Can natural honey be taken for diabetics? Is honey allowed for diabetics or not. The dangers of eating bee products

Diabetes mellitus has always been in the top of the most common disorders of the endocrine system. Diabetes is characterized by a significant decrease in insulin levels in the blood. Insulin normalizes blood glucose levels. In diabetes, insulin is either not secreted at all, or the body does not respond to the production of insulin. Such an endocrine deviation disrupts metabolic processes at all levels - mineral, water-salt, fat, protein. Medical theory divides diabetes into two types - insulin-dependent (type 1) and non-insulin-dependent (type 2). In the first type, the patient is given hormone injections. In the second type, the body can maintain its blood sugar levels on its own, provided diets are followed that limit the entry of sugars into the body.

The use of honey in the first type of diabetes

Type 1 excludes the use of sugary foods of any kind. With this type of diabetes, even simple sugars of natural origin should not be consumed. The patient should exclude from the diet confectionery, fruits and products of their processing - jams, preserves, syrups. Honey contains a large amount of fructose and sucrose and is therefore unacceptable for patients with type 1 diabetes. By itself, honey slightly raises the level of sugar. But even when strict diet it is impossible to exclude the complete ingress of sugars into the blood. And the use of honey in this situation can be an aggravating factor. There are suggestions that in the first type of diabetes, you can consume no more than two teaspoons of honey per day in a diluted form. But these data do not have a solid empirical basis. Most likely, the harm will prevail over the benefit if there is honey in this type of diabetes.

How to Consume Honey Safely for Type 2 Diabetes

As mentioned above, in the second type of diabetes, the body retains the function of generating insulin. But to maintain glucose levels, it is necessary to limit the intake of sugars at meals. That is, type 2 diabetes is less demanding on the patient in terms of the severity of the diet. For patients of the second type, honey is an excellent source of natural sugars, which are quickly broken down and excreted from the body. Thus, honey for diabetics is a product that can close the need for sweets. The sugars in honey are based on natural fructose, so honey diabetes the second type should not be eaten in excess. The reason is explained by the following fact: with an excessive intake of sucrose, the patient begins to actively form fatty tissues, which leads to obesity.

However, if we consider the composition of honey, we can see that carbohydrates predominate in the basis of this bee product. This composition allows honey to be quickly broken down and quickly absorbed by the body. There are a number of requirements for the consumption of honey for diabetics:

  • after drinking honey physical exercise(Determined by the patient's age and general health). Physical exercise burn body fat, which can form after eating food containing honey;
  • honey should be as natural as possible. Cases are known when unscrupulous traders added artificial sugars used in confectionery to the product. If possible, honey in combs should be preferred;
  • do not "lean" honey: the maximum amount of honey that a diabetic is allowed to eat is no more than two teaspoons per day;
  • before starting to consume honey, you need to consult a doctor to find out how the pathologies associated with diabetes will react to honey;
  • honey is best eaten in combination with fiber-rich vegetables and lean bread;
  • heat treatment of the product over sixty degrees is not welcome. If you heat honey too much, it will lose its healing properties and taste;
  • it is forbidden to eat honey in case of periodic hyperglycemic crises;
  • the intake of honey in food together with sour-milk drinks is welcome.

What honey is better to eat with diabetes

As you can see, honey and diabetes show good compatibility. With reasonable consumption, of course. However, the variety of honey varieties raises the question for diabetics: which varieties are suitable for safe consumption. From the diet it is necessary to exclude varieties most saturated with sucrose. For diabetics, varieties based on buckwheat, acacia, linden, chestnut are shown. At the initial stage, each variety of honey should be tasted to determine the effect of a particular variety on the course of the disease.

Acacia honey has the sweetest taste and mildest aroma. Moreover, it is stored much longer than other permitted varieties. Acacia honey can keep its original consistency for up to two years. Linden honey is suitable for those who often suffer from acute respiratory infections and viral infections. There are not as many natural sugars in linden honey as in acacia honey, so the frequency of its consumption may be somewhat more frequent.

Chestnut and buckwheat honey have a specific taste with a slight bitterness. The fructose content is an order of magnitude less than in the varieties described above.

In addition to honey, type 2 diabetes involves therapy with other bee products. For example, you can mix honey with a few drops of royal jelly, which is effective in lowering glucose levels. ethnoscience recommends that diabetics chew honeycombs. Honeycomb wax will reduce the amount of sugar entering the bloodstream. Eating honey mixed with dead bees (dead dried bee bodies) is proposed as a radical way: it is believed that the bodies of dead bees contain trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine and pancreas glands.

Honey is quite safe if taken as food for diabetics. The advantage of honey is that it is versatile and goes well with many foods. But with relative safety, it is still important to exercise moderation when eating this delicacy. Having chosen the right type of honey, you need to use it constantly and do not change it in order to avoid complications of diabetes. Carriers of the 1st type of the disease find themselves in the most difficult situation - honey is contraindicated for them, it is better for them to refrain from experiments on their own health.

Honey has a high biological value, but contains a lot of simple carbohydrates. Characteristics different varieties are different. About whether honey is possible with diabetes, how much is considered harmless, how the use differs in types 1 and 2 of the disease, read in our article.

Read in this article

Is it always possible to eat honey with diabetes

In order to determine the possibility of introducing a product into the diet for diabetes, it is necessary to know its main characteristics. For bee honey, they are:

  • carbohydrates 80% and water 20%;
  • vitamins: folic, ascorbic acid, E, B1 and B6, B2, K;
  • organic acids, amino acids;
  • trace elements - potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese;
  • hormones, enzymes, lipids;
  • bread units - one is contained in a tablespoon;
  • glycemic index - from 35 to 70, depending on the variety (products with a value above 50 are not recommended for diabetes and obesity);
  • calorie content - 330 kcal per 100 g.

It is also important to know what kind of carbohydrates honey contains, since its benefits or harms in diabetes depend on this. Fructose predominates - 38%, but there is almost the same amount of pure glucose. The remaining 10% are other sugars. Fructose and glucose immediately enter the bloodstream, causing a jump in blood sugar.

  • subcompensation and decompensation of diabetes - glycated hemoglobin above 7%, fasting blood glucose - from 6.5 mmol / l, and 2 hours after eating - from 8.5 mmol / l;
  • taking on an empty stomach, at bedtime, after dinner;
  • with allergic reactions to any bee products.

The benefits and harms of a bee product

Each variety of honey has distinctive properties.


It is called diversified. It has the smell of meadow herbs and a delicate taste. Restores nervous system under stress, relaxes, relieves headache, treats insomnia. Helps with indigestion, increased heart rate. Has a high glycemic index not recommended for, especially with concomitant obesity.


Transparent, but when it crystallizes, it becomes almost white and resembles cottage cheese with grains. Increases immunity, reduces harm from long-term drug therapy. Helps sound sleep, normalizes kidney function and eliminates constipation caused by spasm. It is not recommended for weak bowel motility, as this may be a manifestation of diabetic neuropathy.


Honey has a brownish tint, it can be dark brown or greenish. Possesses bright taste and aroma. Contains a lot of iron, enzymes and amino acids. Strengthens the heart muscle, is useful for rhythm disturbances, increased vascular permeability. Eliminates stagnation of bile, improves liver function. Helps with anemia, diarrhea. It is undesirable to take with large stones in the gallbladder.


The color of honey varies from amber to brown. It is characterized by a large amount of fructose, so it is not candied for a long time. Increases appetite, immune defense. Prevents blockage of veins by blood clots. Reduces fatigue, prevents depression. Chestnut honey is contraindicated in obesity, therefore, in type 2 diabetes, its use is not recommended.


It is transparent or slightly yellowish. This honey has a very pronounced smell and delicate taste. After 2-3 months, it turns into a mass with small grains, similar to dough. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, is used for gynecological and pulmonary diseases. Helps heal wounds and burns. There are no additional restrictions for its use.


It has a slightly pungent taste and golden bright color. It quickly sugars, forming large grains with a greenish tint. The honey of this variety contains the most provitamin A (carotene), it copes well with the healing of wounds and burns. Not recommended for those prone to allergic reactions.


It has a yellow color, delicate aroma and taste. Increases appetite and excretion gastric juice, helps with pulmonary bleeding, joint diseases. Contraindicated in case of increased blood clotting, in pregnant women it can provoke a miscarriage.

What kind of honey and how much can you eat with diabetes

Acacia honey has the lowest glycemic index. Therefore, of all varieties, it can be considered less harmful. This property is taken into account mainly in the second type of disease. For patients with the first type, the question of what kind of honey can be eaten is not relevant. Its use depends entirely on the number of bread units.

When taking a tablespoon, you need to add 1 unit to the dose administered. It is not recommended to exceed this rate and eat honey only after the main meal.

For diabetics who control blood sugar with pills, honey can be considered as a medicine, but not as a food. A safe dose is a teaspoon after breakfast. It contains approximately 5 g of carbohydrates and 20 kcal.

There is only one condition when honey is indicated for diabetes mellitus - hypoglycemic. A decrease in blood sugar most often occurs with type 1 disease, as well as the use of tablets that enhance the work of the pancreas in type 2. In such cases, it is recommended to take a tablespoon of honey and repeat the blood test after 15 minutes. Depending on the data obtained, it is determined how much honey can still be eaten.

How to eat honey with garlic for diabetes

In order to reinforce medicinal properties honey, it is mixed with garlic and lemon. This combination helps to cleanse the body, increases overall resistance, and tones. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to add 10 heads of garlic and 10 medium-sized lemons along with zest to 1 liter of honey. They are pre-ground in a meat grinder or blender. Then everything is mixed with honey and put to infuse for 10 days in a dark place.

After that, filter and the resulting elixir is stored in the refrigerator. A teaspoon of the mixture is added to half a glass of water and taken immediately before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. It is recommended to evaluate the individual response before use. To do this, two hours after taking this composition, blood glucose is measured. If deviations from the target values ​​are found, honey with garlic is contraindicated.

Carrying out alternative treatment of diabetes in general is allowed for both type 1 and type 2. However, only if drug therapy is continued. What methods can be used? What remedies are recommended for the elderly?

  • If type 1 diabetes is established, treatment will consist of administering insulin of varying duration. However, today there is a new direction in the treatment of diabetes - improved pumps, patches, sprays and others.
  • The question of whether it is permissible to eat honey in diabetes is controversial even among doctors. There are categorical supporters and opponents of a positive answer to this question. Let's try to figure out how useful or dangerous the use of honey is for diabetics.

    Relevance of the problem

    Before considering how and what kind of honey can be consumed, it is necessary to briefly dwell on the disease itself. Diabetes mellitus is a common disease. According to the World Health Organization, the number of cases is approaching 450 million people on the planet. That is, for every 14-16 people there is one diabetic. The disease is most common in economically underdeveloped countries. How less people start earning, the worse the nutrition and the higher the likelihood of diabetes. At the same time, a person can find out about the existence of a disease in the body when it may be too late and he will not be able to change the situation:

    1. Gangrene of the lower extremities begins.
    2. A heart attack occurs.
    3. A diabetic or hypoglycemic coma occurs.

    At the same time, the daily use of honey is not a feature of the chosen people. This product has firmly entered the diet of many people, among whom there are those suffering from this chronic disease. It is for this reason that the question of whether honey can be consumed in diabetes is relevant.

    Arguments for using

    Proponents of the fact that diabetics can eat honey is as follows. The composition of the product includes fructose and glucose. They belong to simple types of sugar. Their absorption by the body occurs without the participation of insulin. Namely, this is what a sick and emaciated body needs.

    In addition, the product contains chromium, which:

    • beneficial effect on the work of hormones;
    • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
    • prevents the formation of a large number of fat cells.

    A very useful property of chromium is that it inhibits excess fat cells, and then removes them from the body. Proponents of a positive answer to the question of whether honey is possible with diabetes mellitus noted that in patients, when using this delicacy:

    1. Normalizes blood pressure.
    2. The level of glycated hemoglobin falls.

    Having several hundred useful elements in the product makes it an excellent source of food, with the help of which the deficiency is eliminated:

    • proteins;
    • acids;
    • vitamins;
    • trace elements.

    But this is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of the bee product. Diabetics can benefit from honey for the following reasons:

    1. Effectively prevents the spread of pathogens throughout the body.
    2. Reduces the level side effects from medications that you have to drink to treat pathology.
    3. Improves metabolic processes in the patient.
    4. Promotes the speedy healing of wounds, ulcers and cracks in the skin.
    5. Normalizes functioning internal organs such as liver, kidneys, heart, digestive tract, blood vessels.

    For diabetes, honey is the product that helps prevent the development of negative processes in the disease. Its pharmacological properties prevent many undesirable consequences. But this does not mean at all that it is possible to answer in the affirmative the question of whether it is possible to eat honey with diabetes.

    How can you use?

    Even if the attending physician has allowed the use of a bee product, its daily dose must be calculated. Honey is allowed for type 2 diabetes in moderation. These patients are on insulin therapy. The amount of carbohydrates is calculated in bread units(HE).

    For each, this norm is calculated individually. For example, for patients with type 1 diabetes, you can not eat more than 2 tablespoons of the product. Despite the fact that the bee product in type 2 diabetes is only beneficial, its amount is also calculated with the help of the attending physician.

    In order to prevent a sharp increase in glycemia, it is recommended to consume honey without separating it from honeycombs, which consists of wax. It is an insoluble fiber, with which some part of carbohydrates is associated, so they do not have time to be quickly absorbed by the body.

    Which variety is suitable?

    Not only sick people, but also healthy people, a ripened product is highly recommended. The longer it stays in the comb, the less sugar it contains. Diabetics need to stop their attention on those varieties in which the glucose content is lower than fructose. Such varieties are sweeter in taste and crystallize more slowly - these are the main features that allow you to establish the "right" product by appearance. So, what kind of honey can you eat with diabetes? If you have diabetes, you can use the following types of honey:

    • acacia;
    • lime;
    • chestnut;
    • buckwheat.

    Table of honey varieties

    Linden is conditionally considered permitted for diabetics. But the second grade is not recommended by doctors due to the content of cane sugar in it.

    Pay attention to what kind of product you plan to use.

    By itself, the treatment of diabetes with honey is unacceptable. Despite the benefits of its use, it can also cause harm to the body. In addition, and this is the main thing, honey is not a medicine. It cannot have a healing effect on diabetic patients. Traditional treatment cannot be neglected, and the product in question can be consumed only with the permission of the attending physician and only in the quantities strictly indicated by him.

    Is harm possible?

    Can honey be harmful for diabetics? Of course, especially when you consider that this consumed product is a pure carbohydrate. It contains two simple sugars - fructose and glucose. Therefore, the fears of endocrinologists look more than justified.

    But the problem is that there were no qualified observations of the effect of the product on the development of the disease. Supporters of the use of bee sweets appeal to this. Doctors reasonably note that the composition of the nectar digested in the goiter of the bee is evidence of its danger to diabetics. Separate studies, in their opinion, do not happen. Moreover, some observations indicate that the abuse of the product can lead to:

    1. Disorders in the absorption of carbohydrates.
    2. Insulin resistance.

    It is possible that its uncontrolled use in itself can cause the appearance and development of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, honey and diabetes are quite to some extent correlated not only as a medicine and a disease, but as a cause and pathology.

    What to do?

    So to accept or not a bee product? Regardless of type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the first step is to consult with your doctor, get recommendations from him and strictly follow them. Without this, any careless behavior can cause complications.

    A patient who seeks medical help in 99 cases out of 100 will receive a negative response to the use of honey in diabetes. traditional medicine skeptical about different types folk treatment. No matter how many disputes there are about the compatibility of the use of processed nectar with the treatment of a disease, medically qualified personnel have their own opinion on this matter, which is confirmed by science.

    Honey is not only useful, but in some situations it can become dangerous to health. With its help, it is allowed to treat colds. The patient accepting this product quickly recovers forces. But everything changes when it comes to serious endocrine pathology, whatever its variety may be.

    At the very beginning, it was indicated that not every person can suspect that he has a disease. Because of this, he may regularly be able to take an amount of honey that exceeds the allowable norms for diabetics. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly take tests to check the glycated level of hemoglobin. But in order not to earn diabetes, you need to eat right, replacing the use of confectionery a small amount honey.

    Doctors talk about the use of honey in diabetes

    Honey for Diabetes: Find out everything you need to know. Figure out if you can eat honey with diabetes or not, how to replace table sugar with it. Read on this page how to use a mixture of honey, garlic and lemon. Buckwheat honey and white acacia honey are also compared with each other. Told about effective methods treatment for diabetes, which keep blood sugar 3.9-5.5 mmol/l stable 24 hours a day like in healthy people. The system of living with impaired glucose metabolism for more than 70 years allows diabetics to protect themselves from formidable complications.

    Almost any doctor will tell you that type 2 and type 1 diabetics can eat bee products in small amounts, just like any other food they like. It is believed that honey is useful due to the vitamins that it contains. Nutritionists claim that it almost does not harm type 2 diabetes, and it is even highly recommended for children for normal growth and development.

    Actually, honey with impaired glucose metabolism is a pure poison no matter what type of diabetes you have. Do not believe doctors and TV presenters who claim otherwise. You, not them, will have to suffer from the complications of diabetes caused by use. Doctors are interested in having diabetic patients as their "regular customers". So they encourage diabetics to eat honey and other harmful products.

    Honey for diabetes: a detailed article

    Even a tiny amount of honey eaten greatly and permanently increases the level of glucose in the blood. You can easily verify this if you buy yourself an accurate glucometer and use it regularly.

    Insulin injections cannot compensate for the negative effects of concentrated dietary carbohydrates, regardless of whether you use regular syringes or an expensive insulin pump. Read the reasons for this below. Thus, the compatibility of honey and diabetes is zero. Stay away from foods that are included in a low-carbohydrate diet.

    Watch a video about the use of fructose in diabetes. It discusses fruits, honey, and special diabetic foods. Lot useful information for patients with diabetes, hypertension, fatty hepatosis (fatty liver) and gout.

    Will diabetes develop if honey is used instead of sugar?

    Yes, it will. Honey is almost as harmful as table sugar. Many diabetics are interested in whether there is sugar in honey? Yes, bee honey is practically pure sugar. Although the bees tried and added a little flavor to it.

    Bee Honey and Sugar: A Nutritional Comparison

    Nutritional value per 100 gHoneySugar
    CarbohydratesGlucose 50% and fructose 50%Glucose 50% and fructose 50%
    Glycemic index58 60
    calories300 387
    Sugar, %82 99,91
    Protein, g0,3 0
    Calcium, mg6 1
    Iron, mg0,42 0,01
    Vitamin C, mg0,5 No
    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), mg0,038 0,019
    Vitamin B3 (niacin), mg0,121 No
    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), mg0,068 No
    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), mg0,024 No
    Vitamin B9 ( folic acid), μg2 No
    Magnesium, mg2 No
    Phosphorus, mg2 No
    Zinc, mg0,22 No
    Potassium, mg52 2
    Water, %17,1 0,03

    With the help of the table above, you can analyze the benefits and harms of honey in comparison with table sugar. Bee products contain few vitamins and minerals. But the harm that glucose and fructose bring to your body outweighs the benefits of these vitamins many times over. Therefore, if you are overweight and/or at increased risk for diabetes, then stay away from the foods listed here as prohibited.

    Does honey raise blood sugar levels?

    Yes, honey raises blood sugar quickly, strongly and for a long time. You can easily verify this with a home glucometer by measuring the sugar in a diabetic before and after consuming the product of bee labor.

    After a diabetic has eaten honey or other concentrated carbohydrates, it is impossible to quickly bring down high sugar with an insulin injection. Because the eaten glucose and fructose instantly cause a jump in sugar. Even the fastest ultra-short insulin does not have time to "turn around" in the blood to compensate for the action of products that are classified as prohibited.

    If a diabetic tries to increase the dose of insulin, then his risk will increase. This is an acute complication of improper insulin therapy, which can cause dangerous consequences - from a slight deterioration in well-being to fainting and death. Watch the video to find out how to keep your sugar consistently normal. Learn how to balance your diet and insulin dosages.

    No amount of insulin can compensate for the spikes in blood sugar that concentrated carbohydrates cause in diabetic patients. So just don't eat. Observe strictly.

    Read about prevention and treatment of complications:

    Can you eat honey with type 2 diabetes? If yes, in what quantity?

    If the results of diabetes treatment do not interest you, disability and early death do not scare you, then you can eat whatever you want. Including honey, as well as culinary products based on it, in unlimited quantities.

    Diabetics who want to avoid complications strictly follow and also follow other recommendations outlined on this site. Many patients with type 2 diabetes manage to keep their sugar normal (not higher than 5.5 mmol / l) with the help of diet, drugs (,), as well as physical education. If these measures are not enough, then do not be too lazy to add insulin injections in small doses to the tablets.

    Regardless of whether you inject insulin or not, honey is a forbidden product. It is better not to use it even a single gram.

    Diet options depending on the diagnosis:

    What if a diabetic wants to replace table sugar with honey?

    Honey stimulates the development of complications of diabetes almost as much as table sugar. You can't eat either. And many other products are prohibited. But meat, fish, poultry and eggs can be safely consumed without fear high cholesterol. not only healthy, but also tasty, even luxurious, though not cheap. You will eat like a king.

    Which honey is best for diabetics? Buckwheat? White acacia?

    Any types of honey, including from acacia, as well as buckwheat, are harmful. Avoid them. Try adding stevia and other sugar substitutes to your tea and coffee. Although it would be better for patients with type 2 diabetes to do without them at all, because they interfere with losing weight.

    Even alcohol, if you drink it wisely, will do you less harm than honey and sugar. For diabetics, alcoholic drinks that do not contain sugar, syrup and other carbohydrates are suitable. This is dry red wine, as well as strong 40-degree drinks. If you do not suffer from alcoholism, pancreatitis and there are no problems with the liver, then it is allowed to drink alcohol in moderation. It is less harmful than eating sweets and starchy foods. Read the article "" for more details.

    I read that a mixture of honey, garlic and lemon helps with diabetes. Is it true?

    This is complete nonsense, like any other folk recipes for high blood sugar. They bring uneducated and gullible diabetics to the grave. Taking a mixture, which includes honey and lemon, quickly and greatly increases blood sugar.

    If you are not lazy to measure your sugar with a glucometer, then quickly make sure that from folk recipes there is no point. Of the products listed by the author of the question, only garlic is suitable for diabetics.

    Many doctors argue that with diabetes of any type, it is necessary to exclude all sweets from the diet, including honey.

    There are other experts who argue that the bee product is important for diabetics and it can be consumed, because due to the unique composition it only benefits such a disease.

    Is it possible to eat honey with diabetes: benefit or harm ^

    Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by sharp jumps in blood glucose. Its level can be both high and low, therefore, in order to maintain normal indicators, such patients have to follow a diet, excluding any sweets from their diet.

    • For some time it was believed that diabetics should not eat honey, but after a number of studies it was found that the sugars contained in it are slowly absorbed, which means that glucose will not rise quickly.
    • In addition, the correct and moderate use of the bee product helps to maintain its optimal balance.

    Effect on the body

    Honey is 80% simple monosaccharides and does not require insulin to process them. Also in this product there are a lot of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, thanks to which you can significantly increase immunity and get rid of some health problems.

    Entering the human body simple carbohydrates, present in honey, are immediately processed into glycogen in the liver, unlike regular sugar, which causes a sharp increase in glucose.

    Benefits of honey for diabetics

    • It fights bacteria and prevents their reproduction;
    • Removes toxins and toxins from cells;
    • It has antiviral and antipyretic properties;
    • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
    • Cleanses blood vessels and strengthens their walls;
    • Stabilizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, liver and kidneys;
    • Activates metabolism;
    • Helps fight hypertension
    • Heals wounds and cracks on the skin;
    • Prevents inflammatory processes;
    • Increases hemoglobin;
    • Tones the whole body.

    Despite the fact that honey contains components necessary for normal human life, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist before using it in case of diabetes mellitus in order to avoid complications of the disease.

    Honey in diabetes can bring harm only if you do not follow the measure of consumption, because the fructose contained in it has the ability to be deposited in body fat, which can ultimately lead to obesity.

    • Every diabetic is interested in whether honey is possible for diabetes, and here the answer is unequivocally yes.
    • Of course, if the glucose levels are greatly exceeded and close to a diabetic coma, you can’t eat any sweets, but if the deviation remains within the normal range, this product will only help normalize the glucose level.

    Honey for type 1 and type 2 diabetes: is it possible or not ^

    type 2 diabetes

    With this form of diabetes, the product brings exceptional benefits:

    • Helps maintain glucose levels
    • Strengthens blood vessels
    • Prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system,
    • Stabilizes blood pressure.

    Type 1 diabetes

    • With the insulin-dependent type, it is very important to completely eliminate all high-sugar foods from the diet, but honey, according to some doctors, is not included in this category.
    • If there is no more than 2 tsp every day. such a product, glucose will not rise, as, for example, from chocolate, jams and jams.

    How Much Can I Eat With Gestational Diabetes?

    The gestational form is quite rare, because. occurs mainly in pregnant women due to hormonal changes due to a decrease in insulin production. This phenomenon occurs only for a while, and subject to proper nutrition It is possible to normalize the hormonal background quickly. Honey can also help:

    • It is enough to eat 1 tbsp. l. per day to improve your well-being and stabilize the content of all important elements in the body.

    How to choose honey for a diabetic

    There are certain varieties of honey that are best preferred for diabetes:

    • Chestnut: has a liquid consistency, does not sugar for a long time;
    • Buckwheat: has a tart taste;
    • Lime: helps with reduced immunity, has a rich taste with a slight hint of bitterness;
    • acacia: stored for a long time, has a mild taste;
    • Floral: contains many useful elements.

    As can be seen from the above, honey in a disease such as diabetes is extremely beneficial if consumed in moderation. In order for the glucose level to always remain normal, it is very important to stick to a diet, because the health of each person depends on nutrition.

    Reviews of doctors

    Tatyana, 37 years old, endocrinologist:

    “I will never believe that diabetics strictly adhere to a diet, it’s even physically impossible: you still want sweets and it’s hard to avoid temptation. Let be better man eat a little healthy honey than overeat with sweets"

    Olga, 43 years old, endocrinologist:

    “Of course, any sweets in large quantities, including honey, in diabetes can be harmful, but if a person can control himself and not abuse it, then bee products are allowed”

    Ekaterina, 35 years old, endocrinologist:

    “Until recently, she herself believed that honey should not be eaten with diabetes, but after studying several scientific medical articles, I realized that in moderate portions it does not have a significant effect on glucose. I think if diabetics eat 1-2 tsp. honey a day, it will only benefit them.

    Eastern horoscope for May 2019

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