The King of Cups is the meaning of the Minor Arcana of Tarot cards. King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning King of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning

In the description of the King of Cups, Waite focuses on far from all the symbols present on this card. And perhaps most importantly, he does not mention the hanging on the chest of the King. It is believed that the images of court cards in the Waite-Smith deck were largely influenced by the legends from the Arthurian cycle. And on the map is the Fisher King, whose figure plays an important role in the search for the Holy Grail.

Separately, you should pay attention to his chain mail stockings. This detail does not give anything for understanding the map, but such stockings were in vogue just in the era of the first crusade.


  • creative talent
  • Rich imagination
  • Capriciousness
  • Indulgence
  • Narcissism
  • selfishness

Key Ideas

  • enjoyment of life
  • Creation of beauty
  • Work with your "I"
  • Ignoring others (yes, yes, sometimes the ability to ignore others is incredibly important for saving oneself).

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Basic meaning

By value, the Tarot card King of Cups (Bowls) is a complex and multi-valued card. The simplest version of its understanding is selfishness, self-love, self-indulgence. But it also brings beauty to life, fills it with emotions, gives fun. Without the King of Cups, life becomes a routine, a monotonous existence.

Even more important is the King of Cups' focus on himself. On the one hand, such obsession often produces an unpleasant impression. On the other hand, in a situation where a person has experienced severe mental trauma, when his psyche is on the verge of destruction, focusing on himself and his experiences is the only possible way save yourself. The hero of the card does not lose heart under any circumstances. Nothing can shake his faith in the successful outcome of the case and his own exclusivity. And this is something he should learn from.

Meaning in relationships

The significance in relationships, whatever they may be, the Tarot card King of Cups (of Cups) is such that he behaves like a little capricious child, to whom the whole world owes. A good illustration of this behavior is Carlson, who lives on the roof. The smallest act he has done must be immediately judged. And the rating is not lower than the highest. Such behavior is very correct for children during the formation of their personality, but not quite adequate in adults.

He knows how to take very well, does not know how to give and share at all, and does not appreciate what he received from others.

Open-closed card

The King of Cups Love Tarot Meaning is an extremely open card. Others are of little interest to him, but he is ready to generously share his own emotions with everyone and everyone.

Relationship Intensity

The King of Cups indicates a very intense relationship. There are too many emotions. They are too bright and demonstrative. In general, the word "too" perfectly characterizes the King. Against the background of his emotions, ordinary emotions are perceived as something faded, unsaturated, inferior.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Whatever relationship scenario plays the card, there are always two components to it. Firstly, narcissism, and secondly, "compulsion to joy."

The most insignificant action performed by the King is the subject of his pride and joy. And the environment should immediately appreciate his actions. This behavior is correct, healthy behavior for a child. Being egocentric, these individuals often choose not to grow up. And on this basis, demand proof of love for them from their entourage.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • In combination with the card: A very strong positive emotional experience awaits you.
  • Combined with the card: Take care of yourself wisely.
  • In combination with the card: Please note that your self-esteem is not high enough.

Psychological condition

He is self-confident to the point of self-confidence. He does not doubt his attractiveness, chosenness, genius. He believes that all the best things should rightfully belong to him: food, clothes, women, cars. The best, in his understanding, is richly decorated with rhinestones, sparkles, tinsel and other attributes of good taste.

A fair amount of optimism and healthy egoism help the King of Cups survive almost any adversity, quickly recover from setbacks, instantly oust negative events and their own punctures from memory. Sometimes it seems that he and guilt never met.

The King of Cups generously shares his excellent mood with others, regardless of their desire.

The card indicates joy. The king willingly shares his joy with those around him. The problem is that he understands joy solely as something that pleases him, without taking into account how others will react to it. The reaction of others is the last thing he cares about.

The King of Cups does not consider it necessary to contain or hide his emotions. People around him should be aware of his emotions immediately.

In combination with the suit of Staves

  • S: To maintain your good emotional state, ignore external events.
  • S: Today's emotional incontinence will lead to tomorrow's difficulties.
  • S: The combination of the King of Cups and the Page of Staves indicates serious relationship problems.

In matters of health

The hero of the card is prone to not very careful handling of his health. Drunkenness, gluttony, excesses. Despite this, he has great potential.

For treatment, the King of Cups prefers drugs that are not so much effective as those that have good PR. A good example of working with such drugs is described in Wells' novel Tono-Bengue.

The trends for recovery are positive.

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • S: Sexual adventures are possible in the near future.
  • S: You should think about finding your "I".
  • S: Big love.

In matters of business and finance

Business cards are usually associated with the show. Or any business that the King of Cups is engaged in turns into a show. None of the kings usually experience financial difficulties. Each of them knows how to find money, but does it in their own way. The King of Cups generates positive emotions and benefits from this process. They make excellent salespeople. At the time of sale, they sincerely believe that their product is really the best and has no competitors.

But in pursuit of tinsel and external brilliance, the King of Cups can lose touch with reality and forget about what is really important. For example, about the modernization of machine tools.

Stability, manageability, controllability

All kings are control, management, stability. This is their main quality.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The Show Must Go On. The question is not what you sell, but how you do it. Show, circus, organization and participation in a cult. mass events. Toastmaster at a wedding, showman: all the people are having fun and rejoicing. Sale of artificial fun, euphoria (fair, carousel). Including means to bring the population to the desired cheerful state.

General state of finances and trends

All kings are in good condition. But it is determined not by a specific amount, but by a rare ability to find a way out of difficult situations. There may be no money in your pocket, but the kings formulate the task very clearly, and the Universe is more willing to respond to the requests of the kings than anyone else. Therefore, they rarely worry about their financial situation, and it works. The King of Pentacles has a possible income growth in the future, the King of Swords has a stable position, without any ups and downs. But there is a danger of mindless spending for the King of Cups. A person has poor control over himself and the situation, lives by momentary emotions and desires.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The value of the Tarot card King of Cups in work and for business is an excellent card.

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • With a card: Focusing on the external manifestation of emotions has blocked internal development.
  • With a card: Outside joy, inside fear.
  • With a card: Eerie optimism is balanced by desperate pessimism.

It's time to have a holiday.

Card of the day Caution

Your displays of emotion strain those around you.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • With a card: Ahead of material happiness.
  • With a card: Why not rejoice if the house is a full bowl?
  • With a card: Eloquence is the key to success.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • Do others rejoice with you and in the same way as you?
  • What is the state of your "I"? Is it healthy or painful?
  • How long have you been happy with your own success?
  • How important is the opinion of others to you?

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The King of Cups in tarot has the meaning of emotional balance, self-control and generosity. The card depicts a king sitting on a throne, an amulet shaped like a fish hangs around his neck. The fish on this pendant represents his creativity and spirit, which thrive in the calm waters that surround him. In the background, you can see that there is a stable balance between the conscious and the unconscious.

Behind, to the right of the king, a fish appears from the stormy ocean, and a ship is visible to the left of him, which floats in the turbulent ocean. They represent the emotional and material worlds. Also, these images are a sign that the unconscious has found a breach and has been released, but the King controls this powerful energy and does not allow it to suppress him. The King of Cups does not struggle with his emotions and unconscious impulses and impulses, does not drive them back into himself. He has learned to accept and deal with them in a way that is reasonable and painless for himself, maintaining harmony and balance in everything.

The total value of the card in a straight position


  • compassion;
  • sound advice;
  • family;
  • political and diplomatic relations;
  • leader.

In a general context, the King of Cups card represents kindness, compassion and wisdom. It indicates that you are able to find a balance between your mind and heart. You have the power to control your emotions and accept with wisdom what you cannot change. When this card appears in a spread, be ready for a deeper level of emotional maturity. You will become calmer, more tolerant, more sympathetic to others.

The King of Cups symbolizes emotion, creativity, artistic ability and intuition, but in a more balanced way. As a person, the King of Cups is caring, affectionate and empathetic. He is a good listener, diplomatic and easy to talk to. It reflects the type of older man who will always give you sound advice and act as a sedative in your life. The King has no enemies, as he is an excellent communicator and knows how to find a common language with people. He lacks the desire for material wealth, as he focuses more on the emotional side of life. It is also family oriented.

When you face challenges that throw you off balance, the King of Cups reminds you to act like him - don't get angry or despair. Remember, anger is not the best adviser. First you need to moderate your emotions, try to evaluate yourself and the situation in order to take control of your unconscious.

The King of Cups has a penchant for political and diplomatic relations, which allows him to balance conflicts and situations, restoring harmony between all parties involved. The King of Cups shows that you are sensitive as a leader and care about how others react to your emotions. The card encourages you to act with wisdom when faced with negative energy.

Reversed Position


  • loss;
  • manipulation;
  • the control;
  • alcohol;
  • evil thoughts.

The King of Cups upside down indicates loss, a loss that provokes a sea of ​​uncontrollable emotions. The result can be deceit, fraud, dishonest deals, intrigues, scandals and showdowns. You are too sensitive and emotional. You are easy to manage. Your frivolity can harm you by making you a puppet in the wrong hands. The card advises you to take responsibility for your behavior. She also points out that the lack of emotional balance can lead to depression, depression, and feelings of anxiety.

As a human being, the King of Cups in reverse position allows himself to be manipulated, controlled, in the extreme, his behavior is offensive. He is someone who is able to use the emotional weaknesses of others as a weapon against them, to press on vulnerable points for his own benefit, or just for fun. He can be vengeful and vicious, and is often distrusted. Alternatively, the reversed King of Cups represents a grown man who has lost control of his emotional outbursts. He is sullen, unstable, and at risk of becoming dependent on the people around him.

Such an Arkan can warn of bad advice, secret envy and anger, insincerity. The inability to make rational and deliberate decisions turns life upside down. Often a person is lost among other people's advice and judgments, gets confused in events and does not know where and how to do the right thing, becomes dependent on other people's opinions, and lives at the behest of outsiders. Often, such behavior forces a person to seek solace and truth in wine: alcohol liberates, all failures and mistakes are forgotten, and eventually a person becomes an inveterate drunkard.

If we consider the interpretation of the card as yes or no, then the answer is: yes, in the case of assistance or support. Or if in your life appeared a serious man with noble intentions. Answer: no, if you are controlled by negative emotions and evil thoughts, you are addicted to alcohol, you allow yourself to deceive others.

Love and personal relationships

direct position

If you are in a relationship, the King of Cups is a very good omen, as it Ideal husband, partner or father. This Arcana reflects relationships based on deep feelings, tenderness, devotion, passion, trust, the ability and desire to submit and give. It is very important for the King of Cups to establish an emotional connection between a partner, while he himself rarely shows experiences and feelings. He needs such contact for self-manifestation and dominance.

He is endowed with the gift to seduce, charm, conquer, attract, bring romance and bright colors to the gray reality. He is able to evoke feelings of the very love that is eternal, real, patient, forgiving, crazy and beyond control. He doesn't need it for this. beautiful words and promises, expensive cars and wads of money. He does not need to impress with intelligence, athletic figure and courage. He simply does not need all these male attributes, as he wins hearts on an emotional level.

The King of Cups guesses, anticipates, understands, gives a fairy tale that he can make come true. The atmosphere of breathtaking intimacy and emotional intimacy that the King creates has magical depths. Such behavior cannot be called ordinary seduction, no, this is witchcraft, magic, this is the kingdom of the King himself, where he rules over love and excites the abyss of emotions.

As the chosen one, the King of Cups is represented by an emotional and sensual man. He is positive and devoted, able to be a true friend, generous with mutual feelings, creative and seductive. He is the one who can give a dream and heal with the depth of a ripened feeling of love.

Reversed Position

If you are in a relationship and you have the King of Cups reversed, then this card indicates that you or your partner are becoming emotionally weak, which creates problems in the relationship. One of you may be experiencing a difficult psychological state, problems at work, financial difficulties, and does not treat the partner with the love and kindness that he deserves. If so, you need to bring order within yourself, take control of your emotions, calmly solve all the problems that cause a revolution in your personal life.

The card may represent deceit, perverted sexual behavior, in extreme cases it may be a sign of abuse or rape. If you are single, the King of Cups in reverse position can mean an affair with married man. Alternatively, the card represents a potential partner who is cold, calculating, constantly controlling or deceiving you. The person the card represents is a great swindler and may seem quite charming and kind, but he is a dangerous manipulator with a hidden dark side, beware! Alternatively, Arkan may indicate that a potential partner will be emotionally immature, not ready for a serious relationship, or a gigolo who creates a strong psychological dependence on himself.


direct position

In the context of work, the card describes an activity that you do primarily for the soul, and money is already in second place. You are a creative person, gifted with intuition, a wide flight of imagination and thoughtfulness. Diplomatic skills, the ability to objectively assess any situation, a rational approach that allows you to make wise decisions, helping newcomers - all these aspects inherent in you will become the key to prosperity and help you succeed in business. You may be ideally suited for professions such as a lawyer, a church mentor, a family doctor, a broker representing a company, an educator of a spiritual or esoteric school, a psychologist.

The King of Cups has a rich imagination, ingenuity, originality of ideas, such qualities are necessary for artists, poets, musicians, photographers, fashion designers, architects. But it is worth noting that it is very difficult for the King of Cups to reconcile the desire to keep everything under control, with surges of emotions and changeable inspiration. It is difficult to create according to a strict schedule: to go on the stage at a certain time, to paint paintings on order, to create new models of clothes on time. But the King of Cups is unique in that he manages to cope with this. But if he fails, he finds the necessary dope in alcohol or drugs.

Often the activities of the King of Cups are associated with a feeling of experience and support, he is the one who understands and consoles, gives the right advice, thus masterfully hiding their own pain. He trusts intuition, and if the surgeon is not his calling, then he will be a wonderful homeopath. While, for example, the King of Swords for this profession will study a bunch of reference literature, create a lot of schemes and formulas, and still somewhere, but make a mistake with the prescription of a medication. The King of Cups will achieve everything unerringly, trusting intuition and conjecture, rather than a theoretical basis.

Reversed Position

The Reversed King of Cups in a career context warns that you may have to deal with a ruthless, cold, or emotionally unstable man in your workplace. This person will stop at nothing to get what they want and may be prone to emotional tirades, insults, and rudeness. Maybe even your boss. If the card represents you, then that is how you behave in your work environment. Your neglect, abuse of authority and disrespect for colleagues will soon turn against you. Don't be surprised by this turn of events.

Be prepared for unpromising offers and deals, beware of fraud, illegal manipulation of documents and money. Carefully check any information and trust only the facts.

The King of Cups emphasizes that your choice of profession was exclusively related to money, and you do not get joy or satisfaction from it. If so, think about what you would like to do, what attracts you. You are the person who, by nature, is ready to put his soul into any business, so find what is to your heart's content, because you can’t earn all the money.


direct position

In terms of health, the card has a positive outlook, you have a strong and resilient body, but Arkan warns that this gift should not be neglected. The King of Cups is extremely careless about his health. Excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco products, wrong attitude to food (gluttony, consumption of spices that are aggressive for the digestive system), all this can suddenly turn into health problems. Moderate your appetite (think vegetarian), reduce your alcohol intake, sign up for gym, attend massage courses, start going to the bathhouse, take cleansing and restorative procedures.

Reversed Position

The inverted Arkan reflects protracted problems with alcohol, psycho-emotional disorders associated with a busy schedule at work. Insomnia, stress, chronic fatigue, nightmares, taking strong antidepressants or sleeping pills.

In terms of physiology, based on the fact that the card refers to the water element, disturbances in the functioning of the urinary tract, disturbances in water-salt metabolism are allowed, pathologies of the kidneys and adrenal glands, and a weak bladder are observed. The card warns of bouts of seasickness and alcohol poisoning.

  • You are in a relationship with someone, but you dream about another person.
  • The completion of your project, but in a completely different way.
  • The card shows you that you need to control your emotions.
  • The artist seeks creativity in solitude. (possibly inspired by nature)

The traditional meaning of the King of Cups appearing in the layout is to receive wise advice, comfort and support. This is a friend of the questioner, a benefactor, ready to listen and assist. There is someone who wants to help or will agree to do it if asked, because he is kind to the affairs and concerns of the questioner and has the necessary means and connections to change the situation for the better. Often the King of Cups is the significator of a figure who is paternal to the questioner, as a supportive and loving elder. The card may indicate someone to whom the questioner has sincere affection and trust, and who is sympathetic to his affairs and concerns. Be that as it may, this is a disposing personality, hardly capable of low deeds. Its typical manifestations are empathy (the ability to empathize), disinterested help, courtesy. The typical roles of the King of Cups are a kind friend, loving husband, caring father, generous philanthropist.

If we are not talking about a person, then this is a situation of reason and honor, in which there is friendliness, goodwill, and the absence of a threat. Circumstances are very favorable for everything conceived, but the case has yet to be finalized. The details are not yet clear (surrounding cards may give a hint), but if nothing contradicts, then the outcome will be favorable.

When fortune-telling for any business, the appearance of the King of Cups is a sure sign that a person will not be left alone: ​​at the right time they will always come to the rescue and make it possible to realize plans. Sometimes this card indicates an attempt to achieve something (other cards will give a hint) through emotions or a very subtle proposal designed for feelings. The subtlety is that it is usually not formulated as an intelligible possibility (the Knight and even the Page of Cups will do this), but is outlined as a barely visible hint, an emotional charade, the meaning of which is clear only with a certain sophistication.

The King of Cups may indicate confidence in the chosen path and a calm attitude to ongoing events. He always advises to rely on your feelings, trust your imagination, a contemplative mood, a meditative approach and ... love.

Subsequent cards may symbolize some kind of creative intent. It is also safe to say that the action of subsequent cards will be tied to the emotional state of the questioner.

Subtle romanticism and a loud inner voice. In the state described by the King of Cups, we usually follow the instinct of mental self-preservation, which tells us to take only what is consistent with the inner mood and nourishes the soul. Everything else dries up by itself. We become able to be in the flow, to give scope to our feelings, to concentrate on the transcendent. The King of Cups describes the development of creativity and emotional readiness for revelation (colloquially referred to as inspiration). It is often stated that this is a card of emotional experience, maturity, or heritage.

The King of Cups symbolizes a truly remarkable personality: this is a person about whom it is usually said that he does not and cannot have enemies. He is endowed with all conceivable and inconceivable virtues, not the least of which is the ability to sympathize with the shortcomings of others and emphasize them in communication. strengths. Usually the King of Cups shows poise and calmness. He is characterized by delicacy and liberality in behavior, attentiveness to people, kindness. We can say that it can be applied to people (or people to it), and it immediately becomes easier. His presence in itself envelops and pacifies, it is pleasant to be near him. Often this is an artist, writer, perhaps a psychotherapist or occultist, who is famous and respected.

The card symbolizes an educated professional, educated and cultured, at the same time a creative person who is interested in religion, art, science. This is a person who can be trusted absolutely, he will never do evil, treats the affairs and concerns of another with understanding, and controls his own emotions well. He is so mature that there is a kind of emotional distance, impartiality. Often this is a very strong personality with a bright personality, internally developed and noble so much that it is difficult to reach her. From him you can get advice and patronage, but it is not easy to equal him. Of course, the "pure" King of Cups in life is extremely rare. Having met such a person, you will immediately understand who is in front of you: the King of Cups is very modest, but is not able to completely “muffle” the brilliance inherent in the whole suit of Cups, and above all, the King. He has a huge number of "good acquaintances" because people - which is quite natural - are drawn to such a person. True friends, however, are few: the King of Cups fully trusts only those people who are to some extent similar to him in nobility and inner purity. Cons of this King: a tendency to passive resistance and self-deception instead of an honest "no" (it is difficult for him to refuse someone something), instability to stress and difficult adaptation to life's realities. As Oscar Wilde said, how would we live in this world if each of us were not given our own?

This card is indeed a significator of a kind helping father or a person who plays a similar role, paternally minded. This is an emotional man who trusts instincts and intuition. Sensitive heart and big soul.

This is a period of full depth of emotions, concentration of attention on inner experiences, a time of transcendental experience, contact with the unconscious. It brings invaluable benefits to the soul.

The King of Cups personifies the masculine (fiery) aspect of the element of water, our desire to acquire transcendent experience, to free ourselves from the fetters of consciousness and mystical unity with the original. The King of Cups knows that these spheres are closed to rational knowledge, and that only those who have learned to rely on their intuition and are ready to trust the Cosmic Ocean and its currents can penetrate into them. Perhaps we are ripe for some emotion and are currently waiting for this emotion to be initiated from the outside. We have to combine the aspirations of the will (fire), and instinctive emotions (water). In addition, the King of Cups means the need to express our feelings, give free rein to intuition, embody the images of our subconscious in music, poetry or other material form, including in the form of healing and psychotherapy.

However, if this process of incarnation slips into amateurism, that is, into ignorance of the fundamentals of the matter or in neglect of them, the King of Cups turns into a pitiful preacher of other people's values, a home-grown guru, or even just a charlatan; such a "second-year" misunderstanding of the basic laws of being makes him a toy of cosmic forces, and sooner or later he becomes a victim of other people's intrigues. The supreme task of the King of Cups is to learn how to work with the emotional needs and strong passions (Water Fire) of others.

The King of Cups embodies the centripetal movement of evolution, the opposite of the centrifugal impulse of the King of Wands. If the King of Wands is driven beyond the established order, to the transformation of the existing world, then the King of Cups calls with no less force to return to normal, to the commandments, origins, principles, truth, traditions ... home. A nostalgic zealot of the past, a progressive retrograde masquerading as a conservative, he carries the spirit of the 4th house, Cancer, the irrationality of the Moon, a return to the roots, sources, the mother's womb. Forward, into the past - this is his pathos, and he invariably resonates with many contemporaries who are tired of innovations, transformations, uncertainty, loss of boundaries, destruction of stereotypes. It is not difficult for him to imagine the King of Wands as the new Lucifer, and himself as the Archangel Michael, leading those who yearn for salvation back to God. To do as in the beautiful past, to return to normal, to restore former glory - these are the calls of the King of Cups. From this point of view, the forerunners of the Crusades, the figures of the counter-Reformation, the "enlightened conservatives" of all times and peoples, and even Adolf Hitler, who called on the Germans to finally become "themselves" in accordance with the Hyperborean myths, are the Kings of Chalices. The King of Cups is powerful, because it appeals not to reason and logic at all, but to emotions and archetypes. With the right scope, it is quite capable of provoking mass psychosis, stirring up all the sweeping waters of the collective unconscious to an incomprehensible height. Modern civilization is the less protected from its vibrations, the more it is accustomed, with the inherent intellectual disgust of the Swords, to bypass the “puddles” and “splashes” of all sorts of irrational messages and promises. We are not friends with the unconscious, we do not trust it, and as a result, we risk falling under its power, as they say, out of the blue.

In the best sense, the "retrograde" of the King of Cups and his desire to return to the origins is expressed as a merger with his spiritual family (circle of the elect), dedication to its search, enrichment of mutual exchange in these relations. Finding contact with that spiritual community which is the true family.

The King of Cups embodies the aspiration of the inspired mind for spirituality. He reaches the highest stages of development of religious feeling, turning into a person for whom Divine love is absolutely real and any personal love is perceived only as its reflection and conductor. The spiritual and romantic prosperity described by this card is not a very common experience these days. In general, we, as part of modern society, are poorly adapted to the vibrations of the King of Cups and find ourselves helpless in front of their influx, literally physically feeling like “tearing off the lid”.

The throne of the King of Cups sometimes stands on the seashore, and sometimes literally floats on the water. Usually this King is depicted barefoot, without armor or with only breastplates. He never looks menacing, although often very powerful. If his feet touch the water, then this is a symbol of the free connection of consciousness and the unconscious, as well as humility and forgiveness of human weaknesses. A sailboat with scarlet sails hints at the innermost dreams of the human heart, and a dolphin frolicking sideways - that water is the source of intelligence and life. On Etruscan tombs, dolphins are depicted as mythological psychopomps that deliver the souls of the dead to another world.

In an esoteric sense, it can be said that the King of Cups has comprehended and is able to use, in accordance with his decisions, the Water that flows through all things. In the hands of the King is a goblet in which a fire burns. His feelings are too strong for him to remain calm. Another moment - and he will rush towards the storm. The quiet period in his life is over. But on the chest of the Pharaoh there is an image of Pisces, a symbol of power over the water element: he will defeat her. Crowley writes that the King of Cups symbolizes self-sacrifice in order to free oneself from the feeling of guilt associated with sexual desire, and at the same time - Unio Mystica, the union of the soul with God or Goddess. In the Tarot system, the King is the embodiment of Yod - the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, the unpronounceable name of God, and the fiery energy that awakens the Queen's Water energy. This symbolic union goes back centuries, to those cultures, starting with the Sumerian, where kings entered into a ritual marriage with a goddess in order to preserve the well-being of their kingdom.

Emotions affect financial transactions and business decisions. The chances of success increase with full dedication, however, with the control of resources, investments and property, there will still, in all likelihood, be some problems. It may be wiser to entrust it to a professional. The King of Cups often lacks superficially social self-confidence and focus on mundane matters to acquire wealth. He ponders over his destiny and often sails "without a rudder and sails" in a state that seems unimaginable to the King of Pentacles, unjustified to the King of Swords, and interesting but mysterious to the King of Wands.

The inverted King of Cups is traditionally a very negative significator for such cases, its meanings are robbery, significant loss, fraud, embezzlement, as well as corruption and extortion.

The traditional meanings of the King of Cups are the husband or wife of the questioner. Based on this alone, the card can be interpreted as favorable for affairs of the heart. In a broader sense, he describes an enriching experience of tenderness, sensitivity and love, subjugation to charm, deep feelings, spiritual warmth. As a mature expression of the suit, the King of Cups represents richness and depth of feeling. He is in harmony with his experiences, knows how to express them. It symbolizes love, but such, the basis of which is not so much emotions as devotion, affection and trust, the ability to obey and give. He is impossibly romantic, but his romanticism differs from that of the Knight of Cups in about the same degree that Claude Lelouch's "Man and Woman" differs from Pierre Gaspard's "Christina" or "Hallelujah of Love" from the play "Juno and Avos" from "Pink Evenings" performed by "Tender May".

The King of Cups seeks to establish an emotional connection like no other of the Kings, although he usually shows his emotions sparingly and skillfully hides his feelings. Contact, interaction very strongly stimulate him to self-manifestation and hidden psychological leadership. It can be said about him alone that he lives by feelings (which does not at all exclude internal isolation from a partner). He just fantastically knows how to charm, captivate, tune in a romantic mood and send waves of experiences and dreams that transform everyday life. At best, he is endowed with the power to "make a fairy tale come true", and the fairy tale will be about love. In the worst case, he becomes an amazing manipulator, capable of creating a colossal psychological dependence on himself, because he knows everything about feelings. It is he who can subtly create an atmosphere of complete intimacy and trust, moments of incredible emotional intimacy, an almost mystical depth of contact, and immediately pretend that nothing of the kind happened ... because these situations are so subtle that it is impossible to hook them "de facto". These are not gifts that can be touched, not messages that can be read, not spoken words that can be remembered, and not even touches that can be captured in a photo. "Thinner ... even thinner." This is the Lord of Water, capable of creating unique spiritual magic with intonation, glance, symbolic gesture, and literally nothing and nothing. He does not need to play with words, pour money, impress with his mind, physique, wealth, courage ... everything that men usually require, at least in some volumes and proportions. This King plays on a field that is not subject to other Kings, where all these attributes and achievements are simply not important. This field is an area of ​​direct influence on feelings, usually subject only to women (and even then not to everyone). The King of Cups is able to evoke and change emotional reactions in other people. He can inspire the illusion of the most terrible power, like a screen star that has power over millions of women's hearts, despite the fact that he has not personally met any of them and personally enchanted. The King of Cups is capable of completely capturing feelings, hopes, imagination ... and at the same time, if necessary, gently surprised: "But I never said that I love." And it's true, he didn't say it! Pupils spoke, intonations, the way he sighed, stumbled, passing by, and in general everything that he did and did not do ... and, in fact, there will be more of what he did not do. However, the effect of all this is such that the woman, as they say, cannot be “collected” and cannot be returned to reality, even if the King of Cups himself has already indicated to her the way out of his witchcraft kingdom. For this is not a banal sexual seduction. The realm of the King of Cups is the realm of the Grail. It is the total power to give Love. The very one, true, eternal, impossible, inevitable, immortal ... the one that is like a ghost - everyone talks about it, but no one has ever seen it, everyone has long despaired, spat, tied up, forgotten, do not wait and somehow live for themselves ... And here the King of Cups reveals that stunning truth that it still exists, and yet they have not forgotten, they hope, they hope, they believe, they hope and they cannot, they cannot live without it, because this is not life. A pretty discovery for a woman in her fifties, burdened with a hateful family. “Love is a magical country, because only in it there is happiness”… and only with him alone (and this is in the absence of muscles, money, intelligence, prospects…) Here he is, the Lord of Water, a walking drug… how does he do it anyway? ! The King of Cups is not so artistic in terms of external gestures and manifestations, he achieves his due to emotional depth. This, if you like, is the highest aspect of an artistic gift that does not require makeup - an internal emotional restructuring of such a level that a certain external impression is created as if by magic. The King of Cups is able to internally tune in, rebuild and adjust in such a way (here it is, the mediumship of Water) that it is impossible to reproach him for lying - after all, this is his internal state and not some external pretense. In his case, the phrase "insincere love" is as paradoxical as "insincere faith." Only in an inverted position does he really become an insidious and dodgy hypocrite. In its natural state, the King of Cups really adjusts - and calls exactly when you want to hear his voice, gives exactly what you secretly dreamed about as a child, kisses exactly where you need it ... guesses, catches, smells, as if someone is invisible tells him at every step what to do and how to do it. Naturally, this makes an impression, especially against the background of less dexterous men who build relationships as if they were laying bricks, courting according to the scheme (“ice cream for children, flowers for a woman”) and having sex, almost consulting the instructions (with the best of intentions, of course). ). Moreover, as husbands, these latter may be the first, but the underlying threat from the King of Cups as “perfect in love” will be a terrible test for them. His caring, attentiveness, tact, tenderness, ability to caress and understand, as well as his imagination and fantasy, are unparalleled. At the same time, such depths and undercurrents are hidden in him that he is able to remain unsolved all his life, to surprise, to beckon with an unspoken secret ... which may not exist at all, but something flickers in his attentive and bottomless eyes ...

The King of Cups is able to love all his life. This is the fiery aspect of Water - his feelings are able to keep alive and warm in the absence of visible stimuli from the outside. This is the only King who can die of love, without love and for love. All other Kings have their own kingdom where they can escape in case of a personal drama - the world of business, the world of science, the world of politics - and the King of Cups has nowhere to run, for Love is his kingdom. And if it is devastated and perishes, he perishes with it, along the way leaving to posterity songs, paintings, poems and symphonies, heartbreaking and great in equal measure. The vibrations of the King of Cups are unbearable and magical, like the pas de deux from The Nutcracker, like Mahler's Fifth Symphony, like Solveig's song. By their very existence, they declare that a person is a person, the heart is not a stone, love is immortal, and the kingdom of the Grail is a reality, regardless of whether you happened to be there or not. The King of Cups is always engaged in the education of feelings - his chosen one or chosen one, if he is happy, and all of humanity, if it did not work out. The most cold-blooded and malicious-tongued cynic, "educating feelings" by sermons that they are a sign of schizophrenia - often just an inverted King of Cups, trying to appear as the King of Swords (he is always betrayed by the manner of pouring "cold showers" on the heads of near and far, which can be confused with the impassive action of the Sword only at first glance).

As a partner, the King of Cups is a soft-hearted and emotional man, sincere, calm and devoted. This is a true friend, intuitive, sensual, creative, capable of giving many happy, emotionally intense minutes. His deep and mature feeling of love is capable of healing. Yes, besides that, you can drown in the King of Cups. And no "forewarned - forearmed" does not work here. What is there! ... L'amour toujours. Everything else is the little things in life.

As a significator of the problem, it can indicate alcoholism and psycho-emotional disorders.

According to its element, on the physical level, the card can hint at water imbalances in the body, trouble with the kidneys or bladders, as well as (inverted) seasickness or alcohol poisoning.

The reversed King of Cups usually clearly responds to a truly destructive emotional process, a path of self-destruction, and especially alcoholism. This is a person who has lost control of his feelings, an addict who suffers from addictions and is drowning in his own subconscious, as if in the sea. Psycho-emotional disorders, depression, mood swings are possible.

This card indicates that the questioner loves and trusts some person, in relation to whom this should not be done for his own good, and vice and scandal are already looming on the horizon.

The reversed King of Cups may avoid feelings and relationships because of a wound he once received, or be a romantic manipulator in order to maintain a sense of power (here there is a certain similarity with the reversed Queen of Cups). Sometimes a card indicates a difficulty in expressing feelings, but for this, there must be other confirmations in the alignment, such as the Eight of Swords. Usually he is just touchy, vindictive and internally exhausted, and therefore withdraws into himself and "comes out on the other side", playing elimination games and making others believe that it cannot be otherwise. Sometimes it is simply the significator of "exhausted lover." The card may indicate a marriage swindler, a fraudster who is inclined to live and have fun at the expense of others, a seducer, a flatterer, or an "artist in a creative crisis" in need of urgent support. It is clear that wasting feelings on such a character also fits very well with the spirit of the reversed King of Cups. Astrological equivalents: Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Sun afflicted by Uranus, Uranus in the Fifth House.

Pronounced artistry, moreover, gravitating towards shocking, eccentricity (Uranus). Perhaps this person is accompanied by scandals everywhere, and his irrepressibility and desire to live in a big way will lead to losses, dishonor, to a disadvantageous position for him. Maybe this person is dishonest; his left hand does not know what his right hand is doing. This is a liar, a swindler, a dishonest person, one who pretends to be kind and who should not be trusted at all. A person who is able (way unwittingly) to cause loss in a career or personal life. His life is a path of self-destruction. Once in his path, you will also be involved in a destructive process.

Sometimes he embodies a professional, a virtuoso in his field, completely devoid of any moral principles. It can sometimes be difficult to deal with him, it may turn out that this person is slippery like a burbot (Chiron). However, he is most likely not greedy.

Poseidon, Neptune, Lord of the Ocean

Dionysus is the god of wine and poetry, who always remained faithful to his wife (the only one of all the Greek gods).

Archetype of the Inexpressible Beautiful

Resurrection Lazarus

Wounded Chiron

Parsifal, guardian of the Grail. He renounces earthly love and heals with his spear (libido) the previously incurable wound of Amfortas, king of the Desolate Lands, realizing that this is also his own wound.

King Ludwig II of Bavaria, a subtle healer of music and a patron of the composer Wagner, but who committed suicide (by drowning himself in a lake).

Mahler, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Grieg and others and others ...

Zweig, Rilke, Remarque and others, and others ...

And others. And others. Art is predominantly "held" by the Kings of Cups, just like all kinds of pioneering - by the Kings of Wands, science - by the Kings of Swords, and business - by the Kings of Pentacles.


The Sun in Pisces as a symbol of subtlety of feelings, intuitive knowledge and willingness to help others.

Direct position:

The King of Cups embodies a creative, responsible, thoughtful person. This is an endearing personality, kind, attentive, condescending. It can be associated with art, science, religion. This is a noble person.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: stagnation, frivolity, destructiveness, self-destruction.

King of Cups

Characteristics: Water Fire. Scorpion.

Blond or grey. High sensitivity, creativity. Romantic, soft, poetic, subtle.

Father, patron, guardian. Relative (cups - the suit of kinship). included in the lives of others, caring, hears others. It calms and relaxes. Magnanimous.

Events: the need to show care. Good advice in the realm of feelings.

Meeting with the King of Cups.

Business: stable, with high earnings.

Occupation: ideology, psychology, religious figure. Humanities teacher. Legal professions. Art, medicine. Mediums, psychics, fortune tellers, healers.

Health: Good. Psychosomatic disorders.

Relationships: Father-child relationship. A lot of warmth, care, tenderness, attention. Leading person in a relationship. Provides patronage and care. inclined to educate. Sometimes it can be closed.

Advice: take the case under your protection. Let go of your emotions, stay true to your feelings.

Warning: Too soft and gullible can hurt you.

And then". You will be dealing with a leader. Perhaps you will be patronized.

Flipped over

Characteristics: Immature emotionality, lack of will. Weakness, drunkenness (drug addiction). Faded, lusterless. Hypocrite, double-minded, two-faced. "Alert neurasthenic" - a weakness hidden behind external hostility. Self-deception. Sometimes - a mask of carelessness and indifference.

Events: absence (loss) of guardianship, patron. Troubles due to incorrectly built relationships, due to alcoholism.

Encounter with the inverted King of Cups.

Business: losses, losses. Sisterhood, protectionism. Lack of a master plan.

Occupation: -

Health: Exhaustion from drinking and partying.

Relationships: A very difficult marriage. Lots of hypocrisy and lies. A person who does not regret taking responsibility, a rag. A careless father.

Tip: OR: You don't need to support anyone. OR: Don't rely on support.

Warning: You will lose support

General meaning:

The King of Cups personifies the masculine aspect of the element of water, our desire to acquire a transcendent experience, to free ourselves from the fetters of consciousness and mystical unity with the origin, with the Cosmos (or take any other designation for what there are no words in our languages). He knows that these spheres are closed to rational knowledge, and that only he who has learned to rely on his intuition and is ready to trust the Cosmos and its currents can penetrate them. In addition, the King of Cups means the need to express our feelings, give free rein to intuition, embody the images of our subconscious in music, poetry or other material form, including in the form of healing and psychotherapy. However, if this process of incarnation slips into dilettantism, that is, into ignorance of the fundamentals of the matter or in neglect of them, the King of Cups turns into a "backyard guru", into a miserable preacher of other people's values, or even just into a charlatan; such a "second-year" misunderstanding of the basic laws of being makes him a toy of cosmic forces, and sooner or later he becomes a victim of other people's intrigues.


A period when we feel that, in addition to purely craft skills, we need a soul in our work. In practice, this is expressed in the fact that the given framework seems cramped to us, we bring in our own ideas and break patterns - even if this is expressed only in the fact that we begin to joke about the assigned task. This card can also mean that we want to leave this job or even change our occupation, start doing something that will give our abilities the opportunity to really manifest. This applies primarily to professions related to art, healing and social rehabilitation.


In the field of consciousness, the King of Cups means, first of all, our appeal (return?) to our inner world, work with our own subconscious. We kind of "wake up", train psychic abilities and finally we determine what place we occupy in the general structure of the Cosmos. This card can also serve as an indication that we have finally trusted our inner world and are seriously engaged in the analysis of our own dreams, ancient myths or images of the collective unconscious.

Personal relationships:

On a personal level, this is a time of flowering of feelings, when we understand more than ever what desires, doubts and fears torment our partner, and how we can help him as the closest being in the world. Thus, the King of Cups most often means an auspicious, "romantic" period of a relationship, when we are not shy about expressing our feelings and are ready to understand and accept the feelings of a partner, although sometimes this seems too sentimental.

King of Cups combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - heal the child, including the inner one.

With the "Mage" card - use your abilities.

With the card "High Priestess" - a healer, magician, psychotherapist.

With the card "Empress" - a healing effect.

With the "Emperor" card - create a family.

With the card "Hierophant" - inner enlightenment.

With the card "Lovers" - give love.

With the Chariot card - feelings that have yet to be finalized.

With the card "Strength" - the strength of the spirit.

With the card "The Hermit" - fill your troubles with wine.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - start the revival process.

With the "Justice" card - see the main thing behind the small things.

With the Hanged Man card - betray.

With the card "Death" - the transformation of feelings.

With the card "Moderation" - temper feelings.

With the card "Devil" - alcoholism.

With the Tower card - self-destruction.

With the Star card - hope for an emotional rebirth.

With the card "Moon" - get confused in your feelings.

With the card "Sun" - creativity.

With the card "Court" - retribution: how we treat others, so they will treat us.

With the "World" card - emotional renewal; taking the project to the next level.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - a creative spark.

With the card "Two of Wands" - a sphere of influence; a serious project that requires careful weighing.

With the Three of Wands card - excellent business acumen.

With the Four of Wands card - understanding and support in the house.

With the Five of Wands card - internal contradictions; spiritual quests.

With the card "Six of Wands" - a successful resolution of any situation; strong leader.

With the "Seven of Wands" card - protection of one's ideals; confusion; slander.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - a happy meeting.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - disapproval; stress.

With the Ten of Wands card - emotional depression; dead project.

With the Page of Wands card - creative searches; a student worthy of his teacher.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - inconsistency; ardor; stubbornness; escape from yourself.

With the Queen of Wands card - loyalty; understanding; union.

With the "King of Wands" card - mutual understanding; confidence; mutual interest; equality; happy cooperation.

King of Cups - Sensory-ethical extrovert (Napoleon)

"Move over, baby, I'm more used to the center!"

Other names: sensory-ethical extrovert (SEE), Napoleon, Caesar, Macedonian, Massovik, Politician.


Direct map: knocked down, strong, broad-faced, very energetic. Often with a displeased expression, with pouting lips.

Women tend to be overweight, but in their youth they strictly monitor themselves and, with sufficient splendor, still retain their figure. Then it doesn't matter anymore. Very flexible in movement.

Reversed card: denser, but less wide. A sense of power and danger emanates from them. More rigid and much faster in movements. They often look like this in their youth, especially during their student days.

In young ladies, an external mixture of innocence and sex appeal is expressed in childish softness and swelling of the face, well-developed forms and the ability to childishly directly take very effective poses. Usually Queens are quite beautiful.

He loves to command and lead, to be in the spotlight, and the King always succeeds in this. Subtly feels the attitude towards himself and the alignment of forces in a particular situation, and therefore a very skilled manipulator from the very early age. Putting your "I want!" in the first place, reacts loudly and violently if they try to squeeze him in something, infringe. He always defends his interests and often complains that he was not given something, he was underpaid. He can give up, but only when it brings a solid gain in the near future.

Perfectly understands relationships and knows how to create and build them. Very contact, relaxed, liberated and sociable. Easily makes friends, whom he uses without any twinge of conscience. Although he generously distributes his promises, he is in no hurry to fulfill them. He is quite vindictive and, first of all, takes offense at ignoring, inattention. He will try to arrange some kind of nastiness and observe with childish spontaneity and make it clear who the author is and for what exactly. And in this our King is so sincere that it is simply impossible to be angry with him. Moreover, shame is useless - shame is not included in the set of his feelings.

He needs constant confirmation of his importance. He loves gifts very much (especially women), and gifts should be expensive, status. This is a sign of his own value and love.

She also loves to eat delicious food, especially in an expensive restaurant and at someone's expense. The King of Cups, a man himself can be generous, especially when in a good mood. This is not to be expected from women.

By the way, men often know how to cook great - this is their way of expressing themselves. That is why women often do not know how to cook at all.

In general, being a very gifted nature, actively and energetically obsessive, the King of Cups essentially resembles a child. A talented, spoiled and capricious child. He still has no shame, no complexes, he is naive and spontaneous. And he has absolutely no doubt that the world is open just for him, that everyone loves him, pampers him, and this will continue in the future.

Perhaps it is this naivety and faith that allows him to avoid many troubles and still acquire a crowd of devoted admirers and helpers.

The King of Cups is very hardworking. Only his industriousness stems more from necessity than from any special desire. The point here is that the King of Cups cannot do nothing for a long time. His high energy pushes him to new beginnings and achievements, especially if it helps to provide himself with higher comfort or social status. By the way, this status is highly valued by the King, and therefore he likes to brag about his acquaintance with celebrities and other powerful people of this world.

If the King of Cups falls into forced idleness or forced idle waiting, then his mood quickly falls, he becomes even more grouchy and unbearably capricious. For health and good mood, he needs everything around to spin and spin, and he himself was in the very center of this whirlwind. The King of Cups is able to do several things at once. But if there are too many of these cases, then the effectiveness begins to fall. Many of his cases are generally solved in this way, casually, in an informal setting. And so the impression of lightness, luck, omnipotence is created. And indeed, on the rise, on the excitement, many complex things go without a hitch, and knowing this, the King of Cups from each of his appearances seeks to make a show, to give the appearance of a brilliant holiday. Like, the table is already waiting, let's quickly sign our papers, and have a good buzz.

Once again about appearance. Men are most often amazingly sloppy - they either find someone who lives with them, watches his clothes and whom they exploit mercilessly, or they go like that - to look pitiful, as the acquaintance of the King explained. Then they make concessions much easier. Things, despite the sloppiness, prefer expensive and catchy. This is especially true for women who, with sufficient fatness, like to emphasize their sexuality with a short, tight and deeply decollete outfit. They gravitate toward colors red and black, they like to wear a lot of large, shiny and obviously expensive jewelry.

They are always confident in their sexual attractiveness, they know how to seduce anyone, or vice versa, to keep at the right distance, inspiring hope and not letting them off the hook. I will allow myself to cite a few phrases characteristic of the Kings of Cups.

Nothing spoils the beauty

A toast: let those who didn’t get us take envy, and those who didn’t want us will die.

For us, divok crazy beauty! And if we are not good, then the men are completely snickering ...

No, I don't understand, how can you not love ME?

Indeed, very bright personalities, a wave, a tsunami. With the help of pressure and charm, almost everything can be done. It's hard enough with them, but you won't get bored. And from communicating with them, there remains a certain duality, which can be illustrated with the phrase - what a pity that everything is finally over!

Movie list:

1. "Bitter Moon" - the main character

2 Cruel Intentions - Katherine

3. "Lolita" - Lolita

4. "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" - Monsieur Buanosier

5. "Pretty Woman" - Phil, companion of the protagonist

6. "Fire and sword" - Bagun

7. "The habit of marrying" - Vicki

8. "Scavenger" - a girl, the main character

9. "The Barber of Siberia" - Tolstoy's mother

10. "Stepmother" - little son

11. "Love is evil" - the protagonist and his friend

12. "Dirty money" - the main character

13. "Trip" - a young black woman, the first "love" of one of the main characters.

14. "Mission Cleopatra" - the architect who built the palace.

Description of the Tarot card King of Cups

In most decks, the King of Cups tarot card shows a mature man seated on a throne. Sometimes the throne stands on the seashore, and sometimes it floats on the water. Almost always the King is depicted without armor or only in chest armor. In one hand he holds a goblet and in the other a scepter. The pose of a man expresses ease, strength, calmness and self-confidence.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card King of Cups in divination and layouts

Direct card position

In the upright position, the King of Cups card speaks of a conscious and consistent progress towards your goal, surrounded by supportive people. Indicates understanding, leadership, friendship and help. Arkan can mean that in order to successfully resolve the current situation, you need to take on the role of a voluntary and understanding leader of the problems of others. Maybe now is the time to give help and support to your loved ones to resolve their various spiritual and emotional problems.

Reversed card position

Falling out in fortune-telling or layouts in an inverted position, the King of Cups can indicate a loss that will cause a flurry of negative emotions, or involvement in some kind of scandal, deceit or scam due to the tendency to overly listen to the opinions of others and act on someone else's orders. The card is sometimes interpreted as insincere or simply bad advice, as well as an inability to make mature decisions.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

In this area, the King of Cups in a direct position indicates significant progress, career advancement, appointment to a leadership position. Sometimes - obtaining significant financial profits. In some cases, Arkan should be taken as an indication of the opportunity to break out of the routine of everyday work and look at your activities from a different angle, or even change your profession to a more interesting one.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or layout in an inverted position, the King of Cups warns of unpromising, and sometimes even fraud-related or law-breaking proposals. Arkan can also indicate unhealthy relationships in the team, humiliation by management, unfriendly attitude of colleagues.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Good health, full recovery in case of illness.

Reversed card position

Exhaustion of the body, a tendency to hysteria, nervous disorders. Dangerous cases of liquid poisoning are possible.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In fortune-telling and layouts for love and relationships, the King of Cups card in a direct position speaks of the flowering of feelings, when partners understand each other more than ever: they know about all hopes, desires, doubts and failures and can help in difficult times. The lasso symbolizes the peak of romanticism and the period of ideal relationships, the willingness to accept a partner as he is, to support him with all his might, eliminating doubts, complexes, and fears. Sometimes the card is interpreted as a willingness to start a family.

Reversed card position

Reversed, the King of Cups indicates that one of the partners in the union uses his attractiveness to achieve personal goals, and too favorable development of the relationship is usually too good to be true. In divination for a new acquaintance, this card should be taken as a warning that the first impression is often deceptive.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

In the upright position, the King of Cups represents a middle-aged man (at least 40-45 years old) with light brown hair or an elderly person, probably born under the sign of Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces. This is a kind, noble and generous person, a fair friend and authoritative adviser, creative, aware of the responsibility for what he does. Often the card indicates a scientist, a thoughtful person. Sometimes this person may simply be a businessman or a person whose activities are somehow connected with the law. It is possible that this is a clergyman, a philosopher; perhaps a person who has attained high scientific degrees. This is a disposing, reliable personality, kind, attentive to others, condescending to their petty sins and shortcomings. This is a person about whom they usually say that he does not and cannot have enemies.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the King of Cups describes a person who is capricious, changeable and indecisive. He is often pompous and likes to promise more than he can deliver, or he is too lazy to take action. This is a dishonest scammer who can cause losses in his personal life or career for a fortuneteller. With such a person, one should be careful and, at the first opportunity, move away from him to a safe distance.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the King of Cups Card as a Card of the Day

Today you need to consciously manage your feelings, giving them free rein. Do not hide your emotions, but try to show the other person how much you love him, what problem worries you or what concerns you the most. If you have a clear goal in front of your eyes, you will very soon be convinced that emotions and rich imagination only help you achieve it faster. It is possible, however, that on the path of life you will meet a sensitive, handsome man, or just today he will play an important role for you. In any case, meeting with him will please and enrich you in many ways.

Advice cards King of Cups in divination and layouts

Carefully weigh each step you take, don't let confidence and understanding blind you. Even the most obvious at first glance things and decisions need to be carefully checked and considered.

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