Interpretation of all tarot cards for divination. Tarot is a simple interpretation of cards in layouts. Wheel of Fortune

The ability to interpret Tarot cards makes it possible to clarify the past, understand the present and lift the veil of the future. Understanding the meaning of the cards is easy. To do this, it is enough to delve into the essence question asked and arm yourself with the meaning of the major arcana in a deck of cards.

To understand the meaning of tarot cards, arcana in the layout and their position, use the tips from this list:

When to guess

Fortunetellers claim that the truth is closest to us at night. Therefore, it is advised to guess in the dark.

It is undesirable to ask the Tarot for an answer during a solar and lunar eclipse. It is also important not to guess during critical days, since a woman is considered unprotected at this time.

Sevens of the Arcana

All major arcana are conditionally divided into three groups. They are called septenaries. Each of them is responsible for its "sphere":

  • Matter;
  • soul;

The meaning of the arcana Tarot (first part)

Description of the lasso in the direct and inverted position:

  1. Mage. It embodies the experience of a person, his capabilities. Knowledge and power can be unconscious. A card in a layout means that some knowledge may soon be needed. Some test is coming. It can be both official, for example, an exam, or a simple test of moral strength. In the correct position, the card promises a favorable resolution of affairs. An inverted position may mean a lack of strength or skills. The inverted Mage represents laziness and the desire to evade responsibility.
  2. High Priestess. Demonstrates human intuition. Silence the voice of reason and allow the heart to speak. Feelings will tell you what to do. The card also indicates hidden talents, abilities and skills. In an inverted position, the Priestess indicates the desire to control and provide for everything. Let go of the situation and discard practicality. The card can also indicate some changes that will result from the actions of outsiders. Pay attention to the circle of close people.
  3. empress. It personifies profit in the spiritual and material world. Serves as evidence of a favorable resolution of cases. Replenishment may concern not only the financial condition, but also family affairs. Pregnancy or other replenishment of the family is possible. The inverted Empress means the desire to get what does not belong to you. You should not profit at the expense of others. It is also important to pay attention to relationships, because the Empress speaks of carnal love, not associated with spiritual attraction. The prediction may also apply to parting.
  4. Emperor. order and understanding of the situation. The emperor advises to resort to the voice of reason more often and drown out feelings. May mean a wise mentor over you. You are strong. Stay that way, but do not try to put pressure on those who are dependent on you. Success awaits you where you find the ability to find compromises. The reversed Emperor card indicates a bad experience. If the question concerned a certain matter, then it will be resolved unsuccessfully. The card also indicates the authority of a person. Try to control those around you less.
  5. Hierophant. The High Priest personifies conservatism. Everything goes according to plan. Something official awaits you, perhaps marriage. An important aspect there will be experience in resolving cases, so it will not be superfluous to turn to senior mentors. The inverted Hierophant means something new and unusual. You will find the answer where you are not looking. It is also possible to break old, seemingly strong ties.
  6. lovers. The meaning of 6 lasso speaks about correct solution, which has either been accepted or is soon to be expected. The card promises relationships, flirting or love in the near future. Don't resist fate. Inverted Lovers, on the contrary, indicate a mistake in choosing. If it was admitted earlier, then a break in relations is coming. If the event is just ahead, then weak and insincere relationships will be broken. Strong alliances based on love will be able to withstand this test.
  7. Chariot. Shows movement. It can be direct, for example, departure, or the card symbolizes movement towards the goal. The main thing is to stay true to your desires. Fate will soon give you a useful acquaintance. The reversed Chariot indicates the failure of plans, wrong goals and failures. If you are busy with a difficult task that fails, stop and start over. The direct meaning of the card can speak of real problems with transport or travel.
  8. Force. The inner capabilities of a person, his desire for victory, confidence and strength. Faith in yourself and the need to use it. What you started now will surely end successfully, because fate itself is on your side. An inverted card shows weakness and unwillingness to move forward. We need to overcome apathy and get back on our feet. You have a hard fight with yourself.
  9. Hermit. Time to relax and gather strength. You need to be alone and sort out your desires and feelings. Take a look at who you need. Perhaps fate is trying to protect you from the wrong person. You don't need anyone to feel happy. It is important to understand this and learn to enjoy yourself. The inverted Hermit says that being in solitude, you lose useful advice or useful experience. Open yourself to the world and learn to interact with it.
  10. Wheel of Fortune. Means unprecedented luck. Success awaits you in the business you have begun or where you did not expect it. It is possible to win the lottery or resolve a long-standing dispute. An inverted card warns of danger in new endeavors. Do nothing. Sometimes the best choice- stay put.
  11. Justice. 11 lasso says that a person is on "court". His actions are judged, his misdeeds are condemned. The correct position of the card indicates a favorable resolution of the "court". If the card is turned upside down, your every move may be wrong. Condemnation lies in wait for you in any situation, so carefully calculate each step. Follow the words too.

The meaning of the tarot arcana (second part)

  1. Hanged. Border state. The man is on the brink of collapse. The only solution is to stop and consider the next steps. It is possible that you will have to sacrifice something in order to save something important to you. The inverted Hanged Man indicates reckless actions. You are doing meaningless things. Some kind of addiction is possible, for example, alcohol or gambling.
  2. Death. It symbolizes the end of some life stage and the beginning of a new chapter. Despite the name, the meaning of the card in the correct position is positive. The next stage will be better than the previous one. It is important to discard fears and step into it. The inverted Death suggests that the person has stopped and is inactive. It is necessary to resume movement, because life rushes past, leaving you only an observer.
  3. Abstinence. Prepare for events that require patience. There may be health problems or financial difficulties. Also, the card can demonstrate the harmony of the inner world and the ability to get along with others. An inverted symbol indicates a preoccupation with a certain idea. All forces go to one sphere or obsessive desire. Look back and balance your aspirations.
  4. Devil. It says that a person is dependent on a situation or a particular person. The inconvenience is palpable, but he cannot interrupt the addiction. You can get out of the trap only by taking will into a fist and driving away fears. The inverted Devil testifies to strong trials, after passing through which you will know the joy of victory. Get together and act. Luck is on your side.
  5. Destructible Tower. Lightning striking the temple portends an unpleasant event. Changes will strike like thunder from a clear sky. The card is interpreted as loss, divorce or loss. You can rebuild the tower if you bravely endure the blow of fate. Stock up on patience. The reversed card says that you will walk on the edge of a knife. The outcome of the event will be positive, but you will experience a lot of stress. Learn from what happened the maximum experience in order to prevent the recurrence of such a risk.
  6. Star. A card with a positive value. It represents spiritual development, hope and happiness. Listen to yourself, look into your dreams and develop. The outcome of the business started will be successful. If you have an inverted star, then there will be changes, but not soon. Don't rush things. Fate is ready to give you a chance, but you need to get to it, discarding indecision and fears. Pessimism and uncertainty prevent you from achieving your goals.
  7. Moon. You are moving, but you do not understand the purpose of this movement. The Mystic Moon indicates that your actions are completely intuitive, you are confused and looking for a way out. Listen for the signs of fate that will lead you out of the darkness. The inverted Moon tells that a certain secret will soon be revealed to a person. You will find out what you have long wanted to know. Maybe your secrets will be revealed. If you are keeping a secret, then hide it away, for the Moon indicates exposure.
  8. The sun. A card of well-being, good mood and ease of life. Perhaps you are waiting for a replenishment or just a white stripe. Stay illuminated by the rays of the Sun as long as possible. The meaning of the major arcana of the Tarot in love layouts describes the inverted Sun as a positive undertaking. Be patient, because a long road to happiness awaits you, which you will definitely overcome.
  9. Court. The meaning of the Major Arcana Tarot card, the interpretation of which is described as a summing up, is positive. It's time to look back at the past years and sum up the deeds. Next, you should act in such a way that the mistakes of past years are not repeated. It is not in vain that the Last Judgment is drawn on the map. You are on the verge of a new chapter. Don't take too much with you. An inverted card indicates an unexpected end to something. It could be a sudden loss, health problems, or a breakup.
  10. World. Represents the last push in achieving the goal. You are one step away from victory. Do it, no matter how hard it is for you. Success is waiting for you around the corner, and very soon you will be able to receive a reward for your work. If an inverted World fell out in the layout, you should learn how to complete the work you have begun. Do not drop things halfway, no matter what changes this path promises. Your inconstancy prevents you from achieving what you want.

Jester (0 Arcana). At the head of the string of major arcana is the Jester. You can also find other names for the map. Fool or Fool personifies something new. It could be a chance, an opportunity, or a new page in life. Most likely, the symbol of material life concerns, because the Jester is depicted rejoicing and open to adventure. The inverted Jester means unwillingness to let the coming changes into your life. Preparation required.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a popular way to find out your future and get answers to many questions. But the most difficult thing in this process is the interpretation of meanings. The Tarot deck contains 78 arcana. When fortune-telling, one should take into account not only specific cards and their meanings, but also their combinations. In order to learn this, you need to put a little effort and patience. In this article, we will consider detailed description Tarot cards and learn how to interpret them correctly.

Major Arcana

The most key figures of the entire deck of Tarot cards are precisely the Major Arcana. They not only describe the situation, but also show the root of its problem. In predictions for the future, the Major Arcana show the full development of the matter with all the consequences. In some layouts, only these cards are used. So, the deck contains 22 Major Arcana. Each of them has its own order. This image shows all the Major Arcana in the correct order.

Interpretation of the Major Arcana

So, consider the description of the Tarot cards in order.

The first is considered a card with a value of 0. It is called the Jester and means frivolity, carelessness, inspiration, creativity. So, for example, if this lasso falls out in the question of what preceded the situation, then, most likely, the fortuneteller behaved too frivolously. But if, for example, it indicates future events or a solution to an issue, then this will mean that the situation can be solved only if you approach it creatively.

I. The magician symbolizes young man, strong and confident. In classic fortune-telling in the upright position, the lasso denotes will, diplomacy, energy and readiness for decisive action. On the contrary, it is precisely these qualities that a person lacks.

II High Priestess - wisdom, psychic abilities, mysteries and secrets. In addition, it can personify a girl or a woman surrounded by a fortuneteller. If the card falls on a personality characteristic, then the person has a hidden talent, which will soon manifest itself in him.

III Empress - harmony, growth, prosperity. In any scenario, the card symbolizes stability and a favorable outcome of events.

IV Emperor - power, protection, authority. This card indicates that a person has a reliable protector or he must find it. As a personality characteristic, the lasso means that a person is a protector. He is always ready to help.

V Hierophant (in some decks - Priest). This card has a lot of meanings. First of all, this is the opposite of the High Priestess. Denotes enslavement, the process of learning, the need to gain knowledge. It can also indicate their deficiency.

VI Lovers - close relationships, friendship, possibly love. In some divination, it can mean self-love. The description of the Tarot card VI Lovers is quite capacious. Arkan also means pleasure, temptation, beauty, stability, success, union. So, for example, if a card falls on the future, then it can mean that a person is in harmony with himself and he will succeed.

VII Wagon - anxiety, defeat. This is one of the few cards that indicate exactly the action, and not its result. If the lasso of the Wagon falls out in fortune-telling, it means that the time has come for deliberate actions. In an inverted position - definitely a failure.

VIII Strength - the name of the card largely determines its meaning. So, it means strength, power, power, action. The card indicates that the time of calm has already passed. Now you need to act very boldly.

IX Hermit - patience, the need to wait. Unlike the previous lasso, this one indicates a slowdown and decline in activity. In a straight position can also mean solitude, loneliness. Inverted - health problems.

X is a lasso that has many meanings. All of them depend on the cards that will stand next to each other in the layout. The basic description of the Fortune Tarot card is as follows:

  • change;
  • a gift from above;
  • punishment;
  • success;
  • fate;
  • abrupt turn of events.

XI Justice - deliberate decisions, court cases. In general, the lasso indicates that a balance needs to be found.

XII The Hanged Man - the lasso denotes intuition, a hopeless future, hard work. The card symbolizes the framework in which a person will be placed, and he will have no other choice - only to obey. The lasso also means refusal, testing, self-sacrifice.

XIII Death is one of the worst cards in the deck, which means loss, completion, separation. However, in some divination, the description of the Tarot card is as follows - the end of the black stripe.

XIV Moderation - means balance, the need to find a middle ground in a situation.

XV Devil - greed, greed, inability to stop.

XVI Tower - changes in life, and they can be both good and bad. Everything will depend on the adjacent cards.

XVII Star - good sign, hopes and plans. This card denotes calmness, good news, everyday life.

XVIII Moon - solitude, loneliness, loss of control. The card gives advice that it is time for a person to rethink his life.

XIX The Sun symbolizes glory, success, universal recognition. In love scenarios, it can mean passion, lust.

XX Judgment is a card that is very similar in meaning to XI Justice. It can mean new unexpected events, rewards, punishment, vain anxiety. XX Court - the Tarot card, the description and meaning of which we are considering, can also mean a strong feeling of fear and anxiety.

XXI World is the last Major Arcana in the deck. The card means completion, a journey, perhaps an escape from oneself.

Minor Arcana

This part of the deck consists of 56 cards and is divided into 4 suits: Pentacles, Cups, Swords and Wands. Each of them belongs to one of the four elements. Depending on the suit of the lasso, the Tarot cards are interpreted. The description of the card as a whole also depends on the numerological meaning of each of them. So, there are 14 cards in each suit:

  • numeric (from 2 to 10);
  • Knight;
  • Queen;
  • King.

Let's consider each of the suits in more detail.


There are a lot of names for this suit. So, in some interpretations, the following can be found: Scepters, Staves, Spears, Clubs, Sticks. But their essence does not change from this. The suit of the Wands personifies the element of Fire, the masculine principle. It symbolizes energy and vitality, ambition. If we consider the Staves from the astrological side, but they correlate with such signs of the zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.

Staff Suit: Meanings

In layouts, most often, the Wands indicate a business or a field of work, where the result depends only on the person himself. If more than 3 Staff cards fall out in the personality characteristic, this indicates that this person achieves everything in her life herself.

For each of the 14 cards of the suit of the Wand, of course, there is a meaning. It depends on the adjacent cards and the layout itself. Consider the full description of the Tarot cards of the suit of Wands.

The Ace of Staves symbolizes good luck and success, career growth. What you put so much effort into will now bear fruit. In the layout for love, the meaning of the card depends on the gender of the fortuneteller. So, for a man, this is success in a relationship with his beloved. If a guy is single, it means that one girl really likes him. If this lasso falls to a woman, then it means that it is time for her to find a lover.

The following cards are easy to interpret. So, the two of Wands are plans, the three are the beginning of a new stage, the four are the first fruits, and so on. Nine Staffs will mean the completion of affairs. The ten of Wands has the most negative meaning. It signifies the failure of all plans. Curly cards (page, knight, queen, king), respectively, mean business ties, professionalism, patronage, power.


This suit is also called Chalices. Element - Water. They symbolize peace, solitude, love experiences, relationships with people around them. The Ace of Cups is an ideal relationship.

Two - reciprocity.

Troika is a holiday.

Four - tension in relationships.

Five - regret.

Six - sincerity.

Seven - temptations.

Eight - new relationships.

Nine - pleasure, prosperity.

Ten - happiness in the family.

Page - imagination.

Knight - strong feelings.

Queen and King - stability.


Another name for the suit is Coins, Denaria. Element - Earth. So, this suit is responsible for the financial sphere of human life. Each of the cards symbolizes either profit and prosperity, or loss. On the image of each of the lasso, you can clearly see the description of each Tarot card. So, if you look at the Ace, it becomes clear that it means profit, but the Five of Pentacles means losses.


This suit symbolizes the spiritual benefits of a person. This is the area that is hidden from prying eyes. This is the most dangerous suit of the deck, which symbolizes feelings and emotions: anger, passion, enmity. It is in it that the greatest number of negative values. Three, five, eight, nine and ten of Swords are interpreted as loss, impotence. These cards indicate emotional decline and emptiness. The Ace, Two, Four of Swords symbolize victory over your emotions. All other cards display power, union, patronage.

Basics of the interpretation of the major and minor arcana

First of all, looking at the alignment, you should determine which suits are the largest. So you can find out in which area a person has a lot of problems. The meanings of the Major Arcana should be interpreted first of all, because these are key cards. Of course, a complete description of the Tarot cards cannot be imagined without a combination of some arcana.

For example, the Wands, along with the Major Arcana, which have a positive meaning, reinforce each other. The Empress and the Ace of Staves are one of the most successful combinations. It means happiness, success, fulfillment of all plans and hopes. The Jester card and the suit of Cups can mean a relationship without obligations. In general, in order to fully understand the essence of the layout, one should not look at each individual card, but at all the arcana at the same time.

Interpretation for beginners

For those who are just learning to guess, it is recommended to write down the description of the layouts of Tarot cards in a separate notebook. So after a while you can create your own interpretation of each of the cards. It is for this reason that in various literature the detailed description of Tarot cards differs from each other.

The fortuneteller must become one with the deck. Only in this case, he will learn to understand the meaning of each of the cards. At first, of course, you should focus on the data presented in this article, but soon you will see that in each particular fortune-telling they can differ significantly.

Tarot cards are called Arcana. Each Arcana has its own image, name and properties that determine its semantic meaning. The traditional deck consists of 78 cards or Arcana, which is divided into several groups: the first 22 cards are the Major Arcana group. The Major Arcana begins with the zero (0) card "Fool" ("Jester") and ends with the card (XXI) "World". Researchers of the occult have come to the conclusion that the image of ancient secrets is encoded in the drawings of Tarot cards. The Major Arcana symbolize the Great Mysteries. The remaining 56 cards symbolize the Lesser Mysteries and are called the Minor Arcana. Minor Arcana are comparable to a regular deck playing cards. The Minor Arcana of the Tarot are also composed of four groups or four suits, like ordinary playing cards. Their similarities do not end there. The suits of Swords, Cups, Denarii and Wands actually correspond to the suits in playing cards of spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. In each suit of Tarot cards, the first card is the Ace, followed by the cards Two, Three, Four, Five, and so on up to Ten.

The Major Arcana in the layout relate to important issues and major events, and the Minor Arcana reveal the secrets of ordinary life and relate to events. Everyday life. They clarify the influence of the Major Arcana and show how they affect everyday life.

As in playing cards, in Tarot cards there are curly cards with the image of figures, these are picture cards, which include the Page (jack, herald, princess), Knight (cavalier, rider), Queen (Lady, Sibyl) and King (Pharaoh) . All curly cards in the Minor Arcana are also called "cards of the courtyard." You can see that Tarot cards differ from ordinary playing cards by one curly card - the Knight.

Major Arcana Tarot Meaning

View brief Key Meanings and Keywords per page

But the main difference between Tarot cards and a playing deck is the presence of a group of cards consisting of 22 figures. These are the Major Arcana of the Tarot, on which fortune-tellers made their layouts for a long time. Strictly speaking, the name "Tarot" for such decks of cards was not immediately given, cards like Tarot in the 15th century were called "triumphs" - "Trionfi". And the name "Tarot" for decks of this kind began to be used from the beginning of the 16th century. Cards with images of recognizable figures, virtues, vices, celestial bodies, such as the Jester, the Emperor, the Pope, and even God and the Devil, in the manuscripts of the 15th century were usually called “Allegories of Triumph”, or simply “Triumphs”. It can be assumed that such and other images - “triumphs”, in the end, gave rise to a series of 22 Triumphs, the prototypes of the current Major Arcana of the Tarot. The names of these cards and the images on the pictures of the cards indicate a mystical essence and deep meaning. If we consider the cards and follow the sequence of the Major Arcana going one after another, then each card in front guaranteed victory over the next one, surpassing it in value. The images, as it were, represent an allegory of the Renaissance world and line up in human ranks - a triumphal procession of characters and an allegory of personality evolution: Power (Emperor and Hierophant), Christian virtues (Power and Justice), events (Death and Resurrection) and celestial bodies (Stars, Sun and Moon).

Minor Arcana Tarot Meaning

The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits, each consisting of ten numbered cards and four court cards. Each suit contains ten numbered cards from Ace to Ten. The court cards consist of three men and one woman, and can be different depending on the deck. Court cards include Page (Jack), Knight (Horseman), Queen (Lady) and King (Dad). In some modern decks, the Page has become the Princess, the Knight has become the Prince, the Queen has become the Mother, and the King has become the Father.

The names of the suits of the Minor Arcana may vary depending on the deck. You need to understand that we are talking about the same suit. Denarii are often called Denarius, Pentacles, Disks or Coins. Wands are often referred to as Staves, Wands, or Flowers. Cups can be called Cups or Hearts, Swords - Spades. But you can easily recognize the suit by its symbol. In ancient cards, the value of the card was indicated by a number and symbols corresponding to the suits. For example, the number 9 and nine wands were depicted on 9 wands.

Suit of Swords in Tarot cards the first senior suit of the deck. Swords correlate with logic, reason and intellect. She is the strongest and most dangerous suit and personifies the forces acting on the physical plane, struggle, passionate desires, conflict situations any purposeful action on oneself or another person. When divining, Swords warn of enemies, dangers, strife and failure in business.

Suit of Cups in Tarot cards is the opposite of the suit of Swords and symbolizes love, concern for other people, care and kindness in all its manifestations. The suit of Cups symbolizes the sensual and emotional spheres, which include love, harmony, pleasure, happiness, healing. Cups are desires that can be satisfied in different ways: rest, holidays, feasts, gluttony, pleasant acquaintances, love, art, the world of tangible and creation.

The suit of Denaria (Pentacles) in Tarot cards - this is the third most powerful suit of the Minor Arcana in the Tarot deck, which symbolizes property, money, wealth, material well-being, business, prestige, communication, contacts, success, achieving goals, human health, his intellect.

Suit of Wands in Tarot cards - this is the fourth suit, which symbolizes fame and success, is associated with the business and financial issues of the fortuneteller. The suit of Wands indicates the potential of a person, his efforts to achieve success. The suit of the Wands in the Minor Arcana Tarot personifies enterprise, development, wisdom, aspiration, energy, ingenuity, authority, position in society, superiority, material well-being. The suit of the Wands also includes politics, government, and administrative matters.

Tarot cards - interpretation of the meaning

It is not known exactly when the 22 Triumphs, otherwise the Major Arcana, were combined with the 56 cards of the Minor Arcana to form the complete 78-card deck we now know as the Tarot. An important point in the study of tarot cards is their basic meaning. The main meaning of each card can be determined by two keywords, which, like two sides of the coin, characterize the positive value of the card and the negative one. These are not opposite meanings, these are two polarities of one card, the essence is somewhere in the middle. Depending on the layout and neighboring cards, the balance of the main value moves more in one direction or another. The semantic meaning of the card is specified in each case with the help of other keywords.

An important point in the study of the meanings of Tarot cards is played by Keywords, secondary meanings of Tarot cards. These words are usually related and complement each other in meaning. From homogeneous values, the fortuneteller chooses the most appropriate for the situation in order to find a balance and an average value between the keywords in each particular case. A novice fortuneteller, when interpreting the alignment, can choose any value of the Tarot card from the Basic values ​​\u200b\u200band from the Key words that is most suitable for the meaning of the layout.

If the whole deck is used in the layout, then the Major Arcana play the role of the main forces of a wider and longer spectrum of action than the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana indicate less significant symbols and powers that are temporary and more everyday. In the layout, you should always pay first attention to the fallen Major Arcana, and then proceed to the interpretation of the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana in the layout are primary, the values ​​of the Minor Arcana in the layout depend on the value of the Major Arcana, and not vice versa. Our site contains the most common and classic meanings of the Minor Arcana Tarot cards, which can take on additional meanings depending on the specifics of the deck.

The meaning of the cards in fortune-telling is one of the pillars of the fortune-telling when interpreting the layout. After all, it is important not only to ask the right question, choose the necessary alignment and cards, but also to give the correct interpretation. Below we will talk about the classic interpretation of tarot cards.

In the article:

Divination card interpretation

Despite the existence of several Tarot schools, in which there are sometimes significant, and sometimes not very differences, most of the meanings are still similar. Thus, you will not need to remember new interpretations for each new deck. It is enough to know the classical meanings, based on them, it is much easier to understand and remember the non-traditional meanings of modern schools.

So, in any Tarot deck there is 22 Major Arcana and 56 Junior. This is the standard number, and no matter how the names or their meanings change, the number of cards remains the same. If there are fewer Major Arcana in your deck, or it is not divided into Major and Minor at all, this means that you are holding in your hands, and traditional Tarot values ​​will not suit you. For all other cases, you can safely use the interpretations presented below.

We present a very short general meaning each of the arcana, which can be used on or as a clue. It is important to understand that each of the arcana is much more multifaceted and wider in its meaning, especially it depends on the position of the card in the layout, as well as on the other cards surrounding it.

Deciphering Tarot cards for divination

There are many options for the internal hierarchy of the Major Arcana: cards are divided into titled and allegorical, symbols of the main virtues and astrological elements, signs of good luck and universal predestination.
J. Baines, S. Vronsky "Fate on the steps of the Golden Tarot"

"Jester"- this is the first, and sometimes the zero lasso, since some decks begin with it, and some end. The card speaks of simplicity, childish inexperience and trust in the world on the one hand, and excessive impulsiveness, "blind" trust, stupidity, on the other. At the same time, the zero lasso symbolizes great potential, unusualness, often symbolizes "white crows", which stand out sharply against the background of the gray mass.
"Mage"- the first of the Elders. He talks about the beginning of a new path, the emergence of a new idea. « Magician" indicates will and enterprise, symbolizes the onset of the implementation stage and the manifestation of initiative.
"Priestess"- the second lasso in the deck and the first female card. This map of knowledge. She talks about the need to trust yourself and your intuition, about the benefits of the acquired knowledge about the people around you.
"Empress"- the next Major Arcana, which is a symbol of femininity. « Empress" - this is the embodiment of a woman in the roles of mother and mistress. It symbolizes harmonious relationships, marriage, the birth of children, prosperity in the family and general material well-being.
"Emperor"- the fourth card, speaking of power and authority. It symbolizes a stable position in society, the increase and implementation of planned projects. Sometimes « Emperor" goes too far and becomes a cruel dictator. He also talks about the help of an influential friend from the outside.
"High priest"- the fifth lasso, also represented by a male card. "Priest" or « Dad" , as it is sometimes called, can also indicate the learning process, both literally and figuratively, and the need for humility and playing by the rules.
"Lovers"- the sixth lasso, which has the main meaning of love. Another, no less common, is the choice between two opposite and equally attractive options.
"Chariot"- 7 lasso, speaks of victory after a difficult struggle or small victories with daily difficulties.
following her "Force" tells us about the inner strength of a person, which helps him overcome obstacles in his path.
Further "Hermit" symbolizes, first of all, the stage of loneliness, a period of temporary peace and silence, which is necessary for reflection and the search for meaning, patience, acceptance of current events.
Tenth lasso "Wheel of Fortune", as the name already implies, says that everything changes, nothing lingers in our lives. In practical terms, the card symbolizes a quick change of events, a quick change in the current situation.
Eleventh lasso "Justice" or "Justice", as it is also called, symbolizes rigor and impartiality. He says that it is time to make a sound decision, to objectively assess the situation, not to be led by emotions.
"The Hanged One" - one of the heaviest arcana in the deck, indicates the weak position of a person, his dependence on circumstances, people and the inability to influence them. By your position « Hanged" offers a fresh look at the current situation. The card speaks of the necessary, often unpleasant sacrifice that must be made, as well as the lessons that it is important to go through and realize in order to move on.
The thirteenth lasso "Death", as a rule, does not imply physical death at all. It's about metaphor. A person experiences changes on a psychological level. The old is already gone, but what the new looks like is still unclear.
Next for « Death""Moderation' speaks for itself. She symbolizes balance in everything. The card shows the importance of avoiding extremes and patience.
The next one of the most popular among the Major Arcana is the fifteenth lasso " Devil". This card tells about addictions, negative influences, provocations, slavery in the spiritual and physical senses.
"Tower", the sixteenth lasso, speaks of imminent dramatic changes. However, unlike the thirteenth lasso, the situation changes precisely at the physical level. Usually, under this lasso, they are unexpectedly fired from work, lose a partner, and so on. The events that the sixteenth lasso speaks of are experienced hard. However, it is important to remember that " Tower» It is always the beginning of a new stage.
Seventeenth lasso " Star » speaks of the realization of dreams, the embodiment of hopes. Also, this card symbolizes the successful completion of the plan, creative implementation and success in any endeavors.
"Moon » , the eighteenth Major Arcana, demonstrates fears and complexes. The map suggests that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Also, the lasso symbolizes secret knowledge, magic and external influences.
"The sun » - the nineteenth lasso, appears to indicate the onset of a time of clarity, creativity, optimism, disclosure of potential. May indicate pleasant acquaintances, an early marriage and the birth of children.
The twentieth lasso Court » also a very positive card. She speaks of the beginning of a new phase, a time when your efforts will be rewarded and you will get what you deserve.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a complex process of interaction with the subconscious of the questioner. At the initial stage, deciphering complex symbols can cause difficulties for the fortuneteller. Therefore, the most popular way of spreading remains the use of major arcana. There are only 22 of them and each is connected with the previous one. The meaning of Tarot cards can be twofold and depends not only on the location of the card, but also on its neighbors.

Jester - zero lasso, symbolizes the beginning of the path. The beginning of the development of the soul. The rest of the major arcana are interpreted depending on the question posed. They can denote close people and the environment of the questioner, the client himself, events and character traits that interfere or are necessary.

For the correct interpretation of divination cards, the practitioner needs to create a strong connection with them. Common interpretations must not be memorized, but passed through the prism of one's own perception, creating one's own associations. To better understand them, you need to connect the plots on the cards with your emotions.

At the first stages of practice, the fortuneteller may encounter an inexplicable phenomenon: in some cases, the same lasso is revealed in a different way, causing a desire to decipher it differently, or it does not say anything at all. This is fine. Such situations indicate the desire of the cards to speak with the fortuneteller, making it possible to better understand the situation.

There is no universal instruction for a fortuneteller. Each practitioner has their own methods of interaction. Therefore, before starting fortune-telling, it is necessary to properly build work with cards and the process of getting to know them. Before getting to know minor arcana, the practitioner must develop a strong associative array with the base of the deck. If it is not there, a triple of cups or a page of swords will only confuse the fortuneteller.

What do the major arcana say?

When describing the card, depending on the situation, the major arcana show the internal state of the client. Then the external circumstances that influenced the occurrence of the problem are considered. Both factors make it possible to identify the processes taking place in the subconscious and find the answer to the question.

The above interpretations should be taken as a road sign, not an axiom. At first, this knowledge is enough if you try to get acquainted with the cards on your own and give them the opportunity to speak through the fortuneteller's associations.

In order for the fortune-telling process to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to choose the right deck. The most popular decks are:

  • Manara;
  • Rider Waite;
  • 78 doors;
  • Tarot Thoth;
  • Wheel of the year.

The right deck is the key to success

When divining, it is important that the depicted symbols evoke vivid associations for the fortuneteller. For different types works are selected separate decks. For all occasions, only one deck can be used - the fortuneteller's personal item. But it cannot be used for divination by strangers.

When diagnosing protection and layouts for relationships, you cannot take the same deck, even if the owner of the cards asks. These are opposing energies that will conflict and confuse the answers. For diagnosis, it is necessary to use a deck of shadows, if the practitioner studies magic in depth, the deck is selected relative to the main practice of the fortuneteller.

Dark decks suit few. Their energy is aggressive and the practitioner must be able to withstand the messages coming from them.

Meaning of tarot cards

To get started, there are enough general characteristics. A brief transcript of the major arcana of the Tarot:

Arcana Inner mood Direct position Reversed position Advice A warning
0 Jester - this is the beginning of development. He is open to everything new, chooses new routes and seeks to know all the manifestations of life, despite the obstacles. The card asks the question, “Where are we going? "But the jester still goes on The jester's interpretation can be ambiguous. He goes in search of happiness and is ready for new adventures. The jester is ready to fall into the abyss of the unknown, he is interested to know what awaits him there. The card represents people endowed with the spirit of freedom. A dog is a friend who warns of danger. Symbolizes the parents, friends and relatives of the questioner. Their anxiety is a natural process. The questioner is like a baby who is learning to walk and is not afraid to fall. It is important to remember that without falling, he would never have been able to learn to walk. The card portends unexpected events and a new life cycle. The coming changes will be unexpected and in all enterprises there is a share of risk. There is no need to refuse the opportunities that have opened up, but it is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and being careful. One wrong step and the jester will fall into the abyss Talks about low self-esteem of the client. Lack of initiative and a thirst for pleasure pull a person down. The questioner is surrounded by dishonest and selfish people. There is anxiety in the soul of the client, he harbors many illusions Understand your aspirations and fears. It is important to trust your instincts, but think ahead Hasty action and hasty conclusions can lead to sad consequences.
1 Arcana Magician is a guide, help of fate. He is very cautious and avoids danger. This is the first person who met the jester Meeting with a magician means meeting with oneself. It is a symbol of self-sufficiency, consciousness, skill. The magician's task is to balance his passions and desires. This is a new stage in the development of the soul, it is prudent and conscious. This is a self-confident person who knows how to deal with difficulties and has success with the opposite sex. The magician rolled out in the layout symbolizes leadership. The questioner will have to choose his own path and the way to realize his talents. He is smart, active and hardworking and knows how to play fair. In an inverted position, the lasso means magical intervention in the fate of the client. In order to correctly understand the situation, it is necessary to find out from the questioner whether there have been recent quarrels out of thin air, unpleasant situations, and whether he has found strange objects. The client's response and the cards lying nearby will indicate the culprit and the way to fix the problem The card advises you to become a conductor of creative energy. One must hope for a miracle and perform miracles for others You need to listen to your intuition and grab new opportunities.
2 The high priestess indicates either a woman who has influence over the client, or the feminine principle that dominates him It is a symbol of receptivity to knowledge and mystical discoveries in oneself. Denotes virginity or rejection of sexual intimacy. Represents a sincere, calm and benevolent person For a man, the priestess means the search for a female partner for marriage. Regardless of gender, she points to mystical revelations in the life of the questioner. He himself strives for spiritual growth, or a wise mentor will soon meet on his path. May indicate a desire to leave an existing relationship The man is dissatisfied with his wife and the way she runs the household. A person does not understand how to improve their relationship and does not know how to listen to intuition. Is in search of a mentor and is unsure of himself Now is the right time for spiritual growth and improvement of life. We must strive for purity of soul The manifestation of cruelty, coldness and revenge can destroy the life of the questioner
3 The Empress is the embodiment of everyday life and earthly troubles. Represents the feminine or a specific person The embodiment of a business woman, enterprising and caring. She is passionate and able to bring fresh ideas to all her affairs. In the layouts for love, the lasso falls out if partnerships reign in a pair. A man respects his chosen one, but is a little afraid. If the client’s question is about work, the card hints that it’s time to ask for help in business from a woman with similar characteristics. Soon all dreams will come true, all the necessary preparations have already been made. An early pregnancy is possible. The questioner has everything necessary to change the situation for the better A woman creating obstacles. Problems with fertility and sex. The inability to take the initiative in their own hands, the uncontrolled course of life. Lots of household chores financial difficulties. Creative stupor, inability to express themselves You need to learn to listen and feed your soul. Creativity, outdoor recreation and silence are best suited for this. Avoid excesses in everything and strive for harmony
4 The Emperor is an authoritative and experienced person. Symbol of discipline The card hints that in order to gain power, you need to curb yourself. Only a disciplined person deserves the privilege of ruling. Arcana can denote society, social structures or a person working in this area May indicate situations conducive to professional growth. Obtaining a responsible position or commissioning a project, for the implementation of which a worthy reward will follow. May indicate the help of an influential person in a higher position Abuse of power and outdated views. An influential person interferes with the disclosure of creative potential. The questioner does not know how to control himself at all. Dependent person. In the scenario for a woman, the emperor personifies the excessive demands on men. It is necessary to determine which of the areas of life prevents you from moving on and learning self-control. Self-improvement is the path to success It is important to be open to new ideas and not interfere with the progress of others.
5 Priest - a person's need for mystical experience. Search for the meaning of life. Denotes an honest and decent person The client is preoccupied with questions of being and strives to understand the essence of the higher. He seeks support in religious orders. In the everyday sense, the card indicates the desire to move up the corporate ladder. May indicate membership in a community Denotes the appearance of a spiritual mentor or the process of searching for spiritual knowledge. This experience will allow the client to find out the answers to his questions. Striving for new knowledge. True love Low deeds and degradation of personality. Neglect of self-development. Change for the worse Studying cultural wisdom will help in finding your way. However, one must be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Religious bigotry can ruin a client's life. The importance of moderation
6 Lovers - calls to be honest in feelings and listen to your heart. It's not just about love relationships. An important stage has come in the life of the client, and it depends on his decision whether he will reach unprecedented heights or destroy everything. The right choice is a decision filled with self-love. It is a desire to break out of an outdated and irrelevant way of thinking. The unity of opposites and cooperation to achieve a new goal. In love layouts, it symbolizes the first sex or romantic period of a relationship. The fate of a person depends on a difficult decision. It implies a choice between material well-being and love. In the layouts for love means a new romance The card calls not to focus on one person and take a healthy look at the situation. The lasso personifies the reluctance of intimacy, love trials, the postponement of marriage To achieve harmony, you need to learn to love life in all its manifestations. It is important to realize that romantic love involves respect for the choice of a partner. A good start does not guarantee a successful finish
7 Chariot - denotes the desire for change and overcoming contradictions Feelings prevent you from controlling the chariot of your life. Rough masculine energy rushes forward and needs to be curbed. To balance life and accept yourself, you need to part with outdated ideas. Success in business and the adoption of an aggressive start The fate of a person depends on the ability to control himself, uniting light and darkness. In the life of the questioner, events will occur that will help to realize their inner power The events that have taken place will expose the instability of the client's position. Destruction of plans, financial losses. Self-distrust To overcome all life's obstacles and successfully reach the goal, you need to be confident in your own abilities and the correctness of the choice made. You can't overestimate yourself. Revenge will create a lot of problems for the client in the future.
8 Strength - denotes an internal state. Talks about the need to use force in a certain case The power card symbolizes the next stage of personality development. Strength of mind is the basis for achieving the goal. To find it, you must accept yourself as you are. Self-discipline and acceptance extends to relationships with others To overcome a life situation, you will have to show strength of character. On a spiritual level, the lasso means awareness of one's negative character traits and getting rid of them. Discovery of new talents, artistry Denying your negative traits. Self-doubt and the interference of outsiders in the life of the questioner A lion lives inside every person and interaction with him should be built on affection and love. That's the only way to tame the beast Animal instincts must be kept under control
9 The hermit is a symbol of inner light The hermit symbolizes the reunion of the feminine and masculine. It's time for fruitful loneliness and recuperation Internal work on oneself, the search for spiritual harmony, solitude, new goals, spiritual growth. Journey into yourself, acquaintance with the inner world Lack of desire for self-development, complexes of a sexual nature, base desires. Refusing the help of a noble person The main lesson of the hermit: great deeds are born in the darkness of emotions. Meditation and solitude will help the questioner set new goals. No need to hide from the world and engage in self-deception
10 Wheel of Fortune. It's time for unexpected discoveries The wheel of fortune teaches you to appreciate the present moment. Everyone can lose everything in the next second. Therefore, it is important to understand this, accept and adapt. If life seems unbearable right now, you must remember that nothing is permanent. period of luck. All paths are open to the questioner, he is cleansed and renewed. Everything old and burdensome is leaving his life. It is a difficult period and it is necessary to pay special attention to health. Gambling will bring only losses, and new beginnings will not be successful. Must be honest and principled In any life situation, you need to strive for peace, the only way to achieve harmony in an ever-changing reality Limits and limitations can only lead to frustration. It is important to always be open to new developments
11 Justice - personifies logical thinking The 11th lasso that has fallen out tells the fortuneteller that all ongoing events are the result of actions in the past. All errors will be worked out and this cannot be avoided. At the ordinary level, the card calls to be honest and may indicate a meeting with a fair person. The questioner is waiting for a serious decision, possibly related to legislation or law enforcement agencies. Justice calls for caution and prudence. In the layouts for resolving the situation, the card speaks of a victory in favor of the client Long litigation, failures in business, difficult life lessons, health problems. The present moment is not a good time to deal with documentation issues. It is important to understand that the surrounding reality is completely dependent on the person. All failures in any of the spheres of life are the result of the actions of the questioner himself. You need to be able to take responsibility for your life
12 The Hanged Man - a revolution in consciousness. Conscious self-sacrifice and acceptance of fate The card invites the questioner to think about his life and current events. Meditation will help you learn lessons and see new possibilities. All client problems arise from a lack of self-control. This is a positive card, despite the intimidating image. It denotes a special mood of the client, his desire to renounce everyday life and engage in spiritual searches. The price of knowledge is a voluntary sacrifice, and this must be taken for granted, without too much drama. There will be light at the end of the path. The appearance of the hanged man in the layout speaks of the loss of something valuable for the sake of acquiring new benefits. The map speaks of a difficult period of adaptation to the new. The questioner is at an impasse and cannot find a way out of the situation. He cannot understand the lesson and can only observe the changes taking place. Changes will happen for the better if a person can reconcile It is necessary to radically change your view of the world and current events If it is impossible to predict the end of the situation, there is only one way out - to act according to the circumstances.
13 Death is completion, rebirth. “In order for a grain to germinate, it must fall into the ground and die” The card may speak of physical death. But most often the lasso symbolizes radical changes. This is a difficult period. Everything old and unnecessary dies. Creation time. All processes come to their logical conclusion. You need to let go of the situation and, like a chrysalis, wait for your rebirth into a butterfly The old life no longer matters, the universe clears the way for new events. The client is waiting for a rebirth in all areas of life The client is accompanied by a series of failures, a stagnant period has begun in life. All events occur very slowly and with great effort. The reason for all the events that occur is the inability of the questioner to accept the changes. You need to realize what events should go away from life, then the loss will not be perceived too painfully During this period, you should refrain from steps that will not bring benefits in the future.
14 Moderation - represents reflection, the time of philosophy and new conclusions A period of renewal of physical and mental strength. This is a time for living “according to your abilities” without going to extremes and the opportunity to harmonize your life. The only teacher you can trust is the inner guide, the higher self. The questioner must understand that he himself is the only person on whom he can rely The card recommends easing the renewal period and refraining from extremes in everything. Excessive manifestation of feelings and indulgence of passions lead to exhaustion. Moderation must be observed. This is a symbol of the reunion of the spiritual and creative beginnings, all things will be completed successfully Failure to control your desires and feelings will lead to destructive events. All plans fall apart. The questioner tends to be quick-tempered and does not know how to control his sexual energy. To find harmony, you need to learn to control your ego. This will help internal search Don't underestimate yourself
15 The devil is a dark beginning. True evil is born not outside, but inside a person. This card speaks of getting to know your dark side. She personifies all the base desires of a person and the unwillingness to fight them. The figures depicted on the map can be freed from the chains, they do not want to. So a person does not want to hear his higher self, indulging the inner demon. In a positive sense, the card means the removal of prohibitions that were independently established and prevented from being liberated The questioner is in a constrained position, it seems to him that he is being limited. He cannot show will and express emotions. His goals are materialistic, he wants power, fame, money and does not know how to control his sexual energy. The card can talk about obsessive desires of a sexual nature. Abuse of power, the client is obsessed with materialistic desires. He experiences jealousy, anger, lust. To defeat the inner demon, you need to meet him face to face. The dark beginning is what manifests itself in a person after strong offenses. You can’t be angry at the whole world and harm yourself - this is the path to the degradation of the individual Armed with a sense of humor and patience, you need to recognize and overcome your shortcomings. It is important to understand what problems they provoke and why you should get rid of them. Don't be fooled by false people
16 The tower is a symbol of the destruction of false ideals. Beginning of a new era The tower is protection. Its height speaks of a proud person, and its destruction reminds of the destructive power of pride. Invincibility is just an illusion. The universe is destroying the old foundations. To make what is happening less painful, you need to voluntarily part with old delusions. Lightning is a symbol of enlightenment and the discovery of new truths, falling figures are a jump into the unknown and freedom Sudden tragic events will soon occur in the life of the client. They will change all aspects of his life, regardless of the desire of the person. Good cards next to the Tower indicate that the destructive period is coming to an end Man's thoughts are occupied with sex. He is dependent on old habits and foundations. Stiffness prevents him from accepting change. The only solution that can be taken in this situation is to fall, feeling the pain, and then get up. At this time, you can not start new business. It is necessary to limit your communication and be alone. New achievements require solid ground Obsession with material things leads to destruction
17 Star - realization of desires, faith, hope, optimism To make dreams come true, you need to return from the world of dreams and start acting. You need to develop your creative powers by finding inspiration in the present moment. A favorable period begins in life. New opportunities open up, the universe seeks to help and sends a new friend or love Reluctance to move forward, resistance to change, health problems. Friendship, love and fidelity are guiding stars for getting out of a protracted situation. An exciting question is resolved in favor of the questioner, the universe lends a helping hand Need to save positive attitude and accept outside help. New opportunities and help from above will lead to happiness You should avoid complacency and wandering in the clouds
18 The moon is a time of darkness and a meeting with one's own fear The client is waiting for the path of fear and immersion in the world of his own soul. The map corresponds to the expression: "The path through hell is a journey through one's own soul" A period of lies and self-doubt. The questioner feels like walking in the dark. The surrounding objects frighten him, and he does not know where to go next. Enemies wish evil, and hopelessness and depression reign in the human soul Serious health problems, poor heredity is manifested. Doubts, depression, nervous breakdowns. During this period, the risk of becoming a victim of blackmail increases. A rational view of things will help to avoid mistakes; you cannot trust strangers. The card shows the spiritual rebirth of the individual, like a child at the time of birth. He's scared, but there's a blinding light ahead of him You can't give in to depression. Discretion will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. You gotta listen to your intuition In order not to wallow in illusions, it is necessary to move forward at all costs.
19 The sun is the source of life, positive self-knowledge Rebirth and getting to know the inner child. The sun fills the universe with life-giving light and promotes recuperation. Professional and personal growth, organizational skills. Getting to know your light side The desired goals will be achieved. The questioner is waiting for happiness. He is full of enthusiasm and ready for new challenges. He is waiting for material well-being and the support of loved ones. Creative stupor, apathy and laziness. Resentment and selfishness interfere with moving forward. For the rebirth of personality to take place, you need to be like a child: strive for something new, not be afraid to take risks, create and explore the world It is necessary to set maximum, bright, lofty goals and always move forward Reckless actions will prevent the fulfillment of a dream
20 Judgment - Spiritual Rebirth Something new is happening in life, something important and significant is awakening in the depths of the soul. What is emerging now is of great importance for the future. All decisions must be made deliberately, after a long internal work. Rethinking life, realizing the events that have taken place, discovering yourself, saying goodbye to the past and mistakes, realizing your talents and receiving a well-deserved reward The appearance of this card in the layout indicates the possibility of discovering something unexpected in yourself. The inverted meaning indicates the impossibility of realizing the events taking place. Soon the questioner will know the truth, whatever it may be We must boldly embrace change. Decisions must be made without hesitation. All mistakes are in the past, no need to remember them
21 Peace - reward, liberation, paradise The highest stage of the development of the soul, the path has come to its end. Reunion of male and female principles. A period of success and justified expectations has come. Arkan Mir teaches independence, the ability to humble pride and frees from addictions An important process has ended, and all the changes have led to the creation of a holistic personality. On the life path many blessings are expected: inheritance, promotion, material well-being, love, devotion, travel and change of residence. Any process will complete successfully The client suffers from unfulfilled desires and is disappointed with life. He is in a creative stupor and is experiencing financial difficulties. The risk of imprisonment increases. The questioner suffers from envy, and the old relationship model prevents you from building a new harmonious union The world calls to give up illusions, take responsibility for your life, develop discipline and cultivate fortitude Pride is a sin that leads to a fall

The interpretation of the cards requires the practice of full dedication. Before you start working with clients, you need to understand your own associations. It is preferable not to spray on several sources at once, focusing on your own feelings.

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