Generalized itching or itching all over the body. The body itches: reasons, what to do? What to do if the skin itches

An article on the topic: "reasons why the body itches without visible signs of the disease. features of itching" from professionals.


Far from always discomfort accompanied by skin rashes. More than half of patients' visits are associated with itching without rashes, which is a symptom or a harbinger of any ailment. Why does the body begin to itch? How can you eliminate itching without rashes? This is what will be discussed in our article.

Itching - what is it?

Unpleasant sensations that occur on the skin of a person, which make him itch, are called pruritus. More intricate definitions of the concept of "itch" are extremely rare, since scientists and physicians have not yet been able to fully study the mechanism of the appearance and spread of such a phenomenon.

Initially, itchy sensations occur on the surface of the epidermis, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin nerves, which are located in close proximity to the skin. After that, the corresponding signal enters the spinal centers. From there to the brain.

As practice shows, most often itching occurs against the background of exposure to various irritants, which can be both in the body itself and outside it. The scratching reflex can also occur against the background of exposure to environmental factors.

Some scientists believe that itching is a modified form of pain. The latter also occurs as soon as the nerve endings in the skin are irritated.

Why do people itch

While combing the affected areas, a person conducts a kind of self-massage of itchy parts of the body. With such manipulations, blood circulation processes, as well as lymph flow, are enhanced. There is a removal of harmful substances, the nerve endings stop being irritated.

In some cases, itchy sensations occur in perfectly healthy tissues. As a rule, they appear against the background of accumulation of metabolic products in certain parts of the body. Such itching does not require specific medical measures And, in 99% of cases, it goes away on its own.

What is itching: the main types


According to the classification common among physicians, itching of the skin is divided into two main types.

Localized. A person is disturbed by itchy sensations that occur on a particular part of the body. So, various parts of the body can itch: from head to toe. Dermatological diseases (fungal lesions, pediculosis, urticaria, etc.) are the main and most common cause of such itching. In medical practice, the following subspecies of localized itching are most common:

  • Itching of the scalp. Occurs due to pediculosis, seborrhea, dandruff. Read more about itchy scalp here.
  • anal itching- Unpleasant sensations occur in the anus (anus). As a rule, anal itching is characteristic of diabetics, people suffering from hemorrhoids, helminthic infestations, etc.
  • Vaginal itching in the representatives of the weaker sex. Appears against the backdrop of various gynecological diseases, the most common of which is thrush.

Generalized. Another name is widespread itching. The patient experiences unpleasant itching sensations throughout the body, which can be due to many different reasons.

The frequency of itching also matters. Both the first and second types of it can disturb a person constantly, or declare themselves periodically. In addition, physicians distinguish different types of itching according to the degree of intensity: from weak to very strong. With severe itching, a person may experience:

  • insomnia, loss of appetite;
  • a constant desire to scratch the whole body or its individual parts;
  • wounds on the surface of the skin as a result of strong scratching of itchy places.

Itching at night

Scientists have found that most often itching torments a person in the afternoon. Mostly in the evening or at night. This circumstance is easily explained: in the evening, the vessels dilate significantly, while blood circulation increases. The temperature of the skin rises slightly, resulting in an increased level of exposure to irritants. In addition, a long stay in bed leads to an increase in body temperature, which, in turn, contributes to increased blood circulation and faster delivery of waste products to the skin.

Why you want to itch: common reasons

Most often, itching occurs against the background of banal dryness of the epidermis. As a rule, dryness makes itself felt in the cold season. If so, then we are talking about seasonal itching that does not require special treatment and passes by itself with the advent of heat or through the use of special cosmetics.

Elena Malysheva and her colleagues understand why a person itches, the causes of itching of the skin and the main methods of getting rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Psychogenic itching

It is the body's response to stress. In the vast majority of cases, it occurs in women over the age of 40 years. It may be accompanied by other symptoms: unpleasant sensations and tastes in the mouth, burning of the tongue, a feeling of the presence of foreign bodies, organisms, etc. in the body.

An unpleasant symptom, as a rule, is experienced by people of advanced age. In the process of aging, the skin of older people undergoes significant changes, loses its elasticity, properties, becomes excessively dry. This causes discomfort. Quite often, itching due to dryness of the epidermis appears after removing clothes.

Many patients report generalized itching that starts in the back and spreads to other parts of the body. In some cases, excessive dryness of the skin and itching are not a consequence of the aging process, but occur against the background of intestinal dysfunction, with severe atherosclerosis, thyroid disorders, or other serious ailments.

Medications and itching

An unpleasant symptom can also occur during drug treatment. This type itching manifests itself as an individual reaction of the body to medications. Patients are interested in the question of which drugs most often provoke itching:

  • preparations such as acetylsalicylic acid, opium and their derivatives;
  • erythromycin;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • medicines containing estrogen.

It is these drugs that are the most common "culprits" of pruritus without a rash. Also, the body can itch a lot while taking contraceptives in tablet form.

Itching during pregnancy

Starting from the second half of the second trimester, unpleasant symptom makes itself felt in about a third of pregnant women. The constant desire to scratch passes immediately after childbirth and does not require specific treatment.

Diseases that cause itching

Diabetes. The most common ailment is the culprit of itching without redness and rash. Unpleasant sensations in diabetes occur against the background of a decrease in the threshold of susceptibility and all kinds of complications. Patients with diabetes suffer mainly from localized itching in the genital area, as well as in the anus, which occurs against the background of developed thrush. The latter occurs due to an increase in blood sugar levels. Up to half of diabetics suffer from thrush.

Itching on the body is not observed in all diabetics. An unpleasant symptom occurs only in 20-30% of patients with increased rates blood glucose and metabolic disorders.

In the case of diabetic neuropathy, the patient is concerned about itching in the scalp, which decreases with adequate treatment of the underlying ailment and a decrease in sugar.

Doctors assure that it is impossible to say in advance whether a diabetic patient will have itching or not. At the same time, the severity of itching has no connection with the duration of the disease, the age and gender of the patient.

Cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Often a harbinger of cirrhosis is generalized itching of the skin, which may appear several months before the onset of jaundice and 1-2 years before the onset of true symptoms of a serious illness. In such cases, itching usually begins suddenly. First, the patient's palms begin to itch, then the soles. In later stages, itching "disperses" throughout the body.

To reduce the manifestations of itching in case of liver problems, taking a drug such as Cholestyramine helps.

About 25% of people with jaundice also suffer from itchy skin. In patients with hepatitis, itching is noted only in 10-15% of cases.

kidney failure. Most patients with this disease (about 90%) note the presence of itching. During or immediately after the hemodialysis procedure, itching is most pronounced. At the same time, the age of the patient, his gender and the duration of hemodialysis treatment do not affect the likelihood of itching sensations.

mental illness(neurosis, psychosis, etc.) are also accompanied by pruritus. There is a close correlation between the irritating factor (stress) and the intensity of itching.

Sexually transmitted diseases(STD). They declare themselves with severe itching in the genital area. The symptom is characteristic of both the male and female half. With STDs, itching is not the only symptom of the disease. As a rule, the patient is concerned about discharge from the genital organs with an atypical odor and color, pain syndrome.

Malignant neoplasms. Also, itching can be the first symptom of lymphoma. Rarely - cancer. Up to 3% of tumors of various nature are manifested by itching.

The use of opium drugs exacerbates the widespread itching that is felt throughout the body.

Skin diseases different nature . The most common are: neurodermatitis, contact and atopic dermatitis, urticaria, fungal infections, scabies, pediculosis, psoriasis. In addition to itching, with the above ailments, a person may be disturbed by:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • hair loss in certain parts of the body;
  • redness at the site of injury and swelling;
  • suppuration of the skin.

Itchy skin in adults (video)

Symptoms, causes and treatment of severe itchy skin in adults. Practical recommendations from a doctor and methods for preventing itching.

Diagnosis and treatment of itching

For treatment to be effective, the underlying cause of the itching must be established. In this case, a visit to a dermatologist will be the best solution. The doctor will conduct a survey and tell you what examination should be done, as well as make a diagnosis. It is possible that a consultation with a dermatologist alone will not be enough to determine the causes of itching. Therefore, consultations of narrow specialists can be recommended: an endocrinologist, an allergist, a general practitioner, etc.

In the process of diagnosis, it is important to exclude the presence of the most common diseases accompanied by itching - diabetes mellitus, STDs, helminthic invasions, diseases of the large and small intestines, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of itching is carried out in several main areas:

  • Determination of the root causes of unpleasant itchy sensations.
  • Topical treatment (more often used for localized itching).
  • Complex (systemic) treatment.

If itching bothers you for a long time, you should make an appointment with a doctor. Immediately before taking it, it is not recommended to take any measures to eliminate or reduce itching: drink antihistamines, smear the affected areas with any compounds, since such manipulations can significantly complicate the diagnosis.

Therapeutic measures

If itching is not caused by any systemic disease that requires a special approach and specific complex treatment, then the following will come to the rescue:

Local treatment. If the whole body itches, doctors recommend periodically moistening the skin with a 5% solution of vinegar with a sponge. Well remove the unpleasant symptoms of powder on a talc basis. With genital and anal itching, regular hygiene is important: you should wash yourself 2-3 times a day with baby or laundry soap.

With anal itching, washing after each bowel movement is mandatory.

Itching in the anus is effectively removed with the help of various ointments with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect: Triderm, Ultraprokt, etc. It is worth emphasizing that their use gives only a short-term effect and does not eliminate the root cause of itching. Symptoms disappear only at the time of their use.

Systemic treatment. Held at elevated level histamine in the skin. In this case, the patient is recommended to take antihistamines. The most common are Suprastin, Tavegil, Erius, Loratadin. As a rule, people who are bothered by itching are very nervous and irritable. To relieve excessive nervousness in case of skin itching, soothing sedative drugs are used: Novopassit, valerian, motherwort in alcohol form, mint tea, etc.

  • give Special attention compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Moisturize the skin regularly to prevent excessive dryness of the epidermis, which can cause itching.
  • Refuse products that promote vasodilation and increased itching: spices, strong tea and coffee, too hot food and so on.
  • Avoid overheating of the body, carefully monitor the air temperature in the room.
  • Minimize stressful situations nervous tension and increased anxiety, get enough sleep.

What to do if itching occurs for no apparent reason

  • To eliminate excessive dryness of the skin, warm, not hot, baths are used, which are carried out every other day. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It is important to use a hypoallergenic soap that does not cause dry skin. The ideal solution is for children. After the bath, do not rub the skin with a towel. Pat your body dry with a soft terry towel and generously lubricate with a moisturizer or body lotion.
  • If itching is caused by elevated air temperature in the room, wet towels hung on heaters or open containers of water will help moisten the air.
  • If you notice that itching occurs when the skin comes into contact with clothing, you should abandon outfits made of synthetic fabrics.
  • Allergic people should eliminate everything that can lead to allergies and itching: allergenic foods, remove flowers, pets from the room, regularly wet clean to avoid dust accumulation, remove feather pillows and blankets, etc.
  • If parts of the body itch, cold bandages may help. Only the affected areas of the body should be lightly bandaged.
  • To prevent scratching the affected areas to blood and infection, it is recommended to cut your nails short. For severe itching, wear soft gloves.
  • Stick to a diet that excludes irritating components. Preference should be given to dairy products, as well as products plant origin. It is important to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, lean meats and fish. It is important to refuse products such as canned food, meat and fish broths, smoked meat products, sweets, spices, chocolate, coffee.
  • With itching of the skin, rubbing the affected areas with lard (lard) or tar helps well.

As you can see, it is quite possible to get rid of unpleasant itchy sensations on the skin. The main thing is to diagnose the cause of itching in time, to pass complex treatment, and eliminate irritating factors from everyday life. Remember, treatment started on time will significantly reduce the time for treatment procedures and allow you to quickly forget about an unpleasant symptom. 0 comments

Itching over the body without rashes can be anatomical. Such itching cannot be cured without eliminating the underlying disease. The use of the best antipruritic agents will bring results only as an element of a complete treatment.

Possible causes of itching on the body without rashes

The skin is practically composed of nerve endings. Even a slight breeze or a sudden insect can cause the skin to react, and there will be an uncomfortable feeling in the area of ​​irritation, in other words, itching of the body.

Having analyzed in detail each disease, you can safely determine why the body can itch, and how to eliminate itching.

Skin scabies with this disease is a common occurrence. When the liver is healthy, the body is gradually cleared of harmful substances; a diseased liver cannot cope with this task. A lot of toxins begin to accumulate in the body, which are excreted in slow motion. They become a source of irritation and appear at night.

A characteristic symptomatology is sleep disturbance due to itching of the body.

On the subject: Quincke's edema (photo)

In frequent cases, itching of the body becomes the first symptom of diabetes that has not yet manifested itself. The appearance of scabies is due to a delay in the tissues of carbohydrate metabolism products. In addition to all this, small blood vessels and nerves are damaged, which gives severe disruptions in the sensitivity of the skin.

The affected area becomes: genitals, axillary zone, anal ring. To alleviate the condition and reduce the itching of the body, it is enough to give up sweets and get rid of unnecessary nerves.

An unpleasant disease, albeit a fairly common one. The activity of helminths is strongly manifested at night, causing severe itching of the body.

The most common case is when the body itches in different places. Anything can serve as an allergenic source - from a flower on the window to a new perfume. In each case, a rash appears.

To identify the source of the rash, it is necessary to pass a full range of tests, go through several stages of the examination. This should not be delayed, as a number of serious consequences are possible.

If the skin is constantly itchy, this may indicate a blood disease. It is worth donating blood for analysis, and if high hemoglobin and an increased number of red blood cells are shown, in 70% of cases it is polycythemia.

See also: red dots on the skin

Troubles at work, problems in personal life and many similar factors very strongly affect the psychosomatics of a person. As a result of stress, nerve endings malfunction. The skin may itch for hours or short periods.

Eliminating the itching of the body is quite easy if you find and eliminate the points that cause stress.

Appears in spring or autumn. Such a problem as seasonal itching of the body occurs with a severe lack of vitamins in the body (avitaminosis). It is enough to drink a course of vitamins, which will be prescribed by the attending physician.

If itching begins in winter, you need to contact a dermatologist.

If this problem occurs, it is better to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe the necessary series of tests, medications and procedures.

As a rule, not only problems with the physical or mental state of a person can become a source of body itching.

There are a number various diseases, which differ not only in symptoms, but also in severity.

  • Diffuse neurodermatitis. With this disease, the strongest itching of the body is manifested, which passes from one area to another. There is a severe rash. The cause of the disease can be an external factor - a scratch, a cut, and so on.
  • Dermatitis. Occurs when you are allergic to specific foods or other strong allergens. Symptoms are pronounced: redness, severe itching of the body, the formation of white coatings. Almost all areas on the body serve as the site of the lesion, but most often the face and sides. The disease is difficult to treat, at the first manifestations it is necessary to urgently contact the KVD.
  • Hives. Often appears in young children, on vulnerable areas of the skin. Occurs on the abdomen, outer sides of the palms, buttocks, back. Characteristic redness, swelling of the affected areas, severe itching of the body are the main symptoms of this disease.
  • Pediculosis(lice). The main area of ​​damage is the head. Features - the appearance of small bites, wounds, depressions, severe itching.
  • Scabies. One of the most severe types of skin diseases. Scabies activity is most pronounced at night, which greatly affects sleep patterns. In addition to the physical state, the mental state is also disturbed, due to the constant itching of the body, neurosis and other symptoms may appear.

According to medical statistics, many people are faced with a similar problem. Most often, the factors arise from the physical side of the body and are easier to treat. Cases with a mental aspect of the occurrence of body itching are also not uncommon, but they are much more difficult to cure.

What to do if there are strong indicators of the disease? At the first symptoms, immediately go to the hospital. They conduct a detailed examination, find out what reason served as the manifestation of a skin disease.

The inspection includes a number of the following procedures:

  • temperature measurement;
  • fatigue test;
  • systematic weight loss;
  • checking for skin manifestations;
  • checking the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • determination of the state of the nervous system and the general mental state of the patient;
  • if there are problems with the visual apparatus - an additional series of tests;
  • checking changes in basic mental indicators (sleep, appetite, mood swings).

Be sure to take blood from a finger and a vein, urine and other necessary tests to understand which disease has similar symptoms.

If the dermatologist finds it difficult to answer what it is it may be necessary to consult other narrow specialists. The cause of body itching can be not only in the skin, but also in the internal organs (heart, liver, etc.).

As soon as it became clear what the itching on the body comes from and an inflammatory factor is found, treatment can begin. IN this case used as traditional medicine, and medicinal.

In this area, traditional medicine shows itself from the best side.

To forget about itching all over the body once and for all, it will be enough:

  1. Take a herbal bath. Use only nettle (if the disease is not hives), chamomile, mint (menthol essence) or celandine.
  2. Lemon juice will be a good helper to eliminate itching all over the body. But it is strictly forbidden to smear them with places with broken skin.
  3. To soothe irritated skin, basil is quite acceptable. It contains many vitamins that play a key role in skin health. Rub a fresh basil leaf on the affected areas.

If finances do not allow you to purchase expensive medicines, traditional medicine will be a good helper in many situations. The exceptions are cases when ulcers or blisters appear on the skin.

As for the treatment with medicines, they are prescribed by the attending physician. The list of drugs may vary depending on the severity of the disease, personal symptoms and individual character body of every person.

The general list of medicines is:

  • Ointment "Erythromycin". Relieves itching, eliminates redness, has a pleasant cooling effect.
  • Tablets "Doksibene" - a strong anti-inflammatory antibiotic. It is issued strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
  • In addition to medicines, spicy, salty, bitter and fried foods are removed from the diet.
  • An infusion of chamomile tea will help the body calm down, slightly reduce active itching.

Self-treatment at home is not excluded. It happens only in consultation with a specialist. The doctor can register, create a disease card, so that in case of complications, he can provide the necessary assistance.

A number of home self-treatment procedures for itching on the body include:

  • Making gauze compresses with burdock roots. Finely grind the dried roots, then pour a liter of water and cook for half an hour. After cooking, dip a gauze cloth into the solution and hold for 3-4 minutes. When finished, apply to the affected area. The result comes quickly, within 10-15 minutes.
  • Preparation of coniferous conditioner. Pour young pine buds (100–200 gr.) with a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Wash with a cooled broth, thoroughly rinse the places that itch. After a few days, the main symptoms should disappear or noticeably decrease.

If the disease turned out to be of a mental nature, a number of procedures are completely different. Walking on fresh air, especially in the evenings, will affect a speedy recovery. More time should be devoted to your favorite activities, narrowing the circle of contacts only to close and dear people. Thus, in 90% the root of depression disappears, and with it the itching disappears.

The remaining 10% are clinically ill, and the help of a psychotherapist is needed here. The method of psychotherapy will help to find the essence of the disease, to analyze the factors of occurrence in detail. Then a series of rehabilitation measures takes place, and only after this the patient can be considered healthy.

Older people are not prescribed many medications. The body is in an extremely weakened state, against the background of the manifestation of the disease. In such cases, one often resorts to traditional medicine. The effect will be similar, but safer for health.

Note: creams, body lotions and many other cosmetic products with a moisturizing effect are essential. They soften the skin, eliminate dryness and inflammation, thereby accelerating the regeneration of damaged skin. Taking a warm bath with soothing herbs also has a positive effect on well-being.

In the room where the patient spends most of his leisure time, it is desirable to maintain a cool temperature. This helps to alleviate the condition of the skin of the body.

Important to remember: It is not always necessary to self-medicate. Even the most harmless itch can carry many consequences. It is better to consult a doctor and only with his permission to carry out rehabilitation measures at home.

Skin itching is the most common complaint with which patients come to see a dermatologist. In most cases, this symptom is accompanied by rashes, but in some diseases, itching can be an isolated symptom. Sometimes clinical picture accompanied by burning and tingling, but itching remains the main symptom and requires an extended examination. In rare cases, generalized skin itching can be a symptom of malignant tumors, so you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. Appoint proper treatment and the problem can be eliminated only after a thorough diagnosis and determination of the cause that caused the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Itching of the body without a rash: causes

What is itching like?

Itching is a sensation of burning or strong tingling in the surface layer of the epidermis. It can occur not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the mucous membranes. Areas of the body that are constantly in contact with environment are often soiled or wet. For example, at obese women The area under the bust can be a problem area. This part of the body often sweats, and sweat is an excellent breeding ground for fungus and pathogenic bacteria that cause severe burning. Sometimes an unpleasant putrid odor may appear, but more often women complain only that the skin under the breast itches.

Itching can occur on the skin of the genitals, feet, elbows and knees, and other areas. Such an itch is called localized, since it appears in a certain part of the body (has a certain localization). Sometimes tingling and burning sensation occurs over the entire surface of the body - this form of pathology is generalized.

What is pruritus

According to the time of occurrence and severity of the process, itching can be:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

Provoking factors in acute itching are most often various allergens: animal hair, houseplants, food, dust. Sometimes such a reaction occurs when using certain drugs, so people with poor tolerance to any synthetic components should definitely inform the doctor about this.

Chronic itching can be a sign of several diseases, and most of them are not related to dermatology. A qualified doctor will help to correctly determine the cause of discomfort. You need to start the examination with a visit to a therapist or dermatologist, according to the indications, the patient may be assigned additional studies and consultations of specialized specialists: an endocrinologist, an immunologist, an allergist and a gastroenterologist.

The pathogenesis of pruritus

Itching without a rash: possible causes

If itching has been bothering you for a long time, while other signs of allergy (rash, lacrimation, redness of the eye sclera) are absent, you need to check the work internal organs, since the causes of such symptoms can be very serious. Sometimes, to eliminate itching, it is enough to remove a product from the menu or refuse to use certain drugs, replacing them with drugs with a similar effect, but in some cases, treatment can be long and difficult, so you should not delay going to the hospital.

Etiology of pruritus

hepatitis and cirrhosis

More than 100,000 people die each year from cirrhosis of the liver. In 80% of cases, the pathology has an extremely unfavorable prognosis, especially if, in addition to the liver, the nervous system is also affected. Life expectancy with progressive cirrhosis is usually 4-5 years, while death can occur much earlier if the patient does not follow the doctor's recommendations for regimen and treatment.

At an early stage, cirrhosis is almost asymptomatic. The only sign by which one can suspect violations in the work of the “main filter” of the body is generalized itching. It occurs due to the fact that the liver cells (hepatocytes) are gradually destroyed, and the body cannot fully perform the functions of filtering and cleansing the blood of toxins, poisons and allergens.

Stages of cirrhosis of the liver

As the pathology progresses, the patient may notice other manifestations, which include:

  • an increase in the abdomen while maintaining the parameters of other organs;
  • yellowing of the skin and eye sclera;
  • periodic fluctuations in body temperature;
  • increased itching.

The same signs are characteristic of different types of hepatitis, therefore, when they appear, it is urgent to take tests and do an ultrasound of the liver to confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis.


Itching diabetes of any type is localized and occurs mainly on the genitals. Sometimes the patient has a desire to scratch his hands in the area of ​​​​the elbows, feet and palms. Such symptoms are rarely diagnosed in young patients. Usually, women of retirement and elderly age (over 50-55 years old) complain of itching, in men this symptom occurs only in 35% of cases.

Important! Increased itching in diabetes is observed with a sharp increase in blood glucose, therefore, with a significant burning sensation, you should measure the sugar level with a glucometer and call a doctor if the general state of health is unsatisfactory.

Symptoms of Diabetes

depression and psychosis

Psycho-emotional disorders are one of the most likely causes of itching. In people with a hormonal imbalance, even a slight excitement can exacerbate skin manifestations and increase burning sensation. If a patient develops a depressive disorder, it is important to consult a specialist in time, since delay is fraught not only with external manifestations, but also with deep emotional depression, which can be fatal even in people who are not suicidal.

Teenagers are especially quick to become depressed and have a hard time enduring it, so parents need to carefully monitor the child's condition and notice any changes that may be the first warning signs. These include:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • too abrupt lull and desire for solitude (especially if the teenager used to be quite active and liked to communicate with peers);
  • sleep problems (the child may often wake up in the middle of the night and sit on the bed, looking at one point).

Symptoms of depression

From the external manifestations, one can notice a constant desire to scratch any part of the body, flexion-extension of the fingers, changes in gaze.

Important! Itching in depression is always generalized, so it can appear at any time and on any part of the skin and mucous membranes.

Itching with psychosis is characteristic mainly for women over 40 years old. It usually occurs on the scalp and resembles the crawling of insects. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "tactile hallucinations." Outwardly, a woman may look as usual and show no signs of pathology, therefore, if such complaints appear, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Oncological diseases

It is very important to pay attention to any skin manifestations for people who have a genetic predisposition to malignant processes. Cancer at an early stage proceeds without obvious symptoms, so any signs and changes in well-being should be alarming.

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Generalized severe itching most often occurs with cancer of the pancreas and intestines, especially if the tumor blocks the opening in the duodenum. Malignant formations in the organs of the genitourinary system can also occur against the background of moderate itching without a rash or any other symptoms. The table below shows the incidence of pruritus at various locations of cancerous tumors.

Symptoms and signs of worms

Important! Some believe that with helminthiasis, burning and itching occur only in the anus and genitals, but this is not so. Some types of worms (for example, roundworms) can move into the lung system and heart muscle, causing severe itching throughout the body. Ascariasis is deadly to humans, so you can not leave such a symptom unattended.

Pediculosis- Another cause of itching, which in this case will occur on the scalp. Lice infestation often occurs in children's groups, so girls who have long hair, it is best to braid your hair, lifting it high and tightly tying it into a bun.

At scabies- an infectious pathology caused by the ingestion of a scabies mite - itching is rarely an isolated symptom. Often it appears with skin rashes, but with a small degree of damage, a rash and other symptoms may be absent.

Symptoms of scabies

Blood diseases

With a lack of iron in the body and the development iron deficiency anemia every second patient complains of itching. It usually occurs in places of increased blood circulation: genitals, pelvic organs and chest. It is not difficult to diagnose anemia, therefore, with a timely visit to a doctor, it is possible to prevent complications and avoid unpleasant consequences.

In addition to tingling, the patient also has a number of other symptoms, for example:

  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • changes in taste preferences;
  • recurrent bleeding.

Sometimes itching with anemia may be completely absent, but in most cases there is a chronic tactile disorder with frequent relapses.

Skin itch clinic

Other reasons

Lack of sufficient hygiene may cause isolated itching without the addition of a rash and other symptoms. Incorrectly selected cosmetics with a high content of fragrances and dyes can increase discomfort and cause significant discomfort. Even scented toilet paper can irritate the skin of the genitals and around the anus, so it is better to choose neutral skin care products without the addition of strong synthetic substances.

Taking certain medications (most often opium) can trigger an attack of severe itching, which is difficult to stop with antihistamines. If such side effects occur, it is necessary to contact your doctor as soon as possible, since self-administration of allergy medications can aggravate the situation.

Video - 3 causes of itching

Senile itching

Age-related itching is considered a normal phenomenon that has several physiological causes:

  • loss of moisture and increased dryness of the skin;
  • hormonal changes;
  • insufficient production of collagen and elastin;
  • disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, leading to insufficient purification of blood and other fluids from toxins and allergens and their accumulation in the body.

Senile itching usually has an average intensity and does not cause much discomfort. To reduce burning sensation, it is necessary to add more fruits, herbs, berries and vegetables to the diet. Meat and fish should be consumed at least 3-4 times a week, as they are excellent sources of protein and essential amino acids necessary for skin health and maintenance of its functions. Do not forget about dairy products - a source of calcium and phosphorus.

You can solve the problem in old age with the help of cosmetics, but they must be of high quality and safe. It is better to choose a cream for especially sensitive skin, as such cosmetics do not contain parabens, fragrances and toxic dyes.

If itching gets worse, a rash or painful cracks appear, you should consult a doctor.

Skin itching treatment

Itching during pregnancy

A slight burning sensation during pregnancy is due to a change in hormonal levels, so there is no cause for concern in the absence of other complaints. Some women note the appearance of itching on the abdomen. Sensations intensify in the last trimester, when the stomach future mother reaches its maximum size.

The skin on the abdomen is constantly stretching along with the growth of the abdomen. With rapid growth or lack of elasticity, the skin is stretched too much, stretch marks and severe itching appear. A remedy that will alleviate these symptoms will help you choose a gynecologist who observes a woman, but the burning sensation will completely disappear only after childbirth.

Itching without a rash is a rather dangerous symptom, according to which one can suspect the presence of severe pathologies in the work of internal organs. Even if everything is in order with health, it is necessary to find out the cause of the phenomenon and take measures to eliminate it. Constant scratching of the skin leads to the formation of microcracks, into which the infection easily penetrates, so it is necessary to visit a doctor immediately after the appearance of such symptoms.

Itching of the skin has a separate medical name - pruritus.

Most of us are used to the fact that sometimes it itchs a lot. different areas body, but more often than not we don't know why.

Instead of enjoying scratching and being upset by its consequences, it is worth knowing the causes of the phenomenon.

Non-pathological factors

Often itching has non-pathological causes of appearance, that is, it is not associated with diseases.

Dryness and flaking of the skin

This phenomenon occurs in people with very thin and sensitive skin. Therefore, even with the slightest mechanical impact, it can become even drier, and a lack of moisture leads to poor elasticity, resulting in cracks and itching. Peeling can be a symptom of skin diseases.

Bites of blood-sucking insects



For example, mosquitoes, when bitten, are able to secrete a special substance that, when penetrated under the skin, has an analgesic effect that helps insects to remain invisible. The whole point is that it is this feature that can cause itching and irritation.

Wound healing

During the regeneration of the affected areas, not only new epidermal cells appear, but also small capillaries and nerve endings. The process of wound healing is accompanied by increased production in the blood, the excess of which provokes itching.

Skin diseases


This is a chronic disease in which itching of the skin is observed constantly. It does not manifest itself as a result of infection, unlike many other dermatological pathologies. It's all about disruption of the nervous system. The disease may be in remission, but with any, even minor stress, it recurs.





These diseases are mostly allergic in nature. Regardless of it, it is accompanied by unbearable itching and irritation of the epidermis.

Fungal lesions

The most common is lichen. The disease is characterized by itching, peeling and focal manifestation. It has a round or oval shape with even rough edges. At risk are people with increased body weight and diabetes.


A chronic non-communicable disease that affects the skin. Psoriasis is characterized by severe flaking and itching. You can learn about how the disease looks at different stages of development from.


It refers to an allergic skin condition that manifests itself in the form of itching, redness, the appearance of papules and blisters.

Different from the usual large area distribution. Eruptions can fill the whole body.

Psychogenic itching

If the body itches in several places in turn, but there is no rash, most likely it is psychogenic itching. Often associated with anxiety and depression. Becomes stronger in conflicts, stress. It is relieved by the use of antipruritic or sedative drugs.

The conclusion that itching is the result of a psychogenic cause is given only by a doctor after examining a person for the presence of skin and systemic diseases.

Associated symptoms

Often itching is not the only sign of a particular disease:

  • burning;
  • headache;
  • muscle weakness;
  • peeling and dryness;
  • inflammation and ulcers;
  • small sores and wounds;
  • eruptions in the form of small dropsy.

How to get rid of the problem

Urgent help from a specialist may be needed in the following situations:

  • body temperature increases;
  • the site of the lesion is inflamed and swells;
  • symptoms of anaphylactic shock appear;
  • in addition to itching, rashes and purulent wounds are observed.

Treatment depends on the cause of the itching. Drugs from the following groups are used:

  • sorbents;
  • anesthetics;
  • sedatives;
  • desensitizing drug forms.

Experts give useful tips to deal with the problem:

  • wash with not too hot water;
  • go to bed in loose pajamas;
  • purchase soft detergents;
  • do not wear synthetic and tight clothing;
  • after a shower, apply moisturizers to the body to prevent drying of the skin;
  • for a while, refuse to use detergents, including soaps with a lot of chemicals, it is better to buy it in pharmacies.

After establishing the cause and agreeing with the doctor, you can use folk methods. A few well-received recipes:

  1. Solution based sea ​​salt . It copes well with skin irritation, including allergic dermatitis. To do this, you need to make a bath with the addition of sea salt. The active substance must be added no more than five hundred grams.
  2. A decoction of a string. One of the most effective anti-itch remedies. It is done in a water bath, the duration of which should be fifteen minutes with the addition of three tablespoons of a string. It is necessary to use such a tool as a compress on the affected area.
  3. mustard recipe. With unbearable itching, you can use homemade napkins with mustard. Such a compress should be applied to the affected area for ten minutes.
  4. Burdock root. The tincture is prepared in a water bath with dry herbs, after which one hundred milliliters is taken three times a day.
  5. Licorice root tincture. To prepare, take three tablespoons of roots and half a liter cold water. Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil over low heat. After strain and drink fifty milliliters three times a day. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  6. Infusion with chamomile. Dried chamomile flowers are an excellent remedy for relieving the symptoms of itchy skin. For cooking, you need two tablespoons of flowers, two liters of boiling water. It is necessary to grind chamomile into powder and pour water, then leave for at least half an hour, strain, take up to three times a day for half a spoon.
  7. Flax seeds. It is necessary to steam three tablespoons of flax seeds, first pour half a liter of water and put on a slow fire, bring to a boil. Infuse for two hours and take 3 times a day for a teaspoon.
  8. Dog-rose fruit. They have good anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare the tincture, you need to take whole rose hips, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for fifteen minutes, strain and drink like tea.
  9. Nettle tincture. You need to take 3 tablespoons of dried herbs and pour half a liter of water, hold in a water bath for no more than twenty minutes. Then strain and drink half a cup twice a day.
  10. Solution with baking soda. Helps relieve itching caused by insects. For manufacturing, you need to take one small spoonful of the main substance and one glass of warm water. After cooking, smear the bite site up to four times a day. Use the remedy for five days.

Itching is always a problem, but there are effective methods to eliminate it!

Itchy skin can be a sign of a fungus or an allergy. The appearance of numerous rashes, papules with serous contents should be the reason for contacting a dermatologist. But when there is not enough strength to endure an unpleasant sensation, many are wondering: how quickly and how to relieve itching on the skin.

Why does the problem appear

The causes of itching are different: physiological, pathological. Often this is an allergic reaction to fluff, pet hair. Age may be the reason: people over 60 have reduced immunity, which provokes itchy rashes. The body can itch for the following reasons:

  • dermatitis;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stress, psycho-emotional overstrain, failure of the nervous system;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • thrush;
  • abuse of antihistamines;
  • stagnation in the gall;
  • oncology;
  • dry skin due to dehydration.

Severe forms of itching are treated with drugs. A mild condition can be treated with folk methods.

Medical therapy

External ointments and gels will help reduce itching, eliminate scratching on the body. In addition, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, strengthen the body with vitamins and minerals. From food it is necessary to exclude harmful foods, fatty, sweet dishes.

Antihistamine tablets will help relieve itching on the skin. With infectious dermatitis, which caused irritation, swelling, burning sensation on the body, broad-spectrum drugs are indicated.

Creams, gels, ointments for external use have an anti-inflammatory effect: carbolic acid, D-panthenol, Menthol, Diphenhydramine, Nystatin, Sulfuric and Oxolinic ointment, Fusiderm, Mesoderm. They are safer than pills and are approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Antihistamines, sedatives, sedatives affect the brain, so at the time of treatment, you should stop driving a car and work that requires increased concentration. Against the background of taking medications in a child, an elderly person, swelling may occur.

With severe persistent itching in intimate places an adult needs to see a trichologist, venereologist, gynecologist.

Be sure to visit a doctor if the feeling is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • physical discomfort;
  • burning;
  • serous vaginal discharge in women.

It is dangerous to comb itchy areas to open wounds, the treatment of complications can take a long time..

Folk remedies

At home, solutions, lotions, decoctions, baths to relieve inflammation, irritation, burning are applicable. They cool, soothe itchy skin. Sage, calendula, chamomile, aloe, peppermint help well.


To eliminate skin itching, a special children's cream with glycerin and chamomile is purchased at the pharmacy. To provide emergency assistance you can make a chamomile compress or a bath:

  • pour a glass of boiling water 10 g of chamomile flowers;
  • insist 15 minutes;
  • moisten a gauze bandage, apply as a compress to the itching.

In the presence of extensive lesions, you can add a decoction to the bath, take 15-20 minutes.

Severe itching can be moderated by patting the itchy areas with the palms of your hands. This will help for 10-15 minutes, after which they take a chamomile bath or apply a compress.

Infusion of succession

With itching and burning in intimate places, an infusion from a series will help:

  • pour a glass of boiling water 5 g of grass;
  • insist 25-30 minutes;
  • wash twice a day for 5-7 days in a row.


Baking soda has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to take warm water into the bath, pour 20 g baking soda, mix and lie down for up to 40 minutes. Let the body dry without wiping the skin with a rough towel.

With itching and irritation in the anus, genitals, washing is carried out:

  • dissolve in a liter of boiling water 5-10 g of soda;
  • wash 2 times a day;
  • do local baths in case of damage to the legs, arms;
  • gauze is moistened in soda solution and applied to itchy areas for 25 minutes.

Sea salt

Sea salt will quickly eliminate allergic skin itching. It is added to the bath at the rate of 10 g per 50 liters of water. After a 20-minute bath, itching disappears, irritated skin calms down.


Baths with oatmeal

Oatmeal is often used by cosmetologists for skin treatment. The product contains a lot of lipids to moisturize, nourish dry areas.

To restore the structure of the epidermis, to give additional protection, baths are prepared at home:

Oatmeal will have a softening effect, help at home to quickly relieve skin itching, redness on the face. It is used to moisturize, remove toxins:

  • in equal proportions combine oatmeal with water at room temperature;
  • wait for swelling;
  • apply to itchy areas for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

With skin dermatitis, itching, peeling on the head, oatmeal paste is applied, treating the hair roots. Flakes crushed in a coffee grinder are added to the bath. The procedure lasts 25-30 minutes.

Other ways to relieve itching

Irritation, scratching, rash on the body caused by pathogenic microorganisms, cannot be eliminated by home methods. The help of a dermatologist is required. If you do not take emergency measures, then the affected areas can become more extensive.

Ringworm, psoriasis, eczema are treated with conservative methods, folk remedies will not help get rid of the problem, so they are used as adjuvant therapy. In some cases unconventional methods may have a short-term effect.

If for several days it is not possible to relieve severe itching from allergies, dermatitis at home, it is better to consult a doctor for diagnosis, selection optimal means treatment.

Dear subscribers, hello! Today I would like to consider the problem of pruritus, what it can cause and what to do if the whole body or some localized areas itch.

We will also figure out how to alleviate the condition, what reasons provoke the desire to scratch and how to treat this problem.

What are the causes of itchy skin - why everything itches

Among the people, such an attack, when you want to scratch your body for no apparent reason, was called pruritus. But it is important to understand that the symptom always has a place to be.

It's just that when visible, objective reasons cannot be found right away, then such a generalizing name is invented. So, what could be itching.

With scabies, it’s clear that a tick works there, called scabies itch, so it makes you want to comb the area between the fingers, where the problem is most often localized. But today we will not talk about scabies.

In medicine, the main substance responsible for various kinds of allergic reactions is called histamine. It is he who provokes manifestations of itching in our case. It is also responsible for allergic cough, runny nose of an allergic nature, etc.

Why does histamine provoke such reactions in the skin? There is a version that this is due to a lack of water in the body. It was water that came in the form of water, and not in the form of teas, soups, sodas, and so on.

Previously, before such a massive invasion of chemistry into our lives, people rarely encountered inadequate body reactions to simple events.

Now, every year, allergies are more and more asserting themselves. And itchy skin is the easiest, simplest thing the body can afford to pay attention to what is happening to it.

Dehydration is a mass phenomenon. Everyone suffers, and children especially, given that they love to drink the notorious soda, and plain water make them try to drink ... Adults have the same thing - teas, coffees, some drinks, but not water. And redness of the eyes is one of the manifestations of a lack of water.

Do an experiment- drink clean water instead of the usual drinks for a couple of days, it is advisable to buy drinking artesian water produced in your region.

This water will be closest to your body, do not chase expensive water, just drink and listen to your body.

If there is a mood, then you can drink medicinal table water for three days of their local producers from wells in your region.

This option will be even better, since, among other things, you will also balance your energy water and electrolyte balance.

The itching on the skin will go away! And without any antihistamines, because any blockage will come out somewhere else and most often the problem will be already deeper.

Skin itching from cold and dryness

This type of skin itching is the easiest to cure. If your skin starts to itch from the cold, then it needs to be moistened, and not with water, but with fat, it can be animal, but it can be vegetable.

Try either goose fat, from animals, or olive oil , from vegetable. These are the most the best means. Moisturizing creams are also possible, of course, but there can be all sorts of fragrances and other additions that I would not recommend ...

Itching of the skin of the legs

In the legs, the lymph flows much more slowly, congestion, tissue damage, etc. occur more often. If the skin on the legs begins to itch, then it is necessary to carry out soda bath sessions and rubbing all legs, up to the crotch. You can either wipe down or sitz baths of the lower body.

For wiping, take a tablespoon of soda for 5 liters of water. Pour warm water into a bowl of soda, stir and wipe the skin with your hands or with a cloth.

You will see how much "dirt" the soda will pull out of the skin. By the way, after soda wipes, the skin is always silky and moisturized.

If baths, then pour three tablespoons of soda into half of the bath. The water should be warm and comfortable. In the water, also rub your feet, in addition, you can process the whole body. It will only get better.

General itching of the skin over the body

Any vague itching of the skin over the body may be due to excessive acidification of this excretory organ. Let's not forget that The skin is one of the most important excretory systems in humans. .

So, any acidification already blocks the functions of the skin, remember how pleasant it is after a bath, after washing! This is just due to the fact that the skin has cleared and is fully functioning again.

In hot weather, she works more actively, so sometimes you even need to take a shower twice to keep her in good shape. And here again they can come to the rescue soda rubs. Already the entire body. The principle is the same: for 5 liters of water - a tablespoon of baking soda.

Wipe with either a sponge, a cloth, or just your hands. In any case, alkaline care will cleanse the skin, sebaceous glands will actively produce fat, you will feel that the skin becomes oily.

After such treatment, the skin will be soft, delicate, actively breathing.. Many problems that previously arose with the skin will pass without a trace. Of course, all of the above applies only to those cases where the nature of the itching is precisely of an allergic nature.

Itching on the skin of a psychic nature

In some particularly sensitive women, itching on the skin can manifest itself as reaction to intense excitement or stress . In this case, taking soothing teas, glycine, adaptol can help. But also a simple medical-dining room mineral water will also be very beneficial.

Such problems are still rare and therefore are solved on an individual basis, and general recommendations will not help much here.

Algorithm of actions when observing skin itching

If you have itching on your skin for a long time, and simple water intake, soda rubdowns do not work, then you should check for diabetes, look at the liver, thyroid gland.

Only a specialist can make a diagnosis, it is not worth starting such a case.

Treatment with holy water and Thursday salt

The method is based on the biochemical action of water and salt. Everything is according to science, but since the water is holy, and the salt is Thursday, calcined on Maundy Thursday, the result will be the better, the stronger the faith of a person.

So, every day, before each meal, drink a glass of pure water, with the addition of 7 drops of holy water to it. Then moisten your finger with saliva and dip the ball of your finger in thursday salt, lick and dissolve the salt in your mouth, then swallow the saliva and eat after 10-15 minutes.

The total duration of the course is 21 days . In the future, on a regular basis, you can drink such water every day in the morning, before breakfast.

The method with plain water is exactly the same, but sea salt or pink Himalayan salt. You don’t need a lot of salt at a time, just the fact that it is in your mouth after drinking water is important.

That's all! Today I will answer everyone who asked questions this week. All the best, health to you and confidence in the future!

In conclusion, I offer you a video that talks about acidifying and alkalizing food. Why is the balance of the acid-base composition of the fluid in the human body important?

Probably everyone at least once in their life experienced skin itching. He makes a person comb himself to the blood, to scratches and sores, but this does not bring the desired relief, but only exacerbates the suffering. If everything itches for you, this may indicate a number of factors: from internal to ordinary dryness of the epidermis. In addition, in medicine there are such official diagnoses as “pregnancy itch” and “senile itch”.

What do we have to do?

If you feel that itching bothers you for several days, see your doctor immediately. He will explain to you that such a sign is only an external factor. In order to find out the real reason, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination. Thus, it is too early to talk about immediate treatment; the diagnosis must first be established. Prior to this, experts recommend using local remedies to facilitate. These include cold showers, all kinds of compresses, menthol lotions (they can be purchased at any pharmacy) and medicated ointments. At the same time, it should be emphasized that they should be used in small quantities so as not to irritate the skin.

Possible reasons

So, why does the whole body itch? Most doctors talk about the advisability of finding the cause by exclusion. The reasons can be quite serious. For example, itching can be caused by blood diseases. In this case, it will be localized in a certain place, for example, on the arm or on the stomach. In addition, discomfort will increase after each meal and bathing in hot water. Skin itching is also one of the symptoms that occurs when This can be explained from a physiological point of view: the disease provokes an increase in the level of bilirubin, which accumulates in the skin layers when it enters the bloodstream. If your whole body itches, we recommend that you check the liver - any problems with this organ are reflected primarily on the skin. It will also be useful to donate blood for sugar to exclude the possibility of diabetes.

You are faced with such a nuisance as itching of the skin of the body; reasons, as already noted, can be very different. among other symptoms, it is accompanied by irritation of the epidermis; the same applies to various kinds of neuroses and psychoses. However, it should be emphasized that such a manifestation is associated only with exacerbations of the disease.

Your whole body itches, but the cause is still unknown? Whatever disease you suffer from, you should follow a certain diet. Think it might be caused allergic reaction for any product? Just in case, visit a nutritionist. Also exclude from the diet all fatty, spicy and overly salty foods. Consumption of sweets should also be stopped or limited. Try to give up for a while the most common food allergens - from all citrus fruits, eggs, coffee and strong meat broths.

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