What is the difference between cystitis and thrush in women. What is the difference between cystitis and thrush. Treatment of thrush, cystitis

For infection of the genitourinary system, two important factors are necessary: ​​the presence of the pathogen and a sharp decrease in local immunity. Once in the microflora, pathogenic microorganisms attach to the mucosa and wait for a favorable opportunity for reproduction. With a decrease in immunity, bacteria and other microorganisms begin to attack the body, causing persistent inflammation.

Candida fungi act in a similar way. Penetrating into the body cavity, they wait until the next failure of protective functions occurs. With a decrease in immunity, an inflammatory process develops.

The main habitat of Candida fungi is mucous, regardless of their location. Basically, these are places that are easily accessible to microorganisms: the vagina, the oral cavity. When it enters the bladder, both thrush and cystitis develop simultaneously. The two pathological processes feed on each other, tending to turn into a chronic form that is difficult to treat.

How are cystitis and candidiasis related?

There is a direct relationship between these two pathologies. Inflammation of the bladder is provoked by many pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi. Candida is a common urogenital infection in women. The mucous membrane located on the path of penetration of fungi is usually affected, deep tissues are damaged less frequently.

Depending on the gender, the primary disease will be:

  • violations in a woman - vaginal candidiasis;
  • sexual diseases in men - candidal urethritis.
Cystitis of fungal etiology begins with the penetration of the infection in an ascending way into the region of the bladder. Risk factors that increase the likelihood of such a development have been established:
  • pregnancy;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diabetes;
  • prolonged wearing of a catheter;
  • intimate relationships with an infected partner (inflammation occurs after unprotected intercourse and during oral sex).
Symptoms of cystitis and thrush are similar. Be sure to make a differential diagnosis, carried out by exclusion. Diseases are closely interconnected and dangerous for their complications.

How to distinguish cystitis from candidiasis

Although both infectious diseases have similar manifestations, there are separate signs that help differentiate disorders.

Cystitis caused by Candida fungi is found in the following symptoms:

  • pain localized in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, cramps and burning;
  • discomfort during and after urination;
  • a low increase in body temperature, within subfebrile indicators;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • with advanced inflammatory processes, blood is present in the urine.
The difference between cystitis and thrush is that the discomfort and symptoms of the latter are concentrated in the genital area:
  • in a woman: a feeling of tingling, itching and burning in the vulva, vagina; in a man: in the head of the penis and foreskin;
  • discomfort accompanying sexual intercourse;
  • the presence of whites and curdled discharge, with an unpleasant odor;
  • soreness of the labia;
  • swelling and redness of damaged tissues.
Bladder candidiasis in 80% of cases is a secondary pathology. Initially, the fungus causes damage to the mucous membranes: genitals, urethral canal. With an unfavorable outcome, inflammation rises to the bladder. If the infection is left unattended, spores can enter the bloodstream, provoking severe septic poisoning.

Can thrush cause cystitis

Yes, there is such a risk. Moreover, the likelihood of such a development of the situation is quite high. Cystitis against the background of thrush progresses according to the following scenario:
  • there is vaginal candidiasis or urethritis provoked by fungi;
  • if the patient is in no hurry to seek professional help, there is no adequate therapy, the infection rises into the bladder cavity;
  • with a lack of protective barrier functions, cystitis develops, caused by thrush.
Fungi spread throughout the body through the hematogenous route. Thrush can also provoke cystitis due to the spread of pathogens through the bloodstream. Thrush of the oral mucosa may well cause secondary inflammation in the bladder. This type of infection is much less common. Due to the proximity of the bladder to the organs most susceptible to primary disease, thrush, flowing into cystitis, often occurs as a result of advanced vaginal candidiasis and urethritis.

The simultaneous development of two diseases is a common phenomenon. The frequency at which inflammation of the bladder appears during thrush is about 30% of all cases of diagnosis of a fungal infection of the mucosa of the genitourinary system.

Can cystitis cause candidiasis

Yes, it's real. Although the primary disease is usually thrush, affecting the mucous membranes of the genitals and urethral canal, with hematogenous infection, cystitis occurs first, caused by candida in the bladder.

Inflammation is able to provoke the further development of thrush, due to the negative impact of the disease itself and prescribed therapy:

  • Products of activity of microorganisms- cystitis can affect the manifestation of thrush by reducing local immunity. The result of the vital activity of Candida fungi is released into the cavity of the bladder. Products - strong toxins released during urination, cause irritation of the mucous membranes, inhibiting protective functions. Weak immunity creates favorable conditions for the development of candidiasis.
  • Antibacterial therapy- long-term use of drugs inhibits the microflora of the vagina and urethral canal. Thrush after cystitis is provoked by weak immunity, the inability of the body to fight against the fungal pathogen.
    Candidiasis does not necessarily occur immediately after or during antibiotic therapy. There may be a period of calm. Symptoms of thrush appear after sex with a new or regular partner, provided that they have a fungal infection.
Urologists understand the danger of antibiotic therapy for local immunity. Cystitis is not accompanied by thrush in every case, but the risk of a fungal infection is quite high. In this regard, along with a course of antibiotics, the doctor may recommend taking antifungal drugs. Often the infection occurs after sex. During the period of therapy and some time after it, abstinence is required, from several weeks to a month.

Thrush is often seen as a female disease. In fact, both sexes are susceptible to infection. If only a woman undergoes drug therapy, the likelihood of re-infection from a man is high. The infection passes during vaginal intercourse. There is a risk of infection of an uninfected partner through oral contact (if oral candidiasis is present).

Candidal cystitis and pregnancy

Any inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, regardless of etiology, are unfavorable for the conception and development of the child. Before planning a pregnancy, you should undergo a general examination of the body and exclude a fungal infection.

Preventive measures are much more effective. When pregnancy occurs, the doctor will have to prescribe a sparing therapy, which is characterized by low efficiency in resistant pathogens.

Is it possible to get pregnant with candidal cystitis

By itself, fungal infection does not affect reproductive functions. Even with advanced forms, when the infection in the woman's body, ovulation continues, the possibility of becoming pregnant remains.

Negative factors appear during the transition of inflammation towards the reproductive system. From the long course of the disease, vaginal dysbacteriosis develops, indicating a change in the chemical composition of the mucus secreted by the female body. The lubricant necessary for the movement of sperm thickens, which somewhat reduces the likelihood of conception.

One of the signs of thrush: soreness of the labia. During infection, sexual activity decreases. Pain can become so intense that there is a persistent psychological rejection of sexual relations.

Symptoms of cystitis and changes in the chemical composition of the vaginal microflora during the period of illness reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. Despite the presence of negative factors, the possibility of conception remains.

Thrush and cystitis during pregnancy

After the conception of a child, a woman's body undergoes tremendous changes. All forces are redirected to protect the developing fetus, which leads to a decrease in immunity. Cystitis and thrush are often seen as a sign of pregnancy.

Infection requires mandatory therapy for several reasons:

  • Candida fungi penetrate the cervix, causing infection of the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid. In early pregnancy, pathology can cause a miscarriage.
  • Cystitis and thrush occurring simultaneously during pregnancy disrupt the normal formation of the fetus. Passing through the placental protection, microorganisms cause serious developmental abnormalities.
  • Infection immediately before the birth of a child, in 80% of cases leads to infection of the baby. Fungi are spread through the genital tract.
During drug therapy, drugs are selected with a minimum number of side effects that do not affect the intrauterine development of the child.

How to treat candidal cystitis

The therapy is divided into two important components:
  • Preventive measures- from taking antibiotics, for the treatment of cystitis and other infectious processes, the protective functions of the body are reduced. To prevent infection with Candida, antifungal agents are included in the treatment regimen. The effectiveness of this measure is disputed and the appointment mainly depends on the point of view of the attending physician.
  • Therapy for fungal infections- in addition to antifungal and antiviral drugs, it may be necessary to take uroseptics.
Often, infection with candidiasis occurs against the background of an advanced infection caused by other pathogens. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body. Targeted treatment improves the patient's prognosis for healing.

What tests to take

After contacting a urologist or gynecologist about the appeared dysuric disorders and pain syndrome, an anamnesis of the disease is collected. During the examination, the root cause of the inflammatory process is established. Since the symptoms of cystitis and candidiasis have common manifestations: nagging pain, discomfort after intercourse, problems with urination, differential diagnosis will be required.

To clarify the results, a number of urological tests are carried out:

  • PCR - samples are examined at the molecular level, obtaining information from DNA. Polymerase chain reaction with 100% probability determines the presence of fungal or bacterial microflora. Results are obtained in 1-2 days. The disadvantage of the method is the limitation of informativeness. The test does not indicate the resistance of microorganisms to the prescribed drugs.
  • Tank seeding - the essence of the study in the placement of samples in a nutrient medium made artificially in the laboratory. After 5-10 days, the culture creates a colony. On the samples, the effect of drugs is tested, revealing their resistance. Based on the results, the best therapy is determined to completely get rid of yeast in the body.
  • Instrumental techniques- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, cystoscopy. In severe diagnostic cases, an MRI is prescribed.
The results of urological tests show the localization of inflammatory processes. Based on the results, the most effective drug treatment is selected.

Drug Therapy Options

A treatment regimen that is effective for common types of cystitis will not be effective enough for fungal infections of the mucosa. Antibiotics against the pathogen Candida are not used, as they cannot cope with the pathogen. Treatment of cystitis and candidiasis is often required at the same time. All of the above complicates therapy. The task of medical personnel is not only to eliminate the infectious and fungal factor, but also to cope with the causes that predetermine infection.

Comprehensive treatment is carried out, including:

  • Medicines for inflammation of the bladder and candida fungi- effective means that have proven the effectiveness of the application: Fluconazole and Nystatin. The principle of action of drugs in the destruction of the cell membrane and inhibition of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Instillations - the bladder cavity is washed with Amphotericin, a drug for candidal cystitis. When fungi enter the urea, resistant strains of pathogens are often present. Instillations are the most effective remedy, they act better than tablets and directly affect the affected area, inhibiting the vital activity of pathogenic microflora.
  • Immunostimulating drugs- recurring cystitis, a problem faced by every third woman. To exclude relapses, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the vagina, to create the prerequisites for the restoration of the protective functions of the body. For this purpose, phytopreparations are prescribed:
    1. Urolesan;
    2. lingonberry leaves;
    3. cystone;
    4. Kanefron;
    5. Monurel.
    In addition, homeopathic preparations are prescribed that have a stimulating effect. If this is not enough to increase immunity, a course of treatment is prescribed aimed at restoring the protective reactions of the body. Immunomodulators are taken for no more than 3 months, under the strict supervision of a doctor.
The remaining medications are prescribed based on the symptoms present in a patient with cystitis:
  • NSAIDs - anti-inflammatory suppositories, tablets and injections are used to relieve acute manifestations of the disease. To combat the symptoms of cystitis, Diclofenac-based products have proven themselves well.
  • Antispasmodics - help relieve pain, normalize urination. Symptoms are relieved with:
    1. Baralgin;
    2. Spazgan;
    3. No-Shpa.
  • Psychosomatic remedies- due to constant stress, anxiety, emotional disturbances, traditional drug therapy may be ineffective. Light psychotropic and sedative drugs are recommended to help the patient.
  • Supportive care- due to prolonged use of antifungal drugs, NSAIDs, antispasmodics, there are problems with the stomach and intestines. To protect the microflora, lactobacilli are used. Kefir, yogurt are introduced into the daily diet.
Most drugs prescribed to combat fungal infection have their own contraindications and side effects. Only the attending physician can fully take into account all possible harm. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Do not hope for a quick recovery from the disease. The fungal infection is resistant to prescribed drugs. It is impossible to cope with the pathogen using any non-traditional means. It is unrealistic to cure cystitis with thrush with special pads. The use of non-traditional methods often simply masks the symptoms of the disease. Inflammation continues to progress, becomes chronic.

To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, a diet is prescribed. General recommendations:

  • increase in the amount of fluid you drink up to 2-3 liters per day;
  • exclusion of spices and seasonings, reduction of salt intake;
  • a ban on alcohol, fatty, sweet, flour and sour.
The diet is divided into several small portions. The diet is painted according to the treatment table No. 7.

The table lists drugs effective in the treatment of fungal infections, as well as in the usual bacterial forms of cystitis, including symptomatic and painkillers.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, you can alleviate the patient's condition and speed up his recovery. The danger is that some, noticing a decrease or absence of symptoms, decide to stop drug treatment or completely ignore the need to see a doctor. The result is the emergence of resistant strains.

As an additional measure of therapy, alternative methods are really effective. With their help, you can achieve the following results:

  • relieve acute manifestations of the disease;
  • alleviate the patient's condition, improve his well-being;
  • enhance the therapeutic effect of medications;
  • speed up recovery.
Alternative treatment of bladder candidiasis is mainly based on the use of plants that have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Tinctures and decoctions made on the basis of:
  • lavender;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • juniper;
  • thyme;
  • birch buds and leaves;
  • black walnut;
  • poplar shoots;
  • dill;
  • sage.
During the period of exacerbation and rehabilitation, you can drink urological fees in unlimited quantities. Altai and monastic tea are suitable for treatment. While taking baths, lavender, tea, rose or fir aroma oils are added to the water. The compositions relieve the symptoms of the disease and contribute to a good emotional background.

One of the effective folk remedies is douching with a solution of potassium permanganate. When cooking, enough crystals are added to warm water so that the liquid turns red, but not dark.

Some methods of traditional medicine will be prompted by a urologist. Any method should be coordinated with the attending physician.

The main difference between cystitis and thrush is the different nature of these diseases. These diseases can occur separately from each other, although they often occur together.

The relationship between candidiasis and cystitis

Untreated thrush can cause inflammation of the bladder. The Candida fungus that has entered the body is the causative agent of cystitis. It damages the mucosa of the bladder, due to which the inflammatory process begins.

Causes of cystitis and thrush

The occurrence of cystitis is possible due to the ingress of infections, foreign microorganisms into the bladder. The disease can begin due to hypothermia, hormonal imbalance, and an inactive lifestyle.

They can also cause pathology of nearby organs.

Thrush is a fungal disease. Candida fungi are often sexually transmitted, appear due to hormonal disruptions, poor hygiene, and malnutrition, which creates a favorable environment for them.

Thrush is a fungal disease that is sexually transmitted.

Distinctive features of diseases

Although these diseases have a different nature, their external manifestations are similar, and sometimes women find it difficult to determine the diagnosis. Distinguish diseases allow specific symptoms. In addition, it is recommended to visit a specialist who will not only voice the diagnosis, but also prescribe competent treatment.


A characteristic symptom of inflammation of the bladder is pain when urinating.

The frequency of urges increases, the need to urinate may occur up to several times within an hour.

Fluid with cystitis is cloudy. Severe cutting pains over the pubis are possible. When the disease is advanced, the temperature may rise. A small amount of blood appears in the urine.


Thrush can be recognized by white discharge, which resembles cottage cheese in consistency. Often the disease is accompanied by itching, burning in the vagina, aggravated after sexual intercourse.

The amount of discharge increases at night, may increase after hygiene procedures and sexual intercourse.

With candidiasis, reddening of the outer labia is observed, less often swelling occurs, sometimes reaching the anus. In severe cases, the patient may experience discomfort during urination.

Differences in the manifestations of diseases

If the patient has only cystitis, then there will be no such symptom of candidiasis as specific discharge. In addition, if a person suffers only from cystitis, then there will be problems with urination, which will become painful and frequent.

Symptoms of pathological symbiosis

Thrush and bladder inflammation can occur at the same time. In this case, the patient will experience symptoms of both pathologies. The severity of symptoms will be higher than in the presence of only one disease, the general condition of the human genitourinary system will greatly worsen.

Methods of treatment

As a therapy, doctors often prescribe herbal preparations to relieve inflammation.

In advanced cases, antibiotics must be used.

In addition, doctors prescribe remedies for thrush: Flucostat, Pimafucin, etc. These medicines help normalize the vaginal microflora.

The anatomical feature of the female genitourinary system causes the development of certain ailments. The distance between some organs, such as the urethral opening and the vagina, is very small. This explains the adverse reactions of one system to the progressive disease of another. So, cases of the appearance of cystitis with developing thrush are not uncommon.

Causes of the phenomenon

Can thrush cause cystitis in women? The answer is positive. Medical practice demonstrates a more frequent development of secondary cystitis. Being a fungal disease, candidiasis primarily affects the female body. Against the background of its long course, the disease passes to the bladder. Due to the anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system, yeast from the vagina promptly enters the urethra.

Among the factors that can provoke the development of thrush, there are both local and general. Often the disease worries the patient against the background of endocrine-metabolic disruptions observed during menstruation, childbearing, lactation. Among the alternative factors that cause the spread of Candida fungus:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • non-compliance with the principles of personal hygiene;
  • the development of diabetes mellitus (it provokes the reproduction of the fungus by creating a sweet environment);
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • sexual infections.

It is not excluded cases in which thrush and cystitis develop in feedback - the second disease becomes the cause of the first.

How to recognize diseases?

Both diseases, proceeding simultaneously, form a vicious circle. The diseases are characterized by similar symptoms: itching, burning sensation, general discomfort - this clinical picture is manifested in both cystitis and thrush. How to recognize the disease with certain signs? How to distinguish candidiasis from cystitis? The patient should listen to her own body, pay attention to the features of the manifestation of symptoms. The table below shows the main differences between ailments, allowing you to determine the clinical picture of a particular disease:

Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.In the vagina, in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia.Above the forehead.
Secretion.The discharge is thick, white, coming out of the vagina.Dark yellow liquid mucus, sometimes with pus, blood is discharged from the urethra.
Pain during urination.Not pronounced.Strong.
frequency of urination.Normal.3-4 dozen times daily.
Pain syndrome, discomfort during sexual activity.At the moment of intimacy in the vaginal area.With intense sex.
Blood drops.No.From the urethra during a trip to the toilet "in a small way."
Itching, burning sensation.In the area of ​​the vagina.In the urethra during urination.

The nature of the above symptoms will help to distinguish cystitis from thrush. In some cases, the clinical picture is not expressed so clearly - only a specialist is able to accurately diagnose the disease.

The joint course of diseases - features of the clinical picture

Candidiasis with thrush is characterized by a gradual manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • increased pain during sexual activity;
  • the appearance of liquefied brown discharge, pus from the urethra;
  • temperature increase;
  • increased (appearance) of burning sensation during urination;
  • the occurrence of frequent urge to the toilet;
  • secretion of a minimum amount of blood from the urethra;
  • manifestation of pain in the suprapubic region.

The combination of these signs indicates a developing inflammatory process in the urinary tract, bladder.

Thrush on the background of cystitis is a rare phenomenon, but possible. The development of candidiasis can be suspected by the following characteristic features that complement the clinical picture of inflammation:

  • the appearance of vaginal discharge, outwardly resembling cottage cheese;
  • the presence of constant discomfort and pain during sex;
  • the occurrence of itching, burning in the vagina (they become more intense during intimacy, after a shower, bath);
  • the manifestation of discomfort during each trip to the toilet "in a small way";
  • a feeling of an unpleasant odor of the external genitalia, vagina, linen.

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Diagnostic features

If cystitis began to develop against the background of thrush, comprehensive information about the diseases should be obtained before therapy. This is ensured through laboratory research and instrumental procedures:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • secretion sample;
  • blood chemistry;
  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • identification of the sensitivity of microflora to the use of antifungal drugs;
  • urine sample in three glasses;
  • examination of the cervix;
  • inspection of the inner surface of the bladder.

In addition to the above diagnostic methods, a number of more standard measures are resorted to. We are talking about taking an anamnesis, visual examination of the genitals and vagina, palpation of the area where the uterus and ovaries are located. In some cases, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound of the bladder.

Important! A comprehensive examination answers all the questions posed by specialists. Only after this stage is completed, you can start confirming the diagnosis and planning treatment.

Treatment strategy

When cystitis and thrush develop at the same time, active treatment is provided. A wide range of medications helps to influence this kind of pathology.

Features of the treatment of candidal cystitis

Therapeutic measures in the event of the development of the disease involve taking the following combination of drugs:

  • antifungal series: (Nystatin, Diflucan);
  • antipyretic: (Paratetamol, Ibufen);
  • painkillers: (Analgin, No-shpa);
  • diuretic, used in case of severe edema (Trifas).

In addition to these measures, they resort to washing the urinary tract. For this purpose, Amphotericin is used.

An excellent weapon in the fight against the disease will be folk remedies. The main components can be: birch leaves, dill, lavender, eucalyptus and a number of others. These components stop the development of infectious diseases.

Cystitis in the fair sex is quite common, especially in reproductive age. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the female genital organs. Cystitis and thrush often occur simultaneously, but inflammation of the bladder occurs primarily, and then the pathogenic flora enters the vagina and disrupts its microflora, but it also happens the other way around - genital infections that cause thrush cause cystitis. Next, we will look at how cystitis proceeds against the background of thrush and how to treat them.

How to distinguish cystitis from thrush?

In view of the fact that cystitis and thrush have similar symptoms, and their treatment has fundamental differences, a differential diagnosis should be made between these diseases.

So, the first symptom of acute inflammation of the bladder is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and a burning sensation during urination. The described complaints may be accompanied by fever and symptoms of general intoxication (weakness, malaise, body aches).

With thrush, patients may also complain of painful urination, but there will be no symptoms of inflammation in this case. With thrush, the patient may be disturbed by discomfort during intercourse, curdled discharge from the vagina, as well as itching and burning.

Differential diagnosis of these diseases is difficult in chronic and sluggish forms of the diseases under consideration. A correct history can be made to make a correct diagnosis. So, cystitis most often occurs after hypothermia, decreased immunity, after childbirth, and thrush after a change of sexual partner or unprotected intercourse.

Cystitis and thrush - treatment

The treatment of thrush and cystitis are different, as they have completely different causes. The etiological factor of cystitis is the bacterial flora, and thrush is the fungal flora (candidiasis).

So, with cystitis, antibacterial agents (fluoroquinolones of the 4th generation) and uroseptics (Furomag) are prescribed. With thrush, antifungal drugs are prescribed (Fluconazole, Diflucan). If thrush occurs after cystitis, then the listed groups of drugs are combined.

Thus, we examined such unpleasant diseases as thrush and cystitis in women. Often, the appearance of thrush can secondary cause cystitis and vice versa. To accurately diagnose and take adequate therapy, you should consult a doctor.

In most cases, it is women who are prone to diseases of the genitourinary system. It is not uncommon for cystitis and thrush to appear at the same time. To provoke the development of these ailments at the same time is capable of a feature of the structure of the genitourinary system. Since the urethra and vagina are close to each other, any infection spreads quickly from one organ to another.

Inflammation of the bladder can occur together with a fungal infection.

general information

Cystitis refers to diseases of the bladder, and is a process of inflammation of the walls of this organ, resulting in impaired functioning. The disease has 2 types: bacterial (caused by opportunistic microflora, intestinal microflora or respiratory bacteria) and non-bacterial (when the cause of the disease is not exposure to pathogenic microorganisms).

The causative agents of thrush are microscopic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida that multiply inside the vagina. These fungi are opportunistic microorganisms and are constantly present in the body of even a healthy person. Thrush can cause inflammation in neighboring organs and cause candidal cystitis.

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Prevalence of thrush and cystitis

Mostly thrush occurs in young women aged 25 to 45 years. About 70% of the female population of this age group has experienced this disease. The disease can occur both in young girls and after 45 years. Almost the same percentage of women are faced with cystitis. Being familiar with the manifestations of thrush, they are interested in whether thrush can cause cystitis?

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What can cause cystitis?

Often just thrush acts as a harbinger of cystitis. Fungi of the genus Candida provoke inflammation in the bladder, penetrating there through the urethra. This type of disease is classified as bacterial. The process of infection goes downstream from the intestines, where fungi live. Very often, it is the presence of fungi in the vagina that can provoke candidal cystitis. There are also cases when the treatment of cystitis with antibiotics causes inflammation of the genital organs, resulting in thrush after cystitis.

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Risk factors for thrush

The main risk factor for the simultaneous occurrence of cystitis and thrush is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Thrush and cystitis can appear at the same time with excessive consumption of alcohol, spicy and fatty, confectionery and too salty foods. Candidiasis of the bladder can be triggered by a weakened immune system, taking medications (especially antibiotics), diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems. It is not uncommon for pregnancy to provoke thrush. If the immune system is weakened due to serious diseases (oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus), you need to consult a doctor about the appointment of immunostimulating agents, since against the background of these diseases there is a high probability of developing thrush.

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How to distinguish: symptoms of candidiasis

Very often it is difficult to distinguish cystitis from thrush, since the symptoms of these diseases are quite similar. Fungal cystitis makes itself felt by general weakness and lethargy, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. The following symptoms also speak of candidiasis:

pain during intercourse; redness or swelling of the genitals; burning and itching of the genitals.

There is a burning sensation in the genital area and pain in the lower abdomen, legs swell. With cystitis, there are problems with urination: frequent urination, cutting pain when urinating, the bladder is difficult to empty, whitish discharge, sometimes with flakes, is found in the urine. Urine may be red in color due to blood ingestion.

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To determine how to treat the patient in the future, and to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, including an examination by a doctor (gynecologist and therapist), a complete blood count, urinalysis (general and Nechiporenko), bacteriological examination of urine (urine culture), ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder, microscopic examination of the urogenital smear. If possible, it is worth conducting an examination of the immune status.

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Treatment of candidiasis

Treatment of candidiasis should include local and general therapies. When choosing funds, they are guided by the results of research and personal characteristics, for example, the treatment of inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy requires a more careful approach to the choice of drugs. If candidal cystitis is found in a mild form, it is enough to confine oneself to local preparations, but in severe forms, general medicines will need to be added to the treatment list:

The local system for the treatment of cystitis consists of drugs that eliminate the fungus: these can be ointments, suppositories, tablets (Vagiklin, Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Fungisan, Yenamazol 100, Bifunal). For general action, take tablets "Vfend", "Diflazon", "Mikomax", "Noxafil". These drugs for thrush and cystitis have an unpleasant side effect - in addition to pathogenic, they also destroy the beneficial microflora of the genital organs. To restore the protective flora after treatment, biologically active supplements are prescribed, including lactobacterin.

Since yeast cystitis affects not only the genitourinary system, but also the intestines, vitamins and multivitamins are used for treatment, the lack of which the body feels after taking potent drugs (Ginsomin, Actival Max, Additive multivitamin). It is important to remember that you need to treat thrush together with an intimate partner.

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