Online divination on tarot cards - layout "choice". Tarot divination about the best choice Divination online choosing the path

To perform divination, select the desired deck, press and hold the image of the deck of cards below on the page. Think about what or who you are talking about. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to finish mixing the cards.

Divination online free Choice problem. Very often we are faced with the problem of choosing one or another action, person, path. To resolve just such a situation, this fortune-telling is used. After completing it, you will have information on how to proceed. Fortune telling is not easy due to the fact that a fairly large number of significant cards take part in fortune telling and you must make sufficient efforts to decipher all their meanings, provided that combinations of dropped cards must be taken into account, which is not an easy task.

Online divination technique:

We will carry out this alignment with the deck of Maria Lenormand. It contains 36 cards, each of which corresponds to a card in a regular deck, but Lenormand has its own meaning. To carry out fortune-telling, we must imagine the essence of the problem that interests us, so that the cards can give an answer to it, i.e. in this case, the situation will be considered when there are two ways to solve this problem - positive and negative, and the cards will give us an answer which way to go. Thoroughly mix the cards until the feeling of stopping the shuffle comes, after that we shift some of the cards with our left hand towards ourselves and take out 12 cards from the deck from arbitrary places of the deck, lay them out as shown in the figure, each card has its own answers, they are presented below :

1. Is a positive decision possible;
2. Is a negative decision possible;
3. Consequences of a positive decision;
4. Consequences of a negative decision;
5.6. What you did not take into account;
7,8,9. Outcome of a positive decision;
10,11,12. Outcome of a negative decision;

To conduct online predictions on our website, click on the deck of cards located below on the page.

Choice is a concept that we encounter very often in our lives. We choose our education, work, husband, wife, real estate, etc. Hundreds of “for” and hundreds of “against” each of the types of self-realization assortment offered to choose from.

Our life is a kind of game with its own laws and rules. When choosing a profession, we will never be able to fully realize whether it is the best or there is something more worthy. The solution to the problem, agreement with oneself comes, as a rule, in adulthood, when it is too late to change anything. In addition to choosing a profession and moving up the career ladder, a person has to make a choice of a life partner. And here, too, a mistake can be costly.

You can endlessly calculate all sorts of options, try to make a choice intuitively. And someone chooses a simple path and turns to the Tarot.

Divination tarot card layout - the best option to make the right choice

Choice the best option solution resembles a vicious circle or a program with a given cycle. You have to make a choice about how to deal with your life. You look around and find thousands of opportunities to ruin your life, thousands of opportunities to realize your life program.

Major Arcana Tarot - that's what can:

  • illuminate the life path of a person;
  • talk about his past life;
  • avoid mistakes in the future.

The cards will mark the best options for you, but the choice is yours. Fortune telling does not say what to do, it only suggests the way, moving along which you can solve the issue with the choice correctly and quickly.

There are many different layouts, with the help of each of them a person opens his eyes to what is happening. If you need a layout for a specific situation, they come into play Minor Arcana tarot cards. If it is necessary to make an alignment for the past and the future, if it is necessary to describe the current life path of a person, they make an alignment in which the Major Arcana of the Tarot take part. In it, you will receive complete information about whether you made the right choice throughout your life or whether it was possible to follow a parallel road with fewer losses and with greater achievements.

So, if you want to avoid serious life mistakes, trust the Tarot cards. A free alignment will allow you to look into the essence of what is happening, indicate the possible choices, analyze the positive and negative sides of each.


The Choice Tarot layout is suitable for those cases when a person is faced with two opposite options for action, but cannot determine for himself the most optimal of them. With the help of this layout, you can see the three main stages in the development of each direction of the future in chronological order.

You get an idea of ​​what the consequences of a particular decision may turn out to be, and thereby simplify your choice. Before you spread out, you need to be clear about the options you need to consider and label each one on a separate line.

Values ​​of cards in positions:

  • 3, 1 and 5 - the chronology of the development of events in the implementation of the plan
  • 4, 2 and 6 - the chronology of events when the plan was abandoned
  • 7 - a situation that pushes you to choose

And now let's analyze this alignment in practice.

An example from a subscriber - Should I trust the company's money?

Svetlana Mikhailova shared this example with us. She is investing. She has cryptocurrencies. One of them is bitcoin. And there is a company that was advised to her for investing bitcoins, but inside they transfer the deposit to the dollar exchange rate and the income goes in dollars, and withdraw them again to the bitcoin wallet at the rate. But this is not always profitable, since there is a big risk - the company can leave with its money, and it is easier to keep bitcoin, counting on its growth rate, than to give it to someone.

Nevertheless, Svetlana was interested in this fund, and she decided to ask what it would be better for her to do for the sake of greater profit: leave her money in bitcoins on a personal wallet or give it to this fund, fixing it on the dollar.

Dropped cards:

  • Option 1: give bitcoins to the fund, under management with transfer to dollars
  • Option 2: leave bitcoin on the wallet
  • Key:

Click on the spoiler below to see how Svetlana read the alignment:

Interpretation of cards from the author

Interpretation of cards from the author

1 option. If I give bitcoins in dollar fixation to someone's fund, then: I will make a profit if my decision is paradoxical. That is, I must understand that in this case, the profit should be calculated only in dollars and not be upset by the bitcoin rates in case of such a choice.

You need to know the rules of material interaction, i.e. investment strategies, and act without emotions and right now, if you want. I brought the key here. Since I will not be able to use my money for some time due to an external factor (trust management).

Option 2. Leave money in a bitcoin wallet. The course is easily changed, but this has both pluses and minuses, there will be consistency, favorite and profitable work with this tool.

That is, in fact, it is the amount of profit, it is greater in the second option.

Do you also want to improve your financial situation with the help of Tarot cards?

Then sign up for the Tarot and Business 3.0 course and learn how to read cards in financial matters.

With whom should I build relationships?
10 cups
S A: King of Swords, 4 of Wands, Jack of Swords.
S D: 6 denarii, priestess, devil

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The alignment showed that it is better for you to build relationships with D, because with all your heart and soul you are drawn to him.

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Hello. Help with scheduling. Will I stay at home or go away for 2.5 months to my sister?
7.5 denarii
3.6 swords
5. king of denarii

4. lady denarii
2. empress
3. jack of wands

All the cards seemed to be positive.
Thank you!

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The alignment indicates that it is better for you to stay at home, because if you leave, you will feel uncomfortable there and therefore begin to look for an opportunity to return home. But you will not have such an opportunity soon, so the initial joy of being with your sister will very soon turn into inconvenience, not comfort and sadness. But not because of the behavior of the sister, but because of the external situation in the area where they intended to stay with the sister.

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Dear tarologists, help with the alignment, with her husband there is a difficult relationship that goes nowhere, or rather, to a divorce. The question is, what will happen if I try to restore the relationship and what will happen if I don't?
s 6 denarii

3. 3 cups
1. 10 swords
5. 6 wands

4. court
2. 2 denarii
6. knight of wands
I kind of like the second option better.
It’s just that we’ve already started all over again several times already. Thank you for the answer.

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According to the first option, if you work to restore relations, then success awaits you and you will be able to maintain a relationship with your husband.

If you don’t work on them, then you will have a break in relations with your husband and parting.

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ErkinErkin, please comment on the alignment.
I feel that the man began to move away, but behaves as if nothing has changed. Finds what arguments, words, etc. It bothers me, I don't know how to behave. I would not want the relationship to break or worsen.
What happens if I talk to him about... And what happens if I don't?
I want to talk to him about how important I am to him, why he is moving away, he wants to continue the relationship, etc.
S: Lady of swords
3-1-5: six of wands, two of swords, king of denarii
4-2-6: Rider of Wands, Ace of Wands, Five of Wands
I will be grateful for the answer.

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The card of the Lady of Swords in the Significator showed that you really now live with thoughts about relationships with a man, that this is haunting you now and that therefore you want to talk with him about the prospect of further relations with him.
The top row says that if you do this, then your relationship with him will become clearer for you and this will only strengthen your relationship with him.
And the bottom row indicates that if you do not decide to have a frank conversation with him, then on the contrary, it will weaken your relationship, lead to a scandal with a man and parting with him ...

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Looks like I'm about to make some big changes in my life...
I decided to ask: what will happen if I part with my girlfriend? And what if I don't break up?

S: Star
3-1-5: 10 denarii-3 of Cups-Jack of Swords (part)
4-2-6: 10 of Swords - 5 Denarii - King of Wands

What is the interpretation of the schedule?

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I am at a crossroads, moreover, for a long time: to leave the family for the girl I fell in love with, or to stay with my wife?
S - Justice.
3-1-5: Emperor-2 of Swords-Rider of Swords (leave).
4-2-6: 5 of swords-King of Wands-Moon (remain).
How to decipher it?

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The Justice card in the Significator indicated that you are now under external influence from the girl. This does not mean that she controls you. This suggests that you are now under the impression of falling in love with this girl and therefore you mentally coordinate all your plans for the future based on her, in order to create a family with her and live with her in love, joy and prosperity.

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Well, if so, then let's find out what your upper alignment tells us.
At position 3, we see the Emperor card. Position 3 showed us your view of the future and through the Arcana Emperor indicated that in this future, you see yourself as the husband of this girl. And in the 1st position, your beloved girl appeared in the form of 2 Swords. This card indicates that the girl is now experiencing discomfort from communicating with you and therefore reaches out to those with whom she is now comfortable communicating. And in position 5 we see you Vasily in the form of the Knight of Swords. The Knight of Swords says that if you leave the family, you will find yourself in a negative situation for yourself with a showdown, showdowns and scandals with this girl.

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Now consider your bottom row. In 3 positions, Arkan Luna fell out there. The moon says that if you stay in your family, then you will still be drawn to this girl. Therefore, you will behave insincerely and deceitfully with your wife. You will be drawn to your girlfriend. Therefore, you will be drawn to cheating on your wife. Realize that you will be cheating on your wife. But you will not feel that you are cheating on her. Because you will consider that you are not cheating with your mistress or with a prostitute, but with your beloved girl. And it's worth it.
Thus, the alignment showed that it’s better for you to stay in the family now so as not to spoil your relationship with the girl, otherwise, being constantly next to her, there is a risk of finally quarreling with her.

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Now the interpretation of the second alignment. If you make a choice on the top row before your birthday, then this will undoubtedly strengthen your relationship.
If you do this after your birthday, then nothing good will happen to you in a relationship with a girl. it’s just that then she will perceive you not as a potential fiancé, but as only a lover, i.e. as a temporary man. And the Mir card says that in general it can close from you and not make contact. Well, what to choose, it's up to you Vasily.

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Thanks for the help!
Purely intuitively, I feel that we will not be able to agree on my chosen one, at least for now ... And with my wife I just can’t imagine how to start over ...
So I asked another clarifying question:
What happens if I leave my family for neutral territory? And what happens if I don't leave?
S: Tower
3-1-5: Hermit - 6 of wands - Judgment (leave)
4-2-6: Mage - Star - 2 of wands (stay)
What about this situation?
Defining card - Judgment?

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The next question is clarifying:
What happens if I move to another city? And, accordingly, what will happen if I stay in my hometown?
S: Mage
3-1-5: Emperor-Queen of Wands-Queen of Swords (move)
4-2-6: 3 of Wands-9 of Wands-8 of Swords

Do I understand correctly that the cards offer to move?

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If you move to another city, then parting is inevitable.
If you stay, then save your family, but the thought of moving will not leave you, although you don’t dare to do so. For you will be drawn into home comfort, despite the fact that it is very restless and not cozy. Nevertheless, you do not dare to part with your family. So you are given the chance to leave now. If you do not decide on this act, then you will stay with your family.

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The tower indicates that you are internally ready to part with your family. But the Court card in position 3 indicates that if you part with your family, you will be ready to revive relations with her. And not only will you be ready for this, but you yourself will take measures for this. For the soul will haunt you. Still family. Therefore, you will internally reach out to them.

If you stay, then the situation will pull you to parting. Therefore, the alignment recommends that you announce to your family that you are temporarily leaving to work in distant lands, but at the same time do not part with them. And after being alone for some time, the alignment recommends that you return to your family. Still, relatives ... And besides, the rear ...

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Good afternoon
With a man in a litter, offended ..
In my heart, of course, I forgave, and I want to communicate, but he is used to the fact that I always impulsively respond positively to his gestures of the world, even if he is wrong, there is no apology from him.
Now he wrote, asked if she was alive?
Whether or not to answer this dry question, it seems that both directions are good, I just want to understand that it’s impossible to offend, disappear and then restore communication like this
It’s scary not to answer, it will suddenly disappear again (

Significator - hanged

Yes - I will answer
King of Cups
10 balls
Ace of Cups

No - I won't answer
5 of wands

Please tell me what is the best thing to do

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It’s better for you to answer him, because if you answer, then the Ace of Cups will “turn on” for you, and it means that you will get a Chance to revive the relationship. If you don’t answer him, then you will “turn on” the World card, which means the end of a relationship with a man. Well, what to choose, it's up to you to decide Yana.

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Thank you very much for answering!!
There was a conversation and a lot of things found out ...
From the bad, then a girl appeared and now he is not alone.
Could you help me again
Ask how the relationship will develop
with her
Significator - 8 denarii
6 balls

With me
2 wands
Ace of denarii

Thanks in advance, you really helped
After reading the description, I was inclined to perceive the world as something good for relationships and did not write.
He definitely wouldn't write a second time.

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First, I will answer according to the previous scenario. The World map for relationships is an unfavorable map. This is explained by the fact that when you communicate, you are in the same World with a man. And during a quarrel or in case of parting, disperse to different Worlds. Thus, the World card does not promote reconciliation and reunion with a loved one, but parting and separation.

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And now the interpretation of your second alignment.
He will not develop a relationship with a girl. The Suspended card indicated that they would soon quarrel and part. Moreover, the initiator of a quarrel and a showdown will be a girl who will make claims to him, and then completely part with him. Moreover, parting with him will be taken to heart and therefore very painful for himself. But I repeat, there are no prospects for the development of their relations. So soon they will part.

Now the interpretation of the relationship with you. But you have a good prospect of developing a relationship with him. This was indicated by the Ace of Denarius card. Ace Dinariev says that the man is ready to develop relations with you, but at the same time wants them to be without reproaches from you and without claims against him. Then he will perceive his relationship with you as reliable and stable for him. I wish that your relationship will lead you to create a happy family.

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Thank you for explaining the meanings of the cards.
And thank you very much for your attention and time to our questions.

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Please Yana.

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Hello dear tarot readers.
I ask for help in interpreting the alignment. This introductory one is pregnant and I don’t know what to do .. she left her husband, but she’s not divorced, she’s pregnant from another man, he’s not against a child, but there are difficulties besides divorce - she doesn’t have her own housing and will not appear soon, we live with my children from my first marriage, he himself has children from a previous marriage.
Question: How will relations with a man develop if I give birth to a child from him, and how will our relations develop if I have an abortion.
S Queen of Pentacles
3,1,5: 2 of Swords + 8 of Pentacles + Ace of Wands (if I have a baby)
4,2,6: 3 Pentacles + 4 Swords + Queen of Swords (if I have an abortion)

The first option looks quite viable, the second that I will be left alone?

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Absolutely right Oksana. You correctly saw your alignment, which recommends that you choose the first option.

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And have a baby. Then, through the Arcana of the Ace of Wands, you will have a Chance to find housing.

If you have an abortion, you will lose both the child and the man from whom you became pregnant.

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Hello! Please help me make a decision... I asked for a card, what will happen; if I now; during a pandemic, I will sit out with my child at home on sick leave and what will happen; if I take a babysitter and still go to work? On the one hand, I'm afraid; that they will be fired; and on the other hand, it’s worse to get infected ...
S-Wheel of Fortune
3-1-5: Justice-Chariot-Nine of Cups
4-2-6: Death-Five Denarius-Seven of Wands.
Thank you in advance...

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Regarding your question, in the first row is one of the key cards "SUD" (justice). You seem to find the treasure later, although now it seems to you that you need to go and work. The Chariot and Nine of Cups are cards of success and complete emotional satisfaction.
At the same time, the second row - shows that in matters of money this option is not the most successful, crisis, and the seven of wands can say that it is with the second option with the nanny that you will need to work hard and work hard for an unknown result.

The choice is always yours, while in our time companies are trying to save places for employees and understand that after waiting 20 days now, they will save their business.

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Ekaterina, thank you for such a detailed detailed answer! So far, the Wheel of Fortune has played out in my situation, the child has become so sick that there was no question of choice, only sick leave! But in the future, of course, your interpretation will be very useful to me.
Once again, thank you, good health and good luck in this difficult time.

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Please tell me how can I understand the alignment.
What happens if I choose the profession of a developer and what happens if I don't?
C: Rider of Cups
If I choose: 7 of wands, 7 of cups, Lovers
If I don't choose: King of Denarii, King of Wands, Jack of Denarii
What does so many face cards mean?

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Asked whether to look for a new job or stay at the current one. There are pluses and minuses both there and there, I just can’t decide what to do.
S Tower
3 devil
1 trial
5 death
4 sun
2 knight of cups
6 moon
How to proceed anyway? Tell me please

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Help me decide which man to stay with:
Option 1: two denarii; jack of denarii; lovers
Option 2: five of wands; ten of wands; ace of swords
S seven of swords

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Lovers - it means you have already made a choice (subconsciously) - in favor of the direction where this card lies.

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Thanks Julia.
How fair is the choice to suggest?

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Help to decide which of the two partners is better to start doing business with.
From Eg.:
Queen of Cups, Two of Wands, Six of Cups
With Lee:
Wheel of Fortuny, Hermit, Moon
One to start building - I'm afraid not to cope ...
King of Cups

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Good day. Broke up with a man on his initiative, asked the cards whether to let him go or not: s. King of the denarii
3. 7 cups
1. hermit
5. jack of wands

4. world
2. 7 denarii
6. sun
Thanks for the answer.

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Hello, tell me please, I’m now at a distance with a man, it turned out that there is a rival, he said that he doesn’t seem to want to lose me, he values ​​me, but he also wants to build a relationship with her
S - death.
Attitude towards her:
3. Eight of Cups
1. Sun
5. Four denarii
Attitude towards me:
4. Fairness
2. Ten denarii
6. Nine of Cups

What does it mean?
Is the relationship over?

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Good afternoon
Which man to choose A or B?
They just seem to be good options.
The sun
1 Line (A) 9 of cups, jester, star.
2 line (B) wheel of fortune, 4 wands, empress
In one version, a star, in another wheel. What is better?

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For marriage - the second, for communication and friendship - the first.

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Question about a man:
What will happen if I go to my hometown and stay there.
What happens if I move here and try to build a relationship:
7) 3 of Wands.
3,1,5) Moon, Mage, Hermit. (I'll go home)
4,2,6) Emperor, 6 cups, Queen of wands. (I will return to him)
Does the Queen of Wands mean I'll be alone anyway? It's like an independent and independent lady.

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In this scenario, the second option is clearly preferable. Lady of Wands - a caring "correct" woman, apparently, she will look after someone)

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Hello dear cottagers. I asked the cards B “Can I leave myself? B” cards fell out:
1) 2 denarii
3) Ace of wands
5) Strength

2) Lady of cups (I'm cancer)
4) 3 of wands
6) Mage
S. Moon

Help me fight in a relationship with my husband, he wants to leave (to be alone) or for me to leave (he doesn’t mind). What is the best thing to do in this situation. Help please ra ... tsya

The Choice layout helps to determine the likely course of events in a situation of duality, when you are at a fork in the road, hesitate, doubt, have difficulty making a decision, and also to weigh the results of the steps taken.

Have a nice session!

Before you is the layout of the Choice, which consists of rows of cards: 1,2,3 and 4,5,6.

7 card - Significator - the key to understanding the alignment.

Think of a situation and 2 scenarios. Decide which row of cards will match each option.

Pay attention to the first row of cards. What thoughts, feelings, reactions does the combination of cards evoke?

Look at the second row of cards and determine your reaction to them.

7 card can mean the reasons for the choice that has arisen, the conditions for the development of the situation.

Try to combine the values ​​of the row cards into a single whole.

Click on the cards to complete the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meanings.

Spread Features

Before a fortune-telling session, think about the situation and two options for your behavior. You can use the formulation of the question: to be or not to be, for example, what will it lead to and what will happen if I do this, will I participate in this, what if I don’t do it.

The alignment is unique in that you can analyze the same situation many times, inventing new ways of your behavior or reactions to events, until you like the result.

Pay attention to the Major Arcana of the Tarot in your choices, which can emphasize the importance of one option over another: be auspicious signs or a warning.

Curly cards that have fallen out in any version of the development of events may indicate the influence of significant persons, meetings and communication with people, agreements or conflicts that interfere with the development of the situation.

The significator card not only describes the conditions in which you find yourself, but can also offer a third option and new opportunities for solving the situation.

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