What is the treatment for the first signs of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus - treatment and prevention. Glycemic index. Who needs it

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is not just a disease, it is a special syndrome, a set of symptoms. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, diabetes is a chronic condition hyperglycemia(elevated blood glucose) due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. The syndrome of diabetes mellitus may be accompanied by certain diseases or conditions, it may appear on the background of taking certain drugs. However, in most cases, diabetes is an independent disease. More precisely, different diseases with a common symptom - hyperglycemia.

Most common type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). It develops as a result of increased insulin resistance and reduced insulin secretion. This disease is inherited and develops, as a rule, in adults against the background of overweight. It is believed that for every diagnosed case of type 2 diabetes in the world, there are three to four cases of undiagnosed diabetes. This is due to the fact that a gradual increase in blood glucose is almost imperceptible, and many simply do not realize that they have diabetes until the first symptoms appear: mild muscle weakness and nighttime urge to urinate (women sometimes begin to be bothered by itching in the perineum ). These mild symptoms do not always force a person to see a doctor.

Completely different disease type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1). It is not associated with obesity and develops as a result of the death of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. This type of diabetes mostly affects children and teenagers. It is much less common than the second type, and is approximately 30-50 cases per 100,000 population. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus grow much faster: already during the first year, the patient develops thirst, profuse urination, weakness, and weight loss. In addition, the development of type 1 diabetes can be provoked by infectious and other concomitant diseases.

Quite rarely, DM1 develops in people over 30-40 years old - in such cases, most often we are talking about LADA diabetes (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults). This disease may be less pronounced (moderate thirst, increased urination, no weight loss) and be detected incidentally during routine blood sugar testing. Early detection of such diabetes is possible if the doctor promptly prescribes a special analysis for the patient - the study of antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (AT-GAD).

Sometimes diabetes develops late in pregnancy. This type of diabetes is called gestational. It stops with pregnancy. Insulin preparations are usually prescribed for its treatment.

Diabetes mellitus can also occur with certain diseases of the pancreas: amyloidosis, severe pancreatitis, tumors that destroy beta cells. Insulin is also prescribed for its treatment. In other words, the causes of the disease are different, but the result is the same - blood sugar is elevated.

Symptoms and signs of diabetes

Diabetes is called a noncommunicable epidemic. The number of people suffering from this disease is growing from year to year. However, it is not diabetes itself that is dangerous, but its complications (with chronic hyperglycemia, all types of metabolism are disturbed, the state of the walls of blood vessels and nerve fibers changes, the retina and the filtration system of the kidneys are damaged). That is why it is important to identify diseases as early as possible and prescribe the right treatment.

Unfortunately, there are no subjective sensations at an early stage in the development of diabetes mellitus . A person does not feel that his carbohydrate metabolism has “broken down”, and continues to lead a normal life. And the symptoms that are considered to be characteristic of diabetes (strong thirst, frequent urination, sudden weight loss and weakness) indicate that diabetes is already decompensated, that is, the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood is significantly increased, and metabolism is disturbed. From the onset of the disease to the onset of such symptoms, it usually takes quite a long time - sometimes several years. At the same time, the person does not even suspect that the level of glucose in his blood is too high.

Unfortunately, no one can completely protect themselves from diabetes, but it is quite possible to reduce the risk of its development. For this it is enough Just don't get fat. People with normal body weight have a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who are obese.

Abdominal obesity is the most dangerous in terms of cardiovascular risk - it is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of visceral brown fat, which has a particularly high endocrine activity. Obesity of this type, as a rule, is accompanied by arterial hypertension, rapidly progressing processes of atherosclerosis and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, up to the development of type 2 diabetes.

In order to check whether you have abdominal obesity or not, you need to measure your waist circumference. In men, a waist circumference of 94 centimeters is considered a sign of obesity, in women - from 80 centimeters. Height doesn't matter. If these values ​​are reached or exceeded, you are at risk.

If you already have obesity, but do not yet have diabetes, then you should regularly (at least once a year) undergo an examination - check the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, measure blood pressure. If diabetes is detected, then treatment should begin immediately.

Normal is the level of glucose in the blood plasma on an empty stomach in the range of 3.3-5.5 mmol / l; during the day and two hours after eating - within 3.3-7.7 mmol / l. If fasting blood sugar is more than 5.5 but less than 7.0 mmol/l, we say that the person has "impaired fasting glycemia" (IFG) . If, two hours after eating, blood sugar is above 7.7, but below 11.1 mmol / l, then this is called "impaired glucose tolerance" (IGT). These disorders of carbohydrate metabolism are referred to as pre-diabetic .

A person with diabetes is indicated by a fasting plasma glucose level of ≥ 7.0 mmol/L and/or ≥ 11.1 mmol/L two hours after a meal.

There is another indicator that allows you to identify diabetes. This glycosylated (glycated) hemoglobin . It is designated like this: HbA1c . This indicator reflects carbohydrate metabolism over the past three months. HbA1c6.5% indicates the presence of diabetes.

If your blood sugar level is elevated, you should immediately consult a doctor - after additional research, he will determine whether you have diabetes or you are at risk.

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes

Age ≥ 45 years

T2DM is usually adult diabetes. The older the person, the higher the risk of getting sick. This is due, in particular, to insulin resistance progressing in the perimenopausal period in women and with increasing visceral obesity - due to the same insulin resistance - in men over 40 years old.

Overweight and obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2)

In this case, you do not need to wait 45 years. If there is obesity, then insulin resistance has already come into its own. Accordingly, mechanisms have been activated that will eventually lead to the development of T2DM.

Family history: parents or siblings with T2DM

The factor of heredity in DM2 is of fundamental importance. If you carefully study the life history of the next of kin of a patient with type 2 diabetes, then among them there will certainly be someone with the same type of diabetes. Numerous genetic studies only confirm this connection.

Low physical activity

Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in the activity of muscle glucose transporters (GLUT), which, in turn, increases blood glucose levels. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle, combined with an uncontrolled diet, inevitably leads to obesity.

Prevention and treatment

It is important to remember that all target organs that suffer from diabetes (vessels, nerve fibers, eyes, kidneys, legs) can be protected. The main thing is to maintain a normal level of glucose in the blood.

There are a huge number of drugs that affect the level of sugar. Like any drug approved for use, it must meet two mandatory criteria: efficacy and safety. Of course, the king of all hypoglycemic drugs is insulin. With the help of well-chosen insulin therapy, almost any diabetes can be compensated.

In type 1 diabetes, insulin therapy from the very beginning of the disease is the only possible treatment option. With type 2 diabetes, such therapy is also acceptable, but in most cases, at the very beginning of the disease, you can do without it. Typically, type 2 diabetes is treated with other drugs (usually pills) that lower blood sugar levels. It can be either one drug or a combination of several drugs (the endocrinologist selects the optimal treatment regimen).

In diabetes, when the patient constantly balances between hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) and hypoglycemia (low glucose), it is necessary to measure glycemia daily, and sometimes several times a day. This allows timely adjustment hypoglycemic therapy. That is why every person with diabetes should have a glucometer and be fluent in the technique of glucometry.

However, drug treatment is ineffective if a person does not change his lifestyle, does not follow a diet and does not play sports.


Dietary recommendations vary depending on the type of diabetes. But there is one general rule - not to starve. In diabetes mellitus, the supply of glucose in the liver is much less than in healthy people; during starvation, this reserve is quickly consumed, and as a result, hypoglycemia- uncomfortable and dangerous condition. Therefore, in diabetes, you should eat often (to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia) and little by little (to avoid a sharp increase in blood glucose after eating).

For type 2 diabetes it is recommended to exclude simple carbohydrates from the diet: sugar (including fructose), confectionery (cakes, sweets, pastries, gingerbread, ice cream, cookies), honey, jam, fruit juices. All these foods dramatically increase blood sugar levels and contribute to the development of obesity. In addition, to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, which progresses rapidly in type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to exclude animal fats: fatty meat, lard, butter, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, cheese. The consumption of vegetable fats and oily fish should also be reduced: although these fats do not increase the risk of atherosclerosis, they contribute to weight gain. The daily ration should be approximately 1,500 calories.

The basis of nutrition is complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI), that is, carbohydrates that slowly increase blood glucose levels. Most confectionery products, sugary drinks, pastries, small cereals have a high GI; they should be eliminated or minimized. Low GI have whole grains, vegetables, fruits, rich. The amount of fat should not exceed 30% of the total calorie content of the diet (of which saturated fat should not exceed 10%).

Refusal of food 3-6 or more hours before a night's sleep will lead to a nighttime drop in blood sugar levels, morning weakness, and eventually fatty liver disease.

Every meal should include required amount of protein to stabilize glycemia. It is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week. Vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet at least five times a week. Sweet fruits (grapes, figs, bananas, dates, melons) should be limited. Also, don't overdo your food. Try to keep the amount of table salt does not exceed five grams per day (one teaspoon). Alcohol as a source of “empty” calories, an appetite stimulant, and a glycemic destabilizer should be excluded from the diet or minimized. Regular exercise is important for treating obesity, reducing hyperglycemia, normalizing blood pressure, and preventing coronary heart disease. In addition, muscle activity leads to metabolic changes that reduce insulin resistance. If you work out in the gym half an hour after eating, you will notice that your blood glucose level will drop faster than if you lie on the couch or sit at the computer at the same time.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to take an intensive walk for 30 minutes daily or go for 20-30-minute runs three to four times a week, preferably 1-1.5 hours after eating.

Diabetes is not a death sentence. Yes, it is still not cured completely, but it is no longer considered a fatal disease. It is important to organize your life in such a way that diabetes does not destroy the cells of the body, and learn how to keep blood sugar levels close to normal. It is not so difficult if you follow the principles of diabetes treatment: proper nutrition, regular physical activity, well-chosen drug therapy.

Diabetes- a disease caused by a lack of insulin in the body, which leads to severe disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, as well as other metabolic disorders.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels due to inadequate insulin action. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, more specifically by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans. In diabetes mellitus, they are either completely absent, or insulin-dependent diabetes), or the cells of the body do not respond enough to it (, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes). Insulin regulates metabolism, primarily carbohydrates (sugars), as well as fats and proteins. In diabetes mellitus, due to insufficient exposure to insulin, a complex metabolic disorder occurs, the blood sugar level increases (hyperglycemia), sugar is excreted in the urine (glucosuria), acidic products of impaired fat combustion - ketone bodies (ketoacidosis) appear in the blood.

The main signs of diabetes are extreme thirst, frequent urination with large amounts of urine, and sometimes dehydration (dehydration). Some of the symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different.

Diagnosis of diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes is made on the basis of a blood test for sugar content (glycemia), in disputable cases, after the administration of glucose. If the patient is (thirst, strong urination, feeling of hunger or weight loss), a blood sugar test is sufficient. If its level is elevated, it is diabetes mellitus. If the patient does not have symptoms typical for diabetes, but there is only a suspicion of diabetes mellitus, a glucose tolerance test is performed, the principle of which is described above. The reaction of the body to this load determines whether it is really diabetes mellitus or only impaired glucose tolerance.

In order to establish the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to determine the level of sugar in the blood: if the blood sugar level on an empty stomach (the time of the last meal > 8 hours) is more than 7.0 mmol / l twice on different days, the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is not in doubt.

If the blood sugar level on an empty stomach is less than 7.0 mmol/l, but more than 5.6 mmol/l, a glucose tolerance test is necessary to clarify the state of carbohydrate metabolism. The procedure for conducting this test is as follows: after determining the blood sugar content on an empty stomach (fasting period of at least 10 hours), you must take 75g. glucose. The next measurement of blood sugar level is made after 2 hours. If the blood sugar level is more than 11.1, you can talk about the presence of diabetes. If the blood sugar level is less than 11.1 mmol / l, but more than 7.8 mmol / l, they say it is a violation of carbohydrate tolerance. At lower blood sugar levels, the test should be repeated after 3-6 months.

Human blood sugar norm (SC norm)

For people without diabetes, the blood sugar level is 3.3-5.5 mmol/l After eating, the blood sugar level of a person without diabetes can rise up to 7.8 mmol/l
Causes of diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes

Both forms of diabetes are similar in symptoms, but differ in the nature of the course.

Symptoms of diabetes:

If you find such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diabetes is a very serious and dangerous disease.

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Diabetes mellitus is more common in children, but it is not uncommon in adults. To start treating diabetes, it is necessary to identify its symptoms at an early stage. Consider the first signs of diabetes, symptoms, prevention and treatment, as well as what diet should be followed in diabetes.

Our time is called the diabetes epidemic. People of all ages get sick, the disease is increasingly common in children. At the same time, not everyone comes to the endocrinologist on time, because they either do not pay attention to the manifestations of pathogenesis, or attribute them to other conditions. The symptoms of diabetes at the initial stage can be blurred, increase gradually, but it is important to be able to notice them as early as possible in order to prevent the occurrence of serious complications.

What is diabetes

The disease was known back in ancient times, but then the main symptom of diabetes mellitus was considered only thirst in combination with frequent urination, people then had no idea about endocrine changes. Later, the disease was repeatedly investigated, although it has not yet been fully established why it occurs, and there is also no way to finally get rid of an already existing pathology.

General characteristics of diabetes- These are pathological changes in relation to the basic absorption of glucose and any sugars. This change can be absolute, that is, insulin stops being released at all, or relative, depending on how much the pancreas loses its ability to produce the hormone that is responsible for converting sugar into energy - insulin.

During the development of the disease, the following occurs:

  1. Pancreatic cells either stop producing insulin altogether, or its production is reduced to a critical level. As a result, severe starvation of all body systems occurs, since glucose is the main source of energy. All incoming sugar remains in the blood without undergoing further metabolic conversion.
  2. In another case, insulin production does not decrease, but the cells that are supposed to take this hormone and absorb glucose become resistant to the substance - that is, they stop “noticing” it.
  3. A paradoxical situation arises: the body, on the one hand, experiences hunger due to the fact that incoming sugars are not processed into nutrients, and on the other hand, the glucose content in the blood increases, which has a destructive effect on the state of the cells.
  4. Diabetes mellitus refers to diseases of the endocrine system, in which absolutely all organ systems of the human body are affected. The degree of involvement depends on the complexity of the course of the disease, the measures taken and the therapy.
  5. Early signs of diabetes can go unnoticed for a long time, most often, people come to the doctor already with a severe, neglected process that is much more difficult to correct.

Diabetes is dangerous both for its complications, which affect absolutely all organs, and the risk of coma. Many doctors say that this is not so much a disease as a way of life: it is impossible to cure it completely, but if you adhere to the correct regimen, take medications depending on the type, constantly monitor your condition and the percentage of sugar in the blood plasma, then you can live a long time without experiencing typical consequences.

Doctors also say that there is now a real epidemic of diabetes in the world. To one degree or another, it is found in almost every third person, and if it was previously diagnosed either in children or in the elderly - depending on the type, now almost everyone is at risk.

Causes of diabetes

Medicine has not yet established whether there is any single cause that provokes the disease. Currently, only factors that increase the risk that the development of diabetes mellitus will occur are established.

Among them are the following:

  1. Genetic predisposition - it has a particularly significant impact on the appearance of "childhood" type 1 diabetes, if the parents were diagnosed with the disease, then the child will inherit it with a high degree of risk.
  2. Another factor indicating the danger of early onset of the disease is the large weight of the fetus. Normally, a newborn weighs 2.5-3.5 kg, if this figure is increased, then endocrinologists immediately begin to observe the baby.
  3. In children, the development of pancreatic pathology is provoked by viral diseases, or rather their complications. Often, the death of pancreatic cells occurs against the background of measles, rubella, even such a harmless disease as chicken pox.
  4. Adults develop diabetes due to malnutrition and lifestyle. It is believed that being overweight with a body mass index of more than 30 doubles the risk of insulin resistance. With a BMI of 35 or more, the incidence of diabetes reaches one hundred percent.
  5. Even a little overweight, in which fat deposits are located around the abdomen - according to the abdominal type, is recognized as one of the key factors in the development of diabetes.
  6. The disease can be triggered by other pathologies of the endocrine sphere, for example: Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, diffuse toxic goiter, acromegaly.
  7. Any diseases or injuries of the pancreas, an organ that produces enzymes and insulin, are fraught with complications in the form of diabetes mellitus, more often than the first type.

Factors can overlap, increasing the risk of developing the disease. However, no doctor can give a 100% “guarantee” that even a perfectly healthy person with normal weight, diet and no pancreatic pathologies will never develop diabetes. Currently, there is even a theory that this is a viral and quite contagious disease.

Outside of scientific disputes and discussions, doctors can only recommend that people monitor their condition, pay attention to even small changes, and take timely measures.

The first signs of diabetes

Early symptoms of diabetes can be mild, especially when it comes to type 2 or insulin resistance. Manifestations go unnoticed until they pass into a more serious stage.

In this regard, it is worth paying attention to such early signs of the disease:

  1. A feeling of dryness in the mouth, which may not be strong, and the person writes it off for the summer heat and other factors.
  2. Dry skin causing minor discomfort. This symptom is most noticeable on the palms, elbows, and heels. The skin feels rough and dry due to dehydration and lack of nutrition.
  3. The feeling of hunger increases, a person can gain weight. This is due to a decrease in the ability of cells to receive nutrients from incoming food.
  4. Urination becomes more frequent, while the amount of fluid secreted increases. A person gets up to go to the toilet two or three times at night.
  5. Subjectively felt fatigue, fatigue, unwillingness to do the usual work - a characteristic feeling of "brokenness". The "popular" chronic fatigue syndrome can sometimes be an early sign of diabetes.

The severity of symptoms can be very mild. The most noticeable are dry mouth and thirst. If at the same time a person has overweight, the habit of eating unhealthy food, then it makes sense to go to an endocrinologist and analyze the body's ability to absorb glucose. It must be remembered that a single blood sampling does not give a complete picture; for the purpose of diagnosis, a stress test for glucose resistance and other measures are carried out.


There are different forms of the disease depending on the pathogenesis occurring in the body. Determination of the type is extremely important, since the method of treatment differs radically.

In addition to the two main ones, there are other subspecies, but, as a rule, they talk about the following:

First type

This is a disease of children and young people, caused, according to most scientists, genetically. Sometimes the first type can develop after a severe attack of pancreatitis or even pancreatic necrosis, when a person can be saved, but the functions of the pancreas are hopelessly lost. The first type is the absence of insulin in the body, so it is administered artificially.

Type II or insulin resistance

With this type of disease, the pancreas continues to produce insulin, and its amount can be even greater than in healthy people. However, the cells responsible for the perception of the hormone cease to “understand” it. Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are corrected without the introduction of a hormone, with the help of specific therapy and diet.

Gestational diabetes

Appearing in pregnant women - this process is reversible, occurs in many women, disappears after childbirth. It cannot be ignored, because gestational diabetes indicates an increased risk of the onset of the disease in the future, both in the mother and in the child.

situational diabetes

They can develop as a nonspecific immune response, sometimes as a side effect of taking certain medications. These cases are quite rare, so the main attention of doctors is focused on the two main types plus gestational diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms depend on the severity of the disease, its degree of development and the measures taken by the patient himself. Diabetes causes a huge number of complications that affect the entire body, but the main clinical picture is considered:

  1. Increased thirst - a person can drink up to three to four liters of water per day, experiencing constant dry mouth.
  2. Frequent urination - also in large portions, unlike, for example, cystitis or other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Feeling of hunger, there may be weight gain or, on the contrary, its sharp decrease.
  4. A person gets tired quickly, experiences drowsiness during the day.
  5. Wounds, cuts, scratches heal poorly. Pimples and other skin problems appear.
  6. There is a deterioration in vision, objects look like a little fuzzy.

Already the basic signs - dry mouth, combined with severe thirst and repeated urge to urinate up to two or three times an hour, are enough to suspect high blood sugar. The remaining signs indicate the severity and advanced stage of the disease.

The appearance of patients with different forms of diabetes is different. People with the first are not prone to obesity, on the contrary, as a rule, they are painfully thin people with bad acne-prone skin. Persons with the second type are often full, and fat deposits are located according to the "male" type - on the stomach. Sometimes external signs of diabetes may be completely absent.

Treatment of diabetes

Radical treatment does not exist. Lifelong support of the patient with constant monitoring of his condition is possible. Therapy is selected depending on the form of the disease.

The first type provides:

  1. The introduction of insulin in the form of injections.
  2. Also currently there are special insulin patches or pumps.
  3. The patient needs to constantly monitor the level of sugar in the blood.
  4. It is also important to remember that in the first type, hypoglycemia - a lack of glucose with an excess of insulin - is even more dangerous than hyperglycemia. People are advised to always carry a few sweets, cookies for an "emergency" case for a quick increase in glucose levels.

The latest treatment for type 1 diabetes involves transplantation of portions of the pancreas. However, these surgical interventions are still rare.

The second type is more common, and if the first type is typical for children and adolescents, then insulin resistance develops in people over 35 years of age, although a decreasing trend is currently noted.

Treatment for this type of diabetes includes:

  1. Strict diet with restriction of carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Measures to reduce body weight.
  3. Hypoglycemic drugs - Glipizide, Glimepiride.
  4. Biguanides - substances that contribute to the natural restoration of normal glucose metabolism by reducing glucogenesis in the liver, - Metformin, Glucofarge.
  5. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, which block the rise in blood sugar - Miglitol, Acarbose.

Therapy in the second type allows not to use external sources of insulin. The idea of ​​treatment is to maintain the normal balance in the body as much as possible, without resorting to serious intervention. Drug therapy always serves only as the basis of treatment, because the main responsibility for their health lies with the patient, on his ability to adhere to the correct diet recommended for this disease, as well as to monitor his condition.

Consequences and complications of diabetes

Diabetes is dangerous both in itself and in its complications. The first type gives the worst prognosis for life in the long term, while the compensated disease of the second type can proceed "background", without worsening the quality of life.

Consequences and complications include emergency:

  1. Hypermolar coma - occurs against the background of dehydration, if you do not take enough fluid, which continues to be excreted from the body.
  2. Hypoglycemic coma - occurs in people with type 1 diabetes, with the wrong dosage of insulin.
  3. Lactic acid coma - occurs against the background of the accumulation of lactic acid caused by diabetes and, as a rule, kidney failure, also provoked by this disease.
  4. Ketoacidosis is the accumulation of ketone bodies, products of fat metabolism, in the blood.

These conditions are emergency, threatening the life of the patient. Hypoglycemic coma is especially dangerous, because without urgent administration of glucose it can be fatal in 30-40 minutes.

There are also long-term consequences of diabetes:

  1. Diabetic neuropathy and encephalopathy - destruction of the nervous system, both central and peripheral. The manifestations are wide - from muscle pain to memory impairment and decreased intelligence. This is one of the most common long-term complications of the disease, occurring in one in eight people with diabetes. The process begins with the hands and feet, forming the characteristic symptoms of "gloves", in the future, the pain spreads to the whole body, also capturing the central nervous system.
  2. Diabetic retinopathy is a decrease in vision due to damage to the retina, up to complete blindness. During this disease, degeneration and detachment of the retina occurs. It is also an extremely common pathology, and every year the disease adds 10% to the risk of developing this complication.
  3. Diabetic nephropathy - kidney damage up to the development of a severe form of renal failure against the background of the constant need to conduct fluid, often containing excess glucose.
  4. Diabetic angiopathy is a violation of the permeability of small and large vessels due to the fact that they are "clogged" with undigested glucose. This pathology causes the development of severe complications, up to heart failure, blood clots.
  5. Damage to the legs, "diabetic foot" - the appearance of purulent-necrotic processes in the lower extremities. It starts with small ulcers that heal very poorly. In the future, edema develops, the process ends with wet gangrene with the need to amputate the affected limb.

Severe consequences develop only in the decompensated form of the disease. It develops against the background of a systematic violation of the diet, the wrong choice of drug therapy, the patient's inattention to the level of glucose in the blood. Even one-time violations of the diet can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition, so there can be no “relaxations” and “holidays” for diabetes.


Prevention consists in timely vaccinations against viral diseases in children, and in adults - to normalize body weight and diet. It is recommended to eat green vegetables, unsweetened fruits, limit sweet and fatty foods. Moderate exercise also serves as a preventative measure.

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, avoiding stress - all these are excellent methods to avoid not only diabetes, but also many other diseases. Of course, not everyone can maintain an ideal daily routine, but you can always reduce the amount of fast food and simple sugars in your diet, replacing them with slow carbohydrates, fiber, and protein foods.

Diet for diabetes

Nutrition is a key feature of patient support and correction of his condition. Without diet therapy, all other measures are meaningless.

The principle of the diet is as follows:

  1. Exclusion of glucose and sugar, including foods with added sugar.
  2. Restriction of other sugars - for example, fructose can be no more than 20 g per day.
  3. The exclusion of fatty foods is especially important in type 1 diabetes.
  4. Eating green vegetables, unsweetened fruits, fish, lean meats.
  5. Constant monitoring of blood sugar levels and dietary adjustments. You can't go hungry with diabetes.

The basic principle of nutrition is the concept of "bread unit". This is a conditional dose of about 10 gr. carbohydrates, which equals approximately 20 grams of bread. A diabetic patient can eat no more than 10 such bread units per day, and a range from 2 to 7 is allowed at one meal, which is strictly forbidden to exceed.

Depending on the type of diabetes, the characteristics of the diet may vary. For example, the ban on fatty foods is very strict in the first type, many people who constantly take insulin are advised to avoid fats and even proteins as much as possible due to the risk of ketoacidosis. However, these patients can have more carbohydrates, since the injected insulin is able to compensate for the intake of these substances.

And vice versa, if a person has type 2 diabetes, then he is allowed healthy fats contained in eggs, sea fish, some fruits - for example, avocados, but it is recommended to limit carbohydrates as much as possible, and eliminate fast ones completely.

The symptoms of diabetes are easy to miss, and dealing with advanced disease is much more difficult than with early stages. Therefore, from time to time, it is recommended to do a glucose test for everyone who is at risk for age, body weight, genetic or other factors.

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease caused by a deficiency in the body of the hormone insulin or its low biological activity. It is characterized by a violation of all types of metabolism, damage to large and small blood vessels and is manifested by hyperglycemia.

The first to give the name of the disease - "diabetes" was the doctor Aretius, who lived in Rome in the second century AD. e. Much later, already in 1776, the doctor Dobson (an Englishman by birth), examining the urine of diabetic patients, discovered that it had a sweetish taste, which indicated the presence of sugar in it. So, diabetes began to be called "sugar".

With any type of diabetes, control of blood sugar becomes one of the primary tasks of the patient and his attending physician. The closer the sugar level is to the normal range, the less symptoms of diabetes appear, and the lower the risk of complications.

Why does diabetes occur and what is it?

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that occurs due to insufficient production of its own insulin in the patient's body (type 1 disease) or due to a violation of the effect of this insulin on tissues (type 2). Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and therefore diabetic patients are often among those who have various disorders in the functioning of this organ.

Patients with type 1 diabetes are called "insulin dependent" - they need regular injections of insulin, and very often the disease is congenital. Typically, type 1 disease manifests itself already in childhood or adolescence, and this type of disease occurs in 10-15% of cases.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus develops gradually and is considered “geriatric diabetes”. This type is almost never found in children, and is usually characteristic of people over 40 who are overweight. This type of diabetes occurs in 80-90% of cases, and is inherited in almost 90-95% of cases.


What it is? Diabetes mellitus can be of two types - insulin-dependent and non-insulin dependent.

  1. occurs against the background of insulin deficiency, so it is called insulin dependent. With this type of disease, the pancreas functions defectively: it either does not produce insulin at all, or produces it in a volume insufficient to process even the minimum amount of incoming glucose. This results in an increase in blood glucose levels. As a rule, thin people under the age of 30 get sick with type 1 diabetes. In such cases, patients are given additional doses of insulin to prevent ketoacidosis and maintain a normal standard of living.
  2. suffer up to 85% of all patients with diabetes mellitus, mostly people over 50 years of age (especially women). Patients with diabetes of this type are characterized by overweight: more than 70% of such patients are obese. It is accompanied by the production of a sufficient amount of insulin, to which the tissues gradually lose sensitivity.

The causes of type I and type II diabetes are fundamentally different. In type 1 diabetics, due to a viral infection or autoimmune aggression, the beta cells that produce insulin break down, which leads to its deficiency with all dramatic consequences. In patients with type 2 diabetes, beta cells produce sufficient or even increased amounts of insulin, but tissues lose the ability to perceive its specific signal.


Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine disorders with a constant increase in prevalence (especially in developed countries). This is the result of a modern lifestyle and an increase in the number of external etiological factors, among which obesity stands out.

The main reasons for the development of diabetes include:

  1. Overeating (increased appetite) leading to obesity is one of the main factors in the development of type 2 diabetes. If among people with normal body weight, the incidence of diabetes mellitus is 7.8%, then with an excess of body weight by 20%, the frequency of diabetes is 25%, and with an excess of body weight by 50%, the frequency is 60%.
  2. Autoimmune diseases(attack of the body's immune system on the body's own tissues) - glomerulonephritis, autoimmune thyroiditis, etc. can also be complicated by diabetes mellitus.
  3. hereditary factor. As a rule, diabetes mellitus is several times more common in relatives of diabetic patients. If both parents are sick with diabetes, the risk of developing diabetes for their children throughout their lives is 100%, if one of the parents is sick - 50%, in the case of diabetes in a brother or sister - 25%.
  4. Viral infections that destroy pancreatic cells that produce insulin. Among the viral infections that can cause the development of diabetes, one can list: viral parotitis (mumps), viral hepatitis, etc.

A person who has a hereditary predisposition to diabetes throughout his life may not become a diabetic if he controls himself by leading a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, physical activity, medical supervision, etc. Typically, type 1 diabetes occurs in children and adolescents.

As a result of research, doctors have come to the conclusion that the causes of the heredity of diabetes in 5% depend on the mother's side, in 10% on the father's side, and if both parents have diabetes, then the probability of transmitting a predisposition to diabetes increases to almost 70% .

Signs of diabetes in women and men

There are a number of signs of diabetes mellitus that are characteristic of both type 1 and type 2 of the disease. These include:

  1. Feeling of unquenchable thirst and frequent urination, which lead to dehydration;
  2. Also one of the signs is dry mouth;
  3. Increased fatigue;
  4. Yawning, drowsiness;
  5. Weakness;
  6. Wounds and cuts heal very slowly;
  7. Nausea, possibly vomiting;
  8. Breathing is frequent (possibly with the smell of acetone);
  9. Cardiopalmus;
  10. Itching of the genital organs and itching of the skin;
  11. weight loss;
  12. Increased urination;
  13. Visual impairment.

If you have any of the above signs of diabetes, then you should definitely check your blood sugar levels.

Symptoms of Diabetes

In diabetes mellitus, the severity of symptoms depends on the degree of decrease in insulin secretion, the duration of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

As a rule, the symptoms of type 1 diabetes are acute, the disease begins suddenly. In type 2 diabetes, the state of health worsens gradually, in the initial stage, the symptoms are poor.

  1. Excessive thirst and frequent urination The classic signs and symptoms of diabetes. When sick, excess sugar (glucose) accumulates in the blood. Your kidneys have to work hard to filter and absorb excess sugar. If your kidneys fail, excess sugar is excreted from the body in the urine with fluid from the tissues. This causes more frequent urination, which can lead to dehydration. You will want to drink more fluids to quench your thirst, which again leads to frequent urination.
  2. Fatigue can be caused by many factors. It can also be caused by dehydration, frequent urination, and the inability of the body to function properly because less sugar can be used for energy.
  3. The third symptom of diabetes is polyphagia. This is also a thirst, however, no longer for water, but for food. A person eats and at the same time feels not satiety, but the filling of the stomach with food, which then quickly turns into a new hunger.
  4. Intensive weight loss. This symptom is predominantly inherent in type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) and girls are often happy with it at first. However, their joy passes when they find out the true reason for losing weight. It is worth noting that weight loss takes place against the background of increased appetite and abundant nutrition, which cannot but be alarming. Quite often, weight loss leads to exhaustion.
  5. Diabetes symptoms can sometimes include vision problems.
  6. Slow wound healing or frequent infections.
  7. Tingling in hands and feet.
  8. Red, swollen, sensitive gums.

If measures are not taken at the first symptoms of diabetes mellitus, then over time, complications associated with malnutrition of tissues appear - trophic ulcers, vascular diseases, changes in sensitivity, decreased vision. A severe complication of diabetes mellitus is diabetic coma, which occurs more often in insulin-dependent diabetes in the absence of sufficient insulin treatment.


  1. Characterizes the most favorable course of the disease to which any treatment should strive. With this degree of the process, it is fully compensated, the glucose level does not exceed 6-7 mmol / l, there is no glucosuria (glucose excretion in the urine), the indicators of glycated hemoglobin and proteinuria do not go beyond normal values.
  2. This stage of the process indicates its partial compensation. There are signs of complications of diabetes and damage to typical target organs: eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves, lower extremities. The glucose level is slightly increased and is 7-10 mmol / l.
  3. Such a course of the process indicates its constant progression and the impossibility of drug control. At the same time, the glucose level fluctuates between 13-14 mmol / l, persistent glucosuria (excretion of glucose in the urine), high proteinuria (presence of protein in the urine), and obvious detailed manifestations of target organ damage in diabetes mellitus appear. Visual acuity progressively decreases, severe arterial hypertension persists, sensitivity decreases with the appearance of severe pain and numbness of the lower extremities.
  4. This degree characterizes the absolute decompensation of the process and the development of severe complications. At the same time, the level of glycemia rises to critical numbers (15-25 or more mmol / l), it is difficult to correct by any means. Characterized by the development of renal failure, diabetic ulcers and gangrene of the extremities. Another criterion for grade 4 diabetes is a tendency to develop frequent diabetic coma.

There are also three states of compensation for carbohydrate metabolism disorders: compensated, subcompensated and decompensated.


If the following signs coincide, a diagnosis of diabetes is established:

  1. The concentration of glucose in the blood (fasting) exceeded the norm of 6.1 millimoles per liter (mol / l). After eating, two hours later - above 11.1 mmol / l;
  2. If the diagnosis is in doubt, a glucose tolerance test is performed in a standard repeat, and it shows an excess of 11.1 mmol / l;
  3. Exceeding the level of glycosylated hemoglobin - more than 6.5%;
  4. , although acetonuria is not always an indication of diabetes.

What levels of sugar are considered normal?

  • 3.3 - 5.5 mmol / l is the norm for blood sugar, regardless of your age.
  • 5.5 - 6 mmol / l is prediabetes, impaired glucose tolerance.

If the sugar level showed a mark of 5.5 - 6 mmol / l - this is a signal from your body that a violation of carbohydrate metabolism has begun, all this means that you have entered the danger zone. The first thing to do is lower your blood sugar levels, get rid of excess weight (if you are overweight). Limit yourself to 1800 kcal per day, include diabetic foods in your diet, give up sweets, cook for a couple.

Consequences and complications of diabetes

Acute complications are conditions that develop over days or even hours in the presence of diabetes.

  1. diabetic ketoacidosis- a serious condition that develops as a result of the accumulation in the blood of products of intermediate metabolism of fats (ketone bodies).
  2. Hypoglycemia - a decrease in blood glucose levels below the normal value (usually below 3.3 mmol / l), occurs due to an overdose of hypoglycemic drugs, concomitant diseases, unusual physical activity or malnutrition, and drinking strong alcohol.
  3. Hyperosmolar coma. It occurs mainly in elderly patients with or without a history of type 2 diabetes and is always associated with severe dehydration.
  4. lactic acid coma in patients with diabetes mellitus is due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the blood and more often occurs in patients over 50 years of age against the background of cardiovascular, hepatic and renal insufficiency, reduced oxygen supply to tissues and, as a result, accumulation of lactic acid in tissues.

Late effects are a group of complications that take months, and in most cases years, to develop.

  1. diabetic retinopathy- damage to the retina in the form of microaneurysms, pinpoint and spotted hemorrhages, solid exudates, edema, formation of new vessels. Ends with hemorrhages in the fundus, can lead to retinal detachment.
  2. Diabetic micro- and macroangiopathy- Violation of vascular permeability, increasing their fragility, a tendency to thrombosis and the development of atherosclerosis (occurs early, mainly small vessels are affected).
  3. Diabetic polyneuropathy- most often in the form of bilateral peripheral neuropathy of the "gloves and stockings" type, starting in the lower parts of the extremities.
  4. diabetic nephropathy- kidney damage, first in the form of microalbuminuria (albumin protein excretion in the urine), then proteinuria. Leads to the development of chronic renal failure.
  5. diabetic arthropathy- pain in the joints, "crunching", limitation of mobility, a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid and an increase in its viscosity.
  6. Diabetic ophthalmopathy, in addition to retinopathy, includes the early development of cataracts (clouding of the lens).
  7. Diabetic encephalopathy- Changes in the psyche and mood, emotional lability or depression.
  8. diabetic foot- damage to the feet of a patient with diabetes mellitus in the form of purulent-necrotic processes, ulcers and osteoarticular lesions, which occurs against the background of changes in peripheral nerves, blood vessels, skin and soft tissues, bones and joints. It is the main cause of amputation in diabetic patients.

Diabetes also increases the risk of developing mental disorders - depression, anxiety disorders and eating disorders.

How to treat diabetes

Currently, the treatment of diabetes mellitus in the vast majority of cases is symptomatic and is aimed at eliminating the existing symptoms without eliminating the cause of the disease, since an effective treatment for diabetes has not yet been developed.

The main tasks of the doctor in the treatment of diabetes are:

  1. Compensation of carbohydrate metabolism.
  2. Prevention and treatment of complications.
  3. Normalization of body weight.
  4. Patient education.

Depending on the type of diabetes mellitus, patients are prescribed the administration of insulin or the ingestion of drugs that have a sugar-lowering effect. Patients must follow a diet, the qualitative and quantitative composition of which also depends on the type of diabetes.

  • At type 2 diabetes prescribe a diet and drugs that reduce blood glucose levels: glibenclamide, glurenorm, gliclazide, glibutide, metformin. They are taken orally after the individual selection of a specific drug and its dosage by a doctor.
  • At type 1 diabetes prescribed insulin therapy and diet. The dose and type of insulin (short, medium or long-acting) is selected individually in the hospital, under the control of blood sugar and urine.

Diabetes mellitus must be treated without fail, otherwise it is fraught with very serious consequences, which were listed above. The earlier diabetes is diagnosed, the greater the chance that negative consequences can be completely avoided and lead a normal and fulfilling life.


Diet for diabetes is a necessary part of the treatment, as well as the use of hypoglycemic drugs or insulin. Without dieting, it is impossible to compensate for carbohydrate metabolism. It should be noted that in some cases, in type 2 diabetes, diet alone is sufficient to compensate for carbohydrate metabolism, especially in the early stages of the disease. In type 1 diabetes, dieting is vital for the patient, a violation of the diet can lead to hypo- or hyperglycemic coma, and in some cases to the death of the patient.

The task of diet therapy in diabetes mellitus is to ensure a uniform and adequate intake of carbohydrates into the patient's body for physical activity. The diet should be balanced in terms of proteins, fats and calories. Easily digestible carbohydrates should be completely eliminated from the diet, except in cases of hypoglycemia. In type 2 diabetes, it is often necessary to correct body weight.

The main concept in the diet therapy of diabetes is the bread unit. A bread unit is a conditional measure equal to 10-12 g of carbohydrates or 20-25 g of bread. There are tables that indicate the number of bread units in various foods. During the day, the number of bread units consumed by the patient should remain constant; on average, 12-25 bread units are consumed per day, depending on body weight and physical activity. It is not recommended to consume more than 7 bread units at one meal, it is advisable to organize the meal so that the number of bread units in different meals is approximately the same. It should also be noted that alcohol consumption can lead to long-term hypoglycemia, including hypoglycemic coma.

An important condition for the success of diet therapy is the patient's keeping a food diary, all the food eaten during the day is entered into it, and the number of bread units consumed at each meal and in general per day is calculated. Keeping such a food diary allows, in most cases, to identify the cause of episodes of hypo- and hyperglycemia, contributes to patient education, and helps the doctor choose an adequate dose of hypoglycemic drugs or insulin.

See more:. Menu and recipes.

self control

Self-monitoring of glycemic levels is one of the main measures to achieve effective long-term compensation of carbohydrate metabolism. Due to the fact that it is impossible at the current technological level to completely imitate the secretory activity of the pancreas, fluctuations in blood glucose levels occur during the day. This is influenced by many factors, the main ones include physical and emotional stress, the level of carbohydrates consumed, concomitant diseases and conditions.

Since it is impossible to keep the patient in the hospital all the time, monitoring the condition and minor correction of doses of short-acting insulins is the responsibility of the patient. Self-monitoring of glycemia can be carried out in two ways. The first is approximate with the help of test strips, which determine the level of glucose in the urine using a qualitative reaction, in the presence of glucose in the urine, urine should be checked for acetone. Acetonuria is an indication for hospitalization and evidence of ketoacidosis. This method of assessing glycemia is quite approximate and does not allow you to fully monitor the state of carbohydrate metabolism.

A more modern and adequate method for assessing the condition is the use of glucometers. A glucometer is a device for measuring glucose levels in organic fluids (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.). There are several measurement methods. Recently, portable glucometers for measurements at home have become widespread. It is enough to place a drop of blood on a disposable indicator plate attached to the device of the glucose oxidase biosensor, and in a few seconds the level of glucose in the blood (glycemia) is known.

It should be noted that the readings of two glucometers from different companies may differ, and the level of glycemia shown by the glucometer, as a rule, is 1-2 units higher than the actual one. Therefore, it is desirable to compare the readings of the glucometer with the data obtained during the examination in the clinic or hospital.

insulin therapy

Treatment with insulin pursues the task of the maximum possible compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, prevention of hypo- and hyperglycemia and thus the prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus. Insulin treatment is life-saving for people with type 1 diabetes and can be used in a number of situations for people with type 2 diabetes.

Indications for the appointment of insulin therapy:

  1. Type 1 diabetes
  2. Ketoacidosis, diabetic hyperosmolar, hyperlaccidemic coma.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth in diabetes mellitus.
  4. Significant decompensation of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  5. Lack of effect from other types of treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  6. Significant weight loss in diabetes mellitus.
  7. diabetic nephropathy.

Currently, there are a large number of insulin preparations that differ in duration of action (ultrashort, short, medium, extended), in the degree of purification (mono-peak, monocomponent), species specificity (human, porcine, bovine, genetically engineered, etc.)

In the absence of obesity and strong emotional stress, insulin is prescribed at a dose of 0.5-1 unit per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. The introduction of insulin is designed to mimic physiological secretion, in connection with this, the following requirements are put forward:

  1. The dose of insulin should be sufficient to utilize the glucose entering the body.
  2. The injected insulins should mimic the basal secretion of the pancreas.
  3. Insulins administered should mimic postprandial peaks in insulin secretion.

In this regard, there is a so-called intensified insulin therapy. The daily dose of insulin is divided between long-acting and short-acting insulins. Long-acting insulins are administered, as a rule, in the morning and in the evening and mimic the basal secretion of the pancreas. Short-acting insulins are administered after each meal containing carbohydrates, the dose may vary depending on the bread units eaten at that meal.

Insulin is administered subcutaneously, using an insulin syringe, a pen or a special dosing pump. Currently, in Russia, the most common method of administering insulin using syringe pens. This is due to greater convenience, less discomfort, and ease of insertion compared to conventional insulin syringes. The syringe pen allows you to quickly and almost painlessly enter the required dose of insulin.

Sugar-reducing drugs

Sugar-reducing tablets are prescribed for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in addition to the diet. According to the mechanism of lowering blood sugar, the following groups of hypoglycemic agents are distinguished:

  1. Biguanides (metformin, buformin, etc.) - reduce the absorption of glucose in the intestine and contribute to the saturation of peripheral tissues with it. Biguanides can increase the level of uric acid in the blood and cause the development of a serious condition - lactic acidosis in patients over 60 years of age, as well as those suffering from liver and kidney failure, chronic infections. Biguanides are more often prescribed for non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in young obese patients.
  2. Sulfonylureas (gliquidone, glibenclamide, chlorpropamide, carbutamide) - stimulate the production of insulin by pancreatic ß-cells and promote the penetration of glucose into tissues. The optimally selected dosage of drugs in this group maintains a glucose level not > 8 mmol / l. In case of an overdose, hypoglycemia and coma may develop.
  3. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (miglitol, acarbose) - slow down the rise in blood sugar by blocking the enzymes involved in the absorption of starch. Side effects are flatulence and diarrhea.
  4. Meglitinides (nateglinide, repaglinide) - cause a decrease in sugar levels by stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin. The action of these drugs depends on the content of sugar in the blood and does not cause hypoglycemia.
  5. Thiazolidinediones - reduce the amount of sugar released from the liver, increase the susceptibility of fat cells to insulin. Contraindicated in heart failure.

Also, a beneficial therapeutic effect in diabetes has a reduction in excess weight and individual moderate physical activity. Due to muscle efforts, there is an increase in the oxidation of glucose and a decrease in its content in the blood.


At present, the prognosis for all types of diabetes mellitus is conditionally favorable, with adequate treatment and dietary compliance, working capacity is maintained. The progression of complications slows down significantly or stops completely. However, it should be noted that in most cases, as a result of treatment, the cause of the disease is not eliminated, and therapy is only symptomatic.

(Visited 42 903 times, 21 visits today)

Diabetes- a group of diseases of the endocrine system that develop due to a lack or absence of insulin (hormone) in the body, resulting in a significant increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood (hyperglycemia).

Diabetes mellitus is basically a chronic disease. It is characterized by metabolic disorders - fat, carbohydrate, protein, water-salt and mineral. In diabetes, the function of the pancreas, which actually produces insulin, is impaired.

Insulin- a protein hormone produced by the pancreas, the main function of which is to participate in metabolic processes - the processing and conversion of sugar into glucose, and the further transportation of glucose into cells. In addition, insulin regulates blood sugar levels.

In diabetes, the cells do not receive the necessary nutrition. It is difficult for the body to retain water in the cells, and it is excreted through the kidneys. Violations occur in the protective functions of tissues, the skin, teeth, kidneys, nervous system are affected, the level of vision decreases, develops,.

In addition to humans, this disease can also affect some animals, such as dogs and cats.

Diabetes mellitus is inherited, but it can be acquired in other ways.

Diabetes. ICD

ICD-10: E10-E14
ICD-9: 250

The hormone insulin converts sugar into glucose, which is an energy substance necessary for the normal functioning of body cells. When there is a failure in the production of insulin by the pancreas, disturbances in metabolic processes begin. Glucose is not delivered to the cells and settles in the blood. Cells, in turn, starving, begin to fail, which outwardly manifests itself in the form of secondary diseases (diseases of the skin, circulatory system, nervous and other systems). At the same time, there is a significant increase in blood glucose (hyperglycemia). The quality and effect of the blood deteriorate. This whole process is called diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is called only that hyperglycemia, which was originally caused by the dysfunction of insulin in the body!

Why is high blood sugar harmful?

High blood sugar levels can cause dysfunction in almost all organs, up to and including death. The higher the blood sugar level, the more obvious the result of its action, which is expressed in:

- obesity;
- glycosylation (saccharification) of cells;
- intoxication of the body with damage to the nervous system;
- damage to blood vessels;
- the development of secondary diseases affecting the brain, heart, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, muscles, skin, eyes;
- manifestations of fainting, coma;
- lethal outcome.

Normal blood sugar

On an empty stomach: 3.3-5.5 mmol / l.
2 hours after carbohydrate loading: less than 7.8 mmol/l

Diabetes mellitus in most cases develops gradually, and only occasionally there is a rapid development of the disease, accompanied by an increase in glucose levels to a critical level with various diabetic coma.

The first signs of diabetes

- constant feeling of thirst;
- persistent dry mouth
- increased urine output (increased diuresis);
- increased dryness and severe itching of the skin;
- increased susceptibility to skin diseases, pustules;
- prolonged healing of wounds;
- a sharp decrease or increase in body weight;
- increased sweating;
- muscular.

Signs of diabetes

In addition, diabetes can develop against the background of:

- hyperfunction of the adrenal glands (hypercorticism);
- tumors of the digestive tract;
- increased levels of hormones that block insulin;
— ;
— ;
- poor digestibility of carbohydrates;
- short-term increase in blood sugar levels.

Classification of diabetes

Due to the fact that diabetes mellitus has many different etiologies, signs, complications, and of course, the type of treatment, experts have created a fairly voluminous formula for classifying this disease. Consider the types, types and degrees of diabetes.

By etiology:

I. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes). Most often, this type of diabetes occurs in young people, often thin. It runs hard. The reason lies in the antibodies produced by the body itself, which block the β-cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. Treatment is based on the constant intake of insulin, by injection, as well as strict adherence to the diet. From the menu it is necessary to completely exclude the use of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sugar-containing lemonades, sweets, fruit juices).

Divided by:

A. Autoimmune.
B. Idiopathic.

II. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabetes). Most often, type 2 diabetes affects obese people over 40 years old. The reason lies in the overabundance of nutrients in the cells, because of which they lose sensitivity to insulin. Treatment is based primarily on a weight loss diet.

Over time, it is possible to prescribe insulin tablets, and only as a last resort, insulin injections are prescribed.

III. Other forms of diabetes:

A. Genetic disorders of b-cells
B. Genetic defects in insulin action
C. Diseases of the endocrine cells of the pancreas:
1. trauma or pancreatectomy;
2. ;
3. neoplastic process;
4. cystic fibrosis;
5. fibrocalculous pancreatopathy;
6. hemochromatosis;
7. other diseases.
D. Endocrinopathy:
1. Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome;
2. acromegaly;
3. glucoganoma;
4. pheochromocytoma;
5. somatostatinoma;
6. hyperthyroidism;
7. aldosteroma;
8. other endocrinopathies.
E. Diabetes as a result of side effects of drugs and toxic substances.
F. Diabetes as a complication of infectious diseases:
1. rubella;
2. cytomegalovirus infection;
3. other infectious diseases.

IV. Gestational diabetes. Blood sugar levels rise during pregnancy. Often passes suddenly, after childbirth.

According to the severity of the course of the disease:

Diabetes mellitus 1 degree (mild form). A low level of glycemia (blood sugar) is characteristic - no more than 8 mmol / l (on an empty stomach). The level of daily glucosuria is not more than 20 g / l. May be accompanied by angioedema. Treatment at the level of diet and taking certain medications.

Diabetes mellitus of the 2nd degree (medium form). A relatively small, but with a more obvious effect, increase in the level of glycemia at the level of 7-10 mmol / l is characteristic. The level of daily glucosuria is not more than 40 g / l. Periodically, manifestations of ketosis and ketoacidosis are possible. Gross violations in the work of the organs do not occur, but at the same time, there may be some violations and signs in the work of the eyes, heart, blood vessels, lower extremities, kidneys and nervous system. There may be signs of diabetic angioneuropathy. Treatment is carried out at the level of diet therapy and oral administration of sugar-lowering drugs. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe insulin injections.

Diabetes mellitus 3 degrees (severe form). Typically, the average level of glycemia is 10-14 mmol / l. The level of daily glucosuria is about 40 g/l. There is a high level of proteinuria (protein in the urine). The picture of clinical manifestations of target organs is intensifying - eyes, heart, blood vessels, legs, kidneys, nervous system. Vision decreases, numbness and pain in the legs appear, increases.

Diabetes mellitus 4 degrees (super severe form). A characteristically high level of glycemia is 15-25 mmol / l or more. The level of daily glucosuria is over 40-50 g/l. Proteinuria increases, the body loses protein. Almost all organs are affected. The patient is subject to frequent diabetic coma. Life is supported purely on insulin injections - at a dose of 60 OD and more.

For complications:

- diabetic micro- and macroangiopathy;
- diabetic neuropathy;
- diabetic nephropathy;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- Diabetic foot.

For the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, the following methods and tests have been established:

- measuring the level of glucose in the blood (determination of glycemia);
- measurement of daily fluctuations in the level of glycemia (glycemic profile);
- measuring the level of insulin in the blood;
- glucose tolerance test;
- a blood test for the concentration of glycated hemoglobin;
— ;
- Urinalysis to determine the level of leukocytes, glucose and protein;
- abdominal organs;
Rehberg's test.

In addition, if necessary, carry out:

— study of the electrolyte composition of the blood;
- urine test to determine the presence of acetone;
- examination of the fundus;
— .

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct an accurate diagnosis of the body, because. a positive prognosis of recovery depends on this.

Treatment for diabetes aims to:

- lowering blood sugar levels;
- normalization of metabolism;
- prevention of complications of diabetes.

Treatment of type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent)

As we already mentioned in the middle of the article, in the section "Classification of Diabetes Mellitus", patients with type 1 diabetes constantly need insulin injections, since the body cannot produce enough of this hormone on its own. There are currently no other methods of delivering insulin to the body, except for injections. Insulin-based tablets will not help with type 1 diabetes.

In addition to insulin injections, treatment for type 1 diabetes includes:

- adherence to a diet;
- performance of dosed individual physical activity (DIFN).

Treatment of type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent)

Treatment of type 2 diabetes is treated with diet and, if necessary, taking sugar-lowering drugs, which are available in tablet form.

Diet for type 2 diabetes is the main method of treatment due to the fact that this type of diabetes just develops due to malnutrition of a person. With improper nutrition, all types of metabolism are disturbed, therefore, by changing your diet, a diabetic in many cases gets cured.

In some cases, with persistent types of type 2 diabetes, the doctor may prescribe insulin injections.

In the treatment of any type of diabetes, a mandatory item is diet therapy.

A nutritionist with diabetes, after receiving tests, taking into account age, body weight, gender, lifestyle, paints an individual nutrition program. When dieting, the patient must calculate the amount of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements consumed. The menu must be followed strictly according to the prescription, which minimizes the risk of developing complications of this disease. Moreover, following a diet for diabetes, it is possible to defeat this disease without additional medication.

The general emphasis of diet therapy for diabetes is on eating food with a minimum or no content of easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as fats, which are easily converted into carbohydrate compounds.

What do people with diabetes eat?

The menu for diabetes consists of vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. The diagnosis of "Diabetes" does not mean that it is necessary to completely give up glucose in food. Glucose is the “energy” of the body, with a lack of which protein breaks down. Food should be rich in protein, and.

What can you eat with diabetes: beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat and corn grits, grapefruit, orange, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, pomegranates, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, dried apples), cherries, blueberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, almonds, black bread, butter or sunflower oil (no more than 40 g per day).

What not to eat with diabetes: coffee, alcoholic drinks, chocolate, confectionery, sweets, jam, muffins, ice cream, spicy dishes, smoked meats, salty dishes, fat, pepper, mustard, bananas, raisins, grapes.

What is better to refrain from: watermelon, melon, store juices. In addition, try not to use the product about which you know nothing or little.

Conditionally allowed products for diabetes:

Physical activity in diabetes

In the current "lazy" time, when the world has been taken over by television, the Internet, sedentary, and at the same time often highly paid work, an increasing number of people are moving less and less. Unfortunately, this is not the best way to affect health. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart failure, visual impairment, spinal diseases are just a small part of the ailments in which a sedentary lifestyle is indirectly, and sometimes directly, to blame.

When a person leads an active lifestyle - walks a lot, rides a bike, does exercises, plays sports games, the metabolism speeds up, the blood "plays". At the same time, all cells receive the necessary nutrition, the organs are in good shape, the immune system works perfectly, and the body as a whole is less susceptible to various diseases.

That is why, moderate exercise in diabetes has a beneficial effect. When you exercise, your muscles oxidize more glucose from your blood, which lowers your blood sugar levels. Of course, this does not mean that you will suddenly change into a sports uniform and run several kilometers in an unknown direction. The necessary set of exercises will be prescribed for you by the attending physician.

Medicines for diabetes

Consider some groups of medications against diabetes mellitus (sugar-lowering drugs):

Drugs that stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin: Sulfonylureas (Gliclazide, Gliquidone, Glipizide), Meglitinides (Repaglinide, Nateglinide).

Pills that make body cells more sensitive to insulin:

- Biguanides ("Siofor", "Glucophage", "Metformin"). Contraindicated in people with heart and kidney failure.
- Thiazolidinediones ("Avandia", "Pioglitazone"). Increase the effectiveness of insulin action (improvement of insulin resistance) in adipose and muscle tissues.

Means with incretin activity: DPP-4 inhibitors (Vildagliptin, Sitagliptin), glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (Liraglutide, Exenatide).

Drugs that block the absorption of glucose in the gastrointestinal tract: alpha-glucosidase inhibitor ("Acarbose").

Can diabetes be cured?

A positive prognosis in the treatment of diabetes mellitus largely depends on:

- type of diabetes;
- the time of detection of the disease;
- an accurate diagnosis;
- strict observance by the diabetic of the doctor's prescriptions.

According to modern (official) scientists, it is currently impossible to completely recover from type 1 diabetes, as well as persistent forms of type 2 diabetes. At least, such drugs have not yet been invented. With this diagnosis, treatment is aimed at preventing the occurrence of complications, as well as the pathological effect of the disease on the work of other organs. After all, you need to understand that the danger of diabetes lies precisely in the complications. With the help of insulin injections, you can only slow down the pathological processes in the body.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, in most cases, with the help of nutritional correction, as well as moderate physical activity, is quite successful. However, when a person returns to the old way of life, hyperglycemia does not take long.

I would also like to note that there are unofficial methods of treating diabetes, for example, therapeutic fasting. Such methods often end with resuscitation for a diabetic. From this it must be concluded that before using various folk remedies and recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

Of course, I cannot fail to mention another way of healing from diabetes - prayer, turning to God. Both in the Holy Scriptures and in the modern world, an incredibly huge number of people received healing after turning to the Lord, and, in this case, it doesn’t matter what the person is sick with, for what is impossible for a person, everything is possible with God.

Alternative treatment of diabetes

Important! Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor!

Celery with lemon. Peel 500 g of celery root and grind them together with 6 lemons in a meat grinder. Boil the mixture in a saucepan in a water bath for 2 hours. Next, put the product in the refrigerator. The mixture must be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon for 30 min. Before breakfast, for 2 years.

Lemon with parsley and garlic. Mix 100 g of lemon zest with 300 g of parsley root (you can also put leaves) and 300 g. We twist everything through a meat grinder. We put the resulting mixture in a jar and put it in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Take the resulting remedy 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

Linden. If your blood sugar level has risen, drink lime blossom infusion instead of tea for several days. To prepare the remedy, put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lime blossom in 1 cup of boiling water.

You can also prepare a decoction of linden. To do this, pour 2 cups of lime blossom into 3 liters of water. Boil this product for 10 minutes, cool, strain and pour into jars or bottles. Store in refrigerator. Drink lime decoction every day for half a glass when you want to drink. When you drink this portion, take a break for 3 weeks, after which the course can be repeated.

Alder, nettle and quinoa. Mix half a glass of alder leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of quinoa leaves and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers Pour the mixture with 1 liter of water, shake well and leave to infuse for 5 days in a lit place. Then add a pinch to the infusion and consume 1 teaspoon in 30 minutes. Before meals, morning and evening.

Buckwheat. Grind with a coffee grinder 1 tbsp. a spoonful of buckwheat, then add it to 1 cup of kefir. Infuse the remedy during the night, and in the morning drink 30 minutes before meals.

Lemon and eggs. Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and mix 1 raw egg well with it. Drink the resulting remedy 60 minutes before meals, for 3 days.

Walnut. Fill partitions of 40 g with a glass of boiling water. Next, sweat them in a water bath for about 60 minutes. Cool the infusion and strain. You need to take the infusion 1-2 teaspoons 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day.

Walnut leaf remedy also helps a lot. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of well-dried and ground leaves 50 ml of boiled water. Next, boil the infusion for 15 minutes over low heat, then leave to infuse for about 40 minutes. The broth should be filtered and taken 3-4 times a day for half a glass.

Hazel (bark). Finely chop and pour 400 ml of clean water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hazel bark. Leave the product to infuse overnight, after which we place the infusion in an enamel pan and put it on fire. Boil the remedy for about 10 minutes. After that, the broth is cooled, divided into equal parts and drunk throughout the day. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.

Aspen (bark). Put a handful of planed aspen bark in an enameled pan, pour 3 liters of water over it. Bring the product to a boil and remove from heat. The resulting decoction should be drunk instead of tea for 2 weeks, then take a break for 7 days and repeat the course of treatment again. Between the 2nd and 3rd course, a break is made for a month.

Bay leaf. Put 10 dry bay leaves in an enamel or glass bowl and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Wrap the container well and let the product brew for 2 hours. The resulting infusion for diabetes should be taken 3 times a day for half a glass, 40 minutes before meals.

Flax seeds. Grind into flour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flax seeds and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Boil the mixture in an enameled container for about 5 minutes. The broth must be drunk completely at a time, in a warm state, 30 minutes before a meal.

For wound healing in diabetes mellitus, use lotions based on insulin.

Prevention of diabetes

To prevent the onset of diabetes, experts recommend adhering to preventive rules:

- monitor your weight - prevent the appearance of extra pounds;
- to live an active lifestyle;
- eat right - eat fractionally, and also try to avoid eating foods rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, but focus on foods rich in minerals;
- control

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