What a real man should never do. Qualities of a Real Man A real man himself will never

Each article about how a man should and should not behave causes a storm of responses on the Internet. Outraged readers respond that all this is too idealized and in our time, gentlemanly standards are no longer relevant. But let's face it: a real man always adheres to certain principles and rules.

If you do not see the behavior of a mature, balanced and emotionally stable man in your partner, do not deceive yourself - this means that you are dating the wrong man. Here are some examples of behavior that you should not see, you should pack up and run in the opposite direction.

1. A good man doesn't criticize your looks.

“Oh, if your hair were longer”, “If you lost a couple of kilograms”, “If you painted more / less.” Good man never speaks about your appearance in a way that upsets you. If he does this, then he is deliberately trying to lower your self-esteem so that you do not feel confident enough to leave him. This is a way to control you, and this is emotional abuse. Get away from him. Immediately.

2. A good man will never violate your personal space.

In a healthy relationship, there is no need for partners to hide anything. messages, emails, contacts in social networks - whatever. However, this does not mean that your partner has the right to read your private correspondence whenever he pleases. The person who does this is showing insecurity or is simply projecting their cheating tendencies onto you. This sign cannot be ignored.

Note: This rule applies only if you have done nothing to arouse his suspicions and have not betrayed his trust.

3. A good man will never undermine your self-confidence.

A sign of self-confidence is supporting the ambitions of others. A good man is always ready to help and support the people around him and will never stoop to insults and humiliation.

4. A good man recognizes your worth, he won't force you to prove it.

As soon as you feel that you have to prove your worth to your partner, you should end this relationship. Your other half should be with you, because she appreciates and respects you, and not force you to prove something.

5. A good man won't let you feel like you're in the background.

Although relationships should not replace all other areas of life, it is still a significant part of it. Often one hears stories of women who are forgotten about for the sake of "an evening with friends" or similar events. Of course, a man should have his own connections and personal life. But there is a difference between an active social life and the removal of a woman from the list of priorities. If you understand that you are waiting for him more time than you spend with him, you should think about your relationship.

6. A good man won't make you feel lonely.

Relationships are partnerships. Teamwork. A two-way street. They should improve your life, not complicate it. If you are with a man who is passive in life and does nothing for you and your relationship, then it's time to reevaluate the situation. It is worth remembering that people tend to sometimes lose motivation and become depressed. If you have been with a person for a long time, you should not immediately break off the relationship at the first emotional downturn. We all go through them. And if a person has always behaved indifferently, as if he does not care about you, it is worth ending such a relationship. You deserve someone who wakes up every morning wanting to do something for you.

7. A good man will never cheat on you.

There is an opinion that monogamy is not natural for a person and we cannot spend our whole life with one partner. Despite the scientific value of this theory, we should not forget another fact: monogamy is a choice that two people make when entering into a relationship. Nothing binds you except this decision. A good man will never cheat, because it means breaking a promise to a loved one.

8. A good man will never disrespect you.

An obvious, simple and basic rule that is often forgotten. A good man respects everyone around him. He will not humiliate and mock people, regardless of their intelligence and official position. Remember that a harmonious person is not afraid of equality.

9. A good man won't avoid important conversations.

A real man understands that it is impossible to solve the problem without meeting it face to face - both in relationships and in the family. Difficulty avoidance is an attempt to avoid the inevitable, which only complicates things. Do not confuse such cowardice with the desire to avoid conflict in general. A real man always knows when to solve a problem and when to avoid a quarrel.

A real man always knows when to solve a problem and when to avoid a quarrel.

10. A good man will never abuse you.

There are many types of violence, it can be not only physical, and not only in relationships. Some may offend children and animals, as well as loved ones. Yet these people have one thing in common. They want to break the other person. A good man realizes that his confidence and value depend only on him, and does not try to belittle others. If there are signs of any type of violence, run without delay. The situation will not get better, and you definitely deserve better.

We must stop making excuses for those who treat us badly. You need to eradicate your tolerance for this kind of thing. Any self-respecting person will treat you with the love and compassion you deserve. If your partner doesn't do that, then why stay with him?

Even if your beloved has a hole instead of a wallet, he was kicked out of work, and he supposedly cannot find a new one, remember: you can always find a job, and if a man dreams not only of self-fulfillment, but also of feeding his family, you can, in the end , and work as a loader before gaining world fame. The trouble is that if you get into the habit of giving your beloved large sums, sooner or later it will end in tragedy - you will have to first find a second, then a third job, and, believe me, this will no longer cause love in your life.

Give expensive gifts

Remember O'Henry's story "The Gift of the Magi", where the main character sold her hair to buy her husband a watch chain, and the husband, in turn, sold the same watch, wanting to give his wife a set of combs? Of course, no one forces you to cut your hair, but gifts should still be of equal value. It makes no sense to present your lover with a python skin briefcase or, better yet, buy a car if he will give you another food processor. Firstly, an attempt to win a man with money will most likely not lead to success, unless, of course, this is a real man - on the contrary, you can only push him away with expensive gifts, especially if he cannot afford such a luxury. Secondly, if you come across an unscrupulous representative of the stronger sex, love can turn into use.


For a long time, an ironic text about crying men was walking around the Internet. Like, if your man is crying, pat him on the shoulder, and if he continues to shed tears after that, buy a diaper for your chosen one. Oddly enough, in reality, these tips really work. Not on that scale, of course. The problem is that, unlike our half of humanity, a man does not feel love for pity for him. That is, to put it simply, he will complain about life to you, as well as wind snot on his fist, whine, moan - in front of you, and walk and, which is typical, play a wedding - with others. Our problem is that we always imagine that complaints are a sign of a deep relationship, because you, unhappy and lonely, are pulling him out of the abyss of despair. Remember the infamous Little Mermaid - she saved the Prince, but he married someone else!

Say the phrase "I told you"

Even if you are a hundred times right. Even if you are right a million times, and you warned him, warned him and said the right thing, but he dared to disobey you. There is nothing more provocative than your phrase "I told you." Firstly, you turned out to be smarter than him, and secondly, you pointed it out to him. Very tactless! Be sure that now your loved one will surely be offended, moreover, he will most likely remind you of his unfortunate mistake in the near future.

Give up personal life and career

A housewife hung like a Christmas tree - with balls, towels, baby sliders and all sorts of everyday problems - this is certainly good, but, unfortunately, the more we devote our lives to our men, children and household chores, the faster our beloved loses interest in us . Sooner or later, he will want, firstly, to be alone, and secondly, to look at a beautiful woman. And be sure, in most cases, if you are not able to throw off your frayed dressing gown and apron without hesitation, he will find another object of admiration for himself. By the way, this does not mean at all that your faithful will rush headlong to look for a mistress. No, he will just admire someone else ... another.

The same applies to your personal time, intimate space. If you got married, this does not mean at all that you need to abandon friends, work and other things that are pleasant for you. On the contrary, the more varied and complete your life outside the family is, the more your soul mate will be drawn to you. Again, do not forget - in everything you need to know the measure.

Change appearance

Yes, of course, we women passionately love to change. If today we liked being a brunette, it is quite possible that tomorrow we will decide to dye our hair blonde, red, and even add a few blue or pink strands, all this is within the normal range. If your lover insists on a radical change of image, it’s time to think about it. Cut or grow hair to please a man? Just because he wanted to? It’s not worth it, especially if you are one of those lucky women who not only manage to earn money and cook breakfasts and dinners, but also take care of themselves. In the end, if your chosen one prefers thin "unisex" girls, and you look much more like a Kustodievsky young lady, why not advise a man to find his ideal for himself, and not try to fit you to incredible parameters. In any case, your man should accept you for who you are (of course, within reasonable limits), otherwise this is simply not your man - alas, there are much more of those on the path of life than we would like.


A. Griber

women love different men. But every woman dreams of her knight, who will come to her on a white horse. And even if a man does not have armor and a horse, he must still be a real man.

What is he - a real man?

1. A real man is distinguished by his kindness to a woman. He does not thrill her nerves with his pride, strength of character and male logic.

2. A real man calls a woman first. Especially after a fight. And then he comes back to her, takes her in his arms and kisses her gently.

3. A real man does not offend a woman, does not yell at her, does not insult her, does not kill her with words. Because it is unbearably painful for a woman to hear evil words from her most beloved and dear man. A real man does not leave scars on a woman's heart, from which cynicism and indifference then grow.

4. A real man is passionately, violently and violently jealous of a woman. But he never tells her that it's her fault. A real man does not reproach or blame a woman. For a real man, a woman remains a saint. With his jealousy, a real man shows a woman that he loves her, appreciates her and is afraid of losing her.

5. A real man tells a woman that she is everything to him, that with her he is like in paradise. A real man says it like he'll never get a chance to tell her everything again.

6. A real man does not spare promises and is not afraid to deceive a woman.

7. A real man just lives relationships, and does not build them, just loves, suffers and burns.

8. A real man says what he thinks right now, right this minute.

9. A real man compliments a woman.

10. A real man is attentive to a woman. He gives her gifts and surprises.

11. A real man enjoys every little thing from a woman. Because in these little things lies the love of a woman for a man, her concern for him, her attention to him. Because in every gift from a woman, a real man feels her soul in love with him.

12. A real man fights for a woman, protects her. Because she is his queen. And even if a woman is wrong, a real man will never, by word or deed, show this to anyone around.

13. A real man endures all the tantrums of a woman, realizing that she is full of hormones that rebel. A real man comes up to a woman, hugs her and tells her about his love.

14. A real man forgives a woman.

15. A real man tells a woman everything as it is. But he is not silent and does not allow a woman to spend sleepless nights thinking about his silence, action or inaction. A real man saves a woman from these bitter and unhappy minutes, hours, days.

16. A real man should be able to admit he was wrong.

17. A real man loves a woman, spoils her, carries her in his arms, calls her queen, fights for her, fights for her.

18. A real man is kind and generous to a woman. He shocks her with beautiful, sweeping gestures.

19. A real man understands a woman.


Do you want to know what a real man should not do if he wants to appear as such in the eyes of his new passion? Recently, women all over the world unanimously declare that there are no real men left; they seem to have disappeared somewhere. American psychologists offer their list of several erroneous questions which, in their opinion, a real man should never ask a woman he meets or recently met, unless, of course, he wants to look like a real brutal macho in her eyes, confident in himself and his actions. It is clear that some tips cannot be read without a smile, but if you think about it, then and in them you can find a certain grain of truth. After all, in the end, out of a desire to please a girl, you can avoid the temptation to ask such questions!

1. A real man should never ask a woman he recently met for permission to kiss her. Firstly, most women, even if they wanted to, would answer such a question in the negative. Secondly, asking a similar question, the man, as it were, demonstrates himself in the role of a little boy asking permission for something. Women are not interested in little boys! They are more interested in big machos. And even if she answers such a question with consent, be sure that she could do this only for two reasons - either out of pity or out of politeness.

2. A real man should never ask a woman he recently met when she could meet him again. Any woman wants to see in a man, first of all, a leader who is able to keep the situation under control. Agree the leader will never ask permission to flirt or date - he will simply appoint it himself. A brutal man is simply obliged to look at a woman with a confident look and say something like: "I think we should meet again.! I'll call you tomorrow afternoon, leave me your phone number." Or immediately ask the woman what place she would like to visit next time.

3. A real man should never show off his house or car to a woman he has just met, even if they are actually gorgeous. In the eyes of any woman such phrases will only look like a pathetic attempt to impress her through material possessions as if all other methods had already been tried; or as if in all other ways she is simply unworthy. A real man should know that his magnificent house or expensive car will already impress a woman if she ever sees them.

4. A real man, setting up a date with his lady of the heart, whom he recently met, should never ask her what she is doing tonight. That way you can not get on a date with her for a very long time! A real man should take the initiative into his own hands (especially since this is expected of him!) and independently offer the woman a program for the upcoming evening, thereby demonstrating that he is a person capable of taking on the burden of making all the decisions in this life.

5. A real man should never ask a woman he recently met if she likes him, as this is one of those phrases that can instantly divert a woman's attention from such a man. A real man must a priori assume that he likes the woman he is courting(even if it's not entirely true, or not at all!). However, it is categorically impossible to ask such a question, since any woman will instantly understand that you are insecure. And an insecure man can no longer be considered a real man!

6. A real man will never seek an explanation from a woman with whom he recently started dating why she did not answer his text message. This should not be done in any case for two reasons: firstly, the woman will think that the man is trying to control her because he doubts his own viability, like a macho. Secondly, such a question can cause a woman to feel guilty, after which she simply does not want to communicate with you at all - if only not to experience this feeling again, and not to get into an awkward position!

7. A real man will never ask the woman he's dating (no matter how long it takes!), how many men she's dated (or worse, slept with) before him. This is the most important question on which every normal woman, firstly, will lie, and secondly, he will immediately feel that such a man is not completely confident in himself, and therefore can hardly claim the title of macho or brutal man.

8. A real man should never, in some half-hint, make it clear to a woman with whom he has just met by chance that he would not mind asking her out on a date. Such a man is likely to face a blank wall of misunderstanding. and will not wait for help from a woman in this difficult matter. And this will not be at all because the woman will not understand and will not see such a desire in this man - of course, she will guess everything! But a woman needs a real macho who would take the initiative into his own hands, and would not show how he gives in to her.

9. A real man, if he first called a woman whom he had only recently met and picked up the phone, would not immediately make an appointment with her. Again, there are two reasons: firstly, by making a first date after the first phone call to a girl, a man becomes extremely predictable. Secondly, by doing this, a man deprives a woman of the opportunity to recruit this man herself (moreover, unexpectedly for him and for himself as well!). A real man will simply take an interest in her affairs, mood. Then he will thank for the conversation, say goodbye and promise to call her again soon. Be sure - if you do not do this, then the woman herself will recruit you.

10. A real man will never speak badly about the friends and girlfriends of his woman, whom he recently met, especially if he does not know anyone from her company! And already, of course, a real man, also, will not allow himself bad statements about a woman's mother with whom he recently met, or has been dating for a long time. If such a man allows himself such statements, he will immediately "slide" into the category of "fake" men, who is better kept away from both his company and his mother.

8 great reasons...

So many guys and so few real men.

I'm annoyed by these guys who go around and pretend to be men. In fact, I recently lost a potential relationship because of them. These "false men" managed to "light up" in front of women, deceive them, betray and kill their faith in the powers that be. There are not so many representatives of the weaker sex left who can still believe men.

I've never been dishonest with women before. And I never even had such a desire. But, unfortunately, I met very few women who would believe me in this life. I am sure that I am not the only man who has faced a similar problem in his life.

I believe that quite a few great guys are forced to bear the burden of "betrayal and faith in a loved one" that the ex-boyfriends of their chosen ones have placed on them. When a man betrays a woman, she will never be able to trust him again. Never is by no means an exaggerated concept, it is a real “never”. Unfortunately, this will also affect the next chosen one of this woman.

After a betrayal, a woman cannot move away for a long time. She then for many years will not be able to trust men. A real man never betrays. Here's the reason why it doesn't:

1. A real man is emotionally stable.

We all know that women have trouble controlling their emotions. To be honest, sometimes it's even worse for men. While women "emotion" and blow off steam, men "cook" in their own thoughts.

But all this happens until the cup of patience of a man overflows, and he does not explode. When something goes wrong in a relationship, women can boldly scream, cry, complain, reproach, get angry, silence or starve. But men are different! Weak men pretend that they do not care about everything that happens around them.

But, when their cup of patience overflows, they look for means to splash out their emotions. They start drinking, smoking, fucking everything that moves. And, unfortunately, such a period of silent war with his beloved woman leads to the fact that he begins to sleep with everyone.

A real man deals with his emotions in a different way, more restrained.

2. A real man has enough willpower to keep "his household" in his pants.

Sorry gentlemen for saying this out loud, but if you are a man, you will naturally sleep with any beauty you meet along the way. I'm talking about bachelors now.

If you are a real man, then you will not risk a stable relationship for a few minutes of pleasure with an unfamiliar woman with whom you have some chemistry and nothing more. If you want to sleep with someone, then why not do it with a woman who loves you?!

If sex with your partner bored you a little, then diversify it. Both are involved in this process, so, for example, if she does not lick the cream off you, then lick the cream off her yourself.

3. Real men don't date people they don't love, or don't even believe they can love one day.

Of course, we've all dated someone we weren't in love with. I generally don't believe in love at first sight, but cases are different. However, a large number of guys still date women just for the sake of convenience.

Why go out into the street and look for someone when there is one who can always come herself?! Real men understand that women are not toys, and do not perceive them simply as a way to satisfy their needs.

When men know they can't love this woman, they end the relationship instead of dragging it out in the hope that she can be their second choice.

4. A real man is always respectful

People trust when they see respect in their direction. It is respect that is an obligatory aspect of communication, especially in relation to the woman you are dating. Change is a lie. It kills trust and shows that you do not take into account the feelings of your partner, friend and just a person who has been next to you for a certain period of time.

There is nothing worthy in treason, this is not done with loved ones. If a woman stops believing in you, then it is final and irrevocable. I came to this conclusion after going through a long and difficult road of error of my own.

5. A real man does not keep a list of his sexual partners. He does not need this to feel and understand himself as a real man.

A real man knows for sure that he is a man. It is felt in his every movement, deeds. And he doesn't do anything special for it. He doesn't need to expose himself. All this is reflected in his actions.

So many men in today's society believe that the more sexual partners they have, the better they are as men. Women are like a game for them, like a kind of commodity that needs to be collected.

Women are not toys! And the game we all play is called life. Betrayal is sometimes too expensive, and when high stakes you can even ruin your life.

6. A real man will never hurt the woman he loves.

I'll be honest with you, a real man will not offend any of the women. A real man takes care of himself and all those who are close and dear to him.

If you are already lucky enough to meet the woman you really love, and you have not managed to lose her, then do everything possible and impossible to make her smile. There is nothing worse than losing someone you love so much. Mistakes are mistakes, but there is such a thing as forgiveness.

7. A real man always knows what's really important in life - and it's definitely not casual sex.

Men are too busy pursuing their dreams. They are all the time in achieving what they want out of life. At the same time, they objectively realize what they want from life.

As men, we want the best from the world and the people around us. And only when we get what we wanted, comes the realization that in fact, not the best ways were chosen to achieve our goal. I mean, it's really cool when you have one woman with you, but you love it. Quantity doesn't matter here, quality matters.

Being around a woman who loves you and accepts you with all your flaws is what really matters. The rest you don't even want to remember.

8. A real man always has the courage to break off relations with a woman.

If you decide to cheat on your woman, then you no longer want to be with her. Take courage and end the relationship. You will still do it sooner or later.

Break this bond, break out of this maze. Act like a man, don't act like a coward.

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