White power: How gay nationalists appeared and why they fell in love with Trump. These are the cauliflowers. Will Trump's rival in the elections be a young gay? White people problems

For many years in a row, the United States encouraged people with a non-traditional orientation.

Moreover, it was often possible to meet tolerance propaganda in other countries. After some unpleasant events, Donald Trump is ready to change the policy towards such people.

Donald Trump thought about the rights of LGBT people (an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people, and their communities). Trump realized that they felt quite at ease. They require a special attitude towards themselves, and they themselves do not even observe ordinary things - they cannot behave with dignity in society.

It all started with an attack on Ivanka Trump.

On the plane, an LGBT representative attacked Trump's daughter, he stated that he would not fly on the same plane with her. Of course, the homosexual was calmed down and dropped off. As it turned out, a gay man has a good career and even a husband, which means that he should not have problems with communication in society.

It turns out that society itself has spoiled homosexuals and all representatives of the LGBT community with its tolerant attitude. They do not at all consider it necessary to behave decently in society.

Donald Trump is furious, he made a fateful decision. After Trump takes office, there will be no more glorification of gays. He does not agree with Obama's policy, because gays are pumping their rights a lot. Something needs to be done about their unbridled behavior.

It is possible that the example of Donald Trump will be followed by the heads of other states. After all, representatives of LGBT communities behave the same way there. It's time to put an end to this abuse of tolerance. Moreover, it is necessary to instill in people traditional family values ​​than to propagate perversions.

The current head of America, Donald Trump, has spoken out against same-sex marriage. He was an ardent opponent of sexual minorities, but, during the election campaign, Donald changed his mind. He stated that gay people need protection and support. What has changed after the inauguration, because in relation to migrants, why did she become more loyal to gays and transgender people?

The statement on the protection of the rights of people of non-traditional orientation surprised the population - earlier, in 2014, the President of America spoke unequivocally about LGBT representatives and opposed same-sex unions. In 2015, he said that you just need to come to terms with the existence of such people and stop discrimination, suddenly Trump's attitude towards gays and transgender people changed.

The following year, during the election campaign, the opinion of the future US ruler changed again. He said that if he takes the post of head of state, he will seriously think about changing the composition of the United States Supreme Court, which will be able to impose a ban on same-sex unions. The speech caused a resonance in society - the defenders of the rights of sexual minorities and the members of this group themselves were alarmed. Later, the politician clarified that he does not oppose the registration of such relations, but he is sure that this issue should be considered within the framework of the legislation of a particular state. Trump and Clinton supported gay citizens during the election race.

The future ruler opposed discrimination against transgender people, the law prohibiting the use of toilets (the law forbade the use of toilets that were not intended for the gender indicated on the birth certificate).

What has changed since taking office

The 45th President of the United States is a conservative representative when it comes to family values. When Donald officially took office, the section on protecting the rights of citizens of the LGBT group disappeared from the White House website. It happened the day after the inauguration. The event alerted representatives of sexual minorities, since the opinion of the ruler of America towards this category of citizens has repeatedly changed.

But, Trump promised that he would continue the program to protect the rights of sexual minorities and transgender people, who are in the service under a federal contract signed under Barack Obama. Donald Trump is the first representative of the Republican Party to make such a statement.

Among them, there are no LGBT laws.

Statements about LGBT

After the infamous statement about the ban on same-sex marriages, six months later, the president announced that he was not going to abolish the marriages of gays and lesbians. The politician argued that his opinion is not important, since the issue has already been resolved by law.

On June 15, 2016, after the terrorist attack in Orlando, during which a gay club was shot, the politician supported gay people. He thanked the gay community and promised to protect its members from migrants. Within the framework of this program, after taking office, the head of state introduced
, and this decision was largely justified by the terrorist attack in Orlando.

On his Twitter, the ruler even posted a thematic post with gratitude: “Thank you LGBT community! I will fight for you as Hillary drags more people into the country who threaten your freedoms and beliefs.”

After Trump takes office, there will be no more glorification of gays. He does not agree with Obama's policy, because gays are pumping their rights a lot. Something needs to be done about their unbridled behavior. Moreover, it is necessary to instill in people traditional family values ​​than to propagate perversions.

For many years in a row, the United States encouraged people with a non-traditional orientation. Moreover, it was often possible to meet the propaganda of tolerance in other countries. After some unpleasant events, Donald Trump is ready to change the policy towards such people.

Donald Trump thought about the rights of LGBT people (an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people, and their communities). Trump realized that they felt quite at ease. They require a special attitude towards themselves, and they themselves do not even observe ordinary things - they cannot behave with dignity in society. It all started with an attack on Ivanka Trump. On the plane, an LGBT representative attacked Trump's daughter, he stated that he would not fly on the same plane with her. Of course, the homosexual was calmed down and dropped off. As it turned out, a gay man has a good career and even a husband, which means that he should not have problems with communication in society.

It turns out that society itself has spoiled homosexuals and all representatives of the LGBT community with its tolerant attitude. They do not at all consider it necessary to behave decently in society.

Donald Trump is furious, he made a fateful decision. After Trump takes office, there will be no more glorification of gays. He does not agree with Obama's policy, because gays are pumping their rights a lot. Something needs to be done about their unbridled behavior.

... it is necessary to instill in people traditional family values ​​than to propagate perversions.

It is possible that the example of Donald Trump will be followed by the heads of other states. After all, representatives of LGBT communities behave the same way there. It's time to put an end to this abuse of tolerance. Moreover, sorry for the tautology, people need to instill traditional family values ​​rather than propagate perversions.

The American authorities have decided to launch a tough campaign to maintain natural biological sexes, refusing to recognize the rights of perverts, like transgender people, transsexuals and others, reports Dr. Susan Berry .

The Trump administration recognizes the central role of biology in shaping human needs and desires, and therefore refuses to promote the transgender ideology launched by former President Obama.

The president of the American College of Pediatrics, Dr. Quentin Van Meter, said that "the time has come when government agencies at the national and local levels will return to a natural science that recognizes the existence of only two biological sexes, only men and women."

He was supported by state director of the California agency MassResistance Arthur Schaper, who pointed out that "the decision of the president (Trump) to recognize sex as biologically determined, that is, an invariable aspect of human nature, should be welcomed."

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, backed by Trump, is leading efforts to "establish a legal definition of gender under human rights laws." civil rights ah, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs that receive public financial assistance". The new definition will ensure the legal existence of only natural biological sexes.

Transgender ideology requires the federal government to enforce rules that help people change their gender easily, regardless of their biological nature. In contrast, the new policy will eliminate various same-sex institutions, thereby eliminating anti-natural sports leagues, as well as the use of showers, bathrooms and toilets intended for the opposite sex by perverts.

Although the HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has not officially commented on the planned legal changes, its chief executive, Roger Severino, pointed out that a federal court had blocked the gender identity and abortion rule as unlawful. The decision of the court remains in force and the Department will comply with it in the future.

It should be explained what is at stake.

In January 2017, a federal court issued a nationwide injunction to enforce Obamacare's gender identity and termination of pregnancy rules. The court ruled that "gender identity" is a social construct, not a biological one, and that only two sexes are recognized as biological: male and female.

Since other sexes are not provided for by American laws, the so-called "gender rights" are not regulated by law, and therefore do not have force in the United States.

Thus, the court prohibited the application of some of the provisions of Obamacare relating to individuals who claim that they belong to a different sex that is incompatible with their biological.

Because it judgment not appealed within the time limit, it has become effective and must be enforced throughout the United States.

The court ruled that the Obama administration's new regulations are excessive and contrary to the title law of 1972, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, including straight people, that is, biological sex carriers.

The vast majority of the U.S. population, who are in favor of an official return to the biological basis of sexuality, welcome the news of a possible change in Obama's rules.

President Trump has already announced a ban on transgender military service. Straight activists hope he will continue in this direction.

They believe that the coercive, abusive LGBT agenda put in place by the Obama administration should end.

Expert Jane Robbins believes that it is constitutionally inappropriate for federal bureaucrats to interpret the issue of gender in favor of a minority by pushing through Congress for the introduction of new antibiological species, that is, new artificially invented sexes.

He is actively supported by the National Parent Group. They believe the Trump administration is right to "take the lead in correcting the past administration's misguided policies that effectively forced young children to question their gender."

Scholars believe the Obama administration has blurred the lines that define gender with its transgender violence threatening government schools with loss of federal funding if they continue to protect schoolchildren and schoolgirls who are unwilling to attend to hygiene needs at the same time as the opposite sex in locker rooms, showers, bathrooms and toilet rooms.

"The Obama administration took every opportunity to promote the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) movement through federal agencies without constitutional authority. The American government must end this madness and return control of education to parents and local communities," activists say.

In recent years, American politics has been centered around the Democratic Party's furious attempts to take revenge for its defeat in the 2016 presidential election. The Democrats dream was an early expulsion Donald Trump from the White House.

Nancy is furious

However, the idea of ​​impeachment has now actually failed. Having brought it to the Senate, the Democratic Party came up against the tough defense of the Republicans, who categorically did not want to "surrender" the president of the same party. The refusal to call witnesses, with which the accusers tried to turn the tide, and the rush to the final vote show that Trump will emerge victorious from this story.

The President, meanwhile, delivered a traditional address to members of Congress, and this event turned into another scandal. Trump defiantly refused to shake hands with the leader of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

Psychotic Nancy after the end of the president's speech tore up the paper with the text of Trump's speech.

Behind all these passions, the time has quietly come for the primaries, which should determine the names of presidential candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties.

Caucuses, that is, the election of candidates by supporters of a particular party, are held in all states, but the start of this campaign was given in Iowa.

Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's speech. Pelosi called the speech itself "cheesy." Photo: Reuters

"Nothing works"

The Republicans did not have a sensation: the incumbent President Donald Trump won a landslide victory.

To this day, some Republicans are skeptical of Trump, but not so much as to decide to seriously support another candidate, thereby provoking a split in their camp. In addition, the successful outcome of the series "Impeachment" significantly increases the chances of re-election.

The main favorite of the Democrats was (and is) still the former vice president Joe Biden. However, the Iowa vote showed that his support was far from unqualified.

The caucuses in this state generally turned out to be heavy reputational losses for the Democrats. The voting itself took place on February 3, but its results cannot be summed up until now.

Representatives of the party said that there was a technical failure and now they have to recalculate the results manually.

When the recount could not be completed even in a day, the Republicans began to openly mock their opponents.

“Democratic caucuses have become a real disaster. Nothing works. Just like when they ran the country,” Donald Trump tweeted.

The failure of Mr. Biden

Preliminary results were extremely disappointing for Joe Biden. He was supported by only about 15% of those who voted, which gives only 4th place. Turned out to be higher Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren.

Experts believe that, despite the efforts of fellow party members who tried to whitewash Biden's name, voters do not trust him because of the corruption scandal in Ukraine. The Americans clearly did not like the employment of Biden's son for a high position in the Burisma gas company, as well as subsequent attempts by the vice president to influence Ukrainian officials.

The Democrats tried to accuse Trump of trying to collect “compromising evidence” on Biden in Ukraine, but the former vice president could not really convince his compatriots that everything was legal in the story with his offspring. This means that the president, in fact, was right in trying to bring corrupt officials to clean water.

Of course, Iowa is not all of America, and in other states, Biden could regain his footing. However, all this recalls the story of 2016, when Jeb Bush, considered the favorite of the race in the Republican Party, already at the very beginning of the primaries, he received such deplorable results that he preferred to retire from the race himself.

A stranger among his own: Bernie Sanders is being “leaked” again?

Iowa Democratic caucus leaders Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg.

Sanders, 78, caused a stir in 2016 when he took on Hillary Clinton for the party's nominee. It would later become known that the Democratic Party apparatus was working against Sanders to prevent him from winning.

The fact is that for many Democrats, Bernie Sanders is a politician of too leftist views. He is even called "red" and "socialist".

Having lost in 2016, "red Bernie", despite his age, again joined the fight. Surprisingly, the 78-year-old politician is extremely popular among American youth, and this makes him one of Trump's most dangerous rivals.

But Democratic bosses and funders are once again reluctant to see Sanders as the party's nominee. The story of the recount in Iowa has already provoked talk that Bernie's votes are simply being stolen.

Like it or not, even rumors of this kind are extremely harmful to the Democrats. If their supporters gain confidence in Sanders' new "leak", they may not come to the polls at all. In such a situation, it will definitely be impossible to fight Trump in November 2020.

Peter Buttigieg as the new face of American politics

Quite a different story - Peter Buttigieg. The 38-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, enlisted the support of party functionaries and moneybags. If the “red Bernie” promises to increase taxes for the rich, intending to use funds to solve social problems, then Buttigieg promises to act softer, without sudden movements that can offend the moneybags.

A graduate of Harvard University, an intelligence officer, a participant in the operation in Afghanistan today is compared with Obama.

There is indeed something in common. If Barack Obama was the first black president of the United States, then Peter Buttigieg, if elected, will be the first openly gay man in the White House.

A devout Christian who says his faith has had a major impact on his life, Buttigieg came out in a 2015 interview with the South Bend Tribune. And in June 2018, in the Cathedral of St. James, Buttigieg married a school teacher Chasten Glezman.

Peter Buttigieg and Chasten Glezman. Photo: Reuters

Of course, Buttigieg advocates for the expansion of rights for members of the LGBT community, although it cannot be said that his political program is fixated on this.

In the eyes of "advanced" Democrats, Buttigieg's homosexuality is a plus. But the conservatives are guaranteed to accept such a candidate with hostility. Trump will not even have to do anything to mobilize his electorate, because for Republicans, Donald's eccentricities are nothing compared to the prospect of such an opponent winning.

The worst thing for the Democrats is that Buttigieg can alienate the waverers, because there are many moderate conservatives in America who recognize gays as such, but do not want to see them in power.

In general, while Donald Trump can feel confident, because the Democrats are doing everything to provide him with a second presidential term.

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