Time to sell alcohol. On what days and at what time do they not sell alcohol in Russia? Sale of alcoholic beverages at the last call

It was decided to limit, due to the fact that the situation with alcohol consumption in Russia now does not look the best. According to statistics, the amount of alcohol consumed per person has increased significantly compared to the data of the beginning of the 20th century. It is also depressing that this problem has become much "younger"; there are often cases of even teenage alcoholism.

Worried about this state of affairs, the authorities are adopting laws that are called upon by a strong-willed decision to limit opportunities to purchase alcoholic beverages, and the main one that establishes such temporary restrictions is Law 171-FZ of November 22, 1995.

Law prohibiting the sale of alcohol.

According to paragraph 7 of Article 2 of Law 171-FZ, the following drinks are considered alcoholic, which contain more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol (calculated from the volume of the finished product), such as vodka, mead, wine (including sparkling, liqueur or fruit) and wine products, beer, as well as drinks made on its basis, cider.

The rules for the retail sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages are contained in Article 16 of Law 171-FZ. Retail trade under these rules is prohibited:

  • In those institutions that work with children, education, sports and medicine, as well as near them.
  • In cultural institutions (with the exception of the sale of low-alcohol drinks by catering enterprises).
  • In urban and suburban public transport, at bus stops.
  • At train stations, markets, gas stations, mobile retail outlets, airports, as well as other public places or near them.

According to the law 171-FZ, paragraph 5 of article 16, restrictions are imposed not only on the places of retail sale of alcoholic beverages, but also on the time when it can be purchased, the sale of alcohol is prohibited during hours - from 23.00 to 8.00. However, this rule does not apply to duty-free trade and public catering organizations. At the same time, the law gives regional authorities the right to provide for their own temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol to the public.

Some regions of the Russian Federation have established such time frame for the sale of alcoholic beverages:

  • Moscow. Prohibition on the sale of alcohol according to the law 171-FZ, it is established from 23.00 to 08.00.
  • Moscow region. You can not sell alcohol from 21.00 to 11.00.
  • St. Petersburg. There is a ban from 22.00 to 11.00.
  • Tula region. It is allowed to sell alcohol from 14.00 to 22.00
  • Astrakhan and Pskov regions. It is forbidden to sell alcohol from 21.00 to 10.00.
  • Kirov region. It is forbidden to sell alcohol from 23.00 to 10.00 on weekdays, and on weekends they do not sell alcohol; you cannot buy after 17.00.
  • Saratov region. In the region, there is a ban on the release of alcohol from 22:00 to 10:00.
  • Ulyanovsk region. The sale of alcohol is prohibited from 20.00 to 8.00, and on weekends they do not sell alcohol at all.
  • Chechen Republic. The conditions for the sale of alcohol here are even tougher: alcoholic beverages can be purchased only two hours a day - from 8.00 to 10.00.

As you can see, on the territory of many of the regions of Russia there are even more strict prohibition time frames than those established in the law 171-FZ, but these restrictions do not apply to restaurants and cafes in these regions, however, they apply to take-away sales.

Days of the ban on the sale of alcohol 2016.

The law also allows the regions to establish their own restrictions on the conditions and places of alcohol retailing. The regions of the Russian Federation took advantage of this opportunity and in many areas there were their own restrictions, when the sale of alcohol to citizens is prohibited throughout the day, and these are:

  • May 25 - the end of school studies, as well as the days of school graduation balls;
  • June 1 - Children's Day;
  • June 27 - Youth Day;
  • 1 September is the day of knowledge;
  • and September 11 - Sobriety Day.

These days, the sale of alcoholic beverages is completely prohibited in the Saratov and Pskov regions, and in the Ulyanovsk region these days are also added:

all weekends;

  • June 12 - Day of Russia;
  • September 12 - Day of family communication (local regional holiday).

The ban on the sale of alcohol in the Astrakhan region is valid on the following days: May 25, June 1, September 1, and also December 15 - the regional Sobriety Day.

As for massively visited places where the sale of alcohol is prohibited, they are most often: places of worship (temples, monasteries), beaches or natural recreation areas. There is a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages not only on the territory of these objects, but also at a distance closer to them than 150 meters.

Time for sobriety.

All-Russian Day of Sobriety is celebrated on September 11th. Although the sale of alcohol on this day is not officially banned everywhere, it is still a good reason to spending time without alcohol, and it is also worth thinking about your state of health and taking a step towards giving up alcohol abuse. It is noteworthy that this holiday was approved by the church, which means that it carries an important creative mission.

Sobriety Day began to be celebrated a very long time ago - in St. Petersburg since 1911, and the church officially supported it two years later. However, this date was forgotten during the Soviet era and returned to it only in 2005. Today, the Day of Sobriety carries not so much a religious connotation, but as much information as it promotes the need to refrain from drinking alcohol and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In different cities of Russia on September 11, thematic events are held to prevent not only from alcohol addiction, but also from its other types. The church does not stand aside either; special healing services are held there for everyone.

Opinions on the prohibition of alcohol in Russia 2016.

Officials do not lose hope that a ban on the sale of alcohol on certain days, will set up an obstacle to the acquisition of alcohol and will help in reducing the level of alcoholism. However, there is no consensus on the appropriateness and effectiveness of such restrictions, even among them.

Some of them believe that such a ban is really effective, as it forces people to buy and consume alcohol in much smaller quantities.

However, opponents do not agree with them, they do not see such a ban as a panacea and believe that restrictions on the sale of alcohol will not work, because you can buy alcohol for future use during the allowed hours.

Conducting explanatory work, as well as the constant promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people and adolescents, experts consider the best way out of this situation. Moreover, it is important to do this not only on the Day of Sobriety, but it is recommended - all the time.

In the Russian Federation, there has been a law on the sale of alcohol since the 90s. Causes the document of the relationship between legal entities acting as sellers of alcoholic products, with individuals, buyers of alcohol. Further in the article, the latest changes in the document and the rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages will be considered.

The Federal Law “On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products and on Limiting the Consumption (Drinking) of Alcoholic Products” was adopted by the State Duma on July 19, 1995. The staff of the Federation Council approved the document on November 15 of the same year. The act entered into force on November 22, 1995. The last amendments to this Federal Law No. 171 were made on July 3, 2016.

Federal Law No. 171 regulates the legal basis for the manufacture of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic alcohol-containing products. The bill also sets restrictions on alcohol consumption. The purpose of this law is the protection of morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens. At the level of the Federation, this document aims to protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Liquor Act consists of 4 chapters and 27 articles:

Chapter 1(Articles 1-7) indicates the general provisions of the legislative act - the scope, legal regulation, powers of state authorities in relation to alcoholic products.

Chapter 2(Article 8-17) indicates the requirements for the manufacture of products containing ethyl alcohol - the rules for using special equipment, the necessary documents.

Chapter 3(Article 18-22) indicates the procedure for licensing activities for the manufacture and circulation of alcoholic products - termination of a license, restoration of a license.

Chapter 4(Articles 23-27) indicates the control over the activities of organizations engaged in the production and sale of alcoholic products - license control, state supervision, public control.

The alcohol law does not apply to:

  • individuals who manufacture alcohol-containing products for their own consumption, not for marketing purposes;
  • for registered medicinal products containing alcohol;
  • to pharmacies engaged in the production of medicines containing ethyl alcohol;
  • production and use of products containing alcohol, not suitable for internal consumption, located in a metal package with a volume of not more than 450 ml;
  • import and export from the territory of Russia of alcohol intended for use by official representations of foreign states or diplomatic missions;
  • import and export of alcohol used as samples at the exhibition.

The above alcoholic products are subject to other legislative acts.

Recent changes in the law on the sale of alcohol

This Federal Law has been in force since 1995. Since its publication, it has undergone many changes, additions and amendments. The latest version of the legislative act falls on July 3, 2016.

Article 8 of Federal Law No. 171

This article describes the principles of using special equipment for the manufacture and sale of ethyl alcohol. Paragraph 1 of this article states that legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, farms are required to have a certificate for the equipment they use. The 2nd paragraph states that all equipment used must be equipped with measurement sensors to record the concentration of alcohol in products. Paragraph 2.1 (in this paragraph, in 2016, an addition was made in the form of subparagraph 3) states that all special equipment must be equipped with means for recording and transmitting data to a unified state automated information system.

Article 11 of the Federal Law on the sale of alcohol

The provisions of the article under consideration determine the list of special requirements that apply to organizations that manufacture and sell alcoholic beverages. The special requirements are:

  • Licensed organizations are entitled to produce alcoholic products. The production of wine, sparkling wine may be carried out by agricultural producers, taking into account that alcoholic products are produced from their own grapes;
  • The volume of wine (sparkling wine) produced by one producer per year should not exceed 5,000 decaliters;
  • Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are entitled to carry out the retail sale of alcohol;
  • For the manufacture of alcohol, by law, it is allowed to use only ethyl alcohol prepared from food raw materials.

In the last edition in 2016, no changes were made to this article.

Over the past few years (since 2013), changes have been made to this law No. 171:

  • there was a ban on advertising strong alcoholic beverages in print and on the Internet;
  • prices for the cheapest vodka were increased by 40%;
  • all alcoholic products must have an inscription about the dangers of health in case of excessive use;
  • restrictions on places for drinking alcoholic beverages were introduced;
  • at night it is forbidden to sell alcohol, except for beer with a strength of less than 5%.

Rules for the sale of alcoholic products in the Russian Federation

According to the law “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products”, it is allowed to sell alcoholic products to legal entities (CJSC, JSC) and Individual Entrepreneurs who have a special license. In addition to the license, the seller of alcohol must have all the documents specified in Article 10.2 of this law in order.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of this Federal Law on the sale of alcohol-containing substances, it is forbidden to sell alcohol:

  • without the necessary documents - certificate, license, declarations, etc.;
  • remotely, for example, via the Internet;
  • in polymer containers, with a volume of more than 1.5 liters.

Based on the text of 171 Federal Law, alcohol is prohibited to sell to citizens, under 18 years of age. If the seller has doubts about the age of majority of the buyer, then he has the right to ask for a document certifying the age of a citizen. By law, the requested documents may include:

  • internal passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian passport;
  • driver's license;
  • military ID;
  • passport of a citizen of another country;
  • residence.

Permitted time for the sale of alcohol

Under the provisions of the Federal Liquor Sales Act, there is a time limit on the sale of liquor. When selling alcoholic beverages, statutory time:

  • in Moscow and in most cities of Russia - from 23.00 to 8.00 - you can not sell alcohol;
  • in the Moscow region - from 21.00 to 11.00;
  • in St. Petersburg - from 22.00 to 11.00;
  • in Novosibirsk - from 22.00 to 9.00.

By law, it is forbidden to sell strong alcoholic beverages during the above period of time, with the exception of:

  • beer, not more than 5% of the fortress;
  • beer drinks;
  • cider;
  • poiret;
  • mead.

The nuances of retail

The nuances of the retail trade in alcoholic products include not only the availability of all documentation and compliance with the temporary regime, but also the place where alcohol is sold is of great importance. Places where the sale of alcohol is prohibited:

  • in buildings carrying out educational activities, training, providing medical services;
  • on the terrain that surrounds buildings and structures leading educational, medical, cultural, teaching activities;
  • at sports facilities and territories adjacent to them;
  • at wholesale and retail markets, with the exception of retail sales by agricultural producers;
  • at transport stops, in metro stations, at gas stations;
  • in public transport;
  • in buildings and structures and territories adjacent to them, intended for command and control, for building combat positions, etc.;
  • at railway stations;
  • at airports and in the area adjacent to them;
  • in the area where sources of increased danger are located;
  • on the territory of public mass events.

The procedure for the sale of alcoholic products in bulk

According to the Federal Law “On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products and on Limiting the Consumption (Drinking) of Alcoholic Products”, the wholesale sale of alcoholic products implies the implementation of a certain procedure.

The procedure for the sale of alcohol-containing products:

  • purchase of alcohol;
  • storage of goods;
  • supply of goods to retail stores in bulk.

To carry out wholesale trade in such goods, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate license from a specialized institution - the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. The issued license is valid for a five-year period from the date of its issuance by the authorized body. To receive it, the wholesale company is obliged to pay a state fee in the amount of 800,000 rubles.

Before sending alcoholic products to retail outlets, wholesale company employees must make sure that all containers comply with legal regulations. By law, when selling, on the packaging must be indicated:

  • information about the products that are included in the composition of the alcoholic beverage, listing the ingredients;
  • nutritional value of alcohol;
  • all available contraindications for the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • place of manufacture;
  • date of manufacture;
  • shelf life.

By law, if the buyer does not find all the necessary information on the bottle when buying alcohol, then he has the right to apply for consumer protection.


All sellers, both wholesalers and retailers, are required to follow all the rules and principles in the sale of alcoholic beverages. They must comply with the rules on the basis of a license issued to them by a specialized institution. Public authorities have the right to make changes and establish bans on the sale of any type of alcohol. These state powers are indicated in the Federal Law No. 171 in Article 16.

For violations of the principles and rules for the sale of alcoholic products, administrative responsibility follows. Penalties are levied in accordance with the provisions of Article 14.16 of Russia. Based on the text of 14.16, fines ranging from 10,000 to 500,000 rubles are levied for violations of the provisions of Federal Law No. 171.

To carry out the wholesale or retail sale of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to know all the provisions of the Federal Law "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products." The latest version of this law can be downloaded from

Prohibition on the sale of alcohol at certain hours is established by Law 171-FZ, which defines the requirements for the production, circulation and consumption of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. Prohibition on the sale of alcohol the state intends to fight the immoderate consumption of alcohol by Russians. What rules it sets, read in the article.

The situation in Russia with alcohol consumption today does not look the best: according to statistics, the amount of alcohol consumed per person has increased significantly compared to the beginning of the 20th century. It is also depressing that the problem has become much "younger" - there are even known cases of teenage alcoholism.

The authorities, concerned about this state of affairs, pass laws designed to limit the possibility of acquiring alcohol by a strong-willed decision. The main one is Law 171-FZ of November 22, 1995, which establishes just such restrictions.

Alcohol prohibition law

Recall that, in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 2 of Law 171-FZ, the following drinks containing more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol (calculated from the volume of the finished product) are classified as alcoholic drinks: vodka, wine (including fruit, liqueur, sparkling), wine products, beer and drinks produced on its basis, mead, cider, poiret.

The rules for the retail sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages are established in Article 16 of Law 171-FZ. According to the rules, the retail sale of alcohol is not allowed:

  • In institutions dealing with work with children, education, medicine and sports, as well as next to them.
  • In cultural institutions (with the exception of the sale of low-alcohol drinks by catering enterprises).
  • In public transport - urban and suburban, at bus stops.
  • At the gas station.
  • In and near markets, train stations, airports and other public places.
  • At military installations.
  • In mobile shops.

It is strictly forbidden to sell alcohol to minors. If the age of the buyer cannot be determined by eye, the seller has the right to ask him to present documents.

How much do they sell alcohol?

Law 171-FZ, paragraph 5 of article 16, imposes restrictions not only on the places of retail sale of alcohol, but also on the hours when you can buy it - from 23.00 to 8.00. This rule does not apply to public catering and duty-free trade organizations. At the same time, the law gives the regional authorities the right to provide their own restrictions on the time for the sale of alcohol to the population.

Let's see what time frames are set by some Russian regions:

  • Moscow. The sale of alcohol is prohibited during the hours established by 171-FZ, from 23.00 to 08.00.
  • Moscow region. Sale is prohibited from 21.00 to 11.00.
  • St. Petersburg. Prohibition from 22.00 to 11.00.
  • Astrakhan region. Here you can not buy alcohol from 21.00 to 10.00. The same forbidden time frames are established in the Pskov region.
  • Yakutia. Here they do not sell "hot" from 20.00 to 14.00.
  • Chechen Republic. Here the conditions are even tougher: booze can be purchased only two hours a day - from 8.00 to 10.00 in the morning.
  • Kirov region. You cannot buy alcohol from 23.00 to 10.00 on weekdays, and on weekends they stop selling alcohol at 17.00.
  • Ulyanovsk region. "Non-alcoholic" hours - from 20.00 to 8.00, and alcohol is not sold at all on weekends.
  • Saratov. The region has a ban on the sale of alcohol from 22:00 to 10:00.
  • Tula region. Alcohol in the store can be bought from 14.00 to 22.00.

As you can see, on the territory of many Russian regions of the Russian Federation there are prohibitive time frames even more stringent than those established in the law 171-FZ. But in the regions, these restrictions do not apply to restaurants and cafes, however, they apply to takeaway trade.

Don't know your rights?

Prohibition Days 2016 (2015)

The law also allows the regions to establish their own restrictions on the conditions and places of retail sale of "strong". The regions took advantage of this opportunity: in many regions of Russia, days were officially introduced on which the sale of alcohol to citizens is completely prohibited. As a rule, this is:

  • May 25 - when school ends;
  • days of school graduation balls;
  • June 1 - Children's Day;
  • June 27 - Youth Day;
  • 1 September is the day of knowledge;
  • September 11 - Sobriety Day.

These days are considered “non-alcoholic”, for example, in the Saratov and Pskov regions. And in the Ulyanovsk region, they are added:

  • all weekends;
  • June 12 - Day of Russia;
  • September 12 - Family Communication Day (local holiday).

In the Astrakhan region, the following are considered “dry” days: May 25, June 1, September 1, as well as their regional Sobriety Day - December 15.

As for the restrictions for massively visited places where the retail sale of alcohol is prohibited, most often they are: places of worship (monasteries, temples), natural recreation areas, beaches. Selling alcohol is prohibited not only at these sites, but also closer than 150 meters to them.

Time for sobriety

Did you know that September 11 is the All-Russian Day of Sobriety? Although the sale of alcohol is not officially prohibited everywhere on this day, it is still a good reason to spend time without an alcoholic feast, think about your health and take a step towards giving up alcohol abuse. It is noteworthy that the holiday was approved by the church, which means that it carries an important creative mission.

Sobriety Day began to be celebrated a very long time ago - in 1911 in St. Petersburg, and two years later it was officially supported by the church. However, during the Soviet era, this date was forgotten and returned to it only in 2005. True, today the Day of Sobriety carries not so much a religious connotation as an information one - promoting a healthy lifestyle and the need to abstain from alcohol.

On September 11, various Russian cities host thematic events to prevent not only alcohol addiction, but also its other types. The church also does not stand aside and holds special healing services for everyone.

Opinions on alcohol prohibition in Russia 2016 (2015)

So, officials do not lose hope that the temporary ban on the sale of alcohol on certain days and hours will establish an obstacle to the purchase of alcohol and help reduce the level of alcoholism. However, even among them there is no consensus on the effectiveness and expediency of such restrictions.

Some believe that such a ban is really effective, because it forces people to buy and, as a result, drink alcohol in much smaller quantities.

Opponents do not agree with them, who do not see such a ban as a panacea and believe that the restrictions will not work - after all, alcohol can be bought for future use and at permitted hours. In this case, the alcohol problem may not only not be solved, but even aggravated, since there is a high probability that a person who abuses alcohol and does not control himself will immediately drink all the purchased alcohol. And this is fraught with serious problems - intoxication, severe poisoning, etc.

Opponents of the temporary ban on the sale of alcohol they also fear that it may contribute to the development of a shadow and surrogate alcohol market, and this is not only illegal, but also dangerous. The ban solves only one problem of alcoholism out of many - it makes alcohol as inaccessible as possible. In addition, it is no secret that not all stores comply with the law - some prefer to pay off the inspectors than to lose profits and customers.

Experts believe that the best way out of the situation is to conduct explanatory work and promote a healthy lifestyle among adolescents and youth. And it is important to do this not only on the Day of sobriety, but constantly.


On the coming Thursday and Friday, May 24 and 25 - during the days of the "Last Call" - it is forbidden to sell alcohol in the shops of Bashkiria. The townspeople were informed about this by the mayor's office and local media.

It is worth recalling right away that the “alcohol” ban has been in force on the territory of the republic since 2017. There is a fine for violation. For officials, it varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles with or without confiscation of products. The introduction of a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages on the day of the "Last Call" has a preventive and educational purpose, emphasized the State Trade Committee of Bashkiria.

Sale of alcohol May 24 - 25, 2018: When is the ban and for which drinks

In Russia, there has long been a law that from 22-00 to 10-00 there is a ban on the sale of any alcoholic beverages, whether it is 4.5 degrees or 40, it doesn’t matter. In addition to this restriction, there are holidays in the country on the days of which there is also a ban from year to year.

For holidays such as:

Please note that sales are also prohibited on prom days. There is also a holiday such as Sobriety Day. It is celebrated on September 11, and on this day you will not be able to buy alcohol either.

Sale of alcohol May 24-25, 2018: A ban on the sale of alcohol will be introduced in Moscow in connection with the 2018 World Cup

The FIFA World Cup will be held in Russia from June 14 to July 15. The opening match Russia - Saudi Arabia and the final of the tournament will be held at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow. Already, the city authorities are preparing to meet with drunken fans.

Moscow will impose a ban on the sale of alcohol during the matches of the World Cup and in the days before them. This was stated by Kirill Malyshkin, Deputy Head of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of Moscow. The Interfax news platform informed the public about this.

“The executive authorities have determined the boundaries of the territories within which bans will be introduced on the sale and consumption of alcoholic products, drinks in glass containers, including in the provision of catering services, on the eve of the World Cup match and on the day of it,” said Malyshkin. He clarified that the Moscow authorities are also preparing special measures to help drunken fans.

For a long time there has been a law that establishes the impossibility of selling alcohol at certain hours. The ban applies to all regions of the Russian Federation without exception. At the same time, state entities have the right to establish additional rules aimed at tightening the sale of alcoholic products. Why is the state struggling with the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages? What are the requirements for the sale of alcohol? These and many other questions can be answered in the article.

Restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages

In Russia, there has always been a problem with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The situation is not the best today. The amount of alcohol consumed per capita is several times higher than the norm, which is quite depressing. The authorities, concerned about the problem of drunkenness, are actively passing laws aimed at limiting the distribution of alcohol.

Prohibitions apply in a variety of areas. Everyone knows that you can not sell alcohol-containing drinks to minors. Recently, another point was added to this ban: a time limit for the sale of alcohol. In the regions, certain hours and even days are set when the sale of alcohol is prohibited.

State powers to implement the sale of alcohol

What norms are fixed by FZ-171 "On the regulation of the production and circulation of alcohol"? Article 4 refers to the possibility of introducing a state monopoly on alcohol. At the same time, the powers of state bodies include:

It is about limiting the sale of alcohol that will be discussed later.

Reasons for restrictions and prohibitions

Alcohol is sold only at certain hours and days. Trade is not allowed everywhere, but only in specially designated places. There is a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of majority. Why do all these rules apply? What is their meaning?

Unfortunately, alcoholism is one of the most important problems in Russia. Neither celebration nor grief is complete without alcohol. The reasons for the high level of alcoholism in the country are very diverse. This is a low standard of living, an underdeveloped culture, and much more. Perhaps even the Russian mentality is the culprit of the problem, but this is a controversial statement.

Alcoholism is the source of many misfortunes. A large number of crimes and offenses are associated precisely with the intoxication of citizens. The authorities should fight alcoholism in every possible way, but not by direct prohibitions, but by indirect means: by promoting physical culture and sports, cultivating the people, etc. Do not forget about the need to improve the standard of living. Take the Scandinavian countries as an example. The standard of living there is the highest in the world, and in the sobriety rating, these states are in first place.

Places of prohibition

Alcohol is not allowed to be sold in some public places, a list of which is given in Article 16 of the Federal Law-171. Retail sales are prohibited in the following locations:

  • military installations;
  • mobile shops;
  • railway stations, markets, airports;
  • public transport and transport stops;
  • gas stations (car filling stations);
  • educational, medical and sports institutions;
  • some cultural institutions (in some places, the sale of low-alcohol drinks is allowed).

In the case of the sale of alcoholic products in these places, sanctions are established by law. You can sell alcohol no closer than 150 meters from the presented establishments.

What is alcohol in general? According to the Government Decree "On the prohibition of the sale of alcohol", these are drinks that contain more than half a percent of ethyl alcohol. These are vodka, wine products, beer, cider, mead and much more.

days of prohibition

At what hours and on what days is the ban on the sale of alcohol introduced? The federal law gives the regions the opportunity to independently introduce bans on the conditions for the sale of alcohol-containing products. Local authorities in many cities hastened to take advantage of such a ban. The so-called "sobriety days" began to be introduced, when the sale of alcohol is completely prohibited. As a rule, such days are associated with children's or youth holidays. So, almost all Russian regions introduced a corresponding ban on the following days:

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the day of sobriety, which has been celebrated every September 11 since 1911. In Central Russia, June 12 - Russia Day and September 12 - Family Communication Day are also added to the dates presented.

Can the regions introduce a "dry law" at all? Unfortunately or fortunately, local authorities do not have such powers. This will violate the requirements of several laws at once - antitrust, free trade, etc.

Prohibition clock

Over time, alcohol sales should also be dealt with by local regional authorities. There is even a whole table by which you can determine the hours of the ban on the sale of alcohol in a particular region. At the same time, a federal rule was established, that is, a mandatory rule for all: the sale of alcohol is prohibited from 23 pm to 8 am. This requirement does not apply to bars, restaurants, cafes, as well as duty-free shops.

In Moscow and the Moscow Region, there is a ban coinciding with the federal one. It is not so easy to buy alcohol in St. Petersburg: alcohol is not sold from 22 pm to 11 am. Similar time frames are set throughout Central Russia. And in Yakutia, for example, everything is much more complicated. You can buy alcohol here only from 22 pm to 14 pm. The most stringent requirements for the sale of alcohol are established in Chechnya: it is forbidden to buy alcohol here from 10 am to 8 am.

Alcohol Sales Law: Age Limits

The new Law on the Prohibition of the Sale of Alcohol at Certain Hours and Days (1995, as amended on July 29, 2017) regulates the sale of alcohol to individuals. In particular, the regulation prohibits the sale of alcohol to minors, that is, persons under the age of 18. At the same time, some stores have the opportunity not to sell alcohol-containing products to persons under 21 years of age.

For the sale of alcohol to a minor, the seller will be subject to administrative liability. However, if within 180 days (within six months) the perpetrator repeats the violation, he will face criminal liability.

The composition of the crime in question is formal. Its objective side will be the retail trade in alcohol. The intent to violate the law in this case is direct. The seller understood that the buyer might be a minor. The subject of the crime will be the seller himself - a retail worker.

Sanctions for selling alcohol during prohibited hours

For the sale of alcohol at night, the perpetrator will be fined in accordance with Article 14.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for 100 thousand rubles. The same punishment awaits citizens or legal entities who decide to sell "strong drinks" in inappropriate places. Additionally, such a measure of responsibility as confiscation of alcohol-containing products can be applied.

And what will citizens or legal entities expect. persons who agreed to sell alcohol to minors? The seller as an individual will be fined from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. The official will pay a fine of 100,000 to 200,000 rubles. A legal entity will be forced to give the state an amount of up to half a million rubles.

Criminal prosecution will await those who have broken the law repeatedly. The punishment here is up to 80 thousand rubles fine, or correctional labor up to three years. A ban on filling a professional position is also possible - also up to 3 years.

Opinions on the law

How do citizens, as well as legislators themselves, evaluate the law banning the sale of alcohol on weekends and at certain hours? Are the restrictions imposed by representatives of the legislative process effective? Initially, it was expected that the measures taken would help to significantly reduce the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population. Many considered the measure effective. Reducing the hours at which you can buy alcohol should affect the consumption of alcohol.

However, there is a group of citizens who think differently. Opponents of the law oppose the ban on the sale of alcohol on public holidays. Law enforcement agencies have repeatedly reported on cases when citizens bought alcohol either in advance or in shadow points. Opponents of the law claim that alcohol can always be bought in advance, and the restrictions or prohibitions themselves have never had a positive effect. Moreover, a citizen who has purchased alcohol in advance in large quantities may stop controlling himself and drink everything. As a result, serious poisoning, intoxication, an increase in crime, etc. There are also people who believe that the restrictions will lead to the development of the shadow market and their own production. In illegal points, alcohol is sold, as a rule, of not the best quality. This can lead to poisoning and serious harm to health. Surrogate products, produced independently, can even lead to death.

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