Scientists have proven that nerve cells are restored. Neurogenesis: do nerve cells regenerate or not? The process of nerve cell repair

For a long time, even scientists could only hear a negative answer to the question “whether nerve cells are restored”. That is why the famous statement that warns people against experiencing various stressful situations is still considered by many to be an axiom. The lack of a research base and the necessary equipment did not give scientists the opportunity to make sure that brain neurons are capable of self-healing.

In 1962, American scientists conducted the first experiments on rats, the results of which were stunning: the restoration of nerve cells is a natural process, but their regeneration in the human brain was scientifically confirmed only in 1998. one

Stress, insomnia, chronic sleep deprivation, radiation, alcohol and drug abuse, and other negative factors have a destructive effect on the brain. All this could be fatal for a person, if not for the process of restoration of nerve cells, called neurogenesis.

In modern society, the question is no longer relevant whether nerve cells are restored or not, since each of the studies has already been backed up by published facts and figures:

  • the rate of neurogenesis in humans is 700 neurons per day;
  • about 1.75% of nerve cells are renewed per year;
  • these indicators are not affected by gender;
  • regeneration activity decreases with age, but this does not affect the quality of neurons;
  • with age, the cell cycle lengthens. 2

The complexity of the nervous system and the role of human nerve cells in it

The main element of the nervous system is the neuron, or nerve cell. Their number in the human body is tens of billions, and they are all interconnected. The nervous system is a complex and little studied part of the human body.

Much attention is paid to the issue of human nerve cell repair, but to date, scientists have been able to explore and study only 5% of neurons. As a result, it was found that on the outside they are covered with the so-called myelin sheath (a protein that can renew itself throughout human life). Thus, the previously existing theory about the impossibility of neuronal regeneration is just a myth.

The nervous system is connected with all organs and tissues of the body through nerves that carry information from the external environment. It performs a lot of complex and diverse functions, determined by the interaction between nerve cells. The most important of them are:

  • association or integration - ensuring the interaction of all organs and systems, thanks to its correct work, the body functions as a whole;
  • participation in the processing of information coming through both internal and external receptors;
  • transformation, processing and transfer of the information received to the relevant authorities and systems;
  • development as it gets more complex environment. 3

A study by scientists Elizabeth Gould and Charles Gross, working at Princeton University in the Department of Psychology, published in 1999, became a new step in the development of medicine and made it possible to give a reasonable answer to the question that excites inquisitive minds: is this how nerve cells are restored or not?

Mature monkeys became experimental subjects. As a result of the experiment, it was found that thousands of new neurons appear in their brain every day, while they do not stop producing until death.

At the World Congress of Psychiatrists, which is organized every three years and last took place in 2014, scientists noted that the human brain develops not only in childhood and adolescence - it continues to change, regenerate and develop throughout our lives. In this case, the main influence on this organ is exerted by emotional factors.

The restoration of nerve cells by the human body is a long process, but it is possible to increase its speed if you engage in intellectual work: new neurons are formed only in the brain regions associated with the work of thought and new knowledge. According to the data provided by congress participants, neurons reproduce faster:

  • in extreme situations;
  • when deciding challenging tasks;
  • in the planning process;
  • if necessary, use memory, especially short-term;
  • in solving questions of spatial orientation. 4

How to restore nerve cells? 5

Stress negatively affects the entire body and the nervous system in particular - neurons are destroyed. If you are thinking about how to restore nerve cells, take into account some rules:

  • measure your dreams against reality;
  • learn to organize your life;
  • stop going with the flow;
  • find the meaning of your own life;
  • create social connections;
  • improve relationships with people, especially with loved ones;
  • do not forget that regeneration of nervous tissue usually does not require material costs;
  • look for solutions to emerging problems;
  • remember that studying at any age promotes the regeneration of nerve cells.

Scientists from the USA M. Rubin and L. Katz introduced the term “neurobics” into science and recommend regular mental training to restore nerve cells. Such aerobics is useful for both children and adults, after a while there is a rapid assimilation of new material, memory development and an improvement in brain performance even in old age. At the World Congress of Psychiatrists, the director of the Russian Research Psychoneurological Institute named after. Bekhterev Professor N.G. Neznanov emphasized in his speech that even with senile dementia there is a possibility of restoring neurons and tissues.

4. Based on the information of the official website "Science-digest Science News" - publication of materials from the World Congress of Psychiatrists in an electronic journal dated May 17, 2014.

5. The section is based on translated materials published in the journal Science –Gould E., Tanapat P., Hastings N.B., Shors T.J. Neurogenesis in adulthood: a possible role in learning. Trends Cog. sci. 1999; 3(5):186-1992. ”, as well as on the basis of information from the official website “Science-digest science news” - publication of materials from the World Congress of Psychiatrists in an electronic journal dated May 17, 2014.

Thanks to many studies, scientists have found that human nerve cells are able to recover. The decrease in their activity with age is not due to the fact that areas in the brain die off. Basically, these processes are associated with the depletion of dendrites, which are involved in the activation of intercellular impulses. The article will discuss ways to restore the nerve cells of the human brain.

Features of the considered cells

The entire human nervous system consists of two types of cells:

  • neurons that transmit the main impulses;
  • glial cells, which create optimal conditions for the full functioning of neurons, protect them, etc.

The sizes of neurons vary from 4 to 150 microns. They consist of the main body - the dendrite and many nerve processes - axons. It is thanks to the latter that impulses are transmitted in the human body. There are much more dendrites than axons; an impulse reaction departs from them to the very center of the neuron. The processes of formation of neurons originate in the period of embryonic development.

All neutrons, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • unipolar. Contain only one axon (found only during embryonic development);
  • bipolar. This group includes ear and eye neurons, they consist of an axon and a dendrite;
  • multipolar ones have several processes at once. They are the main neurons of the central and peripheral NS;
  • pseudounipolar are located in the skull and spinal part.

This cell is covered with a special membrane - neurilemma. All metabolic processes and transmission of impulse reactions take place in it. In addition, each neuron contains cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum. Among the organelles, neurofibril can be distinguished.

This cell in the body is responsible for certain processes:

  1. Sensory neurons are located in the ganglia of the peripheral system.
  2. Intercalary take part in the transmission of impulses to the neuron.
  3. Motor, located in muscle fibers and endocrine glands.
  4. Auxiliary, act as a barrier and protection for each of the nerve cells.

The main function of all nerve cells is to capture and transmit impulses to the cells of the human body. It is important to note that only about 5-7% of the total number of neurons are included in the work. Everyone else is waiting for their turn. Every day there is a death of individual cells, this is considered an absolutely normal process. However, can they recover?

The concept of neurogenesis

Neurogenesis is the process of formation of new neuronal cells. Its most active phase is intrauterine development, during which the formation of a person takes place.

Not so long ago, all scientists argued that these cells are not able to recover. Previously, it was believed that in the human brain there is a constant number of neurons. However, already in the second half of the 20th century, studies began on songbirds and mammals, which proved that there is a separate area in the brain - the gyrus of the hippocampus. It is in them that a specific microenvironment was found in which the division of neuroblasts (cells that form in front of neurons) occurs. In the process of division, about half of them die off (programmed), and the second half is converted into. However, if some part of those destined for extinction survives, then they form connections between themselves of a synaptic nature and are characterized by a long existence. Thus, it was proved that the processes of regeneration of human nerve cells occur in a special place - between the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus of the brain.

Clinical confirmation of the theory

Today, research in this area is still ongoing, but scientists have already proven many processes for the restoration of neurons. Regeneration takes place in several stages:

  • the formation of stem cells capable of dividing (the precursors of future neurons);
  • their division with the formation of neuroblasts;
  • the movement of the latter to separate parts of the brain, their transformation into neurons and the beginning of functioning.

Scientists have proven that there are special areas in the brain where the precursors of neurons are located.

With damage to nerve cells and areas of the brain, the process of neurogenesis is accelerated. Thus, the process of moving “reserve” neurons from the subventricular region to the damaged areas is started, where they turn into neurons or glia. This process can be regulated with the help of special hormonal preparations, cytokines, stressful situations, electrophysiological activity, etc.

How to restore brain cells

Dying occurs due to the weakening of the connection between them (thinning of the dendrites). In order to stop this process, doctors recommend the following:

  • Healthy food. It is necessary to enrich your diet with vitamins and useful trace elements that improve reaction and concentration;
  • actively engage in sports. Lungs physical exercise help to establish blood circulation processes in the body, improve coordination of movements and activate parts of the brain;
  • do brain exercises. In this case, it is recommended to guess crosswords more often, solve puzzles or play games that contribute to the training of nerve cells (chess, cards, etc.);
  • load the brain with new information more;
  • avoid stress and nervous disorders.

Be sure to ensure that periods of rest and activity alternate correctly (sleep at least 8-9 hours) and always have a positive attitude.

Means for the restoration of neurons

AT this case can be used as medicines and folk remedies. In the first case, we are talking about and, which are directly involved in the processes of neuronal regeneration. Also prescribed drugs to relieve stress and nervous tension(sedative).

Among folk methods, decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants (arnica, celandine, hawthorn, motherwort, etc.) are used. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor before use in order to reduce the risk of negative consequences.

Another excellent tool for the restoration of neurons is the presence in the body of the hormone of happiness.

Therefore, it is worth bringing to your everyday life more joyful events and then problems with brain disorders can be avoided.

Scientists continue to work on research in this area. Today they are trying to find a unique opportunity to transplant neurons. However, this technique has not yet been proven and requires many clinical trials.


Thanks to many studies, scientists have proven that the human cells in question are able to recover. In this process, a very important role is played by proper nutrition and lifestyle. Therefore, in order not to face the problems of memory loss, etc. in old age, it is necessary to take care of your health from a young age.

Until finally a critical number is reached. That's when senile insanity sets in.

People who support this belief try their best to avoid stress, and therefore any changes in life, whether it be a job change, a move, an unplanned trip, or a second education. And in vain. Because the nerve cells in an adult are restored. But this requires certain conditions.

Neurogenesis, or the formation of new nerve cells, occurs in adults in the hippocampus, the region of the brain that is responsible for memory. It is assumed that brand new neurons can also appear in the area responsible for planning, decision-making and volitional acts - the prefrontal cortex. This revolutionary discovery disproved the previous theory that the adult brain is only able to form new connections between existing nerve cells. And immediately set the stage for commercial speculation.

Actovegin, Cortexin, Cerebrolysin - all these drugs are very popular in Russia and for some reason are not known to anyone outside of it. Manufacturers claim that they, de, these drugs, help the formation of new nerve cells at the site of those who died from a stroke, injury or other disease. They cite as proof two and a half studies done "on the knee" and "the invaluable experience of many thousands of doctors and patients." In fact, all these drugs are just marketing zilch. They do not and cannot lead to the emergence of new neurons. Despite this, the drugs listed above continue to be actively prescribed by doctors and used by patients. And the trouble is not even in the use of "fuflomycins", but in the fact that many do not suspect that the brain can actually create new nerve cells.

Enriched environment

The researchers placed one group of mice in an empty cage, adding only the bare necessities of water, food, and straw bedding. And another group of rodents was sent to all-inclusive cages with hanging swings, a wheel, mazes and other curious things. After some time, it turned out that the brains of mice from the first group remained unchanged. But in rodents from cages "all inclusive" new neurons began to appear. Moreover, neurogenesis was most active in those mice that turned the wheel every day with their paws, that is, they were physically active.

What does an enriched environment mean for humans? This is not only a "change of scenery", travel and travel. To novelty, complexity must necessarily be added, that is, the need to explore, adapt. New people are also part of an enriched environment, and communicating with them, establishing social connections also helps the emergence of new nerve cells in the brain.

Physical activity

Any regular physical activity, whether it's cleaning the house or cycling through the park, stimulates the appearance of new nerve cells. The brain is a "careful hostess." The appearance of new neurons in it will occur only when it is justified, namely, in an unfamiliar environment and provided that a person is determined to survive, that is, he moves and explores, and does not lie and indulge in melancholic thoughts.

Therefore, movement is an excellent cure for stress. Physical activity neutralizes the action of the stress hormone cortisol (it causes the death of nerve cells) and brings a person confidence, calmness and new ideas to overcome a difficult life situation.

The work of the intellect

Research shows that learning is another effective method increase the number of nerve cells in the brain. However, learning does not mean learning something, and this is of fundamental importance for the emergence of new nerve cells.

When a person begins to learn a new skill, the survival of neurons in the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory increases. Yes, nerve cells die not only from stress. Memorization, gaining new experience is associated with the opposite process - forgetting, eliminating unnecessary information. For this purpose, the brain “turns off” old neurons from work. This is a natural cycle that occurs even when a person is calm, content with life and happy. Learning new things helps old neurons survive, but does not affect the emergence of new ones. In order for new nerve cells to appear, a person needs to put into practice the acquired knowledge, to repeat the information received.

Therefore, for the appearance of new nerve cells, it is not enough just to attend a sketching master class. You will need to draw something regularly, using the knowledge gained. It is optimal to combine this activity with walks in nature: physical activity combined with training gives the best results.


The phenomenon of the appearance of new nerve cells in adults was unexpectedly detected by researchers in those patients who took ... antidepressants! It turned out that patients forced to take these drugs, not only began to better cope with stress, but also found an improvement in short-term memory. However, long-term antidepressant therapy was required in experiments to obtain such encouraging results. While "treatment" physical activity in combination with an enriched environment, it acted much faster.

Some researchers suggest that the basis of depression is not at all a deficiency of serotonin and other neurotransmitters, as is commonly believed in the scientific community today. As a person with depression recovers, an increase in the number of neurons in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory, is found. This may mean that the death of nerve cells is the cause of depression. This means that the possibilities of treatment are expanding (it is also possible that manufacturers of “fuflomycins” will pull themselves into this area of ​​​​research and begin to advise them to treat depression).


The researchers suggest that psychotherapy may have a beneficial effect on the number of neurons in the brain. This is due to the fact that a person learns to actively resist stress, and it is also suggested that psychotherapy is the same enriched social environment that makes it possible to "pump" the brain due to the novelty and complexity factors mentioned above.

People who suffered psychological or physical abuse and then developed post-traumatic stress disorder showed a decrease in the volume of the hippocampus. They experienced massive death of nerve cells in this area. The researchers made the assumption that there is an opportunity to prevent the problem. Experimental data showed that if the victim works with a psychotherapist within a month after the traumatic effect, there is no decrease in the volume of the hippocampus. Further, the “magic window” closes, and although psychotherapy helps the patient in the future, it does not affect the death of nerve cells in the brain. This is associated with the mechanisms of the formation of long-term memory: after its traces are formed, the “casket” with the traumatic experience experienced “slams” and it becomes almost impossible to influence these memories and the process of nerve cell death that has begun. It remains to work with what is - with the patient's emotions.

The emergence of new neurons and an increase in the number of connections between them in adults is the secret to a happy old age with the preservation of normal intelligence. Therefore, you should not believe that nerve cells do not regenerate, which means that you have to live with what is left of the brain after the many stresses that we are exposed to daily. It is much more reasonable to consciously work on increasing the number of your own nerve cells. Fortunately, mandrake root or unicorn tears are not required for this.

Everyone knows this popular expression as "nerve cells do not regenerate". From childhood, absolutely all people perceive it as an indisputable truth. But in fact, this existing axiom is nothing more than a simple myth, since new scientific data as a result of the studies carried out completely refute it.

Animal experiments

Every day, many nerve cells die in the human body. And in a year, the human brain can lose up to one percent or even more of their total number, and this process is programmed by nature itself. Therefore, whether nerve cells are restored or not is a question that worries many.

If you conduct an experiment on lower animals, for example, on roundworms, then they do not have any death of nerve cells at all. Another kind of worm, the roundworm, has one hundred and sixty-two neurons at birth, and dies with the same number. A similar picture is found in many other worms, molluscs and insects. From this we can conclude that nerve cells are restored.

The number and arrangement of nerve cells in these lower animals are firmly genetically determined. At the same time, individuals with an abnormal nervous system very often simply do not survive, but clear restrictions in the structure of the nervous system do not allow such animals to learn and change their habitual behavior.

The inevitability of death of neurons, or why nerve cells are not restored?

The human organism, if compared with the lower animals, is born with a large predominance of neurons. This fact is programmed from the very beginning, since nature lays a huge potential in the human brain. Absolutely all nerve cells in the brain randomly develop a large number of connections, however, only those that are used in learning are attached.

Whether nerve cells are restored is a very topical issue at all times. Neurons form a fulcrum or connection with the rest of the cells. Then the body makes a solid selection: neurons that do not form a sufficient number of connections are killed. Their number is an indicator of the level of activity of neurons. In the case when they are absent, the neuron does not take part in the information processing process.

The nerve cells present in the body are already quite expensive in terms of oxygen and nutrients (compared to most other cells). In addition, they use a lot of energy even when a person is resting. That is why the human body gets rid of free non-working cells, and nerve cells are restored.

Intensity of neuron death in children

Most of the neurons (seventy percent) that are laid down in embryogenesis die even before the birth of the baby. And this fact is considered completely normal, since it is at this childhood age that the level of ability to

Learning should be maximized, so the brain should have the most significant reserves. They, in turn, are gradually reduced in the learning process, and, accordingly, the load on the whole organism as a whole is reduced.

In other words, an excessive number of nerve cells is a necessary condition for learning and diversity. options processes of human development (his individuality).

Plasticity lies in the fact that numerous functions of dead nerve cells fall on the remaining living ones, which increase their size and form new connections, while compensating for lost functions. Interesting fact, but one living nerve cell replaces nine dead ones.

Age value

In adulthood, cell death does not continue so rapidly. But when the brain is not loaded with new information, it hones the old skills that were present and reduces the number of nerve cells that are needed to implement them. Thus, the cells will decrease, and their connections with the rest of the cells will increase, which is a completely normal process. Therefore, the question of why nerve cells are not restored will disappear by itself.

Older people have significantly fewer neurons in their brains than, say, infants or young people. At the same time, they can think much faster and much more. This is due to the fact that in the architecture built during training there is an excellent connection between neurons.

In old age, for example, if there is no learning, the human brain and the whole body begin to special program coagulation, in other words, the aging process that leads to death. At the same time, the lower the level of demand in various body systems or physical and intellectual loads, and also if there is movement and communication with other people, the faster the process will be. That is why it is necessary to constantly learn new information.

Nerve cells are able to regenerate

Today it has been established by science that nerve cells are restored and generated in three places of the human body at once. They do not arise in the process of division (compared to other organs and tissues), but appear during neurogenesis.

This phenomenon is most active during fetal development. It originates from the division of previous neurons (stem cells), which subsequently undergo migration, differentiation and, as a result, form a fully functioning neuron. Therefore, to the question of whether nerve cells are restored or not, the answer is yes.

The concept of a neuron

A neuron is a special cell that has its own processes. They have long and short sizes. The first are called "axons", and the second, more branched, are called "dendrites". Any neurons provoke the generation of nerve impulses and transmit them to neighboring cells.

The average diameter of neuron bodies is about one hundredth of a millimeter, and the total number of such cells in the human brain is about one hundred billion. Moreover, if all the bodies of the brain neurons present in the body are built into one continuous line, its length will be equal to a thousand kilometers. Nerve cells are restored or not - a question of concern to many scientists.

Human neurons differ from each other in their size, the level of branching of the dendrites present, and the length of the axons. The longest axons have a size of one meter. They are the axons of huge pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. They stretch directly to the neurons located in the lower parts of the spinal cord, which control all the motor activity of the trunk and limb muscles.

A bit of history

For the first time, the news about the presence of new nerve cells in an adult mammalian organism was heard in 1962. However, at that time, the results of Joseph Altman's experiment, which were published in the journal Science, were not taken too seriously by the people, so neurogenesis was not recognized at that time. It happened almost twenty years later.

Since that time, direct evidence that nerve cells regenerate has been found in birds, amphibians, rodents, and other animals. Later in 1998, scientists were able to demonstrate the emergence of new neurons in humans, which proved the direct existence of neurogenesis in the brain.

Today, the study of such a concept as neurogenesis is one of the main areas of neuroscience. Many scientists find great potential in it to treat degenerative diseases of the nervous system (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's). In addition, many specialists are really concerned about the question of how nerve cells are restored.

Migration of stem cells in the body

It has been established that in mammals, as well as in lower vertebrates and birds, stem cells are located in close proximity to the lateral ventricles of the brain. Their transformation into neurons is quite strong. So, for example, in rats in one month, from the stem cells they have in their brains, approximately two hundred and fifty thousand neurons are obtained. The level of life expectancy of such neurons is quite high and is about one hundred and twelve days.

In addition, it has been proven not only that the restoration of nerve cells is quite real, but also that stem cells are able to migrate. On average, they cover a path equal to two centimeters. And in the case when they are in the olfactory bulb, they reincarnate there already into neurons.

Movement of neurons

Stem cells can be taken out of the brain and placed in a completely different place in the nervous system, where they become neurons.

Relatively recently, special studies have been carried out that have shown that new nerve cells in the brain of an adult can appear not only from neuronal cells, but from stem compounds in the blood. But such cells cannot turn into neurons, they can only fuse with them, while forming other binuclear components. After that, the old nuclei of neurons are destroyed and replaced by new ones.

Inability of nerve cells to die from stress

When there is any stress in a person's life, cells may not die from excess stress at all. They generally do not have the ability to die from any

overload. Neurons can simply slow down their immediate activity and rest. Therefore, the restoration of nerve cells of the brain is still possible.

Nerve cells die from a developing lack of various nutrients and vitamins, as well as due to a violation of the blood supply process in the tissues. As a rule, they result in intoxication and hypoxia of the body due to waste products, and also due to the use of various medicines, strong drinks (coffee and tea), smoking, taking drugs and alcohol, as well as with significant physical exertion and infectious diseases.

How to restore nerve cells? It's very simple. To do this, it is enough to study all the time and continuously and develop greater self-confidence, getting strong emotional bonds with all close people.

You can often hear the popular expression "nerve cells do not regenerate", but is it really so? The modern pace of life leaves a noticeable mark on the psychological state. In this regard, many are wondering how to restore nerve cells. In the article you will find the answer to this question.

Do nerves recover?

Scientists began to think and argue about the ability of brain neurons to self-heal for a long time. But due to the lack of the necessary equipment and research base, experts could not determine for a long time whether the nerves were recovering or not. The first experiment was carried out in 1962, when the results were stunning: American scientists found that recovery is a natural process, but despite this, this fact was scientifically confirmed only after 36 years.

Negative effects on the brain are stress, radiation, insomnia, alcohol and drug use, and chronic sleep deprivation. To date, after numerous studies, scientists have come to the consensus that damaged nerves are restored and called this process neurogenesis.

The structure of the neuron and its functions

The neuron is one of the main structural elements nervous system, which is able to transmit information using an electrical impulse, mechanical and chemical ways. The function of the cells is to contract on any stimulus.

Neurons are divided into the following types:

  • motor - transmit information to muscle tissue;
  • sensitive - impulses from receptors enter immediately into the brain;
  • intermediate - can perform both functions.

Nerve cells consist of a body and two processes - axons and dendrites. Outside, the neuron is covered with a shell of a protein called "myelin", which has the property of self-renewing throughout a person's life. The role of axons is to transmit impulses from cells. And dendrites help to pick up the signal from other cells to create a connection between them.

Features of the nervous system

The main element of the nervous system is the neuron. The number of such cells in the human body is tens of billions, which are interconnected. Scientists devote a lot of time to the issue of neurogenesis, but despite this, at the moment they have studied about five percent of neurons. As a result of the study, it was found that they have the ability to self-renewal throughout a person's life.

The nervous system performs a huge number of complex functions. The most necessary of them are:

  • Integration, or unification. Thanks to the interaction of all organs and systems, the body works as a whole.
  • Information from the external environment is able to enter through external and internal receptors.
  • Receiving information and its transmission.

Thus, the theory that nerve cells do not regenerate is just a myth.

Signs of stress

Our body needs peace and harmony. Lack of proper rest and prolonged stay in an active state, as a rule, leads to neurosis. It is very important to identify signs of depression as soon as possible and start treatment, since at the initial stage, the restoration of nerve cells occurs faster.

The first symptoms appear as follows:

  • sudden change of mood;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • outbursts of anger at others;
  • lack of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • pessimistic thoughts;
  • apathy and helplessness;
  • decreased concentration;
  • lack of desire to do anything.

Physiological effects of stress

During a stressful situation, the body increases the secretion of endocrine hormones. One of the leading hormones is adrenaline. It is he who affects the increased consumption of oxygen and sugar by cells, a rapid heart rate and blood pressure.

Due to the excess amount of hormones, the human body is quickly depleted. As a rule, it takes a long time for the body to recover. In the event of repeated stress, when internal reserves are not replenished, even more adrenaline will be required.

Any stress affects not only the nervous system, but also the body as a whole. First of all, in such situations, the adrenal glands suffer. When anxious, they are signaled from the nervous system to secrete hormones such as cortisol. Due to this, blood sugar rises and the pulse quickens.

With prolonged stress, the following problems appear:

  • fatigue;
  • the appearance of a feeling of anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic depression;
  • infertility;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • headaches;
  • hypertension;
  • cancer development.

How long does it take for nerves to recover?

Each of us knows exactly how to harm ourselves, but how to restore spent nerves remains a question. Undoubtedly, in some cases, you need the help of professional doctors with experience and a base of necessary knowledge that will help the nervous system to restore adaptation.

A popular question is how long it takes for nerves to recover. There is no exact answer to this question, since an individual approach is required here. According to statistics, the course of treatment is from 4 to 9 months, and relapses of depressive conditions after the first attack occur in fifty percent of patients.

How many damaged nerves are restored? Scientists give the following facts and figures: for the entire year, neurons recover by 1.75 percent. According to their calculations, about 700 cells are updated per day. The activity of neurogenesis decreases with age, but this does not affect the quality.

At first, after drug treatment, the patient needs regular meetings with the attending physician, at least once a week. After the drugs are selected, and the condition has stabilized, in order to avoid relapse, it is necessary to contact a specialist once every three months.

As for the question of how nerves recover after surgery, here experts are sure that it depends on individual tolerance. But in any case, the healing process will take a long time. Treatments such as massage, physiotherapy and reflexology contribute to the speedy recovery of nerves after surgery.

Research scientists

Scientists at Princeton University in 1999 conducted an experiment on monkeys, the main purpose of which was to find out whether damaged nerves are restored. As a result of the experiment, they found that new neurons appear in their brain every day, while they do not stop regenerating until the end of their lives. The recovery process takes a long time, but the following factors contribute to its acceleration:

  • intellectual work;
  • resolving issues of the planning process and spatial orientation;
  • work where you need to use memory.

Scientists from the United States of America L. Katz and M. Rubin introduced the term "neurobics", which is an exercise for brain activity. These mental exercises are suitable for both children and adults. Such exercises help develop memory and improve performance at any age, even in old age. Thanks to the technique, it is no longer important whether the nerves are restored or not.

How to restore nerve cells?

Our brain has an amazing ability to regenerate, but for this to happen, it is necessary that a person develop his natural abilities in every possible way. Any thoughts and actions cause changes, and the stress and internal anxieties that accompany us throughout life inevitably affect the brain. This negatively affects memory, mental activity and leads to various diseases.

In the treatment of depression, you should initially begin recovery with simple methods, without resorting to the use of drugs. Only in the event that the nerves are not restored with the help of these exercises, one should proceed to heavier artillery, but on the instructions of the attending physician.

In order to improve brain health and stimulate neurogenesis, experts advise adhering to the following rules.

Physical activity

Recovery of nerve cells is directly related to physical activity. Walking, swimming or exercising contribute to the oxygenation of the brain, that is, help to saturate it with oxygen, and also stimulate the production of endorphins. This hormone improves mood and strengthens nerve structures and thus helps fight stress.

It follows that any active activity that helps reduce anxiety, whether it's dancing, cycling, etc., promotes neuronal regeneration.

Full sleep

One of the main assistants in the fight for peace of mind is sound sleep, which also helps prevent certain diseases. It is in sleep that the nervous system rests and the whole body is restored.

Conversely, chronic lack of sleep and restless sleep have a negative impact on the mental state.

Developing a flexible mind

The flexibility of the mind lies in the rapid perception of information from the outside world, allows you to reason, draw conclusions and logical conclusions. This can be achieved through the following activities:

  • reading of books;
  • learning foreign languages;
  • trips;
  • playing musical instruments and much more.


Scientists have long proven that the use of various semi-finished products and non-natural foods helps to slow down neurogenesis.

For healthy brain activity, you need to follow a low-calorie diet, but at the same time, nutrition should be balanced and varied. It must be remembered that the brain needs a boost of energy in the morning. For this, oatmeal with fruit, dark chocolate or a spoonful of honey is suitable. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids will help support and activate neurogenesis.


Meditation develops certain cognitive abilities namely attention, memory and concentration. This process contributes to the understanding of reality and helps to properly manage stress.

During exercise, the brain produces higher alpha waves that fade into gamma waves, which allows you to relax and stimulate neurogenesis.

Does yoga help relieve stress?

Scientists have found that yoga helps fight stress and depression. This is due to the fact that when exercising in the human body, the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) increases. Due to the increase in this indicator, the excitability of neurons decreases, which thereby has a calming effect on the nervous system.

People who practice this technique are less prone to bouts of anxiety and anger. Since it is yoga that helps to relax, control your emotions, and also relieves fatigue and stress.

But it is worth considering that execution techniques alone will not be enough to get rid of depression. To achieve a result, you need to enjoy and enjoy your work.

Pharmacy preparations

It is worth noting that the above tips only help eliminate the effects of stress. If, thanks to these methods, the nerves are not restored, then appropriate medications will come to the rescue:

  • Sedatives. They treat the exhausted nervous system, have a positive effect on natural sleep and do not cause drowsiness, which is a huge plus.
  • Antidepressants help with prolonged depression, which is accompanied by apathy and depression. These medicines should only be taken with a doctor's prescription.

We found that neurons have the ability to regenerate in different areas brain. Now it is clear how long damaged nerves recover. It is the matter of time. With prolonged stress, the body loses a lot of resources, which subsequently leads to psychological disorders. Therefore, it is important to take care of your nerves and cultivate emotional stability in yourself.

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