What a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle: consequences, dangers, diagnosis of hypodynamia, diet, movement and prevention. exercises to prevent disease

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the metabolism drops sharply due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body. Hence, many troubles: premature development of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, lung diseases ... With physical inactivity, obesity occurs, and calcium is lost from the bones. For example, as a result of a three-week forced immobility, the loss of mineral substances in a person is as much as in a year of his life. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in the micropumping function of skeletal muscles, and the heart thereby loses its reliable assistants, which leads to various circulatory disorders in the human body and cardiovascular diseases.

At rest, about 40% of the blood does not circulate through the body, it is in the "depot". Consequently, tissues and organs are worse supplied with oxygen - this elixir of life. And vice versa, during movement, blood from the “depot” actively enters the vessels, as a result of which the metabolism increases and the human body is quickly freed from toxins.

So, for example, in muscles at rest, only 25-50 capillaries function (in 1 mm 2 of tissue). In a working muscle, up to 3000 capillaries actively pass blood through themselves. The same pattern is observed in the lungs with alveoli.

Muscle inactivity leads to impaired blood circulation in all organs, but the heart and brain suffer more often than others. It is no coincidence that patients who are forced to stay on bed rest for a long time, first of all, begin to complain of colic in the heart and headache. Previously, when patients with myocardial infarction were not allowed to move for a long time, mortality among them was much higher. Conversely, when they began to practice an early motor regimen, the percentage of recovery increased dramatically.

A sedentary lifestyle also leads to premature aging of the human body: muscles atrophy, vitality decreases sharply, it sets performance, early wrinkles appear, memory deteriorates, gloomy thoughts haunt ... Therefore, longevity is impossible without an active lifestyle.

But training the body for physical activity, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the function of all organs and systems, increases the reserve capabilities of a person. So, under the influence of physical exercises, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, their lumen becomes larger. First of all, this applies to the vessels supplying blood to the heart muscle. Systematic physical education and sports prevent the development of vasospasm and thereby prevent angina pectoris, heart attack and other heart diseases.

To prevent blood stagnation in the body, it is necessary to “force” redistribute it between the limbs and internal organs. What needs to be done for this? Force yourself to exercise regularly. For example, during sedentary work, get up more often (several times an hour), do inclinations, squats, etc., take a deep breath, and after work, walk at least part of the way home. At home, it is useful to lie down for ten minutes, raising your legs.

It should not be forgotten that the older a person is, the less functioning capillaries remain. However, they persist in constantly working muscles. In functioning muscles, blood vessels age much more slowly than in internal organs. For example, the vessels of the legs age the fastest due to poor outflow of blood as a result of a defect in the valves of the veins. This leads to stagnation of blood, dilation of veins and chronic oxygen starvation of tissues with the formation of blood clots, trophic ulcers. Therefore, the muscles of the legs need to be given a feasible load throughout life, alternating it with periods of rational rest.

In a person who does not systematically engage in physical exercises, by the age of 40-50, the speed of blood movement noticeably slows down, muscle strength and depth of breathing decrease, and blood clotting increases. As a result, among such people the number of patients with angina pectoris and hypertension is sharply increasing.

At the same time, elderly people who lead an active lifestyle, pensioners who continue to work as hard as they can, do not experience a sharp deterioration in health.

Unfortunately, many older people are overly reinsured, afraid to once again go outside, limit their movements, avoid even a feasible load. As a result, their blood circulation deteriorates sharply, the respiratory excursion of the lungs decreases, the desolation of the alveoli increases, pneumosclerosis progresses rapidly and pulmonary heart failure sets in.

The sedentary lifestyle of a modern person has become one of the main causes of early atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, coronary heart disease and sudden death.

Numerous animal experiments testify to the same. So, for example, birds released from cramped cages, having risen into the air, died from a violation of the heart. Even captive-bred nightingales died from strong trills when they were released. This can happen to a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

To maintain the functioning of all organs and systems throughout life, a person must first of all take care of correct breathing. It has been established that the pulmonary artery, its inner membrane, with sufficient oxygen inhalation, activates the functions of certain hormones. This, in particular, is the basis for treatment with oxygen, oxygen foam, as well as the aromas of a number of flowers.

With an insufficient supply of oxygen to the human body as a result of shallow breathing, oxidative processes are disturbed with the formation of under-oxidized products with the so-called free radicals. They themselves are capable of causing a prolonged spasm of blood vessels, which is often the cause of mysterious pains in various parts of the body.

Any weakening of breathing, whether it is caused by improper breathing or little physical activity, reduces the oxygen consumption of body tissues. As a result, the amount of protein-fat complexes - lipoproteins - increases in the blood, which are the main sources of atherosclerotic deposits in the capillaries. For this reason, the lack of oxygen in the body accelerates the development of atherosclerosis in a relatively young. age.

It has been noted that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and avoid physical labor are more likely to suffer from colds. What's the matter? It turns out that they have reduced lung function.

The lungs, as you know, consist of the smallest bubbles filled with air - the alveoli, the walls of which are densely braided with blood capillaries in the form of a very thin network. When you inhale, the alveoli, filled with air, expand and stretch the capillary network. This creates conditions for better filling them with blood. Therefore, the deeper the breath, the more complete the blood supply to both the alveoli and the lungs as a whole.

In a physically developed person, the total area of ​​​​all alveoli can reach 100 m 2. And if all of them are included in the act of breathing, then special cells - macrophages - freely pass from the blood capillaries into the lumen of the alveoli. It is they who protect the alveolar tissue from harmful and toxic impurities contained in the inhaled air, neutralize microbes and viruses and neutralize the toxic substances they release - toxins.

The life of these cells, however, is short: they quickly die from inhaled dust, bacteria and other microorganisms. And the more polluted the air inhaled by a person with dust, gases, tobacco smoke and other toxic combustion products, in particular, vehicle exhaust gases, the faster the macrophages that protect us die. Dead alveolar macrophages can be removed from the body only with good ventilation of the lungs.

And if, with a sedentary lifestyle, a person breathes superficially, then a significant part of the alveoli does not participate in the act of breathing. In them, the movement of blood is sharply weakened, and these non-breathing parts of the lungs have almost no protective cells. Educated defenseless. zones and are the place where the virus or microbe, which has not encountered obstacles, damages the lung tissue and causes disease.

That is why it is so important that the inhaled air is clean, saturated with oxygen. It is better to inhale through the nose, where it is cleaned of microbes and dust, warmed and moistened, and exhalation can also be done through the mouth.

Do not forget that the deeper the breath, the larger the area of ​​the alveoli involved in gas exchange, the more protective cells - macrophages - get into them. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to regularly practice deep breathing in the fresh air.

In inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, on the advice of a doctor, you need to deal with breathing exercises to prevent wrinkling of the alveoli, to prevent their death. At the same time, one should not forget that the lung tissue is capable of regeneration, and the lost alveoli can be restored. This is facilitated by deep breathing through the nose, with the involvement of the diaphragm, which should not be forgotten by obese people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

A person can control his breathing, change its rhythm and depth. In the process of breathing, nerve impulses emanating from both the lung tissue itself and from the respiratory center affect the tone of the cerebral cortex. It is known that the process of inhalation causes excitation of the cells of the cerebral cortex, and exhalation - inhibition. If their duration is equal, these influences are automatically neutralized.

To give vigor, breathing should be deep, with an accelerated exhalation, which will also contribute to an increase in efficiency. By the way, this principle is clearly seen on the example of chopping wood: swinging an ax - a deep breath, hitting a log - a short, energetic exhalation. This allows a person to perform similar work for quite a long time without rest.

But a short inhalation and an extended exhalation, on the contrary, relax the muscles, soothe nervous system. Such breathing is used to move from wakefulness to a state of rest, rest and sleep.

The opening of the alveoli is also facilitated by an increase in intrathoracic pressure. This can be achieved by inflating, for example, a rubber toy or a ball bladder. You can also do it with effort, exhaling through the lips stretched forward and folded into a tube, pronouncing the letters “f” or “fu”.

A good breathing exercise is also a cheerful, perky laugh, which at the same time massages many internal organs.

In a word, in order to neutralize the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle that are detrimental to health, you need to regularly, until very old age, exercise in the fresh air, breathing exercises, harden, eat rationally. And in order for physical education and sports to bring tangible benefits, they must be practiced at least 6 hours a week.

But before you start training, be sure to see a doctor and consult with him, master the skills of self-control over your body, keep a diary of self-observation. And always and in everything observe the rules of personal and public hygiene, give up unhealthy habits.

L. N. Pridorogin, doctor.

A sedentary lifestyle has the most negative effect. First of all, a person begins to suffer from obesity. Excess intake of calories in combination with hypodynamia leads to rapid weight gain. Everyone suffers from this. The work of the liver, gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises. Diabetes the second type is when cells become insensitive to insulin. Most often, the disease affects obese people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Hypodynamia negatively affects work of cardio-vascular system. The heart weakens, the force of contractions decreases, this entails a decrease in vascular tone and leads to serious pathological processes, and in the future to complete disability.

When the cardiovascular system is disturbed, the metabolism slows down. All tissues and organs suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. The gastrointestinal tract suffers. The accumulated toxins poison the body and lead to general intoxication.

Strength and endurance gradually decrease. Even light physical activity becomes a burden. Depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, general, chronic fatigue syndrome - these are the diseases that invariably accompany people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis develops as a result of impaired function of peripheral joints. Most often, violations occur against the background of hypodynamia.

Serious dysfunction of all organs and systems ultimately leads to a reduction in life expectancy.

It is quite easy to prevent serious consequences. To do this, you should do light exercises daily, visit the gym twice a week. In addition, it is advisable to devote more time to walking, on weekends to work in the garden, vegetable garden or take a bike ride to the park, forest or square.

If hypodynamia is forced and caused by serious illnesses, a long course of rehabilitation will be required with the participation of doctors: a neurologist, an orthopedist, a nutritionist, as well as a massage therapist and a medical instructor. physical culture.

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Many modern people, unfortunately, lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. They get to work by car, sit in the office all the time, talk on the phone or surf the Internet at lunchtime, have a snack and sit down at the desk again. At home, in their free time, they usually also sit at the computer or in front of the TV. A sedentary lifestyle leads to numerous negative health effects. How to help yourself?


Fitness. It is not necessary to enroll in gym, exhaust yourself with numerous workouts. It is quite possible to sign up for a pool or dance. Invite your sister, husband, brother, girlfriend with you, so walking will be much more fun.

If you can't pay for classes, you can always study at home. A light jog or walk in the morning will do, a warm-up at lunchtime, exercises in the morning. There are a huge number of sets of exercises that can be viewed on the Internet.

At least for the weekend, forget about such pleasure as transport. It is better to walk, and you can also use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Change your lifestyle. Usually a man goes to the store, Kindergarten behind the child, takes out the garbage, and the woman does household chores. Sometimes you can do the opposite: let the woman go shopping, go for the child, and the man at this time, for example, will cook dinner.

Dancing. Now the opportunity to dance mainly falls on holidays and corporate parties, but you can also dance at home. This is a good way to lose weight and also increase your activity.

Furniture. The bed should be moderately hard, the pillow should be low and not too soft. Use a comfortable chair both at work and at home.

Massage. Visit a massage therapist at least once a month. It will help get rid of osteochondrosis and other sores.

Did you know that the habit of spending most of the time in a sitting position is slowly killing us? Most people know that it is necessary to get up every 45 minutes and that, in general, you feel numbness in all your muscles if you sit for a long period of time.

This habit can shorten our lives, and this has already been demonstrated scientifically. Do you think this is an exaggeration? Try to recreate in your mind the route and schedule of a typical work day.

You wake up in the morning, prepare for a new day and go to work.
If you are traveling by car, you have already lost any chance to do "extreme" sports in public transport from the very beginning. But if you ride the latter, then it's more than likely that you sit on the seat every time, whether it's a bus or subway. Even if the motive is to avoid crowds and crowds, you still sit.

When you arrive at work, sit comfortably in your chair. Many of us have a habit of not getting up from there until we can no longer feel our buttocks, and when the stiff muscles of the neck send desperate nerve arrows to the receptors in the brain, “Aw, we are numb! Shall we do some exercises?".

The way back home is no different. Arriving home, regardless of whether you start doing something around the house or take care of the children, will end the same way - you will sit on the sofa in the living room in front of the TV. And then smoothly move into the bedroom so that the bones rest a little more.

The typical daily routine of a working person suggests that you spend most of the day sitting, experiencing great stress on the spine and neck muscles. Returning to the conclusion of scientists, we can summarize: a sedentary lifestyle is killing you.

In their opinion, prolonged inactivity, even if you sometimes visit the gym, is bad for health. While the research is still preliminary, previous evidence suggests that people who spend most of the day sitting are more likely to experience serious problems, such as obesity or even heart attacks.

After four hours of sitting, the body begins to send "harmful" signals. Hormones involved in the regulation of glucose and fat levels in the body begin to limit their activity. All this leads to the deposition of fat.

Even those people who engage in physical education periodically are not exempt from these troubles if they spend the rest of the time sitting in an armchair or on a chair. Experts advise to alternate these periods.

Another study published last year in Canada confirms the Swedish data. About 17,000 Canadians were under the supervision of scientists. Inactive people who spent most of their time sitting in a chair or armchair experienced greater risks of death from various diseases directly related to physical activity compared to those who maintained a good habit of moving more often. While the researchers have come to some conclusions, they haven't had time to analyze the nuances yet. Thus, although they are sure that a sedentary image is very harmful to health, they cannot yet say how harmful it is.

Thus, for our own good, it is necessary to interrupt periods of sitting as often as possible.
Even if we spend our entire day at the office, we need to find as many reasons as possible to get out of our chairs. For example, if you want to take a break and tell your colleague a funny story, you do not need to do it through electronic means of communication, but get up and go to his office on foot. So you can kill two birds with one stone: you move and strengthen relationships at work.

A large percentage of the world's population is immersed in work. Moreover, the work is not physically active, but passive, which involves a sitting position. In addition, a person sits most of the time.

Behind the car, on buses, work in the office, at home, watching TV or playing on the computer. This lifestyle can lead to a host of problems: health problems, obesity, headache, poor motor skills, poor metabolism - all this and much more can be acquired if you constantly sit. This needs to be dealt with, but how? There are several productive simple tips on this account.

1. You can do fitness or aerobics. Buying a gym or pool membership is not difficult, especially if you live in a fairly large city. You can visit such establishments with your family, with your husband or with your friends. This will give a positive, and not one is easier to start practicing.

2. You can limit yourself to a few suitable exercises that you can do at home or during a break from work. You can see which exercises you need to perform on the World Wide Web. What kind of exercises can these be? For example, squat, head turns, windmill and many others.

3. Jogging or brisk walking. You don't have to specifically go out for a run in the morning or evening, although that wouldn't be so bad! But you can do it differently. For example, if you live in an apartment building on the 5th or 8th floor, then you do not need to constantly wait for the elevator, go on foot, especially since elevators can be life-threatening. And such an everyday rise will greatly diversify your sedentary life.

4. You do not need to constantly give mobile work around the house to your husband or children. Take out the garbage yourself, go to the store, walk the dog. This will refresh you and help you get rid of the extra calories eaten at dinner.

5. Dancing! Remember youth, eternal discos and dances. Now you only dance at parties once a month, and then you may be shy of someone. What's stopping you from dancing at home? If you turn on your favorite music from the past, then you yourself will not notice that you will start dancing. And dance, whatever it may be, is always a good way to move actively. Moreover, it is very uplifting and restores strength.

6. Pay a lot of attention to the furniture on which you sleep or rest. They must answer all medical advice.

In today's world, we spend much more time sitting than moving. This includes transport, own or public, and work: work at the computer and filling required documents, and even rest, because basically we relax on the couch watching TV.

A sedentary lifestyle cannot but leave negative traces on human health: this is, first of all, the appearance of excess weight, diseases of the spine and joints, decreased vision, and the development of headaches. This list is endless.

But if you follow a few simple rules, you can avoid these troubles:

1. Fitness. It can be anything your heart desires: swimming, aerobics, dance studio. If you are too lazy, take a friend with you, because it is much easier to do together.

2. Simple exercises that you can perform at or at work. If you don't have enough money for a gym, there is an easy way out! Buy a book that will describe the sets of exercises or just download them on the Internet. Set aside at least twenty minutes a day. If you keep forgetting to do them, set a reminder on your phone or write it on bright Post-its.

3. Walk more. Give up small habitual actions that make our lives easier: rides on the elevator, transport, if time permits. Go to distant stores and never ask anyone to bring you something, always go for it yourself.

4. Redefine household chores! If your husband goes to the store all the time, walk the dog and take out the trash, and you are constantly standing at the stove or sink, this is wrong! Try to go outside yourself, so you get rid of unnecessary calories and gain muscle tone.

5. Dancing! How long have you been at the disco? No way to go? No problem! Just turn on your favorite music louder at home, and you will not notice how you start dancing. In such a simple way, you will get flexibility, harmony and a charge of good mood!

6. Armchair. It is absolutely necessary to choose the right chair that will not harm your posture. By the way, car seats have the most comfortable configuration, therefore, when buying an office or computer chair, you should choose something similar in shape. A well-chosen good chair will allow you to never feel back pain.

7. And finally, massage. At least twice a year, attention should be paid to this in order to avoid stagnation in the vessels and osteochondrosis.

Follow these simple rules and be healthy.

The further technological progress goes, the lazier humanity becomes. To get food, our ancestors had to wind tens of kilometers daily, wash in rivers by hand, cultivate fields and perform a huge variety of other body movements to provide for their basic needs. And not a moment of rest! The majority modern people rooted to their sofas, office chairs and computers. All household duties help us to perform various appliances and we don’t even need to get up to switch the TV, because there is a remote control for this. All this is good and convenient, but dangerous to health and life in general. MedAboutMe figured out what the sedentary lifestyle already familiar to us leads to and what undeniable arguments can be made in favor of a regular physical activity.

Nothing threatens me! I go to the hall!

Not so long ago, it was believed that it was enough to go to the gym several times a week or take walks in the evenings, and all the harm from a sedentary lifestyle would be compensated. But now the opinion on this matter is different: the more time a day a person spends in a passive state, the greater the harm to his health. Of course, even hourly physical activity is useful, but this is not enough to avoid the consequences of physical inactivity during the day.

A sedentary lifestyle today is not only retirees and housewives. The main risk group also includes office workers and children. Each child spends an average of 6 hours at a school desk, and then at home almost the same amount of time sits in front of a TV or a computer. The lack of movement and physical activity negatively affects the development of a growing organism and the state of its immune system.

Spending in a sitting position from 6 hours a day, a person drives himself into the grave with his own hands. No matter how rude it may sound, physical inactivity leads to muscle atrophy and disrupts the normal blood flow of the vital systems of the body. In addition, there is a lack of fresh air, sunlight and other deprivations of a person who has arbitrarily driven himself into confinement. All this weakens our body and gives the green light to various diseases. The longer we lead this lifestyle, the more difficult it will be to get back on the path of health and physical activity. What diseases threaten those who spend most of their time sitting?

According to scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles, a sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect the state of the area responsible for long-term memory. Such results were obtained thanks to the data of a survey of a group of volunteers of 35 people aged 45-75 years. Each participant underwent magnetic resonance imaging of the medial temporal lobe of the brain and hippocampus. Before this, specialists surveyed volunteers who spoke about their physical activity and time spent in a passive state over the past week. The study showed that with prolonged sitting, the medial temporal lobe of the brain decreases. This threatens to worsen the cognitive abilities of a person and increase the risk of developing senile dementia not only in the elderly, but also in middle-aged people. So far, it is impossible to say that a sedentary lifestyle is guaranteed to lead to changes in brain structures, but, as they say, the first bell has already been received.

Disease number 2. Let's go to diabetes

The increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in sedentary people has long been rumored. But, according to researchers from the University of Liverpool, just two weeks of inactivity is enough for health problems to appear. Of course, such consequences are reversible, but only if you catch yourself in time. This conclusion was made possible by the results of a study in which 45 people took part. The average age of the volunteers was approximately 36 years. All of them were not athletes and did not regularly visit the gym, but simply walked at least 10 thousand steps every day. For the duration of the two-week study, its participants observed their usual diet, kept a food diary, traveled to work by transport, climbed to the floor using an elevator - in general, they limited their physical activity as much as possible.

After two weeks, all volunteers were interviewed and examined. It turned out that for all the participants during this short period, the waist increased and formed body fat, a muscle mass on the contrary, decreased. Volunteers also decreased cardiorespiratory endurance and tissue sensitivity to insulin. The latter problem was most pronounced in participants with a genetic predisposition to develop diabetes.

Despite such rather sad conclusions, scientists noted that, having changed their minds in time, everything can be changed. Study participants returned to their former shape after 2 weeks of leading their usual lifestyle.

An eight-year follow-up of more than 84,000 men aged 45-69 led California scientists to the conclusion that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart failure in the stronger sex. Men with a lack of physical activity increase their risk of developing heart failure by as much as 52%.

No less dangerous physical passivity was for women. Staff at Cornell University studied data from 93,000 postmenopausal women. It was possible to find out that the fair sex, who spent more than 11 hours in a passive state, compared with those who sat no more than 4 hours, had a 12% higher risk of premature death. Also, a sedentary lifestyle threatens women with rapid weight gain and makes them 27% more prone to developing coronary heart disease.

Disease number 4. Impact on the knee joints

British scientists claim that office workers are in the main risk group for the development of osteoarthritis of the knee. Through a survey, experts found that every tenth office worker suffers from chronic pain in the knee joints. A sedentary lifestyle creates an excessive static load on the knee joints, which leads to their gradual destruction. Excess weight exacerbates the problem, and subsequently it can lead to osteoarthritis.

Scientists from Deakin University in Australia have added to the list of dangers of a sedentary lifestyle the likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder. Experts analyzed the results of 9 studies aimed at studying the relationship between lack of physical activity and anxiety disorder. The latter is characterized by an increased sense of anxiety, leading to increased heart rate, muscle tension, and headaches.

In the course of the work, it turned out that a high risk of anxiety disorder was observed in 5 out of 9 cases of a sedentary lifestyle. A pattern was also clearly visible: the more time a person spent sitting, the higher the risk. The reason for this, according to scientists, are sleep disorders and metabolic disorders in people whose life is dominated by physical inactivity. According to experts, the lack of communication with relatives and friends also contributes.

Disease number 6. Insidious osteochondrosis

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main factors contributing to the development of scoliosis, spondylosis and osteochondrosis. The latter is the most common, and its first signs may appear even in childhood. But most often, osteochondrosis is faced by adults with a lack of physical activity. In a sitting position, the load on the spine increases by more than 50%. The weakening of the tone of the back muscles and degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs lead to their premature wear. The thoracic and lumbar spine are most commonly affected.

In a sitting position in the lower part of our body, the blood ceases to circulate normally, and blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs. All this creates an increased load on the vessels, which are already weakened due to the lack of sufficient physical activity. One of the most dangerous consequences of such processes is development. It all starts small, and the first thing a person may not particularly pay attention to is itching in the anus. Without timely treatment and appropriate conclusions regarding your lifestyle, the disease will progress, leading to bleeding and even rectal prolapse.

In conditions modern world It is extremely difficult not to sit for hours at the computer for work or study. But, if this cannot be avoided, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • every 45 minutes (or even half an hour) of sitting, you need to do a little warm-up: just go for a walk around the room or sit down several times;
  • don't forget about the regular physical activity: Hiking, visiting the gym, swimming, etc.;
  • passivity should be avoided where possible: do not lie on the couch in front of the TV as a rest or spend hours at the computer on the Internet.

Do not forget that our body is not adapted to passivity. Movement is life, and its absence will certainly lead to the development of various diseases.

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For many people office work involves prolonged sitting at the table, sometimes even throughout the day.

Of course, today you can find various ergonomic products that make working in the office more comfortable.

In addition, some companies offer their employees free hours, for example, in gym or swimming pool.

Do not forget about those who work at a distance - a sedentary lifestyle also affects those who work from home.

Yet scientists believe that many of those who often have to sit at the table, already damaged your body, and it will take more than one day to fix these problems.

Here's what Peter T. Katzmarzyk, Ph.D., says:

"Even people who lead an active lifestyle have a high risk of harming their body. Sitting for a long time cannot just be compensated by physical activity."

Sitting position

It is hard to imagine that such an action as sitting can be so harmful to our health.

In fact, prolonged sitting can have many adverse effects.

Why sitting is bad

Here is a list of 12 side effects long stay in a sitting position:

1. Slow metabolism

Prolonged inactivity reduces the rate at which fat is burned, which slows blood flow, and reduces the effectiveness of insulin.

2. Wrong posture

Staying in a sitting position puts pressure on the lumbar intervertebral discs.

In this position, the head is tilted forward, forcing the shoulders to compensate for the weight transfer.

3. Injuries of the back and spine

A long sitting position creates constant pressure on the lower back, including the muscles and ligaments.

4. Decreased social skills

In addition, sitting at a computer for a long time means less exposure to fresh air, and a lack of sunlight leads to a lack of vitamin D. According to scientists, a lack of this vitamin significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes or cancer.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Long sitting leads to an increase in the mass of visceral fat, tissues become immune to insulin. This, in turn, leads to hormonal and clinical disorders, and eventually to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

7. Chronic pain

Improper seating at the table for a long time leads to increased pressure on the lower back. Pain that eventually occurs can become a symptom of chronic diseases.

8 Obesity

Due to the fact that during sedentary work, the main muscle groups of a person work less, calories are burned more slowly. Over time, this can lead to overweight or even obesity.

9. Diabetes

Inactivity reduces the body's ability to maintain normal blood sugar levels, which reduces insulin sensitivity.

10 Cancer

Reduced activity increases the chances of developing cancer. According to one study, sedentary work is bad for women, contributing to development of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer.

11. Heart failure

Long sitting at the table, behind the wheel and / or in front of the TV just as much harms men. According to the study, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and sometimes to death. The risk of developing such diseases, according to scientists, increases by 64%.

12. Lethal outcome

After several studies, scientists have found that a long sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of overall mortality among men and women by 6.9%

General lethality is the ratio of the number of people who died from any disease and/or injury to the number of those who had this disease, expressed as a percentage, over a certain period of time.

Simply put, if you have health problems, then a sedentary lifestyle can make those problems worse.

Useful tips for those who can't avoid a sedentary lifestyle

This advice comes from James A. Levine, MD, Mayo Clinic, one of the largest private medical centers in the world.

Periodically move/move in your chair

Get up when talking on the phone or having a snack

Use a desk (standing table)

Take regular breaks while you work

To talk with colleagues, do not arrange conferences, but walk with them a little; Simply put, during the conversation, wind circles.

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