Places in Donbass that we don’t know about (photo). Donbass. Beautiful places. Seversky Donets, Kleban-Byk, Alekseevo-Druzhkovka, Belokuzminovka Gloomy places of Donbass

On South Donetsk region The Azov crystalline massif is located. Once upon a time, mountains 3-5 kilometers high rose in these places.

Donetsk City Dolphinarium "Nemo" If you want to make your child a real holiday, visit this amazing place with him. Donetsk city dolphinarium "Nemo" is part of the national complex "Nemo".

Hiking "Geological past of Donbass" On Saturday, September 17, 2011, the first weekend hike dedicated to the geological heritage of Donbass took place. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photo report of this event.

Donbass Arena Stadium in Donetsk Donbass Arena is the first stadium in Ukraine built for the 2012 European Football Championship in accordance with UEFA Elite (five star) standards. This stadium can certainly be called one of the calling cards of Donetsk.

Not far from the town of Druzhkovka (Donetsk region) there is a natural monument “Druzhkovka Stone Trees”. This natural phenomenon is very rare for our planet, since a similar place exists only in the USA in the state of Arizona.

Reserve "Stone Graves" On the territory of the reserve there are mounds in which ancient peoples buried noble people. The crystalline rocks that are located on the territory of the reserve have in some aspects no analogues in the world.

The workforce of OJSC "Dokuchaevsky Flux-Dolomite Plant" created the Dokuchaevsky Zoo on the site of an abandoned children's recreation facility.

Private zoo in the village of Pridorozhnoye The private zoo is located in the village of Pridorozhnoye, Starobeshevsky district, Donetsk region. The menagerie is home to about 10,000 animals and birds.

Landscape Park "Zuevsky" Amateurs can find an excellent holiday in the Zuevsky Landscape Park active rest, and just friendly groups who came for barbecue away from the bustle of the city. There are also many mysterious legends associated with this place.

Zuevsky climbing wall "Zuevka" The climbing wall "Zuevka" is the largest natural climbing wall in Donbass. About 20 trails of varying difficulty have been created at the Zuevka climbing wall. Many famous climbers of the Donetsk region started from this Zuevsky climbing wall.

Salt lakes Rapnoe and Slepnoe The Slavic salt lakes Rapnoe (Repnoe) and Slepnoe are hydrological natural monuments of national importance. The bottom of the lakes is covered with deposits of mud, which is used by the sanatoriums of the Slavyansky resort.

In the city of Slavyansk, not far from the railway station, there is Mount Karachun. There is a legend about it, written down from the words of the local kobzar Ivan Bogdan, about the robber Karachun and the treasures he buried on the mountain...

I want to dispel the myth that Donbass is only about mines and factories, that there is absolutely nothing to see there. In fact, there are stunningly beautiful places there, comparable to the Crimea, Ternopil region, Poltava region, Cherkasy region.
Beautiful chalk mountains, steppes, flowering meadows, unique natural monuments.
Below we briefly describe four such places located in the vicinity of Kramatorsk.
1) Seversky Donets River
2) Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees. (Konstantinovsko-Druzhkovskaya anticline)
3) Regional landscape park Kleban-Byk
4) Chalk cliffs in the village of Belokuzminovka

Seversky Donets River

Seversky Donets (Ukrainian Siversky Donets, ancient Greek according to Ptolemy Tanaid, Tanais, Italian Tan, Old Russian Great Don, Donel, Don) is a river in the south of the East European Plain, flowing through the Belgorod and Rostov regions of Russia, as well as Kharkov and Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine, the right (largest) tributary of the Don. The fourth largest river in Ukraine and the most important source fresh water in the east of this country. Sometimes it is also called the Northern Donets, in the 17th-18th centuries - the Northern Donets. Wikipedia

The Seversky Donets is an amazingly beautiful river, in some places it reminded me of Psel and Ros. Not a very fast current, picturesque banks, a lot of egg pods, and white lilies in places. An excellent place for kayaking trips and parking on the shore. The only thing is that near large cities, all the banks are occupied by recreation centers and private estates.

Seversky Donets

White wagtail (Motacilla alba) and tourist sites on the banks

A typical Donbass landscape with waste heaps.

Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees.

Here, in a former quarry for the extraction of refractory clay, there are the remains of petrified trees, araucaria, which are about 250 million years old. Currently, similar trees have been preserved in South America, in Australia and the islands of New Caledonia.
There are very beautiful meadows around the quarry.
We saw only one tree, the rest were smaller pieces, local residents they were stolen for souvenirs and to decorate fireplaces.

The fairly flat terrain in this area is cut by several gullies - former clay quarries

The slopes of the quarry are gradually overgrown

All around are steppe and meadows that have not yet been scorched at this time of year.

Stone outcrops on the slopes

Actually, that's why it's worth going there. Fossilized Aurucaria

This giant can only be dragged away with the help of a crane, which is why it remained on the slope of the quarry

Sandy-clayey slopes

A great place to play Indians. Surprisingly, the surrounding area is quite clean, I’m glad there is no garbage

More quarry slopes

View of the quarry from above

Surrounding meadows

More forbs

Some kind of tansy and cornflower (genus Centaurea), which I have never seen before

The meadows of these cornflowers look very beautiful, at the top they are already in full bloom, and just below there are still buds

Speedwell (Veronica spicata) and Thuringian hutma (DOG ROSE) (Lavatera thuringiaca)

Common bruise (Echium vulgare) and tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.)

Tansy fields

Mullein (Verbascum) and sage (Salvia)

Scabiosa and Mylabris variabilis eating yellow Senecio flowers

Field Consolidum (Royal Delphinium) (Consolida regalis) and Prickly Zopnik (Zheleznyak) (Phlomis pungens Willd.)

Zopnik thickets

Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius L.)
Among the interesting creatures I also saw crested larks (Galerida cristata), in Kyiv they appear only in January-February.

Kleban the Bull

Regional landscape park "Kleban-Byk" is located on the territory of the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region, total area park - 2142 hectares. The territory of the park is a picturesque mountainous area on both banks of the Kleban-Byk reservoir, which is at the mouth of the Bychok River (a tributary of the Krivoi Torets River).
This area is closely connected with the history of the Zaporozhye Army and its state - the glorious Zaporozhye Sich. Almost since 1500, in the royal charters issued to the Zaporozhian Army on the boundaries of Cossack liberties, the name “Bychok River Tract” has been found, since 1600 – “Klebina”, and since 1720 – “Kleban-Byk”.
Anyone who believes that the name of the reserve and the tributary of the river is somehow connected with the bulls that were allegedly bred in this area is mistaken. In fact, the combination of the words kleban-bull means approximately the same as “bottom of the pit.” The fact is that the entire territory of this park 200 million years ago was the bottom of the Permian Sea, as evidenced by the imprints of mollusks and shell rock on sandy stones.

A very picturesque place, you can see campsites with tents on the other side

Below the village of Kleban-Byk, fields and meadows



Geological natural monument local significance. Located in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region near the village of Belokuzminovka. The status of a natural monument was assigned by decision of the regional executive committee No. 310 on June 21, 1972. Area - 0.35 hectares.
The age of the chalk mountain is 90 million years. The mountain is made up of sediments last period Mesozoic era, which formed in clean warm sea ​​waters from small marine organisms with a calcareous skeleton. Vertical white-gray rocks stand out in the rock; the eastern edge of the mountain ends with white-gray rocks. At the foot of the mountain there are numerous niches, potholes, large and small caves. Flint is often found among chalk rubble.
The chalk outcrop rises to a height of more than 25 meters. Mount Sword stands alone on the eastern edge of the outcrop.
The outcrop and rocks are completely devoid of vegetation. Vegetation consisting of meadow and dry-loving plants is found only on the edge of the scree; buttercups, clover, and meadow geranium grow here. Swift nests are found in crevices and niches at the tops of rocks.
Not far from the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous, a site of a primitive man was discovered with a workshop for processing flint mined in this mountain.
Since 2004, the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous has been part of the Kramatorsk regional landscape park.

View of the rocks from Belokuzminovka

Near the rocks there is a small lake and chalk hills

The official sign and a slightly less official one

Flowering meadows, cows and generally an idyll all around


Once again meadows, cows and hills

Nonea (Nonea (possibly N. Russian (russica), but maybe dark brown (N.pulla DC), some believe that this is the same thing) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) and Tatarian fireweed (Goniolimon tataricum)

Chalk block and more rocks

There are many inclusions of silicon in the rocks

Everything around is strewn with these silicon fragments.

Project “Sights of Donbass”

Project goals:

The main goal of this project is to form the foundations of patriotism - nurturing human qualities that form the basis of his communicative, civic and social activity, development creativity, fostering respect for the history, traditions, culture of one’s family, small homeland, and the Fatherland as a whole;

- implementation integrated approach to educate schoolchildren in the spirit of patriotism, introducing children to the history and culture of their native land, local attractions, nurturing love and affection for their native land;

Involving children and youth in research and local history work under the guidance of school teachers.

Educational objectives of the project:

    contribute to the development of interest among students and their parents in studying the history, culture, traditions of their region, homeland,


The implementation of this project assumes the formation:

    systems of local history knowledge, systems of patriotic education,

    sustainable interest in the historical past of one’s family, small homeland, Republic,

    respectful and careful attitude towards architectural and cultural monuments;

    love and respect for our native nature;

    feasible service to the Fatherland: active life position, interest in knowledge, desire for self-expression and self-realization.

Such a concept as Donbass has existed since the beginning of the 19th century. Engineer Kovalevsky used this word when concluding a geological map of the Donbass lands adjacent to the Donets River (1827). Subsequently, a powerful industrial and economic region was formed here, which covers the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Until 1932, these regions existed together, in one province. On July 2, 1932, during the formation, the Stalin (now Donetsk) region was created.

The Donetsk region was inhabited in ancient times, starting from the Paleolithic era. A hand ax from an ancient human site, found near the city of Amvrosievka, was hewn tens of thousands of years ago.

After the melting of glaciers (14-12 thousand years ago), the climate of these places approached the modern one. The Azov steppes, with their rich variety of herbs, were especially attractive for raising livestock. In the Bronze Age, the Donetsk steppes were inhabited by nomads. The first of the nomadic tribes were the Cimmerians. In the 4th century, nomadic herders Huns came from Asia to the Azov region. The East Slavic tribes “Russians” (as people from the Ros River were called) appeared in the Donetsk steppe in the 9th century. In the 9th-12th centuries, tribes of the Khazars, Torks, Pechenegs and Polovtsians roamed these lands.

After the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar tribes in the 13th century, the territory of the region was depopulated. The Azov region, Donetsk and Don steppes began to be called the Wild Field for a long time.

In the 14th century, the territory of the region was part of the Crimean Khanate; a century later, the first fortresses of the Moscow state arose here - the Svyatogorsk fortress (Svyatogorsk) and the Bakhmut guard (Kramatorsk). In 1645, the solemn ringing of bells in Moscow announced the birth of the new fortress Tor (Slavyansk), which was considered a strong military fortification of that time.

The Zaporozhye and Don Cossacks played a major role in the settlement and protection of the Donetsk steppes, establishing their settlements here - “winter settlements” and “farms”. Many cities grew from such settlements, including Druzhkovka, Avdeevka, Makeevka.

Intensive economic development of the region began in the 18th century in connection with the beginning of industrial coal mining, which was discovered in 1721.
During the Azov campaign, Tsar Peter I noted: “This mineral, if not for us, then will be useful for our descendants.” The name of Peter I is associated with the beginning of the development of industry in the Donetsk region and the exploration of the subsoil of Donbass.

After the abolition of serfdom, mass resettlement of residents of densely populated agricultural regions of Ukraine and Russia and the development of industry began in these regions.

We were born in Donbass,
In the land of coal and steel,
Where they twinkle at night
The ray of a star on a piledriver,
Before sunset,
Where the wheat is like the sea,
Pinkish at dawn.

Our region is rich
But is it only coal?
Donetsk region is a whole world,
Unique and multi-story!

Of course, there are no bright colors here,
Like in the Caucasus and Crimea,
And over the factories of Donbass
Sometimes the sky is all in smoke,
But there is a different kind of beauty...
Look at this beauty!

Donetsk steppe without edge,
Thyme and feather grass...
I love you, dear
And in tulips and in dust,
And in the snow of spicy acacias,
And in the lilac smoke,
And in the monists of pyrites,
I'll hug you like a friend.

It’s as if there’s nothing to admire.
River Kalmius.
Just a river.
In my Fatherland these rivers
We haven't been able to count them yet.
And on the map of the vast country
The Kalmius River is a thin thread,
But without this thread it’s unlikely
We could fall in love with the globe.
Warm shore, familiar distances.
Old Bridge. There are poplars near the water.
Only here, - the shores whispered to me, -
Our Earth begins.

There are sights in Donbass that cannot be forgotten.

-The calling card of Donetsk is rightfully"Donbass-Arena". This stadium, located in the city center in the city park of culture and Donbass Arena, is a modern football stadium in Donetsk. This is the first sports ground in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, designed and built in accordance with UEFA Elite standards.

The stadium was built in 2009 by the Turkish company Enka for the Shakhtar football club and is designed for 52,187 spectators. The design of the structure as a whole resembles a “flying saucer”, with the roof sloping from north to south, thereby improving natural light and facilitating ventilation of the football field. Also, the Donbass Arena is distinguished from other famous European stadiums by its oval shape and all-glass façade.

The Arena's football field was created according to the most modern technologies, the lawn is grown in Slovakia and is one of the best in the world. The chairs are designed and manufactured by the famous "Camatic" (Australia).

The stadium has 53 fast food cafes, a fan cafe, 4 bars, 3 restaurants, a media cafe and a lounge bar. These establishments can together accommodate 1,830 visitors. There are more than 1,000 parking spaces near the stadium (of which 245 are in underground parking).

- Park named after Shcherbakov. Donetsk.

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. A. Shcherbakova - the central park of Donetsk. Located in the Voroshilovsky district, on the banks of two city ponds, near the old Shakhtar stadium. The largest rose garden in Donbass is located here (in Soviet times, Donetsk was called the city of a million roses)

The park is named after the secretary of the regional party committee A.S. Shcherbakov and is located along the shore connecting the ponds. Many park landscape compositions are located near water.

In 2005, the architecture of the territory was completely changed, spacious recreation areas were created and numerous flowers, shrubs and ornamental trees were planted. The pride of the park are thirty thousand rose bushes that attract the attention of visitors. At the same time, fountains were created, wrought iron gates and a beautiful metal fence were installed.

Currently, Shcherbakov Park includes 14 popular attractions (11 of them are modern), three playgrounds for children, a boat station and other facilities. In 2012, the park was the first in the country to receive the prestigious international Golden Pony award, given to leaders for achievements in the fields of education and event management.

-Dolphinarium "Nemo". Donetsk.
The year-round Donetsk City Dolphinarium is part of the national network of cultural and recreational complexes "Nemo". Currently located in temporary premises, construction of a permanent structure is planned. You can look at dolphins through special “windows” in the lobby.

-Park of Forged Figures. Donetsk.

The park of forged figures and carved sculptures is located in the park behind the City Council building. The works of the best blacksmiths of Donbass are collected here. At the end of 2012, the number of unique forged exhibits was 163 objects, which was registered by the Guinness Book of Records of Ukraine. The first exhibit in the Park of Forged Figures in Donetsk was a bouquet of forged roses. This flower is a symbol of the mining capital.

An international festival of blacksmithing is held annually. Best works remain in the park as a gift.

- Mertsalov's Palm. Donetsk.
The symbol of Donbass is a filigree sculpture in the form of a palm tree, 3.5 m high, forged from a single steel rail at the end of the 19th century. Donetsk blacksmith Mertsalov. This work was awarded the Grand Prix at the Paris International Industrial Exhibition of 1900.

-Water park "Aquasphere". Donetsk.
Water park "Aquasphere" in Donetsk (original name - Royal Marine) is one of the largest and most modern indoor water attraction parks in Donbass. It consists of an open water area with swimming pools and attractions, as well as an indoor entertainment area under a transparent dome with a diameter of 85 and a height of 24 m.

-Tsar Cannon of the city of Donetsk.

The Tsar Cannon of the city of Donetsk is a copy of the Moscow original, only its barrel is made of cast iron, not bronze. She stands on the square in front of the City Council, “looking” to the side shopping center"White Swan" across Artyoma Street.
By official version, The Tsar Cannon was a gift from the Moscow government to Donetsk, and was a response to the gift to Moscow of a copy of the legendary Mertsalov Palm.
The Tsar Cannon is popular both among city guests and local residents. This is one of many very beautiful and cozy corners of Donetsk. People with families and children come here to relax, sit on benches in the shade of spreading willows and spruce trees, surrounded by numerous flower beds with gorgeous roses. Nearby is a very beautiful, very unusual dynamic cascading fountain. A little further is a copy of the Tsar Bell.

-Memorial complex "Liberators of Donbass". Donetsk. A monument dedicated to the memory of soldiers of all units and formations who liberated Donbass in 1943. It is distinguished by deep local symbolism, which permeates not only the forms of the monument, but also the materials from which it consists. The stylized contours of the banner in the form of a five-pointed star, waste heaps, layers of coal, as if emerging from the ground to the surface, pointed facial features - a young soldier and an elderly miner - all create a certain mood.

-Donetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore- one of the largest in Donbass, fruitfully engaged in research work. Confirming its fundamental nature is the fact that it has 50 thousand exhibits housed in 24 halls! Created in 1924, it holds a unique history. Despite the fact that during the Great Patriotic War its funds were destroyed by the Nazi invaders, it is gradually being recreated through the efforts of the fund's employees.

Collections of funds are replenished from year to year, their scientific description and organization of storage are improved. Collecting historical documents and relics is one of the most important tasks of the museum. Thematically, the museum covers various areas from the nature of the Donetsk region to the history of the pre-Soviet period and the Soviet period.

-Donetsk Botanical Garden

The living collections of the Donetsk Botanical Garden contain 71 species of plants protected at the international level; 97 plant species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine; 88 plant species protected at the regional level. Also in the park you can see plants that are completely atypical for our latitudes. Five greenhouses, where tropical and subtropical conditions are created, contain collections of tropical and subtropical plants from more than 1,500 species, varieties, natural forms and cultivars.

- Monument to John Hughes. Donetsk.
John James Hughes - Welsh industrialist, founder of Donetsk, which was called Yuzovka until 1924 in honor of the founder.

-Puppet Theatre. Gorlovka.
The Gorlovka City Puppet Theater was created by a group of enthusiasts in 2001. The repertoire of the Gorlovka Puppet Theater includes a variety of children's performances, productions for adults, New Year's performances, music and entertainment programs, variety performances with giant dolls.

-Park of stone sculptures. Druzhkovka.
About 50 sandstone sculptures have already been collected here, which depict fairy-tale heroes and real historical figures. Mainly represented figures Russian history and heroes of the Russian epic. All paths converge to the center - a mound with the figure of Mother Rus'.

-Memorial complex "Saur-Mogila" in the city of Snezhnoye.

For many centuries, legends, tales, folk songs and ballads about the Saur-Mogila mound have been transmitted. This old silent monument has seen many joyful and sad events in its lifetime. The courage and bravery of the people, as well as the wise defenders of their native land, are told in folk ballads. To this day it is not known exactly where this name came from. Some researchers claim that Saur is the name of a man who defended the interests of local residents, but, which is also possible, he was also a Cossack. This area in the Donetsk region was subject to raids by the Tatars, and it was also unlucky during the Second World War. Today Saur-Mogila is a cultural and historical monument .

Saur-Mogila is one of the highest points of the Donetsk Ridge; it is located in the Shakhtarsky district of the Donetsk region. The height of the mound above sea level is about 278 m. On its top in the old days, a Cossack post was built, then a fortification of the Mius Front. The memorial complex was created here after the end of the Great Patriotic War. The Saur-Mogila mound is a remnant of a spur of the Donetsk Ridge. It mainly consists of sandstone, with inclusions of rock crystal visible in some places. Saur-Mogila is located on a plain, which is why it can be seen at a distance of up to 40 m. From its top you can view the waste heaps of mines, the endless steppe, and the Amvrosievsky cement plant. In sunny weather, you can see the Sea of ​​Azov from the mound, although it is located 90 km away. It is known that people lived on the territory of the modern Donetsk region back in the 2nd millennium BC, because it was during this period that the top part Saur-Mogily. The tribes of the Srubnaya culture made a mound about 4 m high and almost 32 m in diameter.

According to some sources, “saur” or “savur” is of Turkic origin (from the word “sauyr”), it is translated as “steppe height with a round top.” A group of researchers is inclined to believe that the mound was named after the Sarmatian or Sauromatian tribe. But folk art has preserved many legends and songs about the man Saura. He was a people's avenger, a Cossack who died at the hands of the Crimean Tatars, defending his people from slavery. Ancient times Archaeologists excavated the mound and discovered a burial dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. e., the period of the Timber culture. Who was there in these parts? Sarmatians, Scythians, Khazars, Huns, Bulgarians, Polovtsians, Pechenegs, Mongol-Tatars - all these peoples at one time settled on the territory of the modern Donetsk region. No one lived here for a long time. The silence of the endless steppes was occasionally broken by the cries of robbers driving slaves, hordes of nomads, the creaking of Chumatsky carts and herds of wild animals. All this time, Saur-Mogila stood untouched. Where the monument is located today, the Cossacks made a patrol there, and they themselves developed the surrounding spaces. It was here that the bloodiest battles between Ukrainians and Tatars took place.

Saur-Mogila during the Great Patriotic War For two years, the area around the mound was occupied by the Germans. It was here that the defensive structures of the first line of the Mius Front were built from 1941 to 1943. Saur-Mogila itself was of very important strategic importance for the Germans. An observation post was established at its top. On the slopes of the mound, German soldiers set up dugouts, bunkers, ramparts, and dug armored hoods with fire weapons. Mortars, flamethrower tanks, and artillery pieces were used to defend the heights. The Soviet troops faced a difficulty - they had to attack from a steep slope, while the Germans could take advantage of the gentle slope, which means they could use armored vehicles with all their might. Saur-Mogila, Donetsk region, began to be stormed on August 28, 1943, the red flag was hoisted to the top on the night of August 29-30, but the Russians finally took the height only on August 31. The 96th Guards Rifle Division, 295, 293, 291st Rifle Regiments, 34th Guards Rifle Division, and units of the 127th Division took part in the capture. The ubiquitous Katyushas and Ilov cover provided invaluable assistance to the military. During the taking of the heights, many worthy, brave soldiers and officers died, many of them were posthumously awarded orders.

After the end of the war, the first memorial appeared on Saur-Mogila. It was a 6-meter high limestone pyramid with a red star-shaped top. Around the monument there was a platform bordered by a chain, in the corners of which the cannons left over from the hostilities were placed. There was also an inscription listing the names of officers and soldiers who died while taking the heights. Second memorial In 1960, the Union of Architects of the Donetsk Region decided to announce a competition for the design of a new monument. 37 creative teams from all over the RSFSR came up with their proposals, the best option proposed by the Kyiv organization. Thanks to Ukrainian architects, it acquired a new, more improved Saur-Mogila memorial. The monument was built with money from miners who gave their daily wages.

The grand opening of the memorial took place in the fall of 1967. More than 300 thousand people gathered to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers. Units of the Soviet Army, representatives of public organizations, and veterans came from all over the USSR. What did Saur-Mogila look like at that time? The photo from the 60s has survived to this day. At the very top stood a 36-meter reinforced concrete obelisk, lined with granite. Inside it, the organizers set up a room of military glory, in which they collected maps, newspapers with relevant publications from the war, portraits and photographs of participants in the summit. An upper observation deck was also created. At the foot of the obelisk, a 9-meter sculpture of a soldier was installed, looking west and clutching a machine gun in his right raised hand. The warrior is wearing a cloak-tent, the flaps of which flutter in the wind. The sculpture is made of cast iron; in 1975, the Eternal Flame was lit near it. There are two ways to get to the obelisk. One alley was laid by pioneers from different parts of the USSR, and the second by representatives of hero cities. The Komsomol members planted the road to the mound with poplars and maples. Only those who climb up the wide stairs will see Saur-Mogila in all its glory. The history of those terrible events is preserved on four huge horizontal combat pylons. Each of them is dedicated to a specific type of troops: artillerymen, infantry, aviation, tank crews. All high reliefs, compositions and inscriptions are based on real events. The pylons depict not fictional characters, but soldiers and officers of the Soviet army. At the foot of Saur-Mogila there is a lower observation deck, which offers a stunning view of the entire memorial complex. It houses artillery pieces preserved from the war, the famous Katyusha rockets, tanks, and mortars. There is a helipad at the very top of the mound.

-Historical Museum of G.Ya.Sedov

On July 8, 1990, in the homeland of the conqueror of the Arctic, in the village of Sedovo, Novoazovsky district, Donetsk region, the grand opening of a historical museum dedicated to G.Ya. Sedov took place.

The museum building, similar to the silhouette of a sailboat, was specially designed. And decorated by St. Petersburg artists from the plant of painting and design art. The result of the creative efforts of the authors of the project, V. Solomin and O. Pleskov, and graphic designers, was the creation of an interesting historical museum, whose fund today includes more than 2000 exhibits.

Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov (April 23 (May 5), 1877 - February 20 (March 5), 1914) is known not only as a polar explorer, but also as a hydrographer who made a great contribution to the study of the Arctic seas. And museum visitors are given a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the materials of his early expeditions to the Kolyma (in 1909) and the Caspian Sea (in 1911), awarded with high awards, such as the Order of St. Anna, 3rd degree and the Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd degree.

The museum's exposition also shows visitors household items of the Sedov family - dishes, textbooks, a fishing net, and a model of a fisherman's hut. The thematic exhibition “The History of the Krivaya Kosa Farm” (now the village of Sedovo) is dedicated to the birthplace of the legendary polar explorer, tells about the first pages of the history of the farm, about the life of the fishermen. The tools and interior items of a peasant hut presented here are interesting. The museum staff constantly conducts research on the history of the development of fishing in the Novoazovsky region, bit by bit they collect materials on the history of the village of Sedovo itself. Therefore, the exhibition is periodically updated with new interesting items.

A large thematic section of the museum exhibition “G.Ya. Sedov – Pioneer of the Arctic” is dedicated directly to the personality life path and the immortal feat of the leader of the first Russian expedition to the North Pole. Valuable relics, photographs, and unique documents will clearly tell you about this. Map of the polar expedition, original exhibits from the ship “Holy Martyr Foka”, on which Sedov went to conquer the Far North, part of the ship’s plating and horseshoes, a shovel found on Rudolf Island, at the site of the death of G.Ya. Sedov, copies of invoices of voluntary donations for the purchase dogs, food - you can see all this with your own eyes by visiting the museum.

Sedov's dream came true, the north submitted to man. And a fairly large section of the museum is dedicated to this. The materials of the latest expeditions and the model of the first polar station under the leadership of I. Papanin are clearly demonstrated.

The museum's video library contains many documentaries and feature films about the barque “Sedov”, about the exploration of the Arctic. And the half-hour documentary film “Expedition to the North Pole by G.Ya. Sedov” from the Mosfilm archives is truly priceless. It was here that expedition member, artist N.V. Pinegin, in 1912, captured black and white, without sound, unique footage of the first Russian expedition to the North Pole, led by Sedov.

The materials collected by the participants of the legendary expedition in the field of geodesy, cartography, meteorology, geology, and hydrography are an invaluable cultural heritage of the modern generation. And an important contribution to the preservation of this heritage is made by the historical museum of G. Ya. Sedov, the great conqueror of the North, who gained immortality in his feat.

- Natural monuments
-Balka Gorkaya- a monument of national importance, where the majestic Eremurus grows from the Ice Age. On the territory of Donbass, this rare plant is found only in three places.

- Zuevsky Landscape Park. Zuevka.
Regional landscape park "Zuevsky" is located in the region of the village of Zuevka, around which rise rocky hills covered with steppe and forests. . A rocky ridge 20 meters high and more than 300 meters long is buried in the shade of trees; from the cliffs there is an excellent view of the Donetsk steppe. The Zuevsky climbing wall includes about twenty routes.

- Novopetrovskie rapids
The village of Novopetrovskoye, Amvrosievsky district, is one of the most picturesque corners of the Donetsk region: here coniferous and oak forests coexist with virgin steppe, cut by deep rocky ravines. However, the real pearl of this place is considered to be the beautiful and technically challenging rapids on the Krynka River, which has long attracted the attention of kayak and catamaran lovers from many regions. Three steps - three stone ridges through which water flows, “barrels”, “mushrooms”, “catch” - make it possible to hold even competitions on an all-Ukrainian scale here.

- St. John the Theologian Church Vasilyevka
Architectural monument - St. John the Theologian Church (1905, Vasilyevka village). Until 1917, the area was part of the Land of the Don Army.

Another attraction of the Amvrosievsky district is Amvrosievsky marl quarry. It's hard to remain indifferent looking at this magnificence! Azure ponds against a background of almost white marl – a truly picturesque picture! This quarry is also called the “Amvrosievsky Sea”.

- Khomutovskaya steppe
The Khomutovskaya steppe is rightfully the pride of Donbass. It has absorbed so many colors, colors, and smells that it could be classified, even without other merits, as a protected area. The fact that Khomutovka is included in the UNESCO list of natural monuments is proof of this.

To get to it, you need to take the Donetsk-Novoazovsk highway and, not far from the village of Khomutovka, turn onto the road to the reserve, which borders the territory of the Rostov region and is located only twenty kilometers from the coast of the Azov Sea.

This amazing place has a direct connection with the history of Ukraine. Once upon a time there was a herd cleanup for the Don Army. Young animals grazed and fattened on local grasses. It was here that the famous Don stallions, the pride and strength of the Cossacks, prepared for campaigns.

The reserve on these lands was formed in 1926 by the decision of the Mariupol district executive committee. Today its total area is 1030.4 hectares - a unique steppe unlike anything else. Some of them are absolutely reserved, which implies a complete prohibition of any species. economic activity, including grazing domestic animals.

The main wealth of the reserve is the rich flora of the forb-fescue-feather grass steppe. Here you can find more than six hundred four thousand species of different flowers and ferns. Nineteen of them grow only here and are not found anywhere else. In addition, fifty-nine species of mosses, forty-six species of lichens and over two hundred and seventy species of mushrooms grow on the territory of the reserve.
Spring dawn in the steppe, a hot afternoon filled with the aroma of herbs, sunset over an endless plain stretching into the horizon. Those who did not see this, did not breathe the free air of freedom, lost half their life. Remember the screensaver of one famous Hollywood film studio - against the background of the scarlet disk of the sun setting beyond the horizon, a wolf froze. The muzzle is raised to the dark summer sky, and the endless singing is underfoot. A symbol of freedom, the free spirit of the Ukrainian people and the beauty of the surrounding world. This picture was probably painted in the Donetsk nature reserve “Khomutovskaya Steppe”.

In addition to wolves, here you can find a fox, a raccoon dog, a hare, a vole and many, many other representatives of the fauna. The reserve maintains a unique ecosystem, which employees continue to work to preserve today.

In recent years, it has been implemented scientific program for horse breeding. The herds of wild horses, tarpans, aurochs, saigas, and roe deer that once roamed these expanses are now a thing of the past and, as a result, natural litter of dead vegetation has begun to accumulate in some areas. The vegetation that the animals ate now, dying, pollutes the soil. There has been an imbalance in the region's ecosystem; some representatives of the animal world have begun to disappear

- “Stone Graves”.

It was even formed a little earlier - in 1924, and is located in the Volodarsky district near the village of Nazarovka.
The first to draw attention to the uniqueness of this place was an expedition organized by the Mariupol Museum of Local Lore to the upper reaches of the Karatysh River.

It turned out that volcanic rocks come to the surface here and their bizarre outlines gave birth to a mountainous country in miniature. Many old beliefs and legends are associated with this region. Once upon a time, in time immemorial, our distant ancestors made it a cult place and it was here that many pagan rituals were carried out.

In those distant times, the maximum height of the rock outcrop was about three kilometers. At that time, this small mountainous country was much higher than it is today. Over time, under the influence environment, granite, its component, was destroyed and in the present the height of the highest point is no more than 200 meters.

In total, the Stone Graves have five peaks. These are Panorama, Vityaz, Ostraya, Lyagushka and Yuzhnaya. Each of them consists of granite that is more than two billion years old, and the ancient Turkic name of this place “Beshtash”, in fact, is translated as “five mountains”.

In addition to the five main peaks, the “small country” includes several lower peaks. These are the Ursa Bear with a Little Bear Cub, a Dinosaur and a peak with the romantic name “Grieving Widow”. Like any real country, "Stone Graves" cannot do without population. Diverse conditions, concentrated in a fairly small area, allow more than five hundred species of different plants to coexist here. Buttercups and granite tulips, feather grass and many other plants cover the granite frame of the Stone Graves with a bright, unforgettable carpet. There are also plants here that are not found anywhere else in the world.

The ancient history of this place does not end with the pagan tribes that later settled Kievan Rus. According to old chronicles, it was at the Stone Graves that the Kiev prince Mstislav set up his camp, during great battle under Kalka, which was included in all domestic history textbooks. Later, a chapel and a stone bridge were erected at this place, symbolizing the pride of the unbroken spirit of the defenders of their native land.

- Regional Landscape Park"Donetsk Ridge".
On the territory of the Donetsk Ridge Regional Landscape Park, 504 species of insects, 200 species of vertebrates belonging to class 5, including 127 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians, 22 species of fish and 42 species of mammals have been registered. Preserving and increasing species diversity is the main purpose of the park. Located near the village of Malaya Shishovka.

And this is only a small part of the cultural and natural attractions located on the territory of Donbass.

Today it seems to us that somewhere is better. We have the opportunity to visit different corners planets. But our native land can give us something that neither the ocean waves of Miami nor the golden sands of Turkey can give us. She generously gives us her love. She will always accept us any: successful and after failure, sad and joyful.

Our Motherland, the DPR, is rich in cultural and natural attractions. Let's take care of our small homeland, our native land, because Donbass deserves it!

Donbass Arena is a modern football stadium in Donetsk. This is the first sports ground in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, designed and created in accordance with UEFA standards in the “Elite” category.

The stadium was built in 2009 by the Turkish company Enka for the Shakhtar football club and is designed for 52,187 spectators. The design of the structure as a whole resembles a “flying saucer”, with the roof sloping from north to south, thereby improving natural light and facilitating ventilation of the football field. Also, the Donbass Arena is distinguished from other famous European stadiums by its oval shape and all-glass façade.

The Arena's football field was created using the most modern technologies; the turf was grown in Slovakia and is one of the best in the world. The chairs are designed and manufactured by the famous "Camatic" (Australia).

The stadium has 53 fast food cafes, a fan cafe, 4 bars, 3 restaurants, a media cafe and a lounge bar. These establishments can together accommodate 1,830 visitors. There are more than 1,000 parking spaces near the stadium (of which 245 are in underground parking).

Glade of fairy tales

In the 80s, a fairy-tale town called “Glade of Fairy Tales” was opened in the Lenin Komsomol park. It is a small area hidden in the treetops, on which there are figures of fairy-tale heroes cast from concrete. Individual figures were decorated with mosaic tiles.

Over time, due to lack of proper care, the clearing turned into an overgrown area with gray monsters. And so on August 22, 2012, the updated, restored “Glade of Fairy Tales” opened. The reconstruction of the clearing was carried out by the management railway Donbass. A huge number of architects, builders, and designers worked on the appearance of the site.

On the opening day of the clearing, the park was completely filled with children who were entertained by fairy-tale characters: wizards, fairies, Indians, pirates and even clowns. The fountain is of particular interest to both children and adults. He dances merrily, releases cool steam and envelops those around him with a bluish cloud.

At the Glade of Fairy Tales you can meet such fairy-tale characters like: The Frog Princess, The Bear, The Old Man and the Goldfish. The updated mosaics, preserved from Soviet times, are pleasing to the eye.

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On May 8, 2012, on the eve of the Victory Day on May 9, a museum of the Great Patriotic War was opened in Donetsk in the Lenin Komsomol Park at the memorial “To Your Liberators, Donbass”. The exhibition area of ​​the museum is 927 square meters.

The museum consists of two levels. In the lower level of the museum there are exhibition halls, a newsreel hall, as well as an armory hall and a military uniform hall. The weapons in the museum are presented from a private collection. The upper level rooms are decorated with thematic panels and dioramas. The museum presents an audio tour in Russian, Ukrainian and English.

A large number of war photographs, posters, newspapers, and simply things from the Great Patriotic War - all this can be seen in the museum’s exhibitions. Some of the museum's exhibitions offer sound design to enhance the experience for visitors.

Another asset of Donetsk Park named after. Lenin Komsomol is a museum of the Great Patriotic War. The museum is quite young, it opened in 2012. The museum is located in the memorial complex to the Liberators of Donbass. The museum has two entrances: one is made of glass and is located near the “eternal flame”, and the second leads to the exhibition hall where exhibitions are held. The museum is adjacent to an administrative block and a cafe.

The museum's exhibition is located on two levels, connected by a spiral staircase. The banners of the divisions that liberated Donbass are also placed there. The lower level includes a common room, a newsreel room, and a room with a collection of military uniforms and weapons of participants. The main, final element is the “Victory Hall”.

On the upper level there are inclined galleries with photographic materials and panels. The museum's collections include more than 300 exhibits, arranged in chronological order: from the beginning of the war to its victorious conclusion. The museum shows documentaries about the beginning of the war, occupation, and liberation.

Special emotions are evoked by the exhibitions, which are accompanied by musical accompaniment. This moment significantly enhances the impression. Visiting and foreign guests are provided with audio accompaniment in English.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Donetsk was opened on May 8, 2012. It was built with money provided by the city and local entrepreneurs.

The area of ​​the museum is nine hundred twenty-seven square meters. Its exhibition is located on two levels. On the lower floor there is the main exhibition hall, the “Victory Hall”, and the war newsreel hall. There is also an exhibition of collectible weapons from the Great Patriotic War and military uniforms. There are several galleries on the second floor. In this place you can see thematic photo panels, exhibitions and dioramas.

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War contains more than two hundred documentary photographs, over one hundred and fifty posters, newspapers and wartime leaflets. There are other items with a military past. By the way, so that foreign tourists can also absorb information about the exhibitions, the museum has a special audio accompaniment for excursions in English.

Museum of Nature

Museum of Nature – located in the small town of Konstantinovka, in the Donetsk region. This is one of the most interesting and most educational museums in the entire region. The museum was opened in 2003, with the direct participation of local authorities, residents, educational institutions district, enterprise managers, as well as with the help of the Toretsk Regional Environmental Inspectorate.

Nowadays, the museum has about 1000 exhibits dedicated to living and inanimate nature. Here you can look at a variety of carcasses and stuffed animals of the region, remains and fossils, eggs of various birds, samples of minerals and rocks, a small collection of meteorites, various casts and dummies.

The museum is a real treasury and natural heritage of the entire Donetsk region,

City Garden

The city garden of Donetsk began its existence at the end of the 19th century, when the city administration decided to lay out a park near a former industrial pond in the Yuzovka district.

Once upon a time, the park had a main fountain, around which all local entertainment was concentrated: a restaurant, a dance floor, and an outdoor concert hall.

The city garden was especially popular during the Soviet years. In those days, the park was surrounded by a massive artistic forged lattice. True, the fence was soon removed for unknown reasons. In spring and summer, a huge flower exhibition was held in the park.

Today the square has almost lost its popularity, but even now you can find young mothers with strollers peacefully walking along paths in the shade of trees or playing with children on playgrounds.

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Museum of Electric Transport

The Museum of Electric Transport is a new ideological development of the team of trolleybus depot No. 2 in Donetsk. The museum consists of two parts, the first is the so-called museum on wheels, which was put into operation in 2010 and during this time has gathered a wide audience of interested people.

The old, already decommissioned, trolleybus was restored, the chassis was completely repaired, the seats were replaced and the lighting was redone. Reminiscent of a retro tram inside, decorated with bright posters with history and beautiful views city, a festively decorated trolleybus runs along a pre-selected route and tells people the history of the emergence of electric transport.

The second part is a permanent exhibition, where Soviet books about trolleybuses, photographs and driver uniforms are located different periods. Considering that today the staff of trolleybus depot No. 2 in the city of Donetsk is 180 drivers and 160 conductors, we can assume that the founding of such a museum is a pattern for those people who are proud of their profession

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I want to dispel the myth that Donbass is only about mines and factories, that there is absolutely nothing to see there. In fact, there are stunningly beautiful places there, comparable to the Crimea, Ternopil region, Poltava region, Cherkasy region.
Beautiful chalk mountains, steppes, flowering meadows, unique natural monuments.
Below we briefly describe four such places located in the vicinity of Kramatorsk.
1) Seversky Donets River
2) Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees. (Konstantinovsko-Druzhkovskaya anticline)
3) Regional landscape park Kleban-Byk
4) Chalk cliffs in the village of Belokuzminovka

Seversky Donets River

Seversky Donets (Ukrainian Siversky Donets, ancient Greek according to Ptolemy Tanaid, Tanais, Italian Tan, Old Russian Great Don, Donel, Don) is a river in the south of the East European Plain, flowing through the Belgorod and Rostov regions of Russia, as well as Kharkov and Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine, the right (largest) tributary of the Don. The fourth largest river in Ukraine and the most important source of fresh water in the east of this country. Sometimes it is also called the Northern Donets, in the 17th-18th centuries - the Northern Donets. Wikipedia

The Seversky Donets is an amazingly beautiful river, in some places it reminded me of Psel and Ros. Not a very fast current, picturesque banks, a lot of egg pods, and white lilies in places. An excellent place for kayaking trips and parking on the shore. The only thing is that near large cities, all the banks are occupied by recreation centers and private estates.

Seversky Donets

White wagtail (Motacilla alba) and tourist sites on the banks

A typical Donbass landscape with waste heaps.

Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees.

Here, in a former quarry for the extraction of refractory clay, there are the remains of petrified trees, araucaria, which are about 250 million years old. Currently, similar trees survive in South America, Australia and the islands of New Caledonia.
There are very beautiful meadows around the quarry.
We saw only one tree; the rest, smaller pieces, were stolen by local residents for souvenirs and to decorate fireplaces.

The fairly flat terrain in this area is cut by several gullies - former clay quarries

The slopes of the quarry are gradually overgrown

All around are steppe and meadows that have not yet been scorched at this time of year.

Stone outcrops on the slopes

Actually, that's why it's worth going there. Fossilized Aurucaria

This giant can only be dragged away with the help of a crane, which is why it remained on the slope of the quarry

Sandy-clayey slopes

A great place to play Indians. Surprisingly, the surrounding area is quite clean, I’m glad there is no garbage

More quarry slopes

View of the quarry from above

Surrounding meadows

More forbs

Some kind of tansy and cornflower (genus Centaurea), which I have never seen before

The meadows of these cornflowers look very beautiful, at the top they are already in full bloom, and just below there are still buds

Speedwell (Veronica spicata) and Thuringian hutma (DOG ROSE) (Lavatera thuringiaca)

Common bruise (Echium vulgare) and tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.)

Tansy fields

Mullein (Verbascum) and sage (Salvia)

Scabiosa and Mylabris variabilis eating yellow Senecio flowers

Field Consolidum (Royal Delphinium) (Consolida regalis) and Prickly Zopnik (Zheleznyak) (Phlomis pungens Willd.)

Zopnik thickets

Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius L.)

Among the interesting creatures I also saw crested larks (Galerida cristata), in Kyiv they appear only in January-February.

Kleban the Bull

The regional landscape park “Kleban-Byk” is located on the territory of the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region, the total area of ​​the park is 2142 hectares. The territory of the park is a picturesque mountainous area on both banks of the Kleban-Byk reservoir, which is at the mouth of the Bychok River (a tributary of the Krivoi Torets River).
This area is closely connected with the history of the Zaporozhye Army and its state - the glorious Zaporozhye Sich. Almost since 1500, in the royal charters issued to the Zaporozhian Army on the boundaries of Cossack liberties, the name “Bychok River Tract” has been found, since 1600 – “Klebina”, and since 1720 – “Kleban-Byk”.
Anyone who believes that the name of the reserve and the tributary of the river is somehow connected with the bulls that were allegedly bred in this area is mistaken. In fact, the combination of the words kleban-bull means approximately the same as “bottom of the pit.” The fact is that the entire territory of this park 200 million years ago was the bottom of the Permian Sea, as evidenced by the imprints of mollusks and shell rock on sandy stones.

A very picturesque place, you can see campsites with tents on the other side

Below the village of Kleban-Byk, fields and meadows



Geological natural monument of local significance. Located in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region near the village of Belokuzminovka. The status of a natural monument was assigned by decision of the regional executive committee No. 310 on June 21, 1972. Area - 0.35 hectares.
The age of the chalk mountain is 90 million years. The mountain consists of sediments from the last period of the Mesozoic era, which were formed in clear warm sea waters from small marine organisms with a calcareous skeleton. Vertical white-gray rocks stand out in the rock; the eastern edge of the mountain ends with white-gray rocks. At the foot of the mountain there are numerous niches, potholes, large and small caves. Flint is often found among chalk rubble.
The chalk outcrop rises to a height of more than 25 meters. Mount Sword stands alone on the eastern edge of the outcrop.
The outcrop and rocks are completely devoid of vegetation. Vegetation consisting of meadow and dry-loving plants is found only on the edge of the scree; buttercups, clover, and meadow geranium grow here. Swift nests are found in crevices and niches at the tops of rocks.
Not far from the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous, a site of a primitive man was discovered with a workshop for processing flint mined in this mountain.
Since 2004, the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous has been part of the Kramatorsk regional landscape park.

View of the rocks from Belokuzminovka

Near the rocks there is a small lake and chalk hills

The official sign and a slightly less official one

Flowering meadows, cows and generally an idyll all around


Once again meadows, cows and hills

Nonea (Nonea (possibly N. Russian (russica), but maybe dark brown (N.pulla DC), some believe that this is the same thing) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) and Tatarian fireweed (Goniolimon tataricum)

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