Long hair and age. Male look at a short haircut Do women need long hair

Beautifully styled flowing hair is the easiest way to look feminine and spectacular. This hairstyle is deservedly popular because it does not require much time and effort, but it always succeeds. Usually women keep traditional way styling loose hair, which involves the use of a hairdryer, ironing or curling iron, but if desired, this classic hairstyle can be made more original. Try one of the methods below to make a change in your daily look.

Node "Infinity".
A spectacular knot that will help fix unruly strands and create a more textured hairstyle is quite simple, but still requires some skill. But in the end you will get an interesting and versatile styling that is suitable for any occasion. In order to make a knot that imitates the mathematical symbol of infinity, two identical strands should be separated from the hair and twisted together as shown in the diagram.

Finished styling does not require additional fixation with studs or stealth.

Romantic braids.
Laying in a romantic style looks especially impressive on slightly curled hair. To make an original braid, separate two small strands from the temporal parts and braid braids from them, securing them with elastic bands.

Then fix the braids at the back of the head with hairpins so that the ends are hidden inward.

Careless waves.
This styling allows you to quickly put in order stale curls without collecting them in a ponytail or braid. Part your hair in a side part and run a curling iron over the top strands to add volume. Then use your fingers to lightly knock down the hairstyle - this will create a slight effect of negligence.

By the way, if you don’t have extra time left, and your hair needs washing, it will come to the rescue, which you can easily make yourself from improvised ingredients.

Boho style.
Boho styling is very popular these days. The easiest way to make an interesting hairstyle in this direction is to braid a relaxed braid from the temporal side and decorate it with unusual accessories.

Bright decorations.
Loose hair and bright hairpins will decorate, which, by the way, are back in fashion. Comb your hair back and secure at the back of your head with two shiny clips, securing them one behind the other.

Another actual styling method involves the use of accessories to fix the bangs.

Tie the two strands separated at the temporal side with a strong knot, and then re-twist them in the form of a bow. To keep the styling secure, secure the resulting decorative knot with hairpins.

Beach waves.
Beach wave styling is very much loved by celebrities, who often choose it for publication. You can repeat the stellar hairstyle at home. Comb your hair at the roots and lift it up with clips to keep the volume. The remaining strands, having previously treated them with a spray for fixation.

Then let down all your hair and run the styling tool through the strands framing your face. Use your fingers to fluff up the curls a little so that they become less elastic and look only slightly frizzy.

Light bundle.
If you want to tame loose strands a little, try tying a light bun to make your hairstyle more functional. This styling is suitable for work and study, because it does not allow naughty curls to climb into the eyes and distract from class. Fold the two side strands and twist tightly.

Then tie your hair into a tight knot, tucking the loose end inward. Secure the resulting bundle with hairpins.

Fantasy bindings.
For identical occasions, styling with fantasy bindings is suitable, which will help create an elegant and sophisticated look. Curl your hair with a curling iron, and then go through the curls with a comb to give them more volume.

Then lightly tease the hair at the roots and, separating one of the side strands, gently wrap it up to the back of the head so that the loose curls remain only on one side.

Secure the binding with hairpins and spray the styling with varnish.

- a real trend of the season, which every fashionista must adopt. A hairstyle that refers to the image of Brigitte Bardot will help to beat the fashion of the 60s in an original way. To create a modern interpretation of the famous "Babette", you should first curl your hair with a curling iron. Then comb the strands at the crown and, lifting them at the roots, carefully secure with hairpins.

The hair remaining at the temples, comb back and tie with an elastic band a little higher. With a thin comb, release a few strands on the forehead on one side and decorate the hairstyle with a decorative ribbon.

It seems to be generally accepted that if men prefer women, then by all means with long hair. What they think is wildly sexy, and therefore the longer the hair, the better. But, having made it a rule to trust only verified facts, we decided to find out if it really is so.

Short or long hair?

After conferring, we came to the conclusion that men need to be asked a situation that may well happen in life. Let's say a girl takes it and cuts her hair short. How, I wonder, will the stronger sex react? Do they like girls with short hair? To find out, we ran a survey on the friendly site MensHealth

So, judging by its results, we either do not know our MCH very well or underestimate it. Nearly half of the men who answered—nearly 50 percent—hold the most progressive views. They believe: if a girl goes for a short haircut, then let her wear it to her health - they will only be happy.

A quarter of the male audience (slightly more than 26 percent) is also not at all opposed to their girlfriend getting a short haircut. True, they will first try to dissuade her from going to the hairdresser. But if she remains adamant, then so be it.

Another eleven percent of those surveyed are just lifetime saints. They are ready to love their other half in any form. So they say: “Yes, let him do whatever he wants!” It remains only to understand what is more here - generosity or just indifference?

But the position of twelve percent of men is beyond doubt. If the girl cuts her hair, the relationship is over. And no chance for a truce. So, if your MCH is from this team, then it's probably not worth the risk.

Is it really true?

Frankly, we did not expect that there would be so many men who have nothing against short haircuts. And there are so few convinced supporters of long ones. Just in case, we decided to find out what the world male community thinks about this. And it turned out that there are much fewer “advanced” people there than here.

According to reports, more than forty percent of Europeans and Americans prefer girls with long, flowing waves of hair "a la Kelly Brook." In second place in terms of numbers were fans of hairstyles “like Jennifer Aniston”. And only on the third - those who like girls who wear a classic bob.

sincere confession

Comparing the preferences of our men and foreigners, we realized that it was too early to put an end to it. What if men aren't being completely honest with us? There were reasons for such suspicions. In search of the truth, we stumbled upon the results of an interesting study on women's hairstyles. It turns out that a quarter of all men never dare to tell the whole truth about their girlfriend's new hairstyle.

So what do they really say when the girls aren't around? Choose long or short hair?

Mikhail, 25 years old

Not a single haircut looks sexy, well, why then cut your hair short? Men have always liked long hair, they just need to be well-groomed.

Anton, 32 years old

Once I was with a woman for whom it was very important how she looked in bed. She touched me very carefully so as not to damage her manicure. She also had long, beautifully styled hair. But in bed, she constantly put herself in order, straightening her hair. It terribly infuriated me, I could not wait for the moment when I would get rid of her!

Artem, 28 years old

I don't like short-haired girls - the shorter the hair, the more aggressive the person. And I love long hair! Something attractive and bewitching appears in a girl wearing long hair.

Roman, 23 years old

Only girls with high cheekbones, beautiful eyes and generally the right skull can afford short hair. Apparently that's why we have so many long-haired people - they simply have nothing to show. When I see a young girl with a short haircut, I think that she has a bold and some kind of special character. That is, in any case, it will not be boring with her.

Egor, 30 years old

Short haircuts make women look masculine. And they peck at it ... well, in general, you yourself understand who.

Denis, 37 years old

What makes you think that men like exceptionally long hair? Men like women, not hair. That is, everything in the aggregate - face, figure, movements, mannerisms, voice, smell ...

Sasha, 29 years old

Full of stupid women shaking their hair and proud of their length. What is there to be proud of? It would be better if they picked up a haircut, they would look like beauty queens!

Mitya, 31

It all depends on the style and appearance of the girl. For example, I am pleased to look at a girl's neat short haircut! And with age, long hair generally ceases to suit women. Sometimes you look: behind is a pioneer, in front is a pensioner. Nightmare!

Leva, 20 years old

I love long hair. But the main thing is that the girl does not get hung up on appearance. I like girls who can lay on the grass without worrying about their hair.


Such curls serve as an adornment for any girl. However, not all nature endowed with beautiful hair. In addition, there are situations when the fair sex does not go long straight hair. This is due to certain features of appearance. To do it right, it is better to consult an experienced master.

The girl is afraid to cut her hair, but sometimes it needs to be done

Are curls suitable for full and short

Curly curls are not suitable for short fashionistas - they make the silhouette squat and visually shorten the height. If the miniature beauty still wants to curl her hair, they should reach a maximum of up to her shoulders. Long strands have a shortening effect.

Therefore, we can conclude that elongated curls are suitable exclusively for slender and tall women of fashion. In addition, curls are contraindicated for girls with round and wide faces. This hairstyle visually enlarges and expands them.

If you have an elongated thin face, curls will be the perfect solution.

Fashionable men's haircuts

Every man also wants to look fashionable and stylish.. Today, professionals do not recommend the representatives of the stronger sex to use styling products.

If such a need exists, the foam or gel should not be visible.

As for fashionable haircuts, you should choose the following options:

  1. Brit. It is characterized by a shortened nape. In addition, it involves a cut top.
  2. Anderkat. This haircut features a short nape, an elongated crown and bangs.
  3. Hitler-Jugend. In this, be cut smoothly and gradually move to the back of the head. It can be worn with an even parting or lifted up.
  4. Half box. In this case, it is recommended to form a side parting and comb the strands.
  5. Under the machine. This is a simple solution that does not require styling.
A short haircut requires less maintenance than a long haircut.

How to hide flaws in appearance with a hairstyle: professional advice

To determine if long hair suits you, you need to analyze the features of your appearance. So, the owners of wide-set eyes should raise their hair and lay it over the frontal zone in the form of a wave. If the eyes are set close, the strands are lifted up, giving splendor in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples.

Lush styling can hide a lot

For girls with a nose, it is better to choose lush styling that is directed towards the face. AT this case fit . To, it is worth giving it a slight splendor. It is not recommended to choose raised at the back of the head.

Owners of a small nose should do their hair with small curls. Such women of fashion belong to the category of girls who suits. Representatives of the weaker sex with a snub nose need to choose lush styling.

The shape of the neck is also important. Owners of a small neck should choose haircuts that form an elongated cape in this area.

For girls with a thin neck, straight hair is suitable, which becomes more voluminous towards the lower region of the back of the head.

Medium-sized haircuts with gradual transitions and straight lines are suitable for owners of large facial features. The face must be open. Such girls are short bangs. Owners of small facial features choose haircuts in which the strands do not cover the earlobes.

Hairstyles for a round and elongated face type: with and without bangs

A universal option is an oval face. All haircuts are suitable for such girls. They refer to go long hair, curls, asymmetrical bangs. Caution should be observed only when choosing high hairstyles, so as not to stretch the face.

Chubby fashionistas are not recommended to add extra volume or make smooth styling. They are suitable for graduated hairstyles and elongated bangs. good option is a high-top styling. You can choose asymmetrical bangs.

The hairstyle should first of all fit the face.

Owners of an elongated form are better to follow these recommendations:

  • choose short or medium length;
  • you can afford a bob or square with twisted ends;
  • haircuts that visually expand the cheekbones look great;
  • soft curls would be a good option.


When choosing a hairstyle, you need to be very careful, because an incorrectly performed haircut can completely ruin the image. To achieve the ideal option, you should clearly follow the recommendations of stylists and take into account all the features of your appearance.

Many said that one of the worst nightmares on adult woman It is long hair flowing over the shoulders. By long we mean hair to the shoulder blades and below.
On the one hand, I cannot say that I agree with this statement. On the other hand, I perfectly understand what is at stake. Let's talk about why everything is not as clear as we would like, what is the difference, and what you should pay attention to.

Unfortunately, very often women over 40, and even more so over 50, wearing long flowing hair, look unattractive. Not sexy or feminine (although if you get a heart-to-heart with any of them, you'll know that's the main purpose of keeping long hair in the first place).
From this, many conclude that long hair after a certain age is horror-horror.
Does this mean that with each new birthday, women should shorten their hair more and more?
And in general: is there such a thing as matching hairstyles to age?
I believe that when it comes to the relationship of hairstyle and age, such strict rules as "no long hair after 40" can and should be considered outdated. After all, today we look at age in a completely different way than 20 years ago. Modern women do not depend on other people's assessments. They are strong and confident. They make their own rules.
With all this, we want to grow up beautifully. And we really want the gap between how we feel from the inside and what we see in the mirror to be minimal.
Therefore, remember: there is no connection between age and hair length. Everything is much easier. And at the same time more difficult.

Here, look.

*from here
Pictured is Israeli singer Miri Aloni. She is 66 years old and has long hair flowing down her shoulders.

*from here
The picture shows an Israeli psychologist, journalist and radio host Varda Raziel-Jaconte. She is 76 years old and has long hair flowing down her shoulders.

And now a few more adult women with long hair flowing over their shoulders. As they say, "feel the difference".

Kim Basinger, 62

Kathryn Bigelow, 64

Jane Seymour, 62

And here is another beautiful stranger (for me, I did not find her name), who is over 60.

Yes, these women are over 60. So what can we say about young girls in their 40s? :) Or even over 50... Look, what a beauty.

You can admire these and other 40-50-year-old Hollywood beauties with long hair.

So what's the difference? Is it just that there is Hollywood - and here Israel is ordinary life?
I don't think. Rather, the fact is that each of these beautiful women keeps up with the times without getting stuck in the past. The same chic long hair that they had 20 years ago, today they wear it in a completely different way.

Whether your hair is long, medium or short - all this does not matter if your hair is healthy and well-groomed, your hairstyle looks relevant and fully suits your external data and your lifestyle.
Nevertheless, there are certain rules that should be followed, and they have nothing to do with fashion, or with the opinions of others, or with the norms imposed by someone. It's just about aesthetics.

If you want your gorgeous mane to continue to be your decoration, here is a checklist for you:

First and foremost. Your hair is healthy. Nothing ages a woman more than sparse faded dull hairs.

Your hair is well-groomed and styled. Do not neglect regular trips to the hairdresser. It was in youth that unkempt long hair could look sexy, and after 40 such an attitude towards long hair is disgusting.

Add style. Don't let your hair "just grow". Layered haircut, cascade, shading, pulling, thinning - all these and other modern techniques not only add luxurious volume to hair, but also soften and, if necessary, correct facial lines.

Softness, movement and volume - these are the three magic words that turn your long hair into your best accessory after 40.

Be careful with bangs. Thick straight bangs draw attention to the eyes very much, and therefore to the wrinkles near them, and such bangs make a wide Slavic face even wider. If you really want a bang, then let it be soft and torn.

Please stick to your natural colors. And do not be afraid of gray hair! Even on long hair, gray hair can look super stylish if it fits into the overall look.

And the last. After 50 menopause usually begins, and with it often hair problems. If you have had gorgeous hair all your life, and after 50 it began to fall out, thin and hurt, then you still better give up long hair and switch to medium length or make a fantastically stylish short haircut :)

*Welcome to all questions and comments

Long hair is heavy hair, there are a lot of them, they don’t fluff, they don’t stick out. Washed, dried, combed, sprinkled easy remedy for styling - and you're done. The hair is nice and neat. It is possible to dry long hair for a long time, but to suffer with styling, to comb, to be upset because of one protruding strand - this will definitely not happen.

How about short ones? A short haircut will test your patience every morning. Drying them is easy, but getting short hair to lie exactly the way you want it is a completely different story. Of course, in the hairdressing salon, the stylist will make you the perfect hairstyle, but can you repeat it at home? Absolutely not a fact.

2. No need to go to the hairdresser every month

Long hair is enough to trim once every 2-3 months. And that's it. With long hair, you can not save on hair dye and care products, but you can significantly reduce your haircut costs.

How about short ones? Five to six weeks will pass, and your hairstyle will lose its original appearance. The fashionable bob will disappear, and the hair will begin to resemble an unfinished bob.

3. You can find a million different hairstyles for long hair.

Voluminous buns, French braids, Hollywood curls, Greek-style hairstyle, 70s-style hairstyle, shell, boucle - the list is endless.

On long hair, you can do any hairstyle. For example, every week you can experiment and braid a new type of braid. And if you have straight hair, you can try all kinds of curls on your hair. Simply put, the choice of hairstyles for long hair is truly limitless.

How about short ones? You know, you don't really get around here. More voluminous or smoother, light curls or curls, combed to the right or left. And, it seems, everything.

(All photos are enlarged by clicking)

4. Long hair gets less dirty

It is believed that long hair stays fresh longer, especially if you like to wear it in a high ponytail or bun. Even if the hair is loose, you do not need to correct it during the day, touch it with your hands, smooth it. Moreover, the sebum that the scalp secretes is distributed from root to tip, and as a result, long hair gets dirty a little slower than short hair.

How about short ones? And although many girls are used to washing their hair every day, regardless of the length of their hair, frequent washing of short hair is not a whim, but a necessity. They get dirty very quickly, and sometimes perfectly clean hair in the morning looks stale and untidy by the evening of the same day.

5. Fashion for long hair is constant.

Long hair is always relevant. Yes, there were times when women did not wear loose hair, but they always made beautiful intricate hairstyles, weaved long braids. Long hair is beyond competition - despite the variability of fashion trends, a woman will always be proud of her luxurious ringlets to the waist.

How about short ones? Frankly, in the 30s of the last century, bob and hairstyles a la garcon were more popular than long hair. But then the fashion for them left. In one year, all fashionistas cut their hair short, and in another, they began to frantically grow their hair again.

6. Long hair is warmer in winter

Maybe this is not the most weighty argument, but still in the cold winter you will love your hair even more than before. Just imagine how they will warm your back if you carefully tuck your hair under a down jacket. Yes, and your ears will freeze much less if you are a fan of walking without a hat (but you can’t do that!).

What about the short ones? Nothing. So how can they keep you warm? In addition, with a short hairstyle it is almost impossible to walk normally in a hat, but more on that below.

7. You can wear a hat without any problems

What about the short ones? If you style your hair but don't dry your hair well, it's all gone. The hairstyle will turn into something inadequate. Hair will stick out, stop obeying, and it will not be easy to fix the situation with express methods.

8. Long beautiful hair is the best decoration

Very often, long hair is the main decoration of a girl. They attract, delight and seduce. Of course, we are only talking about beautiful, well-groomed, shiny hair. They emphasize the natural beauty of a girl better than cosmetics or any accessory. A girl with long hair does not need a bright artsy make-up, she knows that she is beautiful even without a thick layer of powder and shadows. In addition, everyone knows how difficult it is not only to grow long hair, but also to take care of them every day.

What about the short ones? We will not say that short haircuts do not adorn a woman. Yes, there are those lucky ones who especially suit short hair. But still, to call a short hairstyle the main accessory is to lie shamelessly. Long hair looks more impressive, you can not argue with that.

9. Men like long hair.

The fact remains that men are crazy about long hair, and this is unlikely to ever change. You will not believe it, but according to the results of one study, when men were asked to choose: to go on a date with a stranger with a fourth breast size or with the owner of luxurious hair, 60% of respondents chose a girl with beautiful hair. Men prefer feminine and well-groomed ladies, and long hair is one of the main symbols of femininity and sexuality.

What about the short ones? Of course, just because men like long hair, it doesn't mean that girls with short haircuts will remain single virgins. You can wear a hedgehog hairstyle, but be happy and loved. However, you are unlikely to hear compliments from men about your hair.

10. You can cut your hair quickly, but it takes time to grow it out.

This is the real truth. To cut hair, we need 10-20 minutes, and to grow it - several years. On average, hair grows 1-1.5 centimeters per month. And this is without taking into account the fact that from time to time we still have to remove split ends. So carefully weigh all the pros and cons, think: is the game worth the candle? Should I say goodbye to my hair for the sake of fashion or a fleeting whim? Well, the decision is up to you.

Not sure if long hair is better than short, still want to cut your hair? Then read our post. And make a decision.

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