Reviews about the use of boric alcohol for acne. Boric alcohol for acne treatment. How to use Boric acid with excessive work of the sebaceous glands

Pimples and blackheads on the face cause serious psychological discomfort, as they look unaesthetic. Therefore, for many people suffering from this disease, the actual problem is to find suitable care products that can reduce the intensity of rashes. Not always expensive drugs are effective, and then old proven pharmacy products come to the rescue. Boric acid is one of them. At a low cost, it perfectly fights rashes and prevents the formation of new inflammations.

Like any medicine, it has both pros and cons. How to use boric acid so that it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin?

Useful properties of boric acid

This tool has a number of positive properties:

  1. Removes old acne and prevents the formation of new ones. The drug has a property that radically distinguishes it from all other anti-acne and comedone remedies - it is able to draw out those inflammations that have just begun to form under the skin, but have not come to the surface. This happens because boric alcohol penetrates into the underlying layers and fights potential inflammation. Therefore, patients often note a deterioration in the condition of the skin in the first days of using this remedy. This state must be endured: the skin will be cleansed, acne will cease to annoy.
  2. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect, due to which it is able to fight various rashes (except hormonal ones).
  3. Cleans pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands, improves metabolic processes in the skin.
  4. It can "ignite" large inflamed elements for rapid maturation and healing.
  5. An excellent prophylactic. After acne has ceased to annoy, you should wipe your face with boric alcohol several times a month. This will help keep the pores clean and prevent breakouts.

Thus, for little money you can get a truly unique remedy that has a prolonged action and the effect of which becomes visible after a couple of weeks after the start of use.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use are:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands.

When using the product, you need to remember about possible negative reactions:

  • with excessive use, the drug can dry out the skin, causing peeling, redness and itching;
  • it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women;
  • prohibited for children;
  • the use of the drug should be abandoned in the presence of kidney pathology;
  • can not be used for individual intolerance;
  • edema, eczema may occur when used on large areas of the skin;
  • if the remedy is used without interruption for a long time, then intoxication occurs: anemia, convulsions, nausea and weakness.

If negative symptoms occur, stop using the drug immediately and consult a doctor.

IMPORTANT! Allergy testing should be done before using any skin care product. A little boric acid should be applied to the bend of the elbow and look at the reaction. If there are no negative manifestations, then this tool can be carefully used in everyday care. Otherwise, you will have to look for something else.

How to use

In order for the use of boric alcohol to bring maximum benefit, it is important to use the drug correctly. It is applied as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face from makeup residues and impurities. The cleanser should be chosen soft, since boric acid itself has a pronounced drying effect.
  2. The face is blotted dry. The agent is applied either pointwise with a cotton swab or with a cotton pad. They do it in the evening.
  3. When using boric alcohol, do not forget about the use of moisturizing and nourishing creams. This will help to avoid dryness and will not cause an exacerbation of the condition.

On the basis of the drug, lotions and talkers are prepared. Below are effective and popular recipes:

  1. Lotion. I take a decoction of chamomile and boric alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. Mix thoroughly, pour into a dark glass container. Wash your face 2 times a day.
  2. Talker. For preparation, you will need 1 bottle of boric and salicylic acid, 7 streptocide tablets and 7 grams of sulfur. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour into a dark glass container. Shake the mash before use, apply the composition pointwise to the inflamed areas of the skin, do not rinse. Then apply a skin care cream.

IMPORTANT! Before using these products, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components.

On the video about boric acid in the treatment of acne

Does Boric Alcohol Help Acne? Yes, it is important to use this effective and inexpensive medicine correctly, and then you can forget about inflammation and rashes forever.

It often happens that conventional cosmetics do not help to cope with acne, and then it makes sense to resort to medications. Boric alcohol - is inexpensive and does an excellent job with acne, not only on the face, but also on the whole body.

How does boric alcohol work on the skin

The composition of the product includes boric acid - it is she who is the active active ingredient. The acid regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and prevents the appearance of new acne. In general, boric alcohol has the following effects on the skin:

  • It has a disinfecting effect on the skin and foci of inflammation.
  • Effectively tightens pores, which protects the epidermis from ingestion of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Alcohol penetrates deep into the skin and cleanses it, promotes exfoliation of dead cells and starts regeneration processes.
  • Reduces the graininess of the skin.
  • "Burns" acne from the inside and effectively dries up purulent rashes.
  • Promotes the disappearance of blackheads.

The use of boric alcohol gives a long-term effect, but the result will not be noticeable immediately - not earlier than two weeks after the start of treatment.

In the first days of use, there may be some exacerbation of the disease - the number of acne not only does not decrease, but also slightly increases. In no case should you be frightened and stop treatment - this is a normal skin reaction to the treatment of a deep infection. You should calmly and regularly continue to treat the skin, and the exacerbation will pass by itself, without any additional intervention. Cleansing of the skin from acne occurs approximately two weeks after the start of the course of treatment.

How to apply

The classic way to use boric alcohol is to wipe the face twice a day with a moistened cotton swab.

However, this method may not be suitable for those who have too dry skin - alcohol will contribute to additional drying, which will have a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis. Therefore, for owners of dry skin, it is best to use the method of local exposure - with a cotton swab, directly on the pimple itself, or with a moistened swab only on the problem area.

Wipe problem areas on the body immediately after a shower, wait until completely dry and only then put on underwear. On the body, the skin is thicker than on the face, so it is better to use boric alcohol in its pure form, and not as part of any cosmetic product.

But for thinner and more sensitive facial skin, cosmetologists recommend preparing special talkers and lotions at home. Using such products at home, you can quickly achieve the effect of salon cleaning.

Acne lotion


  • boric alcohol - 1 vial or sachet of powder;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula - 1 bottle;
  • camphor alcohol - 1 bottle;
  • olive or lavender oil;
  • decoction of St. John's wort - 1 glass.

We prepare a decoction of St. John's wort: brew one spoonful of grass with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 15 minutes, then carefully filter, and the decoction is ready.

Add 10 drops of olive or lavender oil to the finished broth, mix everything and add all the other ingredients. If there are a lot of acne, instead of one bag of boron powder, you can safely add two. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle with a screw cap. Ready lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for six months.

We wipe the face with lotion in the morning and in the evening. The tool will help to even out the complexion, get rid of not only acne, but also spots and black spots. The result will be noticeable in a few days.

Acne Chatterbox


  • analgin tablets - 5 pieces;
  • Levomycetin tablets - 5 pieces;
  • boric acid powder - 1 sachet;
  • vodka - 1 glass.

The tablets are carefully crushed and diluted with a glass of vodka and boric acid. The resulting mixture is infused in the refrigerator for three days. Shake vigorously before each use.

The face is wiped in the morning and evening for 5 days, then a week-long break is made, and the five-day course is repeated.

Acne Chatterbox with Zinc Ointment

Zinc is known for its antimicrobial activity and has long been successfully used to treat acne.


  • boric alcohol - half a bottle;
  • salicylic acid - half a bottle;
  • zinc ointment - 1 teaspoon.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and shaken, the resulting mixture is infused at room temperature for 3 hours. The face is wiped with a talker in the morning and in the evening. A noticeable effect will be achieved after a week of use.


Boric alcohol helps with acne or not, you can only learn from your own experience. Basically, the drug receives only rave reviews from patients. Try it, perhaps this is the most inexpensive and effective remedy with which you will solve skin problems forever.


In this review, I’ll tell you about another cheap effective tool that you need to have in your first aid kit just in case - Boric alcohol (boric acid).

You can buy boric acid at a pharmacy, it is available without a prescription.

Price: 35-40 rubles for 10 ml. Shelf life 3 years.

The bottle is made of tinted glass, more or less durable, dropped a couple of times - did not break.

In general, everything is standard - a cap, a protective cork.

By the way, I would advise you not to throw away the protective cork, although it is not very convenient to pick it out every time. With it, alcohol will not evaporate.

What is boric acid?

Compound: active ingredient: boric acid - 300 mg; excipient: ethyl alcohol 70% - up to 10 ml.

Transparent liquid. The smell, of course, of alcohol, I have not tasted it, and I do not advise anyone.

Important! Boric acid is highly toxic when taken orally!

Overdose: with symptoms of intoxication (with accidental ingestion): nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastralgia, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, stimulation or depression of the central nervous system, hyperpyrexia, erythematous rashes followed by desquamation of the epithelium (possible death after 5-7 days), impaired renal and hepatic function (including jaundice), circulatory collapse, shock, including fatal. For adults, the lethal dose is from fifteen to twenty, for children - from four to five grams.

Alcohol evaporates quickly from the skin when applied, sometimes it leaves a slight white coating, there are no unpleasant sensations, if applied to wounds, it can burn slightly.

Let me tell you how to use it.

Boric alcohol for otitis.

Indications for use:
Acute, chronic external and otitis media without damage to the eardrum.

Let's do it this way, if you got into a review because of discomfort in the auricle and are looking for an effective remedy, but you don’t know why exactly this discomfort arose - first stomp to the doctor if you know for sure that it is external or middle (not purulent) otitis media - you can use boric alcohol.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to boric acid, chronic renal failure, acute inflammatory skin diseases; pregnancy, childhood, tympanic membrane perforation, lactation period.

I "caught" otitis externa after swimming in the lake, water got into my ear and did not want to go out. The red arrow showed where with external otitis "bo-bo". Also from the symptoms there was pressure in this area, unpleasant tingling, hyperemia, migraine and general weakness.

It is better to moisten the cotton wool, wring it out so that the alcohol does not drain, and “screw” the cotton wool into the ear.

At first it can tingle a little, I would say irritably tingle, it is impossible not to pay attention to it, but then you just feel a pleasant warmth. If you feel a strong, very strong burning sensation (suddenly the skin is damaged or simply hypersensitive), it is better to get the cotton wool. You can try to dilute alcohol with water 1: 1, the main thing is to squeeze the “turunda” well.

It is more convenient to do this at night. But even during the day, if you need to go outside, it is advisable to keep your ear warm.

Important! Cotton wool moistened with boric alcohol must be stuffed INTO BOTH EARS!

Even if the otitis is one-sided, because the infection can move to the next ear.

After one night of such warming up, relief comes, in 3 days the symptoms go away completely, but you can warm up for a couple more days to consolidate the result.

The maximum period of heating with boric alcohol is 10 days.

Boric alcohol for quick healing of burns.

I think everyone knows that it is impossible to lubricate fresh burns with alcohol solutions. If you didn't know, then remember, this is a bad idea!

But. I was faced with a situation where the burn did not want to heal at all and it was boric alcohol that solved the problem.

Thermal burns in the area of ​​the big toe. A blister formed in the shape of a heart.

Such a burn, ideally, should pass by itself, gradually decreasing in size, it cannot be opened. But this particular bubble did not want to follow the rules, constantly rubbing against shoes and burst.

It would seem that it burst, well, everything, you can heal. But no, then he decided to puff up again and burst at every contact with the shoes.

As a result, a week later, a wet wound formed in the center of the blister, which was not an option to seal, and it was impossible to keep it constantly open.

So that no infection would cling to the burn through this wound, I decided to call boric alcohol for help.

To begin with, she burned only the wound itself several times a day. When applied, the alcohol tingled slightly. After 2 days, a crust formed on it, but there was still lymph inside the blister, and I began to wipe the entire burn with boric alcohol. A week later, the blister was completely blown away, only a thin skin remained, which became a crust, and under it the regeneration process was already in full swing. After 2 weeks, the thin crust fell off, "young" skin remained, and this spot will completely disappear over time, leaving no scar.

Boric alcohol prevented infection of the wound and accelerated the healing process of the burn.

Boric alcohol for acne. Acne talker with boric alcohol.

I would like to note right away that of all alcohol solutions, a solution of boric acid is the “softest” for facial skin. It does not leave redness, does not cause severe peeling, does not make the face gray, such as salicylic acid.

The simplest application is spot application on the pimple several times a day. I do not advise to wipe the face completely, I would even say that it is impossible. Firstly, do not forget about toxicity in case of overdose, and secondly, any alcohol tinctures provoke the appearance of closed comedones (small white tubercles inside which sebum accumulates). Such comedones are very difficult to "bring out", they need to be opened, because they are not amenable to ordinary extrusion.

For the whole face, it is better to use water-based acids.. To date, my absolute favorite is lactic acid.

How quickly a pimple disappears from cauterization with boric alcohol depends on at what stage you start cauterizing it. The sooner you start, the sooner. Sometimes it is even possible to prevent the appearance of a pimple. If it failed, then boric acid will accelerate the "ripening" and healing of the wound.

With single pustules, alcohol copes solo, but you can chat up a powerful talker that very quickly copes with numerous rashes.

The recipe is as old as mammoth dung, but that doesn't make it any less effective.

4 tablets of chloramphenicol, 10 ml of boric acid, 10 ml of salicylic acid. If the skin is dry or sensitive, salicylic alcohol can be omitted.

Grind tablets of chloramphenicol into powder. I like to add more chloramphenicol (4 tablets - a lot for such an amount of alcohol), so that when applied topically, a white layer remains on the pimple. It seems to me that the talker works better

Mix with alcohol solutions. Levomycetin completely does not dissolve. Therefore, before each use, you need to shake the bottle.

The mash turns out to be VERY bitter. This is her main disadvantage. Bitterness can be felt even after a thorough washing.

Again, it is better to use the talker pointwise on pimples. The thing is efficient! During the night, it easily removes only emerging rashes or dries existing ones. In addition, post-acne passes faster.

I can show the effect with an example. There was a pimple after cleaning the pores, on the chin, got out quickly, grew up in a day. Would have matured for a long time, with the appearance of a white head and all that. I burned it with boric alcohol for a while, and at night I smeared it well with a talker so that a white coating of chloramphenicol remained.

It took 4 days to seal. A week later there was no speck. Effective!

But for deep pustules it is better to use erythromycin.

As I wrote above, in comparison with other tinctures and solutions, boric acid is the mildest remedy, not inferior in effectiveness to any aggressive salicylic acid and stink calendula. I use it as needed, there is no addiction, that is, the product has not become less effective for my skin. Do not exceed the dosage. I threw salicylic alcohol away, which used to seem the best for rashes. Also boric acid powder For a certain period of time, she replaced my facial tonic.

The funny thing is that I knew about the "magic" boric alcohol for a long time, on the advice, reviews, but the only reason why I did not dare to buy it for a long time was the name. Boric acid. So harsh and creepy. toxic

And then I read horror stories about the death of babies from him and direct instructions that even looking in the direction of boric acid is dangerous ... Well, if you are sure that none of the household members will drink your alcohol, that you will not and that you will not baby - no need to worry.

If you are looking for an effective remedy, boric acid is a good option. I recommend!

Thank you for attention!

Boric alcohol for acne can be purchased at any pharmacy. The cost of funds available to students and pensioners and does not exceed 50 cents.

In addition to it, an effective anti-inflammatory acetylsalicylic acid for acne. Excellent effect on the skin Tetracycline ointment for acne. Of the procedures, a solarium helps with acne. Ultraviolet cures suppuration.

Inside you can take the antibiotic Acyclovir for acne. Excellent medicine. And Levomycetin will help cure poorly healing sores after breaking through large acne.

How to use against rashes

Take a cotton swab and now dip it in alcohol. Wipe your skin well. Especially where there are inflamed areas on the face. Do not expect that the improvement will be noticeable immediately, but after 7 days you will realize that the number of blackheads has decreased and there are few new ones. Zinc paste has a similar effect, drying the skin. Deeper affects the skin Levomycetin.

Boric is used to:

  • Remove any inflamed comedones;
  • When there are many acne on the face;
  • Increased sebum secretion on the skin.

The skin does not get used to this remedy. Therefore, it can be used daily. It perfectly cleanses the pores from excess fat released from the pores. Sebaceous plugs will not occur with the regular use of such alcohol. Good for this purpose and tetracycline for acne. In parallel, take Acyclovir for acne.

Small comedones are cauterized and do not develop into large abscesses. In addition, try Clearasil for acne. Teenagers especially love it. They willingly buy and zinc paste helps them. Teenagers can also use Curiosin for acne.

In a pharmacy, buy boric alcohol 3%. Remove oil from pores 2 times a day. This remedy is suitable for you if your skin type is oily or combination and also prone to acne. Do you have a dry skin type and comedones and various abscesses jump up in the same way? You can't overdry it, so use it once a day. Also, zinc paste can be used once a day.

Read also: Salicylic ointment and other remedies for psoriasis

Do not be discouraged if a week passes, and not all acne is gone. This means that you need to continue the treatment course. Wipe the skin for 1 month. Boric alcohol is potent, as is zinc paste. It accurately cleanses the pores, which means that over time, blackheads will have nowhere to come from, since the pores will not clog sebaceous plugs. You can try combining alcohol and Tetracycline for acne.

What result to expect

Those who have used boric alcohol for a long time leave their reviews about the product on the Internet. People confirm that boric alcohol quickly removes small comedones. It also effectively fights teenage acne, which has arisen due to inflammation provoked by staphylococci and other microbes. Will help remove abscesses birch tar from acne.

If you have an exacerbation and there are more acne, you can make a mask. It includes 1 or 2 drops of effective tea tree oil, Levomycetin (1 table) and 1 tsp. alcohol. Mix everything and lubricate the face with a talker. Hold depending on the sensitivity of the skin from 5 to about 15 minutes. and can be washed off with clean water or infusion of various herbs. Once a day, you can use in addition to alcohol Pits from acne.


As soon as you start using boric alcohol, there will be more rashes. Why is this happening? The infection is coming out. And you will slowly but surely destroy it. Continue procedures. Real improvement will come soon, and you will be very glad that you have not abandoned treatment. Deeper treatment of purulent acne allows Levomycetin.

If the pores are clean, then there will be no inflammation - this is understandable to schoolchildren. In people with inflammation, tar from acne is recommended. They say it's effective. In addition, Aevit is a good remedy for acne.

The tool is inexpensive and parents buy it for schoolchildren for regular care. Of course, it is suitable for those who have combination or oily skin by nature. From purulent rashes and boils, Levomycetin is good. Cauterization with boric alcohol in these cases is useful.

Some ways to deal with acne on the face have been known since the time of our grandmothers, or even earlier. However, they are very effective to this day.

The advantages of such funds include the fact that they have withstood the test of time.

Boric alcohol can be attributed to such simple and effective acne preparations.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

How effective is this medication and how to use it?

What is this

Boric alcohol is nothing more than an alcohol solution of boric acid. For it, ethanol with a strength of 70% is used, the concentration of the acid itself can be from 0.5 to 5% (this indicator must be indicated on the packaging of the product).

Boric acid itself can be found in any pharmacy in powder form.

Photo: boric acid powder is sold in a pharmacy

It is practically insoluble in water, so it is more convenient to use this tool in the form of an alcohol solution.

In medicine, this drug is used as a disinfectant and antipruritic agent.


Boric acid solution has long been used to solve minor skin problems. It can be inflammation, minor cuts and abrasions.

Cosmetologists also adopted this tool, finding out that it can fight:

  • with mild severity;
  • elevated .

On the skin, this solution acts as a deep cleansing. The substance itself does not have anti-inflammatory properties, but disinfects not only the surface of the skin, but also the depth of the pores. And when there are no pathogenic bacteria, inflammation has nowhere to come from.

Here is what effect you can expect from the use of boric alcohol against acne:

  • cleansing the ducts of the sebaceous glands from pollution;
  • disinfection of skin pores;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • drying acne;
  • reduction in the number of new lesions.

The application of this alcohol solution clears the skin of acne, which can be confirmed by the photo before and after its application.

The result is not always fast, which depends both on the individual characteristics of the skin and the severity of acne, but you can be sure of its duration.


Advantages and disadvantages of the tool

Most often, boric alcohol, when used for acne, has positive reviews, because it helps to fight not only the rashes themselves, but also excessive oiliness, which is especially important for problem skin.

But, like any remedy, boric acid has both positive aspects in use and disadvantages.

The advantages of the drug include the following properties:

  • begins to act after the first application to the skin;
  • does not cause discomfort associated with the smell, or other unpleasant sensations;
  • has a lasting effect;
  • allows you to cauterize acne, causing them to dry quickly;
  • acts deeply on the skin, cleansing the sebaceous ducts, and not just the surface of the epidermis;
  • can be used on the body and on the face;
  • not addictive;
  • can be used as a prophylactic.

The undoubted advantage is the price of boric alcohol, which is more than affordable.

For example, the table shows the cost (in rubles) of a 3% alcohol solution of boric acid (in a 25 ml bottle) in Moscow pharmacies:

That is, on average, this drug can be purchased only for 10 rubles.

  • acts quickly only with minor rashes, in advanced cases, the effect will have to wait;
  • may cause flaking of the skin if applied too often or on healthy areas;
  • does not work on subcutaneous acne;
  • contains alcohol;
  • at first, it can cause an increase in rashes.

Whether boric alcohol helps with acne depends largely on the individual condition of the skin and its characteristics.

Therefore, only by trying this tool, you can conclude about its effectiveness in your own case.

Video: "Lotion Recipe for Problem Skin"

Mode of application

How to use this acne remedy? The drug is very simple, but its use has its own characteristics.

On the face

Boric alcohol is suitable for use on acne, both on the face and on any part of the body.

But still, the use in open areas should be more accurate, with precautions.

Instructions for use of boric acid does not give specific recommendations for the use of this drug against acne.

  • But dermatologists recommend wiping the face with a solution using a cotton pad.
  • Alcohol should be applied only to problem areas, so as not to cause overdrying and peeling of the skin.
  • The drug is used after cleansing the face on dry skin. Rubbing is done once or twice a day.

Photo: the product can be applied to the face with a cotton pad

If after a few days of use you notice dry skin, then the amount should be reduced to one per day, preferably at night. Also, do not forget about moisturizing the skin, and when going outside, protect your face from direct sunlight.

Positive dynamics in the condition of the skin can be seen by the end of the first week of using boric alcohol.

But you can continue to use the drug further, until the rash completely disappears, within 1-2 months. Then alcohol can be used as a preventive measure.


  • Boric alcohol can be used undiluted, straight from the vial.
  • But you can also mix it with other ingredients for more effective use.

To reduce the drying effect of alcohol, the solution can be diluted in half with boiled water before application.

It is even better to add a decoction instead of water, also in a 1: 1 ratio. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory property that boric alcohol does not have, so this rub will help against acne faster.


Boric alcohol-based chatter usually consists of several components.

They complement the effects of a boric acid solution, providing an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect.

Photo: tools for making mash

  • Chatterbox with zinc ointment. For her, you will need boric and salicylic acid (half a bottle), as well as 1 tsp. zinc ointment. All components should be thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand for 2 hours. This talker is stored in the refrigerator, and the contents are shaken well before use. Apply the solution only to the acne area 1-2 times a day.
  • With chloramphenicol.- a well-known component of the acne talker, which was previously ordered at the pharmacy. Such a tool can be made independently. It will require boric and salicylic acid in equal proportions (4 tablespoons each) and 10 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol. All ingredients should be shaken thoroughly. Apply the solution to acne 2 times a day - in the morning and before bedtime.
  • Chatterbox with boric acid powder. For her, take 5 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and chloramphenicol, add 1 tsp. boric acid powder and all this is mixed in a glass of vodka. For several days, the talker should be infused. Apply it for 5 days twice a day, then take a week break.
  • With gray. Take 50 ml and boric alcohol. Add 7 grams of streptocide and (both substances are sold in powders). Mix everything well and apply to acne 2 times a day.


Lotion with boric alcohol will help to get rid of blackheads. It deeply cleanses pores and tightens them.

Prepare from as follows: you need to take 2 tbsp. l. boric and camphor alcohol, add salicylic alcohol (1 tablespoon), 4 tbsp. l. tinctures of calendula and 6 tbsp. l. distilled (can be replaced with boiled) water. The ingredients should be mixed in a dark glass container.

This lotion should be applied to the face at night after washing.


Starting to use boric alcohol, you can pay attention to some adverse factors. Not all of them require immediate discontinuation of the drug.

Here are some of them.

  • After the start of the use of the remedy, you can notice an increased number of appearing. This is a natural consequence of pore cleansing. Therefore, it is not necessary to cancel the drug. You should continue to use it with the same multiplicity as before.
  • Boric acid solution is best for getting rid of acne in teenagers or people with combination skin. It also helps to get rid of rashes on the back, chest. But in other cases, its use is not only possible, but also effective.
  • If you want to get rid of a pimple immediately, then boric alcohol is a bad helper. This is a longer term remedy.
  • And most importantly, when taken orally, this alcohol solution is a strong poison, so keep the vial of it away from children.

Prevention of acne with boric alcohol

An alcoholic solution of boric acid can also be used for prophylactic purposes.

  • For daily use, it is recommended to prepare a special rubbing lotion. It will require 50 ml of boric acid and a glass of boiled water. Wipe your face with this lotion twice a day after washing. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator.
  • You can use boric alcohol and once, if the skin was heavily contaminated. Its antiseptic properties will help to disinfect the epidermis, preventing the growth of bacteria.

Are there side effects

Unfortunately, this drug can cause various side effects.

Photo: the drug can cause dryness and peeling of the skin

They may appear as:

  • peeling and dryness of the skin;
  • redness;
  • burning sensation;
  • reactions.

In these cases, stop using the drug, if necessary.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of boric alcohol is prohibited.

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