Threonine instructions for use. The essential amino acid threonine. Deficiency and excess of threonine: dangerous violations of harmony


A group of amino acids is necessary for the full construction of protein cells in the body. Some of them are synthesized independently, and a number of irreplaceable ones must come from external sources. Threonine is one of them. With a lack of this organic compound, protein assembly is disrupted, which causes disruption of the body.

Threonine is an amino acid that helps to fully build protein cells in the body.

Characteristics and properties

The substance was discovered in 1935 by William Cumming. The ability of the element to increase the production of antibodies and maintain the body's immune defenses was discovered. This organic compound is involved in fat and protein metabolism, in the formation of collagen fibers and elastin.

The highest concentrations are found in the heart, cells of the nervous system and skeletal muscles.

This vital element enters the body with food or in the form of drugs. For its good assimilation, vitamins of group B and magnesium are necessary.

Main Functions and Benefits

An amino acid is necessary for the formation of serine and glycine in the body, for strengthening and increasing the elasticity of connective and muscle tissues.

The connection performs the following useful functions:

  • supports the immune system;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • improves the absorption of a number of useful substances;
  • optimizes liver function;
  • strengthens muscle tissue;
  • maintains the beauty and health of the skin.

It is an integral part of enzymes and proteins.

For children

Improves the growth of the body, which is an important function for children and adolescents. Getting the required amount of amino acids with a daily diet will ensure the proper development of internal organs, bone tissue, and the muscular skeleton.

By increasing the production of antibodies, immunity increases.

The synthesis of glycine, supported by the amino acid, normalizes sleep patterns in infants, and increases brain activity in adolescents.

For adults

An amino acid is necessary to fight stomach ulcers, because. favorably affects the digestive tract.

Has the following effect:

  1. Accelerates the breakdown of fats in liver cells.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the mental state, helping to cope with depression, neuroses, insomnia.
  3. Helps to cure some forms of sclerosis, having a positive effect on brain activity.
  4. Normalizes the work of the digestive system, promotes the healing of erosions on the intestinal mucosa.
  5. Participates in ridding the body of poisonous and toxic substances.
  6. Maintains muscle tone and circulatory system.
  7. Improves metabolism.
  8. Maintains tooth enamel in good condition.

In medicine, it is used as an anticonvulsant and to accelerate tissue regeneration during the rehabilitation period after surgical operations.

Products containing threonine

The amino acid is found in various food groups. The richest content is distinguished by:

  • marine varieties of fish;
  • Red caviar;
  • feta cheese, cheeses;
  • chicken yolk and protein;
  • turkey and chicken meat;
  • beef, lamb, pork;
  • nuts, beans;
  • oats, millet, buckwheat.

The substance is present in varying amounts in all dairy products, legumes and grains. Fruits and vegetables, as well as dried fruits and mushrooms, differ in a lower content.

Daily requirement and norm

A young body needs an element as a growth stimulant, so the daily rate for children is higher. It is 3 g. For an adult, a daily requirement of 0.5 g is established.

About excess and lack of threonine

The lack of a compound in the body leads to negative phenomena, however, with a complete diet, the deficiency is excluded. An excess of amino acids also does not benefit.


An increased level of a substance leads to an increase in the amount of uric acid accumulated in the body. This creates increased acidity, leads to a functional disorder of a number of systems and organs, including the kidneys and liver. It affects the general well-being of a person.

a lack of

Malnutrition, genetic diseases can lead to element deficiency. This entails fatty liver, digestive system disorders, imbalance of other dependent amino acids.

The following symptoms appear:

  • confusion, agitation;
  • depressive state;
  • decrease in muscle mass, muscle weakness;
  • deterioration in the condition of teeth, hair and skin.

There is a delay in development and growth in children.

Interaction of threonine with other substances

In the body, it reacts with methionine and aspartic acid, which improves the breakdown of liver fat cells.

Enhances the positive effect of taking vitamins B3 and B6. Magnesium contributes to good absorption of the substance.

Drinking alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the amino acid.

In the form of drugs can not be combined with antidepressants.

An amino acid taken additionally in the form of supplements reduces the effectiveness of medicines for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, including Memantine.

Indications for use

An increase in substance consumption is indicated against the background of overwork, increased mental and physical stress.

The indications are:

  • depression;
  • headache;
  • recovery after infectious diseases, injuries, operations;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • protein starvation, anemia;
  • poor appetite, exhaustion;
  • obesity.

It is used in the complex therapy of drug addiction and alcoholism.

The attending physician in each case evaluates the possibility of adjusting the intake of the organic compound by changing the diet. If necessary, a drug containing an amino acid is prescribed.


Children under 2 years of age are not prescribed an amino acid in the form of drugs.

Other contraindications are:

  • shock, hypoxia;
  • decompensated disorders of the kidneys, liver;
  • heart failure;
  • pathology of the kidneys with impaired dialysis and hemofiltration;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • impaired synthesis of amino acids.

The use of various forms is excluded during pregnancy and lactation.

Method of application and dosage

Taking the tablet form involves sublingual use. Solutions are used for intravenous infusions.

The dosage differs depending on the purpose of admission, concomitant disease, body weight. It is established individually by the attending physician.

The course of therapy can last from 3 to 14 days. In some cases, it can be up to 28 days.

For impaired renal function

In the presence of severe pathologies of the kidneys, the drug is not used. Any disorders of the body require prior consultation with a doctor.

Side effects

In rare cases, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, nausea are possible. With individual intolerance, a rash may occur.


In case of exceeding a single or daily dosage, the following manifestations are possible:

  • allergic;
  • spasms of the respiratory tract;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • bradycardia;
  • a sharp drop in pressure.

Prolonged uncontrolled intake leads to disorders of the digestive system, increased sweating. Dizziness, sleep disturbance and appetite are possible. The likelihood of skin rashes and other manifestations of allergies increases.

Medicines containing

A number of foreign manufacturers produce L-Threonine. In its pure form, the substance is rare; for better absorption, supplements include vitamins and other types of amino acids, including leucine, valine, proline, tryptophan, histidine.

The Russian pharmaceutical company produces the drug Biotredin. It contains an amino acid and pyridoxine hydrochloride.

The tablet form has a complex remedy Ketosteril, capsule - Moriamin Forte.

The substance is contained in solutions for intravenous use Gepasol-Neo, Aminosol-Neo, Aminosteril N-Hepa, Aminoven Infant, Infezol, etc. They consist of amino acids and electrolytes.

Often present in sports supplements with carnitine and protein.

You can not use a feed additive, it is used to enrich animal feed in agriculture.

Terms of sale

The amino acid in the composition of tablets and capsules is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. In sports nutrition stores, you can purchase the supplement in the public domain.

Solutions for intravenous administration are prescription. They can only be bought with a doctor's prescription.


The cost of drugs varies greatly depending on the form of release, manufacturer and dosage.

The average price of tablets and capsules is 300 rubles, liquid form - 200-5000 rubles.

Threonine is an amino acid that was discovered in the first half of the last century by William Cummings Rose. As it turned out, this substance has the ability to support the body's immune system and is involved in the production of antibodies. In the article, consider the formula of threonine. Let's present information about daily consumption and products in which the component occurs.

Description and formula

Threonine is a monoaminocarboxylic amino acid, which means that it is not produced by the body itself. The highest concentration of the substance is found in the heart, skeletal muscles and cells of the nervous system. Threonine enters the body only as part of food.

The chemical formula of threonine is: C 4 H 9 NO 3 .

Science knows 4 optical isomers of the element:

  • L-threonine is essential for the body.
  • L-allotreonin, practically does not occur in nature.
  • D-threonine, does not matter to the human body.
  • D-allotreonin is considered to be of secondary importance.

The structural formula of threonine looks like this:

Conducted scientific studies of this amino acid have made it possible to discover many of its beneficial properties. Threonine is mainly involved in protein synthesis, is found in collagen and elastin, in addition, it is one of the main components in the formation of strong tooth enamel.

For the normal functioning of the human body and the natural growth of the child, the production of proteins, which are the main builders of cells, is necessary; this process cannot do without threonine.


The formula of threonine includes hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. Such elements have useful properties. Among them are:

  • Positive effect on the functioning of the liver.
  • The ability to synthesize glycine and serine, amino acids, without which the production of elastin and muscle tissue is impossible.
  • Participation in the maintenance of the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • It is part of proteins and enzymes.
  • Influence on thymus growth.
  • Struggles with fatty degeneration of the liver, subject to the reasonable use of threonine.
  • The ability to produce antibodies, due to which the body's defenses are supported.
  • Improving and accelerating the process of assimilation of nutrients.
  • Beneficial effect on psycho-emotional health.
  • Help in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Daily rate and rules of use

The daily norm of the amino acid threonine ranges from 500 mg to 3 g, while for an adult a minimum dose is sufficient and a maximum for children. This difference is explained by the fact that the child's body grows and needs more building material.

If the amino acid is present in the diet as a dietary supplement, then it is important to know that exceeding the dosage can lead to pathologies in the liver, increase the level of urea in the body and, as a result, ammonia. It, in turn, has a toxic effect.

The lack of threonine leads to increased excitability and confusion, impaired digestive function and fatty liver. Since threonine is involved in the synthesis of many amino acids, its deficiency leads to their imbalance in the body.

People whose work is associated with hard physical labor, as well as athletes and athletes, need an increased dosage of amino acids. Children in the period of active growth should increase the concentration of threonine in the body. People suffering from a depressive state are recommended to increase the daily intake of the substance to normalize their psycho-emotional state. With age, the need for amino acids decreases.


In European countries, threonine, whose formula is C 4 H 9 NO 3, is widely used as a biologically active additive in pet food. Its main function is to stimulate the rapid growth of cattle and birds. As a result of numerous studies, it was found that animals whose diet contained the amino acid significantly gained weight in a shorter period.

In excess, the element is found in blood plasma. The highest concentration of threonine in newborns, this is due to the participation of the substance in the growth of the child. Regular use of products containing threonine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all human organs.

In medicine, threonine is used as a means to relax muscles in convulsive conditions. Also, the substance is indicated for people suffering from multiple and atrophic sclerosis.

In surgery, the amino acid is widely used to quickly heal wounds and speed up the recovery process. Pharmaceutical preparations with threonine help maintain the tone and elasticity of muscles and blood vessels.

What products contain?

The determining factors in the concentration of amino acids in the body are nutrition and the ecological situation in the place of residence of a person. To provide the body with threonine, it is necessary to include products with its content in the daily diet. The highest concentration of the substance is found in eggs and shellfish. Vegetarians are advised to eat more legumes and grains, nuts and vegetables, and if there is a lack of an amino acid, use threonine supplements.

Threonine is also found in products:

  1. Sources of animal food: beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, horse meat, some types of game, fish (mainly sea or fatty varieties), milk, kefir, feta cheese, hard cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, butter.
  2. Sources of plant foods: all kinds of nuts, leafy vegetables, lentils, beans, buckwheat, barley, rye, sesame, flaxseed, sprouted grains, mushrooms.

How is it absorbed?

As a rule, threonine, whose formula is C 4 H 9 NO 3, is easily absorbed by the body, but for this it needs B vitamins. To a greater extent, vitamins B3 and B6 are involved in this process. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the level of magnesium, since this microelement is also involved in the proper absorption of amino acids.

It is known that some people suffering from autoimmune or genetic diseases are sometimes unable to absorb threonine from food. In such cases, it is necessary to regularly supplement with amino acids such as serine and glycine. It is with the help of threonine that these substances are produced in the process of the biochemical reaction of the body.

Included in medications


A.11.J Vitamins in combination with other drugs


Pharmacological action - metabolic, neuroprotective, anti-alcohol, anti-withdrawal.

It is a regulator of tissue metabolism, increases mental performance, has a therapeutic effect in alcohol withdrawal states, reduces craving for alcohol.

L-threonine in the presence of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) decomposes to form the amino acids glycine and acetaldehyde, which stimulate the processes of inhibition and at the same time redox reactions, respiration and ATP synthesis in cells, due to which the drug is able to:

  • reduce psycho-emotional stress;
  • improve short-term and long-term memory;
  • increase mental performance;
  • normalize the level of endogenous acetaldehyde and thereby reduce the manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and craving for alcohol.

The action is manifested 10-20 minutes after sublingual administration.

Pharmacokinetics:L-threonine and vitamin B6 are completely metabolized to end products. They do not accumulate in the body. Indications:

Decreased mental performance and concentration in adults, adolescents and children.

Alcohol abuse and chronic alcoholism; with a pathological craving for alcohol, accompanied by affective (irritability, decreased mood, internal discomfort), sensory (hunger) and ideational (thoughts about alcohol) disorders.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome, to maintain remissions in alcoholism.

V.F10-F19.F10.2 Mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol use - dependence syndrome

V.F10-F19.F10.1 Mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol use - harmful use

V.F10-F19.F10.3 Mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol use - withdrawal state

V.F30-F39.F34.8 Other persistent mood disorders [affective]

V.F60-F69.F60.3 Emotionally unstable personality disorder

V.F40-F48.F48 Other neurotic disorders

V.F10-F19.F10.6 Mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol use - amnesic syndrome

XVIII.R40-R46.R45.4 Irritability and anger

V.F90-F98.F90.0 Violation of activity and attention


Hypersensitivity to vitamin B6; state of alcoholic intoxication; simultaneous reception of anxiolytics, neuroleptics, antidepressants.

Carefully:No data. Pregnancy and lactation:Special studies have not been conducted. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. With alcohol abuse and alcoholism, the drug can be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Dosage and administration:

The drug is prescribed in tablets under the tongue or as a powder after crushing the tablet; as a means of increasing attention, mental performance: for children, adolescents and adults, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 3-10 days. If necessary, the course is repeated 3-4 times or more a year.

Patients with chronic alcoholism and alcohol abusers are prescribed 1-3 tablets per reception 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days. If necessary, courses are repeated 5-10 times a year.

In the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, on the first day, 1-4 tablets are prescribed 3-4 times a day (daily dose 3-16 tablets), on the second day and then 1-2 tablets per dose 2-3 times a day (daily dose 3 -6 tablets) for 21-28 days. The duration of the course can be shortened to 10-14 days.

The greatest effect is achieved when combined with the drug (tablet 0.1 g). take under the tongue 10-15 minutes before taking the combination. During the period of remission, to detect a hidden craving for alcohol, take 2-3 tablets of the drug on an empty stomach. The appearance within 10-20 minutes of mild dizziness, a calming effect, reddening of the face, sweating indicates the presence of a "hidden craving". In these cases, a 5-10-day course of the drug is recommended, 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, together with glycine.

Side effects:

Dizziness, increased sweating, allergic reactions with intolerance to vitamin B6.


Not identified.


Incompatible with antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, anxiolytics, barbiturates.

Weakens the effect of other drugs that depress the central nervous system. Special instructions: Instructions

Today, everyone knows how important compounds called are for our body. One such compound is threonine. And although it is part of almost all the human body, threonine is not synthesized in the human body. That is, it comes to us only with food or with food additives. This amino acid is especially important for children, their need for threonine is greater than for an adult.

Why is threonine useful for us? Most importantly, it is necessary for the synthesis of the amino acids serine and glycine, which in turn are involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the proteins of connective and muscle tissue. and elastin are necessary for muscles, and for tendons, and for ligaments, and for the elasticity of blood vessels, skin, and normal heart function. Naturally, children need threonine in larger volumes than an adult, because their body is just being built. If there is not enough building material, problems with the spine may develop - scoliosis, dislocations of the cervical vertebrae, with muscles - flat feet, muscle dystrophy, with teeth - the development of caries, with nails, hair. Perhaps even visual impairment. An adult also needs threonine, as an adult's body is constantly updated. And for a good condition of the skin or teeth (and threonine is part of the tooth enamel), you need a constant intake of threonine in the body.

Increased doses of this amino acid are necessary for recovery after operations and various injuries.

Threonine is also essential for healthy liver function. In combination with methionine and aspartic acid, it takes care of the processing of fats and fatty acids. This means that it prevents the development of fatty liver disease - hepatosis.

Threonine is also needed for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. It is part of some digestive enzymes, such as pepsin, which is responsible for the breakdown of proteins in the stomach.

Threonine supports the functioning of the body's immune system, promotes the elimination of toxic substances, therefore it is very important during pregnancy - it reduces toxicosis in the early months.

It is used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, depression, improves mood, increases concentration, and performance. Threonine is also used in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Vitamins B3 and B6, as well as the trace element magnesium, contribute to the absorption of threonine by the body. For a full-fledged high-quality muscle protein, threonine must be consumed in combination with methionine and aspartic acid.

As a rule, there should not be a lack of threonine with good nutrition, but if a person consumes a small amount of protein foods (meat, fish, mushrooms), a lack of this important amino acid can manifest itself in muscle weakness, depression, hair loss, poor skin condition, nails and teeth, developmental delay in children. The lack of threonine leads to a lack of all amino acids for the synthesis of which it is necessary. In medical practice, cases have been recorded when threonine is not absorbed by the body. Then, for treatment, increased doses of glycine and serine, which are formed as a result of the synthesis of threonine, are prescribed.

Excess threonine in the body leads to the accumulation of uric acid. When using nutritional supplements with this amino acid, it is necessary to monitor this, since both excess and deficiency of threonine is harmful to our health.

What foods contain threonine? In protein products - meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, oily sea fish, seafood, and mushrooms. Plant foods also contain threonine, but in smaller amounts, it is present in lentils, beans, wheat, rye, buckwheat, and nuts. Threonine deficiency can be experienced by vegetarians who limit the consumption of animal foods.

The daily requirement of threonine for an adult is 0.5 g, for children - 3 g. The need for threonine increases with the active growth and development of the body, with increased physical exertion, during sports, with depression, and, as we have already said, vegetarianism. But with age, the need for threonine decreases.

For athletes, this amino acid is of great importance, as it promotes growth and

2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid

Chemical properties

Threonine - , the molecule of which contains two chiral complex , has 4 optical isomer . There are 2 isomer D- and 2 isomer of L-threonine.

Molecular weight of the compound = 119.1 grams per mole. The melting point is about 256 degrees Celsius. Chemical formula of Threonine C4H9NO3.

Usually, the substance is part of various biologically active food supplements and medicines, along with lysine, methionine and other components. By her own amino acid - white crystalline powder, odorless. Bacteria and plants, unlike humans, can independently synthesize a substance from aspartic acid .

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Amino acid Threonine is indispensable for the human body, takes an active part in the synthesis of protein structures. A person needs to consume half a gram of a substance per day, children - about 3 grams.

Most threonine is found in dairy products, nuts, legumes, and eggs. Entering the body, the substance is quickly and completely metabolized.

Indications for use

Preparations containing this amino acid are prescribed:

  • to provide full or partial parenteral nutrition;
  • as a prophylactic for the loss of proteins;
  • at injuries, polytrauma, burns, peritonitis, sepsis, multiple organ failure , as part of complex therapy;
  • to maintain the body after major operations;
  • with inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • for treatment cachexia ;
  • with a decrease in mental performance and concentration due to malnutrition or during periods of active growth;
  • alcoholics for withdrawal withdrawal syndrome or to maintain remission.


The tool is contraindicated:

  • at shock, hypoxia, decompensated heart failure ;
  • with violations of the processes of amino acid metabolism;
  • persons with metabolic acidosis ;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • with severe kidney disease, in the absence of hemofiltration or dialysis ;
  • patients with severe liver failure.

Side effects

The substance is most often well tolerated by patients. Rarely: dizziness, nausea.

Threonine, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Depending on the dosage form and the type of disease, the dosage and mode of administration are very different.

The tablet form is taken sublingually , using a solution and emulsions, intravenous infusions are performed at different rates of administration and dosage.


There is no data on drug overdose.


At the moment, there are no known cases of drug interaction of the substance with other drugs.

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