Folk remedies for late blight of tomatoes. Fighting late blight of tomatoes with folk methods. How to recognize the disease

How to process tomatoes from phytophthora is an urgent issue at the height of the season for many summer residents. After all, it can destroy the entire crop of tomatoes. Plants affected by the fungus dry up and fall off, and the fruits turn black. If the tomatoes are not processed in a timely manner, the gardener is guaranteed to be left without tomatoes. How to spray them to save? Read folk recipes, farmers reviews, and watch videos.

Late blight is a fungal disease of plants that spreads by migration of spores with water drops, wind, insects.

Spraying tomatoes with milk with iodine m

Late blight is a fungal disease of plants that spreads by migration of spores with water drops, wind, insects. The peak of the spread of the fungus is observed in the rainy period, which is accompanied by a decrease in air temperature. The following factors provoke the development of infection:

  • dense plantings of tomatoes are a common cause of the development of late blight. This is especially true for greenhouses. In rooms with poor ventilation, increased dampness, fungal spores quickly infect all plantings;
  • temperature changes weaken the tomato bush. Such a plant is susceptible to infection;
  • watering plants by sprinkling leads to infection of tomatoes with phytophthora. Dampness is an ideal environment for the development of infection;
  • improper use of mineral dressings can provoke the development of late blight. An excess of nitrogen in the soil, a lack of potassium, phosphorus leads to a weakening of the tomatoes and damage by fungi.

Summer residents most often spray tomatoes with folk remedies, especially when the fruits ripen. Biological means make it possible to use tomatoes even after processing, which cannot be said about spraying tomatoes with chemicals. Factory potent drugs are often dangerous to human health and it takes several weeks before the tomatoes can be eaten after processing.

Spraying tomatoes with milk with iodine is a popular remedy for. According to summer residents, after processing the bushes, they become much stronger, less likely to get sick. The root system of seedlings develops well after spraying, and the bush is literally plastered with fruits.

Gardeners recommend spraying tomatoes with milk and iodine every 7-10 days. In dry, clear weather, this will be enough to completely protect the tomatoes from the fungus. However, in wet weather, the treatment is carried out more often, since the drug is washed off with water and the plants are left without protection.

To obtain an active solution, it is necessary to use fresh milk or whey, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. 10-15 drops of iodine are added to the mixture. The resulting solution processes tomato plantings in the morning.

How to process tomatoes from phytophthora: folk remedies a

Summer residents most often spray tomatoes with folk remedies, especially when the fruits ripen

Spraying tomatoes with milk with iodine is not the only effective remedy for a fungal infection. Summer residents have long noticed that late blight can be destroyed by treating tomatoes with baker's yeast, which themselves are fungi. Baker's yeast remains active in the environment for a long time. They actively multiply on leaves, fruits, thereby displacing pathogenic phytophthora fungi.

How to prepare a working yeast solution? For this purpose, it is necessary to dilute a small pack in 1 liter of warm water and add 10-15 tablespoons of sugar there. Mix everything thoroughly. The solution is left to ferment overnight. The fermented concentrated solution is diluted with 10 liters of water, and tomatoes are sprayed with it every 2 weeks.

Baker's yeast can be used not only for the prevention and treatment of late blight of tomatoes, but also as a. Spraying tomatoes from late blight during flowering with yeast is safe and effective. This method can also be used when signs of illness appear on the bush with fruits.

How to spray tomatoes from late blight, video:

Want to know how to spray tomatoes from phytophthora? To combat a fungal infection, you can use factory preparations that are very effective. Their disadvantage is that after processing for a long time you can not eat fruits. That is why farmers most often prefer folk remedies and spray tomatoes with milk with iodine, baker's yeast.

Many summer residents and gardeners are engaged in growing tomatoes in open ground. This is not surprising, because such a crop gives a good yield and eliminates the need to buy valuable vegetables in the store. With proper care, tomatoes will produce several dozen ripe fruits annually.

However, the lesson is often accompanied by all sorts of difficulties, including a dangerous disease called late blight. Perhaps such a word does not say anything to a novice summer resident, but it is unlikely that he has not come across black or brown spots that cover fruits at the end of summer and cause their death. The problem is really very dangerous and, if radical measures are not taken, the further maintenance of the plant may be in jeopardy.

If you want to arrange an effective fight against late blight, but categorically refuse to use highly effective chemicals, you should pay attention to a number of strong folk remedies for late blight on tomatoes. In any case, it is impossible to ignore the progression of the disease, because this can deprive you of the expected harvest and cause a lot of trouble.

Currently, experienced summer residents use a wide variety of folk remedies for late blight. And oddly enough, but in some cases they work much more efficiently than drugs bought in specialized stores. Perhaps such success is determined by the wide variety of recipes that alternate with each other. For this reason, the insidious fungal microorganism simply cannot get used to such weapons and quickly leaves the culture. In addition, the main advantage of natural products is its harmlessness and environmental friendliness.

Description of the problem

Phytophthora on tomatoes in the open field appears in connection with the vital activity of a dangerous fungus called Phytophthora infestans. From the name you can understand that the action of the pest is to destroy the tissues of the plant. Today, various nightshade crops are affected by the fungus, but tomatoes succumb to it in a particularly intense way.

Before proceeding with treatment, you need to carefully study all signs and symptoms of the disease. First of all, tomato leaves will be strewn with small brown spots on the reverse side, which will begin to increase in size as they grow. As a result, the leaves will begin to dry and fall off. In addition, the shoots are covered with a dark shade, and gray-dark areas appear on the fruits.

The first symptoms of late blight disease begin to manifest themselves in the second half of summer. This is due to a simple fact: during this period, the fungus begins active development due to suitable climatic conditions.

If the night and day temperatures are very different from each other, heavy dew may appear on the bushes. If the entire summer season is accompanied by long rainfall and a low temperature range, the fungus will begin to infect the crop much earlier. Also, a special activity of the vital activity of the microorganism is noticed when planting tomatoes on calcareous soils and in places where there is no normal air circulation.

However, if the daytime temperature is high, the development of phytophthora is significantly suspended. Hot weather leads to partial and sometimes complete extinction of the colony. Naturally, every novice summer resident, faced with manifestations of late blight, begins to ask questions: “How to deal with late blight on tomatoes, what methods to use, how and when?”.

It is important to understand that success in the fight against late blight does not lie in the elimination of symptoms, but in early processing of the culture and preventive measures. The stronger the immunity of tomatoes, the faster it will resist the fungus.

Prevention of late blight

In order to prevent the development of a fungal infection on tomatoes, be responsible for observing all agricultural practices at different stages of plant development. Such actions will become a high-quality prevention of late blight.

How to fight folk remedies

As mentioned above, in addition to chemicals to combat late blight, there is a wide variety of folk remedies that can show a very good result. Before you decide on the right tool, you need to try all the popular solutions to understand which one will be the most suitable. Different varieties differ in different susceptibility, due to which the selected preparation must be correct. Also, its variety can be determined by weather conditions and the characteristics of the region.

Do not forget that late blight is the most dangerous fungal microorganism that will leave your garden only after a rigorous and lengthy struggle. In such a case, creativity and the desire to conduct all kinds of experiments will not interfere. It is important to understand that the means that were effective last year may lose their relevance next year.

However, if the established proportions are met exactly, the fight against phytophthora with home remedies can be very successful.

Use of iodine, boron and dairy products

You can get rid of phytophthora on tomatoes when grown in open ground with various folk remedies. Among them, time-tested and experienced iodine, boron and dairy products. It is known that iodine effectively fights fungus and localizes its further development. Today, different recipes for the use of such a substance are used, so you just have to choose the most suitable one.

A similar tool will be used to carefully process all the leaves and stems of tomatoes.

Also very efficient means for the prevention of late blight based on fermented kefir and whey, in the proportion of 1 liter per 10 liters of water. Dairy products can be used both in pure form and with added sugar. With the help of such a solution, you need to carefully water the bush, starting the action from the moment the buds appear.

A good remedy for late blight on tomatoes can be boron, in a volume of 10 grams, which is diluted with 10 liters of hot water. You should judge the composition to room temperature and start spraying tomatoes with it. To make the result more effective, a little iodine can be added to the solution.

Over the years, our ancestors have used another very effective solution for late blight:

  • To 8 liters of boiling water, add two liters of sifted wood ash;
  • Then you should wait until the temperature of the solution drops to +20 degrees Celsius;
  • Further, 10 grams of boric acid and 10 ml of iodine are added to the composition;
  • The infusion of the mixture occurs for half a day;
  • The next step is to dilute the composition with water in a ratio of 1:10;

The finished product is used for spraying all parts of tomatoes. During processing, you need to get rid of all the affected parts.

Other means

In the fight against phytophthora, other folk remedies also work well.

One of them is wood ash. The composition of such an ingredient contains a large number of various microelements that can favorably influence the tissues of tomatoes. To prepare a suitable preparation for phytophthora, it is enough to dissolve 5 liters of ash in 10 liters of water and insist for three days, stirring occasionally. In the future, you need to dilute the solution to a volume of 30 liters, add soap to it and start spraying.

An important feature: such prophylaxis should be carried out at least three times per season.

In the early stages of development, phytophthora performs well fresh yeast mix diluted with 10 liters of water. With the help of this composition, the entire bush is sprayed.

Fungal infections are very afraid of garlic treatment. If you prepare an infusion of 1.5 cups of crushed shoots and mix them with 10 liters of water, then such an infusion can be a highly effective tool for localizing the fungus. For each bush of culture, there is about half a liter of tincture.

An interesting way to combat phytophthora is application of copper microparticles, which can treat late blight and serve as a good prevention, scaring the fungus away from the plant.

Also you can spray crop infusion based on tinder fungus. Such a tool has a positive effect on the immune system of nightshade and is a good protection against infection. The dried mushroom is finely chopped with a knife or a meat grinder and poured with a liter of boiling water. After thorough infusion, the solution is filtered through cheesecloth and used for irrigation.

The first processing activities can be carried out at the stage of formation of ovaries. Then it will remain to process the culture when the first symptoms of late blight appear.

allows you to create a thin protective film on tomato leaves that can prevent the penetration of the fungus through the stomata of the plant. To prepare the product, it is enough to dilute 250 grams of salt in a 10-liter bucket of water. With the help of the resulting solution, all parts of the culture are processed. However, it is important to understand that saline treatment is only a preventive measure, and not a method of treatment.

It is better to process tomatoes during the appearance of ovaries.


If you ask yourself the question: “What folk remedies are better to treat tomatoes with late blight?”, Finding an unambiguous answer to it is quite difficult. However, if you're willing to give culture its due time, attention, and care, try all of the above techniques, following the recipes and recommendations of experienced gardeners. Periodic alternation of such folk remedies or attempts to combine them in one complete solution can solve your problem in a short time.

Of course, getting rid of late blight manifestations on tomatoes is quite difficult, but with a reasonable approach and the use of suitable techniques, you can defeat absolutely any disease and save an amazing harvest.

They grow and become prettier to the joy of the eyes and heart. But you can’t relax in any case - it’s rare that this insidious fungus will bypass any area “by itself” (you can read about this disease and how infection occurs in the article).

An army of mushroom spores destroys a huge part of the crops every year. But with the persistent onset of the infection, the number of prescriptions against it is also growing. Our summer residents do not sit idly by, and every year the piggy bank of useful tips is replenished with more and more new methods of dealing with the disease! I hope these rather simple, cheap, but well-functioning methods of prevention and treatment will help you win in your area.

1. Garlic sprays

The spores of the fungus die from. The first spraying should be carried out before the formation of the ovary, the second - 10 days after the first. Then, if you spray tomato bushes with garlic infusion every 12-15 days, the result will be.
  • Recipe : For 10 liters of water - 1-1.5 cups of crushed heads and shoots of garlic (pulp) + 1.5-2 g of potassium permanganate. Garlic in water to insist for a day. Strain and add potassium permanganate.

2. Salt spray

This treatment creates a protective film on the leaves that will keep infection from entering through the stomata. But! It must be remembered that this is a preventive measure, not a treatment, so first carefully inspect the bush and remove already damaged leaves.
  • Recipe : For 10 liters of water - 1 glass of table salt.

3. Kefir sprays

It's also a preventative. The first such spraying is recommended to be carried out no later than 10-14 days after planting seedlings in the ground. Then it is desirable to do it weekly.
  • Recipe : For 10 liters of water - 1 liter of kefir, which should “ferment” within 2 days. Mix thoroughly.

4. Milky iodine sprays

Well proven method. Moreover, everyone knows the antimicrobial properties from childhood. He will put things in order on the leaves of tomatoes, and will accelerate the ripening of our tomatoes.
  • Recipe : For 10 liters of water - 1 liter of low-fat milk + 20 drops of iodine
On the basis of sour milk and iodine, you can also prepare an excellent tool for spraying tomatoes from late blight. In the next video you will see the process of preparing a healing solution.

5. Ash spraying

They are carried out 3 times a season: as soon as the seedlings take root, before the flowering of tomatoes and immediately after the first ovaries appear.
  • Recipe: For 10 liters of water - half a bucket. Stir, insist for 3 days, stirring occasionally. Let stand. Bring the settled preparation to a volume of 30 liters, add 30-35 g of soap - household or liquid.

6. Polypore sprays

Such spraying can for quite a long time restrain the infection of tomatoes with late blight. It is recommended to spray once every 10 days in the morning in quiet and preferably calm weather. It is good to process at the time of fruit set. At the first manifestations of the disease, immediately carry out additional treatment.
  • Recipe : For 1 liter of water 100 g of mushroom. Pass the dried mushroom through a meat grinder or chop with a knife. Pour boiling water over (brew), after cooling, strain.

7. "Copper" perforations

The method patented by German scientists has proven itself well: wrapping the roots of seedlings before planting in the ground with copper wire. Our summer residents use copper wire in a different way: they pierce a tomato stalk. Microdoses of copper stabilize chlorophyll, stimulate plant respiration and enhance oxidative processes. This strengthens the plant and makes it more resistant to infection. Attention! This procedure is done only when the stem of the tomato becomes strong!
  • Recipe : Ignite a thin copper wire (can be cleaned with sandpaper), cut into pieces of 3-4 cm. At a distance of 10 cm from the soil, puncture the stem, insert a piece of wire, bend the ends down. Do not wrap around the stem!
So we got acquainted with various methods of combating late blight of tomatoes. It will be very cool, pleasant and useful if you replenish this piggy bank with your finds and secrets. In the meantime, good luck to everyone in the fight against the insidious infection!

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Among the diseases of tomatoes, late blight or late blight is considered one of the most common. When this fungal disease appears on tomato bushes, you can immediately notice its signs - small dark spots on the leaves, brown and drying leaves, as well as blackening of individual sections of the stem. Over time, the fruits themselves begin to turn black, and the bush withers and dries.

Most often, this disease overtakes tomatoes during prolonged rainy, cool and cloudy weather. Let's try to figure out how to prevent the disease from entering the beds, what preventive measures to take and what methods of struggle to use with an already manifested problem.

Fungal diseases live by the spread of spores, which are found almost everywhere. Gardeners need to take all measures to prevent these disputes from developing, and if possible even reduce their number. There are several factors that favor the spread of phytophthora:

  • Lots of lime in the soil. So that the soil does not turn sour, summer residents carry out its liming and sometimes get too carried away with this process. Excess lime on the site attracts fungus.
  • Thickened tomato plantations. Tomato beds in the greenhouse, due to its small size, look like the impenetrable jungle of the Amazon. The "climatic" conditions in such indoor cultivation, with a lack of fresh air and increased levels of humidity, are an excellent place for the development of phytophthora.
  • Sharp changes in night and day temperatures. By the end of the summer season, the nights become colder. The change from a hot summer day to a cool night contributes to a large amount of morning dew, which increases the amount of moisture in the beds.
  • Immunocompromised plants. In plants, as well as in humans, the weak get sick faster than the strong. With insufficient fertilization in the soil, vegetable crops lack some trace elements. Their weakened immune system can cause late blight.

Prevention of late blight

  • The calcareous soil on the site must be restored by introducing peat to the summer cottage and coarse river sand between the rows.
  • When planting tomatoes, it is necessary to take into account the predecessors and observe the crop rotation.
  • When planting tomato seedlings in beds, strictly observe the recommended intervals between plants and between beds to prevent future thickening.
  • With the greenhouse method of growing tomatoes, do not forget about regular airing of the room. Watering is best done in the morning so that moisture is absorbed into the soil by evening.
  • In cool cloudy weather with a high level of humidity, it is not recommended to water the tomatoes at all. It will be enough to loosen the soil in the beds.
  • Regularly fertilize with the necessary trace elements by watering and spraying.
  • Use spraying tomatoes with various biopreparations or solutions from folk recipes.
  • Plant tomatoes only of those species and varieties that are resistant to late blight and other fungal diseases.

Spraying tomatoes against late blight

Preventive spraying of tomatoes should be carried out only in the morning and in warm, dry weather. Among the many different remedies for phytophthora, it is recommended not to repeat the same recipe or drug from year to year. This fungal disease is able to adapt to various conditions and means.

The first spraying should be carried out immediately, as soon as the tomato seedlings are planted. And the next - regularly 2-3 times a month.

  • Infusion of garlic with potassium permanganate. Greens or garlic bulbs (about one hundred grams) must be crushed to a puree state and pour it with two hundred and fifty milliliters of cold water. After 24 hours, strain the infusion through double gauze and add a large bucket of water and 1 gram of potassium permanganate. This infusion can be used two or three times a month.
  • Trichopolum. In three liters of water, you need to dissolve three tablets of this drug and use the solution every fifteen days.
  • Milk serum. Serum must be combined with water in equal proportions. The solution can be used daily, starting from the second summer month.
  • Ash. Sprinkling of row-spacings with wood ash is carried out twice per season. The first time - 7 days after planting tomato seedlings, and the second - during the formation of the ovary.
  • Infusion of rotten straw or hay. To prepare the infusion, you need to use rotten straw or hay (about 1 kilogram), urea and a bucket of water. Within 3-4 days, the solution should be infused. It must be strained before use.
  • Milk with iodine. Spraying with this solution is carried out 2 times a month. You need to mix 500 milliliters of milk, 5 liters of water and 7-8 drops of iodine.
  • Salt. This solution is recommended to spray green tomatoes 1 time in 30 days. For 5 liters of gadfly, add 1/2 cup of salt.
  • A solution of copper sulphate. It is used once before the flowering of vegetable plants. Add one tablespoon of copper sulfate to a five-liter container of water.
  • Yeast. It is used when the first signs of phytophthora appear. 50 grams of yeast must be diluted in 5 liters of water.
  • Phytosporin. With this preparation (in a diluted form), it is recommended to water the beds in the greenhouse before planting tomato seedlings. You can add "Fitosporin" every other day to the water for irrigation. And spraying can be started with the formation of ovaries and repeated regularly after one and a half to two weeks. Prepare the solution strictly according to the instructions on the package.

The fight against late blight in greenhouses

The disease is easier to prevent than to treat. This also applies to phytophthora. Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, it is worthwhile to thoroughly clean and process it. The preparatory work consists in removing cobwebs and dirt from the side and upper surfaces, in cleaning the beds from plant waste.

It is recommended to carry out preventive fumigation of the greenhouse with burning coals and a small piece of woolen patch. In such a smoky state, the greenhouse should be left for a day with doors and windows tightly closed.

Some summer residents carry out ash and tobacco dusting of greenhouse beds or spraying with solutions.

Amateur gardeners are probably familiar with such a problem as late blight on tomatoes in a greenhouse. Naturally, this disease can appear very often. In addition, it affects plants in open ground. Of course, it is necessary to fight against it. Next, you will learn how you can do this.

What is pathology and how does it develop?

Before you save tomatoes from phytophthora, you should definitely find out what kind of problem it is. It is a fungal disease that affects plants such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and even potatoes. The pathogen can multiply very quickly. At the same time, the affected crop is almost unusable. That is, the plant gradually dies. This happens relatively quickly.

For the development of the disease, the spore must enter the plant. This usually happens with the help of the stomata. Moisture is a prerequisite here. It is in the water that the spore can move with the help of a small tail.

Most often, the disease appears during periods of heavy rains. If the air temperature is high enough, then the spores can quickly die. These microorganisms in favorable conditions multiply instantly.

Causes of the disease

So, before you deal with late blight on tomatoes, you should consider why it appears. Among the reasons for its occurrence are the following:

Too much lime in the soil. This promotes the growth of fungi.

Very dense plantations. In this case, the disease spreads very quickly.

Frequent temperature changes.

Lack of trace elements in plants, their weakening.

Before you deal with late blight on tomatoes, you need to determine the cause that led to the reproduction of spores. Otherwise, treatment may be ineffective.

Signs of pathology

Naturally, you need to know how to protect tomatoes from late blight. However, first you should consider the signs of this disease on plants:

1. Leaves are affected first. Dark spots appear on them, which have an irregular shape.

2. Inflorescences become black and dry.

4. The stem is the last to be affected. It also has dark spots.

Development features

The presented disease is highly contagious. In addition, it has some features that you need to know about:

Phytophthora develops at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Spores can be transmitted not only by contact, but also by air. When watering plants, microorganisms can be washed off and remain on the ground. Under favorable conditions, they start breeding again.

The incubation period for this disease ranges from 3 days to 2 weeks.

Pathology is resistant to external conditions, that is, spores can live in the open field for a long time. In addition, the pathogen is able to localize in the fruits and become more active during planting.

It should be noted that the disease can affect all those parts of the plant that are above the ground.

Some modern hybrids, as well as tall bushes, are less likely to be infected than others.

Processing Features

Before saving tomatoes from phytophthora, you need to learn about all the nuances of the presented procedure:

1. If no more than 20 days remain before you harvest, then it is better not to use chemicals to treat the bushes. They accumulate in fruits and can cause poisoning.

2. If you notice that the fungus develops too quickly, then whole fruits can be secured by removing them from the branches. This can be done even if the tomatoes are not yet ripe. Next, they should be well warmed up at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. This will ensure the death of harmful microorganisms.

3. Unripe fruits should be put in a box and put in a dry place.

4. Chemical treatment of tomatoes from phytophthora should be done 4-5 times per season. The interval between sprayings is usually at least a week. In this case, the plants should be treated in the evening, when there is no wind and the sun is already hiding.

Chemical preparations as an effective way to combat the disease

Now consider the question of how to deal with late blight on tomatoes. First you need to learn how to use drugs that are sold in stores and are made on the basis of chemicals. Please note that spraying can be done before planting, after it, during flowering and fruit set. Basically, the processing of tomatoes from phytophthora using chemicals is carried out according to the following scheme:

14 days before planting the plants, it is necessary to spray them with Bordeaux mixture.

After the plants begin to bloom, you need to re-spray them with some substance, such as Acrobat.

Further, you can use other preparations for processing: Azofos, Medex. Growth regulators will be very useful. In addition, it is desirable to strengthen and feed the plants with fertilizers. These preparations for late blight on tomatoes are used even if the disease has already begun to develop.

Folk ways to deal with the problem

Phytophthora on tomatoes (how to deal with folk remedies with it, you will learn later) can kill the entire crop in a matter of days. However, it is not always desirable to use chemical agents for treatment. In this case, it is better to use folk recipes that are considered no less effective. The following compositions will be useful:

1. Phytophthora on tomatoes in a greenhouse or in the open field can be defeated with a saline solution. To do this, dilute a glass of raw materials in a 10-liter bucket of water. Salt will provide reliable protection to the plant. Due to the dense film, spores will not be able to penetrate the bush.

2. Dilute half a bucket of ash in 10 liters of water and process the tomatoes. However, this liquid must be infused. It only takes 3 days for this. In this case, the product must be stirred from time to time. In order for the liquid to stay on the sheets and not drain from them, you need to add 40 grams of laundry soap to it.

3. Fermented kefir is very useful. To prepare the solution, only 10 liters of water and a liter of fermented milk product are enough. But keep in mind that you cannot get rid of the disease in this way. It is best used to prevent pathology.

4. Garlic is considered an antimicrobial agent. It can also be used, because not only chemicals from late blight on tomatoes are effective. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix 10 liters of water and half a glass of garlic. In order for the composition to become effective, it must be insisted for a day.

5. An interesting way to deal with pathology is to pierce the stems with copper wire. This should be done if the plant is already strong. The ends of the wire should not be wrapped around the stem. It's better to just drop them down.

As you can see, not only chemicals are effective if late blight appears on tomatoes. How to fight folk remedies, you now know.

Features of greenhouse processing

If your tomatoes do not grow in open ground, they are also infected with the presented disease. Naturally, the greenhouse should be carefully looked after. First of all, you need to observe the heat and humidity conditions. Condensation must not be allowed to appear on the walls of the structure.

To do this, ventilate the greenhouse in a timely manner. For disinfection, it is best to use bleach. In a greenhouse, you should not water the plants if it is cloudy outside. Tomatoes need to be processed several times a season.

How to prevent the development of the disease?

Prevention of late blight on tomatoes consists in the following activities:

Do not plant tomatoes next to potatoes or peppers. It is better if garlic grows next to the tomatoes.

During watering, do not wet the leaves of the bushes. The fact is that they can contain spores and they will quickly penetrate the plant.

Do not allow an excess of nitrogen in the soil. You can balance the level of substances in the soil with the help of coarse sand.

If there are spores of the disease on your site, then it is better to plant only those varieties of tomatoes that ripen early and are resistant to various fungal diseases.

Bushes should not be planted too densely.

From time to time, strengthen the bushes with various fertilizers. In addition, spray plants to prevent late blight.

Please note that all preventive measures must be carried out not only during the growth of the bushes, but also after harvesting. To do this, all the remains of the tops must be burned.

Fresh manure should not be used for top dressing. It can also provoke the development of pathology.

As you can see, late blight is a very contagious and quite dangerous disease. That is why it is necessary to start the fight against him in a timely manner. Now you know how to deal with late blight on tomatoes. Good luck!

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