Bottled water tests 19 liters. How to choose the right drinking water. Fresh water categories. Which is better: bottled or filtered

Due to the fact that many customers cannot decide which manufacturer of drinking water to choose, the author had to write this article. Many cannot understand - what is the difference between the water sold on the Russian market, except for the price? What water to choose? How is the highest category different from the first? Why you should not abuse mineral water? The market offers a huge range of bottled water. On what basis should I choose it and what should I pay attention to when buying?

Due to the fact that many customers cannot decide which manufacturer of drinking water to choose, I had to write this article. Many cannot understand - what is the difference between the water sold on the Russian market, except for the price? We decided to compareseveral well-known brands, then, if possible, will write articles specifically about certain brands more specifically. We will try to consider the advantages and disadvantages of a particular water, if any.

The dynamics of mineral water production in the Russian Federation shows an annual increase in production volumes by an average of 15-20%.

At the time of writing, the share of mineral water packaged in 19 liter bottles is approximately 12% of the market; bottles with a capacity of 5 to 19 liters - 14%, bottles with a capacity of less than 5 liters - 66%; glass bottles - 7%; aluminum cans and containers made of other materials - less than one percent. With all the variety of products, experts point out that the bottled water sold does not always meet all the requirements of Sanpin. Basically, the data on the label is unreliable. Among Russian brands, only a few conscientious companies write the truth that there is “ highly purified tap water". There are companies that are limited to smeared concepts like " water from a central water source or simply "mineral water".

This also applies to imported products. In most cases, it is indicated that the water is extracted from natural wells, for example, in the Alps. Yet laboratory examinations indicate that water has nothing to do with mountainous regions. Please note that many Russian producers, when describing their water, try to make comparisons with imported products, since for a Russian person everything imported is a sign of quality. However, this does not apply to drinking water. Russian standards for drinking water quality, especially in terms of natural drinking water, are more stringent, therefore the desire to compare with famous imported brands is a deliberate misleading of people. Most, if not all, imported drinking water is not natural, but is purified table water. Here it would be more appropriate to compare Russian producers of purified drinking water with imported water.

Bottled water should not only be safe for health, it should also be useful - it should contain micro and macro elements - potassium, sodium, magnesium cations, sulfate anions, chlorides and others - in general, about 50 elements. Only a few brands on the Russian market fully comply with these requirements. Almost all imported water is artificially mineralized. Literally all European water (and imported brands on the Russian market) is produced using reverse osmosis technology. Special membrane-osmotic filters “select” only water molecules, then this super-purified water is saturated with the minerals required, in accordance with sanitary standards. So you can purify the water from the reservoir, and it will be clean, safe water for the body. But it will be "dead", artificial water. "Living" water can be called natural water, only slightly purified from suspension and bacteria. Such water is extracted from underground sources, and such water can be purchased on the Russian market.

Depending on the source from which water is extracted, two main types can be distinguished: natural and purified water.

Natural, which in turn is subdivided into spring and artesian. Artesian refers to water extracted from aquifers of rocks located between water-resistant layers. Spring water is extracted from a source located on the surface of the earth. Sometimes it is extracted through a borehole, and such water is considered spring only if its chemical composition coincides with the composition of the water of a source located on the surface of the earth. Such water does not require multi-stage purification, which violates the proportions of the content of minerals and trace elements and adversely affects the taste. The complex of measures provides water treatment with the preservation of the natural mineral composition, eliminating only pollutants from it. The source of mineral drinking table water should be located far from cities and industrial enterprises. The composition of the water must be constant, safe, meet all standards, and if such water also has beneficial properties with a healing effect, then such water can be called exceptional.

To obtain purified water, it is subjected to deep purification using distillation, demineralization and other processes, and then saturated with the necessary elements. Many manufacturers claim that the water is artesian, but at the same time it is deeply purified. In this case, it refers to purified, not natural. The source of such drinking water - purified, modified, undergoing a procedure for changing the chemical composition through various filtration and multi-stage purification (reverse osmosis + a set of mechanical measures), does not matter after all such actions - whether it is tap water, a well or just a reservoir. Such water cannot be called natural.

Let's start with this water. A lot of people use this water, its share in the capital's market reaches 20%, in terms of popularity and market share it ranks second in Moscow. Let's pay attention that outside the Moscow region it does not have popularity and significant sales volumes, although the branches of CJSC "KING'S WATER" are located in Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Tver. Fountain Foods is the exclusive dealer of this water in Moscow. That is, in theory, other sellers-dealers (if any) do not have the right to sell it. Therefore, carefully read the supplier's website, specify who the supplier is, to be sure that it is not fake.

"Royal water" refers to table low-mineralized purified water, that is, it is not natural. And the fact that it can be extracted from a well does not make it at all artesian or natural. Water is produced in the village of Spoons, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region. “According to the conclusion of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Geocenter-Moscow” and the analysis of the composition of the water, it fully complies with all standards. According to the same data, the mineral composition makes it possible to use water from a well as drinking water of the lowest category.” Further - "to increase the category of water at the factory, ... water treatment is used." The manufacturer from the very beginning of the description of his water considers its advantages. He points out that in 25 years the following enters the human body with water: “109 kg of chlorine (two bags of bleach), 25 kg of nitrates (bag), 500 g of aluminum (5 aluminum mugs), 3 kg of iron (dumbbell), 1 liter of gasoline (petroleum), 27 g boron (tablespoon)" and offers its products, presenting the technology of "reverse osmosis" as an ideal solution to all problems, since this technology, in fact, eliminates everything that can be in the water.

A little about reverse osmosis. Manufacturers using reverse osmosis technology (the most modern purification technology at present) stipulate: “Despite the natural structure, water after “reverse osmosis” is not recommended for use due to the lack of salts necessary for the body, therefore, manufacturers enrich the water with the necessary salts, dissolving them in her." That is, they understand that such water is dead, you can’t drink it. But what about 25 years of savings? Well, perhaps they enrich, but not with these "harmful" components? If we look at the table of the chemical composition of reverse osmosis water, we will see many components, including those previously considered dangerous - chlorides, iron, boron and many others (arsenic, mercury). Apparently, artificial iron, chlorides and other elements are safer than natural ones. Read about reverse osmosis technology in the corresponding article on our website.

But the most interesting thing is not even that. The manufacturer indicates that “it uses a unique technology, the essence of which is as follows. Water is enriched with the components necessary for the body not due to the dissolution of salts in it, but by mixing in certain proportions "osmotic water" and water from a well, previously cleaned and disinfected. The advantage of this approach is that water is enriched not with artificial salts, but with natural compounds that are absorbed by our body and are beneficial for it (it is known that salts artificially dissolved in water are absorbed by our body only by 30 percent, and natural compounds by more than 80 percent). )".

Please note that not only does the manufacturer admit that after “reverse osmosis” it is useless to add minerals, well, or only 30% useful, it’s also not entirely clear why a complex “unique” purification technology is needed, in order to then mix it again with that same produced water?! Expect that "a little fly in the ointment" will not spoil the picture, or rather improve it?

Let's continue about "Royal Water": "At the last stage, the water is treated with ozone. It is known that ozone is the most powerful antiseptic (recommendations for the consumer: try not to use freshly produced water, but use it a day after production, controlling it by the date of production on the label) and does not form harmful side compounds, unlike water disinfection with chlorine compounds. Also, we advise you to read about the technology of water purification with ozone in the corresponding article of our website.

Let's add, "Royal Water" under the brand name "OXYLIFE» (« OXILIFE”) has recently begun to produce oxygen water that is gaining “fashion”, which is “produced according to Canadian technology on the equipment of the company - the creator of the production method”. About "oxygenated water" , there will be a separate article about its production and advantages. In short, the production of oxygenated water is understood as "not gassing water with oxygen instead of carbon dioxide, but the dissolution of oxygen in water at the ionic level." Until now, oxygen water was produced only in the Caucasus, it was called "Oxy".

Summarizing: “royal water” is table low-mineralized (artificially) purified (by reverse osmosis) water, widespread in Moscow, despite the fact that its price is 250 rubles for a 19 liter bottle from an official supplier, despite the fact that with a small surcharge ( at about 30-50 rubles) you can buy real mountain natural drinking water. However, if you want to purchase oxygen water, then at the moment only OXYLIFE water will be available from Russian manufacturers.

In other articles we will look at:

It is known that for proper metabolism and normal functioning of the body, an adult should drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Information about the quality of tap water completely discourages the desire to comply with this recommendation, so more and more Russians prefer bottled water.

19 liters of health

Making the right choice among bottled water companies is not easy. Manufacturers compete fiercely with each other, so they often go for marketing tricks. Under a beautiful label, ordinary tap water that has undergone a deep cleaning process is often hidden. If there is no information about the origin of water, then most likely the water is not natural, and the required content of trace elements and minerals is achieved by technologies using various physical and chemical methods.

Dozens of companies engaged in the production and sale of bottled water operate on the St. Petersburg market. Prices vary in a very wide range - from 150 rubles / bottle (drinking water "Sosnovskaya Tsaritsa") to 610 rubles / bottle (water "Key Premium", Polyustrovo). It should be understood that cheap water, as a rule, is purified tap water. And for example, artesian physiologically complete drinking water "Aqualine Natural Premium" in a high-quality polycarbonate container costs only 250 rubles per bottle. For an objective rating water in St. Petersburg in bottles, reliable data is needed based on the results of independent examinations, which are carried out either at the request of the manufacturer or on consumer complaints, therefore, for most brands, such information is simply not available. However, on thematic forums and review sites, you can find a lot of useful information, on the basis of which to form a consumer rating of water in bottles of 19 liters.

Taking into account the price ratio, service, information content of the label and the number of reviews, the TOP-5 rating of drinking water in St. Petersburg is as follows *:

  1. Artesian water Aqualine
  2. Mineral water Arkhyz
  3. Drinking water of deep cleaning Nestle
  4. Artesian water Spring Land
  5. Water Rosinka Polyustrovo

The quality of water in bottles of 19 liters is significantly affected by the process of preparation and washing of containers. No matter how clean the water from an artesian well is, poor-quality processing of returnable containers can cause serious microbiological contamination. And the key factor in this matter is the container itself, or rather the material from which it is made. The most common due to its low cost is PET packaging (if the container is dark blue, then it is definitely PET). But the best option is a container made of polycarbonate (an artificial substitute for glass). Polycarbonate packaging is many times more expensive than PET, but it is absolutely safe and able to withstand the most thorough sanitization, unlike PET packaging, which loses its consumer properties after just a few turns.

The systematic long-term use of drinking water, the composition of which differs significantly from the recommended one, increases the risk of the onset and progression of certain diseases. The most useful with optimal indicators of general mineralization, hardness and microelement content, which ensures the stability of the water-salt balance in the body and the normal functioning of organs and systems.

* Important:The information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change as new information becomes available.

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As part of the rolling study of Roskachestvo, 58 samples of drinking water without gas, the most popular on the Russian market, were studied. Laboratory tests were carried out on 98 quality and safety indicators. The cost of products at the time of purchase ranged from 20 to 260 rubles. The vast majority of goods were manufactured in Russia, while the products of Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Norway, Finland, and France were presented in the rolling study. According to the results of laboratory tests, the products of only nine brands confirmed their high quality, as they met not only the requirements of current quality and safety standards, but also the requirements of the leading Roskachestvo standard. We are talking about water under the trademarks "Volzhanka", "Lipetsk byuvet", "Novoterskaya", "Oh! Our Family”, “Simple Kindness”, ARCTIC, AQUANICA (5 liters), Bon Aqua and EVIAN. All these products, with the exception of water under the EVIAN trademark, are produced in Russia, and therefore a proposal was made to producers of high-quality water to undergo a voluntary certification procedure, after which a decision will be made to award the goods with the Russian Quality Mark. Goods under the EVIAN trademark will not be able to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark due to their foreign origin. The study showed that, in general, most of the tested products can be considered high-quality and safe, however, laboratory tests also revealed 12 products with violations.


The standard of the Russian Quality System has established for drinking water without gas, applying for the Russian Quality Mark, tougher (leading) requirements for the content of harmful and potentially hazardous chemicals, pesticides and some insecticides.

Tougher requirements were also introduced for the smell of water, the phenolic index of its composition and the hydrogen index. In general, packaged drinking water, claiming the right to be labeled with the Russian Quality Mark, must meet the requirements of physiological usefulness for water of the highest category (with the exception of certain indicators). The required level of product localization for awarding it with the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of goods.

What kind of water is there?

In the mind of the consumer, packaged water is divided into two categories: sparkling water and non-carbonated water. Roskachestvo chose water without gas as the subject of its first study of water. It contains water of three different classes: drinking water of the first category, drinking water of the highest category and mineral drinking watera. Consumers are advised to pay special attention to the category of water indicated on the marking (label). The fact is that water, depending on the category, varies greatly in its properties and origin. So:

Drinking water of the first category- this is source water without treatment or after water treatment, which can be obtained from various sources (for example, from a banal water supply system). After filtration, useful elements are introduced into the water. The main mandatory requirement for a product in this category is its complete safety for human health.

Drinking water of the highest category- water, which, as a rule, is extracted from well-protected water sources (for example, from artesian wells, springs). Products of the highest category, in contrast to the "first-class", in addition to safety, must carry mandatory benefits for the consumer. The requirements for such water are much stricter than for the goods of the first category. Moreover, for water of the highest category, additional requirements are established for its physiological usefulness, for the content of biologically necessary macro- and microelements, for which not only the maximum maximum permissible concentrations are established, but also the minimum and optimal norms of physiological usefulness for a person.

Mineral table drinking water- this is water obtained from a well, which has a registered and confirmed initial physico-chemical and microbial composition of substances. That is, useful (and sometimes not the most useful) elements are already incorporated into it by nature. The requirements for mineral water, compared to drinking water, are much softer, since the mineral composition of such water is difficult to predict (it depends on the well), which means that it is difficult to standardize.

By the way, another category of mineral water is medicinal water(for example, these are goods under the trademarks "Essentuki", "Narzan", etc.). This product is not presented in this rolling study of Roskachestvo, since it is a specific product. Such water is not suitable for regular consumption and should ideally be prescribed by doctors when patients have certain health problems.

Finally, as follows from the above, drinking water can also be classified by origin: it can be created, as they say, by nature itself (for example, extracted from a well) or artificially created by man (for example, taken from a water supply system, purified and subjected to “refining”) . However, as the study showed, the origin of drinking water will not be a determining criterion for its quality and composition.

Ideal environment. All about microbiological safety

It is known that in the case of water safety is a doubly important issue. First, a person regularly drinks water. Secondly, many consumers have long formed their preferences and use the products of certain manufacturers, perhaps not realizing the health consequences.

One of the key indicators of water safety is the so-called TMC (total microbial count). It is almost identical to the QMAFAnM indicator, with which some manufacturers of goods on the market have serious problems. Excesses in this indicator can indirectly indicate the presence of pathogenic bacteria or viruses in the water, as well as a violation of the operating modes of water treatment and bottling systems.

As laboratory tests have shown, in water that has undergone thorough industrial purification, that is, drinking water of the first and highest category, no problems have been identified in terms of general microbiological contamination.

However, three samples of mineral table drinking water turned out to be very “alive”: a relatively large amount of bacteria was found in their composition. As mentioned above, these could be pathogenic bacteria or viruses. They can have a negative impact on the human body, in particular on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of the diseases caused depends on the variety of bacteria and on the toxicity of the poisons they secrete. Mandatory safety requirements in this part were violated by manufacturers of goods under the trademarks Arkhyz, Elbrus, Biovita. However, it is worth mentioning that the presence of an increased number of microbes in the water is not always the fault of the manufacturer. Perhaps the rules for transporting the goods or the conditions for its storage were violated.

The identified inconsistencies were recorded only in mineral water, since it is not subjected to additional processing, but is extracted from natural sources.

Hard liquid. About the hardness of drinking water

Water hardness is one of the defining characteristics of this product category. Hard water, even when used externally, dries the skin, and when ingested, it is at least bitter. This characteristic is closely related to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the liquid in the water, that is, the more of them, the higher its hardness. Quite often, ordinary tap water has a high coefficient of hardness. By the way, the hardness of water is easy to determine in domestic conditions: a white precipitate that remains on the dishes after boiling will tell about this.

However, the conclusions as a result of this laboratory test are encouraging: frankly hard, which means bitter water, was not found in the study. On the contrary, 17 samples of water of the first category and four samples of mineral water were noted as rather soft.

The same could be said about the water of the highest category Nordica, but for her "softness" was more critical. The fact is that Russian requirements for water of the highest category also set a lower threshold for values ​​​​for the hardness parameter. Nordica water turned out to be too soft for its category, which means that it cannot be fully called “highest category drinking water”, which automatically indicates a violation of consumer rights to reliable labeling.

In the dry residue from water: about the total mineralization

Theoretically, any water, except distilled, can be called mineral in one sense or another. In its pure form, H 2 O does not occur in nature, and for the human body, such water is more harmful than beneficial. The fact is that clean, not saturated with salts water will “pull” and remove salts from the body. That is, prolonged use of such water will definitely lead to serious diseases. Therefore, any water sold in stores contains dozens of different inorganic compounds.

In order to understand how much various mineral and organic substances are contained in the water, in laboratory conditions, the indicators of the total mineralization of the dry residue, that is, the actual mass of substances after evaporation of water, are determined, and the total mineralization of drinking water is also calculated from the anion and cation content.

According to the results of laboratory tests, a relatively low level of total mineralization was recorded in 13 samples of drinking water of the first category. However, this water, we recall, does not pretend to be useful, it is "enough" for it to be safe.

Another thing is that in the water declared as “drinking water of the highest category” under the trademark Norda (Italy), there were only 77 mg/l of minerals, while the median indicators of other water in the corresponding category were 200–300 mg/l. That is, in fact, this water cannot be considered a product of the highest category, which is a violation of the rights of consumers to reliable labeling.

As for mineral table drinking water, according to the results of the study, in six of its samples, the content of total mineralization of mineral salts is suboptimal (in terms of the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods), that is, it does not satisfy the physiological needs of a person (respectively, in four of them less, two more). This is not a violation, however, these products are deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

Can I help you. All about anions and cations

Any drinking water, depending on the brand, water source, method of purification and enrichment with microelements, geography and even the depth of the well, is a unique cocktail of substances called anions and cations (positive and negatively charged ions). So, for example, cations include potassium, magnesium, iron, and anions - sulfates, fluorine and iodine. The content of these substances is often indicated by the product label, which indicates their percentage. It is difficult for an unprepared person to read it, so we suggest you use this short note, where all the pros and cons of the anions and cations contained in the water are described.

Separately, in this part of the study, it is worth dwelling on the problem of the content of calcium and magnesium in water. Firstly, it is believed that these elements affect the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Secondly, the main discrepancy with the values ​​declared on the label was found precisely in terms of calcium and magnesium. For example, a relatively low content of magnesium was found in six samples of drinking water of the first category and in six samples of mineral table drinking water. The situation was better with the calcium content. But all this does not apply to water of the highest category, where a lack of magnesium was noted in three products, calcium - in one. Due to more stringent requirements for drinking water of the highest category, manufacturers of goods under the trademarks "Billa", "Glavvoda", "D" ("Dixie") and "Norda" violated consumer rights to reliable product labeling.

A similar problem was revealed in drinking water of the highest category under the brand name Courtois - it was found to contain much less iodine than the manufacturer promised.

Also, four samples of drinking water of the highest category contained less fluoride than indicated on the label. And this element has a positive effect on the health of teeth and bone tissue.

The form influences the content. About the container into which water is poured

Any water, even if it is as safe, of high quality and useful as possible, can always be easily spoiled in production. And this can be done with the help of dubious containers into which liquid is poured. It is believed that glass is the safest container for a person - water simply at the chemical level cannot enter into any reaction with it. This cannot be said about plastic - it, especially when heated, can potentially release harmful substances into the water. In the course of laboratory tests, traces of such a "migration" of substances were not recorded. In terms of safety, water in plastic containers did not differ on average from water in glass bottles. However, glass is the choice for those who want maximum guarantees for the safety of their drinking water.


Pay attention to the label of drinking water. Often there is a note on it: "store in places protected from light." Water really needs to be kept away from light, as light causes water to bloom. Of course, water in which algae and other life forms develop their vital activity will be considered polluted.

A substance without taste, without color, without smell: about the aesthetic properties of water

Water is perhaps the most organoleptically neutral commodity imaginable. It will be difficult for an ordinary consumer to single out and somehow describe the taste, color, smell of water. At the same time, a person usually prefers a certain brand of water, and a third-party product can irritate both the taste buds and their owner.

In general, various mineral salts and their percentages can affect the taste of water, the characteristics of a particular well can affect the smell, the color will vary depending on the presence of various mechanical impurities or minerals in the composition. It is important to note that under laboratory conditions, the assessment of organoleptic properties is carried out under two temperature conditions, as required by the advanced Roskachestvo standard. First, the water is heated to 20, and then to 60 degrees Celsius.

Almost all the water presented in the study under these conditions proved to be a high-quality product, at least in terms of aesthetic properties. The experts were embarrassed by the color (color) of only one sample - drinking water of the first category "Uleimskaya". It differed significantly from the values ​​of mandatory requirements, which, however, does not indicate the danger of such water. From a microbiological point of view, the sample is completely safe. It is possible that the color deviation could be affected by the characteristics of the container or the conditions of water storage.

"A" - this is how the word "water" sounded in the language of the ancient Sumerians, and the first letter of the alphabets of almost all peoples also sounds. And, indeed, water is so important that without it there would be no life on Earth. But in the 21st century, when medicine and technology are very developed, we have moved far from nature, we have forgotten the wonderful properties of water that restore our health, we have lost folk recipes that can help each of us. One of these recipes is a harmonious diet and consumption of drinking quality water.

Young mothers or parent committees in schools are often looking for good quality water, but there is not much on the market for high-quality water and children's water. And sometimes parents just do not know how to choose it.

We all know how to choose quality products in the store, such as vegetables, meat. It turns out that water has its own quality. Water can also deteriorate like any product, it has special storage conditions (do not put it in the light, for example), a shelf life (the smaller the volume of water, the longer it is stored), some waters have added preservatives, as in food products.

Of all the waters, one can single out drinking water, which can be drunk without restrictions every day. The opposite is mineral water, which has healing properties (it also includes "table" water). In Russia, 4 categories of water quality can be distinguished: tap water, bottled water: 1 category, higher and for children. The lowest requirements are for tap water, and the highest for children.

The chemical composition, as well as the type of water source, will let us know how our body will absorb this water.

Everyone has tap water. (SanPin of 2002). In Moscow, the source of water from the tap is the Moscow River and the reservoirs of the Canal named after. Moscow-Klyazminskoye and Uchinskoye). Moscow tap water is of very high quality. It is checked by at least 56 indicators. Plus there are additional dimensions. Every year new filters are introduced: ozonation, membrane filtration, ultraviolet filter. But the SanPin documents refer to this water only from the point of view of its safety and harmlessness to the body. Since it is impossible to remove all harmful substances from the Moscow River. The list of chemicals that remain there after cleaning in scanty safe doses is given over 50 pages. To neutralize these substances, they mainly use the main water purifier: chlorine or its derivatives for water purification (sodium hypochlorite, for example). And even in the shower, we have to inhale its vapors, all harmful substances enter the bloodstream through the lungs, chlorine washes proteins out of the hair, and dandruff begins. In the digestive tract, water with chlorine kills our own immune bacteria - interferon. If you cook on tap water, then be sure to defend the water (preferably within 3 hours), freeze it, and also boil for a short time, while opening the window (this is how dioxins disappear). A chlorine filter would be nice too.

As a counterbalance to tap water, scientists from the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene. A.N. Sysina developed San-Ping for bottled water. It is much better than tap water in quality. And the state prohibits the chlorination of bottled water. High-quality bottled water is simply necessary for those people who are in poor health, pregnant women, the elderly, children, and just people who want to reduce the use of toxic substances. It is known that the minerals included in the composition are better absorbed by the body from water than from food. In addition, very often when eating refined, frozen foods, and then cooked on fire, up to 80% of macro and microelements are lost, and when they are deficient, the body processes them into fats. Therefore, it is doubly necessary to replenish the reserves of trace elements with water.

Water category 1. This is the largest part of the water that is found today on the shelves of stores in Moscow and the Moscow region (60%), but not the highest quality. SanPin ( also refers to category 1 water only from the point of view of its harmlessness to the body. This water is improved compared to tap water. By origin, it can be natural (wells, wells, rivers, lakes, reservoirs), as well as artificially created (taken, for example, from a water supply system and cleaned up). Now any water can be made drinking water. Water must comply with GOST R 51232-98, GOST 2761, SanPin, all impurities are removed from it using the strongest filters, they are made essentially dead, and micro and macro elements are artificially added using solutions of mineral additives, for example, " Rosinki". Category 1 water allows the presence of preservatives, which is prohibited for children's water.

Top quality category. Water of the highest category in the Russian market is about 15%. This is physiologically complete water - water that has the properties of the internal environment of the body. It is checked here in Russia according to 93 indicators. Water of the highest category is much more harmonious for cells. San Ping on bottled water reflects many years of research by our and foreign scientists on the relationship between the mineral composition and our well-being. For simple drinking water, in comparison with mineral water, GOST is prohibited from attributing medicinal properties. However, due to the optimal composition of salts and other elements, water accelerates the processes of cell repair, tissue regeneration, activates metabolic processes in the body, flushes out toxins and waste from the interstitial fluid and the whole body, and helps with heartburn and pressure. With regular use of high-quality water, memory improves in children, and it is easier for them to pass the exam, in adults, stones in the kidneys and pancreas dissolve, the aging of the body slows down, the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Water holds solid structures in the cell itself, or rather in the cell membrane (a hydroskeleton is created in cells due to the “incompressibility” of water, and therefore, water protects bones and organs from impacts, serves as a lubricant for joints in the elderly.

SanPin of 2002 on bottled water defines this water as “optimal in quality (from independent, usually underground, water sources). Such a formulation suggests that water of the highest category can be not only natural (having a harmonious structure, memory), but also artificially created. Recently, companies have appeared that make water not only of the first quality category, but also of the highest category. But water from a natural water source, of course, will be much more harmonious than artificially created water. However, iodine or fluorine can still be added to water if there is not so much of it in natural water. In fairness, it must be said that artificially created water of the highest category will also be better than category 1 water in terms of its macro and micro indicators. Preservatives may also be added to premium waters. And for children's water it is prohibited.

About the water "table"!

There is another type of water - table water, which is the most controversial among scientists, and confusing to consumers.

“Table waters” are legally classified as mineral waters, which are medicinal waters. However, mineral waters have a certain formula, for example, chloride-sulfate, and are used for certain indications: iron deficiency anemia, chronic cystitis, urethritis, etc. You need to apply them for no more than 1 month and take a significant break.

“Table” waters, according to the total content of minerals, are classified as fresh, drinking waters (mineralization 1 g / l), but in them, as well as in mineral water, there may be more of some individual component: chlorides, iron, etc. That is why it is important to see the content of the individual components on the label! And on the label, in addition to the fact that the water is “table”, recommendations for its use should be written. An increased content of any particular mineral can be dangerous for people with related diseases.

“Table” water accounts for a significant part of the water: 25% of all packaged water sold to the population and these are quite well-known brands of water that are supplied, including to children's institutions. The prices for some of them even exceed the price of baby water.

Bottom line: when choosing a water supplier, you should pay attention to the category of water. Be sure to check the water in the register of Rospotrebnadzor and carefully look at the certificate. It should be noted that in the certificate for category 1 water, the words “category 1” are not always written, but it is noted that the water of this brand meets the sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision. And only in the link to the document on the Internet it is indicated that the water is of the 1st category. You should also ask for the complete chemical composition of the water.

Such data must be available, since any manufacturer has been issued a certificate or certificate for water, which should contain a complete list of analyzes for 93 indicators. Less information about the quality of water itself will be information about the awards of the enterprise, participation in various exhibitions, tenders and competitions.

The most important inscriptions on water labels (GOST on labels: GOST R 52109-2003, GOST R 51074-2003, GOST R 23109-03) are the name of the water, its type (category), date of manufacture, storage conditions, expiration date, chemical-physical composition of water (content of anions and cations, total mineralization, hardness). It is also important to indicate the source of water intake, that is, the number of the well. Manufacturers of natural water indicate the number of the well from which it is extracted. Manufacturers of "artificial" waters, as a rule, do not specify this.

About the importance of cooler sanitization!

Bottled drinking water reaches a person through a cooler and a pump. A very important point in maintaining water quality is timely cleaning of the cooler and pump. Sanitizing and replacing the pump is not an overkill, but a necessity. A dirty cooler and, as a result, blooming water, water with mold, smell may well cause poisoning.

You can not ignore the rules of hygiene when using the cooler: you must remove the labels from the bottles before putting the bottle on the cooler. Bottle labels, in addition to introducing dirt into the water, also clog the cooler taps.

It is necessary to take the bottle with clean hands, clean the neck of the bottle with water and the funnel with the needle into which the bottle is installed with a damp cloth.

If you drink water "Divo", then our organization recommends that you sanitize the cooler once every 6 months.

With intensive use of the cooler, it is advisable to carry out sanitization more often - once every 3 months.

It is also necessary to carry out sanitization of new equipment, and when switching from one water to another, after repair work in the room or after long-term storage of the cooler. In some cases, for example, new equipment, you can sanitize the cooler yourself at home: instructions. On our website you can also read the rules for connecting and operating the cooler in the "Equipment Maintenance" section.

So, now you know what water is best for your child to drink.

All criteria for choosing high-quality water are contained in the article:

The best mineral water in Russia, the rating of which is presented below, has healing properties and is very beneficial for health. Drinks with low mineral content can be consumed daily to maintain good health and remove harmful substances from the body. But with the use of waters classified as medical-table, you need to be careful, since their irrational use can lead to the deposition of salts. That is why you should consult a specialist before taking them.

10 Volzhanka

Volzhanka opens the rating of the best Russian mineral waters. Refers to a number of sulphate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium medicinal-table mineral waters with a high content of organic substances from the Undorovsky mineral spring, which is No. 1 in Russia. Bottling of Volzhanka takes place at the Undorovsky Mineral Water Plant. The total mineralization is 800-1200 mg/l. Low mineralization is a guarantee that salt deposits will not occur in the body. Volzhanka is enriched with more than twenty micro and macro components. It is able to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, activates the process of removing small stones from the genitourinary system and biliary tract, and helps to restore metabolism. Volzhanka improves the functioning of the digestive system and intestinal motility. It also has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Truskavets water Naftusya is considered to be its analogue.

9 Springs of Russia

The springs of Russia are among the ten best mineral waters in Russia. It is bottled by the Wim-Bill-Dann food company in Esntuki. The springs of Russia are characterized by an extremely low content of minerals and salts, which allows the daily use of this water. The sources for its production are the Caucasian mineral waters. The production of this product complies with all Russian and European quality standards.

8 Novoterskaya

Novoterskaya refers to medicinal table waters, which have been on sale since 1955. Its extraction takes place in the Stavropol Territory from a hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral spring located near the village of Novotersky. Its mineralization is approximately 4-5.3 grams per liter, which is a relatively low indicator. Novoterskaya contributes to the replenishment of mineral reserves in the body and helps to strengthen its protective functions. The drink is intended for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes of such diseases as increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis, ulcers. It is able to reduce acidity and eliminate spasms.

7 Lysogorskaya

Lysogorskaya belongs to the mineral waters of the popular Russian enterprise Zheleznovodsk. This medicinal drink is often prescribed in the treatment of excess weight. In addition, it is taken for chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation, chronic colitis, dysfunction of the large intestine, etc. During the period of treatment, the intake of other liquids, as well as table salt, is limited. Lysogorskaya helps to restore metabolism and improve intestinal motility. It also has a diuretic effect and removes all toxins from the body.

6 Lipetsk Pump Room

Lipetsky Buvet is one of the ten best mineral waters in Russia. It is extracted from several wells located in the city of Lipetsk. It is bottled in two versions, one of which is represented by mineral waters extracted from a depth of 480 meters, and the other - from a 100-meter artesian well. This drink meets all quality standards. The Lipetsk Pump Room is famous for its lower content of chlorides than in other waters. Low mineralization and mild taste allow you to drink this drink daily to maintain good health and well-being.

5 Smirnovskaya

Smirnovskaya is one of the best mineral medicinal table waters produced in Russia. It is produced by ZAO Mineralnye Vody Zheleznovodsk. By its properties and composition, the drink is similar to Slavyanovskaya water. It is used in the treatment of most pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital area. Smirnovskaya is also prescribed for diabetes and impaired metabolism. With low acidity of the stomach, water is contraindicated for use. The total mineralization of this natural drink is 3-4 grams per liter.

4 Slavyanovskaya

Slavyanovskaya belongs to the mineral table and medicinal waters produced by the enterprise "Mineral Waters of Zheleznovodsk". It has a healing effect on the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, as well as the urinary and biliary tract. It is used for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, obesity and diseases of the urogenital area. Water mainly contains calcium, magnesium salts, sulfates, chlorides and bicarbonates. The total mineralization is 3-4 grams per liter. The drink can also be used to relieve the "hangover syndrome".

3 Borjomi

Borjomi opens the top three best mineral waters in Russia. Hydrocarbonate-sodium drink is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system. It is also used for metabolic disorders and obesity in order to reduce weight and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Water is extracted from nine healing springs, which are located on the territory of the Borjomov Reserve. The total mineralization of Borjomi is 5-7.5 mg per liter. Borjomov waters contain a large number of useful micro and macro elements.

2 Essentuki

Essentuki are among the best mineral waters produced in Russia. Under this common name, more than 20 carbonic hydrochloric-alkaline mineral waters are produced, which are extracted from various sources. Essentuki are used not only for drinking, but also for inhalations, taking therapeutic baths. The most famous are Essentuki, produced under the numbers No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, No. 17 and No. 20. Mineral water is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of impaired metabolism, obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

1 Narzan

Narzan tops the rating of the best mineral waters in Russia. Translated into Russian, the name of the water is translated as "drink of heroes." The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that it has natural gas. Narzan has a low total mineralization, which is 2-3 grams per liter. A drink is poured in the city of Kislovodsk. Water is formed from the melting of the Elbrus peak glaciers, which penetrate deep into the soil. After that, it accumulates in underground lakes, on the way to which it undergoes chemical processes, and goes outside. The drink is prescribed for diseases of the digestive system, impaired metabolic processes. Also, water can be used for preventive purposes.

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