Tarot meaning queen of staves. Queen of Wands Tarot Card - General Meaning Meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot Card

Making a forecast is a painstaking, exhausting process that requires the concentration of all vital forces. An ancient deck of Tarot cards is a collection of symbols, magical signs, difficult to understand. common man. The interpretation of each card and the reading of their unions is the main task of an experienced magician who turned to the Tarot for advice.

To correctly interpret the Queen of Wands card, it is necessary to make a comprehensive forecast

What is the true power of ancient magical images that have not changed over the past millennia? The Queen of Wands of the Tarot is an omen of future emotional changes in the person calling on the magic deck, or his immediate environment. Correct interpretation of the Queen of Staves will provide a comprehensive prognosis.

General Meaning of the Queen of Wands Card

The Queen of Staves falls out in the layout is not at all accidental. The prototype of the mysterious woman depicted on the Tarot card is a real person of flesh and blood. If the female questioner draws out a powerful symbol of the Queen, then the layout indicates significant personal events that will happen soon. The solution of the question addressed to the deck will not take much time, and the person who is worried about the coming changes will come to the logical conclusion of the work begun earlier.

Feminine symbolism of the card Queen of the Staff

A purely female symbol announces an irresistible desire to experience real human happiness. Tarot deck cards of this rank predict not only dry facts, but also the sensual mood of the questioner.

It is difficult to unravel the intricate intricacies of future events, but it simply cannot be done without emotional coloring. It is possible that the Queen's card in a personal layout symbolizes valuable advice that you just need to heed, because the wisdom received will come in handy very soon.

What does the Queen of the Wand portend?

The Lady of the Staves portends many cardinal changes that await the questioner in the near future:

  • fearlessness in making important decisions;
  • dominance in behavior;
  • severity in relation to oneself or others, which will not interfere with the conduct of important matters;
  • caution in communication;
  • hidden desires to find love;
  • self-control in difficult situations.

The "Queen of Wands" portends dramatic changes in the near future

The feminine nature of the card does not make it overly soft and malleable to other symbols of the Tarot deck. The prototype of the Queen of Staves is a person who rejects chaos and everything that brings confusion to the usual way of life. The meaning of the card symbolizing the Queen may vary from the position of the ancient sign in the layout.

Reversed Card Queen of Staves and its meaning

The opposite of the reliability that the Queen in the upright position predicts, the meaning of the symbol with an inverted image. A sign promising mistrust, justified caution and increased vigilance.

If the questioner takes divination seriously, then the Queen of Wands tarot card should be a real warning about the existence of enemies. Enemies plot intrigues behind a person's back, interfere with the implementation of his plans. Such an enemy may be a woman from her inner circle. The ancient symbol advises to take a closer look at partners and friends, can they be trusted?

Queen of the Staff inverted, its meaning for women

Hatred of men, radical feminism, ostentatious independence are personified in the Tarot deck by the Queen of Staves. Sometimes the alignment indicates not only external dangers, but also internal barriers that the questioner may not be aware of.

The beliefs that surround a person's reality are not always beneficial. For a woman, an inverted Queen promises loneliness, which upsets and alarms. The consequence of actions and decisions, the voluntary detachment of only what the woman created with her own hands.

The Lady of Wands in an inverted position speaks of the emotional instability of a woman

The Queen of Wands in an inverted position indicates emotional instability, constant unrest and fluctuations. Overrated forces that cannot be relied upon will contribute to failure when it comes to the business life of a woman.

One should be wary of pomposity and pride, says the ancient tarot symbol, because in the male business world it is not always necessary to lead. Women's energy is much more effective and efficient than the desire to imitate a man in professional life. Isn't it time to show flexibility and female cunning?

Queen of the Staff inverted and its meaning for men

For a man, the inverted Queen of Staves portends difficulties in work due to the intrigues of an envious woman. It can be a colleague, girlfriend or even a soulmate. A manipulator from birth, a cunning woman will interfere in all the affairs of the asker, and harm him in the future. It's time to take courage and stop any ties with such people, the Queen informs about this in the scenario.

Man is the prototype of the card of the Queen of Wands

Marker cards that represent a specific person in the deck help create a comprehensive forecast for the future. Such signs indicate character traits, habits and preferences of the questioner or a person from his close circle.

The Queen of the Staff as a card with the sign of Fire

People born under the sign of Fire are often shown in the deck as the Queen of Wands card. A sensitive ancient symbol adjusts to the mood of the questioner and, instead of the usual retelling of the events of the future, presents a picture of the emotional traps of the future. Without such a symbol, the questioner is threatened with many problems in his personal and professional life.

How to judge the image of a fortuneteller by the Queen of the Wand card

The prototype card of the Queen of Staves has the following distinguishing features:

  • collected, organized woman;
  • person unstable to stress;
  • domineering, strong-willed girl or woman in adulthood;
  • a noble person who always adheres to his own moral principles;
  • a woman who can carefully analyze the situation;
  • a proud person who knows his own worth;
  • vulnerable lady;
  • keeper of the family hearth;
  • a woman for whom family ties are in the foreground;
  • warrior.

Upright and reversed, the Queen card can indicate a business person seeking to build a brilliant career by any means. The prototype of an ancient symbol, often occupies a leadership position.

A high social position is accompanied by forced loneliness. A woman with a strong-willed character is picky in choosing a man, a life partner. It is difficult for her to accept other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. A warrior by nature, she demands the same from others, and when she does not find the desired qualities in them, she prefers a solitary life.

Increased energy and cheerfulness best qualities, which are displayed by the Queen's card, and are hallmark the questioner. Even a woman in old age prefers a mobile lifestyle, versatile activities. It is difficult for such a person to sit in one place for a long time, and therefore the choice of a profession is often associated with moving and traveling.

The layout for personal life and the Queen of Staves card

The interpretation of the Queen of Wands card depends not only on the position of the symbol in relation to other cards, but also on the specificity of the layout itself. Special questions, which are often addressed by both men and women, involve the definition of a clear future concerning one or another area of ​​human life.

Personal relationships are essential for a happy life

Personal relationships are an integral part of a happy, harmonious life. Whatever the successes at work, and upon returning home, a person is looking for the warmth of the one who understands and accepts him. The Queen of Staves indicates an experience that was not always easy for the questioner.

The events of the past in his personal life did not pass without a trace. The maturity in making decisions in personal matters, foreshadowed by the Queen card, will help build partnerships on a completely different level. An exceptionally positive card for love and family ties, speaks of patience and long-awaited harmony.

For a short period of time, the Queen of Staves promises a revival in feelings, a surge of new strength and an increase in enthusiasm. Carnal pleasures, as an obligatory part of harmonious relationships, will bring a lot of pleasure, which will favorably affect partnerships. Imminent changes will overwhelm a person - the Queen of Staves card promises.

Special spreads on the Tarot deck

With the help of one single card, an experienced magician reveals to the questioner the secret of the future. The layouts that will determine significant events in the near future, the essence of which is revealed by the Queen of Staves:

Human self-development

The Lady of the suit of Wands indicates a search, inner torment, which can end in a breakthrough, a restructuring of consciousness. Inspiration that does not need to be looked for on the sides is the promised boon of the Queen's card. It's time to go beyond the familiar and boring, says the ancient magical symbol. It's time for the necessary changes.

work affairs

A person for whom work and professional life comes first, having seen the Queen's card in a layout for the future, can be calm. Profit, promotion, a calm atmosphere in the workplace - the Lady of the Staves is the harbinger of a successful business life. Such a card advises to take a closer look at the chances sent by fate. New perspectives open up before the questioner, which will radically change his whole life.

Interpersonal relationships

Love is not the only sphere of human life in which calmness depends only on the inner mood of the questioner. Family relationships, friendships and professional unions are just as important. The Queen of Staves favors harmonious tandems, and promises them lasting harmony.

It is advisable to make special layouts if the questioner has problems in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis life.

A combination of powerful tarot cards

The Queen of Wands, in combination with other strong signs of the Tarot deck, allows you to reveal the problem that has arisen from different opposite sides. So the Queen of Staves in alliance with a Knight of the same suit portends hasty decisions that can harm the questioner.

The Ace of Cups and the Lady of the suit of Wands promise replenishment in the family, the long-awaited birth of a child.

A favorable alliance softens all cards of the layout, even the most negative ones. The Six of Swords in combination with the Lady of Wands promises a move, a change of residence.

The interpretation of neighboring cards is more important than the reading of a single card, albeit one as strong as the Queen of Wands. Only an experienced magician reveals the true meaning of a general or special layout, compiled using the ancient Tarot deck.

The main meanings of the card in the upright position:

  • denotes a woman with a generous, open soul, kind and faithful;
  • "Amazon";
  • success;
  • balanced character;
  • the ability to act boldly and authoritatively;
  • rigor and justice;
  • striving for independence and autonomy;
  • there are forces to solve new big problems;
  • open to everything;
  • initiative in making new contacts and renewing old ones;
  • love for nature;
  • the power of positive thinking;
  • "Business lady";
  • good advice from a sane woman;
  • love of luxury;

The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:

  • "business woman" who sacrifices a lot for the sake of a ghostly idea, success;
  • narrow-mindedness, stubbornness, despotism;
  • jealousy, deceit;
  • selfishness, misplaced ambition;
  • propensity to deceive;
  • man-hatred;
  • posturing;
  • kind woman;
  • helpfulness, courtesy;
  • service, favor;
  • a dangerous enemy who is not guided by reason, but only by emotions;

(E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot")

DESCRIPTION: The proud (Stately) lady sits on her throne. Indeed, her title is the Queen of the Fiery Thrones. She is restrained and cold-blooded, while being accessible and popular. AT right hand she holds a wand, and in the left - a sunflower, which symbolizes her proximity to the world of Nature. The arms of her throne are engraved with lions, reminding us of her connection with astrological sign Leo. A black cat is visible in the foreground, which is a symbol of power and restraint. Elements: Water-Fire.

EXPLANATION: The Queen of Wands is a powerful ruler, and her decisions are noble and well thought out. She treats her followers with prudence, generosity, and support. If you draw this card, it means that you have a balanced character and are able to act boldly and powerfully. Your personal relationships are based on mature understanding, you are devoted and insightful. You are strict but fair.

REVERSED CARTIER MEANING: You tend to be narrow-minded, stubborn and domineering. In addition, there is a clear possibility of jealousy and deceit.

LESSON ON SELF DEVELOPMENT: Explore the sources of your own strength and set your own limits (boundaries). If you are a woman, then be calm about your emotional needs; if a man, you are already in contact with the feminine aspects of your personality and recognize them as a source of inspiration.

(N. Drury "Tarot. A step-by-step guide to study")

The Lady of Wands represents the feminine side of the element of fire. Thus, it symbolizes self-confidence, peace with oneself, feline affection, indicating more intelligence than opportunism. The Lady of Wands is always on her own, but she is open to everything new and easy-going. The pride that governs her personality gives her great inner strength, but makes her vulnerable to criticism and all sorts of hurtful remarks. It symbolizes the joy of life and the thirst for happiness to such an extent that it can result in a pure thirst for pleasure, an escape into the world of illusions and the most wasteful waste of mental strength.

JOB: This is our desire for independence and independence. Here the Lady of Wands shows that at the moment we are open to any contacts, unbiased and ready to take on new big tasks, for which we now have enough strength to solve. This card represents our readiness for further maturation and development, thanks to which we can move to a new level of awareness of our being.

CONSCIOUSNESS: A certain force flows into us, bringing warmth and joy, courage and a thirst for adventure. In addition, the card means that we are no longer hindered by petty thoughts like: “Is it worth it?”, “Will it work?”, And that we no longer allow other people to decide anything for us. She, this card, shows that we are fully prepared to take fate into our own hands and arrange life the way we ourselves want. Now we have enough experience and independence and consciousness for this.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: The time of revealing spiritual abilities and "taking new heights", often extremely interesting. We are open to everything new, ready for dialogue, for a free exchange of thoughts and feelings, which can mean both the establishment of new, lively and fruitful contacts, as well as a noticeable revival of the former union. “Peace with ourselves”, personified by this card, means that we (in terms of relations with a partner) have finally become “adults” and are no longer shy in front of a partner who has so far surpassed us in some way.

Queen in tarot

The queen can represent both the real woman in your life and various aspects of your personality. Queens represent mothers and often symbolize mature women who are endowed with some power or personal power. Queens can also denote men who have characteristic feminine traits, including love of nature, care, love of children, etc. Queens are much less likely to denote situations compared to Pages and Kings. In a reading, Queens can also represent a new level of understanding or awareness. Two or more Queens in the same spread predict an important meeting of several women.

Queen of Wands upright

Key words and phrases: Queen of heart and home. Love of life. Majesty. Authority. Ambition. Center of attention. Social status. Popularity. Love for sex. Self-assertion. Demonstrativeness. Competence. Leadership abilities. Good business sense. multilateral interests. Tirelessness. Passion. Warmly. Liveliness. Courage. Enterprise. Confidence. Providence. Success in business. Love for home. Independence of thought. Generosity. Love for nature. The power of positive thinking. Situation and advice: An attractive, sensible woman can give you good advice. The energy, independence of thought, kindness and generosity of the Queen of Wands promise the successful completion of any started grandfather. This is a woman who understands business and is determined to make a career, she can also be the soul of the company. This Queen is an extrovert and enjoys healthy and inspiring competition. She is able to create around herself an atmosphere of confidence that attracts others to her. People: Businesswoman. A woman looking to move up the corporate ladder. Single woman with a good position in society. Woman boss or leader. A sane, mature woman, always ready to help. A woman who loves to be in charge. A defender who will zealously defend the personal interests and interests of her friends. Mobile, energetic, cheerful and cheerful woman. Attractive, endearing mature woman. Entrepreneur. A woman involved in many projects. Devoted wife and mother. A married woman, endowed with great energy and enthusiasm, successfully running a household, but whose interests also extend beyond it. Dear friend, always ready to help. A sincere, witty, but sometimes caustic and aggressive woman, ready to stand up for her like-minded people. A kind, loyal, generous, self-confident woman who loves competition and business; she likes to be in the center of attention, but with no less force she loves and appreciates her home and family. Provincial. Stage queen.

Queen of Wands Reversed

Key words and phrases: Selfishness. Limitation of thinking. Unrestrained ambition. Jealousy. Demanding. Groundless rivalry. Tendency to deceive. Malice. Mood swings. propensity to manipulate. Seduction. Deceit. Directness. Dominance. Disorganization. Infidelity. Inability to trust a woman. Cruelty. Focus on yourself. Emotional blackmail. Intervention. Paranoia. Irritability. Hatred for the power of men. Nervousness. The ultimate manifestation of feminism. Penis envy. The end determines the means. Posturing. Situation and advice: A nervous and inflexible woman can interfere with your plans, insisting that everything happens the way she wants. Such women, whose ambitions are unreasonably great, can use any means to get what they want. Emotional blackmail may be used against you or your loved ones to stop attempts to act independently. Beware of sticking your nose in other people's business. Don't try to force your values ​​on others. People: A temperamental woman, prone to frequent nervous attacks, who does not yield to anyone and does everything in her own way. The woman endowed business qualities. A woman who loves to lead is tough, strict and possibly unfaithful. A woman who interferes in other people's affairs. Gossips. Bad listeners. Those who believe that they are always right, even if they are wrong. Cute people who tend to read morals and impose their values ​​on others.

The meaning and inner meaning of the lasso Queen of Wands

Direct interpretation:

  • Villager, Mistress.
  • Economy, Honesty, Courtesy, Meekness, Virtue.
  • Truthfulness, Chastity.

Other meanings of the Queen of Wands Tarot in the upright position:

  • caring, friendly, kind woman, worthy of love and respect
  • sociability, independence and love of home
  • striving for business success

The Queen of Tarot Wands is a mature woman who is practical, generous and outgoing, independent by nature, yet showing strong affection for home and family. This card may represent the Client himself or, depending on the alignment, someone else on whom the Client depends or turns to for advice and help. The Queen of Wands tarot card is a noble, friendly and educated woman. Demonstrating a love of luxury. Sympathetic to the Questioner and ready to help with money or advice, or both. A business or wealthy woman who knows how to handle money for her own benefit and for the benefit of her family. An economical, serious woman, a good adviser. This is a good time to take an important step in your career, especially in business or finance. Reversed interpretation:

  • Kind woman.
  • Kindness, Excellence, Helpful, Attentive, Courteous.
  • Benefit, Favor, Favor.

Other Meanings of Reversed Queen of Wands Tarot:

  • kind woman, but aware of her superiority, thrifty, punctual, helpful
  • domineering personality, self-confidence, infidelity, betrayal

In the unworthy tarot card, the Queen of Wands, the fiery nature of the suit of Wands comes to the fore; The Queen of Wands is a narrow-minded, cruel and domineering woman. She has a very high opinion of her talents, obsessive, doing little good. Like anyone who is easily offended and harbors anger, she can be a dangerous enemy. The card also speaks of treachery in relationships with people. An inverted tarot card, the Queen of Wands, is a dangerous enemy because it relies on reason rather than emotion in its opposition. It is especially dangerous if there is a threat to her position, business or family. If this card does not represent a certain person, then you should be careful, especially when it comes to important issues (business, etc.), do not step on people's feet, if possible. Deception, infidelity, jealousy. Greed and avarice. inner meaning The Queen of Tarot Wands should evoke the image of a woman with money and wealth. Both in the original interpretations, and especially in modern ones, it is assumed that she has financial independence and earned it herself, and not just follows her husband. The Queen of Wands usually demonstrates a love of luxury, she is smartly dressed and enjoys her wealth. The Queen of Wands can be generous and loving, but because her personality is more magnetic than that of the King, she tends to be more wary of people she is ready to help or even love. She is just as sensible and practical in personal relationships as in business. The Queen of Wands expects to receive gift for gift, love for love - almost a market relationship. However, giving his love, he does it sincerely. If the prediction is for a man, the Queen of Wands tarot card may represent his wife or the woman he should marry (especially if he is striving for financial success and needs a person to take on some of the burden). If the prediction is for a woman, the Queen of Wands personifies an old friend and confidante. If this card indicates a situation, then now is the right time to start a new venture, especially one related to finances. You can count on help and advice, people will assist you, and this assistance will be valuable. The Queen of Wands tarot card also indicates that you have the qualities necessary to succeed in your field. Sources:

  1. N. Drury “Tarot. Step by Step Study Guide »
  2. E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Introductory information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

The Queen of Wands is the representative of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. In various sources, this card is also called the Lady of Staves, the Lady of Sceptres, or the Queen of Staves. We will tell you about the meaning of the lasso of the Queen of Wands in the Tarot in this material.

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Overview of the characteristics of the card Queen of Wands

The lasso depicts a luxurious and majestic woman who has an enviable royal posture and sits on a beautiful royal throne. The throne is very durable, which embodies the stability of the high position of its mistress.

The queen symbolizes self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Her posture is quite imposing, she is not worried about anything, there is no tension. With her hands she holds a rod, which acts as a symbol of power. A beautiful black cat sits next to the Lady (some Tarot decks depict a panther tamed by the Queen of Wands instead of a cat).

The crown on the head of the Lady, the wands and the throne - all this indicates the high position that the queen occupies in society, her authority among others.

If we consider the Tarot deck of the Age of Aquarius, then in it the Lady of the Staves is depicted on a fiery background, which indicates the increased passion of her nature.

From the position of astrology, the Queen corresponds to the planet Moon, which is in the sign of the Zodiac Leo - they indicate the hot temperament of a woman who seeks to make her life as full and rich as possible, they also speak of self-confidence and pride.

In a straight position

The Queen of Wands of the Tarot, falling out in a straight position, predicts the beginning of those events indicated by other cards. Describes a peace-loving, friendly, attractive member of the fair sex, who is distinguished by practicality, a high degree of self-control, although she can be a little cold and quick-tempered, but very quickly departs. The Queen demands love and respect from those around her.

  1. In terms of appearance: the card will indicate a red-haired or dark-haired blonde who has dark eyes. She has personal magnetism, has a developed will, is confident in her abilities, prone to creative impulses (often plays in life). It is distinguished by increased emotionality, inconsistency, high intuitive abilities, it is difficult for others to predict its actions.
  2. Refers to the upper class of society, is a secular lady. Motivated to achieve career heights, has a pronounced gift of persuasion. Provides assistance to those who need it. The Queen is interested in self-improvement, self-knowledge and self-realization.
  3. In the sphere of events: the card says that you need to take decisive action now, show your strong-willed qualities, be sure to help others, drag them along with you.
  4. Field of activity: indicates a business woman who is actively involved in society. She can realize herself in politics, in sports, on stage, in show business, in advertising and commercial activities. Often runs his own business or helps a high-ranking husband. She is an excellent hostess.
  5. In the field of health, the lasso speaks of good natural data, a high supply of vital energy. The only drawback is that the person is not hardy enough.
  6. In his personal life, he will talk about a stormy and long romance, the emergence of very dramatic situations. Relations develop according to a beautiful scenario, but very often the Lady of the Staffs has a competitor.
  7. The card advises you to act quickly, to show self-confidence, to be an optimist.
  8. Warns that your actions are not too unpredictable for others.
  9. The final answer to your question is yes, it is important to be as flexible as possible.

In an inverted position

Queen of Wands Tarot meaning in the reverse position will change. In this case, the lasso will indicate the impossibility of fulfilling the desired. It can also indicate a person who discredits you or an eccentric, eccentric person.

  1. Arkan describes a petty sorceress, a sexual seductress who suffers from fits of jealousy, is distinguished by self-centeredness, vanity, cruelty and stubbornness. Tries to make others dependent on his person. mannered, prim, her intimate life inharmonious. The weaknesses of such a woman can be directed against her.
  2. In the sphere of events, it speaks of a misunderstanding of the situation, confusion, a person is not active enough.
  3. In business, a person chooses the wrong direction, engages in tyranny.
  4. Indicates a deterioration in health.
  5. In the personal sphere: he does not know how to build relationships with the opposite sex because of his increased ambition.
  6. Arkan recommends controlling the situation, being aware of ongoing events.
  7. Warns you not to fight the current.
  8. The final answer to your question is no.

General Meaning of the Queen of Wands

The Lady of Staffs is the personification of the feminine aspect of the fire element. This is a symbol of trust in oneself, the world around, as well as an indicator of a sharp mind and openness to everything new.

Such a person is very self-sufficient, but she is easy-going. It has great inner strength, but reacts strongly to criticism and offensive remarks.

The queen is the personification of the joy of life, the desire for great happiness, which often, however, leads to carnal pleasures and escape into an illusory world.

In work

The lady strives to always be independent and independent. She is open to new contacts, has a positive attitude towards solving complex tasks, indicates further maturation and development, which help to move to a higher level of consciousness.

In the realm of consciousness

A person is overwhelmed with energy, which carries positive emotions, motivates him to exciting adventures. He no longer torments himself with thoughts like: “Is it necessary or not?”, “Will it work or not?” and makes all the decisions in his life only on his own.

Meaning of the Queen of Wands in Relationships

Now spiritual qualities are actively developing and new peaks are being conquered, often very interesting ones. You now readily accept everything new, freely exchange your thoughts and feelings, establish new fruitful relationships (it is also possible to revive old relationships).

Queen of Wands combination with other cards

  • With the lasso "Jester" - a person suffers from mood swings.
  • With the lasso "Magician" - actions for their own benefit.
  • With the lasso "High Priestess" - the combination indicates a professional in his field.
  • With the lasso "Empress" - a successful person.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - success in career and family.
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - the combination speaks of sincerity.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - a person is betrayed in his feelings.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - the desire for independence and control of other people.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - intolerance.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - no one shares your enthusiasm.
  • With the lasso "Wheel of Fortune" - the challenge of fate is accepted.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - the desire for justice.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - your sacrifice will be meaningless.
  • With the lasso "Death" - the loss of the meaning of life.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - you will return to your usual state.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - a cruel lie.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - the loss of life values, one's personality.
  • With the lasso "Star" - a person is very confident in himself.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - you have a competitor.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - the pleasure of creativity.
  • With the lasso "Court" - the combination will tell about the creative upsurge.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - others will look up to you.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - a time of creative inspiration, successful self-expression.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - your plans change, you think creatively.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - a new business will begin on an optimistic note.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - a successful business.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - unplanned action.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - you can move forward.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - the combination speaks of boundless faith in one's abilities.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - the approval of creative ideas, their active implementation.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - something is holding you back.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - new projects do not make sense.
  • With the lasso "Page of Wands" - you will be amazed by some news.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - the combination speaks of haste, professional burnout.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - deliberate projects, concerted actions.

The main meaning that the Queen of Wands carries is try to act quickly, always believe in your own strength, remain optimistic, and also pay enough attention to ongoing events and not resist the flow of life.

Brief description of the map

As you know, for some time Pamela Smith lived in Kingston, Jamaica. And there is a serious suspicion that at the same time in the same Jamaica lived a Chukchi shaman who taught Pamela the sacred shamanic principle: “What I see, I sing.” At least, many cards were made that way. Drawing the Lady of Staffs, Pamela painted, first of all, what was before her eyes.

The models for this card were Edie Craig and her cat Snuffles. Pamela could also see the chair and the sunflowers at Smallheath Place. The armchair, by the way, has survived to this day, and its photograph is given in the book by Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin “Secrets of Tarot Waite-Smith”.

But with sunflowers there was a little misfortune. The fact is that the costumes of the court cards and other characters of the Waite-Smith deck correspond to the period of the Hundred Years War, perhaps a little earlier. This is the 14th century. And the sunflower appeared in England only in the 16th century.

Here is what Wikipedia says about it:

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“The first achenes of the plant were brought to Europe by the Spaniards, returning from an expedition to New Mexico, and sown in 1510 in the Madrid botanical garden, and the first description of the sunflower was given by L’Obel in 1576 under the name “flower of the sun”.

Initially, the plant began to be grown in gardens as an ornamental, sometimes used in medicine, and later as a garden (seed) plant. It is believed that from Spain, the annual sunflower penetrated into Italy and France, and by the end of the 16th century it was grown in Belgium, England, Holland, Switzerland and Germany.

In the middle of the 17th century in England, it was fashionable to boil and bake young sunflower baskets on coals, and then eat them with oil and vinegar, like artichokes.”
Waite, describing the card in his book, found it necessary to mention that "the wands in the drawings of all cards of this suit have leaves, since this is the suit of life and rebirth."


  • Conflict
  • Morality
  • bigotry
  • caregiver
  • Honour
  • Stubbornness

Key Ideas of the Map

  • Internal stress
  • executive worker
  • Marriage of convenience
  • "Vanity Fair"

Basic meaning

When you study the history and evolution of Tarot cards, including their meanings, the texts about ancient wisdom, secret knowledge and other messages of Atlantes look a little ridiculous. At the time of the creation of the Waite deck, the meanings of the court cards were the most undeveloped. In fact, Waite, following Mathers, rewrites Ettail. In the table I'm quoting (taken from the work of James Rivak), red indicates what Mathers and Waite copied from Ettail. And in green - what Waite already copied from Mathers.

Etteila connected the suit of staves with the villagers and agriculture. From here, dark-haired village women, fertile and friendly, appear in its meanings. In general, Waite does not deviate from this concept at all. In general, in his opinion, the meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot card is an improved and corrected edition of the King of Staves.

He writes: "In the emotional and other areas, the personality of the Queen corresponds to the personality of the King, but has a greater attraction."
The inverted meaning of the Tarot card Queen of Wands according to Waite is no different from the direct one; the same positive, economical, helpful and pleasant lady in communication.

The modern meaning of the Lady of the Staves is much richer than that suggested by Waite. And this is not surprising, because more than a hundred years have passed since the publication of his book. Outwardly, the Lady of the Staves remained a zealous and economical housewife, a serious and responsible worker. But its inner meaning was enriched by a hidden conflict, psychological tension and other not very pleasant meanings.

Crowley, by the way, views the Lady of the Staves as quite passionate. woman. This logic is not very clear to me, since the water of fire, in my opinion, is not the most harmonious combination of the elements.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Lady of Staves

The meaning of the card in relationships

Consider the Queen of Wands tarot card in relationships.

Open - closed card

The Queen of Staves is a hole card. However, she has a very sharp nose, which she likes to stick into other people's business and keyholes.

Relationship Intensity

With all its appearance, the Queen of Staves Tarot in its meaning in every possible way emphasizes the minimum intensity of the relationship. "A woman in bed does not move and is silent." However, the internal tension may strongly differ from the declared external one.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

As a script for relationships and love, the meaning of the Tarot of the Queen of Wands directly indicates conflict. And although the conflict can be very different, including constructive, usually this card indicates its worst option - destructive, emotionally unpleasant, aimed not at finding a compromise, but at proving the guilt of the other.

In love relationships, this card can indicate both a local conflict (darlings scold, they only amuse themselves), and a serious critical contradiction that can destroy any, the most wonderful relationship.

Also, the card may indicate the negative influence of external factors: grandmothers, aunts, toxic girlfriends and other “relationship specialists”.

Some families cannot imagine life without conflict. They swear with pleasure, recalling to each other grievances from the time of the Battle of Kulikovo, or even from the Mesozoic in general. With pleasure they tell their friends and in general everyone who is ready to listen to them, with what a scoundrel and scoundrel they have to live. “In the neighboring village, there are such broad-tongued women, they attacked me with the whole village, I barely recoiled.”

And the theme of the conflict between son-in-law and mother-in-law is generally a byword.

I personally perceive conflicts between relatives rather as the norm of relations than as something out of the ordinary. But this happens due to my professional deformation.

In the meaning of working relationships, the Lady of Wands can indicate a fear of making a mistake, a lack of positive feedback between colleagues or a boss-subordinates. The card may indicate fear, for example, the fear of being fired, which is especially true for those working in budgetary organizations.

Combined with the Major Arcana

Lady of the Staves combined with the Major Arcana

  • Queen of Wands combined with the Empress Tarot card: A serious business partner, but not a leader.
  • Queen of Wands combined with the Tarot card Lovers: This relationship can cause conflict.
  • The Queen of Wands combined with the Devil Tarot card: Unfulfilled desires create inner tension.
  • The Queen of Wands combined with the Tarot card Death: Sudden and not very pleasant changes.

Psychological condition

In some way, the Queen of Staves card is the antipode of the state of happiness. Usually, the card indicates discontent, internal tension, the desire to see the mote in someone else's eye and taste the taste of tar in a barrel of honey. Searching and especially finding other people's shortcomings allows the Lady of the Staffs to feel higher and more worthy of those whom she condemns.

Combined with the suit of Wands

Dame of Staves combined with the suit of Staves

  • in combination with the Ace of Wands card: The transition from creative energies to routine work.
  • combined with the card of 10 of Wands: Prolonged, protracted, difficult conflict.
  • in combination with the King of Wands card: Difficult and unpleasant relationships within the team.

Significance in matters of health

One of the negative manifestations of the Lady of the Staffs is an attempt to keep everything inside herself, including diseases. In an effort to look good in the eyes of other people, the Lady of the Staves thereby provokes a huge number of her own psychosomatic problems, including constipation.

The lady of the staffs is not so much striving to solve problems, including those with health, but to cover up and disguise them. It is obvious to her that the more bitter the medicine, the more useful it is. On the one hand, she does not want anyone to know about her real, true problems, on the other hand, those around her should not doubt that it is hard for her and even harder than everyone else. This contradiction is insoluble and further reinforces the internal conflict of the Lady of the Staffs.

Combined with the suit of Cups

Queen of Staves combined with the suit of Cups

  • combined with the 5 of Cups card: A serious problem in a relationship. Resentment and disappointment.
  • combined with the 8 of Cups card: Relationships have run their course.
  • in combination with the Page of Cups card: The way out of the internal conflict is a new love.

Business and finance, in professional activity

Stability, manageability, controllability

On the one hand, the Lady of the Staves is a very economical woman, and on the other hand, it is important for her that everything is no worse than that of people. In an effort to comply with certain external norms, which often turn out to be important only for herself, she can spend the entire budget not on production, but on maintaining a false status.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

By definition, a lady of staffs is a responsible worker, and does not give others a descent. Very methodical, meticulous, meticulous. You need to either analyze your activities yourself, or entrust the matter to such employees.

General state of finances and trends

Sometimes the lady of the staffs can talk about some deterioration in the financial situation. But usually this situation is not critical and rarely comes to a catastrophe.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The Lady of Staves can be spent on false status items. If the bank does not give a loan, then the problem is not in the documents, but in the fact that the fur coat (bought specifically to splurge) was not convincing enough.

There is a danger of strangling the matter with petty guardianship, an attempt to control everything.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Dame of Staves combined with the suit of Swords

  • combined with the 3 of Swords card: A difficult conflict that can break your heart.
  • combined with the 10 of Swords card: This story will end very badly.
  • in combination with the King of Swords card: Hopeless relationship, unresolved conflict.

It is necessary to do not what you like, but what you need.

Card of the day Caution

Petty guardianship can stifle any business.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Queen of Staves combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • combined with the card of 2 Pentacles: What seems important to you is actually funny.
  • combined with the card of 8 Pentacles: Favorite work requires careful execution.
  • in combination with the card of 10 Pentacles: You should not take dirty linen out of the hut.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • What causes you inner tension?
  • What do you feel is your moral duty?
  • What makes you hypocritical?
  • What unpleasant things are you trying to dodge?


Description of the Tarot card QUEEN OF WANDS

The Queen of Wands tarot card is a woman seated on a throne. She holds a staff in one hand and a flower in the other; a black cat is depicted near the Lady's feet. The queen is distinguished by her love of luxury, she enjoys her wealth and social position, but at the same time remains reasonable and wise.

The general meaning and interpretation of the QUEEN OF WANDS tarot card in divination and layouts

Direct Position of the QUEEN OF WANDS

The card of the Queen of Wands in the upright position can be interpreted as strategic plans, intense dynamics, a clear and steady improvement in the situation. The lasso symbolizes the need for decisive and quick action, as well as the possibility and need for support from the person whom the card characterizes. Sometimes the Lady of Staves symbolizes the joy of life and the thirst for happiness to such an extent that it can result in a pure thirst for pleasure, an escape into the world of illusions and the most wasteful waste of mental strength.


Here Arkan means excessive independence, impulsiveness, underestimation of difficulties and lack of experience.

The meaning and interpretation of the QUEEN OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The Queen of Wands in the upright position is the desire for independence and independence. Here the Lady of Scepters shows that you are currently open to any contacts, unbiased and ready to take on new big tasks, the strength to solve which is now quite enough. In addition, the Queen of Staves is an excellent prospect for starting your own business, working for yourself.

Reversed card position

The card of the Lady of Staffs in an inverted position speaks of an unsuccessfully chosen direction of activity, of a complex character that represents a person in the eyes of those around him as a petty tyrant and an egoist. Sometimes Arkan is interpreted as irrepressible greed and greed.

The meaning and interpretation of the QUEEN OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Good health, high vitality.

Reversed card position

Disease development. There can be both a sudden onset of the disease and an unexpected recovery.

The meaning and interpretation of the QUEEN OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Queen of Wands in a direct position is openness to everything new, readiness for dialogue, for a free exchange of thoughts and feelings, which can mean both making new, lively and fruitful contacts, as well as a noticeable revival of the former union. Sometimes the card says that one of the partners is in a position of power in the relationship. But this power is secret, non-suppressive, passively dominant through acting and intrigue.

Reversed card position

The card of the Queen of Wands in an inverted position is jealousy, vanity, self-centeredness, cruelty, and sometimes insincerity and deceit. The lasso can be interpreted as a desire to put a loved one in a dependent position, to dominate him. Sometimes, however, the inverted Queen of Staves only reports excessive frugality and a certain amount of indifference to the desires and needs of other people.

The meaning and interpretation of the QUEEN OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

Arkan describes a noble, friendly and educated woman who has taken place in life. At the same time, she is economical and prudent, knows how to handle money both for her own benefit and for the benefit of her family. To a fortuneteller, she can provide any feasible help - both moral and material.

Reversed card position

The Queen of Wands reversed tarot card is a limited, domineering and cruel person. She has a high opinion of herself, is not inclined to help others and in general to do good to anyone. In fact, she is even capable of treachery. If suddenly this woman turned out to be your enemy, then she must be feared, since her actions are not based on emotions, but on cold calculation. She can be especially dangerous if her business, position or family is threatened.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the QUEEN OF WANDS as a card of the day

Today you are confident in your abilities, you know exactly what you want, and you are ready, if necessary, to take on the most difficult part of the work. So you are ready to take the plunge. In this way, you can captivate others who need your optimism, support, and wise guidance. It is possible, however, that today you will meet a temperamental, strong-willed woman who will play an important role in your situation.

QUEEN OF WANDS card advice in divination and layouts

You are strong, extraordinary, talented. But, at the same time, decisiveness and independence are also recommended to you - then you can count on success. If all of the above is not for you, then take care of an experienced assistant and adviser who would guide you in the right direction.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Wands

Online tarot divination

Direct position

Arkan is presented in the form of an experienced, mature and practical woman who took place in life. Often it is also called a magnetic personality, strong-willed and impressive. The one who gets this Arcana is a self-confident, active, enterprising, independent, open and charismatic person. He makes decisions quickly and decisively, but he still needs outside support. He is highly professional, therefore he is able to overcome obstacles, challenging fate.

Thanks to his pride and ambition, his claims to leadership are very relevant. He is independent and independent, successful and ambitious.

The Queen of Wands card is self-sufficient. Here her attractiveness, openness and goodwill are described, which means that a person can count on her support in his endeavors, he may have allies and inspirers. But another meaning of the card says that a bright opponent will appear in front of you, who will find it difficult to prove his advantages.

Reversed position

The reversed Queen of Wands is expressed in the impulsive and overly independent nature of a person. Often he simply lacks experience, he underestimates the complexity of the problems he faces. Under the influence of Arkan, he becomes cruel and domineering, he tends to show arrogance towards people. In addition, he does not want to help others, refuses to share his experience, does not want to do good to people.

Such a person is capable of even a treacherous act. And such an enemy should be feared, because his actions are not based on emotions (the Queen of Wands is a quick-witted and unforgiving person), but on logical thinking.

A person with this card is jealous, selfish and arrogant, in his behavior one can see: anger, revenge, and despair. And if the direct position of the card testified to friendliness, then in an inverted position - there are quarrels with friends. In turn, she has disagreements in the family and failures in business.

Queen of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Direct position

The card is interpreted on the positive side. We can talk about the objective attitude of partners between whom there is equality and cordiality. A person under the influence of the Arcana, as it were, obeys a loved one, shows gentleness towards him.

He freely exchanges emotions and shares his impressions. There is a noticeable revival in the relationship. Even mutual indifference and almost destroyed relationships can revive when this card is laid out for love.

In general, a stormy, active and long-term relationship can be expected in the family. And they will line up in a beautiful and spectacular way. But in the long term, not only the harmony of relations and an optimistic attitude, the card speaks of the stability of a marriage in which great happiness is expected.
Reversed position

In relationships, jealousy, selfishness, vanity are observed. A person shows cruelty towards a partner. It costs him nothing to make a loved one dependent on himself and dominate him. He can show his stubbornness, mannerisms, moralism, be indifferent to the needs of other people.

The card falls to that person who is inclined to be an insincere and deceitful person, greedy and greedy. In a relationship, he is able to be unfaithful, therefore, he considers his jealousy to be quite justified.

Queen of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

In a situation, Arkan implies such concepts as a strategy of plans and intense dynamics. A person just needs to quickly solve any business. A promising future and professional self-realization await him, but only if he adequately fulfills his obligations, and until the last he is confident in his abilities.

He should not be afraid of responsibility in the activities in which he is well versed. He can easily open his own business, and no longer work "for his uncle", but "for himself." He will have a lot of interesting and profitable ideas that are successfully implemented. It is possible that a person will be able to express himself in creative activity.

Reversed position

The lasso testifies to failures in various situations, both in domestic and professional situations. Under the influence of the Queen of Wands, a person becomes a very complex character, in the eyes of others he looks like a tyrant who behaves like a stubborn "ram". It is because of the human factor that there are big problems and instability in business.

Any activity with this card can be perceived as useless and unpromising. There is no development and no chance to realize at least part of their plans. Instability manifests itself in everything, it doesn’t even make sense to chase after money, all efforts and aspirations regarding a career will be fruitless.

Queen of Wands: Card Meaning of the Day

A day for decisive action, when a person will feel confident and strong energy. Any, even the most difficult work will be on the shoulder. He is ready to take decisive steps, shows courageous qualities and an optimistic attitude to business. And the people around you will notice this, they will follow you, because many in life lack human support, optimism and wise advice.

The Queen of Wands card will give a person a fateful meeting with a temperamental nature that will play an important role in his life.

There is no doubt that a person knows perfectly well what he wants from life and from this situation in principle. Thanks to his talent, courage, strength, independence and originality, you can count on great success.

And even if it seems to a person that he cannot cope with some things, you can use the help of intelligent advisers. They will not only lend a helping hand, but also point you in the right direction. And such people are bound to exist. Perhaps they themselves will want to help you, even if you do not ask them about it.

Queen of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles

personality prone to mood swings

Ace of Wands

creative inspiration; potential opportunity to express yourself

Ace of Cups

the birth of love or motherhood

Ace of swords


Ace of Pentacles

financial support

a person who acts solely in his own interests

King of Wands

mature project; consistency and understanding

King of Cups

King of swords

opposition from a powerful man

King of Pentacles

couple: confident woman and business man

person with professional knowledge

Queen of Wands

Queen of Cups

confidence and understanding

queen of swords

face the hypocrisy

Queen of Pentacles

confident and business woman


successful person

Knight of Wands

haste; risk of burnout as a specialist

Knight of Cups

proposal from a fan

Knight of Swords

open opposition

Knight of Pentacles

Consistently move towards your career goals


successful career and family life

Page of Wands

exciting news

Page of Cups

pregnancy; hatching plans

Page of swords

meet a disgruntled person

Page of Pentacles



Two of Wands

creative thinking; adjustment of plans

Two of Cups


Two of Swords

inability to assess the consequences

Two of Pentacles

worries about finances


devotion to feelings

Three of Wands

optimistic start of the project

Three of Cups


Three of Swords

Three of Pentacles

using your talents


take control of your life; desire for independence

Four of Swords

Four of Pentacles

lady with a strong grip


Five of Wands

uncoordinated cooperation

Five of Cups

unrealized project

Five of Swords


Five of Pentacles

demoralized lady


enthusiasm that no one supports

Six of Wands

successful promotion

Six of Cups

former lover; happy coincidence

The Queen of Wands refers to minor arcana in tarot cards. Her other names are the Lady of Staves, the Sibyl, or the Lady of Sceptres. This is the imperious queen and ruler of passion, wise and all-understanding. This card is never randomly drawn in a spread. Not a single Queen of the deck has shown so much charisma, energy, individualism and self-realization. She is always on her own, but at any time she is open to new emotions and enterprises.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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    General value

    In the classic Rider White deck, the card is a majestically enthroned woman. She is confident and holds her head proudly. A solid and massive throne indicates the respectable position of the lady. In one hand, the queen holds a wand, meaning a symbol of power. In the other, a sunflower represents the sun and positive energy. A black cat sits at the woman's feet, symbolizing independence and magical power.

    In the astrological meaning, the card is represented by the Moon and the zodiac sign Leo, talking about a strong temperament, pride and waywardness.

    Queen of Wands

    The Queen of Wands always indicates a strong and self-sufficient person who knows what she wants and arranges her life the way she needs. The appearance of this card in the layout speaks of leadership and ambition. She is a harbinger of career growth, financial well-being and fame.

    In the classical sense, this is a spectacular woman with a passionate nature who loves to rule. This lady is freedom-loving and courageous, not allowing anyone to manipulate her. Throwing is unfamiliar to her, she clearly sets a goal and goes ahead of her.

    Main characteristics:

    • love of life;
    • ambition;
    • authority;
    • independence of thought;
    • success in business;
    • sexuality;
    • versatility;

    In the mythological sense, the lasso represents Aphrodite, corresponding to the symbolism of Fire and Water. Her spiritual goal is to unite these elements and change the world.


    First of all, the card indicates the personality of a woman who has achieved a lot in life. She is tolerant of her enemies and kind to her friends. Endowed with natural magnetism. She has a lot of experience and is very practical. This is a business lady, often lonely. If she is married, she is a devoted wife and caring mother. She may be young, but she must be psychologically mature. Outwardly, this is a dark blonde or red-haired person with brown eyes.

    If fortune-telling is carried out for a man, then this is his wife or girl, whom one should marry. If the alignment is done for a woman, then this is a faithful friend or reliable companion.

    Upright The lasso is interpreted as the need for decisive action in order to continue what has been started. The card makes it clear that the right direction has been chosen, but you need to be prepared for unforeseen turns when an immediate decision and lightning-fast reaction is required. The Queen of Wands is a sign of growth and development, she is strong in itself and does not depend much on the major arcana nearby.

    upside down

    The reversed Queen of Wands is arrogant and selfish. This woman is able to resist anyone. You need to be careful with her: she is a skilled intriguer and a strong rival. The wishful thinking lady is unbearable and does not understand what she needs.

    The card indicates that the expected help from an influential woman will not be provided - this person does not feel the need to assist anyone.

    If in the upright position the lasso symbolizes a faithful girlfriend, then in the inverted position these are quarrels and problems associated with friendship. She can be a strong and treacherous enemy or an unfaithful wife.

    The card suggests that what was planned is far from reality, the forces were overestimated and the plan is unlikely to come true. Interpreted as an unreliable person, discrediting the questioner.

    Breakdown of love and relationships

    The Queen of Wands is able to build a vibrant and productive relationship, unlike communication with other women. If desired, she can conquer any man and knows this well. But above all, she is interested in men the same as herself - energetic and passionate.

    She is one of the few women who has sex for the sake of sex. She does not try to mask this desire with love or calculation, as happens with others.

    She is able to motivate her man to exploits and career growth. This lady does not need a companion who will remain at her feet with loving eyes. This woman is an inspiration and socialite.

    If interpreted situationally, then this lasso means the revival of old feelings or a new acquaintance, the union of two equal personalities.

    Inverted, the card indicates jealousy and selfishness in a couple, as well as distrust and betrayal.

    Health breakdown

    In the layout of health, the card has little value. Always interpreted as a person endowed with high vitality and strong immunity. Constantly experiencing the fullness of strength and is in good shape.

    In an inverted form, it may indicate the course of inflammatory processes with a high temperature. Sometimes means susceptibility to mental illness, in particular, manic-depressive psychosis.

    Job and finance breakdown

    The card is favorable in material terms. She points not so much to money as to the opportunity to earn it. It characterizes an assertive and resourceful person, ready for any new tasks. He can live equally comfortably both in luxury and modestly.

    The lasso that fell out in the layout is a sign indicating the right time for career growth and obtaining a high position. He promises great prospects in his own business.

    In an inverted position, the lasso indicates an incorrectly chosen profession or an unsuccessful direction of forces, unpromising undertakings. And the reason for this is the ambition of the questioner.

    Combination with major arcana cards

    The Queen of Wands, despite its relation to the minor arcana, is a significant and independent card. Her interaction with the Major Arcana is as follows:

    Major arcana card Meaning with the Queen of Wands
    JesterA person's susceptibility to frequent mood swings
    MageA person who takes into account only his own interests
    High PriestessWoman with professional knowledge
    empressSuccessful person in all areas
    loversLoyalty and fidelity in feelings
    ChariotDesire for independence and control
    ForceIntolerance, harshness
    HermitUnstoppable Enthusiasm
    Wheel of FortuneWorthy acceptance of the challenge of fate
    JusticeA person with a heightened sense of justice
    HangedWasted and unappreciated sacrifices
    DeathFinding the meaning of life
    ModerationThe need to recover, temper the ardor
    DevilBe deceived in hopes
    TowerLoss of self and meaning of life
    StarBelieve in yourself
    The sunSuccess in creativity
    CourtRise of strength
    WorldA person who is an example for others

    If the major arcana prevail in divination, then all the situations that have fallen out will be of great importance. If there are few of them, then the events will be insignificant and quickly passing.

    Combination with minor arcana

    Minor arcana are necessary to clarify the characteristics of a particular person, relationship or development of events. They complement the major arcana.

    Their neighborhood with the Queen of Wands can be quite varied.


    The meaning of the Queen of Wands next to the cards of their suit is interpreted by tarologists as follows:

    Arcana swords are shrouded in superstition. Their neighborhood always means open war, struggle, activity. These are male cards. They are difficult and dangerous.


    Next in order of precedence. They are responsible for feelings.

    When next to the Queen of Wands, the cups mean the following:

    Cups also characterize maternal love, fraternal feelings, friendship, creativity and carnal pleasures. In a regular deck, they correspond to hearts.


    This is the third suit in seniority. The symbol of the lasso is a coin representing the star of Solomon. The Queen of Wands dropped next to them has the following meaning:

    Pentacles (coins) next to the Queen of Wands Interpretation
    AceFinancial help
    deuceFuss and worry about money
    TroikaRational use of your talents
    Fourgrasping person
    Fiveimmoral lady
    SixNew perspectives in business
    SevenWaiting for the result in the case
    EightHard-working, enterprising lady
    NineFinancial security, confidence in the future
    Tenfamily member
    KnightGradual movement towards the goal
    QueenConfident woman
    KingPair of confident woman with business man

    In the layout, the cards are responsible for the logic. Their sphere includes money, profit, career. They are also responsible for health and family values. In idle playing deck Pentacles correspond to diamonds.


    This is the last suit in seniority. Wands are depicted as cut branches. The Queen of Wands in relation to the arcana of her suit is interpreted as follows:

    Cards are responsible for energy, initiative and passion. Describe the material side of life. But if pentacles are money, then wands are ways to achieve them.

    In a regular deck, they correspond to crosses.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

As you know, for some time Pamela Smith lived in Kingston, Jamaica. And there is a serious suspicion that at the same time in the same Jamaica lived a Chukchi shaman who taught Pamela the sacred shamanic principle: “What I see, I sing.” At least, many cards were made that way. Drawing the Lady of Staffs, Pamela painted, first of all, what was before her eyes.

The models for this card were Edie Craig and her cat Snuffles. Pamela could also see the chair and the sunflowers at Smallheath Place. The armchair, by the way, has survived to this day, and its photograph is given in the book by Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin “Secrets of Tarot Waite-Smith”.

But with sunflowers there was a little misfortune. The fact is that the costumes of the court cards and other characters of the Waite-Smith deck correspond to the period of the Hundred Years War, perhaps a little earlier. This is the 14th century. And the sunflower appeared in England only in the 16th century.

Here is what Wikipedia says about it:

“The first achenes of the plant were brought to Europe by the Spaniards, returning from an expedition to New Mexico, and sown in 1510 in the Madrid botanical garden, and the first description of the sunflower was given by L’Obel in 1576 under the name “flower of the sun”.

Initially, the plant began to be grown in gardens as an ornamental, sometimes used in medicine, and later as a garden (seed) plant. It is believed that from Spain, the annual sunflower penetrated into Italy and France, and by the end of the 16th century it was grown in Belgium, England, Holland, Switzerland and Germany.

In the middle of the 17th century in England, it was fashionable to boil and bake young sunflower baskets on coals, and then eat them with oil and vinegar, like artichokes.”
Waite, describing the card in his book, found it necessary to mention that "the wands in the drawings of all cards of this suit have leaves, since this is the suit of life and rebirth."


  • Conflict
  • Morality
  • bigotry
  • caregiver
  • Honour
  • Stubbornness

Key Ideas of the Map

  • Internal stress
  • executive worker
  • Marriage of convenience
  • "Vanity Fair"

Basic meaning

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When you study the history and evolution of Tarot cards, including their meanings, the texts about ancient wisdom, secret knowledge and other messages of Atlantes look a little ridiculous. At the time of the creation of the Waite deck, the meanings of the court cards were the most undeveloped. In fact, Waite, following Mathers, rewrites Ettail. In the table I'm quoting (taken from the work of James Rivak), red indicates what Mathers and Waite copied from Ettail. And in green - what Waite already copied from Mathers.

Etteila associated the suit of staffs with villagers and agriculture. From here, dark-haired village women, fertile and friendly, appear in its meanings. In general, Waite does not deviate from this concept at all. In general, in his opinion, the meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot card is an improved and corrected edition of the King of Staves.

He writes: "In the emotional and other areas, the personality of the Queen corresponds to the personality of the King, but has a greater attraction."
The inverted meaning of the Tarot card Queen of Wands according to Waite is no different from the direct one; the same positive, economical, helpful and pleasant lady in communication.

The modern meaning of the Lady of the Staves is much richer than that suggested by Waite. And this is not surprising, because more than a hundred years have passed since the publication of his book. Outwardly, the Lady of the Staves remained a zealous and economical housewife, a serious and responsible worker. But its inner meaning was enriched by a hidden conflict, psychological tension and other not very pleasant meanings.

Crowley, by the way, views the Lady of the Staves as quite passionate. woman. This logic is not very clear to me, since the water of fire, in my opinion, is not the most harmonious combination of the elements.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Lady of Staves

The meaning of the card in relationships

Consider the Queen of Wands tarot card in relationships.

Open - closed card

The Queen of Staves is a hole card. However, she has a very sharp nose, which she likes to stick into other people's business and keyholes.

Relationship Intensity

With all its appearance, the Queen of Staves Tarot in its meaning in every possible way emphasizes the minimum intensity of the relationship. "A woman in bed does not move and is silent." However, the internal tension may strongly differ from the declared external one.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

As a script for relationships and love, the meaning of the Tarot of the Queen of Wands directly indicates conflict. And although the conflict can be very different, including constructive, usually this card indicates its worst option - destructive, emotionally unpleasant, aimed not at finding a compromise, but at proving the guilt of the other.

In love relationships, this card can indicate both a local conflict (darlings scold, they only amuse themselves), and a serious critical contradiction that can destroy any, the most wonderful relationship.

Also, the card may indicate the negative influence of external factors: grandmothers, aunts, toxic girlfriends and other “relationship specialists”.

Some families cannot imagine life without conflict. They swear with pleasure, recalling to each other grievances from the time of the Battle of Kulikovo, or even from the Mesozoic in general. With pleasure they tell their friends and in general everyone who is ready to listen to them, with what a scoundrel and scoundrel they have to live. “In the neighboring village, there are such broad-tongued women, they attacked me with the whole village, I barely recoiled.”

And the theme of the conflict between son-in-law and mother-in-law is generally a byword.

I personally perceive conflicts between relatives rather as the norm of relations than as something out of the ordinary. But this happens due to my professional deformation.

In the meaning of working relationships, the Lady of Wands can indicate a fear of making a mistake, a lack of positive feedback between colleagues or a boss-subordinates. The card may indicate fear, for example, the fear of being fired, which is especially true for those working in budgetary organizations.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • Queen of Wands combined with a Tarot card: A serious business partner, but not a leader.
  • Queen of Wands combined with a Tarot card: This relationship can cause conflict.
  • Queen of Wands combined with a Tarot card: Unfulfilled desires create inner tension.
  • Queen of Wands combined with a Tarot card: Sudden and not very pleasant changes.

Psychological condition

In some way, the Queen of Staves card is the antipode of the state of happiness. Usually, the card indicates discontent, internal tension, the desire to see the mote in someone else's eye and taste the taste of tar in a barrel of honey. Searching and especially finding other people's shortcomings allows the Lady of the Staffs to feel higher and more worthy of those whom she condemns.

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the card: The transition from creative energies to routine work.
  • in combination with the card: Long, protracted, heavy conflict.
  • in combination with the card: Difficult and unpleasant relationships within the team.

Significance in matters of health

One of the negative manifestations of the Lady of the Staffs is an attempt to keep everything inside herself, including diseases. In an effort to look good in the eyes of other people, the Lady of the Staves thereby provokes a huge number of her own psychosomatic problems, including constipation.

The lady of the staffs is not so much striving to solve problems, including those with health, but to cover up and disguise them. It is obvious to her that the more bitter the medicine, the more useful it is. On the one hand, she does not want anyone to know about her real, true problems, on the other hand, those around her should not doubt that it is hard for her and even harder than everyone else. This contradiction is insoluble and further reinforces the internal conflict of the Lady of the Staffs.

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with a card: A serious problem in a relationship. Resentment and disappointment.
  • in combination with the card: Relationships have exhausted themselves.
  • in combination with the card: The way out of the internal conflict is a new love.

Business and finance, in professional activity

Stability, manageability, controllability

On the one hand, the Lady of the Staves is a very economical woman, and on the other hand, it is important for her that everything is no worse than that of people. In an effort to comply with certain external norms, which often turn out to be important only for herself, she can spend the entire budget not on production, but on maintaining a false status.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

By definition, a lady of staffs is a responsible worker, and does not give others a descent. Very methodical, meticulous, meticulous. You need to either analyze your activities yourself, or entrust the matter to such employees.

General state of finances and trends

Sometimes the lady of the staffs can talk about some deterioration in the financial situation. But usually this situation is not critical and rarely comes to a catastrophe.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The Lady of Staves can be spent on false status items. If the bank does not give a loan, then the problem is not in the documents, but in the fact that the fur coat (bought specifically to splurge) was not convincing enough.

There is a danger of strangling the matter with petty guardianship, an attempt to control everything.

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • combined with the card: A difficult conflict that can break your heart.
  • combined with the card: This story will end very badly.
  • in combination with the card: Hopeless relationship, unresolved conflict.

It is necessary to do not what you like, but what you need.

Card of the day Caution

Petty guardianship can stifle any business.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

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