Mustard plasters indications for use where to put them. Mustard plasters: methods of use, action, indications and contraindications. Do mustard plasters help with coughs caused by allergic reactions, diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system or stomach?

Mustard plasters are a cheap and effective remedy for cough. Many people have experienced the power of these patches very often. Over the past decades, they have proven themselves to be the best. But at the same time, not a small number of patients became aware of their “burning”, “sharp” and “biting” nature. In this regard, mustard plasters should not be used for coughing if a person has an elevated body temperature. Before this, the fever must be brought down to at least 37.3 degrees, otherwise the body will experience a greater load.

Features of use

Mustard plasters are not recommended to be installed regularly. They can be applied to coughs for a maximum of 4 days in a row. It is advisable to use them once every day without breaks. If a child or adult does not feel better after such treatment, it is better to stop these procedures. Perhaps the patient’s body is not sensitive to such therapy, or the existing disease has developed into something more.

If you repeatedly apply mustard patches to a child or an adult (several times every day for a long time), this can lead to the formation of severe allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

Listen to what Dr. Komarovsky says about this, maybe you will change your mind about putting them on.


A remedy such as mustard plasters is allowed for use only for wet or dry cough, especially if this deviation is protracted and severe. They are also actively used as an anti-inflammatory external drug for the occurrence of many other diseases (neuralgia, pneumonia, myositis, bronchitis, headache, laryngotracheitis, etc.).

In rare cases, such an effective remedy is used for angina pectoris. However, this is recommended depending on the severity of coronary heart disease.


Mustard plasters should not be used for coughing if such a disease is accompanied by acute respiratory infections that have begun to actively manifest themselves (for example, body temperature has risen, weakness has appeared, and chills have appeared).

The following deviations are also contraindications to the use of such “burning” patches:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the product;
  • any skin diseases, in particular pustular ones, at the site of contact with the cards;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • asthma;
  • weeping eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • tumor diseases.

Staging rules

For greater effectiveness, it is advisable to apply mustard plasters for coughs correctly. Let’s look at where to apply them so that the results of treatment are not long in coming.

To correctly place treatment cards, you first need to prepare all the required attributes. To do this, you should take the mustard plasters themselves, a shallow bowl of warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 43°C, a terry towel, rich body cream or regular vegetable oil, as well as a blanket or thick blanket.

Before placing mustard plasters on the patient’s body, it is advisable to completely immerse them in a bowl of water and leave them there for no more than 5-8 seconds. After this, the soaked cards must be immediately applied to the skin. A terry towel should be placed on top of them, and the patient should be well wrapped in a blanket or thick blanket.

The length of time that mustard patches should remain on the body of an unhealthy person varies individually. But there are still some recommendations. If the cards are installed correctly, then it is advisable to keep them for about 5-15 minutes (for a dry and strong cough, at least 9-10 minutes), but no more than a quarter of an hour. If the patient cannot tolerate the “burning” and “biting” effect of this remedy, then it can be removed after 5-7 minutes.

At the same time, it is extremely important not to confuse the proper effect of mustard cards with a severe allergic reaction or individual intolerance. If there is no allergy, but the burning sensation is unbearable after 2 or 3 minutes, then to reduce it, you can put a single layer of gauze or a thin napkin between the burning remedy and the body.

At the end of the procedure, the used product must be removed from the patient, and then gently and carefully wipe the skin with a clean towel, lubricate it with oil and again wrap the child or adult in a warm blanket, ensuring complete rest. At this moment, freshly brewed tea with milk or raspberry juice with linden honey will be especially effective.


Mustard patches should never be placed on sensitive areas of the body or on places where there is any damage to the skin.

So, where can they be placed for effective impact? Most often, this cough remedy is placed on the chest, upper back, between and under the shoulder blades.

Also, these burning cards are applied to the soles of both legs or to the calves (you can do both at the same time). It is recommended to wear warm and thick woolen socks on top of the applied treatment. Unofficially, this technique is called “mustard boots.”

In rare cases, mustard plasters are also applied to the surface of the palms under the thumb. According to experts, this zone corresponds to the lungs.

Can it be used by children?

This remedy can be used to treat a child if he is strong in spirit. However, it is advisable to reduce the time of this procedure to 4-6 minutes.

Mustard cards for children can be replaced with appropriate wrapping. To do this, you need to prepare dry mustard (1.5 large spoons) and a small film. The product should be poured with warm water, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. After this, you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water into the mixture with a pungent odor. You need to moisten the film in the resulting liquid, and then wrap it around the baby’s chest and wrap him well. The following procedure is similar to the one presented just above.

Mustard plasters for bronchitis: is it possible to put them, how to put them and where (photo)

With the help of mustard plasters you can get rid of bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, and pleurisy.

Bronchitis should be understood as a disease based on the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. The appearance of the disease is facilitated by endogenous and exogenous factors affecting the mucous membrane.

Medicine distinguishes two types of bronchitis:

  1. spicy;
  2. chronic.

In the acute form, diffuse inflammation occurs. It manifests itself as hypersecretion, which provokes coughing and copious sputum production.

If bronchitis occurs chronically, a restructuring of excretory processes occurs. The functioning of protective mechanisms is disrupted, and sputum production increases.

Bronchitis can be caused by viral or bacterial factors. Not the least role is played by fungi and allergic agents. The disease begins with a dry, intense cough that occurs at night. After that:

  • sputum is actively expelled,
  • hyperemia develops;
  • general intoxication of the body is noted.

The duration of bronchitis is from a week to two. If you do not cope with the disease in its acute stage, there is a risk of the inflammatory process becoming chronic.

It is very difficult to recover from such a pathology.

Basic properties of mustard plasters

Previously, mustard plasters for bronchitis consisted of flour, mustard and water. This mixture was applied in a thin layer to the fabric and applied to the back and chest. Modern mustard plasters can be purchased ready-made. The medicinal mixture in them is located between two sheets of paper. To apply mustard plasters for bronchitis, they are placed in warm water and then applied to the desired location.

As a result of chemical reactions occurring on the patient's skin:

  1. receptors are irritated;
  2. blood circulation increases;
  3. metabolism accelerates.

In addition, under the influence of mustard plasters, protective and restorative mechanisms are activated, which help fight cough. Thanks to the expansion of blood vessels, coughing becomes more productive, the lumens of the bronchi get rid of excess sputum.

If you don’t have mustard plaster on hand, you can make the application yourself. You will need to take:

  • 2 teaspoons flour;
  • 2 tablespoons mustard powder;
  • warm water.

Place the powder in a plate, add water little by little until a homogeneous paste is formed. These homemade mustard plasters are left to infuse for 2 hours. Then add flour and mix thoroughly.

The resulting mass is applied to prepared sheets of thick paper or cotton fabric. The same sheet is placed on top. The mustard plaster is ready. It can be used for adults and children.

How to put it?

Before treatment, you should know how to properly place mustard plasters for bronchitis. In fact, everything is very simple. To do this, you will need to add a small amount of warm water. After 5-10 minutes, mustard plasters are placed on the chest and back. In this case, the heart area should be avoided. By the way, pepper patches for coughs also require the same ones.

Mustard plasters can sometimes injure the skin. The problem is especially relevant for young children and patients with overly sensitive skin. To prevent this, protective material is used. Medical gauze and an additional layer of thick paper are good for this purpose.

After some time, the patient will feel a pleasant warmth in the places where the mustard leaves are applied. But they need to be removed only after 10 minutes or after the appearance of hyperemia on the skin.

Mustard plasters should not be used for bronchitis if the skin is damaged or inflamed. In this case, the progression of the disease may begin.

For children, instead of mustard plasters, you can make mustard wraps. Required:

  • soak a piece of cotton fabric with mustard solution;
  • squeeze and place in the right place;
  • secure with another piece of fabric.

After the procedure, be sure to remove all remnants of mustard powder. To do this, wipe the skin with a damp, warm towel.

Treatment with mustard powder may not be suitable for everyone. Thus, the drug is prohibited for acute inflammation, elevated general body temperature, suspected cancer or tuberculosis infection in adults.

Also, the method should be abandoned in case of an allergic reaction, cardiovascular disorders in the stage of decompensation, or defects of the heart valve apparatus.

Mustard plasters should not be placed on children under 3 years of age.

Mustard plasters are unsuitable for use if:

  1. powder falls off from them;
  2. expiration date has expired.

Good applications should be odorless before being wetted with water when warming the chest when coughing.

Where to put mustard plasters for bronchitis? This is also a relevant question. Since the disease develops in the upper respiratory tract, the sheets should be placed on the upper back, near the suspected site of inflammation.

The ideal place to place a mustard plaster is the upper part of the sternum and the interscapular area. If the impact occurs precisely on these areas, metabolism is activated, and regenerative processes can be stabilized.

As noted, mustard plaster is not applied to the area:

  • hearts;
  • projections of the kidneys;
  • mammary gland.

The skin after removing mustard plasters should be moderately red. However, bright scarlet hyperemia and blisters are unacceptable.

In this case, we are talking about individual intolerance or a burn.

Mustard plasters and pregnancy

Particular attention should be paid to pregnancy. In this special condition, any irritating factors can cause severe consequences. Therefore, a pregnant woman should weigh all the pros and cons of the procedure before using mustard plasters. Treatment should be carried out with extreme caution. Some doctors are completely against mustard applications and other similar warming procedures during pregnancy.

They can become a provoking factor:

  1. spontaneous abortion;
  2. onset of premature labor.

Doctors explain this reaction simply. In places where mustard plasters are placed, blood circulation increases. In turn, there is an outflow of blood from the tissues of the uterus, short-term oxygen starvation of the unborn child.

You should also know that some substances contained in mustard can themselves be a prerequisite for abortion.

Mustard plasters for bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the so-called tracheobronchial tree. This disease belongs to the group of infectious diseases, with it there is a severe cough, as well as intoxication of the body. To relieve these symptoms, there are various medical procedures, including a time-tested method - mustard plasters for bronchitis. They are considered one of the most effective methods, as they effectively warm the sternum, eliminating cough.

Is it possible to put mustard plasters on for bronchitis? For bronchitis, you can put mustard plasters, the only thing is that you need to follow the technique for placing them, and also know whether the patient has any contraindications to this procedure.

In the process of treating bronchitis with mustard plasters, congestion in the lungs is eliminated. This occurs due to the redirection of blood through anastomoses - from the inflamed part of the lungs to the vessels under the skin. Mustard plasters also speed up the process of removing phlegm from the bronchi and strengthen the immune system.


Preparation for the procedure is as follows: you need to take a blanket, a towel, and the mustard plasters themselves, and pour warm water into a bowl. The skin on the back and chest should be cleaned and lightly moistened with water. Mustard plasters are placed when the patient is in a supine position - they are first applied to the chest and then to the back.

Mustard plasters for bronchitis are placed on the chest (5-10 cm below the collarbones; it is important to try to ensure that the area above the heart is minimally affected), as well as the back (mustard plasters are placed between the shoulder blades and under them - this increases the effectiveness of the effect).

Mustard plasters should not be placed on birthmarks, mammary glands, bone protrusions, kidneys, or the heart area. They also need to be placed so that they do not touch each other.

Technique: how to properly place mustard plasters for bronchitis?

How to properly place mustard plasters for bronchitis? The application technique is quite simple:

  • First, you need to dip the mustard plaster in a bowl of water for a few seconds, and then apply it to the skin on the chest or back;
  • After all the mustard plasters have been installed, you need to blot each one with a damp cloth or sponge;

  • Next, cover the area with the applied mustard plasters with a dry towel;
  • Then the patient must be covered with a blanket.

After the mustard plasters are removed, it is necessary to carefully and carefully remove the remaining mustard from the skin to prevent unnecessary skin irritation. Then the patient must be wrapped in a blanket again and allowed to lie down for a while.

Mustard plasters for bronchitis in children

Mustard plasters can be used for bronchitis in children, but it must be taken into account that the procedure should be shorter than in adults - only 4-6 minutes, no more.

Mustard plasters should be used with extreme caution if the child has obstructive bronchitis, since this form can cause the development of obstructive syndrome with the development of asphyxia. Since this disease is usually of an allergic nature, the use of mustard plasters can only aggravate the situation. Sometimes their use leads to the transformation of bronchitis into bronchial asthma - this is due to the fact that the released essential oils can usually trigger the appearance of allergic symptoms.

Children are not allowed to have mustard plasters placed on both the back and chest in one procedure, although there is no exact answer as to which of these places would be more effective. Therefore, to achieve results, it is recommended to alternate: one day on the chest, and the second on the back, and repeat this every other day.

You can also use simple mustard powder as a replacement - make a mustard bath in which the child can steam his feet. You need 100 g of powder per 10 liters of water, and the water temperature should be within 38°C. In this case, you need to cover him with a warm blanket, and after completing the procedure, put him to bed and give him hot tea to drink.

Mustard plasters for bronchitis in adults

The action of mustard plasters begins after 5-10 minutes (in general, this usually depends on their quality, as well as the condition of the patient’s skin and his individual perception). Basically, mustard plasters for bronchitis in adults are applied for a maximum of 15 minutes. After removing them, the skin is wiped with a damp cloth and then wiped dry. Next, the patient is wrapped in a blanket and left to lie down for a while.

Mustard plasters for acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis usually develops as a result of ARVI and influenza. Risk factors are: hypothermia, inhalation of harmful vapors or gases, smoking. Often this disease is preceded by repeated, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (for example, tracheitis).

For acute bronchitis, mustard plasters are placed on the upper chest, as well as on the area between the shoulder blades.

Mustard plasters for obstructive bronchitis

For obstructive bronchitis, it is not recommended to use mustard plasters, but if you still decide to use them, you need to place them in the classic way: on the chest and back. A small child should be treated using the mustard wrap method - a towel is soaked in a water-mustard solution, and the patient is wrapped with it.

How many days and how often can mustard plasters be applied for bronchitis?

Mustard plasters for bronchitis can be applied for no more than 4-5 days in a row, and the procedure cannot be performed more than once a day. But for children it is better not to put mustard plasters on daily - for them it is recommended to carry out the procedure every other day.


Bronchitis is often treated with mustard plasters, but it must be remembered that there are some contraindications for their use. For example, such a procedure cannot be performed in case of tuberculosis, the presence of malignant tumors, or bleeding. They should also not be used as a treatment for children under 6 years of age, because their skin is too thin and therefore prone to burns.

Consequences and complications

Mustard plasters for bronchitis can have the following complications and consequences:

  • The occurrence of burns on the skin;
  • Skin irritation due to mustard allergy;
  • If mustard plaster is applied to the same part of the skin, pigmentation may occur.

For many decades, such a simple, accessible and cheap method as the use of mustard plasters has been used to treat coughs. Many people even keep these pads at home all the time “just in case.” However, is it always possible to put mustard plasters on a cough? When will this simple remedy be very effective, and in what case will it be completely useless?

For which cough mustard plasters are used: dry, non-productive symptom

Warming pads can be used to combat bronchospasms of various types. Do you use mustard plasters for dry coughs? Of course yes. However, the cause of the symptom must be diseases such as:

  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Cold.
  • Flu.

In this case, as a result of water contacting the mustard powder, essential oils are released, under their influence the skin begins to warm up and nerve receptors are irritated. In the place where the overlay is placed, the following happens:

  • Increased blood circulation.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.

This stimulates the rapid transition of dry bronchospasms to wet ones.

Do they put mustard plasters on a cough if it is wet and accompanied by sputum?

Doctors recommend warming procedures not only if reflex spasms of the respiratory tract are unproductive. You can also apply mustard plasters for coughs accompanied by sputum production. It is better to do this before bed, every other day for two weeks.

At the beginning of such treatment, you must be prepared for the fact that coughing will intensify, as the “detachment” of stagnant mucus will begin. It will be possible to observe its very active output.

Do mustard plasters help with coughs caused by allergic reactions, diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system or stomach?

In order to effectively treat bronchospasms, it should be remembered that it makes sense to install mustard pads only when the symptom is caused by diseases affecting the respiratory system. If sharp spasmodic exhalations arose due to other ailments, then there is no point in carrying out the procedure. Of course, you can put mustard plasters on for coughs; they won’t do any harm. However, this will not bring any benefit to the body, you cannot expect a positive result, and the whole procedure will turn out to be a completely useless waste of time.

Do mustard plasters help with cough if the patient has a fever?

When carrying out any warming procedures, doctors always emphasize one general and very strict rule - in no case should they be used on people with elevated body temperature. This directly applies to the use of mustard overlays. If the thermometer has exceeded 37.5 degrees, then placing them is strictly prohibited.

Before using mustard plasters, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out how to use them correctly, how long the procedure should last, and where you can warm up the body. These indicators depend on the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. For patients who experience a skin reaction in the form of red spots, it is recommended to place mustard pads not on bare skin, but through gauze.

Mustard plaster for dry cough

Mustard plasters have been used for many years to combat coughs. They are used with equal success to treat both adults and children. There are no contraindications for their use for dry cough, but there are some subtleties of their use that should definitely be taken into account.

A lingering dry cough very often accompanies various acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis and tracheitis, in which the body temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees. In such cases, the procedure cannot be performed, as it can provoke a further increase in temperature and deterioration of the patient’s well-being. Experts do not recommend using mustard plasters if the patient’s temperature has risen above 37.5 degrees.

They should not be used if you have allergies, bronchial asthma or tumor diseases. This method is also not used to treat patients with weeping eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and pustular diseases in the place where they come into contact with the skin.

You should not use mustard plasters for more than four days in a row. After all, this can lead to the development of allergic reactions and skin irritation. If after a four-day course there is no improvement, then it is better to consult a doctor again.

Where can you put mustard plasters?

In case of prolonged dry cough, you can place them on the chest or on the back, between and under the shoulder blades, as well as in those places where the doctor advises. If the patient is concerned about tracheitis, then it is recommended to place them on the sternum area. If the patient has bronchitis, it is better to place them between the shoulder blades. Alternation is also acceptable, that is, one day they are placed between the shoulder blades, and the next - on the sternum area.

For a dry cough of any etiology, you can make so-called “mustard boots.” To do this, mustard plasters are placed on the calves or feet of both legs and warm woolen socks are put on top.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

You will need a bowl of warm water (about 45 degrees), petroleum jelly, a towel, and a blanket. Within 5-10 minutes, mustard plasters are soaked in water and then applied to the body of the sick person. A towel should be placed on top and the patient should be wrapped in a blanket.

After 5-15 minutes, you need to remove the mustard plasters, wipe the skin with a towel and lubricate it with Vaseline oil. Then you need to wrap the patient up again and give him tea with honey or raspberries.

How to treat cough in children with mustard plasters?

Babies' skin is very delicate and thin, therefore, in order not to provoke irritation, it is necessary to lay thin cotton fabric between the mustard plaster and the body. To prevent the child from being capricious during the procedure, you need to distract him, for example, read him a fairy tale.

For children, the procedure time should be reduced depending on their age. So, for children from one to three years old, mustard plasters are applied for only 2-3 minutes, and for children from 4 to 7 years old - for 3-5 minutes. And children 8-12 years old can hold out for 7-10 minutes. If during the procedure the baby begins to complain of pain and severe burning, and the skin develops irritation or severe redness, you should stop the procedure and inform the doctor.

The abundance of expectorant medications and remedies offered by traditional medicine sometimes makes one forget about such a simple method of treating cough as mustard plasters.

The action of mustard plates is based on the analgesic, antiseptic and expectorant effect that the essential oils of mustard powder have. But in order for this seemingly simple remedy to bring the desired result, you need to know exactly how to put mustard plasters on the chest.

In what cases can mustard plasters be installed?

Placing mustard plasters on the chest or back is not possible for any disease that manifests itself as a cough. Thus, in case of pulmonary tuberculosis, warming the thoracic region is contraindicated.

Mustard plates should not be placed in case of cancer, epilepsy, or during breastfeeding. Body temperature above 37.5 degrees and the presence of rashes, cracks, wounds or skin diseases are direct contraindications for this manipulation.

Placement of mustard plasters during pregnancy

Considering that the procedure causes an increase in heart rate due to increased blood circulation, mustard plasters are not recommended for pregnant women. After all, the heartbeat will increase not only in the mother, but also in the baby in her womb, and this is extremely undesirable for the fetus.

Safety precautions when installing mustard plasters

Mustard plates can be placed only if installation rules and safety precautions are observed to prevent burns to the skin and contact of essential oils with mucous membranes:

  1. The patient should lie with his eyes closed and keep his head turned to the side.
  2. During the process of warming up, monitor how the patient feels, whether he is dizzy, whether he has convulsions, or whether his skin is too hot.
  3. To avoid burns, strictly adhere to the time the plates remain on the chest.

How long should you install mustard plasters?

Failure to comply with the norms for keeping mustard cards on the patient’s chest can lead to serious burns, especially on delicate children’s skin, so they should be placed with caution and for no more than 5 minutes for children and 15 minutes for adults.

You should know how long to keep mustard plasters on the chest, and how often they can be placed. This procedure should not be regular; the maximum course of daily treatment (procedures before bedtime) is 4 days. If the patient’s well-being does not improve after this period, it is worth reviewing the treatment regimen.

How to install mustard plasters

In order to correctly install mustard plasters, you must first take care of the necessary auxiliary equipment:

  • wide container with warm water;
  • water thermometer;
  • napkins and two towels;
  • warm blanket;
  • hours.

Of course, the mustard slices themselves must be prepared.

Sequence of procedure

  1. Position the patient correctly.
  2. Pour water into a container, measure the temperature (it should be about 40-45 degrees).
  3. Expose the patient's chest.
  4. Dip the mustard plate into water for a few seconds, remove it and shake off the water.
  5. Place the plate on the skin with the mustard side, as shown in the photo, cover with a towel and blanket on top.
  6. After 2-3 minutes, ask the patient how he feels (during this time, sensations of warmth and a slight burning sensation should appear) and check the condition of the skin by bending the edge of the mustard plate. If the skin becomes very red, the procedure can be stopped.
  7. If the patient does not complain of a strong burning sensation and excessive redness of the skin, leave it for as long as prescribed for the patient’s age, and then remove them from the skin.
  8. Wipe the skin with a cloth soaked in warm water and dry with a towel.
  9. Help the patient put on nightwear, cover with a blanket or rug for half an hour.

After the procedure, it is advisable for the patient not to get out of a warm bed for an hour, or better yet, until the morning. During the procedure (4 days) you do not need to take a bath or shower.

  • Mustard plasters
  • Flatbread
  • Kalina
  • Cacao butter
  • One of the auxiliary methods for treating coughs that occur with colds or acute respiratory viral infections is the use of mustard plasters. They are sheets or bags of mustard powder.

    Advice on the use of mustard plasters can be especially often heard from the older generation, but young parents should figure out for themselves how the use of mustard affects a child, when its use is prohibited and how to carry out the procedure correctly.

    Operating principle

    Mustard powder has an irritating and distracting effect. Upon contact with water, it begins to release essential oils that affect the skin and blood vessels. The result will be activation of blood circulation, improvement of metabolic processes at the site of application, as well as reflex stimulation of the autonomic nervous system.

    When used to eliminate cough, mustard plasters will increase blood supply to the mucous membranes of the bronchi and thereby increase the volume of mucus secreted.


    The use of mustard plasters is often resorted to for acute respiratory viral infections when the respiratory tract is affected, for example, with laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis. They are prescribed for dry, exhausting coughs in order to activate sputum production during the recovery period.

    Mustard plasters are often prescribed for swelling of the respiratory tract, for example, in the larynx and nasopharynx. In this case, mustard plasters are applied to the legs, thereby redistributing blood in the body, making breathing and swallowing easier.

    Although much less common, the use of mustard plasters is also recommended for bruises or sprains, muscle pain and neuralgia.


    • Mustard plasters cannot be used during the active phase of the disease, since such a procedure, due to its thermal effect, will intensify the inflammatory process. Their use is contraindicated at elevated temperatures, as well as the day after the temperature has returned to normal.
    • Mustard plasters should not be placed on damaged or inflamed skin, as well as on birthmarks.
    • Some children have a pronounced allergic reaction to mustard, so before the first procedure you should cut off a small piece of mustard plaster and place it on the child’s skin for 10 minutes. If burning and severe redness occur, do not use mustard plasters.
    • Mustard plasters can cause burns, so the areas where they are applied are constantly changed, and the procedure itself is not carried out for more than 4 days in a row.
    • Mustard vapors can cause laryngeal spasms and difficulty breathing. This leads to a ban on the procedure for bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis and laryngotracheitis.
    • Mustard plasters are not used for tumor processes, neurodermatitis or psoriasis.

    In the next video, the doctor will tell you in what cases and how mustard plasters should be placed correctly.

    Can the procedure be performed on children under 1 year of age?

    Mustard plasters are not recommended for treating infants, so this procedure is not performed on babies under one year of age. Experts advise limiting the use of mustard plasters at the age of 1-3 years. The use of such treatment for cough in a 2-year-old child should be very careful and shorter than in children 4 years of age and older.

    Types of mustard plasters

    Modern mustard plasters are sold as:

    1. Sachets. Inside there is mustard powder, and the bag itself is divided into 2-4 cells. This form is most often used in early childhood.
    2. Listikov. They are coated with a thin layer of mustard powder. They are used for older children, for example, 7 years old.

    In addition to such mustard plasters, dry mustard can also be used for procedures. It is usually bought for foot compresses.

    How and where to place mustard plasters correctly?

    The places to apply mustard plasters to help a child get rid of a dry cough are the chest and back. Mustard plasters can also be placed on the feet and lower leg muscles.

    If mustard plasters are placed on the chest, it is important to avoid the heart and nipple area, and when performing the procedure on the back, mustard plasters should not be placed over the spine and kidney area.

    To apply mustard plasters for a cough, your actions should be as follows:

    1. After reading the instructions, prepare a container with heated water (its temperature should not exceed +45°C).
    2. Put your baby to bed.
    3. Dip each mustard plaster in water for 5-10 seconds, apply to the skin and smooth out gently.
    4. Cover the area of ​​the body with mustard plasters with a towel.
    5. Check your skin's reaction to the procedure periodically.
    6. When the skin is clearly red (this usually happens after 5-10 minutes), remove the mustard plasters and rinse the skin with warm water.
    7. Lubricate the skin with cream or baby oil.

    Procedure time

    The procedure is carried out once a day. The optimal time to use mustard plasters is evening. They are placed on the body of a child who is lying in bed and about to fall asleep.

    For children aged from one to three years, mustard plasters are kept for no longer than two minutes.

    How to put mustard plasters on feet?

    To activate the reflexogenic zones of the feet, mustard is often used on the feet. Dry mustard can be poured into socks (a teaspoon in each sock) and put on the child’s feet, leaving them overnight. The procedure is not performed in infancy or during the acute phase of infection. Applying paper mustard plasters to the feet is allowed from 5 years of age.

    Komarovsky's opinion

    A well-known doctor classifies the use of mustard plasters as a distracting procedure, focusing parents’ attention on the following points:

    • Mustard plasters will not help cure a child if the illness is serious, but a mild illness for which mustard is effective will go away without its use.
    • An individual allergic reaction to mustard is very common.
    • Mustard fumes will irritate the mucous membranes, so the procedure at home is contraindicated for children with a tendency to allergies or obstructions.
    • Before the procedure, you should make sure that the expiration date of the mustard plasters has not expired.
    • If mustard plasters torment a child, it is better to abandon this procedure, After all, in the fight against ARVI, it is much more effective to use clean, moist air and plenty of fluids.

    Recently, more and more people are trying to resort to the use of natural, herbal medicines and folk recipes to treat various diseases. It is assumed that such therapy will be safe and will not leave negative consequences.

    But grandmother’s methods of treatment are not suitable for everyone. The use of mustard powder to treat cough remains a controversial issue. Some experts say that this method is an excellent addition to standard treatment. Others are sure that mustard plasters for coughs can do more harm than good.

    For many years, people have used mustard powder to treat various pathologies. This method was actively used for joint diseases, muscle strains, colds, nasal congestion, increased blood pressure, headaches, and also for the purpose of prevention after hypothermia.

    During a cough, the use of mustard plasters has gained particular popularity. Now this remedy is not in short supply. Mustard plasters are available at any pharmacy without a prescription. But you need to know whether it is possible to apply mustard plasters for a cough in one case or another and how to apply them.

    Coughing is a defensive reaction resulting from irritation of the respiratory tract. It can be physiological (not dangerous) or pathological (caused by some disease).

    In the first case, the use of mustard plasters will not only be useless, but even an unreasonable, stupid act. For pathological cough, the use of such a folk method is acceptable, but it also has its own characteristics, warnings and limitations.

    Indications for use

    Despite the fact that mustard plasters are now considered a folk remedy, they have certain medical indications for use.

    Depending on these, a specific location for placing the warming sheet is selected. Mustard plasters are recommended for the following pathologies:

    • colds, ARVI, catarrhal phenomena (calves, neck, feet);
    • tracheitis in the acute stage (sternum, upper part);
    • pulmonary diseases (lateral areas of the ribs, sternum);
    • angina attack (heart);
    • increased blood pressure, crisis (soles, calves, back of the neck);
    • myositis, neurological diseases (affected area).

    Mustard powder sachets can be used for coughs caused by the following diseases:

    1. Bronchitis,
    2. pneumonia,
    3. tracheitis,
    4. pharyngitis,
    5. rhinitis,
    6. adenoiditis,
    7. angina.

    Be sure to consult your doctor before using this product. Remember that the use of mustard plasters does not exempt you from following prescribed recommendations and taking medications.

    The principle of action of mustard plasters

    Before putting mustard plasters on coughs for adults or children, you should learn about the principles of operation and action of this remedy. Today in pharmacies you can find a variety of forms of sachets with warming powder. But the operating principle is the same for all of them.

    After water hits dry mustard, the release of essential oils begins. At this moment, the mustard plaster is already in contact with the patient’s skin.

    The bag has an irritating and warming effect on the dermis. The vessels passing under the skin begin to expand, blood circulation improves, and the organ that is affected by heat is nourished.

    Mustard plasters stimulate the functioning of the nervous and autonomic systems. The body's defenses are reflexively increased. When heated, this product causes an outflow of blood from distant zones, which is actively used by people with nasal congestion or swelling. Packets of mustard powder provide an irritating and distracting effect, which helps to soothe a dry cough.

    How to properly apply mustard plasters for coughs

    In order to correctly place mustard plasters when coughing, the patient will need help. It is very difficult to put mustard plasters on the back area yourself, so ask one of your relatives to help you.

    Prepare the required number of bags in advance. Depending on their size, it can vary from 2 to 8 pieces.

    Pour clean, heated water into a shallow cup. The temperature of the liquid should not be higher than 45 degrees, otherwise the patient risks getting burned. Plan the time of the manipulation so that after it you do not need to go anywhere.

    In addition to water to wet the mustard plasters and the bags themselves, you will need a small terry towel and a blanket. After the procedure, Vaseline or baby cream will be useful (some patients use oil or alcohol).

    Features of the treatment of wet cough

    Where to put mustard plasters for coughing depends on the nature of the most disturbing symptom. A wet cough is usually caused by inflammation of the lower respiratory system. It occurs with bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. The principle of treating this symptom is to thin the mucus and facilitate its release.

    In this case, mustard plasters should be placed on the back, in the area of ​​the lungs and bronchi.

    Soak the bags in water and quickly apply them to the indicated areas. Cover the patient with a towel and blanket. You should be in this state for no more than 15 minutes.

    If the burning sensation is strong, then you need to remove the warm compress after 10 minutes.

    After this time, carefully remove the bags and wipe the skin with a clean, damp towel.

    This is necessary to remove any remaining mustard powder. Next, rub your back with cream or Vaseline, dress in cotton underwear and immediately go to bed. After using mustard plasters for a wet cough, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water.

    The liquid will enhance the thinning effect of the folk remedy.

    Features of the treatment of dry cough

    Mustard plasters for dry coughs should be placed on the back or sternum area. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can do this at the same time.

    As before, soak the bags in water and place them on the patient's body. Place two bags in front between your chest and neck. From behind, paper envelopes are applied to the interscapular area. Cover the patient with a towel and blanket.

    The duration of the manipulation should not be more than a quarter of an hour. For a dry cough, warming up for 7-9 minutes is sufficient.

    Upon completion of the procedure, be sure to remove any remaining mustard powder from the body, then rub the patient and send him to bed.

    It is advisable to do this manipulation before going to bed at night. But if this is not possible, then lie under the covers for at least 40-50 minutes. Otherwise, heating with mustard powder will have little effect.

    There is evidence that the area of ​​the palm near the thumb is responsible for the functioning of the respiratory system. Mustard plaster can also be applied there to treat dry cough. The duration of the procedure is the same as for warming up the back.

    Is it possible to put mustard plasters on a child?

    This issue is still subject to heated discussions and debates. It would seem that mustard plasters are a safe and effective remedy, it acts externally, no synthetic substances enter the child’s body. Therefore, warming bags can be used even for small children. But it's not that simple.

    It is believed that in the first year or two it is better not to put mustard plasters on a child. Some pediatricians completely recommend abandoning this manipulation until the age of 7.

    Whether or not to put mustard plasters on children is a personal matter for each parent. Experts can only warn and caution, but are not able to prohibit.

    Why should you avoid this procedure with children?

    • The skin of young children is very delicate and sensitive. Mustard plasters can easily cause burns.
    • If the child has heart disease, which the parent may not know about, it will worsen.
    • Young children may be allergic to mustard powder essential oil. The severity of such a reaction is unpredictable.
    • Thermoregulation of babies of the first year is still unstable. Placing mustard plasters can cause the temperature to rise to high values.
    • A child may have contraindications to the procedure that parents are unaware of.

    Features of treatment for children

    If you are still determined to use a well-known remedy, then you need to know how to apply mustard plasters for coughs in children.

    Many children believe that this procedure will be painful. Convince the little patient of the opposite. Tell them that if any unpleasant sensations appear, you will immediately remove everything.

    You can distract your baby with cartoons or hold him in your arms to give him confidence. For older children, you can offer reading or engage them in something they love.

    A child needs to apply mustard plasters in the same way as an adult. Avoid the heart area and do not place the bags on the spine.

    Wet the paper squares with warm water and apply to the selected area (chest or back). Cover the baby with a towel and blanket. The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the baby:

    • children under three years old need to hold the mustard plasters for 2 minutes;
    • for children under 7 years old – no more than 4 minutes;
    • for schoolchildren – 7 minutes.

    Such a framework should be adhered to if the manipulation does not cause any discomfort in the child.

    When your baby begins to complain of severe burning or pain, you should immediately remove the warming pack and wipe the skin with a clean, damp cloth.

    Periodically look at the area where the mustard plasters are located. If there is severe redness, stop the procedure immediately.

    Cough wraps for children

    For young children, pediatricians recommend mustard wraps rather than mustard plasters. This procedure is considered less dangerous, but just as effective. Suitable over 2 years old. To carry it out you will need several mustard plasters, water and cotton or linen fabric.

    Dampen the cloth and transfer the contents of the mustard plasters onto it. Wrap the child's chest with this design and leave it there for 5 minutes. The rule of the first complaint works here exactly as it does when installing mustard plasters.

    If a small patient reports pain and severe burning, the heating should be stopped. After the wrap is removed, the child should be washed with warm water.

    You will not be able to remove the remaining powder with a towel. Do not use hot water for washing, as it can burn already irritated skin.

    After this, wipe the baby dry, put him in pajamas and send him to bed.

    Mustard plasters at home - why and how to install them?

    Contraindications for use and precautions

    There are a number of medical contraindications for the warming procedure. You should familiarize yourself with them if you plan to treat your cough with mustard plasters.

    • Increased body temperature.

    Warming up can provoke an additional increase in the thermometer level. This happens especially often in children. If a child's cough is accompanied by a febrile fever, then you should wait a few days before using mustard plasters.

    • Individual intolerance.

    Some people have a peculiarity - an allergy to mustard. If you or your child have this uniqueness, then you should not put mustard plasters on.

    • Inflammatory skin diseases.

    If there are boils, suppuration or skin damage at the site where the warming packs were applied, the procedure should not be carried out until they are completely healed.

    • Pregnancy and lactation.

    Women in these two conditions are contraindicated for any thermal procedures, including mustard plasters. It is better to trust a specialist and treat the cough with some other method.

    • Asthma.

    Contraindication to the use of warming bags. The fact is that the procedure can provoke another attack. If the cough is caused by asthma, then it cannot be treated with mustard plasters.

    • Neoplasms.

    This includes malignant or benign. The location of the tumor is not particularly important. For any neoplasm, temperature fluctuations are extremely undesirable.

    • Internal bleeding.

    Mustard plasters increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. If there is bleeding in the respiratory organs, it will become stronger. The consequences can be not only unpleasant, but also life-threatening.

    Necessary caution

    When carrying out the procedure, you should be careful and pay attention to the patient’s behavior, especially if cough is being treated in a child.

    1. Use mustard plasters purchased from a pharmacy chain. They contain a certain amount of powder needed for one 15-minute procedure. If you prepare the bags yourself, you can overdo it with mustard, resulting in a burn.
    2. Don't use the same mustard plaster twice. The effectiveness of repeated manipulation is reduced significantly. Some patients try to increase the warm-up time, but this does not lead to anything good. Repeated mustard plaster is ineffective and dangerous.
    3. Don't leave mustard plasters on overnight. An exception can be made only for dry bags placed in socks. But coughs are not usually treated this way. “Mustard boots” are used to combat the runny nose.
    4. Do not use heating agents for a long time. Maximum – 4 days in a row. If during this time the cough does not go away or you do not feel any improvement, then you need to see a doctor.
    5. Avoid the heart area. An attack of angina is eliminated by placing the bag on the heart muscle. But if you are treating a cough, then you cannot do this.
    6. After manipulation, lubricate the skin with an emollient.. Following this rule will help you avoid flaking, roughness and itching caused by exposure to mustard powder.

    Many consumers praise mustard plasters, calling them an effective cough treatment. However, doctors are not inclined to say so. Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate, but to strictly follow their instructions.

    It is not always possible to cure a cough with warming. For example, if you have pneumonia, you cannot do without antibiotics. Mustard plasters will do little to help with pneumonia.

    If you put mustard plasters on without a doctor’s prescription, but do not notice any improvement within 3-4 days, or hyperthermia appears after the first procedure, then do not continue dangerous and useless manipulations. Visit a medical facility as soon as possible. Perhaps the cough is caused by a condition in which the use of warming agents is contraindicated.

    Are mustard plasters still relevant?

    In contact with

    Oh, those mustard plasters! Surely, each of us knows from childhood that if a cold strikes, then mustard plasters are applied to the chest and back. True, not everyone knew that it was necessary to avoid the area of ​​the heart, but I think now everyone already knows this.

    But not everyone uses this wonderful tool now, but in vain...

    1. When headaches and hypertension Mustard plasters are applied to the back of the neck and to the calves of the legs.

    2. When inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract mustard plasters are placed on the chest and calves.

    3. When bronchitis Mustard plasters are placed on the upper body, on one or both sides of the chest, on the back and under the shoulder blades.

    A good way is to pour dry mustard into your socks and warm your feet. If this is done to a child, you need to carefully ensure that no moisture gets on the mustard, since soaked mustard can burn the legs.

    4. At neuralgia and migraine Mustard plasters are placed in the appropriate places only after consultation with a neurologist.

    5. Mustard wrap (more often used in children).

    For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mustard are dissolved in 1 liter of warm water, filtered and moistened with a piece of fabric (preferably flannel or an old diaper). After wrung out the fabric, wrap it around the child and wrap him warmly. In 10 minutes. (you can do it earlier) unwrap the diaper, dry the baby and change into pre-warmed clothes.

    6. If there are no mustard plasters at home at the right time, make homemade ones.

    Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rye flour and a little water. You should get a dough-like mass with the consistency of sour cream. Place the mixture on a sheet of newspaper and cover with the other half of the newspaper. And attach the mustard plaster to the right place. Keep it as long as possible. Such mustard plasters do not “bite” and do not cause burns, but they warm up well and deeply.

    Places for placing mustard cards

    This product is used for placement on the chest, back (just above the shoulder blades), back of the head, heart area and calf muscles. Yellow cards can also be placed on other parts of the body, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Safety precautions when using mustard plasters

    1. If this remedy is indicated for the treatment of cough or other diseases, then during the procedures it is necessary to carefully ensure that essential oils do not get on the mucous membranes. To do this, the patient is recommended to close his eyes and turn his head to the side.
    2. To avoid complications, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the time for placing mustard plasters (no more than 10 minutes for an adult and 2-5 minutes for a child).
    3. During the warming procedure using mustard cards, the patient's condition should be carefully monitored.

    Necessary equipment

    Before the procedures, you should ensure that you have the following attributes:

    • a tray of water (the temperature of the liquid should be approximately 40−45⁰С);
    • mustard cards;
    • water thermometer;
    • 2 towels (for through events);
    • napkins;
    • warm blanket;
    • watch.

    Instructions for use

    In order to give a general idea of ​​how to correctly place mustard plasters on a patient, we will describe the strict sequence of necessary actions.

    1. Completely eliminate drafts in the room.
    2. Check the suitability of the product (dry mustard should not spill out and have a specific smell).
    3. Pour warm water into the bowl.
    4. Expose the patient's desired area of ​​the body.
    5. Dip the mustard plaster into the liquid, let it sit for a few seconds, then remove and shake.
    6. Place the card tightly against the skin (the side where there is powder), cover with a towel, and then with a blanket.
    7. After a couple of minutes, find out how the patient is feeling (he should feel a slight burning sensation and warmth). After this, you should lift the mustard plaster and determine the degree of hyperemia of the skin. If it is pronounced, it is better to remove the product, otherwise leave it for another 5-10 minutes, taking into account the individual sensitivity of the patient.
    8. Remove mustard plasters.
    9. Moisten a napkin in warm water, wipe the patient's skin with it and wipe dry with a towel.
    10. Make sure that the patient puts on underwear, and then cover him with a blanket for 30 minutes.
    11. On this day, the patient should not take a shower or bath.


    You can use the presented tool when:

    • bronchitis;
    • ARVI;
    • pneumonia;
    • neuralgia;
    • lumboischialgia;
    • myalgia;
    • arthralgia;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • soft tissue bruise;
    • sprains;
    • cardialgia.

    When is it prohibited to install mustard plasters?

    This product should not be used if:

    • hypersensitivity;
    • pyoderma;
    • pregnancy;
    • breastfeeding;
    • violation of the integrity of the skin;
    • diffuse neurodermatitis;
    • atopic dermatitis;
    • for psoriasis;
    • eczema.

    Also, many people are often concerned about the question of whether it is possible to install mustard plasters at a temperature? Experts note that for diseases that occur with high fever, the use of this remedy is strictly prohibited.

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