Solving a delicate problem during pregnancy with microlax. Microlax for solving the delicate problems of expectant mothers Microlax for pregnant constipation

Last update date: 09/19/2019

During pregnancy, many women experience difficulty with bowel movements. The constant discomfort associated with stool retention can seriously overshadow the happy waiting time for the baby. Often, the expectant mother does not attach much importance to recurrent constipation or considers them a natural phenomenon that you just need to endure. And some women are forced to put up with discomfort, because they are sure that there are no safe laxatives for pregnant women. However, this is fundamentally wrong. When constipation occurs, it is important to inform the doctor about this problem in a timely manner. The specialist will select a comprehensive treatment and prescribe modern preparations for bowel cleansing with an optimal safety profile, such as MICROLAX ® .

The main symptoms of constipation during pregnancy

A reduction in the number of bowel movements indicates constipation in a pregnant woman: bowel cleansing occurs less than 3 times a week. A deviation from the norm is considered to be a delay in feces for more than 2 days. Violation of the frequency of bowel movements is often accompanied by other symptoms. The feces that accumulate in the intestines become hard and dry. Going to the toilet requires a lot of straining. Dense feces can injure the anus, then defecation will be accompanied by pain. In addition, with constipation, a pregnant woman may be disturbed by a feeling of fullness and blockage in the rectum. Often, even going to the toilet does not bring relief: after a bowel movement, there is a feeling that the intestines have not been completely cleansed. Often, constipation is accompanied by flatulence, bloating.

Change in hormonal background. In the early stages of pregnancy, the balance of hormones in a woman's body is actively changing, in particular, the level of progesterone rises. It reduces the tone of the muscles of the small pelvis: this is important so that the fertilized egg can gain a foothold in the uterus. This action of progesterone also gives a side effect. The hormone slows down the digestive tract and reduces intestinal motility. Very often because of this, constipation occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Decreased physical activity. Many women, having learned that they are expecting a child, refuse an active lifestyle and sports. To a certain extent, this is justified, since serious physical exertion can be the cause of miscarriage. As the fetus develops, the outlines of the figure and body weight of the woman change, and for natural reasons it becomes difficult for her to actively move. Hypodynamia leads to a decrease in intestinal tone, which contributes to the development of constipation.

Taking certain medications. For normal development, the fetus needs vitamins and trace elements, so pregnant women are often prescribed medications containing these beneficial substances. Some of these drugs have a fixing property. First of all, these are products with a high content of calcium and iron.

Deficiency of fluid in the body. In late pregnancy, many women experience swelling of the face, legs and arms. Because of this, expectant mothers try to drink less during the day and reduce the consumption of juicy fruits and vegetables. Lack of fluid and fiber leads to compaction of feces and difficulty in emptying the intestines.

Pressure of the enlarged uterus. During pregnancy, there is a displacement of the abdominal organs. The uterus takes up more and more space and compresses the surrounding tissues. This can lead to decreased sensitivity and intestinal motility. As a result, constipation occurs. In the later stages, shortly before childbirth, the lowered head of the fetus can also squeeze the intestines.

Why is it so important to use a laxative during pregnancy in a timely manner?

Constipation can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby. Violation of the frequency of bowel movements in some cases can cause inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. The consequences of constipation in the later stages are especially undesirable. A rectum full of feces can increase the tone of the uterus. This, like too much straining during a bowel movement, can provoke premature birth. That is why it is important for a pregnant woman to cleanse the intestines in a timely manner, if necessary, using laxatives approved by the doctor for use.

Is MICROLAX ® suitable for pregnant women?

According to the instructions for medical use, it is allowed to use MICROLAX ® during pregnancy 1 . This modern laxative in the format of a disposable microclyster softens dense fecal masses in the rectum and does not affect other organs of the digestive system and small pelvis. The active components of the drug are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation and do not cause uterine contractions. MICROLAX ® can be used in any trimester of pregnancy, after consulting with your doctor.

Benefits of using MICROLAX ® during pregnancy

The action of the drug. The action of MICROLAX ® can begin as early as 5-15 minutes 2 after application, in contrast to oral medications, which can take effect at the most inopportune moment.

Hygienic packaging. Micro enema MICROLAX ® is intended for single use. It is completely ready for use and does not require preliminary antiseptic treatment.

Simple application. When using MICROLAX ® to a pregnant woman, there is no need to individually select the dosage. Microclyster contains the optimal amount of the drug for a single use. The flexible applicator tip allows you to safely and conveniently inject the laxative into the rectum.

How to use MICROLAX ® during pregnancy?

  • Take the tube and break off the seal on the applicator tip.
  • Press on the container so that a drop of the drug lubricates the tip of the microclyster - this will simplify its introduction.
  • Insert the applicator tip into the entire rectum.
  • Squeeze the tube and squeeze out its contents.
  • Continuing to lightly squeeze the container, remove the tip.

If you have any questions about using the product, you will find all the necessary information about the method of application in the instructions.

Learn more about the applicationMICROLAX ® during pregnancy from our video!

1 There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Since this drug is likely to be absorbed into the systemic circulation to a small extent, no adverse effects to the fetus are expected when it is used as recommended during pregnancy.

2 In accordance with the instructions for medical use of the laxative agent MICROLAX ® .

When carrying a child, women often face such a problem as constipation. It is accompanied by unpleasant sensations - bloating, heaviness in the lower abdomen, as well as pain after defecation. In expectant mothers, such a violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract causes irritation and anxiety. They turn to the gynecologist with the question of how to get rid of constipation and whether they can use microclysters or not.

Microclyster "Mikrolaks": composition and properties of the drug

Although female doctors generally have a negative attitude towards the use of an enema during the bearing of a baby, many of them still allow and even recommend that patients use the Microlax microclyster. It comes in the form of a clear solution filled with small oxygen globules. Its structure is viscous. Microlax is sold in a tube with an elongated tip. One microclyster contains 5 mg of solution. The package contains from 4 to 12 enemas.

When it enters the feces, the drug softens them and stimulates the emptying of the intestines of the expectant mother. The use of the solution not only speeds up the act of defecation, but also helps to eliminate pain after it. The effect of the use of microclysters is observed after 5-10 minutes.

The drug is allowed to be used to eliminate constipation in women bearing a child, due to the safe composition. The active ingredients of Microlax help to moisturize and irritate the rectum, thereby stimulating the urge to defecate. Auxiliary components of the solution are water, sorbic acid, glycerin.

Among the active components of Microlax are:

  • Sodium citrate. Displaces the water contained in the feces, contributing to their excretion.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate. Liquefies feces.
  • Sorbitol. Stimulates the flow of water into the intestines.

Indications for the use of Microlax during pregnancy

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but this does not mean that a pregnant woman can self-medicate. Before using Microlax, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Doctors are usually very careful when prescribing an enema, but in the case of Microlax, they are not so categorical. Indications for the use of the drug include:

  • constipation of various etiology and duration;
  • disorders of the stomach;
  • weak intestinal motility;
  • fecal incontinence by the expectant mother;
  • emptying the bowels before childbirth;
  • preparation for an ultrasound examination in a pregnant woman with stool disorder;
  • performing procedures on the rectum.

For how long can Microlax be used?

Studies have shown that Microlax during pregnancy does not affect either the mother or the child, since its active substances do not enter the bloodstream. In isolated cases, individual intolerance to the components of the solution is observed.

In early pregnancy, women often experience constipation (read more in the article: constipation in early pregnancy). They occur due to changes in hormonal levels and a weakening of the functions of the smooth muscles of the intestine.

Gynecologists advise patients at this time only to follow a diet - exclude fried and fatty foods and enrich their diet with foods rich in fiber. Physical activity is another way to get rid of an unpleasant problem. If both methods do not have the desired effect and become ineffective, doctors resort to the use of microenemas. Stool retention is a very dangerous condition, fraught with poisoning of the embryo with toxins, as well as an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage in the first trimester.

At a later date, that is, at the end of the second and during the third trimester, there is an increase in pressure on the intestines due to the active weight gain of the fetus. Certain medications that gynecologists prescribe to maintain the patient's condition, such as drugs that reduce uterine tone and contain calcium and iron, can also lead to constipation during pregnancy.

How to use (how often to use, at what time, etc.)

Before using the means to stimulate bowel movements, the expectant mother should definitely study the recommendations indicated in the instructions, consult a gynecologist - in a word, make sure that all precautions are taken. Before the introduction of microclysters, a woman must always wash and dry her hands. The introduction procedure includes the following steps:

  1. removal of the seal from the tip;
  2. occupying a position on the left side with bent knees;
  3. gradual introduction of the tip into the rectum for its length;
  4. slowly squeezing out the contents of the solution.

The laxative effect can be felt already with the introduction of the drug. For it to work for sure, a woman needs to be a little patient and wait for the specified time. According to the instructions, the effect of the drug begins only after 15 minutes, and all the discomfort is a consequence of irritation of the rectum.

Many patients are interested in how many hours Microlax is placed or how often expectant mothers are allowed to use it. Enema "Mikrolaks" do at any time of the day. The question of the frequency of use and dosage of the drug is decided only by the attending physician.

If after 2 times the effect does not occur, the woman needs to contact a specialist to replace the remedy. Patients should remember that this remedy does not eliminate the cause of constipation.

Side effects

Despite the safety of the composition of Microlax, its use has its own side effects. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences after using the solution to stimulate defecation, the patient should definitely consult a doctor. Unforeseen effects on the body, in the first place, may be due to the presence of contraindications that were not studied by the patient before using Microlax. It cannot be used for:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • use of other rectal agents;
  • the use of drugs for hyperkalemia;
  • hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

In addition, the development of side effects may be associated with self-medication and non-compliance with the dosage of the solution. Side effects include:

  • irritation;
  • burning;
  • redness;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Analogues of Microlax (suppositories, oral remedies) and folk remedies for dealing with constipation

To eliminate constipation, it is necessary to introduce fermented milk products into the diet, increase the amount of fluid consumed, do household chores and exercise.

If the above methods are ineffective, doctors resort to drug therapy. If Microlax is not suitable or contraindicated for a woman, the gynecologist must prescribe another medicine that will also not be absorbed into the intestinal wall and will not increase its peristalsis. As a rule, microclysters are replaced with rectal suppositories or tablets.

Microlax has no structural analogues, however, doctors resort to replacing the drug with the following drugs:

  • Transipeg. It retains water in the intestines and helps to thin the stool. The drug is produced in the form of powders, which must be dissolved in water before use. Among its positive aspects is the lack of influence on the fetus and the ability to be absorbed into the intestinal wall. However, the drug begins to act only after a few days, often causes diarrhea, and has many contraindications.
  • Defenorm. This is a plantain-based drug. It is available in capsules and tablets, and the action occurs after six hours, causing the expansion and softening of the feces. Its disadvantages include a slight irritating effect on the walls of the rectum. This medicine does not affect the fetus.
  • Softovak. This is another herbal preparation, but data on its effect on a pregnant woman are not available.
  • Glycerax. The composition of rectal suppositories includes glycerol, which activates peristalsis. On the advice of a gynecologist, it can be used during pregnancy.

Constipation can be eliminated by using folk remedies that have a mild laxative effect, reduce abdominal pain, and relieve spasm. The use of any means, especially herbs, must be agreed with the gynecologist. Under the supervision of a doctor, pregnant women can take infusions of flax seeds, decoctions of chamomile, castor oil. Patients can use lemon balm, mint, motherwort, plantain, dill, ginger, currant and blueberry leaves, prunes.

Microlax, prescribed during pregnancy, refers to medicines that help women in position get rid of such a phenomenon as constipation. According to statistics, approximately every second pregnant woman is faced with this type of stool disorder. The causes of occurrence are numerous, but in most cases it is caused by an increase in the fetus in size. This explains the fact that constipation most often occurs in the later stages.

What is Microlax and how is it used during pregnancy?

Microlax, used during pregnancy, is available in the form of microclysters - small tubes with medicinal contents, which are injected directly into the rectum. The volume of one such tube is 5 ml.

The active ingredient of this drug is sodium citrate, which helps soften the feces and bring them out.

If we list all the actions that Microlax has on the body, then these are:

  • stimulation of water entry into the intestines;
  • increase in fecal masses in volume;
  • increase in intestinal peristalsis.

According to the instructions for the drug, Microlax can be prescribed to pregnant women to combat constipation. This is explained by the fact that the drug acts locally, i.e. directly in the lumen of the rectum, without penetrating the walls of the intestine and without getting into the bloodstream. In other words, - Microlax cannot harm the fetus.

Can Microlax always be used during pregnancy?

As mentioned above, the drug can be used during childbearing. Moreover, Microlax during pregnancy can be prescribed in the early stages. However, in this case, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. The thing is that the final pharmacodynamics of the drug during gestation has not been studied. Therefore, the likelihood of side effects still remains, but it is very small.

How to use Microlax during pregnancy?

Having figured out whether Microlax can be used by pregnant women, let's talk about how to administer it correctly.

So before using the drug, it is necessary to carry out the toilet of the rectum. Then gently break off the protective cap, after which you need to slightly press on the tube so that its contents slightly lubricate the tip. This will facilitate the introduction of the tube into the rectum and prevent the possibility of injury to its mucous membrane. After applying the enema, you must remain in a horizontal position for about 10-15 minutes.

The effect of using Microlax microclysters during pregnancy occurs after 20-30 minutes.

What features should be considered when using Microlax while carrying a baby?

Speaking about the use of Microlax during pregnancy, it must be said that when it is used, side reactions are possible, which manifest themselves in the form of a burning sensation in the rectum.

Often, women in position are interested in the question of how often Microlax can be used during pregnancy.

As with other laxatives, doctors do not recommend using it quite often. The thing is that there is a high probability of developing addiction, after which the woman will no longer be able to empty herself. Therefore, Microlax should be used as a means of assistance, in exceptional cases.

In order to avoid constipation during pregnancy, women should watch their daily diet and include more foods containing fiber, as well as move more.

During pregnancy in the body of a woman, along with the growth and development of the fetus, the uterus increases, which gradually begins to compress the surrounding organs and vessels, including the intestines. This feature leads to a deterioration in the digestion of the expectant mother, causing stool retention and constipation. Other reasons are also involved in the development of this problem: hormonal changes, iron deficiency, stress, reduced physical activity, changes in food habits.

Prolonged constipation causes the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, pain in the abdomen and anus, and in severe cases inflammation. Microlax during pregnancy is used to prevent these complications, causing bowel movements. This drug does not have a harmful effect on the fetus, so it can be used during childbearing.

Composition and form of release

Microlax is a combined preparation, it contains three active substances in its composition:
  1. sodium citrate. It is a peptizer (a substance that causes the transition of a solid substance into a solution). Due to its mechanism of action, sodium citrate at the molecular level promotes the release of water from the feces into the intestinal lumen. This effect facilitates the act of defecation.
  2. L sodium auryl sulfoacetate. This substance dilutes the contents of the intestine, the feces become softer and easier to leave the rectum when trying to empty.
  3. Sorbitol. It promotes the release of water into the intestinal lumen, which enhances the diluting effect of the drug.
In addition to active substances, Microlax contains sorbic acid, glycerin and water. This drug has one form of release - a solution for rectal use. Microlax during pregnancy is used for stool retention from two days, or to prepare the intestine for endoscopic and radiographic studies.

Attention! Microlax micro enema is safe during pregnancy for both the mother and the fetus, however, the use of this drug is possible only after consulting a doctor, since the drug is not able to eliminate the cause of constipation, but is only a symptomatic remedy.

Microlax during pregnancy is used as a microclyster. It takes effect 5-15 minutes after application. The advantage of the drug is the absence of influence on the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract, Microlax only dilutes the feces located in the rectum, which does not lead to the development of the "lazy bowel" syndrome. Also, this drug does not have any effect on the contractile activity of the uterus, and its rectal route of administration ensures that the drug does not enter the bloodstream, so it does not reach the bloodstream of the fetus and does not have any effect on it.

Instructions for use

The use of Microlax in the early stages of pregnancy is possible only under strict indications as prescribed by a doctor. In the first weeks of gestation, the formation of all the rudiments of the fetal organs occurs, so the use of drugs at this time is undesirable. In early pregnancy, to combat constipation, you should review your diet to include more fiber in it. It is found in raw vegetables and fruits, especially in cabbage, carrots, corn, avocados, and prunes. Also, special gymnastics and an increase in the level of physical activity contribute to emptying the intestines.

Microlax during pregnancy in the second trimester is used according to indications after consulting a doctor. The dosage of the drug is standard, one microclyster contains a certain amount of active substances, it is used once. To use the drug, you must perform the following steps:

  • remove the seal on the top of the tube;
  • press the tube a little, during this a small amount of the drug should flow out to the end of the enema (this action will facilitate the movement of the enema into the anus);
  • insert the tip of the enema to its full length into the anus;
  • click on the tube with the drug, after this action it should become empty;
  • pull out the microclyster from the rectum, at this time you need to squeeze the tube a little.
Repeated use of the drug is possible with the next constipation. However, you should not abuse this drug, the best solution to the problem with difficulty defecation is to try to eliminate the cause of the symptom.

Microlax in the third trimester of pregnancy is also used according to indications after prior consultation with a doctor. At this time, the uterus strongly presses on the intestines, so the number of women suffering from constipation increases dramatically during the last weeks of bearing a child. Instructions for use are similar to the second trimester.

Microlax in late pregnancy has an additional indication - the prevention of birth infection. It can develop when microorganisms from the rectum enter the vagina. Therefore, Microlax at 38-39 weeks of gestation is recommended for use in women suffering from constipation. The drug does not have any effect on labor activity, its cancellation is possible at any time.

Contraindications and side effects

Microlax has no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance to the components. Side effects after using the drug are rare. Among them are: pain in the abdomen, discomfort around the anus, diarrhea. Very rarely, patients develop nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching, and local edema. It is impossible to carry out therapy with Microlax simultaneously with oral administration of sodium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol. Such treatment can lead to necrosis of the intestinal epithelium.

Analogues of Microlax

This drug has no complete analogues in its composition. The drug Agiolax has a similar mechanism of action, it helps to increase intestinal contents, thin the feces and facilitate bowel movements. The drug has a natural composition, is available in the form of granules for oral administration. Its use during pregnancy should be agreed with the doctor.

The drug Bisacodyl has a pronounced laxative effect. It is sold as a powder, tablets, and rectal suppositories. The latter form of release is the most suitable for a pregnant woman, since it does not have a general effect on the body. Before using the drug, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Medicines containing senna have a mild laxative effect, thin the feces, and improve intestinal motility. Preparations of this group are available in the form of tablets, before using them, pregnant women should consult a doctor. The advantage of the drug is its natural composition and the absence of a negative effect on the body of the fetus.

The changing hormonal background of a pregnant woman and the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the intestines cause difficulties with daily emptying. To establish this process, daily walks, exercises or gymnastics, eating foods that enhance intestinal motility are recommended: dried fruits, infusions of dried apricots and prunes, kiwi, kefir, fresh and boiled beets, carrots.

Even if the expectant mother adheres to general recommendations on this issue, sometimes it becomes necessary to help the intestines to clear feces. What can be used in this case?

This is a combined medical preparation of synthetic substances:

  • Sorbitol, stimulating an increase in the volume of water that enters the intestinal lumen. The liquid, connecting with the feces, softens them. The increased volume of feces acts on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa and enhances its peristalsis, accelerating and facilitating defecation.
  • Sodium citrate, which displaces bound water molecules from the stool and makes room for moisture coming under the influence of sorbitol.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, which provides the final liquefaction of the intestinal contents and its withdrawal.

Microlax does not contain natural ingredients, but it is recommended for pregnant women. Its safety is due to the fact that synthetic substances are not absorbed through the intestinal mucosa and do not penetrate into the blood.

Since the instructions for the drug do not contain data on the dynamics of the absorption of Microlax and breakdown into final products, resorting to it for a long time without eliminating the causes of constipation can be dangerous!

Step by step instructions for use

  • to toilet the outer zone of the anus with warm water and soap;
  • by pressing on the seal of the top of the tube, break it off;
  • holding the tube vertically, it is easy to press on its base so that the released drop moistens the upper edge of the enema, minimizing discomfort during administration;
  • insert the entire length of the tip into the rectum;
  • squeeze the tube from bottom to top until its contents are completely released;
  • without ceasing to squeeze the tube, remove the tip.

The laxative effect of the use of Microlax is felt 5-15 minutes after application, in rare cases - after 40 minutes.

When is Microlax used?

before childbirth

At a period of 38-42 weeks, with strong prolonged contractions, but before the amniotic fluid leaves, instead of a cleansing enema, you can enter Microlax. It is much more convenient, easier and faster. In many maternity hospitals, the use of Normacol and Microlax microclysters has already become a practice in preparation for childbirth.

There is no need to use Microlax before a caesarean section.

before visiting a proctologist

For the availability of the large intestine for medical examination, X-ray or endoscopic examination, with appropriate complaints, Microlax can be used.

Since the large intestine must be completely emptied, 2 microenemas are necessary for preparation.

First, the first is introduced, after 5-20 minutes the emptying caused by it passes, after 10 minutes the second is introduced. After the second emptying may not occur, which means that the intestines were cleansed first, you should not worry.

It is necessary to clean the intestines 1.5 - 2 hours after eating. Between emptying it and a visit to the doctor, you should not eat, drinking water is acceptable.

If there are external damage to the anus, internal hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, the use of Microlax and its analogues can cause irritation and burning.

In the presence of any damage and hemorrhages from the anus, cleaning procedures by any means must be agreed with the doctor, they may not be needed.

for newborns

Since Microlax is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not accumulate in the mucous membrane, it is used to relieve constipation in infants.

Why is there a need for a drug?
In a newly born child, the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are at the stage of formation. The intestinal microflora is just beginning to fill up, the system of enzymes is being adjusted, and the contractions of the small intestine are being streamlined. It is the uneven contraction of the intestinal walls that causes intestinal colic.

Artificial feeding or an unbalanced diet of a nursing mother can cause constipation in a baby.

How to administer to newborns
The complex of actions is the same as for adults, but the tip should be inserted to a special mark in its middle, and not to its full length!

In the body of a child, the components of the drug act in the same way as in an adult.

To help the baby, immediately after the introduction of Microlax, you need to massage the tummy. With light circular movements around the navel clockwise, without closing the circle, act until the effect of the drug is manifested.

Similarly with use in adults, the introduction of Microlax to newborns cannot be put on a permanent basis. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of constipation with a balanced diet, herbal infusions, enzyme preparations as prescribed by a pediatrician!

Contraindications for use

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • anal fissures.


Structural analogues, that is, preparations with similar active ingredients, Microlax does not have.

But there are analogues in action, that is, drugs that can help with constipation: Norgalax, Normacol, Fitomucil,.

Only a doctor should select analogues for pregnant women and newborns! Adults, knowing the features of the course of the disease and the diagnosis made by the doctor, can consult with a pharmacist.

Which is better: Duphalac or Microlax?

Speaking about the benefits of medications, it is impossible to guarantee 100% effectiveness and digestibility of one of them for all patients. Both the effectiveness and the absence of allergic manifestations depend on the individual characteristics of the body of each person. The situation is further complicated when it comes to pregnant women who have different periods, different emotional and hormonal fluctuations.

From the point of view of doctors, both drugs have the same direction of action, are acceptable during pregnancy, and are based on synthetic substances. The only caveat is the individual tolerance of each woman.

Microlax collects the same type of negative feedback about burning and itching after drug administration, redness in the anus, which can be severe, but quickly pass. Complaints about the ineffectiveness of the drug, mind you, no!

Duphalac is perceived as a milder drug, but this opinion is very conditional.

So that the use of Microlax does not cause you pain:

  • use it singly, as an emergency remedy for constipation and the need to cleanse the intestines before a medical examination;
  • remember that it is not a cure for constipation and does not affect the causes of difficulties at all;
  • do not use Microlax if the inside or outside of the anus is damaged;
  • considering these three points, applying Microlax for newborns.
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