Why men don't like women. When in a relationship a woman does not love. How to understand that a woman does not love you (markers that it's time to look for a new one)? Why men do not like women Who is such a really strong woman

Men often ask me the question: "How can I understand if a woman loves me or not?"

And women ask: "How should a woman who loves her man behave?"

I answer both of these questions in the chapter "How to understand if this is your woman or not?" in The Not Real Man.

Your woman loves you. Not yours - does not like. Distinguishing one from the other is very easy if you know"organs" of love. They are described at the very beginning."Anatomy of love and fakes" . Let's transfer them to a hypothetical woman.

1. Your woman is faithful to you. Always. There are simply no other men for her. They are not there not only for sex, but also for flirting, coquetry, flirting, pampering. For her, strange men are sexless creatures. She behaves with them with restraint, calmly. Don't dynamite them. Does not give out advances. Doesn't try to make you jealous. She doesn't go clubbing or drink wine with strangers at a bar.

It's not your woman who behaves in the opposite way. He tries his best to make you jealous. He flirts with might and main, flirts with other men, hints at something more. Tries to dynamize them. Or just looking for a new party. She leads an active club life, mostly without you.

2. Your woman is afraid of losing you. As in the sense of parting, and in the sense of death. She carefully creates coziness and psychological comfort in a couple. She does her best to make you feel good with her.

It is not for your woman to sneeze whether you will be with her all your life or leave right now. She won't lift a finger for your comfort with her. She will behave the way she wants. If he intends to humiliate you, he will humiliate you. Decides to dynamize - starts to dynamize. If he thinks of betraying, he will betray. And not even for a moment will feel guilty.

3. Your woman will surround you with kindness and care. She will try to help you in any way she can. Sharing your worries. Will support you. He will never nag you, yell. If she needs something or doesn’t like something, she will calmly tell you about it.

Not your woman will make you take care of her. Of course, without any reciprocity. She is the queen here, not you. She does not care about your experiences and hardships. But you will get psychological abuse in full.

4. Your woman will always come to your aid and do everything in her power. She won't leave your bed if you get sick. You are sure that you can always find an ally in her.

Not your woman will not help you - she is not a serf. If you go to the hospital, she will make you happy with a visit for fifteen minutes. He will bring tangerines and fly away about his business.

5. Your woman will always sacrifice the minor for something important. She'll skip the show for a date, she won't visit her friends to help you with your presentation for tomorrow's report, she'll put off buying earrings if the family is raising money for your expensive studies. She will sacrifice sleep to sit by your bedside in the hospital.

Not your woman will not sacrifice anything for you. The needs of her hamster Yaroslav are much more important to her than yours. If your friends are suddenly invited to the club, and you have a date scheduled for that day, then it is immediately canceled. Your learning is nothing compared to an expensive and trendy smartphone. Well, not to sleep is generally nonsense.

6. Your woman is ready to put up with your shortcomings. She will never remind you of them if she chose to be with you. She always remembers that a person nearby can create some inconvenience, but does not notice them, so as not to spoil the relationship. She is accommodating.

Not your woman will remind you every day of your shortcomings. Disgusting and derisive. She will not tolerate any inconvenience associated with you. Her comfort matters the most.

7. Your woman, if she does not like something, will say it calmly and will be ready to listen to explanations, after which - there is a great opportunity - she will change her point of view to yours. She is delicate.

Not your woman reports everything only in the form of loud claims and ultimatums. Scandal is the norm of her communication. Explanations are not accepted. Either you do what she wants, or you get out of her life.

8. Your woman is truthful. You can always trust her. Her words are accurate, without exaggeration and understatement, without substitution and concealment of information.

It’s not your woman who lies to your face, not even caring that her words are somehow like the truth. If you don't believe me, that's your problem.

9. Your woman will always respond to your kindness with hers. For your gift - yours. If you are attentive to her, she will definitely be attentive to you. Reciprocity for her is not an empty phrase.

Not your woman recognizes only the nipple system. One goal game. You owe her everything, she owes you nothing. And how did you want, lackey, being next to the queen?! Be glad that you have received the grace of sometimes contemplating her divine carcass!

10. Your woman trusts you. She does not persistently climb into your intimate psychological zone. Does not require reports and testimony. She shares her secrets with you.

Not your woman does not believe a single word of yours. She constantly doubts you, takes out checks, comparisons, surveillance. Catch on words. She demands to give her passwords from all your mailboxes and pages on social networks. She reads your messages on her phone and wants you to talk on the speakerphone in her presence. She is sure, no, she knows that you are cheating on her and withholding your true income from her. At the same time, everything connected with it is a big secret for you. She has a million secrets that she carefully hides from you.

11. But the most important sign of YOUR woman is that she is a reliable, proven fighting friend who will not leave you, no matter what happens to you. Up to disability and poverty. And never betray. She always believes in you. But this can only be learned over time, by eating together a pood of salt. Through failure. And through luck too.

Not your woman - unreliable. Vile. She will leave you as soon as the opportunity to grab a big jackpot. Or when a more wealthy or imposing man appears on the horizon. Or when you get sick and stop being an electric lackey.

The practical conclusion is simple: you are responsible for your woman. You protect her life and well-being. You are not driving yours. That's all.

Alexander Biryukov

You can listen to the "organs" of love and the anatomy of fakes

Who is this strong woman? Why does no one want or love her in the modern world? Our author wrote a column that will put everything in its place.

Have you heard this horror story, which they love to scare young girls so much? Like, if she neglects suitors, puts all her strength into her career, pulls on other people's problems, then one day she risks waking up in bed with a damn dozen cats. And all because she will turn into a strong woman who, with her ambitions, will scare away all gentlemen. “Do you want to be like your mother? - reprimand such. “To suffer from loneliness, to mourn your fate through sleepless nights, to be a plug in every barrel?” One gets the impression that strength is a sentence that smells of cold, uselessness and eternal suffering. At the same time, such a woman is forced to prove to the world her right to happiness, becoming even stronger and more offended over the years, continuing to walk in a vicious circle.

Where do these notions come from? A strong woman is a diagnosis?

The negative image that a strong woman received was formed thanks to the collective unconscious. In fact, it was created by millions of girls who were terribly afraid of an independent life and therefore clung to polished nails for any opportunity to delay their own. Being strong in the understanding of "starlets" means becoming someone who can take care of herself, provide for her needs, defend her desires. And it's so difficult! Infantilok such a prospect frightens. They seem to have to work to the point of exhaustion. Carrying around problems, doing boring things that do not inspire. It is much more pleasant to climb on a partner’s neck, hang beautiful legs and live at his expense, pretending to be weak and incapable of anything.

Who does she need?

My lion. I do what I want!

Children do this until they feel the strength to fly out of the parental nest to start their own life. But there is also a type of people who want to receive all the goodies at once. Do nothing, do not answer for anything and at the same time do not obey anyone, imposing your “I want” on others. It turns out that they not only do not bring any benefit, but also believe that everyone around them owes them. “I will sit on your neck and command you!” - says the self-confident impudent. Do I need to clarify that no normal man will tolerate such an approach?

Who is this really strong woman?

Certainly not a diva with tearful eyes, a hunched back and a scorched ashes instead of a soul. Gloomy, arrogant and poisonous ladies - all this is past the cash register. A strong woman cannot make a repulsive impression. On the contrary, her energy is in full swing, infecting everyone around with her pressure and charisma. It is these personalities that seem incredibly attractive to us, we want to reach out to them, we want them. And, of course, crowds of admirers gather around them ... They have no time to mourn their unenviable fate, complain, puff. They are overflowing with resources and get high from life, and therefore like hot cakes. While the weak sit and whine, suck your energy, from the outside looking like vampires, from whom you want to run away, waving garlic. Do you catch the difference?

The fact that everyone uses and milks is also a delusion. If you are good-looking, smart, sexy and in demand, they will run after you with gifts, fill you with gifts, offer all kinds of services. Everyone needs them, they will fight for their attention by any means! Whereas weak people do not have such charm one iota. Therefore, they are forced to stick and manipulate - run after men, bend, play games, seduce. They are boring and empty; Lepers are kept away: their weakness is contagious.

If you are tired of, if you want to feel in demand and loved, stop dreaming about sitting on someone's neck and getting bonuses for nothing. Only the weak do this, and you are already weaker than everyone around. Therefore, they run away from you, refuse to pay attention to you, betray you ... even your loved ones are tired of you for a long time. Do you want care and attention? But you are not a child. These kids are incapable of taking care of themselves. They are still learning, getting on their feet, largely obeying the parental will. And you do not want to obey anyone, you want the world to play by your rules! To do this, you need to take responsibility for your life. Pump over resources, build up internal supports, be a person. Lack of attention from men? Look for yourself, radiate warmth, be in the black - and a line of princes will line up behind you. If you are truly willing to change.

". Today, let's talk about the opposite: how to understand if a woman does not love a man? After all, it is important to understand all aspects of the relationship, and if it happens that a woman turns cold towards you, it is better to understand this as early as possible. This will either help change the situation, or simply save your time spent on a woman who does not love you.

How to understand that a woman does not love you?

Women are different, and they also express their love in different ways. However, there are a few points that still definitely help to clarify what is happening in the relationship. By the way, if the relationship lasts for a long time, this makes it even more difficult to determine the true state of affairs. After all, over time, feelings and emotions naturally decrease.

#1 The woman becomes closed. Communicate less with your man. He stops sharing some secrets, his problems. For her part, she ceases to be interested in what is happening in the life of her young man.

#2 Sex is rare or non-existent. There is no desire for experimentation. The woman becomes less proactive.

#3 A woman spends more time without her partner. For example, he can go on vacation not with him, but with a friend. Go for a walk alone, etc.

#4 Changes in appearance for the worse. Stops taking care of himself. After all, she no longer wants to please her chosen one.

#5 Kinesthetic is missing. That is bodily touch. As a rule, at the beginning of a relationship there is a lot of it (gentle touches, stroking, kisses).

When a person stops loving (be it a woman or a man), he stops giving his energy in large quantities, becomes more emotionally closed. That is why the amount of sex decreases and its quality worsens, you want to touch your partner less and less. Consequently, there is less and less desire to spend time with him.

Why don't women like good men?

Often, if a woman has fallen out of love with a man, there are many objective reasons for this. For example, he began to drink, began to disrespect his partner, became tough. In a word, he did various things.

There are also paradoxical, at first glance, situations: women do not like good men. However, if you look at this issue from the point of view of psychology, there is a logical explanation:

- Good, intelligent men in Russia may look too weak and unsuitable for a woman to live in the harsh reality of this country.

- A woman lacks emotions, including negative ones. After all, a person without emotions is bored. Moreover, each of us has a dark and light side of personality, requiring both positive emotions and not so much. It's like a pendulum. A good man cannot give such emotions due to his upbringing, attitude, and possibly shyness.

- Sex with a good man turns out to be boring and “correct”. A woman wants, on the contrary, a bad guy who will “press her against the wall” and make her feel strong excitement. Also "bad" they are more prone to variety and experimentation.

The woman had a father who abused her as a child. He scolded her, behaved disrespectfully towards her, possibly beat her. This model of behavior of a man was fixed in her subconscious, and a good guy will never make her feel. The girl will look for a person similar in behavior to her father. Unconsciously, of course.

What to do if a woman says she doesn't love?

Pleasant in this situation is not enough. But you need to approach it with a sober head. Sometimes a woman can simply provoke a man with such words without saying them sincerely. It's like a kind of "get me" game.

If it is clear that the woman is sincere, then the following steps can be taken:

#1 Challenge her to a frank and honest conversation. Ask her to describe her situation in more detail: what happened, why she lost her feelings and when it happened. When you have complete information, it becomes more clear how to proceed.

#2 If you both come to the conclusion that the situation cannot be played back, then accept this situation. If a woman has stopped loving you, it is pointless to waste your life on further disassembly. Find another love and try the past.

#3 In any case, you can remain good friends. It would be ideal.

I wish sincere, pure and mutual love in your life!

Proper girls don't want your car, wallet and gifts. They want your time, loyalty and respect. When you meet one, you decide to get it.

Having met a decent chick and your potential wife, you decide to behave with dignity and right. You set the task not to make mistakes and behave with dignity, in your opinion. But then misunderstandings, misbehavior and quarrels begin. Some of the things that you think she likes, in reality she can't stand it.

Who doesn't love women in bed? Avoid shaving. If you have a beard, mustache, or tiny cattle, you can annoy your woman unpleasantly by kissing her or during oral sex. You can explore the roughness of the face by lifting the palm or the outside of the hand into the beard or mustache. If your hand feels rough, try imagining how soft and soft tissues react to it. With a thorough brushing or wart using hair conditioners, you can deal with this problem.

Their man does not exist. Physically

Personal hygiene Some women complain that there are men who need to be cleansed of personal hygiene. Women make it clear that men must brush their teeth, use deodorant, and cut their legs. Some women like the pleasant smell of cologne. While our bodies naturally have odor, no one wants that odor to be uncontrollable.

What women don't like

1. Women don't like things to be simple.

No one likes good guys because they don't love and respect themselves. Keep this in mind when dating a new girl. Do not be affectionate, fluffy and without conflict. Defend your interests, be alive, and not a dummy without your own opinion. You don't have to be overly affectionate. They don't believe in instant declarations of love. But if you do it rarely and on special occasions, then she will appreciate it. Not only do you conquer the girl, but also let her conquer you. She will appreciate that you didn't come easy to her. We value our efforts to get what we want. The more complex and expensive we got a thing, the better and more desirable it is.

Manage your language. Don't beat her up by kissing - the tongue shouldn't be in the middle of the throat. This complaint has been heard many times. Apparently, this error often occurs. Try to be gentle, slow, nice. Try kissing her face in a hug and touching her hair and cheeks.

"Kissing Blueberries" While many women love to gently suck their necks, no one wants to wear sweatshirts for weeks with a high neck to hide the marks you left. If you intend to do so, do so in areas covered by clothing and only do so with his permission.

2. Women don't like crazy romance.

Many men think that women are sleeping and dreaming of a romantic candy-bouquet period with flowers and chocolate. This is not entirely true. Women want to see courtship and attention from a man, but not too much. They do not need excessive self-sacrifice, whim indulgence, romantic snot and moonlight sighs. Women want ordinary relationships, without tragedies, fuss and insincerity. You are not stupid teenagers who are not aware of their actions. You are adults who are mature and ready for a real relationship. Don't carry this romantic noodle too actively. This is disingenuous and ridiculous.

Ignoring other areas of my body. The female body is not only two breasts and a vagina. Due to the fact that some men immediately take the breast and vagina, forgetting about other areas of the body, many women are less confused than purified impure nuns. Try to get to know her body without touching her breasts and vagina for a short time. She will love her and she will understand that you are the kind of person who wants to satisfy her.

Move your hands. A woman does not want to show boredom. Stimulate it in every possible way. If you want to rest your hands, contact him with your hands. Most women really love it when they love men for their hands, because they love more unity.

3. Women don't like it when they try to solve problems or let go of the wheel of a relationship.

If a woman complains about something, this does not mean that she is asking for solutions to all her problems. This is an indication of trust. The girl needs more emotional support, care and attention. But this does not mean that decision-making should be left solely on her shoulders. Take responsibility for certain life situations.

Zigzag technique. Although it may seem strange, the body of the body that is most easily invoked is its skin. Therefore, any part of his body, wherever it is, can become an erogenous area, but it depends on you. With your fingertips, move your zigzag movements all over your body. A zigzag motion is more effective than a linear motion because the nerves of the skin, when you touch it, know that it has been touched. When you zigzag, you give the nerves "hope" to touch them. This creates a different, more pleasing effect.

Try it on your hand and feel the difference. During a rough massage. Women often feel that a man's movements are rough. If you are planning on massaging it during insertion, you are thinking correctly, but being too rough can damage everything. During a hasty dressing. You don't really do wisely when you sleep early. It can give a woman that you are expecting sex. Even if you really think that a sexy evening is better to stay in bed until the atmosphere fills up and she releases the shirt first.

4. Women don't like pushy intimacy with her friends and family.

It is important to get along with her girlfriends and especially her family, but nothing more. It makes no sense to make a huge effort to please her entire environment. Like, first of all, your girlfriend, and only then the rest. Don't poke your nose too far if you don't want to annoy her family and friends.

Don't wear pants in the first place. Women believe that there is nothing worse than a man with underwear and socks. Don't turn your head to oral sex. Never. If you want to have oral sex with her, ask her better. Don't push her head towards her cock. Many women say they don't like it.

Warning when orgasm approaches when it is treated orally. This was a very common observation in the questionnaires. Not every woman loves the taste of semen. Tell her that you will feel an orgasm right away so she can choose what to do. Many women say that without telling their husband, she will never get oral sex again.

5. Women do not like maximalism and 100% clarity in relationships.

Leave the girl alone and do not get her with your increased attention. She must miss you a little. Let her miss you a little and rejoice at the meeting. Hold back emotions, feelings, sex drive, love. Don't let her know that your heart is in her power. Let him doubt the strength of your love and desire. Do not reveal all your secrets, secrets, desires and dreams. Solved riddles and puzzles are thrown away. It will also act in the same way. Do not try to understand it and solve it to the smallest detail. Enough love.

Do not make these teenage mistakes that lead to quarrels, misunderstandings and separations. Relationships require composure and intelligence. Strongly in love heads and warm hearts are almost always broken. Be smarter and more experienced.

Many times I saw on the net and heard from friends the question: how to understand that a woman loves me (does not love)? Here is a list of thoughts on this subject, perhaps it will be useful to someone.

1) A (real) man must. The phrase says that you are not perceived as a person, only as part of a global life plan for a particular woman. The most interesting thing is that according to this plan, and it should. More on that below.

2) I have to (want) to get married (before 30). Another marker saying that she is not specifically interested in you. She can also marry Vasya, Fedya, Vanya, saying the same scripted words to them. From the lips of a loving woman you will not hear such words never. This also includes "I should have children." Moreover, to your question “from whom” is she after a pause replies “of course from you, but from whom else?”. From the series “Fresh vegetables? -Uh, darling, if I tell you that you're rotten, you won't buy it! And if I say that it’s fresh, then I’ll immediately buy it! ”

3) The man is the breadwinner. Nobody argues, but there is a nuance - you yourself will want (and you will, attention!, sincerely glad!) To fully provide for your woman if she loves you. But if she doesn't like it, she will tell you such a phrase. The reason for the emergence is the desire to receive benefits without giving anything in return. A loving woman does the opposite - she gives you herself, without asking for something from her side. And the unloving one sees that some men give to their women without any pressure, but they don’t understand why (really!), Why is she worse? probably women recognize their own jambs in relations with their man, while others see the causes of their suffering in unfit men, but at the same time, without even trying to make the relationship fit or leave as soon as possible! They sit on men's necks and whine.

4) You earn little. "Little-many" is an extremely flexible concept. If you have created a couple and live in a rented apartment, even very modestly, but in love, this is extremely enough. But talk about "YOU earn little" in the presence of a financial base that is minimally sufficient for life already shows the worthlessness of a woman, because you can be an oligarch and also earn little, because the Sultan of Bahrain has three hundred oil rigs, and you only a hundred. Cant? Oh how! It's time to earn more! Give 400 towers! This is not enough for a couple (although the woman is cunning, saying “We”), but for her.

5) You are not a man. If you do not believe in yourself and do not know yourself, then such a phrase may look like manipulation, and you will also go to prove the opposite. There is an old joke about “send the word “not a sucker” to the short number 1234. The more you send, the more you are not a sucker. The cost of SMS is 199 rubles. If you know that you are a man, that you yourself decide what and how you do it, such a phrase immediately shows in the chosen one - unfit. Not bad, not rubbish, just not suitable.

6) In the little things you can always find agreement, in things that are complex, and not beneficial for a woman, although beneficial for both of you in a pair (say, to do this and that, you need 100 money, and you have only 70, you need another 30, and she needs to earn extra money) the woman will hobble in every possible way. Remember, comrade, a woman who loves you is ready to invest herself, even without any convictions (and even more so requirements!), Moreover, 50:50. Worthless - in every possible way to look for opportunities to do minimally, and then, with draconian conditions (a very weak woman! And you have to, you are a getter, you are 99 I 1), a scene from "Operation Y" comes to mind, where Shurik puts a huge piece of cement in a stretcher, and the bully Fedya is a little spittle.

7) You do not pay attention to me. Canonical and textbook. How many kilos of attention should you give? Or - how many electric volts? How is attention measured? Not enough attention is only for those who do not pay it themselves!

Heard at least one point? AT LEAST ONE is already a reason to be wary. 2-3+ - the question is removed altogether, because it means that the rest are implied!

And yes, none of the markers are manipulation, Comrades. It is impossible to manipulate a man if he has accepted and knows himself. Manipulation only works on the man who thinks that others know him better than he knows himself!

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