The full moon is dangerous. How does the full moon affect a person? How to make a wish on a full moon? People born on the full moon. New Moon - impact on health and well-being

- a powerful source of energy, it gives heat and light, and the moon only reflects this light. Our ancestors lived by the sun. Holidays and weddings were celebrated on it. Woke up with the sun and went to bed. In many ways, these traditions had a justification, forgotten and erased from our memory. But it is. So, for example, getting up early and going to bed early is not just a whim or a tribute to the past - it can be said to be a testament from those who knew and studied the real laws of nature. To see everything with our own eyes, let us turn our gaze to the moon.

What do we know about the moon today? The influence of the moon on the waters of the oceans, on the rotation of the planet, and on the Earth's magnetic field is known. All this is fixed and studied by scientists. Her other influence is attributed more to mysticism or fantasy. It is known from fairy tales and legends that have come down to us from the depths of the past.

It has been noticed that during the full moon it is much more difficult for a person to cope with his negative qualities, to control emotions. It was during this period that the number of crimes increased. People who are weakened by disease react more than others to the full moon. It has a particularly strong effect on hypertensive patients. Children and some adults are also affected by it: insightful and sensitive people, people in a state of depression, as well as those with mental illness. Only all these observations are either interpreted from the point of view of crudely materialistic modern science and abstract psychology, or they are overgrown with legends and covered with a veil of mystery, giving rise to the notorious "mysticism". But everything mystical and fantastic is something that is still unknown to a person, what has not yet been studied and is not clear. And along with gaining understanding, common sense puts everything in its place, and the halo of the supernatural dissipates.

Let's remember that in folklore different peoples references to various creatures from the other world have survived and have survived to this day. Among them there are both kind, helping people, and evil, hostile, harming. Legends and stories did not develop from scratch. People not only observed and described what they saw and felt, but also learned to live, to interact with the mysterious and unknown. That is, initially for these people other world was an integral part of life, no doubt in its existence. And in some families, beliefs and instructions are still passed on from generation to generation: how to make friends with a brownie, drive away a kikimora, not anger the goblin ...

And now, after a long time there was an invisible ban on everything mystical, one can see the return of interest in the other world. TV shows about Parallel Worlds and mysterious disappearances, about the reincarnation of people with different abilities and the ability to "go into the astral plane", the ability to see the "aura" and look into the future, into the past. All this and much more excites the minds of people. The most interesting thing is that the stories of eyewitnesses, completely different nationalities, ages and levels of education, living far from each other and in different countries with different traditions, are very similar and do not contradict each other.

And here, thanks to numerous facts and evidence, thought brings a person to the question of the soul and its reality. Such common expressions as: "you just give off crazy energy", "it hurts me from your words", "you spread a hostile aura" - suddenly look out of the canvas of everyday life and show that a person actually already knows a lot, feels.

After all, what is seen and perceived habitually is far from all that is. The world is multidimensional. And other facets of reality manifest themselves not only in the mystical, but also in quite ordinary and familiar things. A person’s thinking, his emotions, memory - all this works and exists in the interaction of the physically dense world and the soul, in other words, essence (this is the word that most fully reflects reality, essence, is used by N.V. Levashov in his books, talking about the processes, flowing in the soul, about the principles of its structure, the laws of education, etc.). She, who does not have a physical body, continues to live even after the death of the physical body. Moreover, the essence is and is waiting for the time of its next incarnation in the place with which it is in harmony. We can say that she lives on her "floor" of the planet, which has seven such levels-floors. And this is a whole world with its own laws and rules.

If you imagine for a moment that a person has the opportunity to live under water, then it is quite obvious that you will have to change a lot in your habits. You will need to learn to re-orient yourself in a new environment, get used to it, adapt to other conditions of existence. Even if, for example, you decide to move to the forest or village from the city. After all Environment will require new skills, abilities and knowledge. So it is in interaction with the unknown. There, beyond the bounds of ordinary perception, there are peculiarities and laws of nature, although they are common to everything that exists in reality; but they appear differently than we are used to.

If in the daytime all earthly planes are saturated with primary matters from the sun (light of different wavelengths), then at night the sun hides. And just as it becomes cooler without a constant flow of heat, so with matters, without their constant renewal, it becomes “hungry”. After all, they are absorbed by various living beings, and partially dissipated. And until a new supply of primary matter begins with the first rays of the sun, space will lose energy. And the qualitative barriers between the levels of the planet, including between the physical level and the etheric level closest to it, will become thinner. At such moments, it is easier for the inhabitants of those levels that mainly fill the lower "floors" (etheric and lower-astral) to come to the living and influence them and events in the physical-dense world. This is especially strong at midnight and before the first rays of the sun, until the saturation of planetary levels with energy from the sun begins again, that is, until about 4-5 in the morning. This natural process explains and substantiates the reasons why the so-called "evil spirits" disappear with the first rays of the sun. There is not enough energy to overcome the ever-thickening barrier between the levels of the planet.

As we have already said, the protective shell of a person protects the essence from external influences. And also it plays a big role in maintaining immunity. The stronger and smoother (without deformations, gaps, etc.) the protection, the healthier, more balanced, more self-confident and with positive thinking a person is.

To compensate for the growing negative influence at night, a person needs to keep a stronger, denser protection around his physically dense body and essence. . Those who have poor health or serious violations in the protection, it is more difficult to do this.

But let's return to the consideration of natural phenomena, to the full moon, because. We have already considered the influence of the time of day on a person. On these days, the moon is closest to the Earth. Their mutual influence is growing. And the same process takes place as at night. The planetary levels of the earth lose the matter that fills them. In this case, the moon "helps" the dispersion of matter, pulls them on itself. And everything happens in the same way as described above about night time.

First of all, work with your negative qualities. You can also hold and fill your protection with energy, consciously focusing your attention on this process. For example, imagine a cocoon around you, impervious to anything bad, coming from outside, so that nothing useful and good could leave a person without his free will.

Currently, there is a new technology that allows you to resist external negative influence - this is Luch-Nik. In addition, Luch-Nick helps to work out genetically determined gaps in protection or acquired during life, which makes a person stronger, healthier, more resistant to any influences and natural phenomena, including the full moon.

It has long been established that the Moon, which is not so far from our planet, inexplicably affects the life of its inhabitants. Depending on the stage of growth or decline, the well-being, mood and working capacity of people, the behavior of animals, and the growth rate of plants change. There is a theory according to which the Moon emits some kind of energy, which, due to its proximity to the Earth, affects our habitat. Let's take a closer look at what are the features of the influence of a particular lunar stage on a person.

How does the full moon affect people?

From numerous films about ghouls, werewolves and other evil spirits, we firmly learned that the most disastrous time is the period of the full moon. And as it shows real life, this is not just an invention of filmmakers. If you look at the police reports, it turns out that it was during full moon the majority of crimes related to causing physical harm to other people, as well as traffic accidents, are committed. It is during such periods that people most often quarrel, part, but also often confess their love.

The full moon affects the human body at the following levels:

1. Mentally-emotional.
A person during this period is characterized by anxiety, greater than ever. He can suddenly become discouraged, worry for no apparent reason. Sharper perceived unflattering words and barbs spoken in his address. Negative emotions are more difficult to control, annoyance can instantly turn into a state of unrestrained rage.

Adventurism these days can lead to rash and even life-threatening actions. Yes, and dreams become disturbing, which does not allow you to hide from emotional instability even in the kingdom of Morpheus.

2. Physical.
There may be aggravation or problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Blood pressure loses stability and jumps. The use of alcohol or drugs leads to more pronounced consequences. This is also due to the fact that the liquid during the full moon is longer removed from the tissues. Sexual attraction is aggravated, which is why many crimes related to violation of sexual integrity are committed on the full moon. Due to increased emotionality, the tendency to tearfulness also increases. Women suffer from migraines, and men have headaches of an inexplicable nature, sleep is disturbed, and this increases fatigue.

In order not to aggravate the situation in such a difficult period, try to fill your life with pleasant events. Do not worry in vain, avoid watching scary movies and reading such books. Create a pleasant, calm environment around you, and then the full moon will not be dangerous for you.

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The period of the lunar cycle is called, at which the luminary reaches the peak of its growth, while its influence on all living things intensifies and reaches its maximum level. At this time, plants grow especially quickly, all recovery processes increase significantly, metabolism is activated.

How does the Full Moon affect a person?

The full moon affects a person even more strongly. During this period, the activity of his brain reaches a peak, not stopping even at night. The full moon is fundamentally different from - you are bursting with energy, you are charged with strength, you may want to do the impossible. This state must be used to achieve your goals. At such moments, it is recommended to do important and necessary things. It's time to implement something that lacked enthusiasm or energy, and everything will work out perfectly, you may even get the feeling that you have caught luck by the tail.

However, because of such a tide, conflicts can arise, because during the Full Moon the emotional background is heated to the limit. To avoid quarrels with loved ones, try:

  • To the last to maintain self-control;
  • Be patient;
  • Do not succumb to provocations or "shots";
  • Move the conversation to a neutral topic if you feel that a quarrel may break out;

full moon period- the most optimal time for the implementation of friendly meetings, risky business, signing any contracts and agreements. Everything will turn out as well as possible, but due to such activity of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, a person may begin to have problems sleeping.

However, there are advantages here - astrologers offer an option that will smooth out this negative effect of the influence of the Earth satellite. At times like these, it's time to get better intimate life between partners. If married life does not stick - the Full Moon is a great chance to fix everything.

Prophetic dreams

The period of the peak of the lunar increase affects everyone differently, so sleep problems will not necessarily begin. But it is fixed that on the Full Moon people can dream prophetic dreams. They are bright and memorable, and always appear in the morning. Since a person is overly active at this time, the subconscious will send unforgettable dreams to protect you from rash acts.
It is important not to push away the warnings of your consciousness - this may end unfavorably. It is always worth listening to the voice of reason, even when bursting with the desire to move mountains. Dreams during this period are divided into two categories:

  1. Dreams-warnings. A vivid and unforgettable dream given out by the subconscious, the main task of which is to protect you from possible problem or trouble. When you have such a dream, you definitely need to analyze it and compare it with your life, because, most likely, you did something wrong. Consciousness, on the other hand, strives to point out this in order to protect it from an even greater mistake.
  2. Prophetic dreams. Under the influence of the Moon, the psyche can show extrasensory abilities, giving you dreams that will definitely happen. They may be with other people, not those from the dream, but that they will be - that's for sure. There are not isolated cases when a person in a dream saw himself in a certain situation, and then a couple of days later, this happened to him in reality.

It is very important to pay attention to dreams during the Full Moon periods, because they indicate not only good, but also bad. For example, a dream in which you see yourself in another city or an unfamiliar place may mark a move. If you scream in a dream, it is quite possible that in reality you will have a quarrel with your soulmate, or a conversation in raised tones with your boss / subordinates.


The influence of the moon on the human body is especially evident at the peak of its increase. At this moment, you feel a huge charge of vivacity and positive, the nervous system is excited to the limit, actively using this energy you will succeed in many things. But it is worth thinking about how not to make trouble in a hurry, it is for this that the subconscious mind can send warnings through dreams. You are required to catch the essence of sleep in time, recognize its message and make a decision based on this.

Hot-tempered people need to be extremely careful, situations in which they can lose their temper will haunt them at every turn. Therefore, in order not to do stupid things, such people should especially watch out for, and especially for the Full Moon. With this information, you can easily control yourself and extinguish your ardor.

For thousands of years, the sky has attracted the attention of people. In our solar system, the sun is the only source of its own light. The Moon is the Earth's satellite and the brightest luminary in the night sky. The moon itself does not glow, but only reflects sunlight. Only one half of the lunar surface, facing the Earth and illuminated by the Sun, is visible from the Earth. The constantly changing appearance of the Moon aroused curiosity, surprise and even fear among our ancestors.

A special state of any person is caused by the full moon. Women cannot take their eyes off the beauty of heavenly shining magic, they are seized with awe and delight, there is a surge of energy, happiness and joy. The rising of the full moon in its beautiful splendor literally fascinates, amazes, delights, enchants! After all, it is not by chance that many poetic works, romances and songs are dedicated to her! The names of the Moon in the languages ​​of the people of various countries of the world also sound delightful: “luminous”, “brilliant”, “bright”, “shining”, “majestic”.

But something mysterious, magical, mysterious is also connected with the Moon (ebb and flow in the seas and oceans, sleepwalking, vampirism, etc.). There is a belief that it provokes a person to inexplicable and even illogical actions. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon "affects the life of all living things", and sometimes an invisible, inevitable threat comes from it. There is an opinion that depending on the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth, a person's reflexes, his intuition and inclination to good or evil depend.

In various cultures, the Moon (depending on the phase) was a symbol of rebirth, light or darkness. The Greeks in her honor named one of their goddesses Selena, which translates as light, radiance. In Roman mythology, the moon goddess Diana personifies feminine traits: caring, beauty, femininity, softness, maternal instinct, changeability.

The connection of women with the moon

Spiritual and scientific studies have confirmed the influence of the moon on the psyche, emotional and physical state of a person. It radiates subtle (non-material) frequencies that affect the subconscious part of the human mind. Women are most susceptible to the influence of the night luminary.

The female nature feeds on the energy of the Earth, Water and the Moon. The energies of the Earth and Water are stable and constantly fill with health, strength and tranquility. Therefore, their daily presence in a woman's life is desirable (to walk barefoot on the ground, live on the ground, swim in reservoirs).

The energy of the moon is cyclical. The force of gravity causes the Moon to revolve in its orbit around the Earth. Its full turnover is 29.5 days. This is where the second name of the moon comes from - the month (from the word measure). With the help of a month, people measured time. A year (when the Earth makes a complete revolution in its orbit around the sun) consists of 12 lunar months.

Pagan women knew well moon calendar: 28 days each month and 13 full moons each year. The monthly cycle has 4 phases of the moon:

  • The first is the new moon (1-7 lunar day)
  • Second - first quarter (growing Moon 8-15 lunar day)
  • Third - full moon ()
  • Fourth - last quarter (waning moon 23-30 lunar day)

Each phase of the moon lasts 7.4 days. Moreover, every day the energy of the moon is different. From its minimum (on the new moon) it gradually reaches its maximum (on the day of the full moon) and this aspiration is endless.

Many processes occurring in the female body are associated with lunar phases (cycles). The duration of a woman's menstrual cycle is equal to a lunar month. Pregnancy lasts 280 days, 40 weeks (10 lunar months), which corresponds to 9 months of the calendar. A woman is also dependent on the menstrual cycle, which also has lows and highs. The ratio of these two dependencies with each other determines its state.

When can I eat lunar energy

On the new moon, there is a breakdown, depression, irritability, decreased immunity, distraction of attention, inadequacy. The energy of the moon, which we feed on, is zero on this day.

As the moon grows, its energy increases. The full moon is the period of the lunar cycle, during which the night star reaches its peak of growth and energy. At this time, the Moon in relation to the Sun is at an angle of 180 ° and the energies of these two planets immediately affect human health. Energy overwhelms all life on Earth. At this time, plants grow very quickly, recovery processes increase to the maximum, metabolism is activated, brain activity reaches a peak.

Most of all, the full, brightly shining Moon affects emotions and well-being women - it's not for nothing that she is the personification of the feminine. During the full moon, women may experience problems with the heart, stomach, kidneys, vision, and blood pressure. Some women experience a confrontation between soul and body. In ancient times, healers taught women how to use lunar energy for beauty and health. Bathing in the lunar paths is romantic and healthy. At this time, the Moon sends positive energy, restoring harmony in the female body.

Conception according to the lunar calendar

Under the influence of the full moon, a woman is cleansed, gains strength, gets younger and becomes even more beautiful. There is a desire to do something significant, especially important, good and even impossible. The main thing during this period is to direct, donated by the night luminary, the overflowing energy of a woman to perform important, necessary and risky things, the manifestation of one's creative abilities, solving family problems, challenging tasks and achieving the set goals. In all undertakings there will be a stunning effect.

During the full moon, the sensitivity of a woman increases, the hidden attraction awakens. US researchers claim that the peak of conception falls precisely on the full moon or the day before it, and at the same time, boys are born in the majority. There is a belief that on the full moon you can win the heart of the person you love.

Wise nature provided for the perfect combination lunar maximum(full moon) and female minimum(menstruation) cycles, which helps to even out women's mood swings. But at present, there are often "failures" in women's cycles due to stress, fatigue, excessive loads.

When matched cycle minima (new moon and menstruation) the woman's condition is anxious, depressed, hysterical, tearful. Mental problems and illnesses are aggravated, a woman is overcome by deep depression.

When the maxima of the full moon and ovulation cycles coincide (the release of a mature egg), then the woman becomes unpredictable and completely out of her mind, it is difficult for her to digest so much energy, the emotional background is hot to the limit and she is like a volcano - about to explode.

Influence on the psyche

Many scientists have been interested why does the moon affect the human body? Many observations have established that the closer to the full moon, the stronger the reaction of the body. The night star acts not only on the physiology of our body, to a much greater extent it affects psyche.There is an assumption that since the human body consists of approximately 80% water and 20% organic and inorganic substances, the gravitational forces of the moon have a "biological ebb and flow" on it. They cause mood swings.

On the full moon, mental ailments are exacerbated, and unbalanced people show psychical deviations, excessive irritability, aggression. It is widely believed that during the period of the full moon, the number of quarrels, conflicts, suicides, murders, traffic accidents, accidents, and disasters increases. Despite the fact that people have already visited the moon, there is still a lot of mystery and inexplicable. For example, lunatics who walk on the roofs, railings of balconies on the full moon and do not remember anything about these walks.

On the full moon, a woman's body furiously consumes the accumulated energy. The processes in the cerebral cortex are activated, the nervous system and the body as a whole are overloaded. As a result, many are disturbed dream, exhausted by insomnia. If in a normal period women fall asleep in 25-30 minutes, then during the full moon they can toss and turn for hours and there is less time left for deep sleep. The phase of deep sleep is necessary for the brain to have a good rest and process the entire volume of daytime information.

Prophetic dreams

Under the influence of the Moon, the psyche can manifest extrasensory abilities, giving out warning dreams in the morning (in order to protect you from rash acts) or prophetic dreams that will definitely come true.

The moon doesn't work on some

Despite the general patterns, the Moon affects each person in different ways. Some want to cry on the full moon, while others want to sing and have fun. The full moon has a radical effect only on an organism weakened by disease and stress. Astrologers and scientists believe that if everything is stable in a woman's life, there are no outbursts of emotions, a good family and work, she is healthy and happy - lunar manipulations are not terrible. She may not notice the full moon.

But there are people who are very sensitive to lunar rhythms. We are talking about women born in sunny zodiac signs Pisces and Cancer.

How to make a wish on the moon

Based on the foregoing, I strongly advise every woman to start a calendar for a month, in which, in two or three words, write down what day it was in terms of emotions (irritability, sentimentality, desire to cry, anger at certain people, apathy and laziness, desire to love, hysteria, hatred , huge capacity for work, depression for no reason, etc.).

The calendar will look like this:

Date: 01.11.17 (Wednesday), Day after period: 13; Lunar day: 13.14; Moon phase: growing; Emotions: joy

You will do this observation for 3-5 months. Now you will know “what the coming day is preparing for you”, what to be ready for and “when to buy a chocolate bar”. In addition, according to the Moon, you will determine the “dangerous” and “safe” days for conception. As our distant ancestors claimed, on the waning moon, the probability of conception is zero.

Rejoice in life, the Sun and the Moon, every day, love, be loved and be happy!

A large number of myths and legends associated with the effects of the moon on humans are based on real facts. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed changes in the behavior of people and animals when the lunar phases changed, this gave rise to numerous stories about werewolves and revelry evil spirits. In the full phase of the moon, many people experience tremendous emotional stress, an irresistible attraction to the opposite sex and a thirst for activity. Such a strong influence of the earth's satellite on the human nervous system gives rise to many acute situations, therefore, we will further consider what cannot be done on a full moon.

How the full moon affects a person

Under the light of the full moon, a series of unusual phenomena associated with human behavior. The number of crimes, quarrels and fights is increasing dramatically, people are more likely to come into conflict and get into traffic accidents. The number of suicides is growing, and the ambulance rushes to the sick, caught off guard by a nervous breakdown or a sudden exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is in this phase of the earthly satellite that strong love ties are destroyed overnight and new ones arise, brilliant works of art are created and great things are accomplished. These phenomena are directly related to changes in the physical and emotional states a person under the influence of the full moon, namely:

  • increased feelings of anxiety, worry and fear;
  • causeless longing, sadness and despair;
  • excessive irritability, uncontrolled fits of rage and anger;
  • increased sexual attraction to the opposite sex, exacerbation of all feelings and emotional upsurge.

The state of the nervous system is the main, but not the only sign of how the full moon affects a person. This phase of the Earth's satellite slows down metabolic processes in the human body, worsens the condition of cardio-vascular system and causes exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Given such a strong influence of the lunar phases on the emotional stability of a person, during the full moon period, you must carefully monitor your behavior and abandon some actions and activities.

What to Avoid on a Full Moon

In order to minimize the influence of a celestial satellite and protect yourself from the undesirable consequences of emotional outbursts, you should follow some rules.

Important issues related to work and career should not be resolved. All requests for a new position or an increase in salary will go unanswered or arouse the wrath of management. You should not make decisions on important issues or start serious projects, it is better to postpone it for a couple of days. However, it's time for representatives of creative professions to create masterpieces, feelings sharpened to the limit will tell you exactly what to do. On the full moon, unprecedented inspiration will help you find correct solution and successfully complete the creative process.

Refuse to buy and invest money during this period, as there is a high risk of buying an unnecessary item or making the wrong choice. Do not prescribe operations in this lunar phase, any intervention may be accompanied by severe bleeding and a long rehabilitation period.

Even those who are not affected by the full moon should not drink alcohol or drugs that affect the psyche at this time. This can lead to poisoning and nervous breakdowns.

The time of the full moon is a mystical and insidious period, be sure to monitor your condition and fix possible deviations from the norm. Based on these observations, you will be able to understand what you can and cannot do on a full moon.

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