How to speak a new deck of cards? Conspiracy on playing cards and tarot cards Words on truthful divination on cards

Fortune telling on cards intrigues and fascinates, lures and attracts, like everything mysterious and unknown. Now many are fond of tarot divination - every third girl, and not only has at least one set of such cards, which she lays out at least once a week. There are people who, touching the deck, feel in their element - the process of divination is easy for them, but there are not so many of them. In order for the cards to most truthfully predict the outcome of a particular situation, again, you can resort to the magical actions of conspiracies and rituals, which will be discussed below.

Divination cards are an attribute of many people who are fond of magic and esotericism that have existed for a long time. With their help, you can find out the future, decide how to act in various life situations, predict the outcome of what was planned. If you decide to take up tarot divination or simple maps, to begin with, after acquiring a new deck, you need to perform the manipulations necessary to clean and charge it, and also so that it gives true information, after which the cards cannot be transferred to the wrong hands, otherwise they will stop telling the truth. In the process of divination, it is very important what state the fortuneteller is in - gaining peace of mind will help to get the most reliable answers to questions of interest.
There are many conspiracies for the best work of cards, however, it is not necessary to repeat everything word for word here - it is important how to say the spell. If there is great faith and firm conviction in one's actions, divination will undoubtedly bring the desired results. And in order for all this to happen, we will certainly resort to conspiracies.

A conspiracy to start divination

A conspiracy on cards, uttered with all the strength of your soul, will help you start the process of divination with maximum benefit for yourself or for the questioner. Open a new deck of cards, hit it with all your might with the fist of your left hand in order to expel someone else's energy from it, and, trying to connect with the cards into a single whole, say the words of the conspiracy: “The cards are truthful, the suits are playful, be fair, away false words, do not play around and do not lie, tell me the whole truth. I conjure you for the truth, I fill you with my power, you will tell everything you know and show me the whole truth. My word is strong - the key, the lock, amen!
After these words, you can begin fortune-telling, the process of which is a sacrament, the concentration of everything unknown, in which nothing should distract you. If you are guessing not to yourself, but to another person, warn him in advance so that he does not interrupt you during the process and sits silently, otherwise he will never know the truth.
There is also a ritual that teaches cards to work. You need to open a new deck and lay out all the cards in it in order, and during this process, sentence the conspiracy to the cards: “I (name) will leave the house at midnight, go to the north side, there will be a black field where the dead silushka lives, strength is strong and mighty. I will stand in front of her, bow to the ground, so that they could not refuse to help me - my dear ancestors, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, come to my aid - in the planned business to a good outcome. You fly freely over the earth, give me the ability with all my heart to learn what I want from the cards, to simply understand their meanings. I will turn to God with such a prayer - for assistance for your repose. My deed is firm, my word is strong. Let it be so! Amen!"
The ritual is performed at night, from Thursday to Friday. After reading the spell, the cards must be folded into a deck, which is placed under the pillow. At the time of rest, you will have a prophetic dream.
Everything, the deck is charged with the energy of the family, and is ready for fortune telling. If you have powerful energy and special sensitivity, then you will definitely feel the strong energy emanating from the cards.

So that the cards do not lie conspiracy

In order to find out the truth during fortune-telling, there is a magical rite that can be performed only once every 25 days. After carrying out such manipulations, the deck will answer the truth to only one question, so before starting fortune-telling, you need to carefully consider what you want to ask the cards.
To perform magical actions, you will need to prepare the following:

  • tarot deck;
  • two black candles;
  • dried rose petals (red, yellow, white);
  • dry leaves of calendula herb;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • metal bowl.

Put all the ingredients (petals, herbs, peppers) in an iron bowl, and at midnight on Friday, light candles, bring cards to them, visualizing what you want to know about. The question must be formulated in such a way that an unambiguous answer is received - “yes” or “no”. Now you can say a conspiracy on the cards: “It’s not for the sake of excitement that I buy cards, but for a good cause I give good luck, I pray with a hot Fire, burn all the hardships, if I sin. Let the deck of cards lie quietly, and sadness and longing will run away from me, let the cards lead me through life, with the difficulties of life they will not let me down. If I begin to guess, then I will only know the truth - they will tell about famously, about evil people, they will protect me from them, and children. Let it be so!"
We set fire to the contents of the metal bowl and let it burn. Let's rub our palms with ashes and lay out cards that will truthfully answer your question.

We speak cards on a full moon

On the night of Thursday to Friday, lay out a deck of cards on the window so that the rays of the light of the full moon illuminate it. And at sunrise, early in the morning, we will collect all the cards and shuffle, while saying: “I speak these cards, I find out the answer to my question - I find out what was, I know what will be, both about myself and about others. My business is solid. My word is strong. Let it be so. Amen!"
The spell is repeated three times. Cards should be treated with respect and reverence, not given into the hands of strangers, and not thrown anywhere.

How to quickly get cards to tell the truth

If, especially, there is no time to perform long actions, then you can try to quickly get the cards to tell the truth. With the help of a simple spell, it is possible to incline a deck of cards for a truthful answer to any question posed. Taking the cards in your left hand with the pictures down, you need to throw them so that they do not fall to the floor, while saying the following words: “I’m standing on the maple bridge, card to card, leaf to leaf, now I’ll start telling fortunes, and the cards will become me only speak the truth. Key. Lock. Language. Amen!"

Help for newbies

If you are new to tarot divination, then this ritual will help you establish a strong energy connection with the cards. In the eastern part of the room where fortune-telling is carried out, we will put a crystal container, light 7 white candles around and say three times: “I conjure the forces of the east, clear my cards! As crystal is clear and transparent, so the cards will be clear and will tell me the whole truth. Amen!" As the candles burn out, you can start fortune telling - the cards will truthfully answer all the questions posed.
Good luck in all your endeavors!

A strong conspiracy on cards is a mandatory effect on cards that is done before divination or after buying a new deck. The frequency of cleansing rites is determined by the connection of the owner with the magic deck. A properly performed purification ritual guarantees the clarity and relevance of the information received. Therefore, you should be very carefully prepared for the process of purification and work with cards.

Why conspiracies are read on cards

Novice sorcerers and fortune-tellers often ask themselves: “What is the point of performing a ritual if I got the cards from my grandmother / great-grandmother?”. Unfortunately, along with the accumulated positive energy of your relative, the cards can contain a lot of negativity and refuse to hear you. Therefore, the purification ritual is necessary for the purity of the information flow.

Video - fortune-telling for a future guy:

It is a mistake to assume that a new deck can present an actual and truthful result without a preliminary ritual. A fortuneteller can receive true stories without conspiracy, only if:

  • if the fortuneteller has strong energy, and the cards perceive him as the owner;
  • happy coincidence, luck.

Learning how to speak cards correctly

To obtain a worthwhile result, the preparation of cards takes place even before the fortune-telling process. These actions are effective only when using a standard playing deck. It is important to understand that 36 cards should only be used for divination, not for playing.

Before working with new cards, sit on them and exchange energy.

If you are a happy owner of hereditary cards, on which you have guessed many times and discovered other people's secrets, then you need to get rid of the accumulated energy. Otherwise, you will get an ambiguous and incorrect answer. One of the effective ways of cleansing is to put a virgin teenager on a covered deck. If a teenager is not around, do not rush to get upset, for emergencies there is another way. With a stack of cards, it is necessary to visually wrap the front door handle three times.

After the ceremony, you will immediately notice the changes, the cards will become easier to shuffle. If a card falls out during a shuffle, then you should take it seriously - this is an unkind sign. The situation occurs when the deck does not want to cooperate with the fortuneteller. Fortune telling should be stopped and postponed for another day.

The simplest slander

For beginners, there are a number of simple rituals that are guaranteed to provide correct answers to questions. questions asked. Recall that your first spell on the cards will be carried out after the purchase of a new deck.

The ritual should be scheduled for the Friday new moon, and on the appointed night, read the conspiracy:

“36 sisters, help me and serve forever. 36 cards and four queens, reveal the secrets: what to expect and who to fear. I call you and slander: my words for centuries have united with you from now on! Amen."

After the ceremony, calmly ask questions of interest.

Ancient subjugation of cards by conspiracies

If you have any difficulties in the layout and the answers are more and more difficult, it is worth re-executing the conspiracy. At the same time, your energy and faith should become much more powerful. This rite is done by fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers in everyday work; it does not require additional attributes.

The fortuneteller needs to warm both hands, take the cards and whisper the following text three times:

“36 sisters serve me forever and honestly. 36 cards and four ladies, show me the truth and open the way. My words are a stone, I call and order you. Amen."

Despite the similarity of the two texts, they still have different energy. In the first case, you make friends with the cards. In the second, with your energy you force them to obey.

Magic from Baba Nina

If the fortuneteller does not have time for the rite of purification, then he should use the magic formula. It will help you get a quick and accurate answer to your question from the deck. Your intentions during the spell must be serious. Without strong energy, spoken words will be empty, and you will lose time.

“I am standing on a wooden floor, 36 assistants are standing in a row. Now I will begin to lay out, instructing you to reveal the truth to me. Amen."

After this procedure, even someone else's deck will perceive you as the owner and start talking.

Conspiracy for accurate answers in divination

Most magical rituals have a good and a bad side. AT this case, the ritual is performed once every 30 days. The spell is suitable for both standard cards and the entire Tarot line. However, remember that playing cards can be asked closed questions. To perform the ritual, you should collect the following set:

  • a few leaves of calendula;
  • three buds of withered roses;
  • black peppercorns.

All this should be placed in a metal container without pouring water, put in a dark place for a day. Later, on Friday exactly at midnight, you should take out the vessel, by the light of candles, pronounce a conspiracy over it:

“I don’t buy a deck for excitement, I only ask for the truth in business. Fire, I beg you, burn all the sins if I stumble. Longing will go away and sadness will run away, let a stack of cards rest in peace. Difficult cases will not take you by surprise, 36 cards will tell you the whole truth. 36 sisters will be saved from enemies, the fortuneteller's hands will not recognize the severity of the shackles. Amen."

Card spells for beginners

Beginners should not turn to strong witchcraft without the support of an experienced magician. In most cases, such attempts either end with a zero result or have negative consequences. Therefore, a beginner should practice himself in weaker, but effective conspiracies. You can not only get the right answers, but also learn how to connect with the cards.

To carry out the ritual you will need:
  • Crystal vessel (vase or bowl);
  • Candles (regular) - 7 pieces.

Leave empty crystal in the eastern corner of the room where the session will be held, light seven ordinary candles around. You need to pronounce the conspiracy in complete silence and in a whisper:

“Eastern forces, I call on you! Come clear the deck! Let it be pure and transparent, like this crystal vessel! Amen.”

You will say these words exactly seven times. Three days after the ritual, you can safely begin work.

Remember that the playing deck answers only closed questions!

Speak Tarot for truth and accuracy

The process of initiating Tarot cards is much more complicated than with the rest. But even a beginner can do this, subject to a number of recommendations. For example, such a deck should be spoken on the night of Thursday to Friday. Such a time is considered sacred in the world of magic, as prophetic dreams visit this night.

Tarot divination, very interesting video:

The Tarot conspiracy takes place on a sacred night, while it is necessary to light three black candles and lay out the cards on the table. In this case, it is important that the fortuneteller be morally disposed to the exchange of energy. Since Tarot is a very powerful tool in the world of magic, you may feel a slight breakdown. After you have prepared the candles and yourself for the conspiracy, you should read the following lines:

“I will leave the house at midnight, I will turn to the north as a slave (name) and go out into the black field. A dead and mighty force loomed over the field. I bow to you and call for help. I promise to light a candle for the repose and remember. Amen"

Subject to a number of rules, the deck can help even a beginner. Don't be afraid to pick up cards and ask them questions. First of all, they were created precisely to simplify the interpretation of visions.

When conspiring, adhere to the following rules:
  • in order to give the cards a special energy - make them yourself;
  • no one except you, during the ceremony, should not touch the cards with your hands;
  • do not use the spell in a joking manner.
Video divination for the future:

To conduct a successful ritual, you must plunge into complete silence. You should feel comfortable indoors, so in case of unforeseen circumstances, try to abstract yourself and tune in to exchange energy with a stack of fortune-telling cards.

Never call names or get mad at cards. They can close and even a new deck won't give you clear answers. They must be treated with care and respect. Each damage dealt to the deck will affect the prediction.

Now it is difficult to find a girl who has never been fond of and was not interested in different types divination. Little by little, everyone was doing it. Usually in adolescence and young age, girls resort to fortune-telling, considering this ritual as a kind of entertainment. If a woman is already wise, then she takes divination more seriously and responsibly. Whatever one may say, this is a powerful magical rite.

With the help of various types of fortune-telling (on cards, including), you can find out your future, evaluate the present and look into the past. Many girls and women prefer to turn to experienced fortune-tellers, someone tries to guess on their own. With the help of divination cards, you can really find out your future, destiny. The main thing is to do everything right, to find out the features of this rite. What is unusual and strong conspiracy on cards for divination? Let's find out.

How to speak fortune-telling cards correctly, what is important to consider

It doesn’t matter which cards you choose for divination, but they must be spoken before the ritual. A Lenormand deck, Tarot cards, playing, gypsy, Indian, and any - they all need a kind of “charging” before “work”. First of all, you need to hold a deck of cards in your hands, “exchange” energy with them. It is always important to remember that the cards will only "tell the truth" if you set them up well.

Experienced fortune-tellers and sorcerers know about the energy of cards and never give their decks to strangers. If you just bought a deck, have not yet worked with it, then before the first layout of the card, you must definitely speak. Next, we will give the text of the rite, it will need to be read carefully. The words will be:

“Thirty-six sisters, Kumoviev and daughter-in-law, Brothers and associates. Do me a faithful service, an unchanging friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, Tell me the whole truth, What to expect, what to expect, What to fear, what business not to undertake. I call all of you, I call and pronounce: The word is strong and molded to the cards. Amen".

The deck needs to be stored in one place, it would be nice to get a special “bag” for it. Treat these magical things carefully and carefully, then they will “reciprocate”, and the layouts will be truthful.

The time most suitable for a conspiracy of cards, when is it better to do it

Of course, you need to speak the deck only on the full moon. Exactly full moon- the strongest, most powerful, full of energy flows. The day of the week is also important.

  1. You need to wait for the full moon on Friday, only then the charge of the deck of cards will be the most powerful.
  2. When you saw midnight on the clock, proceed to the ritual. You need to take a deck of cards in your hands, “warm” them with your warmth for a couple of minutes, and then bring them to your face.
  3. Next, you clearly and aloud read the text of the conspiracy. You can't read the paper! The text is important to learn by heart. Therefore, choose for yourself the conspiracy that suits you best and will be easier to remember.
  4. After you have read everything, you need to hold the deck in your hands for a couple of minutes, then shuffle.

And remember that from now on the cards belong only to you, they work exclusively for you. It is impossible to give a deck to strangers, but to no one at all!

Why do the cards "talk", is it necessary to do this before divination

They speak a deck just so that the cards always tell you the truth. What is the meaning of such a fortune-telling that will not come true?! You are just wasting your time. This activity is more suitable for teenagers. If you are serious, then conduct a ritual, and it is simply necessary to read the plot!

Each fortune-telling must be approached carefully, seriously and responsibly. This is not a toy or entertainment! Before you start the "case", you need to "collect thoughts" in your head; be specific and clear about what you want to know. Having spoken the cards to yourself, do not guess this deck to other people. Your cards belong to you and "talk" only to you.

No matter how well you know how to guess, if the cards are not “charged”, they are not spoken, they will never tell the truth. If for the first time you are going to find out your future and “talk” with the cards, then you need to read the relevant literature: what layouts are there, how they differ from each other, how to understand what the cards tell you about ... Do not be lazy, do not let everything take its course .

Take a little time to speak the deck, then fortune-telling will be pleasant and useful. You do not need any additional items and other paraphernalia for the ceremony. Just you, a new deck and a plot (learn by heart).

Is it possible to speak cards that have already been used

Yes, you can not necessarily speak a new deck, old cards will also work. Let's say someone in your family was engaged in sorcery, magic, guessing. There is a deck left, what to do with it? First you need to "customize the maps for yourself." This can be done with the help of just a conspiracy. How to do everything, we wrote above. After you have done everything, the cards will be "loyal" only to you, their new owner, and will always tell the truth.

Fortune telling on cards is not just a way to entertain yourself and your loved ones, but also a special ritual ritual through which you can safely look into your future. But how to force or ask them to tell only the truth? In order for the cards to tell the truth, the conspiracy on them should be carried out independently on a new deck and so lift the veil of the future.

For correct fortune-telling, when buying, you should choose a deck personally - you will feel what yours is and before the start of the ritual session - speak. In practice, there are quite a few ritual conspiracies - then we will present to your attention light rituals that will not allow the deck to lie.

The first ritual is carried out on a new deck on Friday, choosing a day according to Lunar calendar falling on a full moon. On the deck acquired the day before, they say the following words:

“You are 36 cards, sisters - brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, aunts and uncles, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, stepchildren and stepdaughters, father-in-law and mother-in-law, son-in-law and sister-in-law - all relatives, black and white, all Yes, red ones, tell me the whole yes truth, what was and will be. You will say - you will not hide, you will not leave, as to the daughters of Herod and at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you lie, I will tell Satan about yours and lies, I am talking you into identifying someone else's work and unknown secrets. Yes, my word will be strong and the command is true.

After that, you can start fortune telling - the cards will tell the truth. You can also use another simple ritual to speak a new deck, no matter what the truth is told - you can carry it out an unlimited number of times. Take the deck in your hands and shuffling it, say out loud:

“As in this deck there are 36 sisters and godfathers, brothers and daughters-in-law - all the lights will serve me well - faithful, unchanging. All of you 36 cards, yes 4 suits - tell the truth, do not hide anything, my word is strong and lay down on the cards "

After that, you can proceed to the ritual of divination on the cards.

A way to force cards to show only the truth

How to quickly make the cards tell only the truth? Carry out a simple and effective conspiracy on the cards - it is chosen if there is no time to carry out long and complex ritual actions. They just take a deck of cards in their left hand and be sure to put them face down - toss them up, but so that they do not fall to the floor. When you toss up - say these words:

“On the maple bridge and on the bridge - card to card, sheet to sheet, I will tell fortunes on you - the cards will tell me the truth. Yes, be according to my word "

You can also adopt a ritual performed on the full moon - a prerequisite for its implementation is the right day, or rather the night from Thursday to Friday. Put a new deck on the windowsill on the night from Thursday to Friday so that the rays of the moon fall on it. On Friday, from the very morning you collect them and shuffle them - the main thing at this moment is to say these words:

“I’m talking cards - I want to know the answer to my question, what was and what will be, both about myself and about others. My case is firm - my word is strong "

They say such ritual words three times, and the deck itself should be treated with respect - so they will thank you, telling the whole truth.

So that the cards answer the question of interest correctly

How to make the cards correctly answer the burning question? You can apply one of the most effective rituals, but with a certain clarification - it can be carried out no more than once every 25 days. To conduct a ritual conspiracy of a deck of cards - first prepare a calendula leaf and dried red, white and yellow roses. You will also need black peppercorns and any metal container.

They carry out the ritual on Friday, at midnight they light 2 candles on the table and pronounce the following conspiracy words over the deck:

“I’m not buying you for excitement - I endow it with luck and truth. I ask you to fire - burn all my troubles - let this deck lie quietly, lead me through life, will not let me down in difficult matters. I’ll guess - I’ll know the whole truth, whom I should be afraid of and what to fear. The whole deck will tell yes about an evil person, protect me and protect me from evil.

After that, put all the components in a metal container - set them on fire and when they burn out, lower your hands into the ashes. Without shaking it off your palms, take the deck in your hands and shuffle it, mentally asking yourself the question you want to get an answer to. Only after do the layout.

A simple conspiracy to help beginners

Such a conspiracy on the deck will help beginners get the right answer from them to the question posed. In practice, two effective rituals can be distinguished.

For the first ritual, it is necessary to place a crystal vase in the corner of the room, always facing east, and light 7 wax candles around it, always white. After saying aloud clearly and clearly the words of the conspiracy:

“I conjure with the word of the power of the East - come and cleanse. As this vessel is pure and transparent, so my cards will be pure and true. Yes, be at my will"

They say them three times, then set the vase aside to stand on the floor in the corner for another 3 days - after this period, cover the table with clean black cloth and put red and black candles on it. As you do this, say out loud:

“With a flame from the fire - I charge you, yes to work during the day, and yes to sleep at night, but I don’t know deceit from cards.”

When you say the words, spit on your left palm and put out the candles, remove the crystal vase from the corner, wash and dry. Only after that you can start working with a deck of cards.

To help beginners, you can also perform another ritual to establish a strong connection with the cards at the energy level. This ritual also uses a crystal flowerpot, which is placed in the eastern zone of the room and 7 white candles are placed around it and light them. When the wick flares up, say the following words three times:

“I call on the forces of the East - to make the answers truthful, honest and transparent like crystal”

Let the candles burn down to the very end, and then you can proceed directly to fortune telling.

Conspiracy on Tarot cards so as not to lie

When a practicing fortuneteller buys a new Tarot deck, her initiation is mandatory. Ritual words are memorized by heart - in the process of conspiracy one cannot be interrupted and distracted, the Oracle may not answer the call. In order to establish a close connection between the fortune teller and the deck of cards, it is worth carrying it with you for a month, doing a simple alignment once a day, asking one or another unambiguous question.

When a connection is established between the cards and their owner, the answers will be more detailed and accurate, then you can proceed to the rite of initialization. It is held on the night before Friday. Just light 3 black large candles on the table and place all the cards on its surface in ascending order. Next, speak the text:

“As soon as I leave the servant of God ... my name ... beyond the threshold of the house, but after midnight, I will go towards the north, and I will step on the black field - a dark force sits there, but mighty. I will bow to the dark power - I will ask her for strength and help, advice from the strength of the dead and dear. Come, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, to call me, and help me in my affairs - as you fly in spirit, but you keep pace everywhere, so let me see and know everything of mine, understand these cards "

When you read the words of the conspiracy, touch the deck of cards at least once with your hand and then put it under your pillow at night. The main thing that many fortunetellers say is to remember the dream seen that night, because it is prophetic and predicts the future. From the next morning, you can read Tarot cards - they are ready to tell you the truth.

Conspiracies on cards will turn an ordinary deck or Tarot into a fortune-telling tool, cleanse of someone else's energy, and help improve their veracity. Useful for women and men before divination for good luck, a big win, starting a new business.

Ordinary playing cards are intended not only for cutting in a throw or playing solitaire. They can also predict the future, see the past, attract love and good luck, win big money, warn of impending danger.

Before using them, you need to carry out not only an initiation - a rite of turning the deck into a fortune-telling one, but also to make a conspiracy on the cards, that they were more reliable, to free them from fatigue.

Step-by-step instructions for performing conspiracies on cards

Like many girls, I am addicted to cards, but not to throw them on the green cloth of the card table, but to find out my and my fiancé's friends, to successfully pass the entrance and session exams at the university, and my parents' successful acquisition of a new apartment and car.

With frequent fortune-telling, these cardboard leaves, like ordinary people, have become my friends, who tend to get tired after work. Therefore, both of them need rest, a kind of recharging.

Maps require conspiracies that help them tell the truth, reliable information, and not make mistakes when issuing a forecast. This was taught to me by my great-grandmother, who in her youth comprehended the basics of many magical rituals.

Step 1. Conspiracy for new cards

Having bought a new deck of playing cards, I conducted their initiation, thereby turning ordinary people into fortune-telling ones. To do this, she took cardboard sheets in her hands, read the following spell:

I picked up a beautiful carved box in which they will be stored and rest after divination. After all, the better you treat them, the more truthfully they make predictions.

A slander is pronounced on the full moon, to enhance the effect - on Friday. A similar spell is pronounced when cards stick together, which means that the latter do not want to work.

Step 2. Before laying out

Before divination, you also need to recharge the cards with the help of the person being studied. This was facilitated by the following actions:

If the leaves fall out of the common deck during shuffling, by doing this they say something to the rite operator.

Step 3 Tarot Cards

The transformation of the newly purchased Tarot into divination also requires initialization, which lasts for one month. To do this, I took them into my hands every day, posed various questions regarding the events of tomorrow, and immediately answered them myself. So she taught the fortune-telling attribute to forecasts that became more accurate every day. At the end of thirty days, performed the final initialization operation:

Counts a good sign if the initialization operator has a prophetic dream that night. The action takes place at 12 midnight from Thursday to Friday.

Step 4. Rite of Purification

With every fortune-telling, information comes to the cards from the Cosmos, which eventually pollutes the cardboard sheets, as a result of which the latter get tired, and humanly begin to lie. After several operations, I noticed that the cards began to give inaccurate information, which contributed to the rite of their purification. The ritual was performed in the following sequence:

The cleansing procedure is performed at least once every ninety days.

Step 5. Increasing truthfulness

Sometimes I come to the conclusion that the cards give out incorrect information, but there is no time to conduct a purification ritual for a whole week. Then I use a kind of express method of purification, which takes half an hour of time:

  • put the sheets face down on the left palm;
  • threw them up to fly around my room;
  • picked up one piece from the floor, whispering a verbal magic formula:

The operation can sometimes be carried out before the divination itself, but it should not constantly replace the rite of purification. The procedure helps to establish relationships with cards to obtain truthful information.

Step 6. With crystal

So that the fortune-telling attribute does not get used to the express procedure for enhancing veracity, I alternated it with a conspiracy using a crystal vase. The action takes less time than the cleansing, but more compared to the increase in truthfulness. I spent it when I did not plan fortune telling in the coming days. The ceremony was performed according to the following algorithm:

At the end of the given time, she began fortune-telling.

Step 7. Honest Answer

Sometimes cards require only a clear answer - yes or no. But the answer must be very precise, for example, when planning some business related to finances. To do this, I perform the following rite:

Fortune telling gives an honest answer only to a single question, if the procedure is performed no more than once every 25 days. Therefore, before the session, it is recommended to think carefully about the issue. The operation is applicable to playing cards and tarot.

Step 8: Good Luck

Sometimes I spend with recitation of the previous text, but with other attributes. Conspiracies, one might say, are interchangeable, and are good that you do not need to prepare another text, and it is not difficult to replace objects of magical action. The rite of passage is as follows:

  • I buy a new deck, and at the settlement or leave the change to the seller;
  • I buy the seven most expensive candles in the church;
  • I close at midnight;
  • I arrange candles in a circle, in the middle I put a packed deck;
  • without taking my eyes off the burning candles, I pronounce the text given in the previous step seven times in a row;
  • after reading, I expect the candles to burn out;
  • I throw away a sheet of paper with a spell and stubs of candles;
  • I hide the cards in the closet and take them out before divination.

The procedure can be repeated at the beginning of each divination.

Step 9. On the full moon

It is considered one of the most effective, because cardboard sheets are charged with energy from the night star. I carry out the procedure in case you need to get a truthful, but not unambiguous answer, to correctly interpret the layout of the cards. This is facilitated by the following actions:

I repeat the spell three times without stopping.

Step 10. On old cards

It happens that you urgently need to tell fortunes, but there are no new cards. Do not run at night to a 24-hour supermarket or a cigarette kiosk. Then you have to use an old deck that has been in a game of chance. These cards need to be cleared of someone else's unsuitable energy by conspiracy. Then I take a deck, go to my cousin and put my three-year-old nephew on a pack. Of course, at 12 o'clock at night she rarely agrees to wake him up, so I resort to another method - I thread the deck three times in a row through the interior doorknob.

In any execution of the procedure, I then shuffle the pack and say the following:

If the cards fall apart during shuffling, this indicates that it is better not to use them.

Step 11. Win

Sometimes playing cards with my girlfriends, to be honest, for money, I mentally utter a spell to win three times in a row. In this case, the words have to be learned by heart, because I won’t read from the sheet in front of everyone - it’s good that the slander is short:

No more than three wins are allowed per game. If you do not get up in time and play at random, the loss will be much greater than the gain.

In the video above, Marina Marinina tells how to fulfill a love plot with the help of new playing cards:


Storage and operations with divinatory attributes must be accompanied by the observance of some mandatory rules:

  1. Fortune-telling objects should not be touched by strangers or people surrounding the operator of the process, so as not to be saturated with their energy. If this happened, the attribute of magic must be subjected to a rite of purification and spoken again. Ideally, it is better to purchase new cards.
  2. A new pack is bought in the first half of Thursday, at the phase of the growing moon. Moreover, the money must be given under the calculation or left change to the seller.
  3. New packaging of Tarot - in the first half of Thursday, for the growing month.
  4. The attribute is stored in a beautiful small box or a self-sewn cloth bag in a special, but not random, place.
  5. Do not ask the cards empty questions for the sake of curiosity or out of boredom.
  6. During long breaks between divination, the deck must be pulled out of the box and talked to her like a person.
  7. To perform an effective conspiracy, you should also wait for the Friday full moon, when the mystical energy of the universe is ready to interact with the process operator.
  8. Midnight is considered the best time for divination operations. It is recommended to turn off the top light, dim the bottom one.
  9. Conspiracies, preferably, memorize. Thus, the cards show that the operator believes in their truthfulness and activity.
  10. After the performance of any rite, the deck must be held a little in the hands, breathed, and only then shuffled.

When performing any ritual, you need to lay out the deck only on a flat, smooth surface. This once again emphasizes the careful attitude towards them, which turns into the issuance of truthful information.

The result of the execution of conspiracies on cards

Carrying out fortune-telling takes away energy from cards, like work from a person. The cards get dirty, the energy channels for the perception of information from the Cosmos are blocked. Therefore, the attribute should be periodically cleaned and spoken, which improves the receipt of information, more truthful information. The table compares the work of cards before and after conspiracies.

Lack of magical abilitiesTransformation into a ritual attribute
Issuing erroneous resultsIssuance of truthful results
Sticking and falling out of the deckReady for work
Feeding someone else's energyFilling with the energy of the operator
Blockage of energy channelsPurification of channels for obtaining information
Impossible divination with old cardsPossibility of carrying out operations with old cards. It is performed only in case of urgent need.

Acquired new playing or Tarot cards must be turned from ordinary to fortune-telling with the help of magical rituals. Only then will they be able to receive information from the Universe, interact with otherworldly forces. Daily communication with the cards, during the period of their initiation and rest, will improve the veracity of the information they give out.

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