Redhead fat mom. “Fatty, be ashamed!”: who was prevented by obese women. They stop appreciating femininity and the power of appearance

Fatshaming is, in fact, bullying people who are overweight (or just overweight): fatshamers constantly remind overweight people of their weight, publicly accuse them of not wanting to lose weight and openly insult them, calling them “fat pigs”, “fat pigs” and “piles of fat”. ". Moreover, the object of ridicule and insults are most often women, not men. This is a serious problem. In the modern world, fat shaming has reached such proportions that in response, the Body Positive movement has appeared, the main goal of which is to encourage people to accept someone else's appearance as it is. But, alas, in our society this idea has not yet found a response. Let's see why.

"Fat is ugly, I don't want to look at it"

Not really. Fat is not ugly in itself, fat is considered ugly now. At the same time, everyone knows that this was not always the case: few people have not seen the figures of the Paleolithic Venuses or reproductions of paintings by the masters of the High Renaissance. Our personal criteria for beautiful and ugly are not personal at all, they are based on society's ideas about the beautiful, and a beautiful body has been a thin body for many decades. It was either just thin (from Twiggy to “heroin chic”), or athletic (from supermodels of the 90s to modern fitons), but it was not full. But times are changing: plus-size models began to appear on the catwalks, curvaceous actresses began to be invited to the main roles, but society is still not ready to accept this. Why?

Because we began to confuse ideal pictures with real life. There is too much visual information around us - information that is not real, invented: pictures perfectly smoothed in photo editors, films with special effects. We very often see beautiful things, so often that some have decided that they have the right not to see what they consider ugly. "Be fat, but don't show your pictures to anyone, we hate to see it." And it’s also unpleasant for some to see fat people in tight or open clothes: “Ugh, cover up.” But why, in fact, why? Why not then forbid people with malocclusion from talking and laughing? And people with crooked or wide noses should wear medical masks - thin, straight noses are in fashion.


But no, only being overweight is a reason to openly insult people and demand that they do not "stick out their fats." Because…

"Fat people are just lazy"

Lazy and weak-willed people, unable to "just pull themselves together and lose weight." Having attributed to people with great weight the sins of laziness and gluttony, the society went further. Fat people are considered stupid and face discrimination in education and careers: if you're not stupid, why can't you figure out how to lose weight? Being overweight is also associated with poor hygiene: since a fat woman is too lazy to go to the gym, then it’s probably too lazy to wash. Thus, society stigmatizes people with great weight, puts a stigma on them. And this, as it were, gives indulgence to the fat-shamers: they do not just insult and humiliate people, they denounce the “terrible” vices of fat people, which means they are doing an allegedly good deed. Who, if not they, will point out to these zhirobas that they live wrong?

And this problem is not only a problem of excess weight. This is the problem of a society that creates artificial limits - in order to have a reason to kick those who do not fit into them. And women are the first candidates for a place outside the box. Because "a woman should." She must be beautiful, she must take care of herself and her figure - in the first place. A typical patriarchy, in which one cannot be a worthless commodity, otherwise one will become a pariah.

“Obesity is unhealthy, these people are sick!”

A frankly hypocritical statement: no one, except neophytes from a healthy lifestyle, condemns people who are not passionate about physical education. No one is worried about how often strangers do fluorography. No one wants to know how smokers and alcoholics harm their health - until they invade someone else's space with their smelly smoke and drunken brawls. No one is interested in how long ago a neighbor in the stairwell took a blood test and in what condition his vessels and joints are. But for some reason, the vessels and joints of overweight people are of interest to everyone. Why, it would seem, why? Everyone takes care of their own health, who cares about someone else's hemorrhoids?

The matter is very simple: it is not a question of health, it is a question of power. Thin people are very fond of telling fat people exactly how they need to eat in order to lose weight, how to be treated in order to lose weight, how to move in order to lose weight. The very fact of being overweight in a fat person seems to turn any thin person into a strict teacher Maryivanna: “Now I will teach you, fatty, to live correctly, and you will listen and obey. Come here, pigs, I will reveal the truth to you. Thus, any person who is unable to achieve success in the chosen field of activity has the opportunity to amuse his sense of self-importance, to assert himself at the expense of another: I am thin, which means I am more successful than a fat man, smarter and generally better. I have been assigned the role of teacher and mentor. And the more aggressive the fatshamer, the more likely it is that the small size of clothes is his only achievement in life. It's likely just genetic.

Another important point is the accusation of overweight people of promoting an unhealthy lifestyle: “Our children are watching this! They might decide it's okay to be fat!" Children are generally a universal shield, they can cover anything. Including their own unwillingness to somehow raise these same children. Because the habit of a healthy lifestyle as a norm is brought up by a personal parental example. But doing exercises in the morning with the children is too hard. It's easier to stigmatize the fat ones. True, some fat ones are still children, and it is a sin to poison children. But then you can poison their parents who allowed this. “Yes, for sure, it’s their fault, not us at all,” that’s exactly how the fatshamers think.

“It’s your own fault, how could you let yourself go like that!”

In general, the feeling of guilt for weight as such is imposed on people with a large weight by default. The only question is the degree of this guilt. There are not very guilty ones - these are those who have become stout due to health problems. A fake has been circulating on the network for a long time that there are allegedly only 5% of such people. This is absolutely not true, but this is a great reason to stigmatize all the fat ones in general: you just got hot and it's your own fault! This is typical victim blaming. In fact, everyone understands that it is not good to humiliate other people for your own pleasure. But if you make these people guilty, then it seems already possible. After all, they chose this path for themselves, they voluntarily grew fat, which means they must be ready for the role of outcasts. Who does not want to be humiliated, he does not eat three throats. another indulgence: it was not I who was cruel, it was I who was provoked, they themselves wanted it.

The other side of this coin is hypocritical pity. At the expense of a fat person, you can always be kind: I will tell you how bad it is to be fat, and I will immediately become a good and caring kind person. Thank me! Who else will open your eyes to how you launched yourself?!

"Fat people have no right to happiness"

And here fat-shaming turns its ugly face exclusively to us, to women. Because an overweight man has the right to happiness, but a woman does not. At the same time, both camps will attack her. And if men with their valuable opinion on the subject “I wouldn’t blow it!” can be ignored, then women cannot be ignored. Because it's a matter of hierarchy in a patriarchal society: you're fat and I'm not, so my status is higher. It would seem, well, and rejoice, because the more fat women, the less competition for status males, who naturally prefer thin ones. Why poison losers, they are not your competitors?

Everything is very simple, let's go back to point 1: beautiful is what society agreed to consider beautiful. If you don’t poison the fat ones, tomorrow they, don’t bring the universe, may be considered beautiful. And this means that all the benefits assigned to the beauties will go to them, and not to you. Because status males give goods.

The second point is the idea that happiness must be earned, preferably through hard work and severe restrictions. Years of plowing in the gym and sitting on chicken breast with buckwheat - and for what? So that some fat woman who has been chewing cakes all her life gets the same piece of happiness? Yes, for what reason? Let me get it first!

But the point here is not at all that only fat people allegedly do not have the right to happiness. The fact is that women do not have the right to happiness. For no happiness, except for the one that society recognized as the most correct: be thin and beautiful, attract the attention of men, grab the right one for yourself and never, never get fat or grow old.

If you think about it, living in this paradigm is a great misfortune. For all of us.

The canons of beauty are gradually changing. If initially the concept of beauty was born from expediency, a visual reflection of health, suitability for procreation, now it is determined by completely different principles. First of all, this is the convenience of working with a figure for fashion designers, displaying them on photo and video materials. But even now, among the dominance of skinny models, there are normal or slightly lush beauties. Moreover, it would be correct to call them the sexiest bbw.

1. Tara Lynn

Tara is considered the most beautiful curvaceous model. Although her colleagues consider Tara "fat", she herself loves her body and, on the contrary, is sorry for skinny standard models. Lynn does not exhaust herself with diets, but she did not acquire her forms in fast foods either. She constantly works with her body, does yoga for at least an hour a day, and of course loves herself exactly the way her nature created her. In many cultures, Tara would be called the ideal of female beauty and the sexiest bbw!


Justine burst onto the catwalks just a few years ago. And now she is considered one of the most beautiful in the modeling business in plus size. It is distinguished by softness and clarity of forms, harmonious beauty.


Christina is one of the biggest bbws in the fashion world. At the same time, she is also a successful presenter on television, she is invited to appear in advertising for clothes and star in the most fashionable magazines, she is one of the most sought after.


Barbara has had a successful career modeling for fashion magazines for 10 years, including for Grace, MODE, Womans World and Glamour. When Barbara became a mother, she began to produce her own line of clothes for the same sexy bbws like her, as well as for expectant mothers.


Sylvia's career is just beginning. She recently broke into the world of high fashion, but has already become a highly sought-after model. Now the American of Korean origin needs to be able to hold out among the same lush beauties like her.


Anansa is just climbing the podium Olympus. But she has wonderful baggage - in addition to youth, beauty and charm, she also has supermodel mother Beverly Johnson, who graced the cover of Vogue in 1974.


Natalie is a bright representative of beautiful puffies. She is filmed for many magazines, participates in various advertising campaigns. Images of Natalie adorn billboards in the US.


Ashley specializes in lingerie shows, and does so with grace and charm.


Kate's career began in the early 90s. During this time, Dillon managed to rise to the very top and even enter the rating of fifty of the most beautiful people on the planet.


Brazilian women are considered the hottest. At the same time, it is difficult to call them thin or skinny. It was thanks to the Brazilians that the fashion for the lush "sirloin" part appeared. Flavia was just a nanny in New York, where she was noticed and invited to the fashion industry for her bright appearance and hot temperament.

Having become a fad of the 1990s, the image of the thinnest model girl is a thing of the past, now rounded shapes are in vogue. Unless you've lived somewhere in a cave until today, it's obvious to everyone that the era of hourglass figures and reckless Hollywood beauties has taken over. The hallmarks of the ideal hourglass figure have mostly remained unchanged since the days of Marilyn Monroe, but in today's 2015 fashion, bigger seems to be better, and some Hollywood girls' speechless curves are no exception. Whether they were born with them or bought them, one thing is certain - these ladies are truly a hit.

1 Marilyn Monroe

Often copied but always inimitable, the classic beauty Marilyn Monroe will always serve as a model for a seductive hourglass figure. At a time when the media seemed to be dominated by thinner figures, Marilyn emerged to completely change the world's perception of beauty standards, and in the process she became a Hollywood legend and the idol of all little girls. Marilyn truly became one of the founders of the movement of girls with curvy shapes and will forever remain one of the most stunning beauties of Hollywood.

2 Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek with her gorgeous curves, beautiful long hair and perfect face is the ideal of a stunning beauty. Even while playing the role of an artless, tormented artist in the film "Frida", the radiance of Salma's beauty still made its way out, as it is difficult to keep her inside. In several scenes of the film "Frida" Salma in the full sense of the word laid bare all of herself, and men, as well as women, had to recognize the embodiment of beauty, which is Salma Hayek. Another natural beauty, the stars aligned and Salma Hayek was born.

3 Kelly Brook

Although not as famous as her buxom counterparts, Kelly Brook is certainly among the famous owners of a feminine figure, as her body perfectly embodies the idea of ​​​​an hourglass figure. Her tiny waist is complemented by captivating hips, and the size of her bra is a big injustice to many girls. With her classic Hollywood looks, Kelly is undeniably a seductive beauty not to be missed, and one of the hottest stars in the near future.

4 Tyra Banks

Tyra grew up as a tall, lanky teenager, and no one expected what a beautiful, full-breasted and seductive woman she would become. The first forms of Taira began to appear only at almost 19 years old, but as soon as they were discovered, she certainly received a divine blessing and acquired the correct shape. Tyra's height and roundness led her to a coveted job as a Victoria's Secret runway model, and from that moment on, Tyra built her empire on her beauty and intelligence.

5 Christina Hendricks

This seductive hottie is a resurrection of Hollywood glamor from yesteryear, quite literally, as she is the star of the hit series Mad Men, based on 1960s America. Ironically, this red-haired beauty had a hard time in high school at first. When Christina was a teenager, she was so teased and bullied in high school that she began to separate from her peers and turned to the Gothic style and ideology in search of refuge. Looking at her current incredible success and beauty, it's hard to imagine that she was once far from charming.

6 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett has all the charms and uses them flawlessly. With her perfect buttocks, captivating curve of the hips and curvaceous bust, this blonde beauty is blessed with stunning curves and is not afraid to show them off. Scarlett is another Hollywood star who has received the prestigious Esquire magazine's "Sexiest Woman Living" award, and with such piercing eyes and such a sexy body, Scarlett's award for this award is not at all surprising and, frankly, deserved.

7 Kat Dennings

With her trademark 1940s hairdo and gorgeous body with natural curves, this red-haired beauty is in the spirit of good old Hollywood glamour. This girl has it all: beautiful porcelain skin, perfectly rounded lips and a rich cleavage. When asked about what she does to make her body so mind-blowing, Kat admits that it’s nothing special and that it’s really difficult for her to stay away from junk food. Sorry ladies, but there's no secret way to get that look - this girl was just born that way.

8 Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt is a high school dream girl. She looks like a sweet and innocent girl from the house next door, but she has the form of a seductive Greek goddess who knows a lot about broken men's hearts. In the short-lived TV series The Client List, viewers saw Jennifer at her sexiest, as she played the role of a masseuse doing not-quite-legal "special" massages. This girl is a natural beauty, and her feminine figure will definitely go down in history as one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.

9 Jennifer Lopez

If you were interested in hip-hop in the early 2000s, then we are sure you most likely remember Jennifer Lopez's "My love don't cost a thing" video, and how can you forget it. In this sexy and sensual clip, Jennifer Lopez shows off her perfect curves in just a tank top and bikini bottoms. Her flat, tanned belly, paired with rounded hips and curvaceous buttocks, cements her position as one of the reigning queens of the hourglass kingdom, and 15 years later, at the age of 45, she is still winning hearts.

10 Mariah Carey

Even in her youth, Mariah had a curvaceous figure, but later something happened and her long, thin body seemed to become even more curvaceous. The multi-platinum singer isn't shy about showing off her brilliance and dressing up as one of her favorite characters, Jessica Rabbit, and it shows in the way she dresses. Mariah is the epitome of dignity, sass and captivating curves, and at 44, the R&B singer is still just as beautiful.

11 Beyoncé

Beyoncé is not only famous for her Grammy-winning curves, but she actually coined a new word in the English dictionary to describe her infamously curvy body. Voicing the expression "bootylicious" (translated from English: sexy, luxurious), Beyoncé soon initiated the movement of girls with curvaceous forms, proudly showing off her body and in her songs encouraging other girls to follow her example. Beyoncé has been hailed as the most beautiful woman in the world several times in a row, and those curves, plus her face and indescribable talent, we can only agree.

12 Kim Kardashian

The infamous Kim Kardashian became famous, literally, only thanks to her unimaginable forms. Kim is not a singer, not a dancer, not an actress, she is just an amazingly beautiful woman who became famous for her feminine figure. Again, no matter how much they argue about whether nature has endowed her with these “virtues”, but you can imagine these forms on many other people, and they still will not look like Kim. Whether you like her or not, she's sexy.

13 Nicki Minaj

Nicki's music video for "Anaconda" has become the subject of much legend and sparked a lot of controversy about society's current obsession with female buttocks and whether Nicki is a natural hourglass beauty or some kind of surgical change. The fact remains that whether she paid for these bold forms or was born with them, no one can rock them like Nicky does, and she brushes aside any doubt that everyone knows it with all the music videos she makes, in which the main role is played by her small-sized, but at the same time sexy body.

14 Iggy Azalea

Although she spent several years working in the music industry, Iggy Azalea seemed to have entered the music scene with some natural gifts. To say that everyone was a little surprised to find that Iggy was a New Zealand rapper is an understatement. But she shocked everyone even more when she showed off her unimaginably seductive charms, which could well compete with such buxom ladies like J. Lo and Beyoncé. Iggy broke all the usual stereotypes about rapper girls and looked great at the same time.

15 Amber Rose

If you're on Instagram, you couldn't miss the epic photo that Amber Rose posted recently. This shaved blonde beauty may have cut into Kim Kardashian's internet streak when she posted this snap, proving that just because you're a mom and recently broke up with your long-term lover doesn't mean you shouldn't look amazing. Amber's curves are just cosmic, and the barely visible bikini does a great job of showing them off.

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