Do thrush and chronic candidiasis affect the conception of a child: does it interfere with planning a pregnancy and is there a chance of getting pregnant? Does thrush interfere with the ability to get pregnant? Conception during thrush - consequences

The health of the expectant mother is the main (although not the only) component of a successful conception, a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Each of the pathological processes, especially those that affect the genital organs, can negatively affect a woman’s reproductive capabilities. One of the most common diseases of the intimate area is thrush. In this regard, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush (including the chronic form) is relevant for most women.

Does thrush prevent you from getting pregnant?

The female reproductive system is a complex mechanism, and yeast fungi (causative agents of vaginal candidiasis) are not able to disrupt its activity. Nevertheless, they, albeit indirectly, still affect the possibility of conception.

Effect on sperm

Normally, an optimal acid-base balance is maintained in the vagina (an acidic environment prevails). Lactic acid bacteria, components of the beneficial microflora that inhabit the lower genital tract, “work” on this. They create ideal conditions for the movement of healthy sperm to the uterus, where the egg awaits them.

During infection, the pathogenic colony displaces the lactic acid bacteria. Under the influence of Candida, the environment in the vagina becomes alkaline. It is detrimental to sperm: the latter lose activity, move more slowly, and most of them die before reaching the uterus. As a result, the chances of successful fertilization of the egg are significantly reduced.

Infectious complications

The acid-base reaction of the environment is necessary not only for sperm, it is a kind of barrier that does not allow infectious agents to pass through. This significantly reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

Yeast fungi, supporting alkaline reactions, promote the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the vagina. From here they can easily spread to the uterus, tubes and ovaries, provoking the development of various diseases. Bacterial inflammation is accompanied by the formation of adhesions that impede the movement of the egg.

Effect on sexual desire

Typical symptoms of candidiasis are itching, burning in the perineum and vagina, dry mucous membrane. Because of this, during the process, a woman is often bothered by painful sensations, sometimes so pronounced that coitus does not reach completion. As a result, sexual desire decreases or disappears, which also affects the possibility of conceiving a child.

Is it possible to get pregnant during thrush and other pressing questions for expectant mothers and fathers

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush in women?

Can. Although the chances of conception are lower, fertilization is possible. Therefore, if a couple is not yet planning a child, then during intimacy with candidiasis it is imperative to use contraception. It is best to discuss the choice of the safest options with your gynecologist.

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic thrush?

Compared to episodic cases, this course of the disease further complicates the possibility of conception. This is due to long-term pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, as well as concomitant infections of the intimate area. However, in such a situation, the possibility itself cannot be excluded.

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant during treatment?

And again the answer is positive. Neither the disease itself nor antifungal drugs can completely disrupt all processes associated with fertilization. Since when pregnancy occurs during this period, the development of the fetus will be affected not only by fungi, but also by chemicals, it is still better to protect yourself.

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant after thrush?

It is possible and necessary! This option is the most suitable for planning a successful pregnancy. Recovery not only increases the chances of conception, but also reduces the risk of pathological processes in fetal development. After treatment, it is better for a woman to undergo a full examination to ensure the absence of pathogens. To restore normal microflora, you need to give up yeast-based baked goods and increase the consumption of fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir).

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush: consequences

If a married couple dreams of a child, but the woman has been diagnosed with candidiasis, it is better to wait for recovery. Yeast fungi negatively affect both the body of the pregnant woman and the baby. Therefore, both partners must first heal.

Danger for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a fungal infection provokes the following pathological processes:

  • disruption of the vaginal microflora, which is accompanied by a decrease in local immunity, the development of dangerous bacterial diseases of the uterus and ovaries;
  • discomfort (itching, pain, swelling of the external genital organs) interfere with normal functioning, cause pathological fatigue, and negatively affect a woman’s mood;
  • bacterial inflammatory processes that accompany thrush can lead to cervical weakness and premature birth.

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy contribute to the exacerbation of candidiasis symptoms. During this period, it is difficult to treat and often transforms into a chronic form.

Effect on the fetus

The biggest concern is the impact of the disease on the unborn child.

  1. Intrauterine infection of the fetus (in rare cases). Possible consequences:
  • impaired organ development (if infection has occurred);
  • fungal diseases ().
  1. Most often, a child becomes infected from a sick mother during childbirth. In this case, the baby is diagnosed with candidal stomatitis, fungal infection of the eyes, skin, and genitourinary organs.
  2. For babies with weakened immune systems (premature babies, those with birth trauma, those suffering from concomitant diseases), thrush is very dangerous (can be fatal).

If a woman with candidiasis finds out she is pregnant, she should immediately seek professional help. In this case, amateur activities are strictly prohibited, because many drugs, and especially traditional methods, cannot be used during the period of bearing a child. Competent and timely treatment will reliably protect mother and baby from unwanted consequences.

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Thrush is a fungal infection that primarily affects the genitals. The disease does not have a significant effect on the process of conception, so the chances of a representative of the fair sex becoming pregnant with thrush are quite high. But the disease should not be ignored. If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy child, she should undergo a thorough examination. You must first cure candidiasis or get rid of a similar illness, and then plan a pregnancy.

The likelihood of pregnancy if a woman has candidiasis is quite high. The disease does not lead to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. Candidiasis at an early stage does not slow down the process of embryo movement and does not complicate the life of a pregnant woman.
Conception in the presence of severe thrush may not occur for the following reasons:

  • This disease may cause symptoms such as burning and itching in the genital area. Intimacy is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, which are often an obstacle to sexual intercourse. If the symptoms of the disease intensify and thrush prevents a woman from becoming pregnant, she must temporarily abstain from sexual contact. If severe itching, burning and heavy vaginal discharge occur, you must undergo an appropriate course of treatment;
  • With thrush, the normal microflora of the vagina is disrupted. When the disease worsens, sperm death may occur. This is due to the environment being too acidic.

Candidiasis as a cause of infertility

In advanced forms of thrush, the following problems may occur that can interfere with conception:

  • cervical erosion;
  • chronic form of cystitis;
  • premature termination of pregnancy.

Infertility in women suffering from candidiasis develops due to the accumulation of colonies of the pathogenic fungus in the body. They can penetrate the ovaries and fallopian tubes, thereby slowing down the ovulation process. As a result, implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity may become impossible.

In severe cases of the disease and the proliferation of the fungus, waste products accumulate in the female body. This leads to a weakened immune system; as a result, a woman cannot become pregnant with thrush.

The disease is also dangerous for men. Prostatitis, which is often caused by thrush, can cause infertility in the stronger sex.

The impact of the disease on the unborn baby

Candidiasis that is not cured before fertilization can be dangerous for the baby. The Candida fungus penetrates through the cervix into the reproductive organ. It can cause contamination of amniotic fluid.

With this pathology, conception occurs quickly in most cases. But a pregnant woman needs to be extremely careful! In severe cases of candidiasis, the patient develops placentitis. It is an inflammation of the placenta during pregnancy.

Placentitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the genital tract;
  • high body temperature;
  • deterioration of health;
  • increasing the content of leukocytes in the body.

Placentitis that occurs during pregnancy poses a considerable danger to the unborn child. It can provoke oxygen starvation, which often leads to delayed fetal development. The pathology causes premature termination of pregnancy or intrauterine fetal death. Therefore, there is no need to bring the situation to the point of placentitis. Candidiasis should be combated even before the period of conceiving a child.

Statistics show that fetal death in the first trimester of pregnancy occurs not only due to the influence of pathogenic microflora due to thrush or bacterial vaginosis. In addition to candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis, there are other causes of intrauterine fetal death:

  • the influence of unfavorable environmental factors (poor environmental conditions);
  • hard physical work;
  • Rh incompatibility of the fetus and mother;
  • pathologies of the immune system.

If a fungal infection appears in the last trimester of pregnancy, in 80% of cases the infection passes to the child during childbirth. The disease can negatively affect the newborn: the likelihood of stomatitis increases, the skin, eyes and other organs are affected, and the immune system, which is a defense against infectious diseases, is often weakened.

If a woman has been diagnosed with thrush, she should take it regularly after conception. This will prevent a possible relapse of the disease during pregnancy.

Treatment of illness during pregnancy

For vaginal candidiasis, you need to follow a strict diet. A woman should avoid foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates.

For candidiasis, antifungal drugs are prescribed, for example, Clotrimazole, Nystatin. They are recommended to be used under the supervision of a physician. When using the drug, undesirable side effects may occur, such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and pain in the abdominal area.

Along with antifungal medications, drugs such as Acipol and.

Candidiasis in some cases causes infection of the membranes, which often leads to miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to take medications that help fight thrush when planning pregnancy.

Sooner or later, every woman is faced with such an unpleasant disease as thrush. It happens to every woman at least once in her life, but often such problems occur to women much more often. Thrush is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the vagina, itching and cheesy discharge. Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush?

Getting pregnant with vaginal candidiasis is quite difficult, but possible. The acid-base balance in the vagina changes and sperm simply do not survive in such an environment. If a woman wants to conceive a child, it is necessary to first cure fungal diseases.

Causes of thrush

For the female body, the acid-base balance plays an important role. When there are no inflammatory processes or infectious diseases in the vagina, lactic acid bacteria occupy 90% of the vaginal environment.

Lactic acid bacteria are responsible for producing lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, which are necessary to prevent infectious bacteria. If there is a lack of lactic acid bacteria, the amount of lactic acid and peroxide also decreases; subsequently, harmful bacteria multiply quite rapidly.

Due to the lack of a normal balance of lactic acid bacteria, a woman becomes ill with a bacterial fungal disease - thrush. Thrush can occur unnoticed without obvious symptoms of the disease. She can find out that a woman has a fungal disease during a routine examination with her gynecologist.

Symptoms that can help determine the appearance of thrush:

Reasons why thrush may appear:

  • improper, unhealthy diet, unfavorable climate;
  • working in conditions harmful to health;
  • improper use of antibiotics, as well as self-medication with weakened immunity.
  • anal sex may well be the cause of thrush;
  • female gynecological diseases;
  • synthetic women's panties and thongs.

When inflammatory processes occur in the vagina, they are accompanied by itching, burning, and specific vaginal discharge. Bacterial vaginosis can also be caused by viral and fungal infections that are found in a woman’s body.

Planning a pregnancy

You need to plan your pregnancy long before conception. Check your body for various diseases and infections, lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • playing sports;
  • giving up alcohol and nicotine;
  • be less nervous.

Before you decide to conceive a baby with thrush, you need to “soberly” weigh the pros and cons. Thrush, of course, may not cause harm if the fungi do not penetrate the amniotic fluid and the uterus. Otherwise, thrush can cause miscarriage and problems with the baby's respiratory organs.

It is necessary to take into account that even if there is no danger for the child during pregnancy, he can become infected during childbirth through the birth canal.

A woman needs to remember that thrush is a fungal, infectious disease that causes inflammatory, viral processes in the vagina. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy if you have thrush, you need to undergo an examination, take the necessary tests and consult with a gynecologist.

Thrush and conception

According to statistics, more than 80% of women at least once in their lives encounter such an unpleasant disease as thrush. Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush and what could be the consequences?

In fact, the question “is it possible to get pregnant with thrush” itself disappears, if only for the reason that some women do not feel unpleasant symptoms and do not even suspect that pregnancy occurred during thrush.

It should be noted that with chronic thrush the likelihood of conception decreases. Thrush itself does not interfere with getting pregnant, does not affect the menstrual cycle, and does not affect the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.

Many couples refuse sex during thrush. As already mentioned, this disease causes discomfort, discomfort, and a woman may experience pain during sexual intercourse. The microflora of the vagina changes and therefore it becomes more difficult for the sperm to survive and fertilize the egg; therefore, it is unlikely that you will become pregnant with thrush.

If you still manage to conceive a child with thrush, you must urgently consult a doctor so that he can advise the woman on how to effectively cure thrush without harming the fetus.

Pregnancy and thrush

So, we have found the answer to the question: is it possible to get pregnant with thrush.

Fertilization has occurred, but the woman should follow some recommendations:

  • you need to undergo a full, extensive examination and pass the necessary tests;
  • if pregnancy occurs during thrush, it is necessary to treat it so as not to harm the fetus;
  • you need to give up alcohol and smoking;
  • Take medications strictly under the supervision of a doctor, because some medications are not recommended during pregnancy.

Fungal diseases need to be treated before and during pregnancy, because during the period when a woman is pregnant, the microflora and acid-base balance also changes and the disease can progress.

The birth of a baby is the most joyful and long-awaited moment for any couple. But women often have pathologies, infectious and fungal diseases. Some problems become chronic or recurrent - due to reduced immunity or indifference to one’s health. When personal problems arise, young women begin to wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant during thrush or how fungal diseases will affect the child? There are many myths and misconceptions, but this topic needs to be understood in order to competently deal with the disease itself, and not with its consequences.

Features of the female body and the danger of candidiasis for those wishing to become pregnant

Fungi and bacteria are two opposing environments that, in fact, have dominated our planet since the origin of life on land. These 2 forms of life are ubiquitous, but if you do not fight them, cultures multiply exponentially. Under favorable conditions, they double exponentially. Therefore, you cannot rely only on immunity, wasting time searching for answers on forums - “is it possible to give birth with thrush?”

With any deviation from the norm, it is advisable to consult a doctor and get tested, rather than self-medicate. Based on the color of the discharge, symptoms and test results, specialists will determine the disease, prescribing:

  1. Antibiotics (for bacterial forms);
  2. Antiviral drugs;
  3. Fungicides (for fungi).
Antibiotics are useless against viruses and fungi, but they are often treated with complex drugs. The reason is that the infection settles in organs and systems weakened by viruses and fungi. Each fungal, viral or infectious disease forms a specific environment in the places where it is localized, which can sharply deviate from the normal pH (“pH”) in both directions:
  • acidic;
  • alkaline.
The environment formed by fungi, viruses and infections is detrimental to other forms of life, including sperm. With vaginal candidiasis or thrush, this is noticeable by cheesy discharge and a feeling of itching in the perineum.
Attention: Erosion, cystitis, fungus or some unusual symptoms - all this must be treated immediately at the first manifestations, and then engage in family planning!

It is unpleasant if thrush or a sexually transmitted disease prevents you from getting pregnant. It is much worse when, while carrying the “fruit of love,” a man transmits the disease to a woman.

A fungus of the genus Candida is the cause of a disease called candidiasis, colloquially referred to as “thrush”. Their culture is easily transmitted through a circle on the toilet or through soap and wet towels in the bathroom. Normally, the human body is able to suppress foreign fungal environments, including those affecting the female genital organs.

When answering questions from patients regarding how to become pregnant with thrush, if this moment does not occur for a long time, they are recommended:

  • comprehensive examination;
  • intensive treatment.

Symptoms of candidiasis in women

When vaginal fungus is detected, women are not bothered by pain, but if there are other unpleasant manifestations of this disease:
  1. inflammation of the vaginal walls;
  2. “curdled” discharge;
  3. specific sour smell;
  4. burning and itching at the entrance to the vagina;
  5. swelling of the genitals;
  6. slight increase in temperature.
For these reasons, women avoid sexual intercourse, fearing to “transmit” the cause of the disease to their partner. Indeed, it is worth abstaining until complete recovery, although candidiasis in men is much less common and manifests itself differently.
Attention: According to WHO statistics, about 80% of women have noticed symptoms of thrush at least once in their lives, and this does not depend on age. But fungal diseases often come as concomitants when the immune system is weakened by long-term treatment - after fighting viruses and severe organic lesions.

How does thrush affect conception?

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush and erosion if others have succeeded? Yes, some women have very strong reproductive systems. They get pregnant without contraceptives, in spite of everything, and not because of anything!

Today there is one trend - women on forums are more interested in how to get pregnant, and not in how to protect themselves. Literally 20 years ago it was the other way around. Perhaps candidiasis is not the main problem in infertility, but it undoubtedly contributes to such statistics.

Nowadays, unhealthy eating, the craze for fasting and fasting days and mono-diets that impoverish the body lead to problems with conception.

Candidiasis is not officially recognized as a cause that interferes with the reproductive functions of the female body. You can get pregnant with cystitis and thrush, as well as with more severe diseases, for example, sexually transmitted diseases.

Lack of pregnancy may be due to other reasons:

  • a woman with symptoms of candidiasis shirks “marital responsibilities”;
  • fear of infecting your partner or spouse with a fungus or secondary infection;
  • the need to avoid intimate relationships during the period of intensive treatment for Candida fungus in the acute phase on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  • a sharp shift to the acidic side in the vagina is detrimental to active sperm if this is a chronic disease of thrush with “habitual” symptoms.
There have been cases when, in acute or chronic forms of candidiasis, full fertilization occurred. But this does not mean that vaginal fungus does not need to be fought, especially when there are problems conceiving your first child.

Some consequences of the disease for the man and the unborn baby

If during the days of ovulation the sperm has safely passed the path from the vagina to the fallopian tubes, conception is quite possible. But it is precisely in this segment, affected by Candida fungi, that a “time bomb” is laid.

Subsequently, problems with the embryo and stomatitis in the newborn are possible; children are often born with weakened immunity. This gives rise to additional problems with morbidity in the first years of the baby’s life. Some experts deny a direct connection between these phenomena. However, you don’t need to be an expert to understand that the healthier the mothers, the better for the unborn child. It’s unpleasant when a pregnant woman gets candidiasis before giving birth - the fungus “clings” to the child at birth, as happens in 70% of cases.

Attention: Candida fungi are dangerous for the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy, since their hyphae and spores can penetrate the uterine cavity. This can cause fetal freezing in the first weeks of pregnancy; this does not happen often, but it is always a possibility.

Vaginal candidiasis affects the acidity of the vagina, and a man who has not previously had children may think that there is something wrong with him if he does not conceive. In an acidic environment, few “living creatures” capable of prolonging the genus survive. A genitourinary disease of one of the partners reduces the quality of life, forcing one to shy away from pleasant moments of sexual life.

Various inflammatory processes in the body of men and women are detrimental to the microflora of the genitourinary system. In case of infertility, it is recommended that both spouses be examined, and not search for an answer to the question - is it possible to get pregnant with chronic thrush and infectious diseases.

Prevention and treatment of fungal diseases

To reduce the risk of vaginal damage from infectious and fungal diseases, you must follow the basic rules of personal hygiene:
  1. Do not use general soap to wash in public places; it is better to use plain warm water or wet wipes.
  2. Everyone should have their own towel; it is advisable for ladies to have a separate one for intimate areas.
  3. You should not wear corsifying and compressive synthetic underwear every day, which chafes; skin microtraumas can “transport” dangerous carriers.
  4. Change underwear more often, which should preferably be washed in hot water, which is harmful to viruses, fungi and infections.
  5. Replace general solid soap with a liquid concentrate for intimate hygiene with a dispenser to eliminate the possibility of catching the fungus from other patients.
  6. Iron the gusset of underwear with an iron to destroy possible pathological microflora.
These tips are relevant for any girl or woman. But if a young family is planning to become pregnant, it is important to exclude all diseases, especially in advanced forms. During the examination, it is advisable to take a smear for microflora in order to know whether a fungus is present in the vagina, especially if there were similar problems before.

There are many simple and effective drugs to treat the disease, such as Pimafucin, Fluconazole or Clotrimazole. However, they must be prescribed by a doctor, against the background of complex treatment and increased immunity. In case of relapses and after treatment, preventive examinations will be useful if symptoms that were present with thrush appear.

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