cultures, the Moon (depending on the phase) was a symbol of rebirth, light or darkness. The Greeks in her honor named one of their goddesses Selena, which translates as light, radiance. In Roman mythology, the moon goddess Diana personifies feminine traits: caring, beauty, femininity, softness, maternal instinct, changeability.

The connection of women with the moon

Spiritual and scientific studies have confirmed the influence of the moon on the psyche, emotional and physical state of a person. It radiates subtle (non-material) frequencies that affect the subconscious part of the human mind. Women are most susceptible to the influence of the night luminary.

The female nature feeds on the energy of the Earth, Water and the Moon. The energies of the Earth and Water are stable and constantly fill with health, strength and tranquility. Therefore, their daily presence in a woman's life is desirable (to walk barefoot on the ground, live on the ground, swim in reservoirs).

The energy of the moon is cyclical. The force of gravity causes the Moon to revolve in its orbit around the Earth. Its full turnover is 29.5 days. This is where the second name of the moon comes from - the month (from the word measure). With the help of a month, people measured time. A year (when the Earth makes a complete revolution in its orbit around the sun) consists of 12 lunar months.

Pagan women knew well moon calendar: 28 days each month and 13 full moons each year. The monthly cycle has 4 phases of the moon:

  • The first is the new moon (1-7 lunar day)
  • Second - first quarter (growing Moon 8-15 lunar day)
  • Third - full moon ()
  • Fourth - last quarter (waning moon 23-30 lunar day)

Each phase of the moon lasts 7.4 days. Moreover, every day the energy of the moon is different. From its minimum (on the new moon) it gradually reaches its maximum (on the day of the full moon) and this aspiration is endless.

Many processes occurring in the female body are associated with lunar phases (cycles). The duration of a woman's menstrual cycle is equal to a lunar month. Pregnancy lasts 280 days, 40 weeks (10 lunar months), which corresponds to 9 months of the calendar. A woman is also dependent on the menstrual cycle, which also has lows and highs. The ratio of these two dependencies with each other determines its state.

When can I eat lunar energy

On the new moon, there is a breakdown, depression, irritability, decreased immunity, distraction of attention, inadequacy. The energy of the moon, which we feed on, is zero on this day.

As the moon grows, its energy increases. The full moon is the period of the lunar cycle, during which the night star reaches its peak of growth and energy. At this time, the Moon in relation to the Sun is at an angle of 180 ° and the energies of these two planets immediately affect human health. Energy overwhelms all life on Earth. At this time, plants grow very quickly, recovery processes increase to the maximum, metabolism is activated, brain activity reaches a peak.

Most of all, the full, brightly shining Moon affects emotions and well-being women - it's not for nothing that she is the personification of the feminine. During the full moon, women may experience problems with the heart, stomach, kidneys, vision, and blood pressure. Some women experience a confrontation between soul and body. In ancient times, healers taught women how to use lunar energy for beauty and health. Bathing in the lunar paths is romantic and healthy. At this time, the Moon sends positive energy, restoring harmony in the female body.

Conception according to the lunar calendar

Under the influence of the full moon, a woman is cleansed, gains strength, gets younger and becomes even more beautiful. There is a desire to do something significant, especially important, good and even impossible. The main thing during this period is to direct, donated by the night luminary, the overflowing energy of a woman to perform important, necessary and risky things, the manifestation of one's creative abilities, solving family problems, challenging tasks and achieving the set goals. In all undertakings there will be a stunning effect.

During the full moon, the sensitivity of a woman increases, the hidden attraction awakens. US researchers claim that the peak of conception falls precisely on the full moon or the day before it, and at the same time, boys are born in the majority. There is a belief that on the full moon you can win the heart of the person you love.

Wise nature provided for the perfect combination lunar maximum(full moon) and female minimum(menstruation) cycles, which helps to even out women's mood swings. But at present, there are often "failures" in women's cycles due to stress, fatigue, excessive loads.

When matched cycle minima (new moon and menstruation) the woman's condition is anxious, depressed, hysterical, tearful. Mental problems and illnesses are aggravated, a woman is overcome by deep depression.

When the maxima of the full moon and ovulation cycles coincide (the release of a mature egg), then the woman becomes unpredictable and completely out of her mind, it is difficult for her to digest so much energy, the emotional background is hot to the limit and she is like a volcano - about to explode.

Influence on the psyche

Many scientists have been interested why does the moon affect the human body? Many observations have established that the closer to the full moon, the stronger the reaction of the body. The night star acts not only on the physiology of our body, in much more it affects psyche.There is an assumption that since the human body consists of approximately 80% water and 20% organic and inorganic substances, the gravitational forces of the moon have a "biological ebb and flow" on it. They cause mood swings.

On the full moon, mental ailments are exacerbated, and unbalanced people show psychical deviations, excessive irritability, aggression. It is widely believed that during the period of the full moon, the number of quarrels, conflicts, suicides, murders, traffic accidents, accidents, and disasters increases. Despite the fact that people have already visited the moon, there is still a lot of mystery and inexplicable. For example, lunatics who walk on the roofs, railings of balconies on the full moon and do not remember anything about these walks.

On the full moon, a woman's body furiously consumes the accumulated energy. Processes in the cerebral cortex are activated, overloaded nervous system and the body as a whole. As a result, many are disturbed dream, exhausted by insomnia. If in a normal period women fall asleep in 25-30 minutes, then during the full moon they can toss and turn for hours and there is less time left for deep sleep. The phase of deep sleep is necessary for the brain to have a good rest and process the entire volume of daytime information.

Prophetic dreams

Under the influence of the Moon, the psyche can manifest extrasensory abilities, issuing warning dreams in the morning (in order to protect you from rash acts) or prophetic dreams that will definitely come true.

The moon doesn't work on some

Despite the general patterns, the Moon affects each person in different ways. Some want to cry on the full moon, while others want to sing and have fun. The full moon has a radical effect only on an organism weakened by disease and stress. Astrologers and scientists believe that if everything is stable in a woman's life, there are no outbursts of emotions, a good family and work, she is healthy and happy - lunar manipulations are not terrible. She may not notice the full moon.

But there are people who are very sensitive to lunar rhythms. We are talking about women born in sunny zodiac signs Pisces and Cancer.

How to make a wish on the moon

Based on the foregoing, I strongly advise every woman to start a calendar for a month, in which, in two or three words, write down what day it was in terms of emotions (irritability, sentimentality, desire to cry, anger at certain people, apathy and laziness, desire to love, hysteria, hatred , huge capacity for work, depression for no reason, etc.).

The calendar will look like this:

Date: 01.11.17 (Wednesday), Day after period: 13; Lunar day: 13.14; Moon phase: growing; Emotions: joy

You will do this observation for 3-5 months. Now you will know “what the coming day is preparing for you”, what to be ready for and “when to buy a chocolate bar”. In addition, according to the Moon, you will determine the “dangerous” and “safe” days for conception. As our distant ancestors claimed, on the waning moon, the probability of conception is zero.

Rejoice in life, the Sun and the Moon, every day, love, be loved and be happy!

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that on the days of the full moon, the incredible happens to most people - one person suddenly creates an immortal masterpiece, and another suddenly commits a crime in a state of passion. Someone is ready to conquer the whole world, while someone suffers from insomnia and anxious forebodings. What is beautiful and why is the full moon dangerous?

Text: Margarita Tsarik

The moon is not an independent luminary, it only reflects the sunlight so that it is not so dark for us at night. And yet, the Moon has a huge impact on the life, activity, mood of a person, especially for women. The full moon is the most difficult and most unpredictable phase of the moon, in terms of effects on the human body. On the one hand, this is the moment of the culmination of the physical and mental forces of a person. On the full moon, we tend to experience an extraordinary spiritual uplift, to feel capable of a feat, of decisive action. And at the same time, there is a high risk of nervous breakdowns, painful physical fatigue, if you do not calculate the load and take on too much. For example, if a timid man, not daring to propose to his beloved for a long time, felt a surge of spiritual strength on the full moon, knelt in front of the girl and asked for her hands, but was refused, he can emotionally break down and become depressed or go into a binge or commit an unmotivated offense . But the retired gardener - he felt inspired and dug up a plot of ten acres in one day, and after that he fell ill with sciatica for a long time. Of course, such plots are possible in any phase of the moon, but they are most likely during the full moon. Therefore, you need to know yourself, the limit of your physical and mental capabilities and correlate the expenditure of forces with the need for an instant effect or a positive result.

Full moon and physiology

All processes within us are at the peak of activity on the full moon. This can affect our condition both well and problematic. For example, during this period, hypertension suffers, because the body accumulates a maximum of fluid during the lunar cycle - this provokes an increase in pressure. In this regard, if you know your tendency to pressure surges, on the full moon it is better to limit fluid intake, try to minimize it. During the full moon, the dose of alcohol that can lead to severe intoxication is much less than on other days, so you should not just limit yourself to drinking alcohol, but try not to drink it at all - this is not such a big sacrifice, given that the duration the full moon is only four days, and drinking, as you know, is basically harmful. In addition, the stomach is very sensitive during the full moon - beware of disorders and poisoning. It is recommended to organize fasting days coinciding with the full moon phase, which is characterized by an increased, sometimes simply indomitable appetite. If you take pills, their therapeutic effect on the body is enhanced during the full moon, but the danger side effects increases.

Full moon and sex

For most women with a classic 28-day menstrual cycle, the moment of ovulation coincides with the full moon. Both of these parallel phases - both lunar and physiological - provoke a strong sexual desire. Ovulation is like the body's desire for reproduction, inherent in nature, the full moon is like a catalyst for our sexual energy and attraction to a partner. And sex under the influence of the full moon, as a rule, is as passionate and voluptuous as possible. However, such a surge of sexual and emotional energy can deplete your body. What to do? - you ask - is it really possible to refuse sex at the moment when it is most desirable? No, you don’t have to refuse, but it’s better to postpone it for another time. role-playing games, erotic surprises and sexual marathons. Limit yourself to "just sex", not too long and not too tiring - thanks to the full moon it will still be delicious, save sex additives for those times when they are needed to stir up passion.

Full moon and beauty

Different sources interpret the influence of the full moon in different ways on the effect of cosmetic procedures and other ways to care for one's appearance. However, it is clear that on the full moon, injuries, bleeding, cuts and other microtraumas do not heal for a long time. Therefore, postpone a few visits to the master of manicure and pedicure, mechanical cleaning of the face, “beauty shots” and other manipulations with subcutaneous penetration. It is not recommended to remove moles and warts during this period; in general, any surgical intervention is undesirable. Depilation, as well as peeling and massage, are best done when the moon is waning. As for cutting and coloring hair, it is very useful to cut only the ends of the hair on the full moon, this helps to shed negative energy, and you can do the rest later. If you visit a fitness center or go in for sports on your own - on the full moon it is better to slightly reduce the load, save your strength - now there is an excess of them, but you can’t spend them uncontrollably! The full moon is insidious!

If you can’t sleep at night and the round Moon shamelessly looks out your window, it means that you are influenced by its phases, and you need to carefully regulate your emotional and physical costs.

Full moon, vampires go hunting, wolves gather in a camp and howl at the full moon, the forces of darkness triumph. Isn't it a familiar picture for horror films?

It is not surprising that the full moon causes some spiritual awe and alertness in us. After all, it is well known that during the days and nights when there is a full moon in the sky, there are especially many murders and suicides, catastrophes and accidents, conflicts and quarrels.

So how is it really? Does the full moon really have such a negative impact on all areas of human activity, or is it just superstition - one of the most common modern myths? Let's try to figure it out.

As a matter of fact, scientists who studied the influence of the full moon on a person have long figured out everything. Not so long ago, two tireless American researchers summarized the results of thirty-seven scientific works on this topic. In none of them was found confirmation of any special effect of the full moon on man.

For example, one group of scientists has carefully studied the statistics of accidents in hospital emergency rooms, murders, train accidents, and even the number of penalties in hockey matches. Outcome - the influence of the full moon is not detected.

The statistics of fatal accidents on the roads for thirteen years was also studied. Scientists have stated that the day of the week, the season of the year and other well-known factors have a much more real impact on the number of accidents than the phase of the moon.

Previously, they tried to put the blame on the moon for provoking murders and suicides. However, most scientific research here does not find the slightest connection.

Modern science also classifies as speculation the stories of "eyewitnesses" about an increase in sexual activity during the full moon in themselves or in their partners. Almost twenty years ago, American chronobiologists scrupulously studied this problem. They stated the following fact: the relationship between the phases of the moon and libido is completely absent.

Uwe Tewes, a German professor of psychology at the University of Hannover, strongly refutes the widespread belief that the moon is responsible for insomnia. In his opinion, insomnia on the full moon is the result of a trivial self-hypnosis: a superstitious person who accidentally slept badly on a full moon a couple of times, subconsciously programs himself for a sleepless night.

Another superstition. It is believed that the so-called lunatics on the full moon rise from their beds and wander in their sleep, as if led by some mystical force.

This general belief, at the present time, is refuted by most scientists. Sleepwalking as a form of mental disorder does exist, but the Moon is in this case guilty only as a source of light, and nothing more.

German professor of psychiatry Volker Faust argues that sometimes it is enough to turn on a bright street lamp for a sleepwalking person to start wandering in his sleep. By the way, all the stories about somnambulists flying planes in their sleep or committing murders are nothing more than legends. Such facts have not been registered by science.

And not so long ago, Greek scientists from the University of Athens collected data on 2600 cases of dog bites to people. After examining them, they came to the conclusion that the phases of the moon do not affect the aggressiveness of dogs.

Here it would be appropriate to recall the well-known stories that wolves howl at the full moon. In reality, wolves howl mainly at dawn, less often at night, and sometimes, especially after the death of one of the camp members, during the day. Experts consider the howl of a wolf to be a fairly developed means of communication and distinguish between threat, melancholy, despair, sadness, a message about a caught or found prey, love calls, and much more.

Why is it that the general belief that the full moon does not affect us in the best way does not pass, despite the fact that there is simply no scientific evidence for it?

It's all about ingrained prejudice. If a person believes that the full moon affects the body, he will be constantly on his guard and pay attention to everything that happens that night. But no one will ever say: “What a night! Not a single incident - and this is with a full moon!

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