Differences between rock garden and rockery. Rockeries and rock gardens: common features and differences Choice of stones and plants

With three attempts to equip your site, we are trying to make it cozy and unique. Among the techniques of gardening and landscape design that allow us to realize our desires, compositions made of stones and plants have been especially popular in recent years. We call them "rock garden", "alpine hill", "rockery" or "rocky garden" and often think: what is the difference between these flower beds and landscape architecture structures? Upon closer examination, it turns out that such a classification is somewhat arbitrary. After all, the creation of such landscape structures is an art, and there can be no strict rules. Therefore, these definitions can be called synonyms, meaning almost the same thing with minor differences. However, please note that:

rock gardenthis is a large-scale structure made of stones, close to the natural mountainous terrain, on which plants of the alpine and subalpine belt of mountains are grown mainly. In the European interpretation, such structures with an area of ​​​​even a few tens of centimeters are also called a rock garden. Rock gardens can be made in the form of a rock, cliff, terrace, gorge, slope, plateau, mountain valley and other relief elements inherent in mountainous areas. An example of a classic rock garden is the rock garden of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, one of the largest in Europe, consisting of several slides. The height of the largest of them is more than 6 meters. The creation of a rock garden of this type requires a large area, a lot of time, effort, money, and the plants growing on it require the constant care of professional gardeners. But even with this approach to business, the existence of a rock garden in our climate, which is far from mountainous, is very problematic, many "alpine" plants simply cannot grow with us. For example, without a thick snow cover of mountains, they freeze. It is not very convenient to transfer plants to greenhouses for the winter every time, and large plants are not at all possible. In this case, an excellent alternative to rock garden is rockery(from the word rock - stone), it is mainly created in modern gardens by amateurs or professionals of landscape art. Unlike rock climbing in rockeries, not only real “alpine” plants are grown in stones, but also others that can grow in stony conditions, including hybrid plants that do not exist in the wild. Unlike the "alpines", which bloom only in spring and early summer, these plants have a long flowering period, are more unpretentious, so rockeries always remain decorative. Such plants are easily grown on hills of stones, without requiring the labor-intensive and expensive device of a classic rock garden. If the rock garden repeats the mountainous terrain, then rockeries can have a horizontal or any other composition, can be made in different, and not only alpine, colors, and some of them can even be placed on the windowsill. Rockeries can be in the form of a slide, scree, raised flower beds, they are created in containers made of artificial stone or ceramics. Often rock gardens are called "alpine hill" and rockeries « rocky garden". Sometimes, compositions of plants and stones, even a small area of ​​​​3 square meters. m is called at the same time a rock garden, an alpine hill and a rocky garden. Really, concept"Rock garden"meansa landscape object made of stones on which plants are grown. This definition can be applied to rockeries, and to the alpine hill and to the rock garden.

During its history of existence, and the art of rock gardens came to us from Europe, rock gardens have changed. Initially, these were groups of massive stones in the form of grottoes with virtually no vegetation, later they represented a natural mountainous relief with exclusively alpine plants. In recent years, plants have come to the fore when creating rock gardens. The relief is no longer given the same importance as before. Plants in rock gardens can be not only alpine, but also any other that can be easily grown in stones. It is these rock gardens (European) that we call rockeries or alpine hills. The creation of a modern rock garden or rockery is available to most people, so it has become widespread. A large assortment of plants intended for growing in rockeries and rock gardens makes this activity exciting and helps to decorate the territory of our gardens.

When you start doing landscape design, you can’t stop at one design technique. It would seem that the lawn is sown, there is also a hedge, a mixborder is made at the very facade. And the soul still strives to search for something new and creative. One of the easiest and most effective ways to transform a garden is to make rockeries with your own hands. Let's take a step-by-step look at: what is rockery, what varieties are there, how to make rockery yourself. After reading the article, you will receive working schemes that allow you to organize a beautiful green corner with stones in the country.

Rockery and rock garden: what's the difference

Our ancestors began to create a garden of stones many centuries ago. If the flower garden was located on a small hill or artificially created slope, it was called a rock garden. The arrangement of rockeries involved the placement of flowers and stones on an absolutely flat, flat area.

Rock garden and rockery are not the same

This is important, but far from the only difference. The device of rock gardens and rockeries differs in monetary and time costs. As a rule, more investments are required to create an alpine slide. Firstly, you lay a special drainage, and secondly, you will need a lot of large stones - individual specimens cost a decent amount. To build a rockery in the country with your own hands, you only need to draw up a plan correctly, choose the right material. In most cases, drainage can be dispensed with; stone rocks will be required 2-3 times less.

However, the most important plus of rockeries is the plants used. You do not need to cultivate alpine species, as is the case with a rock garden. It is allowed to use almost all types that the owners would like to see on the site.

Unlike classic flower beds, rockeries look more natural. The name comes from English. rock - rock.

Types of rockeries

There are several classifications of rockeries, with which we will introduce you:

  • Slide. It has a certain similarity with the rock garden: numerous plants, sheer ledges and sharp cliffs.
  • Flat variant. It is located on a perfectly flat area, occupies a fairly large area. In the summer, plants suffer much less from heat, and they are practically not afraid of frost.
  • Wall. Basically, such rockeries are used for zoning the yard. Made in the form of a support or stone wall.

Type of rockery: wall

Also, do-it-yourself rockery in the country may differ in location. For sunny areas, heat-loving plants are selected - for example, gentians or bluebells. If you plan to make a flower garden in a shady place, it is recommended to plant plants there that prefer the shade. For example, astilbe or geyhera.

Varieties of styles

We figured out the concept of rockeries, what it is, you already know. We suggest moving on to the species diversity of flower beds and consider each style in detail. This information will help you understand which stylistic design is best suited for your dacha.


A characteristic feature of the Japanese style is minimalism. The number of plants is very small, often limited to 2-3 species. The central place is occupied by rounded stones. Creating a do-it-yourself rockery in the Japanese style is suitable for those who would like to have tea parties in the garden, aimed at rest and relaxation after work.


English style is the exact opposite of Japanese. If in the first case rounded pebbles predominate, then in the second case, preference is given to sharp stones resembling rock fragments. An English rockery is assembled from conifers, which makes it look like a cliff in a pine forest.

Rockery in the English style


The Germans are considered the most accurate and punctual nation in the world. This is how the German rockery turned out with their own hands, step-by-step photos demonstrate accuracy and rigor. Much more functional than stone gardens in a different style. Often, stones are replaced with weighty stone structures that play a decorative and practical role.


Italian style is the epitome of fluidity and lightness. Light, rounded shapes predominate, most colors are bright and delicate. If the territory allows, the owners of Italian-style rockeries often install small sculptures and wrought-iron furniture.


How to characterize the European style in just one word? It is varied. The stone composition absorbed a variety of flowering plants. They replace each other from early spring to late autumn.

If you are interested in how to make rockeries with your own hands, you will receive the answer to it right now. Creating a stone garden is not particularly difficult. You just need to know a few nuances to create an amazing composition.

Rockery should be in harmony with the overall design of the garden

And we will start by choosing a place for the future rockery. It is noteworthy that it can be placed almost anywhere. Ideally, on a flat area with nearby hills and ravines. They will help to realize the original design idea.

  • Since most of the plants we grow are photophilous, choose a sunny spot. A small shadow is also allowed.
  • Make sure that water does not accumulate in this place, especially if the winter was snowy. The roots will start to rot quickly.
  • Tall trees are also not welcome. They will not be able to fit into the overall picture of the stone structure.
  • It is not recommended to place rockeries from conifers close to the house, other buildings. It is near them that snow most often accumulates. In the process of melting, it will simply destroy the rockeries.

Simple rockery

Do not start construction until the area is fenced off. For example, using a rope or ribbon. Think about how you would like to arrange the stones and plant the plants on a plain sheet of paper. Then prepare the tools:

  • Shovel.
  • A mesh or film that will protect your plants from pests (moles) and weeds.
  • Scoop - simplifies the planting of greens.
  • Care rake.
  • Lake.
  • A sprayer and pruner will also not be superfluous.

Of the materials you will need sand, gravel or stones, cement. Naturally suitable plants, peat and earth.

Rockery along the path

Work order

In short, all work on the arrangement of rockeries is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Installation of drainage (if necessary).
  • Creating slope.
  • Stone laying out.
  • Planting out plants.

To create drainage from the prepared soil area, you need to remove the top layer of the earth to a depth of 15-20 cm. Then remove the weeds along with the rhizomes. Some summer residents are faced with such a problem as moles and shrews, which regularly eat plants. The base of the rockery is covered with a fine-mesh metal mesh - and not a single rodent will pass!

Then, at the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to lay out a geotextile that allows water to pass through. At the same time, it does not rot under the influence of moisture. The resulting recess is covered with rubble, sand or broken bricks, rammed. Your task is to make an embankment with an elevation of 50 centimeters and a slope to the southwest, southeast.

Remember that the main enemy of rockeries are not even rodents or bad weather, but moisture. Its excess not only leads to the death of plants, but also disrupts the stone composition. That is why the soil and drainage system should be given special attention.

After laying the drainage, we proceed to the preparation of a special nutrient mixture for plants. It consists of 4 components:

  • Land for the garden - 3 parts.
  • Peat - 1 part.
  • Sand - 2 parts.
  • Crushed stone of fine fraction - 1 part.

Stages of creating rockeries (video)

Selection of stones, their laying

Any step-by-step instruction claims that stones have been and remain the main focus of rockeries. In most cases, they match the color of the building or landscape. The main criteria: natural appearance, the ability to pass not only air, but also water. Most often, landscape designers use stones such as tuff, granite, limestone and sandstone.

Stone selection

The use of natural stone, rich in shapes and shades, opens up a truly limitless space for the imagination. At the same time, there are several nuances that should be considered when arranging stones:

  • In dry rockeries, angular stones are quite acceptable. If you plan to build a stone garden along with a small pond, you should give preference to rounded boulders.
  • The size and shape of the stones must be different. They are selected based on the total area of ​​the rockery. For example, if the area is large, small pebbles will look ridiculous. And vice versa.
  • Use one, maximum two types of stones. Make sure they match the landscape in color.

We can conclude that laying rockeries with your own hands, the photo of which you will find in this section, is a creative, incredibly exciting process.

Stones are better to choose one breed

How rockeries are made (video)

Our guide would be incomplete without detailed recommendations and a video on how to properly compose a rockery. In fact, everything is very simple and clear:

  • The basis of the composition will be the largest stones with an attractive side. To achieve greater stability, they dig a little into the ground.
  • If the area allows, you can use the stone already processed. For example, put a bench or a fountain.
  • After placement, plants are planted in the settled soil. First, it is recommended to plant large and bushy specimens, and then move on to small and ground covers.
  • The final stage is filling empty spaces with small pebbles and small pebbles.

How to care

This is the last section of the article, where you get real advice and practical advice on how to care for rockeries.

  • The stone garden needs minimal maintenance. Its complexity always depends on the plants that have been chosen for planting.
  • Water-loving plants will not be able to limit themselves to rain alone. Watering from a hose will also not work - you will flood the entire structure. Carefully water from a watering can or use a hose, but with a special nozzle.
  • Some species are very afraid of frost. Therefore, for the winter they will need to be insulated. In autumn, seeds, dry twigs and fallen leaves are removed.

Rockery Care


Having learned the details and schemes for arranging rockeries, you begin to understand that making it yourself is an elementary task. There is no need to buy expensive materials, and there is no need to mess around with a stone garden for weeks either. All you need is your imagination and your desire.

It is an important element and component in human life. If earlier it was not so developed, now it is the main component for the comfort of a person who has his own home. Many people create beauty in the yard on their own, and some invite a specially trained professional to compile a quality design project.

This article describes what is:

  • alpine slide;
  • rockery;
  • difference between these two architectural forms.

Rockery in landscape design

The main feature of rockeries is the possibility of device on steep slopes.. Therefore, the owners of an uneven local area should not be upset, they need to fully turn on their imagination and make the most of the possibilities of such a hilly terrain.

These flower beds can occupy a variety of sizes of territory. For example, the creation of a miniature creation, or bulky and majestic. In size, if rockeries are planned to be about 10 square meters, then in order to maintain balance, its highest point should be raised by about a meter. Then you get a harmonious and regular flower garden.

Whoever has a flat territory will need more effort, time and financial resources, because then there is an expense for imported soil. Stones are the main part of the rockery. There are a huge number of them not only in specialized stores, but also on earth in principle.

When arranging such a flower garden, it is required to insert stones on a pre-prepared base so that they do not go into the ground. Small gravel is usually poured under the material.

Plants are the second main element of rockeries. These are various mosses, junipers, ferns, dwarf conifers, and others.

Important! Planting plants in rockeries begins with the largest trees and shrubs, the process ends with small herbs, mosses and flowers. This also applies to rock climbing.

Alpine hill in landscape design

A variety of alpine plants collected in a rocky garden, park or square is a rock garden, or an alpine hill. Is some a kind of rockery. However, representatives of the latter can be a variety of plants, not only mountain. This element is arranged quite simply and easily, the main thing is to have all the necessary materials, especially stones and a wide variety of mountain plants that play a dominant role in the alpine hill.

From the very beginning of the device, the base is prepared (fertile soil is brought in, if the terrain is hilly, the existing soil on the territory is used), then stones are inserted at a certain angle and plants are planted.

The difference between rockery and alpine slide

Most gardeners at the beginning of their activities often confuse these two types of peculiar flower beds. Therefore, the distinction must be clear and precise.

There is a significant difference between alpine slides and rockeries, therefore, each owner of his own adjacent territory is obliged to understand these concepts. Only then can you engage in landscape design on your own.

Rock garden - have you heard of this? This is rockery, which conquered more than one owner of a country house. The original composition of plants and stones is distinguished by its beauty and immediately attracts attention with its unusual appearance. Rockeries are often made on their own. This means that you do not need to hire a private landscape designer. Thanks to our website and detailed instructions, you can organize rockeries in the country with your own hands.

Looking at the flower beds and flower beds, you immediately understand that they were built artificially. Rockeries look more natural.

The word itself comes from the English "rock", that is, a rock.

Rock garden or rockery - what's the difference

There are many compositions of stones. Sometimes gardeners confuse rockeries with rock gardens. Plants for rockeries are diverse, while for rock gardens only mountain representatives of the flora are taken, a drainage base is made.

The main difference is that the rock garden is located on an artificially created slope, as well as on a hill. Absolutely flat area without hills and will be a rockery.

Alpine slide requires more time and effort, as well as financial investments for arrangement. It will take a lot more stones, and there is enough trouble with the selection of plants. Created rockeries with their own hands in the country:

  1. Remains decorative throughout the year.
  2. It only needs a well-designed plan, the right selection of material.
  3. Does not require drainage.

However, the key advantage of rockeries is the fact that it is not at all necessary to cultivate high-altitude plants. You can safely use any species that you would like to see on your site.

Rockery with large stones

Varieties of rockeries

Looking at the photo of flower beds, you probably noticed that the rockery device can be different. Several classifications will be discussed below. Read the information - and you will begin to understand rockeries no worse than landscape designers.

By shape

  • Slide. The most that neither is a classic rock garden. An elevation in the form of a hill is assembled from stones, plants are planted on it. The more types, the better. A small structure with stone ledges looks very presentable.
  • Flat. Horizontal rockeries occupy a considerable area, are located on a flat surface. The design protects the flora from the summer heat and severe frosts.
  • Wall. Structures resembling a wall or props are constructed from stones. Mainly used for zoning the yard.

Varieties of rockeries: slide, flat, wall

By location

  • Under direct sunlight. Sun-loving plants are planted. For example, bells and cereals, gentians, stonecrops.
  • In a shaded area. Brunners, geyhers, hosts are provided for landing, as they like to be in the shade.

Rockery location: in sunny and shady places

By style

  • Japanese. The Japanese-style rockery in all the photos looks like an area with a small amount of plants. In the foreground are rounded stones. Next to such a design, it is pleasant to arrange tea ceremonies and enjoy the beauties of nature. Therefore, oriental-style rockeries are built for relaxation and relaxation in the garden.
  • English. Did you see sharp stones in the photo, more like fragments of rocks? Before you are rockeries, decorated in the English style. The easiest way to equip such a rockery is from conifers, wormwood and cereals. A striking resemblance to the cliffs in some coniferous forest.
  • Deutsch. Its characteristic features: accuracy, rigor, solid functionality. A pile of stones can be replaced with 2-3 stone structures that perform a practical function.
  • Italian. Assumes a fluid aesthetic, with rounded lines and subtle color nuances. If the area allows, you can install a small sculpture or forged furniture.
  • European. Characterized by naturalness and diversity. The emphasis is on planting flowering plants that will replace each other throughout the season.
  • Alpine. Any video on the topic will tell you that the Alpine style is the same hill, consisting of a pile of stones and creeping representatives of the flora.

Rockery styles

Description of rockeries (video)

Rockery planning: how designers do it

Any landscape designer will tell you how to make rockeries with your own hands. But if you ask: “Where do I start?”, The answer will be simple and quite expected - with preparation. Step-by-step instructions for preparation are already waiting for you.

  • We choose a place. Rockeries should not be placed thoughtlessly. Ideally, a rock garden should blend in with the natural topography of the garden or yard. Any elevation changes should be smooth and harmonious, combined with a nearby artificial reservoir, natural streams.
  • We build away from fences. Indeed, the farther rockeries with conifers from buildings and fences, the better. Of course, this option is not always possible. You can try to simply drape the flowers for rockeries with shrubs or luxurious loaches.
  • The soil is compacted with gravel. This is especially true in situations where the ground is quite loose. A simple design technique will help you prevent subsidence of large stones, it will become a good drainage for plants.

Rockery layout

How to choose and install stones

The photo shows that each pebble literally lies on a special place reserved specifically for it. Let's figure out how to lay out stones correctly if you don't have a video with recommendations, and you couldn't find good schemes.

  • First of all, we pay attention to large stones. Because they will become the basis of your garden. Choose pebbles that have a natural appeal.
  • We take 2-3 large stones as a base. They are quite enough to create a mini rockery or a medium-sized composition.
  • Are the stones different colors? This is more of a plus than a minus. The only point is less gray granite. He will simply get lost among the abundance of greenery.
  • Before the installation of large stones, the soil under them is concreted. We have already talked about this, but we will repeat it again. Otherwise, the boulders will simply fall through the ground.

Site preparation

In the place where it is planned to place a rocky garden, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil. So you can prevent the violent growth of weeds that violate the overall harmony.

The largest boulders are placed in the chosen place and deepen by about 1/3. The rest of the site is laid out with a drainage layer. Mulch is poured on top, in which plants will be planted.

Before creating a rockery, it is necessary to prepare the soil

What plants to choose for rockeries

You have already received detailed information about what rockeries are like, what it is, how it differs from an alpine slide. It's time to find out which representatives of the flora are best suited for planting.

  1. Dwarf varieties of conifers. Both in the photo and in reality, coniferous rockery looks perfect. It is most preferable to use juniper, thuja and dwarf spruce.
  2. Low shrubs. These include cotoneaster and honeysuckle.
  3. Perennial. An incredibly simple scheme will help to add variety to rockeries. We boldly combine geranium and primrose, daffodils with tulips, hyacinths with crocuses.
  4. Ground covers. They will help to give the flower garden a natural, luxurious moss. This includes classic moss, cat's paw.

Conifers in rockeries

Procedure step by step

You have already chosen a site, carefully prepared it, and outlined a rockery plan. You can start arranging.

Step 1

When large stones are laid, the gaps between them are filled with earth. It is not necessary to use fertile soil. The flora will grow quickly, there will be too many flowers. And you have a completely different goal - to bring rockeries as close as possible to the natural look. We advise you to take the soil from an ordinary garden and mix it thoroughly with sand.

Step 2

The second stage is planting plants. We take conifers as a basis. Thanks to them, rockeries will look "alive" at any time of the year. Next, we plant dwarf shrubs. You can take Chinese lilac or rhododendrons will help add brightness. Ground covers help complete the composition, but after shrubs it is better to plant perennials and bulbs.

The choice of plants for rockeries

Step 3

The walkthrough includes a third step. This is a decoration of the territory with small pebbles. You will also have to follow certain rules.

First of all, medium-sized gravel is laid. It acts as a cushion that will help form a decorative layer. The composition takes on a more natural look.

Gravel can simply be scattered over the entire area or create intricate patterns by complementing them with stones of various shades. A layer of ground cover plants will begin to break through between them.

Video of the phased arrangement of rockeries

We offer a look at the photo of ready-made rockeries. Perhaps they will inspire you to create a truly original garden design.

How to care for rockeries

The advantage of rockery is that it almost does not need serious care. Much depends on which particular representatives of the flora were chosen to create a rocky garden. Moisture-loving plants need regular, fairly plentiful watering. However, it is best to do this with a hose with a sprayer, so as not to wash off small pebbles.

We try to remove seeds and wilted leaves. Otherwise, next year there will be significantly more plants, and they will begin to grow in the most unexpected places. The appearance and perception of the composition will deteriorate significantly.

With rapid growth, we thin out the flora. Heat-loving varieties are covered and insulated with the onset of cold weather. As for top dressing, in most cases you can do without it. Once every 2-3 years, new soil is added - that's the whole trick.


You were able to make sure that creating a stone garden with your own hands is a fairly simple task that almost anyone can do. Even with minimal care, rockeries will delight with an attractive appearance, make the garden plot original and unusual. Knowing how to make rockeries, everyone can feel like a landscape designer and do everything possible to improve the dacha.

The concepts of rock gardens and rockeries in landscape design are similar and refer to rocky gardens. The differences between them are as follows. If the basis of the rock garden is a rocky hill covered with rocky vegetation, then in rockeries the main element is the composition of stones on a flat surface. Therefore, the rock garden needs to be done in a well-lit place, and rockeries can be done in the shade.

A rock garden is best placed against a calm, neutral background, away from garden beds, greenhouses, flower beds, and playgrounds. Large stones for rockeries need to be selected of the same breed. The combination of different types, for example, granite and limestone, will not always be successful. But the gravel sprinkling of rockeries, on the contrary, can be variegated and heterogeneous.

How to distinguish rockeries from rock gardens?

The plant component for rockeries is usually spruce and pine of compact varieties, rhododendrons, planted with curtains of erica and heather. If, at the same time, plants prefer acidic soils, then they try not to use rocks containing lime (tuff, dolomite, limestone and shell rock). In extreme cases, you can occasionally acidify the soil.

Rockeries in landscape design can be combined with an artificial pond or stream, including a dry one, as in a Japanese garden. Large boulders and plants are preferred there, which will create a harmonious transition to the surface of the water: miscanthus, Siberian iris, hostas with gray and green foliage. Large mossy rocky boulders, thickets of ferns, a carpet of lilies of the valley or loosestrife, smoothly bending around the stones, will look good in the wild part of the garden among the sparse forests. If the rockery is arranged under the trees, then you should not use a small fraction of stones for filling it. In autumn, you will have to buy a garden vacuum cleaner to clean fallen needles and leaves.

Landscape design - rockery and rock garden, require certain knowledge for the arrangement. To create rockeries begin with digging the soil and removing weeds. If necessary, drainage or a layer of sand is made under a layer of fertile soil so that plants that cannot tolerate dampness grow better.

Groups of stones selected for rockeries are laid asymmetrically. The largest of them without heavy equipment cannot be delivered to the place. Therefore, it is better to do this before laying the lawn, planting plants and installing retaining walls and paths in the garden. Under the largest boulders, a foundation is usually made of concrete, crushed stone or smaller stones, otherwise the blocks will gradually sink into the ground. Under the gravel sprinkling, so that small pebbles do not mix with the ground, geotextiles are laid.

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