What to use after a sunburn. Sunburn treatment at home. How to reduce pain and discomfort

With the onset of summer, solar activity becomes enhanced, so it is necessary to protect the skin from its negative effects. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunburn. Such a problem can have a number of negative consequences, so it is very important to start treatment on time.

Why do people have different susceptibility to the action of sunlight?

Probably, many have noticed that under equal conditions, solar activity can be different. This is due to the fact that each person has a different skin type. Also, the appearance of severe symptoms is affected by the geographical location and duration of exposure to the sun.

There are only four types of photosensitive skin. The first two are easily negatively influenced, which leads to a burn in half an hour. The third type is not completely exposed to solar activity, and tans well. As for the fourth, there are practically no such phenomena as bubbles and the appearance of erosion. A person has a beautiful chocolate tan, without any signs of skin damage.

Most of all, people with white skin suffer, who hardly tan, but only blush. For representatives with a swarthy type, everything is easier, they tan well and are practically not at risk.

Danger and symptoms

Sunburns appear due to a long stay on it. If the skin is not protected by special means, it becomes vulnerable and susceptible to the negative effects of rays. The problem manifests itself in the form of inflammation, which is accompanied by painful sensations. Sunburn of the skin of a mild degree does not have pronounced negative consequences. In severe cases, ulcers and erosions appear, which heal for a very long time.

The danger is also manifested in the fact that the stimulation of the development of nevi and lentigo increases. They are classified as benign tumors, but when exposed to certain factors, they can develop into malignant ones. One of them is increased solar activity. People with these features should visit a dermatologist regularly.

Sunburn symptoms include:

  • redness of the skin and pain when touching it;
  • the appearance of itching, dryness and burning;
  • temperature;
  • in severe cases, blisters and crusts appear;
  • swelling of the epidermis may be observed;
  • headache;
  • a severe burn has ulcers and erosion;
  • malaise, chills and fever.

The manifestation of symptoms depends on the type of skin and the length of stay. Sunburn has its own distinctive features. Symptoms, as a rule, do not appear immediately, but after a few hours. Sometimes the manifestation of the problem can occur after 12-24 hours. After 4-7 days, the epidermis begins to peel off.

It is very important to hide the skin under clothing until it has fully recovered so that there are no more serious problems.

After a person has received a sunburn, he needs first aid.

First aid

When a person has the first symptoms, the question immediately arises, what to do with a sunburn? It is necessary to provide the first, depending on the severity of the problem.

The list of key actions includes:

  1. At the first manifestations of reddening of the skin, you need to hide in the shade, as this is not always a sign of a tan, but already a first-degree burn.
  2. It is necessary to carefully examine the surface of the epidermis. If symptoms such as pain, blisters and fever have already appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor so that there are no negative consequences.
  3. To reduce pain and inflammation, you need to use special tools. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the reddened areas with oil, alcohol and various ointments that are not designed to eliminate this problem.
  4. You need to be very careful about redness and blisters on the face, as they can cause swelling and breathing problems. If swelling appears, you need to see a doctor.
  5. For minor exposure and mild symptoms, shower or bath with cool water can be taken. This will help calm the inflammation.
  6. It is necessary to regularly lubricate the epidermis with special means.
  7. When healing the skin, wear loose clothing with long sleeves and trousers made of natural fabric.
  8. Do not re-enter the open sun until the peeling is completely gone.

First aid for sunburn should be mandatory. If it is not carried out, there may be negative consequences. After the first measures to eliminate the problem have been taken, it is necessary to proceed to treatment.


First aid for sunburn does not eliminate the consequences.

You can independently perform treatment with the first and second degree burns. If he reached the third and fourth, it is imperative to contact a specialist.

Therapy includes both medication and the use of external agents. Internal preparations include:

  1. Vitamins and antioxidants that accelerate the regeneration process and prevent the formation of malignant cells, these include A, E, C.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve symptoms. They also help against sunburn, namely, they eliminate the process of inflammation, pain and swelling of the epidermis. These drugs include Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
  3. Antihistamine drugs that help reduce swelling, burning and itching. They also prevent allergies. They are presented in the form of such medicines as Tavegil, Loratadin, Tsetrin.

The remedy should be complex and eliminate the expressed symptoms. In addition to tablets, various gels, creams and ointments are used.

The most effective remedies for sunburn include:

Before choosing how to treat a sunburn, it is necessary to determine its severity. At the first degree, you can use the well-known Panthenol, which will quickly help get rid of redness and soothe the skin.

Treatment of sunburn should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of a doctor. This applies to cases where there are already blisters and blisters. possible only with minor manifestations of the problem.

Folk methods

Folk remedies for sunburn are used only if the doctor has allowed it. As a rule, they are relevant only with a slight manifestation of the problem. When the skin gets a fourth-degree burn, treating such a severe sunburn at home does not help and special preparations are needed.

The most effective means include:

  1. Sour milk or sour cream. The most popular method to eliminate the heat of the skin, soothe and moisturize it.
  2. Aloe. The use of aloe juice well relieves inflammation. To treat burns with aloe, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant and dilute it 1: 1 with water, then lubricate the affected areas. It is better to soak a napkin with the product and apply it 2 times a day for 10 minutes for an hour.
  3. Potato. It has many recipes for both mild and severe burns. It can be used in the form of juice, mask, powder. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect, restores damaged areas and is able to eliminate pain.
  4. Tea. It is applied in the form of compresses. To do this, you need to brew strong tea and soak gauze with it. Then apply it on problem areas and hold for 15-20 minutes. The tool well eliminates pain and burning.
  5. Sauerkraut. Helps soothe the skin and relieve heat. To do this, the product is applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  6. Cucumber and watermelon. It is necessary to make the juice of watermelon and cucumber, and then mix it in equal proportions. Wipe the skin with the resulting lotion.

Before you treat sunburn yourself, you should consult with your doctor. If you use special preparations, it will be much faster and more effective to cure the burn.

The first symptoms of a sunburn are pain, redness, burning sensation, which may appear in the first hours after sunburn. The most severe effects are blisters, dehydration, fever and fever. Sunburn is not as harmless a problem as it might seem at first glance. It increases the risk of developing melanoma.

Despite all the safety measures taken, the application of sunscreen, the skin still burned out. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, but you can minimize the effects of a burn. What to do after a sunburn, what first aid measures to take, how to smear the skin, the answers in this article.

First aid for sunburn

The skin burns when exposed for a certain period of time to UV rays without proper protection. It is important to start treating sunburn as soon as you notice it. The first thing to do is to go into the shade or put on clothes that cover all open areas of the body, throw on a scarf, scarf or towel. The best option is to go inside.

At the first sign, timely measures will help alleviate discomfort.

Apply a cold, damp towel to your skin. Do this for 10 or 15 minutes several times a day. This will help relieve the burning sensation of the skin.

Take a cool bath or shower. It is better not to wipe the skin, but leave the moisture until it is absorbed into the skin.

Be sure to apply moisturizer. A special cream or aloe vera gel will do. The main thing - it should not be very oily and well absorbed into the skin.

Do not use products that contain petroleum products, benzocaine and lidocaine. Unnatural oils clog the skin, preventing it from breathing. Benzocaine and lidocaine can irritate her.

Drink enough water. Sunburn dries not only the skin, but also dehydrates the body. Therefore, you need to drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration.

For mild to moderate burns, use home and folk remedies to relieve redness, burning, and pain.

With severe burns, a tablet of ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin will help reduce pain, swelling and discomfort.

Leave the blisters alone. Blisters with a sunburn, as a rule, do not appear immediately, but after a few days. Their appearance suggests that you have a second-degree sunburn. You don't need to open them yourself. They protect the skin from infection. Let the skin peel off on its own. Your task is to moisturize it well.

It is especially harmful to use products containing glycolic, retinoid, salicylic acid to accelerate skin exfoliation. They can be used only three days after the complete end of peeling.

Take measures to protect the skin after a burn. Wear clothing that completely covers the burnt areas and blocks out the sun's rays. Cover your face with a wide-brimmed hat.

When to See a Doctor

If you experience dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fever, or chills after getting sunburned, you should contact your doctor for medical attention.

How to smear a sunburn

Sunlight is vital for the production of vitamin D and is beneficial to the skin. But too long exposure can be harmful. Many people think that spending a lot of time in the summer on a cloudy day outside cannot get a sunburn. Alas, this opinion is wrong. You can get burned not only in the bright sun.

Wearing clothing that covers all exposed skin is the best way to protect yourself from a bad tan. What to do and how to smear the skin if a burn does occur.

The first rule is to moisturize your skin. Such burns are accompanied not only by redness and burning, but also by pain. In addition to home and folk remedies, there are many ointments, gels and creams from the pharmacy that will help minimize the effects of prolonged sunburn.

Consider which of them can be used against sunburn.

Moisturizing cream

In addition to cosmetics stores, you can also buy such a cream in a pharmacy. They usually contain aloe vera gel. They penetrate the skin well, creating a protective film that protects against moisture loss. In addition, aloe has anti-inflammatory properties.

Many of these creams contain other ingredients that are beneficial for the skin, are made on the basis of extracts of medicinal herbs, medicinal water. They cannot be used with a severe degree of burn, when there are blisters and open injuries on the body.

It should be noted that an allergic reaction is possible to some components.

baby cream

Such a cream usually includes extracts of chamomile, calendula and other medicinal herbs. The ingredients may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. What they have in common is the presence of natural ingredients that soothe baby's skin. They are not contraindicated for adults.

Fenistil gel

This drug is used to treat skin allergies. Russian drug, it is produced in the form of a gel and drops. As indicated in the manufacturer's instructions, relieves itching, redness, burning. Sometimes it can help with mild sunburn. But not in all cases. It should be used only in consultation with the doctor.

Also a Russian drug that was developed for difficult situations as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Eplan prevents the development of infections, moisturizes the skin well, since glycerin is present in its composition.

It can be used for sunburn, applied to the skin several times during the day. It relieves pain, redness, accelerates regeneration. With severe burns, application in the form of applications is allowed.

Cream-balm "Rescuer"

A very popular cream that many people have in their home medicine cabinet. It contains natural vegetable and essential oils, echinacea and calendula extract. All these components reduce itching, pain, promote faster healing and restoration of damaged tissues.

The spectrum of its action is wide, including can be used for thermal and chemical burns. It is applied to the painful area in a thin layer. Apply after sunburn of varying severity.

Creme La Cree

Vertex's La Cree line includes several products designed to address a variety of skin concerns. For the treatment of sunburn, use a cream for dry and sensitive skin.

The cream contains natural ingredients that relieve dryness, irritation, itching, redness.

So, the cream, designed to restore sensitive skin, includes panthenol and bisabolol. For intensive recovery - lecithin, allantonin, bisabolol.

This tool quickly helps to remove the feeling of dryness, burning, itching, redness. It has a slight analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Zinc ointment

A well-known old cheap drug that is used to treat sunburn. The ointment has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves burn symptoms.

Apply to the skin in a thin layer or in the form of applications. You need to be careful for those who have an allergic reaction.

Ointment Levomekol

Not intended directly for sunburn. It contains antibiotics that prevent the development of infection. Therefore, it should be used only in case of signs of infection.

Solcoseryl gel

The components present in the composition of the drug contribute to the restoration of the skin and reduce inflammation. It is available in the form of a gel and ointment. Both remedies are suitable for the treatment of sunburn, including in the presence of blisters.

Apply to damaged areas 2 to 3 times a day, evenly distributing a thin layer. Cannot be used on open wounds. Only after complete restoration of the skin.

It is forbidden to use for young children and with individual intolerance.


It is presented in two forms: in the form of a cream and an ointment. When using it, itching, redness, swelling are removed. It should be noted that this drug slows down tissue repair and can only be used in extreme cases.


A hormonal drug that can slow down tissue regeneration. Recommended for severe pain and itching, which are characteristic of severe burns. Be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Hydrocortisone ointment

This ointment also applies to hormonal drugs. Like the previous one, it is used only in agreement with the doctor.

Panthenol for sunburn

Panthenol has a wide spectrum of action. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol, which can often be found in the composition of other drugs intended for the treatment of various skin problems.

In addition to the main active ingredient, it contains petroleum jelly, lanolin and paraffin. The drug accelerates tissue regeneration, improves the delivery of nutrients to damaged tissues. Can be used for sunburn of any severity, including eye burns.

It must be applied directly to the burnt area, provided there are no open unhealed wounds. It has side effects in the form of an allergic reaction.

Bepanthen for sunburn

A drug similar to Panthenol in its spectrum of action. It is used to treat problems associated with skin damage. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol.

It is well and quickly absorbed into the skin, relieves redness, itching and burning, has anti-inflammatory properties, moisturizes and accelerates recovery.

Apply to pre-cleansed skin and leave until completely absorbed. May interact with other drugs and manifest as an allergy.

What helps with sunburn

To reduce the symptoms of a mild sunburn, it is enough to lubricate the skin with sour cream or kefir, take a cool shower or bath, adding vinegar or baking soda to it, and use other improvised home remedies.

Moderate and severe burns are often accompanied by more severe symptoms, such as severe pain in the burn area, headache, chills, and more. In this case, in addition to ointments and gels, painkillers and aerosols will help. Today, the pharmacy has a fairly large selection of such funds.

What pills can you take

Tablets can be taken with severe pain, including headache, chills, allergies.


The most affordable, cheap and well-known drug, designed to relieve pain of various nature.

It is usually drunk at night, when the pain does not allow you to fall asleep normally and soundly. It helps with headaches, relieves fever.

With a similar action to analgin, which has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects, the drug.

Produced in the form of yellow granules from which a suspension is prepared. Used for pain of various origins.

It is most commonly used for fever and fever. It has a weak analgesic effect. It is not recommended to drink it constantly. For sunburn, you can take an aspirin tablet once a day.


As an anesthetic drug, it is not considered effective. Taken as an antipyretic. Recommended at temperatures above 37.5 degrees.

For children, it is available in the form of rectal suppositories and suspensions.


It is an antiallergic drug that is often prescribed along with antibiotics. In case of sunburn, it is recommended only in the presence of a rash or severe itching. It is not directly related to the treatment of such burns.


Refers to antibiotics. Available in powder form. With sunburn, it can be prescribed only in the event of the appearance or presence of a risk of infection.

The powder is sprinkled on wounds, sores, festering open blisters three times a day. After application, the affected area must be covered with a sterile napkin.

It is prescribed by a doctor, as the drug has a number of contraindications and side effects.


Well known to those who often suffer from sore throats. Released in the form of an aerosol. When the skin is damaged by the sun, it is applied to the affected area as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Used for moderate to severe burns where there is a risk of infection.

An aerosol preparation intended for the treatment of various skin problems, including burns, with an antiseptic effect and a mild analgesic effect. It contains sea buckthorn oil and boric acid. Apply directly to the affected area.

There are many other over-the-counter remedies that are not specifically designed to treat sunburn, but can help relieve pain symptoms, speed up healing, and repair the skin. It is simply impossible to list everything in this article. More detailed advice can be obtained from a doctor or pharmacist.

Is it possible to use products with alcohol

In folk medicine, vodka is used in the treatment of sunburn. Although this is not recommended. The fact is that alcohol-containing products dry the skin, which can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the victim.

In addition, all these funds evaporate quickly and do not have any noticeable effect. Therefore, it is impossible to use triple cologne, vodka and, especially, alcohol.

Prevention of sunburn

Don't repeat your mistakes twice. According to dermatologists, after getting a sunburn, it takes three to six months for the skin to recover. In addition, the new layer of skin that appears after peeling off the burnt one is more sensitive to the sun. And this means that you can burn out faster.

Be sure to use sunscreen even on cloudy days. It should be applied no later than half an hour before going outside.

Lipstick is also better to buy with the same effect.

During the treatment of a burn, it is useful to drink vitamin E or the complex drug Aevit. Both of these vitamins are antioxidants and protect against free radicals. These vitamins are useful for lubricating burnt skin.

When showering or bathing, avoid using soaps and hygiene products that dry out the skin.

If burned, then do not make plans for the evening on this day. Yes, and in the next 2-3 days. It is in the first days that all the symptoms are especially pronounced and discomfort is felt.

If sunburn symptoms persist or get worse, see a dermatologist or physician for treatment.

And be sure to remember that the best remedy for sunburn is prevention.

Sunburn is a condition that is familiar to almost every person, because for this it is enough to spend a little more than usual time on the beach or just get under direct sunlight and stay under them for 20-30 minutes. The sooner the treatment of the burn is started, the more likely it is to avoid its unpleasant consequences: the appearance of blisters,.

Signs of sunburn

If a person is burned in the sun, then the first signs of a burn will appear in half an hour, and over the next day all typical symptoms will develop. These include:

  1. Redness of the skin - it can be focal or general, the skin in these places will be hot to the touch.
  2. The skin in places affected by the sun's rays becomes, swells and becomes sore.
  3. Blisters appear at the burn sites - they can be of different sizes, but are always accompanied by intense itching.
  4. body - most often there are subfebrile indicators, accompanied by chills.
  5. Occurs - depending on the degree of sunburn, this parameter may vary, in especially severe cases, dehydration leads to a state of shock.
  6. , general weakness and signs of intoxication of the body - and may be present.

If a person has received a sunburn, then treatment should be started as soon as possible - such an aggressive effect on the body can result in serious complications.

Classification of sunburn

In medicine, there is a clear classification of the condition under consideration - there are 4 degrees of the course of the disease:

  • 1 degree- will be characterized only by reddening of the skin and the absence of blisters;
  • 2 degree- it is characterized by redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters, the appearance of common symptoms of sunburn (headache, slight increase in body temperature, general weakness);
  • 3 degree– the structure of all skin integuments is broken, 60% of the skin is damaged;
  • 4 degree- a person has complete dehydration, heart failure develops, and death often occurs.

Very often, people begin to independently select methods for treating sunburn, and they are not always literate. Such a careless approach to one's own health or the health of loved ones can lead to serious complications.

What not to do with sunburn

If you do not know the contraindications for the condition under consideration, then an independent solution to the problem can lead to the fact that only qualified doctors can alleviate the patient's condition.

What not to do with sunburn:

  1. Wipe the burnt skin with ice cubes. This brings instant relief, but the consequences can be really terrible - the death of the damaged epithelium will begin, which leads to inflammatory processes and a long period of rehabilitation. By the way, it is likely that even after treatment, cosmetic defects will be present on the skin.
  2. You can not wash damaged areas of the skin with alkaline soap, use a scrub - such an effect on thinned skin leads to the development of inflammatory processes.
  3. In no case should sunburns be wiped with alcohol and any alcohol-containing products - this causes severe dehydration, and the body already suffers from dehydration.
  4. If a sunburn occurs in an acute form, then it should not be treated with medical vaseline or badger / mutton / pork fat. The fact is that these products will clog the pores, and the skin will not be able to breathe.
  5. Self-piercing of blisters or papules in places of sunburn is also highly discouraged - with a probability of 98%, a secondary infection will develop at the site of skin damage.
  6. In the acute period of the condition under consideration, you should not drink, and alcoholic beverages - they increase dehydration of the body.

First aid for sunburn

First aid for sunburn should be provided immediately, because in the first minutes after direct and / or prolonged exposure to sunlight, the degree of damage cannot be determined. What is the concept of first aid for sunburn:

  1. It is necessary to immediately hide from the sun's rays. The best option would be a cool room, but in extreme cases, the shade of a tree or a canopy on the street will do.
  2. Assess your own condition and do it adequately. If you feel light, nausea, chills and headache, then it is advisable to call the ambulance team - most likely, the sunburn is serious and it is complicated.
  3. In the case of a normal general condition, you need to help the body and the skin to cope:

All other actions are classified as therapeutic. But even if the above measures brought relief and the condition returned to normal / stabilized, you should not go outside in direct sunlight the next day. The fact is that the skin is under stress, they need to recover.

How to treat sunburn

It must be remembered that you can treat sunburn yourself, but only if they are 1-2 degrees. In all other cases, it is recommended to seek medical help - doctors will assess the patient's condition and select adequate therapy. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed as part of the treatment of sunburn:

Ointments, creams and sprays

It is very important to use topical preparations for sunburn. These include:


This is a large group of drugs that contain panthenol. These products accelerate skin regeneration, relieve inflammation, relieve the patient from itching, and have a protective and wound-healing effect.

How to apply: Dexpanthenol is applied to areas with damaged skin 2-4 times a day until the skin is completely restored. If there is an infection on the burn lesions, then before applying this drug, the focus should be treated with an antiseptic.

Aerosol Livian

The composition of this product includes fish oil, a mixture of freons, lavender oil, anesthesin, sunflower oil, linetol and tocopherol acetate. The aerosol has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

How to apply: during the day, you need to spray the product once directly on the lesion of the skin. Livian aerosol can be used until complete recovery.

Ointment Elovera

Based on the name of this drug, it can be understood that the composition of the ointment includes vitamin E and aloe extract. The ointment accelerates regenerative processes in the skin, improves cellular metabolism and tissue trophism.

How to apply: 2-4 times a day, the ointment should be applied to the damaged areas of the skin with a thin layer.

Note:Elovera ointment is strictly contraindicated for use in the treatment of sunburn in patients under the age of 18 years.

Solution Carotolin

This solution not only accelerates the healing process, but also reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, relieves redness and heat in the affected area. In addition, when used, the solution has a cooling effect - it becomes much easier and more comfortable for a person.

How to use it correctly: a solution of Carotolin is applied to a sterile gauze napkin (the napkin should be well wetted) and applied to sunburns. There is no need to apply any bandages on top. Such lotions can be done 2-3 times a day.

Zinc Ointment, Desitin and Calamine Lotion

These drugs have a drying effect, prevent the development of a secondary infection in places of sunburn. Most often, the drugs in question are used in the treatment of minor sunburn.

How to use: apply funds 2-3 times a day directly on damaged skin.

Aerosol Olazol

The aerosol perfectly relieves inflammation, accelerates healing and greatly alleviates the patient's condition.

How to use: spray over the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. You can use this tool immediately after getting a sunburn, so this aerosol should be in the first aid kit.

Ointment and gel Solcoseryl

The composition of these funds is complex, the main component is deproteinized dialysate from the blood of calves. Solcoseryl (both ointment and gel) accelerates the growth of granulation tissue and promotes better collagen formation.

How to apply: Solcoseryl gel is applied to sunburn 2-3 times a day, you must first clean the wound with an antiseptic. It is the gel that is used until tissue granulation, and then Solcoseryl ointment must be applied - it is applied 1-2 times a day on wounds until complete healing.

Psilo Balm

It has an excellent analgesic effect (local), relieves itching and swelling, and has a cooling effect when applied. It is very important - this balm is instantly absorbed into the skin and does not leave marks on clothes.

How to apply: Psilo-balm is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. The same drug helps to get rid of itching during sun exposure.

Actovegin ointment

This is a biological drug that significantly reduces the duration of treatment for sunburn. When applied to the skin, the patient may feel mild pain, which quickly passes.

How to use it correctly: burn areas are lubricated with ointment 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.


This ointment belongs to the preparations of the hormonal group, so it is strictly forbidden to use it on your own to treat sunburn - you need to get a prescription from your doctor. Sinaflan is able to reduce the intensity of itching, reduce inflammation and relieve allergic reactions.

How to use: The exact dosage and duration of use of Sinaflan will be indicated by the attending physician, but this drug is always prescribed in a short course.

  • Floceta gel;
  • Eplan;
  • Radevit;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Sudocrem.

Folk remedies for the treatment of sunburn

Of course, the condition in question has a long history, which is why there are a lot of folk methods that can alleviate the condition of the victim and accelerate the healing of affected skin areas.

The most effective folk remedies for sunburn treatment:

  1. Wet wipes without any perfume additives. It can be applied to burns for immediate relief.
  2. Food from the refrigerator freezer or ice. They cannot be applied directly to burns, but it is allowed to cover the affected areas at a distance of 5 cm over healthy skin. This procedure will relieve the fever, alleviate the condition and reduce pain.
  3. Protein . It is slightly whipped and applied to the burn, left to dry completely and repeat the procedure. Protein reduces pain and prevents overdrying of the skin.
  4. Ryazhenka, sour cream, natural without flavorings, . These fermented milk products perfectly relieve fever, prevent dry skin, and alleviate the patient's condition. Sour-milk products are applied directly to the burnt skin, they must not be allowed to dry out - you need to remove it with a napkin in time.
  5. Lavender oil. It is dripped onto a gauze napkin and applied to the site of the lesion of the skin. The procedure relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory and cooling effect. It is quite possible to prepare lavender oil yourself - you need to take any vegetable oil and add a few drops of lavender essential oil to it.
  6. Watermelon juice. They moisten a gauze napkin and apply to sunburn. You can use not juice, but the pulp of watermelon. This sweet berry will relieve pain, reduce itching and relieve fever.
  7. Grated potato gruel (you can use carrots or pumpkin). The gruel is applied directly to the affected areas of the skin, or compresses are made from it. This procedure will reduce burning and pain, relieve inflammation.
  8. Infusion from. For its preparation, you can use both fresh and dry leaves of the plant - they are simply poured with boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes. Then gauze pads are moistened in the infusion and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Mint will not only cool, but also prevent infection, relieve itching and redness.
  9. Lotions from clay. It is necessary to mix the clay with water until a homogeneous consistency. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the wound and left to dry completely. Clay prevents the development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of blisters.
  10. Soda solution. Use for its preparation baking soda in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per glass of warm water. Then gauze wipes are moistened in the solution and applied to the burned areas of the skin. The procedure will help get rid of the feeling of tightness in the affected areas, prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Preventive measures

Of course, the best option to protect against sunburn is to completely avoid exposure to the sun. But this is also not an option - the body must receive the necessary dose. Therefore, you can prevent the occurrence of sunburn by adhering to the following recommendations from doctors:

  1. Be sure to use a sunscreen with UV protection.
  2. In hot weather, you should always have a bottle of clean water with you (not a sweet drink, neither juice, nor compote!) - this will not only make you feel better in the heat, but also prevent dehydration.
  3. Stay in the sun should be moderate - you should not be on the beach to the point of insanity to get a "chocolate" tan, if you are forced to stay in the sun for a long time - wear wide-brimmed hats.

Active sunlight can lead to acute inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin. The result of their exposure is sunburn, which is a pathological reaction to ultraviolet radiation. The greatest activity of the sun, leading to damage to the skin, is observed in the summer, mainly after 11.00. At this time, exposure to the sun not only provokes discomfort and soreness, but also causes long-term negative health effects.

Severity of sunburn

The severity of solar injury is determined by the depth of damage to the tissues of the epidermis. Given the existing symptoms, there are such degrees:

  1. Light. This stage is characterized by slight inflammation in the superficial layers of the skin, moderate soreness, and subtle swelling. Despite the slight severity of symptoms, the victim's usual color of the skin changes over a short period.
  2. Average. With this degree, sunburn provokes the appearance of blisters on the body with a yellow liquid inside. Despite this, the pain remains moderate, tolerable. It often takes at least 2 weeks to normalize the condition. Weakened patients may experience loss of strength, swelling, swelling of the lower extremities.
  3. Heavy. This degree of sun damage to the skin is rare. Unlike the previous stages, it can lead to heart rhythm failures, insomnia, and rapid breathing.

The development of a certain degree of severity of a burn wound largely depends on the area of ​​the lesion. If a small area of ​​the body has been negatively affected by ultraviolet radiation, there are often no serious consequences. With burns over large areas, most patients develop pronounced signs of intoxication associated with the death of epidermal cells.

Symptoms and features of sunburn

The initial signs of damage to the skin appear after 30-40 minutes and appear as mild discomfort, a slight change in skin color.

Within 24 hours, a complete clinical picture can be observed. The main symptoms of moderate burns are:

  • focal or general redness (erythema);
  • soreness, high sensitivity of the affected areas;
  • itching;
  • an increase in local temperature.

When touching the skin, dry swellings are found. A person who has received a burn may feel chills, headache. Dehydration can cause shock.

People with fair skin are at increased risk - they can get burned in a very short period (up to 30 minutes) in bright sun.

In case of severe burns, feverish conditions occur (body temperature rises to 38 ° C and above), chills, swelling. A characteristic symptom of severe damage to the epidermis is blisters. Also, fans of tanning often experience general weakness, dizziness, nausea.

The intensity of burn symptoms is determined by the skin phototype. Darker people have less risk of sunburn, but it's still not zero.

Obvious signs of the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation may be absent. Despite this, irregular exposure to the sun provokes long-term consequences, among which the most dangerous are cancerous tumors.

How to give first aid

First aid for burns helps relieve pain, avoid further deterioration of the skin and general well-being of the victim. When the first signs of damage to the epidermis appear, it is recommended:

  • limit the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • protect damaged areas with breathable clothing (cotton);
  • apply a cool compress to problem areas (for 15-20 minutes).

At home, you can alleviate the condition by taking a bath filled with water at room temperature. It is useful to repeat this procedure several times during the day.

You can treat the site of sunburn with preparations containing dexpanthenol (Panthenol spray). Such funds help relieve inflammation, promote the speedy healing of damaged areas of the skin. It is recommended to purchase such medicines in pharmacies (not in cosmetics stores).

How and how to treat a sunburn for a quick recovery

Knowing how to get rid of the first signs of ultraviolet damage, you can significantly reduce the risk of the transition of the pathology to a severe stage. To relieve sunburn on the body, pharmacological products and traditional medicine can be used at home.

Pharmacy preparations

Before deciding how to anoint the affected areas of the epidermis, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Effective topical preparations include:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Actovegin;
  • Zinc ointment.

Treatment of burn wounds with Bepanthen is carried out up to 5 times a day. If the skin is damaged by the sun, it is recommended to use an ointment - this form of the drug is characterized by a high fat content. This tool helps to fight extensive damage, treats severe sunburn of the back, limbs, face.

Actovegin (cream or ointment) is used at home for minor damage to the skin in an adult or child. The drug is distributed in the affected area up to 3 times during the day.

Zinc ointment for burns has a complex positive effect - it restores the epidermis after sun injuries, increases tone, forms a protective layer, and stops the inflammatory process. The tool must be used 4-6 times a day, applying a thin layer to the affected skin.

Folk remedies

The most effective home remedies for burns are herbal products and honey.

Bee honey is effective in treating sun damage caused by UV exposure. It is best to lubricate the skin with a slightly chilled liquid product. It is recommended to keep honey on the skin for at least an hour, then rinse with cool water. You can enhance its effect by adding yogurt and aloe juice (all components are combined in equal proportions).

Cucumbers, chilled and mashed to a pulp, help to effectively eliminate burns from the face. This vegetable is able to restore sensitive skin, prevent the appearance of various defects (pigment spots, scars, bumps).

Sea buckthorn oil is used for quick healing even with severe burns, accompanied by the appearance of bleeding wounds, blisters and severe itching. Plant matter is impregnated with multilayer gauze or a clean cloth, and then applied to damaged areas in the form of a compress. The agent should remain on the surface of the skin for at least 2 hours. The procedure is carried out several times a day, with 2-hour breaks.

In addition to sea buckthorn, shea butter is used to restore the burned epidermis. In case of burns, it is recommended to use an unrefined cold-pressed product.

How long does it take for sunburn to heal

Provided timely assistance is provided, minor burns disappear in 2-3 days. In complicated cases, burn wounds can bother a person for a whole week. To speed up the regeneration processes, the main treatment must be combined with a diet. Add more protein to your diet.

What to do is prohibited

When providing first aid, it is forbidden to apply ice, compresses with ice water to the damaged areas. Sudden changes in temperature can increase the sensitivity of the epidermis and worsen its condition. Also prohibited:

  • water procedures with soap;
  • the use of fatty cosmetic creams, alcohol-containing products;
  • use of body scrubs;
  • exfoliation of loose particles.

During the recovery period, it is important to avoid the appearance of new burns on the skin, to refrain from even a short stay in the sun for 1-2 weeks.

Why are sunburns dangerous?

Experts emphasize that excessive exposure to the sun and getting burns can lead to various complications:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • phototoxic reactions;
  • hives;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.

For both women and men, the desire to get an intense sun tan can result in excessive dryness of the skin, its premature aging, and the appearance of early wrinkles. In children under 8 years of age, burns can cause consequences in the form of photodermatosis, manifested by redness, unpleasant itching and large skin blisters.

How to prevent sunburn

Prevention of burn injuries consists in refusing to stay under the sun's rays from 11.00 to 16.00 (at this time the activity of the sun and the temperature outside are as high as possible).

In case of a sunburn, it is strictly forbidden to use ice as a cooling agent, wear tight clothing made from non-natural fabrics, and scratch the injury site.

The use of sunglasses helps to protect the face and organs of vision from ultraviolet radiation. Before each exit to the beach, it is necessary to apply a product that has a sufficient degree of protection to the body (the most effective are products with an SPF 45 factor). In addition to preventing burn injuries, this will help to avoid the appearance of unwanted moles, increased pigmentation. It is necessary to use a protective agent 30 minutes before sun exposure, renewing the applied layer every 2-3 hours and after each bathing.

In pursuit of a fashionable beautiful tan, many girls, not calculating their strengths and capabilities, get sunburn. Peeled skin has never been in fashion, and the sensations during burns are such that you don’t even think about beauty.

Sunburn occurs as a result of excessive exposure to UV rays on the skin, so you can get burned not only on the beach, but also get burned in the solarium. To protect your skin from trouble, you need to skillfully use sunscreen during tanning, know your skin type well in order to determine the optimal time for sun exposure.

If you are not burned very badly, i.e. the skin turns red, peels off, there are no large blisters, which means you can cope with burns on your own with the help of folk remedies or medicines from the nearest pharmacy. If large blisters form, your skin is severely damaged and you should contact your doctor immediately.

First aid for sunburn

1. After a sunburn, first of all hide from the sun indoors, as outdoors under a canopy you are still exposed to UV radiation.

If the blisters are very large, contact your doctor immediately.

3. Cold compresses or showers can help relieve pain.

4. Apply cold aloe juice or a soothing after-sun cream to the affected area. Remember that you should never lubricate the burn with butter or vegetable oil!

How to properly treat burns

If the skin is very warm, you need rest. Until the burn is completely healed, try not to appear in the sun.

If the burn is not severe, the skin only turns red and burns a little, use soothing creams after sunburn. They will cool the skin, restore, moisturize, relieve itching.

Doctors consider sprays and creams containing panthenol to be the most correct preparations for sunburn (for example, Panthenol Spray). For burns, accompanied by skin lesions with blisters and cracks, Solcoseryl cream is an excellent remedy.

To reduce pain, relieve fever and inflammation, it is recommended to take the usual painkillers for everyone - aspirin, ibuprofen.

Burned skin is very dry and can be softened with a calamine lotion. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Never pop blisters or rip off loose skin. You can infect, provoke bleeding, change the color of the skin.

Vitamins for skin renewal. Burnt skin needs vitamins during recovery. Apply a vitamin E cream to the skin after it has cooled, and taking vitamin E by mouth will also be helpful. So the burns will heal faster and leave no traces behind. In the treatment of large sunburns, it is recommended to supplement with vitamins C and D.

Sunburn: folk remedies

Potato masks against sunburn. Potato is one of the most effective folk remedies for treating sunburn. It can be used raw, cooked, or you can buy pure potato starch.

1. Lightly dust the burnt skin with potato starch several times a day. The skin will calm down and recover faster. Starch can be diluted in water and applied to a sore spot in the form of lotions.

2. Grate raw potatoes, cool in the refrigerator, apply on gauze and apply to the burn in the form of a compress for 15 minutes. This recipe helps with both sunburn and sun allergies.

3. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and beat in a blender with sour cream. Apply to burned skin for half an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature. Burns pass very quickly.

Sour cream against burns . In folk medicine, this is a very popular remedy for sunburn, as dairy products soften, cool the skin and soothe the burning sensation. Just lubricate the burns with chilled sour cream or kefir several times a day. When the sour cream begins to dry on the skin and you feel tightness, wash it off with a damp cotton swab and apply fresh. Attention: if your skin is severely damaged, there are large blisters, this method of treatment should not be used, the result may be reversed.

Curd compress will help cool the skin and relieve pain. Wrap cottage cheese in cheesecloth and lightly freeze until firm. Apply to burned skin as a compress. You can add a little buttermilk to the cottage cheese, apply the mixture on a towel and apply to the burn for 30 minutes. As the compress warms up, change it to a new one. Cottage cheese can be replaced with sour cream, kefir or sour yogurt.

Oatmeal with sour cream with burns. Mix steamed flakes with chilled sour cream or milk and apply on the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat several times throughout the day until the condition improves.

Egg white draws heat from the skin, soothes, softens, accelerates healing. Just chill the protein in the freezer and apply to the skin with a cotton swab, rinse with water as it dries and apply a new layer.

cabbage leaves - a popular remedy for burns, quickly cool and soothe the skin, relieve swelling, reduce pain. It is better to pour boiling water over the cabbage so that the leaves become soft and obedient, then cool them slightly and wrap the painful places, secure with a bandage.

Herbal cooling compresses

With the help of herbal compresses, you can simultaneously cool, moisturize the skin, reduce pain and, thanks to the property of healing herbs, accelerate healing.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile, elderberry, calendula, or lavender. Cool the decoction in the refrigerator, then make lotions on the burnt places.

Lotions from black or green tea effectively cool and soothe the skin, relieve pain and irritation. Brew a few tea bags, chill in the freezer and apply to burned areas.

Aloe. Another magical cure for sunburn that is great at moisturizing, cooling, and quickly repairing burnt skin is chilled aloe juice. You can buy aloe vera gel at the pharmacy.

cucumber juice - a popular folk remedy for sunburn, cools, soothes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, promotes rapid healing. Cool the cucumber, cut into small circles or grate on a fine grater and apply in the form of compresses several times a day.

Parsley mask from burns. Parsley can be used fresh or made into a decoction. Cool the parsley, chop the leaves into a fine gruel, apply to problem skin in the form of a lotion for 15 minutes. Vitamins A and C, contained in parsley in large quantities, will help speed up the process of skin regeneration, relieve swelling.

Essential oil for sunburn

For light small burns, you can moisten the skin with cool water with the addition of a few drops of chamomile essential oil.

If the burn is severe, with blisters and open sores, dilute a few drops of lavender oil in water and gently wet the affected skin.

To soften dry skin in the treatment of burns, it is useful to rub wheat germ oil into it.

Consequences of sunburn

1. Severe sunburn of the skin can cause swelling. Sunburn on the face and neck can cause breathing difficulties. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.

2. If large areas of skin on the arms and legs are affected, blood circulation may be impaired. If you notice that your hand or foot is numb, blue, immediately consult a doctor.

3. To speed up the healing of burns, do not wear coarse synthetic fabrics. Clothing should be loose-fitting, silk or cotton.

4. Do not forget that with a long stay in the open sun, you can get heat stroke.

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