Menopause 43g why my legs hurt. What to do if joints hurt during menopause. Why does joint pain occur during menopause?

One of the unpleasant manifestations of menopause can be pain of various types. We have written more than once that menopause can manifest itself as: dizziness, cephalalgia, pain in the lower abdomen, muscle pain; at this time, someone may have pain in their legs, arms, heart area or other parts of the body.

But today we would like to supplement the information on our resource with such a manifestation of the decline of reproductive functions as pain in the joints during menopause.

Moreover, this type of symptoms can bother almost forty percent of women reaching this stage of life.

Why do joint pains occur during menopause, what diseases can provoke such symptoms, when can you not do without the help of doctors, and what to do if such problems are discovered? Our publication today aims to answer such questions.

The main causes of joint pain during menopause

Discomfort, unpleasant sensations in the joints, and their pain can occur during menopause against the background of a gradual decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood as the functioning of the ovaries fades, followed by the leaching of calcium from the bone tissue.

A sharp deficiency in the production of sex hormones by a woman’s body can lead to the development of:

Review from our reader Olga Savinova

I recently read an article that talks about the natural healing mixture “Monastery Anti-climax Tea”, which helps you forget what menopause is. Using this tea you can get rid of excessive sweating, frequent headaches, irritability, muscle pain...

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed changes within a week: constant hot flashes, pressure surges, poor sleep and mood swings that had tormented me in recent months receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

Unfortunately, such a serious disease, which often accompanies menopause, such as osteoporosis, can dramatically increase the risk of developing bone fractures, dislocations, subluxations and simply destruction of bone tissue.

But at the same time, the sensations when joints, legs or arms hurt may not be in any way related to the hormonal changes in the female body during menopause. Sometimes the described symptoms indicate completely different pathological processes. We'll talk about which ones next.

Concomitant diseases manifested by joint pain

As we have already said, menopause is not always the root cause of joint pain in older women.

Sometimes similar symptoms (pain in the legs or joints of the hands) can occur with the development of concomitant diseases of the skeletal system.

Such pathologies are usually classified as:

It is quite clear that various pathologies that trouble older women should be treated differently, in strict accordance with the root causes of the disease.

The only thing that all representatives of the fair sex, without exception, should remember is the correct algorithm of actions for such symptoms, which allows you to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Many of our readers actively use a new method based on natural ingredients, which was discovered by Elena Malysheva, to combat CLIMAX and TIDES. It contains only natural ingredients, herbs and extracts - no hormones or chemicals. To get rid of menopause you need to eat every morning...

When is it important to see a doctor?

So, if a woman who has reached the age of menopause initially experiences moderate joint pain, treatment of the problem may involve using traditional recipes, taking herbal remedies, using pain-relieving ointments or analgesics.

But, if the pain is not relieved by such treatment, if its intensity constantly increases, the character becomes aggressive - the patient needs to consult a doctor.

In the event that the problem is complemented by other aggressive symptoms, numbness of the limb, disorders of consciousness, excessively intense pain, a sharp increase in body temperature, blood pressure, the patient requires emergency assistance (call an ambulance)!

Which calcium-containing drugs are most often prescribed by doctors?

Sometimes, experienced gynecologists, in order to prevent the described problems, can prescribe various types of medications to their patients to compensate for the lack of calcium and other microelements in the body as a preventive measure.

What drugs are these?

It is better to ask your doctor which ones are best for you.

But, as useful information, we will list the most common calcium-containing preparations (their characteristics), most often used for the treatment and prevention of the described problems.

Name Manufacturer Indications for use Release forms Price
Calcium alginate FitoLine LLC, Moscow Joint pain during menopause Capsules About 650 rub.
LLC "Yug", Biysk Prevention of osteoporosis Dragee 350-480 rub.
Cal-Di-Mag Nutricare International, USA Prevention of damage to the skeletal system during menopause Pills 1000-1400 rub.
Calcium biolite Biolit LLC, Tomsk Complex therapy for age-related changes in bone structure Capsules 1900-2400 rub.
Osteo Complex, colloidal phyto formula AD Medicine International For the prevention and treatment of joint problems Colloidal solution 2100-2600 rub.

In addition, significant support for the body and its skeletal system can be provided using folk recipes and herbal formulas, which will be discussed further.

Traditional methods for replenishing calcium deficiency during menopause

As you understand, to compensate for the lack of calcium during menopause, you can use old proven folk recipes, correction of nutrition and drinking regimen.

For the treatment of CLIMAX and TIDES, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on NATURAL components - STOP KLIMAKS. A well-chosen OLD RECIPE allows you to harmonize the period of adaptation of the body to new conditions. Only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals or hormones!

Undoubtedly, it is important for women during menopause to change their diet, including dairy products, fish, grains and legumes, and vegetables that are rich in this vital microelement.

In addition, a remedy such as Monastic tea has an excellent effect of maintaining the body and its skeletal system.

The content of such components in Monastic tea as rose hips or hawthorn, oregano herbs, St. John's wort, motherwort and others, allows you to significantly restore the body's strength, strengthen the skeletal and nervous systems during menopause.

The following recipe works great in this case:

Reception of collecting herbs: Chernobyl, fragrant woodruff and dream grass. The infusion is prepared as follows: take one teaspoon of the indicated ingredients and add 500 grams of hot water.

The decoction is infused for at least one hour and taken a quarter glass twice a day. The described recipe is effective in the complex treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.

Unfortunately, joint diseases during menopause are not uncommon.

Moreover, often such unpleasant symptoms may indicate the presence of a serious pathology in the body that will have to be treated in a timely manner.

It is more correct to coordinate any treatment of joint problems during menopause with an experienced doctor. This is how the patient has the opportunity to quickly cope with the ailment and avoid the development of a more dangerous pathology!

Do you still think that it is impossible to get rid of CLIMAX?

Have you ever tried get rid of or delay the arrival of CLIMAX? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • hot flashes, severe sweating...
  • Frequent pressure surges and hypertension...
  • sudden mood swings, irritability, tearfulness...
  • severe headaches and dizziness...
  • loss of strength, depression, apathy....
  • change in body weight...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much time, effort and money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE and any help will be useless! That's right - it's time to act! Do you agree? That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new method of Elena Malysheva, who has found an effective remedy in overcoming the menopause period.

When joints hurt during menopause, many women do not know what to do in this situation. They experience serious pain and discomfort. Every woman over the age of 45 experiences an inevitable menopause, which entails physiological changes in the body.

The onset of menopause provokes a natural decrease in sexual functions. It causes physiological changes in the body. This period lasts for 3-5 years and causes significant discomfort, organ function is disrupted, and memory deteriorates. During this long period of time, psychological, endocrine and autonomic functions are disrupted.

Hormonal cycles and the production of steroids by the genitals are disrupted. After the loss of production of steroids and gonadotropins, eggs no longer mature, the uterine mucosa undergoes thinning, impulses to the hypothalamus become weaker, bone tissue and organs of the genitourinary system are susceptible to changes. With this type of work, the body undergoes hormonal adjustments.

Also, menopausal changes in a woman cause:

  • irritability;
  • feelings of nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • tides;
  • joint pain;
  • heart pain;
  • painful sensations in the mammary glands and genitals.

Hot flashes are a rather unpleasant factor in menopause. It manifests itself like this: the temperature in the face, arms and neck rises, the heart rate increases, sweat is released profusely, and the skin begins to turn red.

The incident in the form of tides is characterized by the suddenness of their appearance; the tide also ends rapidly. During hot flashes, your joints, chest and lower abdomen may hurt. Heart pain that is not associated with physical activity and does not go away after taking medications (validol, nitroglycerin) is different from angina pectoris; its duration is longer.

During this time, these pains either intensify or weaken. Such pain and lack of air do not lead to significant damage to the heart; if such a menopausal effect is detected, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist’s office. Often, a woman’s condition rapidly improves after adjusting her daily routine and taking sedatives in small doses.

Sometimes there is a need for treatment with hormone substitutes; the doctor chooses the tactics of individual therapy, since hormonal drugs may not have a beneficial effect on the body. The body may not fully recover from menopause due to natural changes over time and not due to the effects of any disease.

The use of hormonal drugs, antidepressants and vitamin complexes prescribed by a gynecologist or endocrinologist can improve the condition; self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Over time, the woman becomes less irritable, and headaches and joint pains cease to bother her.

Often women, not yet faced with menopause, wonder whether muscles and joints can hurt and how this happens. Menopausal changes are irreversible due to the woman’s age. In addition to the feeling of aching in the lumbar region, joints and muscles hurt during menopause. There may also be a feeling of malaise associated with pathologies that appear against the background of hormonal changes.

Why is this happening? The thing is that estrogen reduces its synthesis functions, and the functioning of the ovaries deteriorates, fading over time. These sexual changes provoke the occurrence of osteoporosis and increase the risk of bone fractures, which become more fragile and vulnerable. Destructive effects on bone tissue cause more frequent dislocations and fractures.

Painful muscle and joint sensations can be signs of an orthopedic disease such as arthritis. Another menopausal disease may be osteochondrosis, associated with degenerative disorders of the intervertebral discs and ligaments. Due to this, muscle elasticity is lost and pain occurs. This disease may cause a hernia.

What to do with troubling joint and muscle pain during menopause and is it possible to normalize the condition? Yes, such a possibility exists if the cause of the deterioration is correctly identified. This cause must be eliminated with medication or prevented by preventive measures.

Progressive osteoporosis during menopause must be treated. Proper treatment will help strengthen bone tissue and improve the condition and functioning of the musculoskeletal system. It is impossible to eliminate this disease, but properly selected medications will help reduce the progression of the disease and improve the woman’s condition as a whole.

Prevention and therapy of osteochondrosis include increased physical activity of women, therapeutic physical education classes, which will help strengthen muscles and ligaments in order to prevent deformation.

Menopausal age should be a signal for a woman that her body requires careful treatment with proper rest and nutrition.

Your daily diet should include fruits and vegetables.

To normalize metabolism and facilitate menopause, women are prescribed the following vitamins:

  • thiamine;
  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • tocopherol;
  • calciferol.

The period when joints hurt during menopause requires careful therapy.

If you do not consult a doctor, a disease of the musculoskeletal system can lead to significant disorders of the body and serious consequences.

Every woman reaches the age of menopause. The time begins to prepare the body for rest. The condition of the skin worsens, fatigue increases during physical work.

Chronic diseases are getting worse, blood pressure is rising, grandmothers are complaining of weakness.

Signs of approaching menopause: sudden heavy sweating, dry skin, insomnia, memory impairment. Acute pain occurs that requires anesthesia.

Pain occurs where there was none before.

Menopause provokes the development of new pathologies. My legs also get sick. Fever, sweating, chills, and headache increase the discomfort.

There are many reasons for pain in the legs.

At a young age, a woman's health is stronger than a man's. Hormones protect and prepare for bearing children. Older people produce few sex hormones - this is bad for the skin, cardiovascular system, and ability to fight infections.

For a woman’s body, a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause becomes stressful. Nervous system disorders appear. The balance of trace elements and minerals is disrupted. Lack of calcium acutely affects the condition of bones and muscles.


Grandmothers often suffer from osteoporosis. During menopause, bone tissue is destroyed, becomes brittle, and breaks from injury. The reason is a lack of sex hormones after fifty.

Osteoporosis develops painlessly, weakness appears. When the disease becomes severe, the lower back begins to ache and the legs become cold. No anesthesia is required.

A pulling sensation appears between the shoulder blades. Acute pain inside the spine indicates a fracture has occurred.

Salvation is vitamins enhanced with a complex of minerals, including fruits and fresh vegetables in the menu. Osteoporosis is caused not by the lack of calcium inside the bones, but by the consumption of calcium by the body.

Osteoporosis is incurable, there are drugs to slow the progression of the disease and for anesthesia for pain. Treatment and prevention will strengthen the tissues.

Not responding to the symptoms of the onset of osteoporosis is harmful; its development leads to the formation of a hump on the right, left, between the shoulder blades.

Sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerves run from the pelvic cavity along the back of the thighs on the right and left. The nerves are large, pain is felt in the muscles, in the lower back. The nerve is pinched, pain radiates to the leg on the right or left. You can't do without anesthesia.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve during menopause:

  1. Weight gain in older women. The load increases, the spine hurts. With age-related changes in the joints and cartilage in the lumbar region, the lumen of the spinal canal narrows, the sciatic nerve is pinched.
  2. A hernia forms between the vertebrae. The blood supply is disrupted, bone tissue grows, putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve is pinched and hurts due to:

  • with spinal disease;
  • with injury;
  • with a sharp turn;
  • with lifting weights;
  • with sedentary work;
  • with excess load during operation.

A person has constant severe pain in the back of his body. The pain is shooting, radiating down the leg, aching at the top and bottom. When moving, the pain intensifies, a burning sensation appears in the leg and lower back, weakness, and a tingling sensation in the skin.

The pain in the lower back, buttocks and lower back is unbearable. It is impossible to sit - it pulls on the right or left. There is a feeling of numbness of the skin, the temperature rises.

A burning sensation occurs in the lower abdomen, aggravated by urinary or fecal incontinence. It worsens due to nervousness.

If the stage is severe, bed rest is indicated. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed - ortofen or ibuprofen. Physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises help.

For prevention, between periods of exacerbation, watch your posture, strengthen your back muscles, and walk around after a long period of sitting.

Be careful when doing physical work; you cannot lift weights with one hand: right or left. Distribute the load evenly between both sides of the body.


The legs often hurt due to swelling resulting from kidney damage, obstructed blood flow, and taking medications. Due to heart disease, fluid stagnation in the body is possible.

Swelling is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In the evening the temperature rises, weakness appears, and the woman becomes nervous.

Edema cannot be cured without finding out the cause. Treatment of the disease is necessary.

In addition to treatment, it is useful to take diuretics. Better herbal ingredients.

Compositions that calm the nerves are useful.


  • stop taking hormones;
  • avoid excess salt intake;
  • move a lot;
  • beware of excessive load;
  • fight excess weight.

Muscle pain

Women who spend a lot of time on their feet are susceptible to them. Hormonal fluctuations throughout life affect the condition of tissues and blood vessels, and the situation worsens with age. The muscles become weak and inelastic. Dystrophic changes occur in the ligaments.

If it compresses your calves, it hurts to walk, your feet are cold - this is a sign of atherosclerotic vascular damage.

If your legs ache, become heavy, or have cramps, this is a sign of weak venous blood flow.

Reason for pain:

  • Physical activity, intense sports training, leading to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles;
  • Excess weight that interferes with blood flow;
  • Problems with blood vessels;
  • Lack of movement;
  • Love for heels.

Burning, pain pulsates, radiates along the veins, swelling appears - a sign of thrombophlebitis.

What becomes the reason:

  • Infection;
  • Changes in blood properties;
  • Violation of the walls of blood vessels.

During menopause, inflammatory, neurological, vascular diseases of the legs are possible, causing muscle pain.

To alleviate the condition and anesthesia, use:

  1. therapeutic exercises;
  2. cold and hot shower;
  3. herbal baths with infusion of sage, nettle, mint.

When muscles hurt, wearing compression stockings has a positive effect.

Painful joints

Many grandmothers often complain that their joints hurt during menopause.

Perhaps, due to osteochondrosis, the musculoskeletal system does not work well. Severe pain appears in the spine, lower back, problems with the nervous system, burning, weakness, heaviness at the bottom and a feeling that the legs are freezing.

Weakened muscles and ligaments do not support the spine. Mobility is lost and pain appears. Unable to perform physical work. Small loads are heavy.

Osteochondrosis develops due to deformations in the spine. The disk cannot be restored, but the severity of symptoms can be reduced.

What to do:

  • do physical therapy;
  • walk a lot;
  • control posture;
  • practice yoga.

Menopausal arthritis

Normal hormonal levels in women are responsible for the regulation of life processes. In older people, the activity of substances synthesizing cartilage tissue is reduced, provoking the development of climatic arthritis. The joint becomes deformed and swells, it begins to hurt in the morning, a feeling of stiffness, weakness, and burning appears. A sign of climatic arthritis is that the local temperature at the joint rarely increases.

Climatic arthritis differs from rheumatoid arthritis:

  • there are tides;
  • excessive sweating bothers you;
  • Fatigue sets in quickly;
  • the woman feels weak.

Treatment includes hormone therapy, drugs to protect and restore cartilage and joints, and anti-inflammatory medications. Additionally, it is necessary to take supplements containing vitamins D3, B6, C, E and antioxidants.

Many folk remedies relieve leg pain during menopause.

Dandelion root helps improve cartilage metabolism in older people. A natural chondroprotector is able to restore joints and relieve pain.

  1. A mixture is made from dried dandelion - 6 g of roots, 2 teaspoons of leaves. Add to 200 ml of water. Leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. After infusion for half an hour, take half a glass of infusion before meals.
  2. Dandelion juice is obtained by mixing crushed flowers with granulated sugar in equal quantities. After ten days of aging in a cold place, the juice is squeezed out. Take 3 months, before meals.

For swelling, apply compresses and baths.

  1. With sea salt. Sore feet are kept in a warm bath, where a tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a liter of water. You can wrap your feet with a towel soaked in this solution.
  2. Comfrey. A vodka tincture of finely chopped root of this plant soothes pain and improves joint mobility. Keep a liter of vodka with a tablespoon of comfrey in the dark for 3 weeks. Take a tablespoon a month, before each meal.

If the sciatic nerve is inflamed, it is treated with tincture of lilac or hot pepper.

Grandmothers teach us to apply a cake made of flour and honey to the sore area at night.

For arthritis, drink apple cider vinegar. Mix a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water and drink 2 weeks before meals. It is also useful for muscle pain.

If your joints hurt, take spruce baths. Fresh spruce branches are poured with boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, the sore limbs are immersed in it for 30 minutes. After the bath, lie down in a warm bed. Do this every other day, it will take 7 baths.

For osteoarthritis, take mustard baths. Mustard in a linen bag is dissolved in water heated to no higher than 40 C. When joints hurt, the legs are immersed in such a bath for a while. Then wash off the mustard from the skin and cover the heated areas with a warm scarf. The burning sensation should not be strong. Three procedures are enough, do it at night.

Taking care of your health and preventing possible diseases is important during the period of hormonal changes.

The restructuring will go unnoticed if nervous overload is countered by calmness, if rest is complete and nutrition is natural and balanced.

Menopause causes many negative manifestations that interfere with leading a normal lifestyle. Some women note that when menopause occurs, their joints hurt, and what to do in this case is not always clear. The fact is that these painful sensations can be caused by both a lack of hormones and other reasons.

In any case, immediate diagnosis is required, because changes in bone tissue can be irreversible and also cause stiffness in movement and severe injuries. Therefore, the health of joints and bones must be taken care of long before the onset.

What causes joint pain during menopause?

Menopause is accompanied by a decrease in the level of sex hormones. This change affects not only the reproductive system, but also the production and absorption of useful substances by the body. It is the lack of calcium and vitamin D that is the main reason why bones and joints hurt during menopause.

Such disorders can cause the following problems in the body, accompanied by pain:

  1. . negatively affects the structure of bone tissue, making it weak and fragile. The rate of formation of new cells decreases against the background of rapid destruction of old ones. As a result, the load on the joints increases due to increased bone fragility.
  2. Deforming osteoarthritis. During menopause, the production of collagen slows down, which is necessary to neutralize friction between joints. Here there is not only pain, but also a dry crackling sound, as well as difficulties during movement.
  3. Fat deposits. Menopause resists a drop in estrogen levels, causing an increase in fat tissue. As a result, weakened bone tissues are subjected to even greater stress due to excess weight, which negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Problems with blood circulation. It is this disorder that first begins to cause muscle pain during menopause. Its cause is a destabilized metabolism. Due to a lack of collagen and elastin, muscles lose their tone, and human vessels, in addition, cannot fully supply blood to the body’s tissues.
  5. Nervous system disorders. Menopause also negatively affects the functioning of nerve endings, causing convulsions and goosebumps. And this factor can increase not only pain, but also worsen the condition of the joints. In this case, not only the legs hurt during menopause, but also the neck and spine.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • Klimonorm,
  • Angelique,
  • Estrofem,
  • Divina,
  • Ovestin,
  • Aktivel,
  • Cliogest,
  • Estrogel.

As for the form of release of HRT drugs, these can be:

  • pills,
  • gels,
  • drops,
  • plasters,
  • candles,
  • ointments.

Among the phytohormones we can distinguish:

  • Estrovel,
  • Klimaksan,
  • Klimadinon,
  • Klimakt-Hel.

Patients often ask the question: “can joints hurt even after HRT is prescribed?” Here doctors pay attention to drugs with calcium, which the body lacks, selecting them based on symptoms:

  • Calcium alginate (joints);
  • Calcepan (prevention of osteoporosis);
  • Cal-Di-Mag (against bone lesions);
  • Calcium biolit (complex therapy agent);
  • Osteo Complex (prevention and treatment of joint problems).

Joints can hurt for various reasons, but in all cases it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of calcium, and also take care of eliminating the causes of its impaired absorption.

Traditional medicine methods

In addition to medications and HRT, the female body needs natural support. It all starts with nutrition, where the following products must be present:

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • peas;
  • oatmeal;
  • nuts;
  • garlic,
  • mustard,
  • fish,
  • vegetables.

As for medicinal herbs, here you can buy ready-made tinctures, drops and ointments or prepare remedies at home using:

  • Chernobyl,
  • dandelion root,
  • sleep-grass,
  • St. John's wort,
  • fragrant woodruff,
  • rapeseed,
  • touch-me-not grass,
  • field yarutka.

Treatment of joint pain during menopause is best done under medical supervision. Of course, folk remedies are also effective, but sometimes they are not enough. In addition, it is important to accurately establish the cause of such sensations, so that the chosen drugs are beneficial and do not aggravate an existing pathology.

Menopause has many unpleasant consequences. Women tolerate some of them quite easily. But when joint pain occurs during menopause, treatment is required quickly and effectively. Without taking action, the sensation may intensify and lead to stiffness in movement and injury.

Read in this article

Why does joint pain occur during menopause?

Menopause is characterized primarily by a fall. Substances stop being produced when the supply of follicles in them comes to an end. Estrogens and progestins are involved not only in the functions of the reproductive system, but also provide many other processes, the production of vital components. And therefore, their quantitative decrease causes changes in well-being in different parts of the body.

This is the main cause of joint pain during menopause, for which treatment is mandatory. It in turn provokes other features that bring this feeling:

  • Osteoporosis. This is a change in the structure of bone tissue, leading to its weakening. Its strength is ensured by the predominance of the process of formation of new cells over the destruction of old ones. A drop in hormones makes everything go the other way around. Bones become more fragile, resulting in increased stress on joints. The pain arises first from unusual pressure, and then from the gradual destruction of their tissues;
  • Deforming osteoarthritis. Joints consist of cartilage, ligaments, and a sac of fluid that neutralizes friction between them. The structure of these elements is such that they require constant replenishment with collagen. Its production slows down and decreases due to a decrease in the volume of sex hormones. The fabrics wear out and become thinner. When there is pain in the joints during menopause, difficulty in movement, especially in the morning, dry crackling in this area, there is reason to suspect deforming osteoarthritis;
  • . A decrease in estrogen forces the body to resist this, provoking the growth of adipose tissue, because it is the tissue that is capable of producing these hormones. Therefore, many menopausal women gain weight, which increases the stress placed on weakening bones and joints;
  • Circulatory disorders. And it is caused by changes in the balance of substances. The blood supply to body tissues deteriorates, and muscle pain during menopause appears largely for this reason. A lack of collagen and elastin leads to decreased muscle tone. A malfunction in the functioning of the nervous system also contributes to provoking the sensation. Women suffer from muscle cramps, which also affect the condition of the joints.

What should you do right away to get rid of joint pain?

When joints hurt during menopause, not all women understand what to do. Most people prefer to take medications that relieve painful sensations, but this is not a solution, but postponing the problem “for later,” a temporary measure.

To choose the right treatment, you need to determine the exact cause of the pain, for which specialists (rheumatologist, orthopedist, gynecologist) prescribe an examination, which includes:

  • Assessment of hormonal status according to the appropriate. It is also taken for general research;
  • X-ray of joints. In this way, it is possible to identify and evaluate the changes that have occurred in them during osteoarthritis, the degree of bone destruction during osteoporosis;
  • Osteodensitometry. This examination can indicate the level of bone density loss.

All this will allow us to establish a diagnosis, that is, the reason why during menopause.

Drug therapy

Since sensations in the joint area are caused by hormonal imbalances, introducing the missing substances into the body can help. It will restore the normal processes that ensure their health, which will eliminate pain and muscle cramps. We are talking about those containing synthetic hormones, primarily estrogens.

They will eliminate the causes of pain and pathological structural changes in tissues. The following drugs are used:

These can be injections, tablets, patches. With them, bone tissue will stop losing calcium, blood circulation in the muscles and the functioning of the central nervous system will be normalized. That is, the causes of pain will disappear.

If it is impossible to take hormones, the use of herbal remedies may also be effective. The substances in them are of plant origin, so joint pain during menopause will not go away so quickly, because this treatment is more gentle on the body.

However, phytohormones are also able to cope with the causes of heaviness in the legs and cramps. Experts offer the following:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Climaxan;
  • Klimakt-Hel;
  • Estrovel.

Usually, hormones, synthetic and herbal, are not the only ones in the treatment of joint pain. In addition to these, you will need vitamins, chondroprotectors, painkillers and some effort from the patient herself.

Calcium preparations

Osteoporosis always means the loss of bones, the most important condition for their strength - a mineral substance called calcium. It is found in many foods, but during menopause this amount is no longer enough to ensure their normal density. Synthetic products containing vitamins, calcium, and stimulating bone cell division are needed:

  • Aquadetrim, Vigantol, Alfacalcidol. These are medications with a high concentration of vitamin D, without which the absorption of the mineral is unthinkable;
  • Natekal, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Kaltsinova. These products contain the mineral in high doses, which can normalize bone density during menopause;
  • Fosamax, Aklasta, Fosavance. Drugs from the list of biophosphonates, that is, capable of inhibiting osteoclasts (components that destroy bone).

Chondroprotectors and painkillers

If menopause has arrived, your joints hurt, and degenerative changes have been detected in them, this is osteoarthritis. The disease already requires funds that can stimulate cartilage renewal. Using them, it is also important to spare the sore joint, without giving it a strong load. To directly influence all its areas, several groups of means are used:

  • Rumalon, Arteparon, Artron. These are chondroprotectors that provide the prerequisites for the formation of healthy cartilage;
  • Curantil, Trental. Medicines improve blood supply to the joints, which contributes to their recovery;
  • Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Mydocalm, Novocain, No-Shpa, Papaverine. This group of drugs helps relieve inflammation and affects pain receptors.

It will be possible to eliminate aching sensations faster if you accompany the medications with a massage from a specialist or other methods of physiotherapy.

Painful joints and menopause are a common combination. And although it almost always requires drug treatment, there are ways to prevent illness. They are also relevant when the diagnosis has already been made. This is a diet that does not allow obesity, but contains many vitamins, calcium, phytoestrogens, and reasonable physical activity.

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    An infectious disease with inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. Infection often occurs through the usual airborne route....