The use of herbs and roots of burnet officinalis. Application, medicinal properties and contraindications of burnet herb Burnet plant 2 meters high

Burnet grass, the photo of which is placed below, is a plant that not only looks great in the garden, but also helps with some unpleasant and even dangerous ailments.

Description and characteristics

Burnet is a genus of perennial herbs, consisting of about 20 species and members of the Rosaceae family. Plants in the wild are distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The most famous is the drug burnet.

Its Latin name, consisting of two words blood and slurp, the herb received because of its medicinal properties to stop bleeding. Perhaps dark red inflorescences - bumps are also associated with the color of blood.

Burnet officinalis and some other species have several popular names:

  • redhead;
  • bumps;
  • blackhead;
  • meadow;
  • radovik.

This perennial has a powerful, thick, lignified rhizome. On average, its length is from 12 to 14 cm. Thin numerous roots up to 20 cm long depart from it.

It is important to know: many mistakenly believe that all the benefits are in the cones, however, rhizomes are most often harvested for medicinal purposes.

The stems of the plant are straight, thin, well branched in the upper part, their height is 0.6 -1.2 m. The leaves are rosette, large, compound, pinnate, long-petiolate.

More than 7-9 leaflets ovate or lanceolate with a serrated edge can be located on one petiole. Stem leaves sessile, sparse. The color of the leaf plates depends on the type. They can be both green and gray-gray, and variegated.

Flowering time is July. Peduncles in K. officinalis are tall, thin. At the tops are dark red or purple-black flowers, collected in short, cone-like inflorescences. Some species have drooping spike-shaped inflorescences of white or pink flowers.

The fruits ripen by September, these are small hard nuts, dark brown, up to 3 mm long. Some species are included in the regional Red Books, however, now it is easy to grow a burnet on your own.

Landing Rules

In the wild, the plant is found in meadows, edges, clearings, so a place in the sun or in light partial shade is suitable for a burnet. The plant is not demanding on soils, it can be planted on any moderately fertile garden lands with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

Before planting, the site must be dug up on a shovel bayonet; for digging, you can bring in 8-10 kg of well-rotted per square meter. Since in the wild the plant prefers to grow on soils with available phosphorus, 40 g of phosphorus fertilizer can be added.

You can plant a burnet with seeds. The seeds of this perennial herb are commercially available. You can prepare them yourself. Immediately after harvest in September, the seeds can be sown in open ground. It is necessary to sow in grooves or holes, the embedment depth is 0.5 - 1.0 cm. In April or early May, seedlings will appear.

If the seeds are purchased after the onset of frost, then they can be sown in mid-May. Such seeds will germinate in about 18 days. In the first year, seedlings form only a rosette of leaves, and they will begin to bloom from the second, and sometimes from the third year. You can also plant a burnet by dividing the mother bush, if such a plant is already on the site.

Note: the rhizome is quite strong and requires considerable effort when cutting.

In spring or late summer, the mother plant is dug up. With a clean knife, cut the rhizomes so that fibrous roots remain on each part. Delenki are placed in holes, covered with soil and watered well. Such plants are well received and will bloom in the next season.

Care Secrets

Since the burnet grows well without human intervention, it does not require special care.

In the spring, when the snow melts from the site, the bushes need to be fed. They are used in the amount of 30 - 40 g per plant, scattered near it in a dry form and slightly covered with earth.

Take note: the plant is prone to self-sowing, so it is advisable to cut the flower stalks before the seeds ripen.

The plant is resistant to frost, drought and disease. However, when grown in the garden, it is responsive to watering, loosening the soil and timely removal of weeds.

If it so happened that the bush became infected with powdery mildew, then the ground parts must be cut to the ground and destroyed. Healthy runs will begin to grow from the rhizome. If the plant is grown only as an ornamental, a diseased bush can be watered with a solution. If it is intended for the preparation of medicines or food, then the use of chemical control agents is undesirable.

Popular decorative varieties with a description

Burnet Tanna

Currently, the following varieties of K. officinalis are presented to the choice of flower growers:

  • Tanna- height of shoots up to 0.5 m, inflorescences are dense, red, currently the most common variety;
  • Red Zander- the height of the bush is 0.6 m, at the ends of the peduncles there are burgundy flowers collected in dense cones, the variety is recommended for cultivation in most regions of the country, including the Moscow region and the Western region;
  • chocolate tip- a new variety with dense chocolate-brown inflorescences up to 3 cm long on high meter-long peduncles;
  • Pink Tanna- a variety with pink inflorescences;
  • White Tanna- a variety with white inflorescences, green-blue leaves;
  • Red Thunder- shoot height 0.8 m, inflorescences drooping, soft, fluffy, red;

In addition, there are varieties of other types of this plant:

  • K. variegated "Little Angel"- leaves are bluish-green with a white border, the size of the bushes is 35 cm;
  • K. stupid "Alba"- inflorescences are white fluffy, slightly drooping.

The plant easily produces hybrids, if you plan to collect seeds for propagation, cross-pollination should be avoided.

Application and properties of the plant

Rhizomes and roots have useful properties, leaves also contain useful substances. The roots and rhizomes contain:

  • saponins;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • tannins;
  • gallic acid.

Advice: rhizomes and roots are recognized as a medicinal plant by both official and traditional medicine.

Burnet leaves contain many vitamins, including vitamin C. Both rhizomes and leaves can be used in cooking to prepare various salads, now there is even a variety of medicinal products called "Vitamin Salad". In addition, a pleasant tea drink can be prepared from the leaves.

Benefit or harm from use? Are there any contraindications

Useful properties of the roots and rhizomes of K. officinalis were studied by researchers from the Irkutsk and Tomsk Medical Universities. The data obtained confirmed the benefits of a decoction of this plant:

  • with gastrointestinal disorders of various nature;
  • to stop uterine bleeding;
  • with hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • with dysentery;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with purulent wounds and bedsores;
  • with stomatitis, tonsillitis.

Keep in mind: Before starting treatment, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Use without medical advice may be harmful. First of all, this applies to hypertensive patients. The use of a decoction provokes a jump in pressure. Individual intolerance and pregnancy should also be the reason for refusing treatment with this plant.

Collection and drying

The time for harvesting roots and rhizomes comes after the end of flowering, in order to properly prepare raw materials it is necessary:

  • carefully dig a bush;
  • trying not to break off, stretch the underground part of the plant;
  • clear from the earth;
  • rinse well;
  • cut the rhizomes lengthwise;
  • some time to dry in the sun;
  • dry in the shade with good ventilation;
  • if available, an electric dryer can be used.

Leaves are best harvested before flowering, dry them in the shade.

Several useful recipes

The easiest recipe for a decoction of roots and rhizomes to stop diarrhea can be prepared from:

  • 2 tbsp. l. raw materials;
  • 250 ml of water.

Heat water to a boil. Pour the rhizomes into a suitable dish. Pour boiling water over, cover with a lid and let stand for half an hour. Take this decoction at least 5-6 times a day, 50-60 ml. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.

Alcohol tincture can be prepared by rubbing 100 g of fresh roots and rhizomes and filling them with 400 ml of alcohol with a strength of 72 degrees. Insist 10 days. You need to take the remedy in a tablespoon 10 minutes before a meal. The tincture helps in the treatment of colitis and diarrhea.

Burnet is one of those plants that not only decorate the garden, but are also used in treatment and in cooking.

On the beneficial properties of burnet, see the following video:

The medicinal properties of a plant such as burnet have been known to people in our latitudes since ancient times. In the past, it was rarely cultivated separately, since this plant could be found almost everywhere, however, with a change in climatic and environmental conditions, it began to gradually disappear from fields and meadows. In our article you will find information about the features of planting, caring for this grass and a botanical description of its varieties.

Botanical description

Burnet refers to perennial herbaceous plants and has many different folk names, the most popular of which are: meadow, bloodworm, cold grass, wild mountain ash, owl arrow. A typical representative of the genus Burnet is the drug burnet, also known as pharmacy, or glandular.

The burnet has a long, as a rule, horizontally placed thick rhizome, the length of which reaches 10-12 centimeters. Multiple thin and long fibrous roots depart from the central rhizome. The stem is erect, from 30 centimeters to 1 meter high, often solitary, its upper part most often branches, inside it has a continuous cavity, smooth to the touch, bare.

Did you know? According to an old tradition, all young children were treated and prevented neurological diseases with the help of this plant. “Lying in a meadow among burnet and inhaling their aroma” - this was the traditional recipe for good health.

The leaves located in the basal region are long-petiolate, rather large in size, pinnate, their upper part is dark green, shiny, the lower part is lighter and duller. Leaves on stalks are unpaired, sessile. All of them have an elongated ovoid shape and sharp, sawtooth edges.

The flowers are small, often dark red, form heads in the form of an oval or spike 1.5-3 centimeters in size, they are located on long peduncles. Bracts - long, covered with hairs, brown, with membranes. The flowering process takes place in the summer. As fruits, the plant produces dry nuts of a tetrahedral shape of brown color, 3-5 mm in size.

Distribution and habitats

Most often, this plant can be found in fields, in flood and upland meadows, on flattering edges and clearings, along river cliffs and banks, in thickets of some shrubs. Especially a lot of it can be found in marshy areas. A typical type of burnet is listed in the Red Book of Latvia, some regions of Ukraine and Russia.

The range of the burnet is spread over the territory of almost all of Europe, North America, as well as regions of East Asia with a temperate climate. Single specimens can also be found in Central Asia, in the Tien Shan mountains. In Russia, the plant is mostly distributed in its Siberian part, the Far Eastern regions, the European part and the Caucasus.

Did you know? The Russian name of this herb is a complete copy of the Latin "Sanguisorba", which literally translates as "sanguis" - blood, "sorbeo" - to absorb.

Popular varieties of burnet

The general appearance of all varieties of the grass in question is more the same, the only difference is the color of the inflorescences, their length and sometimes the size and shape of the leaves. Here is a list of the most popular cultivars:

Application in medicine

Among the medicinal properties of this herb, antimicrobial, tonic, hemostatic, astringent, tonic and immunostimulating can be distinguished. Most of all useful biologically active substances are found in the rhizome of the plant. Especially a lot of its root contains a variety of tannins, the average weight of which in terms of chemical composition reaches 20-25%.

On the basis of the burnet root, there are a lot of different drugs intended for both external and internal use. And if external use primarily involves the use of alcohol infusions and rubbing to treat various irritations, injuries and stop bleeding, then the range of internal use of drugs based on this plant is very wide.

Important! Before using any folk remedy using this plant, get a preliminary consultation with a doctor in order to avoid possible side effects and allergic reactions.

For example, there are drugs designed to strengthen immune function, treat diarrhea, get rid of excessive bloating, to reduce intestinal motility, to treat various pulmonary diseases manifested by hemoptysis, and diseases of the female reproductive system.

Each of these remedies, in the form of a decoction, infusion, tea, ointment, suppositories, etc., is consumed according to the instructions attached to it.

Growing at home

Burnet- a plant that is quite undemanding to growing conditions, and caring for it, as a rule, is not particularly difficult. However, even considering the above, there are special aspects of its cultivation, which you can find in more detail below.

Growing conditions

This plant does not need abundant sunlight, however, if you want to fully develop its decorative potential, it is recommended to plant burnet in well-lit areas. Growing burnet in pots at home is certainly possible, however, in practice, such a tactic of breeding this plant is unproductive and can greatly complicate your care for it.

Cold grass very easily and without much harm to itself tolerates an abundance of various waters in the place of its growth, so there is no need to choose a site that would necessarily be located away from places of accumulation of surface groundwater and reservoirs. The plant also very easily tolerates the influence of wind and drafts, primarily due to the tight coupling of leaves and flowers with stems, so you can not take this factor into account when choosing a landing site for it.

Soil and fertilizer

It is advisable to choose a fertile soil, rich in a variety of mineral and organic compounds, it would be best to plant it on black soil with a loose, crumbly structure. Sandy loam and clay soils with a porous texture are also suitable. The acidity of the soil should be within the range of neutral or, in extreme cases, slightly acidic. Alkaline soils are not conducive to adequate growth and development of this plant.

A meadow, with an adequately chosen place and soil for it, does not require any top dressing before planting and during growth, but if you see that the plant clearly lacks fertilizer, then you should spend 2-3 cycles of alternating mineral and organic top dressing. As a mineral top dressing, superphosphate is suitable at the rate of 150-200 grams per bucket of water, and for top dressing with organic matter, you can use mullein or fermented bird droppings diluted with water 1:10.

It is best to fertilize the plant in question before sunrise or after sunset., since when fertilizers interact with the sun's rays, a chemical reaction may occur, during which the plant will burn the stems. It is necessary to pour water with fertilizers directly under the root, trying not to soak the stems and leaves. If you intend to plant burnet in infertile soil, it is recommended that you pre-fertilize it once with superphosphate in the above dosages.

Watering and humidity

The bloodworm requires a fairly large amount of water resources for its normal growth and development, therefore, it is recommended to water it daily at the rate of 1 bucket of water per 1-2 square meters. In this case, the water must necessarily be cold, it is desirable that it be settled, well or from an artesian well, since the chlorine contained in tap water can lead to the loss of the bright and attractive color of the burnet.

It is also desirable that the humidity of the air around the plant is maintained at a level that is approximately equal to its endemic habitats, that is, about 60-80%. To do this, you can simply water the plant abundantly according to the proportions indicated above, and if this is clearly not enough, and you see that it begins to fade, you can additionally spray the owl arrow from the spray bottle with water once a day, preferably before sunrise. In particular, it is actively worth watering the burnet in hot and dry summers.


There are two main methods for propagating a plant at home: vegetatively and with the help of seeds. Both methods have proven to be quite effective, however, since the vegetative method involves more effort and the desirable presence of additional experience in this matter, it would be better if you use the second method to start.


The process of propagating burnet by seeds is quite painstaking, however, if you follow all the recommendations below, it will become very easy for you. Here is an example algorithm of actions:

  • Collect seeds in late August-early September, after most of the inflorescences have faded.
  • After drying them for 2-3 weeks, prepare them for sowing by removing all empty and damaged seeds - to do this, put them in a glass of water and remove those that will not sink to its bottom.
  • At the end of autumn, start sowing in open ground - to do this, form a groove 5-6 centimeters deep, pour seeds into it and sprinkle it with earth on top.
  • In the spring, expect the first shoots to appear, and the beginning of active flowering of the burnet planted in this way will take 2-3 years after sowing.

Important! Try to sow burnet away from other plants, especially with a poorly developed root system, as in the future it will almost completely take away all the nutrients from its neighbors.


The vegetative technique involves dividing the rhizome of the burnet into several parts and their subsequent germination in a greenhouse with further transplantation into the ground with the onset of a warm period. Here is an example algorithm for this technique:

  • Dig up the rhizome of the plant, carefully clean it from the ground and divide it with a sharp knife into even segments 3-5 centimeters in size. This manipulation is best done at the end of November.
  • Plant the resulting delenki in separate pots in a greenhouse or at home, pour them with a little water and cover with transparent glass or plastic wrap to prevent moisture from evaporating.
  • When the first sprout appears, remove the glass or film and water the plant with a small amount of water every day in such a way as to wet the top 3-4 centimeters of the soil (wetting depth can be checked with a finger or a pencil).
  • In the spring, after the average daily temperature rises to +7 .. + 10 ° С, you can start hardening the seedlings, taking them out for 10-15 minutes to fresh air.
  • With the onset of May, matured and hardened plants can be planted in open ground, which, if desired and needed, can be fertilized according to the algorithms written above.

Relation to temperature

The burnet is quite easily able to endure both the conditions of harsh winters and hot summers, this is especially true for those plants that are planted near water bodies or near places where surface groundwater accumulates. It is worth saying that the owl arrow does not require particularly scrupulous preparation for wintering, it is enough to cut off all the stems that have not dried out on their own, and the plant does not need additional warming.

If the winter turned out to be little snowy, but at the same time cold, it would not be superfluous to scatter a small amount of mulch in the form of peat or sand over the proposed place of occurrence of the rhizome of this grass. However, in general, the burnet feels quite comfortable under a layer of snow, which, by the way, is recommended from time to time, in the case of a small thickness of its layer, to throw a shovel on the place where the plant grows.

Possible difficulties in growing

Burnet - a plant that is prone to self-seeding, therefore, if you want to have an aesthetically pleasing and controlled growth, it is recommended to cut off all dry inflorescences as soon as they are found. If you intend to collect seeds for re-sowing, then you should know that dry inflorescences cut at any time are suitable for this purpose.

In addition, once again we draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to maintain an optimal balance of moisture and sunlight, which, on the one hand, would allow your plants to grow and develop normally, and on the other hand, would not be too scarce or excessive for them. . This kind of skill comes with time, so don't worry if you have some trouble with it at first.

Pests, diseases and prevention

Of the diseases, various fungi pose the greatest danger, among which it is worth highlighting the black leg, gray rot and powdery mildew.

You can get rid of pests by treating your grass with a solution of some kind of insecticide, which is very widely available in many specialty stores. Treatment of diseases involves cutting off all the affected parts of the plant, up to the removal of the entire stem and rhizome of the diseased burnet and treatment with any fungicide, for example, Bordeaux mixture.

In order to prevent the occurrence of such processes in your plants, the same substances are used as in order to treat an already existing problem, only in slightly lower concentrations. It must be said that prevention is often carried out by spraying plants from a spray gun at the time of the onset of active sap flow processes (in mid-spring). In order to prevent the development of fungal infections of seeds and increase their shelf life, they are often treated with foundationazole or formalin.

Important! When working with chemicals, be sure to follow all personal safety rules and strictly follow the instructions for them.

So, we hope that this article helped you find all the information you are interested in regarding such a plant as burnet. Carefully and lovingly treat your site, form the most attractive and unusual compositions from your point of view, including a meadow, and your garden will be able to delight your family with its wonderful appearance and comfort for decades!

Instructions for use:

Burnet is a medicinal plant used as a hemostatic and antidiarrheal agent.

pharmachologic effect

Burnet officinalis is a tall perennial herbaceous plant with large basal leaves and small dark red flowers.

Burnet grass grows mainly in wet places - along the banks of rivers and in flood meadows. Blooms throughout the summer.

In medicine, the rhizomes and roots of the burnet are widely used, which are harvested from summer to autumn. Collected, washed and air-dried roots are dried in ovens. The rhizome and root of Burnet contain ellagic and gallic acids, tannins, catechin and gallocatechin, vitamin C, pyrogallol, as well as flavonoids, saponins and other substances. It has a hemostatic, antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory, uterotonic, enveloping, vasoconstrictor, antiseptic and astringent effect.

According to an old tradition, children at Krovohlebka were treated for neurological diseases. The aroma of the herb was believed to bring health and longevity.

Release form

Burnet officinalis is produced in the form of:

  • Vegetable crushed raw materials containing pieces of rhizomes and roots of the Burnet yellowish color with an almost black cork. Virtually odorless with astringent taste. 30 g, 35 g, 40 g, 50 g, 60 g, 75 g, 100 g in cardboard packs;
  • Powdered herbal raw materials. In 1.5 g filter bags, in cartons of 20 or 30 pieces.

Indications for use

Burnet in the form of extracts and decoctions is used for:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • Bleeding in the postcoagulation period of cervical treatment;
  • Amoebic dysentery;
  • Thrombosis of the blood vessels of the extremities;
  • Acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea.

Herb Burnet is also used externally for the treatment of burns and trophic ulcers.

With stomatitis, Burnet is used as a rinse.


Burnet officinalis is contraindicated during pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the plant and during lactation.

With caution, the herb Burnet is used for thromboembolism and increased blood clotting.

Instructions for use Burnet

To prepare a decoction from the root of the Burnet, 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials or 3 filter bags is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and heated for 30 minutes in a water bath. Without cooling, filter and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Then bring the volume up to 200 ml.

The resulting volume is divided into 4 doses. It is recommended to shake the decoction before using Burnet. The prepared decoction of Burnet officinalis is stored for no more than two days in a cool place.

In the form of a decoction, Burnet is usually used for children in the treatment of toxic and gastrogenous diarrhea by a teaspoon or a tablespoon every two hours until improvement occurs.

In chronic dysentery, a 10% decoction of Burnet is used for children: up to a year - 200 g per day, older - 300-400 g.

Side effect

When using Burnet, minor allergic reactions are possible.

With prolonged use, an increase in blood clotting may occur.

Storage conditions

The Root of the Burnet is released without a medical prescription. Shelf life - 5 years.

Botanical characteristics of burnet officinalis

Near rivers and streams, in large clearings and vast meadows, you can find such a medicinal plant as burnet. Burnet officinalis is a perennial plant with powerful roots. This plant has very thin and very long stems, they reach one and a half meters, and its leaves are shaped like feathers, they are called pinnate. The final inflorescences of the burnet officinalis are either drooping or spike-shaped, a lot of small flowers bloom on them.

The burnet tolerates the winter period well. Previously, plants attracted attention only for their beautiful flowers - take, for example, a rose bush or lilies. In our time, plants are valued for their stately leaves, graceful stems and, in general, for the harmony between the elements of the plant. From now on, burnet is recognized not only as a medicinal plant, but also as a rather interesting ornamental plant. Breeders do not sleep and bring out more and more new and very beautiful species of this plant.

The use of burnet

We remind you that a decoction prepared from the roots of burnet is taken not only inside, but also externally. The decoction, which should be taken orally, has bactericidal properties against Escherichia coli, all kinds of microbes of the dysentery and paratyphoid groups, and also has a protistocidal effect. A decoction made on the basis of the burnet root should be used for diseases such as diarrhea of ​​various etiologies, ulcerative nonspecific colitis, chronic enterocolitis, intestinal, gastric, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, renal and uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation.

Mostly in folk medicine, burnet is used as a highly astringent, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drug. Externally, burnet is used in cases of long-term healing wounds, such as stomatitis, tonsillitis, burns,.

In what types can you use a blood clot? If you have a disease such as intoxication or gastrogenous or enterocolitis, then the plant is used in the form of a decoction and liquid extract. Funds based on burnet have a hemostatic effect in gastric, intestinal, uterine and renal bleeding. With stomatitis and gingivitis, the decoction is taken for the purpose of rinsing. For external use, the plant is used as an extract.

To stop a headache or, tuberculosis, stop bleeding, you need to take a decoction of burnet. Also, the decoction is drunk with heavy menstruation or diarrhea. For burnet to help you as a wound healer, use the decoction externally. Similar methods are very common in folk medicine in countries such as China, France, Russia and Poland.

A decoction based on burnet leaves is very famous in China. It is used in folk medicine as an analgesic and hemostatic agent for hematemesis, pulmonary, intestinal and uterine bleeding, polymenorrhea.

The near-earth part of the burnet, namely the part of the stem, located almost at the base of the plant, is used as an astringent, bactericidal, protistocidal and hemostatic, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent for ulcerative colitis and dysentery.

Burnet cooking

To prepare a decoction based on burnet roots, you need to calculate the ingredients as follows: for two teaspoons of burnet roots, use one glass of water. After that, the composition is put on a low fire and boiled for about 15 minutes. The water will gradually boil away, fresh water is added in its place, to the previous volume. Drink a decoction should be one or two tablespoons three to six times a day half an hour before meals.

Properties of burnet officinalis

So, let's talk about the beneficial properties of the drug burnet. Basically, rhizomes are used for decoctions. The roots reach up to twenty centimeters in length, they should be collected in September, when the plant begins to dry out. The taste of the root is astringent, and the smell is almost not felt.

The rhizomes of the burnet contain about 13% of tannins from the pyrogallic group, in the roots their content reaches 20%. The roots of burnet also contain several acids. These are oxalic, ellagic and gallic acids. But this is not the whole list of elements that are at the root of the burnet. There are also starch, pigments, sterols, vitamin C, essential oil, calcium oxalate, gallotannins, carotene, saponin sanguisorbin. The leaves of the burnet contain 1.8% ascorbic acid and essential oil.

Now let's talk about the medicinal properties of the plant. The roots and rhizomes of burnet have hemostatic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and protistocidal properties.

Several trials were conducted on this plant to find out exactly how it affects a person's recovery. The results are as follows: medicinal burnet, or rather the extract contained in its root, has such medicinal properties as vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory, but if taken orally, it slows down intestinal motility.

Studies on nutrient media have shown the antiseptic effect of the extract in relation to Escherichia coli, it is worse expressed in relation to typhoid, dysentery and paratyphoid bacilli.

Collection and drying of burnet

Roots and rhizomes are recognized as the most important part for decoctions in the burnet officinalis. Harvest them at the time of fruiting plants. During this period, the burnet stands out from the rest of the row of herbs due to the dark red inflorescences.

Dig up the plant with shovels, and in no case pull it out of the soil by the stems. Shovels should have grooved, rounded blades. In order to preserve the thickets, part of the plants should be left for renewal (1 or 2 plants per 10 square meters). You can repeat blanks in the same place after a ten-year period. After the rhizomes have been dug up, it is necessary to shake them off the ground, after which the stems are cut off and washed in water, always in cold water.

After cutting off the stems and washing the plants, it is laid out for incomplete drying. After the plant is more or less dry, it is necessary to cut off the remaining stems located near the base of the rhizomes. Then the rhizomes are cut into pieces equal to 20 centimeters. Spread the rhizomes in the fresh air so that they dry a little, and then put them in the sun to dry completely. You can dry the raw materials in the attic, in the oven at a temperature of 45 ° C or in dryers. Never place raw materials on metal trays or wire racks. Because of this, the burnet can turn black and lose all its medicines. Finally, you can understand that the roots are dry, when they break instead of bending. You can store this raw material for about five years. We remind you that burnet has practically no smell, and the taste is astringent. The most significant crops of burnet are in Tatarstan, in the Urals and in Siberia. It is there that abundant preparations of burnet officinalis are carried out.

Contraindications to the use of burnet

Decoctions of burnet are forbidden to be taken by pregnant women.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

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