Shungite what is it and why. Properties of shungite stone. In alternative medicine, shungite is usually treated

The mineral is a Precambrian rock considered to be intermediate between anthracite and graphite. In simple words, it is metamorphosed coal. Shungite stone has properties, it has the same effect on the zodiac signs, and it has also found its practical application in various industries.

The stone belongs to the electrically conductive materials with a high carbon content. The rock has chemical resistance and the ability to combine with other components. Absorptive activity and bactericidal activity were also noted.

kinkconchoidal, stepped
Density1.80-2.84 g / cm 3
Compressive strength100-276 MPa
Electrical conductivity(1-3)×103 S/m
Thermal conductivity3.8 W/mK
ShineMatte, metallic
StructureAmorphous, non-crystalline
Specific gravity1,8-1,9

Place of Birth

In its pure form, it can rarely be found, in the form of thin, no more than half a meter wide veins. More often it can be found as an admixture in dolomites and shales in the territory of Zaonezhie. It owes its generous composition to the presence of many impurities, due to which, in the process of mechanical and chemical influence of air and water, one can speak of a high content of humus. Thus, the breed, generous in microelements, is equated to chernozem.

It should be noted that the only and effective stone deposit is the region in Karelia, which is located on the territory of the Russian Federation.


The formation of the mineral leads scientists to several hypotheses of its formation.

  • Some experts argue that it was formed in deep layers from organic bottom sediments, which, under the influence of high temperature, were transformed into rock.
  • There is also a version of the magmatic formation. Its adherents claim that it is associated with volcanic processes.
  • There is also a space hypothesis, which says that the mineral settled on earth thanks to a meteorite.

Practical use

  • Shungite has a high calorific value, it is used as a metallurgical fuel or a carbonaceous reducing agent in the production of ferroalloys.
  • It also plays a significant role in construction. Polished slabs are made of stone, which are a worthy decoration of the interior of various cathedrals, as well as the subway.
  • In addition, the mineral is the basis for the production of shungizite, which is an excellent substitute for concrete.

Medicinal properties

Sometimes the stone is called slate, it has been known since ancient times. Its appearance resembles ordinary coal, but its unique healing properties distinguish it, filling a person with health and strength, prolonging youth.

  • Shungite is involved in the production of filters for water purification, due to which the water is not inferior in quality to spring water. Regular consumption of a sufficient amount of clean water helps to cope with allergies, improve the condition of the skin, promotes digestion, and strengthens the body.
  • The stone received healing and cleansing properties thanks to fullerenes - molecules that include carbon atoms. They have an antioxidant effect, help a person recover and rejuvenate.
  • The rich composition of the mineral allows it to be useful for the treatment of colds, in particular, during the off-season and the flu epidemic. But it is important to understand that prolonged contact with this stone can adversely affect human health, reducing its energy and blood pressure.
  • Shungite in its pure form for the treatment of various diseases is used in rare cases. Lithotherapists use only shungite water, since the benefits of springs, the path of which runs through shungite masses, have long been known. Doctors attribute powerful healing properties to it. Water is recommended for consumption by those who suffer from bronchial asthma, allergies and long non-healing wounds.
  • Water infused with shungite should be impregnated with a compress to heal the skin. Thanks to the amazing property of binding harmful components, the neutralization and removal of toxins from the human body occurs.
  • People suffering from joint diseases are shown baths with shungite water, as well as compresses based on mud. This approach allows you to remove inflammation and eliminate pain.
  • For the period of acute respiratory diseases, you can pour water with a mineral into an inhaler or bury it in your nose, gargle.

An indispensable component in cosmetology

Among a large number of natural minerals, it is Shungite that occupies a respectable place in cosmetology. It is very useful to regularly walk on crumbs from it. Those who have had such an opportunity, appreciate the therapeutic effect. With the help of procedures, vivacity and strength appear, manifestations of varicose veins disappear, pain in arthritis subsides, depression disappears.

  • Water can be frozen and used in the morning by rubbing the skin with ice cubes. Especially this advice applies to people with acne or various inflammations on the skin.
  • The positive effect of the stone on the hair has been proven. You can rinse your head with water after washing, which can improve the structure of the hair and strengthen the hair follicles. You can forget about dandruff problems.
  • Along with the amazing properties of the mineral, contraindications should also be highlighted. First of all, expectant mothers, as well as people with exacerbations of inflammatory processes of internal organs, should drink water with caution.

How to make healing water

You can also prepare a health drink at home. In order not to harm your body, it is important to follow a number of rules during its preparation.

  1. No more than 300 g of crushed stone is taken per liter of water, they insist. After 30 minutes, shungite will begin its action. That is how long it takes for them to acquire antibacterial properties. But you can drink water only after 36 hours.
  2. Water must be carefully poured into a clean container, without lifting the sediment from the bottom. Surprisingly, stone chips can be used more than once.

It should be noted that sorbents can kill not only harmful components in water, but also useful ones. This rule does not apply to Shungite. In addition, its main property is the saturation of its healing components.

magical properties

It is worth noting that the mineral is used in both black and white magic. It is also useful as a charm. The owner of the stone is protected from various negative manifestations, the evil eye and envy.

  • Psychics claim that shungite pyramids perfectly protect a person from computer radiation. Therefore, they are placed near screens and monitors.
  • It is believed that its energy is suitable for young people with an active lifestyle.
  • Having bought a charm in the form of a ball, you can attract good luck on the love front.
  • Shungite cubes are recommended for enterprising people associated with trade.
  • It is worth noting that jewelers also take on the creation of beautiful masterpieces from an amazing mineral. To enhance its qualities, various symbols are applied to the surface that carry a semantic load.
  • To restore mental and moral strength, to cleanse at the energy level, it is enough to be in a room with shungite products from time to time.
  • The stone is classified as universal, since it has the same effect on all signs of the zodiac, there are no specific recommendations.


At the beginning of the 17th century, thanks to the slate stone in the spring, Xenia Romanova was miraculously healed, who was exiled to Karelia by Boris Godunov for disobedience. The woman was sick with epilepsy, she was healed after treatment with water from an amazing stream. Local peasants believed in its power, and they advised to try this method of treatment.

Later, Xenia gave birth to a baby who became the future tsar (he was the son of Mikhail Romanov). The fame of the unique water reached not only the capital, but also spread to small villages. During the reign of Peter the Great, a unique resort "Marcial Waters" was built at the shungite spring, allowing people to recover after serious wounds. In general, it was intended to improve the health of officers and soldiers.

In 1908, geologist P. Borisov described various specimens of Shungite. As a result, he concluded that their properties are similar to lydite, which allows you to determine the sample of precious metals. Thus, it was possible to obtain a mineral that did not need to be transported from abroad.

How to distinguish from a fake

Given the fact that the stone is very popular, instead of a healing mineral, you can buy a fake. But, having studied the main nuances, it will be easier to purchase the original.

  1. The main feature of a natural material is its electrical conductivity. Therefore, if possible, you can create an electrical circuit using an ordinary light bulb and batteries.
  2. Shungite is immersed in water. After a few minutes, its taste will change, and will resemble spring.
  3. It is important to carefully consider the sample. The original will contain a slight coating, and in the box where it was stored - dust.

Shungite is a mountain mineral that occupies an intermediate position between anthracites and graphite and was formed by the metamorphosis of organic bottom sediments. The chemical composition of this stone is almost 95 - 98% carbon, the remaining components are hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, water. In very small quantities, it may contain elements such as selenium, nickel, tungsten, vanadium, etc.

Shungite is a unique stone with healing properties that have been used by people for a long time. Then the beneficial effect of the mineral on the human body was explained by magic and extraordinary energy. But now, when scientific and clinical studies of shungite are being actively conducted, many of its beneficial and healing properties can be explained by physicochemical factors. Let's consider what are the properties and contraindications of shungite stone.

The healing properties of the mineral shungite

The impact of shungite on the body can be characterized by the following main properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • antitoxic;
  • antioxidant;
  • radio shielding;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • restorative.
The use of shungite for medicinal purposes

There are many methods of using this mineral for the purpose of healing. The most common is the treatment with water infused with shungite. Due to the high adsorption activity and adhesion, disinfecting properties, when interacting with water, it not only purifies it from harmful impurities and pathogenic microflora, but also saturates it with useful minerals. Today, this stone is used in the production of activator filters for drinking water purification, as well as for water disinfection in pools and wells.

The use of shungite water contributes to:

  • saturation of the body with the necessary macro- and microelements;
  • decrease in the concentration of free radicals in the body;
  • improve cell metabolism and increase cell resistance;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • neutralization and removal of various toxins from body tissues;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • improvement of hematopoietic processes;
  • stimulation of the body's immune defenses, etc.
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, enteritis, etc.);
  • cardiovascular pathologies (hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, etc.);
  • inflammatory and allergic skin lesions, skin lesions (dermatitis, psoriasis, burns, bedsores, acne, etc.);
  • diseases of the respiratory and oral cavity (tonsillitis, stomatitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the spine and joints (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.) and many others.

In addition to the internal use of water infused on this stone, you can use it externally - for the preparation of baths, compresses, rinses, washings, inhalations, etc.

Shungite is a rock, found in the form of metamorphosed coal. Large deposits were first found in Karelia, near the village of Shunga, for which it got its name. .

In its pure form, finding a stone is a rarity. Usually a stone in the form of impurities is found in shales, dolomites. Shungite is an excellent adsorbent, it attracts toxic harmful substances, which helps a person in cleansing the body, treating many infectious colds. The mineral has the properties of an information conductor, which is important for the civilization of the planet as a whole.

You will not find a stone on scarce, infertile lands. Due to its organic origin, it contains living organisms, plankton remains, minerals, the properties of which are able to enrich and saturate the soil. The chemical composition of the mineral is rich. It contains: iron, silicon, sodium, titanium, phosphorus, aluminum, manganese, silicon, potassium, sodium (oxides), zinc, chromium, sulfur, carbon, strontium, cobalt, barium, vanadium.

Where is shungite used?

This mineral has excellent heat-conducting properties, contains alloying elements, silicon oxide, is used in metallurgy as a fuel, in construction - to decorate the interior in the subway, in cathedrals, can replace concrete, in medicine - to give strength, youth to the skin of the face, hands

How stone is used in industry

Shungite consists of 70% minerals and 30% ash. A rock:

Widely used in:

  • metallurgy, replacing coke, quartzite
  • agriculture for the production of fertilizers, animal medicines, feed additives
  • construction, for the production of paints, rubber, some materials
  • housing and communal services, for cleaning wastewater from pollution, water purification in pools, wells.

What are the healing properties of the stone

The chemical composition and crystal structure of the stone make it possible to give it useful, healing properties. You can't put a stone in your mouth, but water infused with shungite is widely used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

  1. The stone perfectly filters water, making it pure, spring. The medicinal composition is used for:
  • diabetes
  • for healing wounds, burns
  • with allergies
  • with periodontitis.

Sanatoriums, dispensaries use water for preventive purposes in the form of baths, compresses, ointments, and are used for massage.

How shungite helps animals and plants

Shungite has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties. A houseplant grows faster, resists fungal infections and other diseases, if it is constantly watered with shungite water. It is useful to make drainage, top dressing for flowers from small gravel.

When drinking water by pets, birds improve the quality of wool, plumage, strengthen teeth, bones, gallstones do not form, itching and peeling of the skin are eliminated. Animals do not suffer from allergies, infectious diseases. In horticulture, water is used when soaking seeds, disinfecting them, accelerating germination. Plants grow faster and yields increase.

How is shungite water prepared?

In order for all the healing properties of the stone to go into the water, you need to prepare an infusion, pour water into a container and throw a stone or several small pebbles into it. Shungite water is prepared in enamel or glass, then net in non-toxic dishes. Water is infused for three days, after which it is ready for use. You can drink it, cook food on it, wash your face, gargle, nose for colds, runny nose, sore throat, after draining the sediment. Water is also suitable for inhalation by inhalation of vapors, preheating the water no higher than 90 degrees.
The properties of shungite are unique due to its molecular structure. Heavy metals, impurities leave the water in the stone. The water becomes clean, filtered, like a spring. It is pleasant to drink, extraneous odors disappear.

They heal, tone up the whole body, relieve fatigue, stress baths with shungite.

You can prepare an ointment, rub it into sore joints with radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and skin diseases.

Water is stored for six months, after this period a new infusion should be prepared.

How shungite is used in magic

Many believe that the stone has the properties to carry negative energy, because there are only gray - black shades. In fact, this is not so, shungite is often used not only in black, but also in white magic. Magicians are preparing amulets that bring peace, protect against dark forces and other negativity. Manufactured talismans are shown to be worn by young, energetic people, for success in love, commercial activities.

How is the stone used in astrology

Black stone in the form of bracelets, amulets, pendants, key chains are suitable for Capricorns and Gemini. Fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius wearing a stone is contraindicated.

How to distinguish a stone from fakes

Many buyers are wondering if they are buying a fake, because in color, the general texture of the stone is not much different from the usual gray-black cobblestone. The quality of the stone is easy to check without going far from the counter. It is enough to check its electrical conductivity by connecting the battery (with one pole), to the other pole - a small flashlight. When you connect a mineral with a light bulb, the second should light up. If the mineral is a fake, or the content of shungite in the stone is negligible, then the lamp will not light.

It is interesting that there are practically no contraindications for the use of shungite water. It can be used both internally and externally for many of the above diseases.

However, do not forget about the timely change of water, if you want to use it regularly, everything is worth consulting with your doctor first, for neoplasms, heart diseases, thrombosis, you can use water only with the permission of the attending physician. For medicinal purposes, you can buy shungite in the form of a ready-made cream - balm, or a powder from which an ointment is prepared independently. The stone can be purchased online, or searched in the pharmacies of the city. The properties of shungite are such that it is pleasant to drink water infused with it, the work of the intestines and stomach is restored.

Shungite properties

Shungite is a black mineral that is very similar to coal. The rock containing it is the result of an intermediate state during the transition of amphora carbon to graphite. Shungite consists of more than 90% carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur compounds. Impurities of molybdenum nickel, tungsten, selenium are not excluded. The name of the mineral is derived from the name of the village of Shunga, which is in Karelia on the shores of Lake Onega.

Today, there are several assumptions about the origin of this mineral. It is possible that its deposits were formed by primitive marine microorganisms that lived in antiquity. There are claims that the structure of the layers has a volcanic trace. A more exotic version is the assumption that shungite is part of a piece of the Phaeton planet meteorite, where life existed. The island of Kizhi is entirely composed of this stone, on which people feel the beneficial effect of the stone. Temples built from trees grown on shungite soil do not rot. Due to the diverse unique properties of the stone and its healing qualities, it has no rivals on earth.

Shungite is a unique sorbent that purifies water from impurities, removes turbidity and gives it a spring taste. Shungite water has rejuvenating properties, improves skin tone, eliminates puffiness, peeling and wrinkles; after rinsing, it gives the hair shine and silkiness.

The beneficial properties of shungite are due to its high ability to absorb harmful substances from the environment, which allows the mineral to be used as a wonderful water filter. A useful stone has a bactericidal effect, easily forms compounds with other substances. It is shown to be used to protect against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields of household appliances, including mobile phones, as well as when visiting geopathic zones.

How to identify fake shungite

How to identify real shungite? Everything is simple. It is enough to use the property of a real stone to conduct an electric current. If you connect one of the poles of the battery to real shungite, and a light bulb from a flashlight to the other pole, and then connect the end of the bulb base with the mineral, the light bulb should light up. If it is a fake or shungite slate, in which the content of the healing mineral is low, the light will not light up.

Application of shungite

Using the properties of the stone to cure various diseases, it is used to prepare shungite water.

It helps get rid of:

  • gastritis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • otitis;
  • allergies of various types;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis and diseases of the gallbladder;
  • anemia and circulatory diseases;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas;
  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the nervous, musculoskeletal and genitourinary systems;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

People drink shungite water, cook food on it, use it for cosmetic purposes, make inhalations, compresses and baths. Its medicinal properties help relieve hangovers. It is useful to water flowers with such water and give it to animals.

For preventive purposes, you can drink 3 glasses of water infused with shungite daily.

Properties of shungite for water treatment

Shungite stone has the ability to remove impurities, harmful organics, odors and taste from water, to purify it from various impurities.

Before preparing shungite water, the stones are thoroughly cleaned, preferably with a brush. 300-500 g of stones are needed.

They are placed in a three-liter jar and filled with cold tap water. After half an hour, the cleansing begins. Even in such a short period of time, the number of streptococci decreases a hundred times.

After three days, the contents must be carefully drained into a clean container. It is best to use infused water within three days.

After boiling, the main healing properties are preserved.

Be sure to wash the stones and put a new portion infused.

In order for the beneficial properties of large stones to remain effective, it is recommended to clean their surface with a fine sandpaper once every six months, and then wash thoroughly.

If small pebbles are used for infusion, they should be replaced with new ones after six months.

Despite the fact that the useful liquid does not irritate the mucous membranes and is not toxic, you should refrain from using it in case of neoplasms, exacerbations of diseases of the cardiovascular system, various inflammatory processes and a tendency to form blood clots.

Shungite in cosmetology

When washing, the beneficial properties of shungite water make the skin supple, smooth, fine wrinkles, pimples and acne disappear. Hair becomes thicker and darker, dandruff disappears, gray hair may disappear.

To improve well-being, relieve stress and fatigue, improve blood circulation, quickly heal cracks and wounds on the body, get rid of eczema or fungus, it is useful to take shungite baths.

Treatment procedures are performed 10-20 minutes every other day. To prepare a bath, you need to lower a bag with 300 g of small pebbles of the mineral into it for 10 minutes.

Shungite treatment for various diseases

In case of colds, sore throats, runny nose, inflammation in the oral cavity, it is useful to rinse with warm shungite water. Adults can do steam inhalation (steam inhalation is contraindicated for children due to the risk of burns). Bring shungite water almost to a boil and breathe in its vapors for several minutes. The healing properties of compresses from water infused with a useful stone accelerate the healing of wounds, reduce calluses, and help burns heal faster.

Shungite in jewelry

People who prefer to wear shungite, in addition to a beautiful decoration, receive many beneficial effects on the body in its face. Black pendants are considered the most effective. They contribute to the strengthening of the human biofield and protect it from the harmful effects of the electromagnetic field. A person has a feeling that his life forces are being held near him.

People who have experienced it themselves claim that regular wearing of shungite earrings increases the self-regulation of the body, evens out the overall energy background, and keeps the balance of yang and yin. The balanced state of these principles is very important for the normal functioning of our body, which is possible only in the full harmony of their manifestation.

Today, shungite beads and bracelets are becoming more and more popular. It is believed that the bracelet, with constant exposure, harmonizes the energy of a person through the hands, where various energy meridians pass. In addition, many find that their blood pressure becomes more stable.

Shungite is a stone-filter that structures the space around itself and processes the negative. Be that as it may, it's nice to put on a shungite set from a bracelet with a "Flower" insert and beads - to look beautiful and at the same time know that the shungite stone is also a talisman and talisman that helps to improve the well-being of the body.

In addition to shungite jewelry, there are other items that affect the body. People claim that by touching the shungite rosary, they feel a surge of energy and strength.

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