Why do I get sissies. How to live with a sissy: expert advice. Why do sissy start a family

Like "mama's boy". And in recent times there are more and more individuals of the stronger sex falling under this classification. No one can really explain why this happens, but the fact that his mother is to blame for the infantilism of his own offspring is an indisputable fact. Especially gentle "copies" of sons are nurtured by mothers who do not have a husband. So they "shift" all their love and excessive care to the child.

These women rush about with their offspring like hens with an egg:

Feed, drink, iron a shirt, wash underpants with socks, put them to bed and sing a lullaby. And all this is mixed with lisping, despite the fact that the child has long since passed the age of five and has become a fully mature, independent man. But is it really so independent if mommy controls him everywhere and everywhere? “Don’t go there, don’t be friends with that, don’t do this ...” It often comes to the point that the mother decides where her son to study and whom to marry. And whether to marry at all ...

Even if the sissy decides to start his own family, the parent will not give him peace anyway. Especially if he, contrary to her instructions, did not marry the girl she chose for him. After all, how is it? She raised her boy, raised, cherished and cherished, did not sleep at night, and then some kind of “flip-tail” came and took away the treasure. But what about a glass of water in old age? And a hidden (and sometimes open) war begins against the daughter-in-law, who washes the dishes the wrong way, irons the shirts the wrong way and, in general, does not love her son. Because only a mother can truly love. And she systematically begins to set up her overage baby against his wife.

A man, of course, can resist at first, but soon he suddenly discovers how right his mother was, and comparisons

his own wife and parent will not take long to wait. A woman whose husband is a sissy will either have to take her will into a fist and become better than her mother-in-law (which, in principle, is impossible from the point of view of her husband), or

The second, alas, happens much more often, because what sane woman wants to take care of and nurse an adult man all her life who is not even able to find food in the refrigerator, not to mention help with the housework?

Therefore, if you don’t want to connect your life with a man for whom the mother’s word is the ultimate truth, you should learn to identify it even before they start serious relationship. This can be done sometimes immediately, sometimes after some time, because now they know how to disguise themselves as reliable and self-confident. So, if your new acquaintance is a sissy, he will have the following signs:

I don’t know if men came into your life that you can say - sissy?

In the space of these men there is no place for another woman. They are "married" to their mother. You will never be able to overthrow the "mistress" of your chosen one.

Women are often attracted to gentle and kind men. Especially when you are tired of constant loneliness. After all, you really want to feel the warmth of the family hearth. I would like to see a faithful and gentle spouse next to me.

And then the woman meets such a sweet and good ... boy of indeterminate age, behind whom stands his mother like a stone wall. How to recognize this type of man immediately, how to recognize a sissy?

Signs of a sissy

1. As a rule, such men live with their mother for a long time - up to 30-40 years. On the one hand, it is very convenient for them: they do not need to worry about everyday life, take responsibility for their lives, mother will always cook her favorite dishes, she will be glad to please her child, she is ready to listen and give advice. On the other hand, they cannot leave their mother alone.

2. If his mother calls him during a date and says that he is not feeling very well, then he will not hesitate to leave you and run home. Mom is sacred.

3. In a conversation with a sissy, you will often hear the word "mother." “And my mother thinks”, “And my mother thinks”, “And my mother said”, “And my mother ...”. In his stories, the mother is always the heroine. And you will immediately feel it.

4. Such a man is very sensitive to female pressure. As soon as it seems to him that a woman wants to get him, he will be scared. He is not ready to fully emotionally belong to his partner. These men are very dependent on their mothers and are under their influence, and therefore, in their space there is no place for another woman. They are "married" to their mother.

5. In a relationship with a mother, such men do not necessarily, but from time to time a streak of love can be replaced by a surge of irritation and anger. These good boys try to please their mother in everything, but because of constant stress and excitement, one day they do something wrong, because in the depths of their psyche there is a need to relieve tension, to quarrel. Conflicts can be very serious, up to the desire to leave home and start living independently. But usually after 3-4 days the mood of a man changes and everything returns to normal. And the inability to part ways becomes obvious, factors such as:

- unwillingness to lose the usual comfort;

- feeling of guilt for mother's loneliness;

- unresolved housing and material issues.

In a word, there is always something that keeps a sissy near his mother.

Psychological portrait of a good boy

As a rule, sissies are men who are able to maintain and protect their home. They know how to take care of the family, and, despite the fact that almost everything is done for them by their mother, they are able to run the household no worse than a woman. They know how to count money, they choose things thoughtfully, all their purchases are practical. In all their actions, they are focused on praise and approval. They are very sensitive to criticism.

Good boys are raised by gentleman moms. They have a correct idea of ​​life, they are instilled with life and family values. After all, the mother raised her son for herself!

And, of course, they respect their mother very much. Such men are subconsciously afraid of active women. In them they see a kind of shark predators encroaching on their freedom. They are so afraid of falling under female influence that they are suspicious of the very idea of ​​​​intimacy and marriage. In their souls, they are not aware of the mother's influence on their lives, and it seems to them that they are free enough. Although it is the unconscious experience of a suffocating connection with the mother that causes them fear of the enormous female power. And most importantly, they are not able to resist it.

A man may have good relationship with his mother, openly show his fear and tender feelings for her and at the same time be stubborn and resist her will.

Mom, I'll be home late today.

"Son, where are you going?"

I am going to the cinema with my girlfriend today.

- Go, of course. I hope my heart doesn't break tonight

- What is it, Mom?

- Yes, yesterday, before going to bed, something hurt so much.

- Well, you, mom, if anything, call.

And be sure to call. In the middle of a date. And the son will leave the girl and run to save his mother from a heart attack.

Good boys can sometimesopenly express their dissatisfaction with the mother, but nevertheless they still care for her and show concern. In fact, the son plays the role of a husband (beloved man) in a woman's life. Most of all, he is afraid of becoming bad in the eyes of his mother, offending her. But sometimes opposite trends can also appear.

Psychological portrait of the mother of a sissy

These women never had a life of their own. The meaning of their existence is the son. As a rule, these mothers, without hesitation, will sacrifice an interesting job and career for the sake of their sons. Often these are women who failed to build personal happiness. They live alone, and if they have a husband, then his word has no weight and authority in the family. This is a man whom his wife completely suppressed and pushed into the farthest corner. And the son, without realizing it, adopts a maternal attitude towards his father. This is another reason for the lack of masculinity in the character of sissies and fear of family life - he does not want to be as depressed as his father.

The mother never had an emotional connection with her husband. She directed all her love and tenderness to her son. Raising him according to her standards, she eventually got the man of her dreams. Caring and loving, for whom the only purpose of life is to please his mother.

Lack of girlfriends, interesting work and personal life causes the son to become the center of the mother's life. And although in words she wishes him happiness and even makes attempts to introduce him to women, deep down she will never want to give him to another woman. As soon as she feels that their intimacy and emotional connection is under threat, she will do everything to keep everything the same. She will start to get sick, attracting the attention of her son. All sorts of stories will start happening to her. She will hint to her son that this woman is not a match for him. She, like a tigress, will defend her right to own it.

In fact, these are deeply unhappy women, filled with selfishness, whose only goal is to keep their son near them. They look like the Snow Queen who lured Kai into her ice palace.

What awaits a woman with a sissy

First of all, you need to understand that you will never be able to overthrow the "mistress" of your chosen one. She was and always will be his only woman. And woe to you if you cannot befriend his mother and get her to be your allies. But this will be very difficult to do. Because she's not going to share her son with you. For her, you will always be the wrong woman for him. You will always be insufficiently caring and loving wife and bad hostess.

Unfair attacks and accusations will be constant, and the most offensive will be that the husband will never take your side, will not protect you. And if you begin to scold his mother, then turn into an enemy in his eyes, with whom, having united with his mother, he will begin to fight.

Sometimes, of course, a good son can buck and quarrel with his mother. Then he can come to you and start complaining about her. And you will have hope for the return of your husband to your family. But in a few days everything will be back to normal.

If you still want to live with such a man, then you need to give up fighting his mother for the right to possess him. You will have to recognize her as the mistress of your family. And you will live by its rules. And if you resist, then sooner or later she will divorce you from her husband. She will try to turn him against you.

You must be a very self-confident woman, self-sufficient and calm about the fact that you will not be in the first place for your husband. You need to accept your secondary role in the family. And it's difficult to do so. This is a rather painful lesson, which not everyone can learn. And is it necessary? You decide.

Another thing is that you may have a question, why did a man “married” to another woman come into your life? Why did you become a member? And why do you need to fight for the right to be the one and only?

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With love,

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

In the case when a man is already over thirty, and he has not been married all this time, then it is worth thinking about this.

When a self-confident adult man changes dramatically in the presence of his mother and becomes a selfish, capricious boy, this is the first sign that this is a typical sissy.

Article outline:

Mommy's son and his characteristics

It is worth noting that sissies are not born, they become. The man whose mother, with the father of the child, or simply was not married and is raising the child on her own, is most likely to become a sissy. But it also happens that sissies grow up in complete families. This happens when the mother of the child, too responsible and restless, she controls all the actions of her son, does not allow him to make decisions on his own, to grow up.

Very often it happens that quite handsome men who cannot choose a worthy soul mate become sissies. Until the age of 35, they meet with many girls, but none of them, it seems to them, is suitable for the role of a future wife.

The problem with sissies is their emotional immaturity. This type of men can be successful in business, make a career, but quite often they do not dare to start their own family. They believe that there is no need to get married, take on additional responsibilities when there is always a beloved mother nearby who will always feed, drink and warm, and she cooks much better than her beloved girl.

In most cases, such men remain infantile, especially when they were raised by their grandmother and mother in childhood. This type of men is used to the fact that someone makes decisions for them. Even in adulthood, they still continue to hold on to their mother's skirt, already instinctively needing her protection.

Quite often, sissies are pursued by a certain woman. In each of their acquaintances or girlfriends, they often see a predator who just wants to bring him to the altar and take possession of the living space.

But it also happens that they still get married and mostly do it against their mother's will. But such marriages do not last. Basically, loving mothers simply outlive their daughters-in-law from the lives of their sons. With all this, poor wives have to suffer so much from their mother-in-law during their marriage that after a divorce, they still cannot decide to create a family for a very long time. new family. For men, they are already much more cautious.

You may not immediately understand that a man is a typical sissy, at first they seem to be just perfect men. They are affectionate, gentle and caring. Basically, they don’t contradict, they agree on almost everything. The first impression they make is that of a responsible and serious man who is always ready to lend his strong shoulder and become a reliable support for you in life.

Maybe all this will end immediately after meeting my mother. Mom immediately, out of a sense of jealousy, will begin to open her son's eyes to all the shortcomings of his chosen one, even those that do not exist at all. But this is not all the difficulties that will arise.

It is more likely that the mother will claim the main role in the family. Often this is because she is so used to it, and she does not intend to give her son into the wrong hands. She will give you various kinds of advice, intervene in all matters, etc.

Sometimes, it also happens that a man himself begins to fight for power with his mother, argue and do some things specifically to spite her. it can be like that too.

A sissy perceives other women as a kind of threat to his own freedom. It is very difficult to come to peace and harmony with such a man. At first, he will do something for you, afraid of losing you, but all this will not last long.

Such a man always consults with his mother in everything, even if you have a lot of life experience in this area.

A sissy gets lost when he gets into some kind of non-standard situation, starts to behave aggressively and even strangely. Such men react quite painfully to any criticism from the outside, his opinion changes very often. There are also cases when sissies do not work, do not help their wife around the house, and are absolutely indifferent to relatives and others. But, despite all this, they are very stubborn and know how to starve to achieve their goals. Regular calls and other ways to get his way in the end make most women give in to their whims.

Almost all weekends and holidays, the sissy will spend with his mother, because there is no other way, she always needs his attention.

Often, sissies have practically no friends, as they are used to the fact that everything revolves around them. Most likely, he will treat your friends extremely negatively, turn you against them, be jealous, etc. All your attention should be given only to him and no one else.

Do not be surprised if your husband discusses your intimate life, including making love, while she will give everyone advice on how to improve everything.

Probably, it will be necessary to get used to the fact that he will always compare you with his mother, whether you cook, clean, raise children, etc., but what, in his opinion and the opinion of his mother, you do not Yes, it will be criticized.

AT this case, the problem is that he simply did not see other relations between a woman and a man, therefore it will be extremely difficult to re-educate him.

But it’s worth noting right away that sissies are brought up only by single mothers, this is not entirely true, although in most cases it is. Married women, but somehow dissatisfied with their relationship with their husband, can also bring up such a man. Often, any dissatisfaction with a husband, work, life, and the fact that they cannot cope with this, can make a woman throw out all her unspent love on a child or children. Even more than that, the natural love of the baby and the complete dependence of her child on her can completely replace the love of all men for her.

Moms of this type surround people with too much love and care, to such an extent that this love simply becomes an insurmountable wall between the world and the child. The world becomes scary and distant, in those moments when mom and her advice are not around.

It is worth noting that, first of all, it is the unfinished process of psychological separation from the mother that turns the child into a sissy. The second reason is the mother's great need for emotional warmth, which falls on the child. And then it happens that besides mom, there is no one else. No friends, no own desires, no aspirations, no entertainment, but only mom, that person with whom nothing compares.

How to build a future with such people?

Sometimes constant control and guardianship, do not give them the opportunity to breathe calmly. Over time, they get used to the idea that they are infantile, and absolutely unable to take care of themselves on their own. They just don't know how to make decisions on their own.

There are cases when young men, surrounded by mother's care, do not resist their mother outwardly. But in their environment, they behave differently, quite naturally to their age and directly to their interests.

If what type of sissy your husband is, you will have a hard time. In this case, you first need to establish a relationship with his mother. But if nothing works out, and life with her husband is not getting better, there are several ways out.

  • Live independently, separately from the mother-in-law, and preferably the further the better, otherwise she may move to you. This option, of course, is not suitable for everyone, since not everyone has the opportunity to purchase their own apartment, and basically he does not want to live with his wife's parents.
  • Just pack your bags and leave, and in no case delay the divorce. Why waste time, because you, too, should arrange your life.
  • Pay no attention to the mother-in-law and go to the end. It will be better if you get pregnant soon. In most cases, the mother-in-law understands that she has nowhere to go, but there are exceptions that go to their bitter end, not even paying attention to pregnancy. It is good that there are not many such mothers-in-law. Even if the relationship with the mother-in-law does not add up, she will be the best grandmother. It’s just worth switching all her attention to her grandson, and she herself will slowly start re-educating her husband.
Do not forget that there are many pleasures and entertainments in which your mother-in-law will not be able to participate. And here you have a chance to prove to your husband that you are the best, fantasize, always be beautiful, take care of yourself and you will succeed.
  • You can try to get along with your mother-in-law, obey her in everything and try to become her daughter. If you have strong nerves, great willpower and a lot of patience, then in this case you can handle it.
But it has its pros and cons, to be exact:

Pros: if you succeed, then believe that you will be like behind a stone wall. The husband will always be satisfied, there will be no problems with the household, the children will always be supervised. In any case, the mother-in-law will at first consider that you are not suitable for anything, and you do not know how, and will inspire this to your son. As a result, she will tell everyone that she taught you everything, etc. You will have to come to terms with this as well.

Minuses: you will have to live, as the mother-in-law lives, it is worth obeying her in everything, entrusting her with the upbringing of your children. You can immediately forget about your interests, opinions and hobbies. All this will be constantly subject to criticism and condemnation. You will be given advice on how to live properly, how to communicate, dress, etc.

  • If you are an adult and independent accomplished woman. In addition, similar to his mother, then everything is in your hands. In this case, the mother-in-law will see in you only a worthy replacement for herself.
But keep in mind the fact that in this case, you get yourself a man who will need to be dragged on you all your life, another child. Take care of your man, but do it in moderation. You don't have to be a second mom to him.

You should also not reproach your husband for excessive love for his mother and you should not criticize him. Let him at least not quickly, but becomes an independent man.

Types of moms

If you determine what type his mother belongs to, then you can find a way out of how easier it is to neutralize her.

This type of mother is constantly haunted by a feeling of fear that her son will not be fed and hungry. Therefore, such a mother should not be told that today you will have bought dumplings for dinner, otherwise, in this way, you will simply sign a sentence for yourself. And the next day she will come to visit you with her cooking. Or even worse, if she lures him to her place for dinner every day after work. And since men are weak creatures, you simply run the risk of spending evenings in her company again.

Therefore, for starters, you should invite her to visit you and show her the refrigerator, full of products, and cook something delicious yourself, let it become clear that her son is not in danger of starvation. You may not be able to fully convince her that he is no worse next to you, but it’s still worth starting to master his favorite recipes. Over time, you can learn how to cook his favorite pies better than his mother.

This type of woman is a strong woman who dominates her son with a bitchy character. Such a woman may have her own idea of ​​​​a potential daughter-in-law, if she does not love you, then in any way she will try to destroy your relationship. Perhaps she will think that you are not very good for her son.

With such a mother, it is better not to go into conflict, but to simply smile at rudeness and try to please her in everything. If this method does not help, then this means that the mother considers you a weak and unremarkable creature, and therefore will continue to behave unceremoniously with you. In this case, it will be better to keep a cold distance. Just try to let her know that you respect yourself and that you simply do not intend to tolerate her behavior. You should also not hide that her behavior is unpleasant for you personally. But in the event that he does not have a soul in his mother, then every criticism of her will hurt his heart.

Commander in a skirt
It is typical for such a woman to complain about her health all the time, although in appearance she is always energetic and active. Her favorite topic is drugs. Even on the weekend, when you and your family will rest, she can call and say that she is ill and she is dying.

The whole family will need to undermine and rush to mommy. But how can she turn out to be in perfect health, and immediately, with her commanding voice, begin to give out instructions to everyone about what needs to be done around the house, etc. Such women treat their child as their personal property. Therefore, you should get used to the fact that he will always work for his mother, despite the fact that the socket may not be repaired at home.

It is very difficult to live with such a sissy, and their fate is not in the best way, everyone suffers. Therefore, if you do not want your child to grow up as a sissy, then you should remember from his very birth that he does not owe you anything. He will only owe his children, he will have to give them love and take care of them. And not to start your own family, because you think that he owes you his life, etc., this is not right. Don't make decisions for him, let him do it on his own. You don’t learn from the mistakes of others, you only learn from your own, remember this.

Without experience, a person cannot survive, and it is simply impossible to acquire it without experiencing mistakes on oneself. Parents always seem to know how to do things right, etc. But think about how you got your experience? So let your child live a full and independent life. If you do not like his chosen one, just tell him about it, express your opinion, and when he realizes his mistake, do not lecture about how you were right, just support him. Let your son grow up as a normal and full-fledged man who will not cling to his mother's skirt for every occasion. Do not interfere with the independence of the son.

Unconditional and limitless. But everything is good in a reasonable amount, and also, an overabundance of which negatively affects the formation of the personality of a future adult.

Many girls have come across. Who are these sissies? Most often, such young people can be recognized even before the registry office. Them distinguishing feature: such a man, regardless of his position in space, time of day and company, on the first call, will break away and run to his mother.

There are many other situations that will lead to the idea that a man is one of the sissies. But not all girls are so attentive, and for some reason many are sure that after marriage and wedding, they will safely take the place of a mother in her husband's life.

You can describe sissy for a long time and give many examples, but the essence of their behavior boils down to the following: these are men who, in adolescence, could not psychologically separate from their mother. Someone feels sorry for such men, someone, on the contrary, cannot hold back insults and reproaches against them.

Such a type is formed strictly under the influence of the mother, he can even be called an orphan, because in childhood there was no male figure next to him, someone who would show him masculine qualities by personal example.

What happens when such a sissy becomes an adult? He unconsciously looks for a woman who would be like his mother and who could further educate him, teach him life, give advice, make decisions and take responsibility for what is happening.

Tatyana Orlova, a process psychotherapist, body therapist, and geopsychologist, will tell swjournal about who sissies are and how to build relationships with them. Leading business projects "Change Management" and "Natural Flow in Business". Organizational consultant, author and host of the personal growth programs "Territory of Feelings", "PRO Awakening", "Family Values", "Philosophy of Your Family", Leading Trainer of the Anastasia Afinskaya Training Center.

Are sissies weak men?

It's not about weakness at all, it's more about the traumatized psyche of such men. Who among us is not injured? Everyone has their own stories from childhood, regardless of gender, and unfortunately for many, these stories still distort the reality of being.

Just think for a second with the question “And who are the parents for a child?” and “What function do they serve?” Depending on how parents were able to form the space in which the child got to know himself, got to know himself and learned to take responsibility for himself and his actions, at the output we will get a full-fledged adult or an inferior adult child. It is pointless to accuse such an adult child of his inferiority, but how to be close to such a child, if, as such, appeared in your life?

How to raise a real man (for mothers and expectant mothers)?

Any child should be born and raised in a complete family, and the family, as we remember, is a mother and father. But society in our time dictates a different approach, by the way, now we are reaping the benefits of these innovations.

The woman became brave, decisive, independent, omnipotent, omniscient, but unfortunately she began to apply herself in the wrong direction. Yes, we women are capable of many things and live longer and endure more stress, but the only thing we can’t do, with all our resourcefulness, is to combine the role of “mother” and “father” at the same time.

And also, what is the saddest thing, having given birth to a child, especially a boy, and raising him alone, we create from him that very future man for ourselves, whom we keep in our dreams. We are so passionate about raising him and surrounding him with the best, protecting him from influence and pressure, that in the end we raised a generation of infantile and traumatized male boys.

And it is worth noting that it was really difficult for many of us to give birth and raise one child, but our task as mothers consists only in 2 main aspects: the first is to teach the child to trust his inner world, and the second follows from this - to teach him to do without us in the future. We will not scold the mothers of "mama's sons": they lived as best they could, and probably did a lot not from evil, just one day they decided to live for the sake of their child, however, they did not take into account that now this child can not grow up in any way.

The Slavs in ancient times had such customs and they had a sacred meaning in which the boy underwent initiation and became a man. For example, one of the rituals, a boy of 7 years old was taken to a deep cave for the night and there he had to sit out the night, without a torch and accompanying.

In complete darkness, he had to overcome all his inner demons, because the biggest victory we have to win is victory over ourselves and our fears. If the boy gets scared and runs out, then he will continue to help women and will no longer belong to the male community. And what kind of mother is now ready to give her son to such a ceremony?

How not to be a second mother to him?

To be in a relationship with a sissy means to step on the warpath, where you will definitely lose at first. And you have to be ready for this, and most importantly, under no circumstances should you condemn or be jealous of your man for his mother.

It's not easy, but first ask yourself a few questions: “Why am I with this man? What is the energy that draws us? What do I feel in our union? And is this really the man from whom I want children?

And then also honestly note for yourself what role do you play in these relationships? If you criticize, teach, deceive, demand, and save, then you are his second mother, congratulations. Here you support your program from childhood, where you took the role of a lifeguard for your man. If this is so, then run away from this relationship, you will destroy yourself, burn a lot of your life energy, and everything will be meaningless. Because in fact, you do not want to save him, but yourself, where you were hurt in childhood.

But, if you do not prevent him from making mistakes, taking responsibility, making independent decisions, taking the first steps in any direction, and you also believe in him, see him as a man in the first place, trust and somewhere even desperately trust, but with all at the same time, you mark your boundaries, say what is important to you, do not settle for illusions, but compare his words with actions, and as a result tell the whole world what a strong and real man you have, and what masculine actions he does, then you have a chance to inspire (not to be confused with “nurture”) your companion to awaken the masculine in him.

True, you will have to face the manipulation of his mother, and here only calmness, composure and courage to tell her “I do not pretend to be your role will help you. I respect you as the mother of my man and am always ready to make contact with you. He remains forever your son, but for me he is a man, and our future joint goal is to create our family with our children and your grandchildren.

By what signs can you understand that a man is a sissy?

By what components can you understand that you have a man in front of you, and not a boy:

The boy believes in miracles, and the Man creates them;

The Boy often feels guilty or looks for someone to blame, while the Man takes responsibility and resolves issues;

The Boy complains and cries, and the Man is angry, but acts;

The boy does not finish what he started and often changes his position, and the Man is firm in his decisions;

The boy is waiting for punishment or praise for what he has done, and the Man just silently decides everything himself;

The boy deceives and promises, but the Man does not accept this to himself, and therefore to his loved ones.

The only thing for us is to always be honest with ourselves and carefully follow how not to become a daughter with such a man, but to preserve our feminine, for which only a strong-willed man can go.

Deep down, every woman wants a strong man next to her, who will become that very reliable shoulder and support.

It would seem that here he is: sensitive, economic, kind ... Moreover, he solves all the troubles with one call. Only this call is to mom ...

After the wedding, it suddenly turns out that you did not get married, but adopted the child of your mother-in-law.

How to live with a sissy? Does such a relationship have a chance? Is it possible to be happy with such a man? Let's try to figure it out.

Let's be honest: strong men like Amur tigers are an endangered species.

And where can truly masculine qualities come from, if a huge number of children are brought up by "same-sex couples" - mothers and grandmothers, and the role of the father is minimized.

But scientists have long proved that if the father is not involved in raising his son, the boy grows up with a huge number of internal problems and complexes.

What we have as a result: mother is an undeniable authority, son (he is your husband) is in complete submission to her, you are somewhere in the background.

Who is a sissy?

Psychology does not know such a term as "sissy", it was invented by women to show the total dependence of the son on the mother.

Yes, yes, it happens that the son is two meters tall, and gray hair breaks through his temples, but he will not take a step without the approval of his mother.

How else, if he was taught from childhood to be an “obedient and good boy”? Meet: an adult boy, 31 years old, loves his mother very much.

A sissy is not a diagnosis or a disease. This is an adult who does not have his own opinion and lives by someone else's rules.

He is guided by a sense of duty and gratitude to the woman who gave birth to and raised him. If you married a sissy, a kind of love triangle is forming in your family!

After all, his mother will not withdraw herself and will not resign. It's amazing how she even let you out of her sight and let her take her blood?

Mother's sons are of two types.

1. Absolute. He does not control the situation and does not make any independent decisions. Never! This is an axiom.

What pants to wear, what circle to go to and what girls to meet - his mother decided for him all his life.

Such a child grows into an infantile and notorious man. When the question of creating a family arises, the dandelion man will choose his wife with the consent of his mother.

2. Partial. In such men, the Oedipus complex works 100%! In their chosen one, they are looking for the features of the mother - external resemblance, character, household skills.

Such men are afraid of change, and have found a simple way out of the situation: a wife comes to replace the mother.

So do not be surprised if you get not a macho, as it seemed at first, but just a grown-up child.

Is it possible to recognize a sissy when you meet?

This is a task with an asterisk, because outwardly such men are no different from hundreds of others.

This is not at all necessarily a nerd in glasses and a ridiculous tie with deer, presented by his mother on New Year. There are no markings “the territory is protected by mother” either.

Alarming signs can be noticed if you communicate more closely with your mother's beloved boy.

Housing. As a rule, such men, even having matured, continue to live with their parents.

They do not strive for ostentatious independence, and will not leave their home, where it smells like mom's pies, to a hostel with bedbugs, just to live separately.

They are quite satisfied with the fact that after school or a hard day, mom always meets with a plate of borscht, all things are washed and ironed, and if something goes wrong in life, they will always take a liking and regret it.

Mom's mention. Such subjects answer questions about the family willingly and verbosely.

Yes, many men love and respect their mother, but not everyone depends on her opinion. If your interlocutor, as they say, “found free ears” and selflessly broadcasts about how great his mother cooks, and what a good relationship they have, this is an alarm signal.

Work. It is difficult to call such men careerists. Mom will make sure that her son does not overwork.

Perhaps even a suitable position will suit him. During the conversation, he quotes his mother's words, her opinion is considered authoritative for him, other experts nervously smoke on the sidelines;

Plans. Your relationship with your mother always comes first. If he cancels the meeting under the pretext that his mother is unwell or rushes on her first call, this should alert.

If your potential mother-in-law is not a seriously ill person, then she is simply manipulating her son's feelings!

Themes. Such men can keep up the conversation even on women's topics. No wonder, because at home they regularly listen to complaints about poor health and prices in the market.

If your interlocutor is well versed in the ups and downs of the Turkish series and knows the types of depilation, he is either comprehensively developed, or his mother kindly enlightened him.

An interesting fact is that the character of a sissy is not always angelic. Psychologists explain this by the fact that a person is constantly under pressure.

Constant servility, unwillingness to upset mommy, suppression of one's own feelings and emotions is stress.

It's like playing in a minefield: step into dangerous territory and an explosion will follow. Conflict for such a person is an opportunity to relieve tension.

Is it possible to build a family with a sissy?

The boy becomes dependent on his mother if she is an authority. This most often occurs in single-parent families or in couples in which the father constantly agrees with his wife.

In a child, individuality is suppressed, they are not given the opportunity to make decisions. Over time, the boy realizes that it is easier to live this way.

Why fuss and look for housing, because there is a mother who will not kick you out of the house! Whom I want to become? - Yes, where my mother says, I will do there. Sounds funny, but this is the reality of life.

The boy becomes inactive and helpless. Even if mom is gone at some point, he will look for a replacement for her.

He is simply not used to solving his problems on his own.

This does not mean that marriage with such a person will be unhappy. A sissy is an ideal option for women who have a heightened maternal instinct.

Such ladies will raise both children and an uninitiated husband, not seeing anything wrong with that.

The hunt for complaisant men is opened and strong women. They are used to subordinating to their will and giving instructions, and this is all that a sissy needs.

No war of characters - peace and quiet in the house. In defense of the “good boy”, it can be noted that he will be a caring owner and family man.

True, you periodically need to praise and cheer him up. This is the best motivation for a child, albeit an adult.

Such men are courteous, educated, gallant. In a relationship, the main thing for them is stability and comfort.

Mom raised the "little gentleman" for herself and developed the qualities that she would like to see as a woman.

What if the husband is a sissy?

You can say: “I didn’t marry such a man”, “He wasn’t like that!”.

Admit at least to yourself: there were alarm bells, only you didn’t pay attention to them or went down the aisle with the thought: “Well, I’ll re-educate him!”.

But you didn’t know before that creating a family with a sissy is a serious test. Mother could raise good son, but for the role of husband, father and head of the family, he is not suitable.

Relationship with mother-in-law. Let's be honest: relations with the husband's mother will have to be improved. She has been and will be an authority for your man all her life.

As they say, if the process cannot be stopped, it must be led! Otherwise, regular showdowns will ruin your life, and your husband will rush between two fires, choosing a side.

Do not openly turn a man against his mother, be wiser. Get out of the city on weekends (just the two of you!), travel more often, meet friends, arrange romantic evenings!

If you are a family, you need to do everything together, without involving an expert in the form of a mother-in-law. And one more thing: insist on living separately. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to leave later.

Responsibility. Because of the domineering mother, the man simply did not have the opportunity to show character and make commitments.

If you immediately load him up like an ox and make him do everything, the big child will simply run back to his mother.

Accustom him to life gradually. Praise, encourage, so that the husband knows that being the head of the family is not headache, but pleasant chores.

Every man has pride and self-esteem. It's just that for those who have lived under the wing of their mother for a long time, it is buried deeper.

Your task is to reach out to his male "I". Learned lessons with children? Well done! Did you fix the faucet in the bathroom? A real man! You will achieve more with praise than with reproaches and shouting.

Be feminine. If you want your husband to show masculine qualities, awaken the woman in you. Beautiful, sexy, understanding, gentle ...

A man must want to come home. And there he should be waiting not for a “saw fish”, but for a loving wife.

Look for common interests. Sign up together for dance or yoga, culinary school or extreme driving courses!

The same technique works as with a child: if a man is passionate about something, he will put his interests first. And you will take a stronger place in his heart.

be patient. The male-boy is very sensitive to criticism and reproaches. After all, he was used to a different demeanor of his mother.

Learn to express your dissatisfaction in a calm tone, explain what the man did wrong.

Do not repeat the mistake of many women: do not turn the arrows on his mother and the flaws in his upbringing. A sissy will not forgive such an insult.

Do not be silent. Do you know why a man leaves your borscht half-eaten and rushes to his mother on demand? Because this woman has set her requirements, and you have not.

If you did not even raise this topic and did not express your dissatisfaction, then how will a man know that this is unpleasant for you?

He's not a telepath. He is just a boy who has lived according to his mother's system since childhood.

Discuss the rules family life"on the shore". Your companion should know that a wife requires no less attention and respect than a mother.

The needs of the family must come first. So if your husband left you with your children in the country, because your mother urgently needed to go to the market to buy vegetables, draw your own conclusions.

Either a man is fully aware that following the prescribed rules is the key to a happy relationship, or you continue to put up with his oddities until you get bored.

Yes, it is more difficult to re-educate an adult man, but it is possible! The main thing is your mutual desire to be together and create a strong family!

If you tried everything, but it didn’t work out to tear the man from your mother’s chest: think about it, do you need such a life partner?

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