Is it possible to feel the prostate from the outside? What to expect during a visit to the urologist? Prostatitis: causes

The prostate gland is an important male organ in the male reproductive system. There is a lot of information about the importance of prevention and timely treatment of emerging prostate diseases, but not many men know how to find the prostate in themselves.

Features of organ anatomy

All men know the peculiarities of the functioning of the organ and their significance to the reproductive system, but few know that in order to identify pathological changes in the functioning of the prostate, it is necessary to palpate the gland and identify inflammation. Most often, massaging the gland is recommended to solve problems with the organ. To do this, you also need to know how to carefully feel the prostate.

The prostate gland is considered a paired organ consisting of two lobes. Sometimes an organ in its structure may differ in the number of lobes; this depends on the individuality of the organism. Excretory ducts extend from the lobes and connect into one large canal.

Palpation of the organ

  • The organ is located under the bladder, surrounding the lower part of the bladder. During inflammatory processes, the prostate protects the bladder from infection, and in another case, when it is inflamed, its size negatively affects the process of urine outflow, which is a pathology.
  • The normal size of the male gland is up to 5 cm; during the inflammatory process it increases in size, which causes painful symptoms. The organ is located adjacent to the posterior wall of the rectum, which explains the prostate procedures for diagnosing prostate pathologies.
  • Through the thin wall of the intestine, you can therapeutically influence the organ itself. Using rectal suppositories, enemas, prostate massages.
  • The size of the prostate gland varies with age. In childhood it is very small in size. As a man ages, the organ becomes larger.
  • If carried out to have a small size, this is due to changes in hormonal levels, which are directly related to the functioning of the organ.

Self-palpation of the prostate

If you palpate the prostate gland with pressure, the patient may experience pain and discomfort. This phenomenon indicates that the organ is inflamed. The progressive inflammatory process is accompanied by throbbing, sharp, severe pain.

This pain syndrome occurs in the rectum and is the first symptom of acute inflammatory pathology (acute prostatitis). During self-examination, you can palpate the prostate with special, therapeutic massages, which improves the functioning of the prostate and increases sexual activity.

Preparing for a rectal examination

To be performed in medical institutions. This procedure has long established itself as an effective study, treatment and prevention of the organ.

For maximum, painless palpation, especially when the procedure is performed at home, the patient must be prepared.

How to prepare
  • Before carrying out therapeutic massages, a man must undergo recommended anti-infective therapy.
  • To locate the prostate, before a rectal examination, the rectum is cleansed using a regular enema.
  • An enema is given with warm, boiled water with a few drops of vegetable oil.
  • Since the organ is located behind the bladder, the bladder should be as full as possible; for this, the man drinks 700 ml of water before the session.

The liquid is consumed approximately half an hour before the finger session.

Step-by-step instructions for palpating the prostate

Executing the procedure
  1. The man takes a position lying on his side, so the anal canal is more relaxed. The knees should be bent and pressed as tightly as possible to the peritoneum.
  2. If massages are carried out at home, then it is necessary to purchase special medical gloves for this.
  3. The finger (index) is generously lubricated with Vaseline or other selected lubricant to ensure maximum comfortable insertion into the anal canal. Insertion of a finger is allowed to a depth of no more than five centimeters.
  4. Insertion of the finger should be careful and slow. At a depth of 5 centimeters, your finger will feel the border of the prostate gland.
  5. During the procedure, a man should not feel any discomfort, much less pain.
  6. The examination is carried out for no more than 40 seconds, during which time it is possible to palpate the prostate gland with light movements, determining its condition for softness, size, and the presence of possible seals.

Usually, with the help of a specialized specialist, he gives a complete assessment of the condition of the organ and predicts the diagnosis. In cases of diagnostic doubt, the doctor prescribes other examination methods.

Helpful information

When palpating the prostate gland is performed for the purpose of self-massaging, then the first examination is carried out according to the instructions presented above. The sequence of execution must be taken into account as much as possible; in order to avoid injury to the mucous membrane or anal canal, the nails must be cut off.

Subsequent massages are performed daily. One of the differences between palpation during examination and therapeutic massage is the tactics of conducting sessions. During therapeutic procedures, during a massage you should apply light pressure and stroking of the organ with your finger. Each therapeutic therapy session lasts one and a half minutes.

During this time, the patient receives a healing procedure to stimulate the functioning of the male gland. If during sessions the patient feels painful symptoms, this indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the organ. Pain syndrome can be a harbinger of chronic prostatitis in the acute stage.

Chronic prostatitis may have a soft organ consistency

When, during palpation, the presence of scarring or small compactions is determined, this indicates possible manifestations of inflammatory pathologies, or is the main symptom of prostatitis caused by stagnation. Pain during rectal massage is possible if there are stones in the prostate. When the prostate is enlarged in both lobes equally, but its condition is uniform, this can warn of prostate adenoma.

When a patient independently feels the gland or conducts massage sessions, revealing even minor changes in the organ, he should seek advice from a specialist. It is impossible to delay a thorough diagnosis of the organ, because most of the male population with prostate pathologies, due to untimely treatment and elimination of the causes of the disease, faces such a problem as prostate cancer. The oncological process in some cases leads to death, it is for this reason that men's health should be under control.

To avoid serious processes, men should carry out planned, annual visits. Sometimes a random inspection can save a life.

This method of diagnosing prostate diseases was used by ancient doctors from the time of Hippocrates, who did not have the opportunity to examine patients using any laboratory or instrumental methods.

Today, doctors say that all men over 40 years of age should undergo a rectal examination of the prostate every year. The examination is also necessary for patients who suffer from urinary dysfunction or have erection problems.

Digital examination of the prostate gland is a diagnostic procedure that is performed using the doctor’s index finger through the patient’s rectum.

During the manipulation, the person must take a special position.

It is better if the man lies on his side with his legs brought to his stomach and his knees bent, or takes a knee-elbow position. An experienced doctor will easily detect the prostate through the rectum.

It is located approximately 3-4 cm above the anus and has a pronounced median groove dividing the organ into two lobes. The size of a healthy prostate is 2.5-4.5 cm in diameter. On palpation, it has a tight-elastic consistency and a certain mobility.

Indications for digital examination of the prostate gland

  • men over 50 years of age;
  • male representatives who have suffered inflammatory diseases or had prostate tumors in the past;
  • patients with a genetic predisposition to the development of prostate diseases;
  • men with complaints of urination and erection problems, as well as those experiencing problems in the pelvic area.

Doctors constantly remind us of the importance of preventive examinations for men of any age. Since it is the timely identification of diseases of the male genital organs that makes it possible to prescribe effective treatment and avoid the serious consequences of pathological conditions.

Preparation for palpation of the pancreas through the rectum

In order for the picture of the prostate condition to be truly clear and informative during the examination, the patient before the procedure must refrain from:

  • a few hours before a rectal examination;
  • ride on ;
  • physical labor and

On the eve of the digital examination, you must empty your bowels naturally or do an enema.

Particular attention must be paid to psychological preparation. During the examination, the man should not worry or be nervous. Anxiety can provoke false diagnostic results and, accordingly, incorrect diagnosis.

How is the verification process carried out?

Before the procedure, the doctor must talk with the patient, ask him about his complaints and determine the presence of a genetic predisposition to prostate pathologies.

The specialist must explain to the person the technique of performing the manipulation and warn him about the possible risks of consequences.

If a rectal examination is performed correctly, then there should be no side effects or symptoms after it.

Digital examination of the prostate should be carried out in positions such as knee-elbow or lying on the right side with legs tucked under you.

Before inserting a finger into the rectum, the doctor puts on sterile gloves and lubricates the index finger to facilitate its penetration into the organ cavity (vaseline, glycerin).

By palpating, the doctor can evaluate a number of characteristics of the prostate, including:

  • shape and size of the organ;
  • elasticity and consistency;
  • symmetry of the structural components of the prostate gland;
  • mobility relative to adjacent organs;
  • clarity of contours and longitudinal furrow;
  • the presence of pain during the examination, tumors or stones.

What should a man's prostate feel like?

The prostate gland is normally palpated at a distance of 3-4 cm from the anus towards the pubic symphysis. In consistency, it resembles an elastic ball with clear contours, which moves freely relative to the mucous membrane of the rectum.

Normal and enlarged prostate

An experienced specialist will always be able to assess the size of the organ, find the frontal groove and judge its normality. The transverse size of the gland should be in the range from 25 to 35 m, while its longitudinal dimension should be 25-30 mm.

Normally, palpation of the prostate should not cause pain, discomfort or the appearance of blood in the secretion.

What does it mean if the prostate gland is hard?

A prostate gland that is hard during digital examination indicates pathological changes in the organ.

Among the reasons for the development of pathological changes in the organ may be:

  • inflammatory process or (and);
  • benign tumors;
  • malignant neoplasms.

When determining a hard prostate, the patient is asked to undergo additional laboratory and instrumental examinations in order to understand the nature of the change in the consistency of the organ.

As a rule, hardening of the prostate is not asymptomatic and is almost always accompanied by the appearance, disruption of normal urination, and problems with erectile function.

Study of prostatic secretion

Analysis of prostatic secretions allows us to judge the presence of an inflammatory process in the organ, the nature of the pathogen, and even the stage of the pathological condition or the degree of its chronicity.

The study of secretion is a microscopy of physiological fluid, which is produced in the prostate and is an important component of sperm. To take the secretion for analysis, it is necessary to perform a rectal massage of the organ, during which this happens.

The manipulation can be performed at any time of the day and without prior preparation of the patient. On the eve of the test, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse. The prostate secretion is examined under a microscope and the number of leukocyte cells, epithelium, lecithin grains, and amyloid inclusions in it is determined. The examination allows you to diagnose the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the prostate fluid.

After identifying them, the laboratory assistant must culture the biological material to identify the nature of the infectious agents, their activity and sensitivity to.

Normally, the secretion is a viscous white liquid that has a characteristic odor reminiscent of the aroma of chestnut flowers.

A healthy prostate secretion contains single leukocytes, 0-1 red blood cells in the field of view and a small amount of epithelium. It does not detect amyloid inclusions and bacteria, the appearance of which indicates the development of a pathological process.

Video on the topic

About the technique of performing a rectal examination of the prostate gland in the video:

Rectal examination of the prostate gland is an important diagnostic procedure, which makes it possible to identify diseases of the organ even at the initial stages of development. With its help, it is possible to promptly suspect the appearance of structural changes in a man’s prostate, the occurrence of tumor processes and inflammation.

If prostatitis, adenoma or prostate cancer is suspected, a digital examination of the prostate is prescribed. Palpation is simple, accessible and informative. It is carried out during the initial examination. Helps identify abnormalities in the structure and volume of the gland.

To clarify the pathology, additional instrumental ultrasound examination or tomography will be required.

What can be revealed during a rectal examination?

Anatomically, the prostate gland is located in close proximity to the rectum. During palpation, the volume and boundaries of the prostatic capsule can be clearly felt. A digital examination of the rectum is carried out by the attending physician and helps to identify any compactions or diffuse changes in the glandular structure.

Palpation is the recommended diagnostic method for suspected prostatitis, adenoma or prostate cancer. The examination takes 5-10 minutes. Based on the results, a decision is made regarding the advisability of further instrumental and clinical examination of the patient.

Palpation for prostatitis

The normal size of the prostate gland is approximately 3 cm. During palpation, it is felt that the limits of the prostate protrude into the rectal area by approximately 1 cm.

The inflammatory process during prostatitis in acute and chronic forms affects the structure of tissues. The following changes are observed:

  • When acutely inflamed, the prostate is painful to the touch. The absence of a pronounced pain syndrome with a steady increase in the volume of the gland indicates a chronic disease.
  • Prostatitis can be determined by palpation by one more characteristic detail. In a normal state, the gland is separated by a groove, dividing it into two parts and clearly felt upon palpation. During prostatitis, the prostate tissue swells. The groove cannot be felt during a digital examination.
  • Another characteristic symptom that is detected during a rectal examination with prostatitis is tissue that is soft to the touch. In its normal state, the gland is elastic and elastic with clear boundaries. With prostatitis, the prostate should feel loose to the touch; when pressed, it is easily pressed inward; the structure feels like a kitchen sponge.
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests. It may be necessary to carry out or. Inflammation is characterized by an increase in PSA and the presence of an infectious agent in urine.

Palpation of prostate adenoma

A rectal examination reveals abnormalities in prostate hyperplasia, a benign tumor process. The disease is characterized by the following changes:
  • Asymmetrical or uniform increase in the lobes of the gland.
  • Smoothness of the median beard.
  • The upper edge cannot be felt during palpation of the prostate gland with benign hyperplasia.
  • The consistency of the tissues to the touch varies from soft, pliable to fibrous and dense.
  • If hard lumps are identified that resemble woody or cartilaginous lesions, cancer is suspected.
Digital rectal examination of prostate adenoma does not reveal pain on palpation of tissues in the latent period. Minor pain and discomfort occur during the inflammatory process.

A digital rectal examination is not enough to determine prostate adenoma. Palpation helps to identify a tumor, but does not make it possible to determine its nature. Definitely after research.

Palpation of prostate cancer

There are signs to suspect prostate cancer during a rectal examination of the patient. Typical symptoms include:
  • The rectal mucosa adjacent to the prostate always remains mobile. During the oncological process, folds appear. The mucous membrane is inactive.
  • When mechanical pressure is applied to the gland tissue, a characteristic crunching sound (crepitus) occurs.
  • In the gland, palpation reveals compactions in structure that differ from other tissues.

Digital examination for prostate cancer is not considered an absolutely accurate diagnostic method. Positive palpation results also require surrender.

How to prepare for a rectal prostate examination

To facilitate palpation of the prostate gland, general recommendations have been developed for patients, which must be followed before undergoing a diagnostic procedure. A man should properly prepare for the examination.
  • Identification of contraindications - digital examination is excluded for patients with fissures in the anus, hemorrhoids and inflammation of the rectum in the acute phase.
  • Colon cleansing - a microenema is given immediately before the procedure. Just 200 ml is enough. liquids to cleanse the rectum.
  • Before any type of rectal examination of the prostate, you must refrain from anything that could spoil the clinical picture: sexual relations, excessive stress on the pelvic area.
  • Psychological preparation - the doctor will reassure the patient and explain how a rectal examination of the prostate gland is performed and for what purpose the diagnosis is needed.

Rectal examination itself is not painful, but most men perceive it as something humiliating. The doctor’s task is to explain to the patient the need for examination and explain that palpation will not be accompanied by pain.

How is a digital prostate examination performed?

The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the qualifications of the specialist performing the rectal examination. The test should be performed by an experienced urologist, not a nurse.

The inspection proceeds as follows:

  • The doctor will wear sterile gloves and lubricate the finger and anus to facilitate penetration into the rectal cavity.
  • The examination is carried out in different positions to provide access to various pelvic organs.
  • The examination, if necessary, includes palpation of the seminal vesicles, glands and rectal structures.
If a digital rectal examination suspects cancer, the man is prescribed additional tests. A kind of tumor marker is the PSA level, the ratio of free and total antigen. A biopsy accurately determines the presence of cancer, its stage and degree of aggressiveness.

Pros and cons of rectal prostate diagnostics

Despite the existing modern instrumental research techniques, digital examination remains one of the main diagnostic methods for determining disorders in the functioning of the prostate gland. During the examination, the doctor identifies changes in size, structure, shape, and boundaries. The presence of pain and the consistency of the glandular tissue are diagnosed.

A rectal examination has several advantages:

  • Speed ​​of implementation - diagnostics will only take a few minutes.
  • Informativeness - the results of the examination are relied upon when making a diagnosis after obtaining clinical blood and urine tests.
  • A small number of contraindications - examination is excluded only in case of hemorrhoids in the acute period and inflammation of the rectum. Even in the presence of the listed diseases, it is possible to improve the patient’s condition enough (after completing a course of therapy) to conduct an examination.
  • Possibility of obtaining additional materials for research. During palpation, slight pressure on the gland tissue leads to the release of prostate juice, exudate, which is necessary for accurately differentiating dysfunctions of the gland.
As for the shortcomings of rectal diagnostics, they are also present. These include:
  • Impossibility of differentiating between malignant and benign tumors. There are characteristic signs that make it possible to distinguish diseases, but the results still require clarification.
  • Unpleasant sensations for the patient. The very position in which the examination is performed and the way it is carried out seems humiliating to many men. During palpation, slight discomfort is caused by pressing on the inflamed gland.
Rectal digital diagnosis remains a popular technique necessary for a preliminary diagnosis. During the examination, suspicion of prostate cancer is detected, hyperplasia and inflammation of the prostate tissue are diagnosed.

A healthy prostate is an opportunity to maintain men's health for a long time. If you notice pain in this organ, do not rush to begin self-medication. Before starting certain procedures, you need to consult a doctor to find out what the prostate should feel like.

The prostate gland helps remove urine from the body. The ejaculate contains polyamine, which every day protects the genitals from various types of bacteria.

Inflammation of the gland leads to incontinence, as well as to the point that a person cannot lead a normal sexual life. In addition, the risk of infection increases.

Dimensions and structure

Prostate development stops at age 20. The process of changes in a teenager’s body, as a result of which he becomes an adult and capable of procreation, slows down, the hormonal background is now calmer, the young man is a full-fledged man. Usually the size of the prostate increases, and this is quite normal.

For example, the size of a healthy organ at 50 years old should be about 22.9 cm3, and at 25 – 19.6 cm3. A slight enlargement of the gland is quite normal for the body. However, if a 50-year-old man has a prostate twice as large as normal, this is a serious reason to think about it and consult a doctor.

Unhealthy is something that goes beyond the normal limits in a short period of time. Most often, this disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms, but it also happens that a person does not even notice the changes.

There is a specific Gromov formula that will help determine the normal size of the prostate. You just need to know the person's age.

Thanks to this, rounded figures can be recorded, but the exact calculations will only be revealed after visiting the hospital.

How to palpate the prostate

At the moment, medicine has stepped forward and offers us a wide range of ideas to solve this problem.

Objective research

This method is used if the disease of the gland has not reached its highest peak and there is no need to use additional equipment. Based on the examination, the specialist can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe tests.

What is included in the basic plan of this diagnostic method:

  1. The doctor finds out the patient’s main complaints, asks how long he has been bothered by symptoms associated with the prostate gland, what caused the disorder, how quickly it developed, and whether there is a risk of the situation worsening.
  2. Examination of the external genitalia.
  3. Doctor feeling the prostate gland.

Useful video: prostate - structure, functions

Instrumental method

If the first method did not help to establish the cause of the disease of this organ, you need to use an instrumental approach. These include:

  • a method for examining the urethra (urethra) using an optical device;
  • medical method of examination, examination of the inner surface of the bladder, type of endoscopy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • radiography.

The first two methods are used to detect narrowing of the urethra. Based on this, the actual size of the gland, its shape, and the degree of narrowing of the urethra are established. X-ray examination promotes complete visualization of all pelvic organs and their relationships with each other.


The most common method is a biopsy. However, it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

First of all, this is necessary for the differential diagnosis of glandular hyperplasia and a malignant process.

In addition, this method can confirm a previously established diagnosis, and also record the stage of the disease.

During palpation of the organ, the patient should not feel any discomfort, much less pain.

What should the prostate feel like? The consistency of the prostate gland should be elastic and tight, and its contours should be clear.

Pathology options

There are several stages of development of the disease of this organ, at which completely different symptoms can be identified.

For adenoma

Main manifestations of the disease:

  1. Difficulty urinating, weak stream, or even painful urination.
  2. Frequent feeling of bladder congestion and fullness.
  3. Inability to sleep due to the constant urge to go to the toilet.
  4. Pain in part of the bladder.

Note! Without additional examination by a doctor and the opportunity to correct the situation, chronic prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, and inflammatory kidney disease, characterized by damage to the kidney parenchyma, calyces and renal pelvis, appear. In the future, problems with erection and rapid ejaculation are possible.

For prostatitis

Prostatitis is a form of chronic or acute inflammation of the prostate gland.

In a serious form: a sudden increase in body temperature, a feeling of cold, accompanied by muscle tremors, acute pain in the lower abdomen on both sides.

You may also experience severe pain when trying to go to the toilet.

Without proper treatment, it can lead not only to chronicity of the inflammatory process, but also to infertility, as well as generalization of the infection.

In the chronic form: similar symptoms, which, however, occur more slowly, with periodic exacerbations. Chronic prostatitis leads not only to infertility, but also to the development of an ascending infection - an inflammatory process in the bladder, kidneys, testicles and seminal vesicles.

For hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) is usually a consequence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. During the period of adenoma development, the organ in question becomes hard and swelling is observed. In addition, a tumor appears, which is benign in the first stage.

Reasons for changes in consistency

Hardness and swelling are the main signs of identifying the disease in men. Most often, the causes of prostatitis are age-related changes or hormonal imbalance.

A soft prostate may indicate swelling of the tissue as a result of stagnant processes.

In addition, the following play an important role:

  1. Eating junk food.
  2. Smoking, alcohol.
  3. The use of drugs and compounds that reduce the level or activity of male androgen hormones in the body.
  4. Hypothermia.

In addition, a bacterial form is isolated.

The occurrence of bacterial prostatitis is promoted by the appearance of specific types of pathological bacteria.

How does the infection get inside the organ?

  • from the urethra;
  • from other inflamed parts of the body;
  • through vessels consisting of fused lymphatic capillaries, through which the body drains lymph from tissues and organs into the venous system.


Doctors identified the main symptoms:

  1. Constant desire to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, weak urine pressure, feeling that the bladder is still full after urination, lack of control over the flow of urine.
  2. Pain during urine output, ejaculation, discomfort in the urethra at the end of urination, acute pain in the perineum and testicles.
  3. Decreased quality, short sexual intercourse, presence of blood in the ejaculate.

A urologist will help solve this problem, so you should contact him first. Tests will need to be taken upon arrival at the hospital:

  • clinical urine analysis;
  • a portion of urine for three glasses;
  • detection of sexually transmitted infections;
  • examination of prostate secretions.

Diffuse changes are visual disturbances in the structure of the parenchyma. Most often they occur due to inflammation, abscesses or the discovery of a tumor in the tissue.

Important! Ultrasound is the best way to assess the signs of the gland - its size, structure, heterogeneity, structure, shape - and identify deviations from the norm.

Useful video: how to palpate the prostate yourself and determine prostatitis


Now you know what the prostate should feel like. It is very important to consult a specialist in a timely manner so that the disease does not continue to develop. A healthy prostate to the touch is an opportunity to maintain your health for a long time.

How to check prostate gland? To check prostate, you need to get a referral to a doctor, the patient needs to contact your family doctor, who will use a blood test to determine the amount of specific prostate antigen(GLANDERS). If the SAP level exceeds the norm, the family doctor prescribes a consultation with a urologist.

Today, rectal examination prostate through the rectum is mandatory during a clinical examination of men from 40 years, but there is a tendency for diseases to develop in the age range 20-30 years which is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is optimal to conduct a rectal examination of the prostate gland once every two years from the age of 20 in the absence of complaints or symptoms of disease; If there are any, it is necessary to have them examined by a doctor as soon as possible.


Consider the symptoms of prostate dysfunction:

Each degree and type of prostate is characterized by a different degree of severity of symptoms. In the initial stages of the disease, symptoms may be absent, but in extremely acute stages they can be pronounced.

Body temperature may rise in the range 39-40 degrees, an abscess of the prostate gland will form, after which hospitalization is necessary.

The above symptoms may occur with the possible appearance of the following diseases:

  • cancer;
  • cyst;
  • prostatitis;
  • atony;
  • paraprostatitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • prostate atrophy.

How to check your prostate? The main method of examining the prostate is considered digital examination of the prostate gland(AT). This procedure is performed with an empty bladder and does not require special preparation of the patient.

At the beginning of a prostate examination, the doctor examines the anus to look for possible changes that may be causing prostate disease.

Exists four positions for prostate examination:

The purpose of a digital examination of the prostate must be explained to the patient to avoid a negative reaction and tension.

Examination of the prostate by a urologist:

Wearing sterile gloves, the doctor applies Vaseline oil to the index finger of the right hand. Next, the doctor with his left hand spreads the patient’s buttocks and carefully inserts him into the anus.

For diagnostics gland, the doctor performs a massage, stroking the lobes of the gland in the direction from the sides to the center. If it is necessary to obtain secretion from the prostatic glands, the doctor squeezes it into the urethra, ending the massage by sliding it along the interlobar groove.

It is most convenient to obtain the secretion in the knee-elbow position and on the right side.

There is also a two-manual digital examination of the prostate in the supine position, which is effective for examining the size of the prostate.

To do this, you need to press the fingers of your left hand on the abdominal wall slightly above the articulation towards the prostate, and with the finger of your right hand inserted through the anus, determine the thickness, width, length, shape, consistency and location of the prostate.

Survey prostate through the rectum is quite simple and informative, but if necessary, the doctor prescribes additional tests to confirm the diagnosis:

  1. Analysis blood is prescribed to determine the level of leukocytes in the blood and their sedimentation rate. This is necessary to determine the presence or absence of inflammation in the body.
  2. Analysis urine using a catheter in the extreme stages of prostatitis shows the presence of purulent threads.
  3. Analysis secret prostate examination allows you to determine the nature and stage of the inflammatory process and is carried out only with the absolute exclusion of acute prostatitis. It is taken by interrectal stimulation of the gland, as a result of which a secretion is released from the urethra, which is examined under a microscope on a special glass.
  4. Analysis seminal fluid is the most informative, as it allows you to determine the number and condition of leukocytes, the presence of red blood cells, and dead sperm.

Other tests

Other tests may be performed to detect secondary pathology.

To determine the physical condition of the prostate, palpation of the prostate gland is sufficient.

What should the prostate feel like?

Normally, the prostate gland has a round shape.

It consists of two approximately identical lobes, which are separated by a clearly palpable groove. Across the prostate is from 2.7 to 5 cm, longitudinal length – from 2.7 to 4.2 cm.

Palpation of the prostate without abnormalities should not cause pain. The contours of the prostate gland are clear, the consistency is tight and elastic, the surface is smooth. The gland itself is slightly mobile.

At different forms of prostatitis the physical characteristics of the gland differ from the norm.

Timely examination of the prostate gland helps to prevent, detect and stop inflammation of the prostate gland.

REFERENCE: In the absence of traces of disease in prostate we can talk about its complete cure. Otherwise, areas of sclerosis and small stones may form that cannot be removed, so the inflammatory process will begin again.


Understanding the Consequences chronic prostatitis helps to realize the need for regular examinations, because the prostate plays a key role in male sexual functionality and childbirth.

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