How is chlamydia transmitted. Is it possible to have sex with chlamydia: what you need to know about sex life with chlamydia

Find out how chlamydia is transmitted, whether chlamydia can make love, and whether it can be treated in women. Here you can read the advice of experts, and learn all the subtleties.


Chlamydia is one of the few types of sexually transmitted diseases. Everyone is at risk of getting this disease, so you need to know how chlamydia is transmitted. This infectious disease has become widespread due to the absence of severe symptoms, long-term treatment and sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. A person may not be aware of the presence of this infection, thereby being a direct distributor. If this disease is not detected in time, it can lead to male or female infertility.

Chlamydia is transmitted only through sexual contact. When visiting the pool, using common hygiene products, textiles and airborne communication will not lead to infection. Whatever the sexual intercourse - anal, genital or vaginal, the risk of infection will be present in any case. To protect yourself from possible infection, it is necessary to use modern means of protection. The female body is more susceptible to infection than the male body, so care must be taken to always have modern contraceptives. If this infection is detected during pregnancy, then the fetus cannot become infected in the womb, but only during childbirth when passing through the birth canal.

Is it possible to make love with chlamydia: all the pros and cons

If this infectious disease was found in one of the partners, then the question arises, is it possible to make love with chlamydia? If the disease is allowed to progress, then this leads to a disease of the female organs and subsequently the woman may simply not become pregnant. When chlamydia is detected, you do not need to make love, you need to be actively treated in order to quickly get rid of this dangerous infectious disease and ensure healthy sex.

Even when treatment is taking place, you should not change your partner, because every time you make love to a new man, there is a risk of contracting other infectious diseases. Sex with chlamydia is prohibited and every doctor will confirm this, since you can infect your partner, even if you use condoms for protection. The risk will always be present, and it is fully justified. No qualified specialist will approve of making love if one partner has chlamydia, and this must be taken into account. Symptoms of this insidious infection may not manifest themselves for several months, so it is better not to risk it, but to wait until the partner is completely cured. At this time, a healthy partner should be fully examined and direct all efforts to prevent infection.

Is it possible to cure chlamydia: expert opinions

If any infectious disease is detected, it is necessary to immediately pass repeated tests and proceed to treatment. Can chronic chlamydia be cured? It all depends on the specific case and the neglect of the disease, how far it affected the rest of the organs. You can try, but it will not happen quickly and only if you adhere to a strict diet, take antibiotics and drugs, and completely abstain from sex.

Even when ridding the body of this infection, relapses are possible, so it is very important to have a constant, healthy partner, and always protect yourself. In the event of repeated cases of the disease, a course of antibiotics is prescribed again. At the end of the medication, the patient must take PCR tests to finally make sure that all chlamydia in the body are destroyed.

Modern drugs and diagnostic methods make it possible to detect this disease and its early stage, even during pregnancy, which increases the chances of an infected person for a speedy recovery without consequences for the body. It is very important to choose a good specialist who will develop the right treatment tactics.

Diseases find a person in different ways: getting inside through the respiratory tract and skin, climbing into the body along with food and drinking water, transmitted through dirty hands and household items. But there are diseases that can be contracted purely through sexual contact.

These ailments include chlamydia, which affects the urinary system in men and reproductive organs in women. What is the danger of sexual intercourse with this infection, and is it possible to have sex with chlamydia?

Invading the body, these bacteria begin to actively develop, which affects the well-being of a person in the form of malaise and specific symptoms - pain when urinating, fever, mucus discharge from the vagina or penis. However symptoms do not always appear.

ATTENTION! The main danger of chlamydia is inexpressive symptoms, which may be absent altogether. The sick person does not feel exactly any changes, while chlamydia, meanwhile, “get active” and cause damage to health.

What can cause chlamydia:

  • erosive processes on the mucous walls of the cervix in women;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urethra in men;
  • damage to the entire genitourinary system;
  • violation of the reproductive function of women due to inflammation of the uterus;
  • psychoneurological disorders.

In severe cases, chlamydia can cause conjunctivitis and damage to organs adjacent to the genitourinary system. A double danger awaits pregnant women, in whom the disease can harm both the expectant mother and the child.

Since the disease is transmitted through sexual contact, sex with chlamydia is the main “conductor” of the infection.

IMPORTANT! The only exception is the possibility of infection by airborne droplets through close contact with a person suffering from chlamydial pneumonia.

Possibility of sexual intercourse with chlamydia

Patients are far from always able to understand: why you can’t have sex with chlamydia, if there are no symptoms, sexual relations do not cause discomfort, and you really want love. The answer is simple: because one partner can infect the other. This is especially true for chlamydia carriers who prefer frequent sexual intercourse with different people.

ATTENTION! Sex with chlamydia can only be done using barrier contraceptives and preferably with one permanent partner.

But even a condom will not protect a “potential” patient from infection: the probability of catching an infection when using a “gum” is as much as 13%. Therefore, it is still better to postpone sexual intercourse until complete recovery.

Another danger of sexual relations during a chlamydial infection with different partners is the risk of catching other sexually transmitted diseases against the background of chlamydia. The combination with other diseases of the urogenital area will require a longer and more aggressive treatment, which will categorically shift the possibility of having sex indefinitely.

Sex during chlamydia treatment

Experts strongly recommend to carry out the "expulsion" of chlamydia at the same time in both partners. Otherwise, when one recovers, the second, at the very first sexual contact, will infect only the partner who has got rid of the infection with new “tenants”. And the disease will go in a vicious circle.

ATTENTION! Even if only one person in a couple is a carrier of chlamydia, sex is not welcome. The risk of infection through just one sexual contact is 50%. Therefore, if the first time "swept through", the second time will turn into a guaranteed infection.

Is it possible to have sex in the treatment of chlamydia, because therapy sometimes involves long-term programs for the elimination of bacteria, which cannot but affect the sexual health of partners?

Doctors urge during the treatment of chlamydia to limit, and even better - exclude sexual contact even with a regular partner, even with the use of condoms. This is explained by the same reasons as the need for simultaneous treatment.

However, at the very initial stages of therapy, when the "heavy artillery" in the form of antibacterial drugs has not yet been connected, sexual relations can be continued for a while. But only in agreement with the attending physician and with his personal permission.

After how much after the treatment of chlamydia you can have sex, the specialist will also determine. This is due to the peculiarities of the organism of each patient: one may need only 4-5 weeks for a complete cure, while the other will not be able to cope even in three months. Safe sexual relations are possible only after the complete expulsion of chlamydia and restoration of the normal functioning of the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

To determine when it is “already possible”, doctors use laboratory tests: PCR, ELISA, bacterial cultures. If the result is negative, it is recommended to wait at least another 2-4 weeks before resuming a full-fledged sexual relationship.

In contact with

Can chdamydia be cured? Most patients are of the opinion that this disease is incurable, but is it really so? Sometimes it takes a long time to cure the disease, but it can still be done.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to cure cdamydia forever can change, it all depends on how timely the patient turned for help to a medical institution. The problem is that sometimes the clinical picture is not clearly visible.

The patient either has no symptoms, or they have, but do not cause any discomfort. A few days after the presence of discomfort, everything can subside and patients believe that the problem has resolved itself. However, at this stage, the disease takes a chronic form and, when provoking factors appear, it will again make itself felt.

You should pay attention to the slightest symptoms that may indicate the development of the disease. Women have the following symptoms:

  • unpleasant and copious discharge from the genitals;
  • pain when urinating;
  • periodically hurts in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • body temperature rises slightly;
  • discomfort during intercourse.

During this time, the patient can treat other diseases with antibiotics, but their concentration is not so high that chlamydia will die.

Who treats chdamydia?

Chdamydia can be attributed simultaneously to several areas in medicine: urology, gynecology, dermatovenereology, and so on. The disease provokes the appearance of symptoms in the genitourinary system, people of all ages can suffer. However, the most common route of transmission is through sexual contact.

Before thinking about whether it is possible to permanently cure cdamidia, you need to find out which doctor you should contact. In fact, it all depends on the gender of the patient, since the disease develops differently in women and men. Another criterion that should also be taken into account is age, because not only adults, but also children can get sick.

The main specialist who should be visited if urogenital cdamydiasis is suspected is a venereologist. But with a long course of the disease and the presence of complications, women should consult a gynecologist, and men with a urologist.

If the disease was detected too late and the bacteria affected the eyes, an ophthalmologist should be consulted. With chdamydia in newborns, consultation with a neonatologist is necessary, in children a little older - with a pediatrician and a pediatric gynecologist, or urologist.

Specialists will eliminate those problems that have arisen from the development of the disease in this particular organ.

Interesting! You need to know that only a venereologist can carry out local treatment, without him it will not be possible to completely get rid of chlamydia.

Important points in treatment

Treatment of ureaplasmosis and chdamidia takes a long time, when prescribing therapy, you must follow a few simple rules:

The disease is dangerous because it depresses the human immune system, which is why numerous complications can occur.

Men may experience the following problems:

  1. Urethritis. Discharge from the urethra with an admixture of blood, severe pain during urination.
  2. Prostatitis. The infection provokes the development of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Men feel pain in the groin, lower back, rectum. In the future, there may be problems with potency.
  3. Epididymitis. An inflammatory process develops in the epididymis. Spermatogenesis is disturbed, infertility develops.

In connection with the anatomical features of women, the development of the disease is much more susceptible.

If left untreated, they may experience the following problems:

  • endocervicitis- inflammation in the cervix;
  • salpingitis- inflammation in the fallopian tubes;
  • endometritis- inflammation in the uterus;
  • salpingoophoritis- inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Chdamidia in women contributes to the formation of scars and adhesions, they lead to the formation of infertility, ectopic pregnancy.

The video in this article goes into more detail about what complications can be.

Features of treatment

Can we cure chdamydia?

The cycle of reproduction of bacteria can reach up to 3 days. Antibiotics should be prescribed so that they can block several cycles of reproduction at once - this is the only way to be sure that the bacteria are destroyed.

Antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics can affect chlamydia in different ways: they will not be able to build the walls of their body, reproduction will be stopped. However, for all this, a sufficient amount of the drug must enter the human body. Not all antibiotics can work in this way.

Preparations of the penicillin series for chdamydia are practically ineffective. The same can be said about cephalosporins.

In most cases, the following groups of antibiotics are used:

  1. Tetracyclines- the main antibiotics. They are not expensive, effective, practically do not cause side effects, they cannot be used to treat children and pregnant women.
  2. Macrolides- can be used to treat pregnant women and children. Drugs have both disadvantages and advantages. They are effective, do not harm the fetus, but can affect the condition of the liver. As for the latest generation macrolides, they are safe, however, the cost is high.
  3. Fluoroquinolones less effective antibiotics. Just like tetracyclines, they should not be taken by children and pregnant women.

Antibiotics from these groups are most often prescribed in the form of tablets. However, there is also a soluble form with better bioavailability.

Injections for the treatment of chdamidia are rarely prescribed, as a rule, they are needed in an advanced form. In this case, therapy begins with injections, after which they move on to tablets. The scheme is considered effective, enough drug enters the body and its concentration is high.

The doctor chooses antibiotics for treatment, taking into account the age of the patient, the stage of development of the disease, and the presence of complications.

Local treatment

In addition to antibiotics, other drugs can be prescribed for treatment - suppositories, drops, creams. Medicines should contain antiviral and antifungal components. But when should you use local funds?

Additional drugs should be used if there are concomitant infections. By combining several drugs, you can achieve a better result in treatment, especially if the disease is chronic, when the bacteria were able to firmly gain a foothold in the body.

Drugs from the following groups may be prescribed:

  • disinfectants and antibiotics;
  • antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the form of suppositories;
  • drops are prescribed for chdamydia eyes.

If chdamydia is combined with candidiasis or other fungi, antifungal agents may be prescribed. When herpes develops at the same time, antiviral drugs should be taken.

Probiotics for Healing

A large number of microorganisms live in the human body, some of them are beneficial, while others are harmful. Antibiotics, after they enter the body, begin to kill various bacteria, that is, not only harmful, but also beneficial.

As a result of this, the necessary microorganisms practically do not remain. Because of this, there are problems with the intestines, skin and other organs. This condition can be called dysbacteriosis.

To treat this condition, you should use drugs that will deliver beneficial bacteria to the body - eubiotics, as well as those drugs that do not contain bacteria, but there are substances that will contribute to their reproduction - probiotics.

By populating the mucous membranes with the necessary bacteria, pathogens can be overcome. Medicines can be prescribed in the form of capsules, powder, solution, and so on.

Immunomodulators in the treatment of the disease

After numerous studies, scientists were able to find out that with the development of chdamidia, immunity begins to work incorrectly: some mechanisms work faster, others stop working altogether. That is why they used to prescribe those drugs that will increase immunity.

However, not so long ago it was proved that drugs have no effect on the course of chlamydial infection. That is why now there is no interference in human immunity.

The photo below is an example of how the treatment is carried out.

How long is the treatment?

How long does it take to cure chdamydia?

In fact, the duration of treatment depends on many factors, and first of all, they include the following:

  1. Location of the disease. It is possible to cure urogenital cdamydiasis in just one course, but on condition that the antibiotics were chosen correctly. If the disease has managed to pass into the chronic stage of development, then the therapy will last more than one month. Chlamydial conjunctivitis can be cured in a week.
  2. The nature of the course of the disease - in acute or chronic form, the disease proceeds. In the acute period, the infection is active, it is most susceptible to medications, so treatment can last only a couple of weeks. If you ignore the acute stage, or treat it incorrectly, the microorganisms will go into a latent form, there will be no reaction to antibiotics.
  3. Are the drugs chosen correctly? Instructions on how to take the drugs and in what quantity are issued by the doctor. As mentioned above, chlamydia is resistant to many antibiotics, which is why it is difficult to find the right treatment.
  4. The presence of secondary diseases. Chdamydia not only destroys cells, but also affects the human immune system. During this period, the human body is susceptible and other infections can join: thrush, syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea. The medicine should be selected so that all infections identified during the examination are eliminated.
  5. What is the state of the immune system? For a speedy recovery, the immune system must produce the necessary antibodies.

Chdamydia is a disease that is unpleasant in itself. Additional discomfort brings that you need to take medicines for a long time.

Disease prevention

It is possible to cure chdamydia, but it would be much wiser to prevent its development. There are simple measures that will save you from the disease and prevent you from becoming a victim of its development. The main preventive rule is protected sexual intercourse. You should always wear a condom, regardless of the type of sex.

There is a special vaccine against chdamydia. The drug is injected into the nose, after which the person becomes immune to chdamydia. However, the vaccine cannot affect the infection, since chlamydia can hide from immunity. But later the treatment will be more successful.

How long does it take to be treated for chdamydia? The sooner treatment is started, the less time it will take. The therapy does not cause inconvenience, and the results from it are always good. The main thing to remember is that you can not self-medicate.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Can PCR not show xdamidiosis?

Hello, the PCR method may not detect chdamydia only at an early stage. In most cases, the diagnostic method is effective, but only if inflammation has already begun.

Can chdamydia be cured?

A disease such as chdamydia is curable, but it is possible to talk about a speedy recovery only if the visit to the doctor was timely.

Is it possible to engage in masturbation in the treatment of chlamydia?

It is not recommended to have sex or masturbation in the treatment of the disease. The thing is that at this moment the blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, this can lead to the spread of infection from the urethra to the appendages and prostate. As a result, complications can be more serious.

If a sexual partner has just been cured of chlamydia, is it possible to have sex and how to avoid infection?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The fastest way to spread pathogenic Miramistin. It is believed that no more than 10% of the types of microorganisms that exist in nature are known to modern microbiology: every year more and more new genera and species are described. "> microorganisms the following: Miramistin. "> the infection directly gets from one partner to another during sexual intercourse. Venereologists, as a rule, prohibit sex during the treatment of chlamydia in one of the partners. Chlamydia in men develops in the urethra and, if left untreated, gradually spreads to the entire reproductive system. The main affected areas for chlamydia in women are for men it is necessary to administer Miramistin. "\u003e the urethra and cervix. It should be noted that chlamydia in women can be asymptomatic, therefore it becomes chronic. In such cases, the disease may not make itself felt even for several months, while a woman is a constant source of bacteria .

If your sexual partner has recently been cured of chlamydia, and during the entire therapy you abstained from sexual intercourse, then your doctor will help you decide on the resumption of sexual activity. Before having sexual intercourse again after treatment for chlamydia, it is necessary to conduct a follow-up examination, the results of which will confirm the absence of bacteria in the body of your partner. If sexual partners have not interrupted intimate relationships throughout the course of therapy, chlamydia will need to be treated until both partners fully recover. In other cases, therapy will simply be a useless exercise, since regular sexual intercourse will lead to cyclic infection within a married couple.

Any venereologist will confirm that diseases transmitted mainly through sexual contact. "> venereal diseases and sexual life are incompatible. However, the treatment of chlamydia is a lengthy process and rarely fits into one course of complex therapy. Natural human needs have not been canceled, so accidental sexual contacts between partners are possible. For the prevention of chlamydia, you can use a condom that will reduce the likelihood of infection.However, the risk of contracting chlamydia with such protection is quite high.Additional protection against infection is possible if Miramistin® is used within 2 hours after sexual contact.The drug has a high pharmacological activity against pathogenic microflora that causes Miramistin contains a sequence of actions for emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. "> STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). The effectiveness of Miramistin® with proper and timely prevention will be as effective as possible.

Remember! If one of the partners is healthy and the other one is sick, it is better not to have sex until the chlamydia is completely cured. In case of secondary infection, the period of therapy will be significantly increased, and the general treatment of Miramistin is not an antibiotic "\u003e antibiotics will negatively affect the general state of health.

If it is very necessary for chlamydia, then it is possible, but the partner will become infected if it is the same as infecting others, and this is a question for "reflection", without delay "because it is necessary" (without nerves, not fatal, get treated together, the main thing is to hint in time). On average, 20% of the population of the Russian Federation or 7% of the world is infected with chlamydia, it occurs three times more often than gonorrhea. (The main carrier of chlamydia is cats - pets of women, so it is not recommended to keep cats near pregnant women).

Ignoring the treatment of chlamydia can lead to inflammation of the oviducts, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, both female and male. If a woman is being treated for chlamydia, her partner should be treated as well.

When a person went to the clinic for help, and the analysis showed a positive high titer for chlamydia. The doctor, prescribing antibiotics, strictly forbids having a sexual life until recovery, which for many seems like a severe impracticable restriction. Complete abstinence in the treatment of chlamydia is strongly recommended by both gynecologists and urologists. For the first few weeks, the couple may actually go on a withdrawal regimen (refusing to have sexual intercourse when treating sexually transmitted diseases) and not have sex. Because chlamydia treatment can take up to one, three, or six months, long-term adherence to sexual abstinence among sexual partners is rare.

Why is it necessary to exclude sex in the treatment of chlamydia?

The main goal of sexual abstinence during treatment is the prevention of reinfection (re-infection). After prolonged treatment with antibiotics, one unprotected intercourse can lead to zero all the results achieved in the treatment. Since chlamydia are bacterial organisms, they reproduce very quickly. If even a small colony of chlamydia re-enters the favorable environment of the vagina or urethra, the content of chlamydia in the analysis in the titer may increase again and, possibly, exceed the initial value.

Is it possible to use a condom?

Among experts there are different opinions on the use of a condom in the treatment period of a patient with chlamydia. The ability of a condom to protect against chlamydia is similar to its effectiveness in preventing AIDS: 100% protection does not exist, but the risk of infection is very low.
Despite the fact that only herpes viruses can pass through the micropores of a condom, the use of a condom does not guarantee an impenetrable barrier to re-infection, as tears, cracks in the latex material and infected secretions from one partner to another are possible.
Re-infection with chlamydia is also possible in the absence of sexual intercourse in its classical sense. Partners can be mutually infected through urogenital caresses. Thus, whether or not to abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment for chlamydia is a personal choice of one or both partners. Despite the overwhelming desire of the couple to have sex, it is still more reasonable to observe abstinence for the following reasons. First, in the absence of sexual intercourse, the effectiveness of antibiotics increases. Medicines are useless if the previously reduced number of chlamydia is replenished again and again with new colonies through sexual intercourse. In addition to the lack of progress in emergency contraception, the body experiences all the known negative effects that antibiotics bring from treatment. Secondly, once perfect sex will not bring the moment of cure from chlamydia closer, but on the contrary, it will delay the recovery for a few more weeks. In this regard, it is more reasonable to endure one's desires, rather than provoke a relapse of the disease, thereby prolonging not only the period of abstinence, but also the depressing effect of antibiotics, the cost of buying medicines and conducting tests.

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