Hope baby. Rescued boy Hope from Nigeria became the best friend of his rescuer's son. Nigerian boy and his rescue

This heartbreaking photo captures the moment a Danish woman gives water to a hungry two-year-old Nigerian boy left to die on the street by his family.

A Nigerian boy named Hope (hope) was left to die by his family because they thought the boy had an evil spirit in him. The emaciated toddler wandered the streets for eight months, eating handouts from passers-by, until Anja Ringgren Loven from Denmark saw him.

Loven, who now lives in Africa, found the boy on January 31st. Horrified by the condition of the child, she leaned over the baby, gave him a drink, wrapped him in a blanket and took him to the hospital. The woman is the founder of the Fund for helping African children, who are accused of witchcraft and involvement in evil spirits, and therefore they are neglected and even killed.

“Thousands of children are being accused of witchcraft and we have seen children being tortured, dead children and bullied children,” Anja Ringgren Loven wrote on Facebook alongside photos of Hope to raise donations to pay for the little boy’s medical bills.

In the hospital, the baby was rid of numerous worms, he received daily blood transfusions and other recovery procedures. “Hope is now in stable condition. He takes food and reacts to the medicine he receives. Today he sat and smiled at us. He is a strong boy."

Two days after Loven asked for help paying for the child's expensive medical bills, she received $1 million in donations from around the world.

“Thanks to this money, in addition to the best treatment for Hope, we can also start building a clinic and save many more children from torture!” said the woman, who, along with her husband David Emmanuel Umem, began building their own orphanage at the end of January.

After two weeks in the hospital, the baby looks much better but still needs treatment.

Hope (left) plays with Anya's son David Jr. as they visit him in the hospital

Anja Ringgren Lowen, along with her husband David Emmanuel Umem, began building their orphanage for disadvantaged children in Nigeria.

Remember, exactly one year ago, a heartbreaking photo of a 2-year-old boy from Nigeria drinking water from a bottle held by a woman flew around the Internet and print media?

Then it literally became a symbol of humanity and instilled hope and faith that the world is not without good people. And this photo story did not end with one frame, it has a continuation and even a “happy ending”!

Let's talk about everything in order?

At the end of January 2016, the founder of the Foundation for the Relief and Development of African Children, Dane Anja Ringgren Loven, found a starving child on the streets of Nigeria, whose life was already on the verge of death. It turned out that the boy was thrown out as an unnecessary thing from the house by his parents, believing that evil spirits live in him.

Alas, for this region of Africa, the situation when parents label their own children as “evil spirits”, accuse even newborns of witchcraft, and then torture them, kick them out of the house or kill them, is quite common. This 2-year-old kid did not escape the dashing fate. For more than 8 months, he wandered the streets, eating scraps and handouts from passers-by until the fateful meeting ...

Then Anya bent down and tried to gently feed the baby, gave him water from a bottle, and then, wrapping him in a blanket, took him to the nearest hospital for treatment.

The woman named the rescued boy Hope (hope), and on January 30, 2016, she published the first emotional post on Facebook, sharing the already famous picture:

“Thousands of children in Nigeria are accused of witchcraft. We saw the torture of children. We saw frightened children and saw the dead ... "

It's amazing, but in just two days, after the publication of the post, the African Children's Relief and Development Fund received more than $ 1 million in donations from all over the world!

It is known that in the hospital the boy was first taken out of the worms and given a blood transfusion. And two months later, Anya reported that Hope got stronger, began to gain weight and was already enjoying playing with other children.

Well, after exactly a year of good news about the rescued boy, no less! Today, Hope is completely healthy and ...

… this week he will start attending school for the first time.

And Ms. Loven and her husband have already begun to build their own orphanage with the money raised, in which all the children who need it so much will find shelter, care, as well as salvation and hope for life!

Hope in January 2016 and January 2017

A year ago, Anja Ringngren Loven, a Danish humanitarian fund worker, was in Nigeria with her husband, where she was involved in rescuing several of the thousands of young children abandoned on the street. Every year their number increases: their parents kick them out and leave them to their fate, considering them to be sorcerers. “We have seen frightened, exhausted and even dead children,” Anja, co-founder of the African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation (ACAEDF), wrote in a 2016 blog post.

(Total 10 photos)

It was then that she first met (Hope - "hope"). The child, who then was practically skin and bones, was abandoned to the mercy of fate by his own parents in a small village. “I decided to name him Hope because right now we are all very hopeful that he will survive,” Loven wrote two days after he was rescued. “He was in the village, naked, alone and dying.”

Loven posted a photo of herself giving water to little Hope to draw attention to this serious problem in Nigeria and raise funds for the boy's treatment and rehabilitation. The photo went viral on social media, and Hope's story quickly spread around the world. Now more than a year has passed since the first photo, and the three-year-old boy is unrecognizable.

“Today is exactly one year since the world learned about a little boy named Hope. Hope will go to school this week,” Anya wrote on her Facebook page on January 30th.

In the new image, a much plumper Hope, wearing a red sweater, white sneakers and a black backpack, is drinking water from a bottle, just like he did a year ago. The healthy appearance of the boy turned out to be a pleasant surprise for those who learned his story a year ago, and a positive response on social networks was not long in coming.

Hope lives with 35 other children in an orphanage run by Anya Lowen and her husband David Emmanuel Umem in Eket, Nigeria. Dozens of other kids, like Hope, who have been kicked out on the street by their own parents, are being helped here. In 2009, anti-traditionalists reported that over a decade in two of Nigeria's 36 provinces, about 15,000 children were accused of witchcraft and about a thousand were killed.

Thanks to the thousands of people around the world who donated to the ACAEDF, on Hope's behalf, Anya Loven was able to participate in the opening of a clinic that helps many other children accused of witchcraft. The organization also purchased a piece of land, which they called "Land of Hope". A new orphanage will be built here to protect abandoned boys and girls. Loven says Hope is proof that these kids' lives can be changed.

“As you can see, Hope is growing fast. This is a cute, healthy and very happy baby - all thanks to the incredible love and care that he receives every day from our employees and all the children, - says Anya. “Where there is love, there is hope.”

Biennial nigerian boy by the name hope("hope" in translation from English) is the main character of an incredible story that has become known throughout the world.

The parents literally threw the child out into the street because considered him a "witcher". And if not for the Danish activist, then boy would probably just die from . He wandered the streets all alone for 8 months and was begging in his community.

After several months of recovery, Hope was transformed. Now he is the symbol of a campaign that has unfolded on social networks. Its activities are aimed at improving the effectiveness of assistance to orphans in this African country.


January 31 last year, a volunteer from Denmark Anja Ringgren Lowen met on the streets of Abuja (the capital of Nigeria) little two year old boy. He was completely naked and was in a dying state due to extreme exhaustion.

Anya is the founder of the African Children's Fund, she has been saving children in Nigeria for several years, who, like Hope, their own parents were kicked out of their families, considering them to be witches and sorcerers, dangerous to the community.

Nigerian boy and his rescue

This story is truly amazing. It remains a mystery how such a small child survived, roaming the streets of the city for 8 months and eating food waste that he managed to find in the garbage.

From her first meeting with the boy, Anya posted a series of photos and videos on social networks. Thanks to this, she was able to obtain the necessary funds to pay for his treatment. Already in the first 48 hours, the amount of donations amounted to almost a million dollars.

In gratitude for such responsiveness and support, she wrote online: “ With this money, we will not only provide Hope with the best treatment, but we will also be able to open a medical clinic to save many more children.«.

Just two months after starting treatment, a Nigerian boy Hope showed the world his incredible transformation.

In recent photos, you can see his happy, smiling face. And this is fundamentally different from that emaciated look that shook the entire civilized world just a few weeks ago.

And despite the fact that he still has to be under the supervision of doctors, the baby can finally start enjoy your childhood, which absolutely everyone deserves.


Thanks to donations, Anya was able to fulfill her promises. She really saved many children who had to live in completely inhuman conditions.

She told the world that in Africa, thousands of children are at risk, because they are accused of "witchcraft", considering them "witches" and "witches". They are doomed to starvation because of the monstrous superstitions prevalent in this part of the world.

“We saw how children were tortured and terrorized, we saw dead children. And these shots clearly show what we are fighting against and, most importantly, what we are fighting for. This explains why I sold everything I had in Denmark and why I moved to these uncharted lands,” Anya said.

At the end of January, together with her husband (David Emmanuel Umem), Anya started building an orphanage, to create good living conditions for all rescued children.

The couple have their own one and a half year old child, David Jr. However, they are currently taking care of 35 more boys and girls they managed to save. They were in roughly the same conditions as Hope.

The story of a Nigerian boy shocked the whole world, and Anya Loven is today considered a real heroine. Millions of people have shown interest in what she and her organization are doing.

On her Facebook page, Anya continues to share photos from Hope's new life, and also shows how the whole world has mobilized to help the baby.

Hope's smile is now truly a symbol of hope, as well as proof that we can all do great things when thousands of people unite in their endeavor.

The issue is now known but not yet resolved. Today, many more children need special attention and help. And you need to hurry before it's too late...

The whole world. A little boy who was later given a name hope(Hope), thrown out of the house by his own parents, considering him "sorcerer".

It was in a small village Nigeria(West Africa), Hope was then a little over a year old and after that he survived on the street for another 8 months only thanks to handouts from passers-by.

When the Dane saw him Anja Ringgren Lowen(Anja Ringgren Loven), who lives in Nigeria and helps abandoned children, he was completely emaciated, dirty, with sore skin and worms in his stomach.

Anya was horrified by the state of the child, she immediately began to give him water, and then took him to the hospital.

It happened on January 31, 2016. Since then, two months have passed and few people recognize in this chubby, cheerful baby that very "living skeleton" on thin legs. Anya posted on her Facebook page a new series of photos showing Hope's miraculous recovery. She says that he is now "a child enjoying life."

Hope is very fond of games and communication with other children, he has never seen such a good attitude towards himself in his life and just blossoms into a smile.

When Anya published the first photos of Hope 2 months ago, people from all over the world began to transfer money to the account of her charitable organization "DINNødhjælp - deres overlevelse" ("Your help is their survival"). Over a million dollars raised.

The funds will go towards supporting Hope and other children at the orphanage run by Anya and her husband David Emmanuel Umem in Nigeria. Girls and boys live there, who, like Hope, were kicked out of the house by their own parents. Nothing good awaited them on the street, hunger, beatings, and even certain death. Anya saw the tortured and killed children with her own eyes.

Now in a special children's center for Anya and her husband, established 3 years ago, there are 35 children of different ages from one-year-old Felix to 14-year-olds. They receive food, medical care, clothing and shelter. All older children attend school. In January, Anya's foundation also began building a large orphanage, and they also have plans to build their own clinic for the treatment of children.

By the way, the doctors managed to find the reason why Hope was probably accused of "witchcraft". During the examination, they found a defect in the penis, the so-called hypospadias, this is when the external opening of the urethra does not open at the top of the glans penis, but is displaced.

This common anomaly in boys is being treated with standard surgery, and Hope will be on her way next week.

Hope's first haircut

Rescued children from the Ani Ringgren Loven Center

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