What does a chupacabra look like. Chupacabra in Russia and other countries: the mystery of a real vampire is solved! Opinions of experts about chupacabra

The diversity of living beings on our planet is striking in its diversity. Scientists know thousands of species of animals and birds, but how many mysteries have remained unsolved?

One of these secrets was an unusual creature - Chupacabra. Its existence has not yet been officially confirmed, however, periodically there are reports that residents of certain regions encounter this animal.

First appearance

Why the Chupacabra, you ask? There is a perfectly logical explanation for this.

The goats were the first to suffer from the paws and teeth of the beast. Hence the nickname came from, which literally translates as "goat vampire."

The first report of the appearance of the Chupacabra appeared in the 70s of the 20th century.

Residents of Puerto Rico found the bloodless bodies of livestock.

Then there was a lull for 10 years, so they forgot about the mysterious attack, writing it off as wild animals.

But in the 90s, the Chupacabra returned, appearing not only in an exotic country, but also in other places around the planet.

Today, residents of many countries know this animal not by news, but by personal meetings and consequences: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

Appearance description

Who is it and what does it look like? Unfortunately, there is no exact description, so the information is based on photos or eyewitness accounts.

Chupacabra has 4 legs. Outwardly, it resembles a dog, wolf or fox. The body length reaches 130-150 cm. Someone is sure that they have spikes along the spine; someone believes that the chupacabra is a mutated kangaroo, because it has the ability to move on two legs in jumps.

The Chupacabra's body can be completely bald and gray-green in color, or it can have black hair. The head is flattened and elongated, which at first resembled the head of a crocodile. A feature of the structure of the skull are sharp teeth, allowing you to make punctures on carcasses and drink blood.

Powerful limbs allow the Chupacabra to move very quickly and cope with obstacles in the form of fences, fences or animal houses.

The possibility of intelligence cannot be ruled out, because in some cases, residents of the areas where the attacks were carried out claimed that the Chupacabra opened the bolts or found ways to enter the cages.

Nutrition and behavior

Most often, chupacabra appear in rural areas, attacking chickens, goats, rabbits and other pets. The animal is not interested in meat: all it needs is blood.

It is impossible to hear the moment of the attack. Somehow, every time, the chupacabra manages to silently sneak into the paddocks. Some researchers believe that creatures have the rudiments of hypnosis, because animals also do not give alarm signals at the moment of attack.

An interesting feature is that after killing, she puts her victims in a row or a heap, without scattering as she has to.

Appearance versions

Scientists, researchers and eyewitnesses of the attacks are building a lot of guesses where the Chupacabra came from. Here are some of the most popular ones.

  • Selection work. Zoologists suggest that the appearance of the Chupacabra could be the result of the work of breeders. A variety of centers, open around the world, conduct non-standard experiments. It is possible that this strange creature appeared as a result of some experience.
  • Mutation. Enthusiast researchers assure that a large number of secret bases are located on the territory of America. There is an opinion that special US services purposefully created the Chupacabra as a mutant for military purposes. According to data, which, however, has not been confirmed, there are photographs showing the Chupacabra at the base in Roswell. Perhaps the animal escaped during the next test, or maybe due to the negligence of the employees. However, the Pentagon does not comment on this issue.
  • Wild dog with mange. 6 years ago, America was shocked by a large-scale attack on the farms of the inhabitants. In that year, studies were carried out, during which it was proved that the murders of animals were not committed by the mythical chupacabra, but only by a wild dog with scabies. In the case of this disease, dogs become like a “goat vampire”: they go bald, the skin thickens, and an unpleasant odor appears. The body weakens and loses natural immunity, and the ability to hunt in the wild is reduced due to weakness and illness. But this version caused a flurry of controversy and indignation: wild dogs, if they were involved in the attack, did not consume the blood of animals, but would prefer meat.

  • Kangaroo ancestor. Chupacabra is the prehistoric predecessor of the kangaroo, hiding from people.And such a theory has been presented by some scientists. Moreover, fossilized remains belonging to a saber-toothed kangaroo were found in Queensland. Amazingly, they resembled the Chupacabra.
  • alien creature. Interested researchers do not exclude the involvement of UFOs in the appearance of the Chupacabra. The version is extremely fantastic, but, nevertheless, it has the right to exist.Chupacabra is a kind of pet aliens. When they arrive on Earth, the owners release them to hunt, and at the same time scout the area and remove the DNA of earthly creatures.

Chupacabra in different countries

A lot of cases of the appearance and attack of an animal were recorded. Some of them have photo or video evidence, others are just oral evidence. Despite this, the details are similar, so it is possible that the inhabitants see the same creature.

Texas. Early 21st century locals killed the chupacabra. An animal the size of a dog had no fur. After DNA analysis, it turned out that it was a coyote prone to scabies.

Russia. Volga region, 2015, Saratov region. Tourists in a car met a mysterious beast on the side of the road near a small village. From the photographs, it was decided that it was a Chupacabra. After that, the locals went into the forest in search of the beast, but found only strange three-toed footprints.

Bashkiria, 2016. The rabbit population fell victim to the killer beast, which was able to enter the cages by breaking off the bars at the bars. Local residents report that this case is far from the first, but for lack of photos or videos, no one believes them.

Orenburg. The turkeys were killed and bled to death. The killer was not caught.

Unfortunately, there are still many cases of attacks in Russia, but the above are the most popular.

AT Nizhny Novgorod region once even a hunt was announced, but no one was caught.

Ukraine. Here attacks occurred not only on animals, but also on people. Khmelnitsky region was the first where the creature attacked a person. A schoolgirl on her way home was attacked and bitten by an unknown creature. A friend who saw this tried to drive the beast away, fighting off with sticks. Everything went well, because the injured girl was urgently hospitalized and examined. But, unfortunately, she died six months later for an unknown reason.

And in 2011, the beast attacked the student again. However, eyewitnesses assured that the growth of the alleged Chupacabra exceeded 2 meters.

Mexico. Scientists are sure that the chupacabra is a nocturnal animal, residents were advised to have a flashlight with them if they went outside at night. She was supposed to be afraid of the light. But it was Mexico that became the first country where the creature attacked a person in the daytime. Fortunately, everything worked out with 2 bites, since, apparently, human blood is not to his taste.

The image of the Chupacabra in culture

Some cultural figures, in the wake of the general insanity for a mysterious creature, made films telling about his life.

1996 , Chupacabra, Bob Schott

2003 , "El Chupacabra", Brenndon Jones and Paul Wynn

2004 The Chupacabra, John Shefried

And there are also several series that mentioned a mystical animal in episodes.

In connection with the numerous references and constant cases of the appearance of the Chupacabra, cryptozoologists seriously began to investigate the possibility of the existence of this animal.

At the moment there is no definite answer whether it is real or not.

The controversy does not stop, but reports that the Chupacabra has been seen do not stop coming.

A terrible creature, catching fear and horror on all the inhabitants of the planet Earth. A monster capable of leaving a flock of sheep or a whole corral of rabbits without blood overnight. A meeting with such a monster does not bode well for a person. Despite its small size, it can easily bite the throat even strong man. If you doubt the existence of this beast, then you should learn some facts about it.

In this article:

Where and when did the Chupacabra appear

For the first time, the existence of this mysterious creature was talked about in Puerto Rico. The uproar arose after local farmers found their cattle dead one by one. All animals from chickens to cows were killed in a strange way. There were no external injuries on the corpses except for two small holes in the neck. There was also no blood or signs of a struggle. However, there was no blood in the carcasses themselves. Cattle had their tongues torn out.

Satanic sects also went, but soon hairs began to be found at the sites of massacres. The laboratory found that the wool belongs to an animal unknown to science. The existence of mysterious beasts was less frightening than the people who rebelled after death. The panic subsided, and for a long 40 years the world forgot about the Chupacabra.

What does a chupacabra look like

According to eyewitnesses, it was possible to draw up an approximate portrait of a night vampire. But these animals are strikingly different from each other depending on their habitats.

In the United States of America

This is a creature that looks like a jackal, but with long upper fangs. At the withers, about 100 cm. The upper jaw protrudes noticeably, which allows the fangs to have a straight shape and a size of 4-7 cm. The coat is harsh, usually brown or brown in color. The eyes are small and glow in the dark. The hind legs are shorter than the front ones, which does not prevent the animal from making giant jumps.

In Brazil

The inhabitants of this country got an absolutely bald predator. The naked body, with spots similar to deep burns and a long tail, resembles giant rats burned out from radiation. It moves mainly on its hind legs and has long, sharp claws on its front legs. The size is approximately 60-80 cm and a length of 100 cm. Huge black eyes and jerky body movements literally make you believe that this creature is of extraterrestrial origin.

In Russia

The Russian version of the Chupacabra, judging by the photo, outwardly differs little from the American one. The same dimensions, but the hair is completely absent; long paws and burning eyes. Only in our country there was a case when this monster was able to take control of a person and hypnotize him until he escaped from persecution in a dense forest. It turns out that the Chupacabra has hypnosis and uses it when there is a real danger?

Where did she come from?

Humanity has been asking this question for 60 years. Most often, people tend to believe that these are wolves and foxes mutated after accidents at nuclear power plants. In the 1950s, there were many cases of chemical releases into the atmosphere. This version is supported by the fact that no one has ever seen this animal before.

An interesting hypothesis about the mystical origin of the bloodthirsty beast. In North America, after the Chupacabra raids, people clearly smelled sulfur in outbuildings for a long time. And one person even saw how this creature howled with ultrasound and disappeared before our eyes.

Biologists are inclined to the version that this animal could have been obtained as a result of an ordinary mutation. But what animal could mutate like that and breed all over the planet? Judging by its actions, we can safely say that it has a mind and thinks pretty quickly.

Where was the chupacabra found in Russia

In 2004, the appearance of a mysterious beast was recorded in Russia. The skeletons of animals found in the forests resembled those of a dog, but upon closer examination, many differences were noticed. The photo of these remains has long excited the minds of Russians. People could not believe that a terrible monster could move to another continent and open the hunting season here. However, after 7 years, strong evidence emerged.

Chupacabra in the Rostov region

In the city of Volgodonsk, a local farmer caught a mysterious beast red-handed. Opening the door to the chicken coop in the morning, he saw that the whole floor was covered with dead carcasses of chickens. And in the corner sat the hero of the bloody celebration himself and calmly sucked blood from another victim. The man described him as a bald dog with powerful paws. The pensioner was not taken aback and hit the intruder with a shovel. The animal had a good reaction and it instantly rushed at the person. Fortunately, he got only a piece of pants, as the farmer was in tarpaulin boots. Naturally, the animal disappeared, but the owners are sure that they will see it more than once in their yard.

In Bashkiria

It was here that the Chupacabra appeared several times in a short time. In the village of Nizhne-Atashevo, a resident lost all her chickens through the fault of this night hunter. The most shocking thing was that the beast gnawed through the metal grate and thick boards. No forest predator will be able to break the steel mesh with the help of teeth. On the carcasses, there are still the same two holes on the neck and the absence of blood at the place of massacre.

But the most amazing thing is that they managed to film the Chupacabra on video. A dash cam in a passing man's car captured the creature crossing the road. Everyone should watch the video to know who to be wary of when they meet. Most likely it was a cub, so he was not afraid of the noise of the car. However, the speed of movement of this animal can be envied.

In Nizhniy Novgorod

Novgorodians also survived the raids of these monsters several times. In one of the villages, the bloodless corpses of chickens and rabbits have been regularly found for many months. This time, the residents are talking about an upright bald creature. It runs away from pursuers with powerful leaps and has unusually strong hind legs. It is with their paws that they knock out doors in sheds and chicken coops.

A lot of photos of 2019 speak in favor of the existence of the Chupacabra. Different in appearance and identical in preferences, these animals undoubtedly live next to us. People deny this fact because not a single animal has been caught alive and studied by biologists. But this suggests that these creatures are incredibly smart and quick-witted. People have seen them, but even an Olympic champion in running cannot catch such a fast predator.

This year, you can often hear that the Chupacabra began to attack people. There are no serious injuries, but the animal left teeth and claw marks on the body for two Texas residents. Trying to catch a real chupacabra can end tragically and should not be forgotten.

How to behave when meeting

If you are "lucky enough to meet" this creature away from the city and locality, then do not make sudden movements. Under no circumstances should you run away or scream. Stay calm and don't make eye contact with her. Back away slowly as soon as she loses interest in you. Don't try to feed her. You can make her angry and she will feed on your blood. If you have a weapon in your hands - do not try to shoot! If this creature can take control of a person's mind, then it is not known who else you will shoot at.

  • After a meeting with a Chupacabra, a resident of the Tula region could not speak for 5 days
  • It is noticed that the activity of the beast depends on the phases of the moon
  • In winter, the creature appears many times less often.
  • Chupacabra without wool is much more aggressive than its wool counterpart
  • A real chupacabra is not afraid of a person
  • Makes a strange whistle while hunting

Last appearance

A terrible story happened to the inhabitants of Canada. Moving along the highway in their car, they stopped to clear their heads in the cool of the night. A creature on its hind legs stepped out of the forest onto the road. The men did not immediately understand who they were dealing with, but they took a gun out of the car. At the sight of the weapon, the Chupacabra let out a long drawn-out whistle. One of the men described it this way:

“When I heard this sound, it was as if a hole had formed in my head. I could not move and there were no thoughts at that moment. If Steve hadn't fired, I probably would have fallen and smashed my head on the hood."

The men called the police to the scene and the cops arrived in time to quickly load the body into the car. They painted in bright colors what awaits us if they talk about it at every corner. Fortunately, they managed to take a photo and now everyone can see this incredible beast with paws similar to human hands and feet.

Continuing the theme of the "chupacabra" rampant in Eastern Europe, we, as promised in the previous news, this time we will touch on the situation in Poland. Mindful of the words of individual scientists about the fact that if a wolverine could act as a bloodsucker that inspires fear and horror in Ukraine, then its traces would have probably been seen on the territory of Belarus or Poland. Therefore, the editors of "Ufolenta" decided to look for them in the West, fortunately, in February we made the assumption that events similar to those in Ukraine could have occurred in some neighboring states.

As it turned out, "chupacabras" are also found on the territory of our western neighbor, and 2009 there turned out to be just as turbulent as in Ukraine...

The earliest mention that could be found refers to September 1998 - then, in the vicinity of Radom, on the edge of the Kozienicka Forest, two people met a strange animal in the forest (unfortunately, the description is missing), and the bodies of three dead goats were also found. The latter bled out from round holes about two centimeters in diameter located under the lower jaw. Of the oddities, it was also noted that even after a day after death, goat carcasses did not show rigor mortis. In general, little is known about this incident. It is worth adding that Martin Mizera, the head of the Polish group NPN ("On the Threshold of the Unknown"), was later looking for information about him.

The next time the "chupacabra" appeared in the vicinity of Goleniow in Western Pomerania (north-west of Poland, not far from the border with Germany) in November-December 2004. This time, the victims of an unknown predator were traditional rabbits, also exterminated without exception, as well as other domestic animals. In a single case, a roe deer killed by him was also found near one of the farms. The beast attacked at night, broke the cages, tore off the doors from them, leaving expressive claw marks on them. The raids organized by local residents did not give any result: they failed to catch the Chupacabra. In total, according to the general results, 13 farms affected by the raids lost 116 rabbits, 21 chickens, 5 ducks and one goat. In this case, it was said that the bodies of the killed rabbits were found in a crippled state: with torn off heads, ears, paws ... An examination of several carcasses showed that the rabbits were killed with a single blow of the paw to the region of the heart.

The Polish analogue of "chupacabra" was nicknamed "skua" by the locals, after the name of a demonological folklore character well-known here. According to a few descriptions, the growth of the animal reached one and a half meters, had blue luminous eyes. The tracks he left didn’t look like a dog’s (one of official versions there was an assumption about a stray dog). After several weeks of terror, attacks on rural farmsteads stopped by themselves, however, according to some, they managed to repel the predator not without the help of a certain sorceress.

Among other things, these events of late 2004 are interesting mainly because the mysterious "skua" was identified thanks to the efforts of members of the Polish Center for the Study of UFOs and Anomalies (CBUFOiZA), which conducted its own investigation. During their stay at the scene, they managed to collect samples of the predator's fur, which were subsequently transferred to scientific institutions for examination. In the laboratory of the Agricultural Academy in Poznań, it was determined from them that the wool clearly belongs to a predator, and the dog, wolf, lynx and wild cat were excluded from the list of possible applicants. The second stage was the study of samples in the molecular laboratory in Zurich (Dr Cloud Schelling, Depertement fur Nutztiere Abteilung Veterinarmedizinisches Labor, Zurich) with DNA extraction from them and subsequent comparison with the database. According to the presented conclusion, the studied material belonged to a representative of the Gulo gulo species, in other words, to the wolverine. The territory of Poland is also not included in the wolverine habitat. Its migration to Western Pomerania could have come from the northern regions of Scandinavia or Russia.

Again, the trail of the Polish "chupacabra" surfaced in the summer of 2009, almost not far from Warsaw - in the vicinity of Sokhachev. On the night of June 28-29 (from Sunday to Monday) in the village of Kornelin, the household of the Antonyak family lost eight goats at once. The latter were found dead the next morning. The predator overcame the metal mesh fence and methodically strangled the animals. Rounded holes were found on their bodies (on the neck and on the sides), through which, it is assumed, blood was sucked out. One of the goats had its head completely gnawed off, while the other had its throat torn out. With all this, the owners immediately noted the strangeness: with such injuries on the ground, there was practically no blood, which the victims with such injuries should have simply expired. From this it was concluded that the goats were bled. The rest of the bodies of the dead animals were untouched. The invited veterinarian, after examining the "crime scene", preferred to get off with a dubious version of the "attack by feral dogs."

At the "crime scene" (By Fundacja Nautilus)

Another Polish ufological organization, the Nautilus Foundation, was already investigating this case. In addition to interviewing the affected owners and carefully documenting the information, the group members managed to identify eyewitnesses who observed a strange animal in the vicinity of Sokhachev, including on the eve of the attack on the farmstead in Kornelino. The testimony featured a creature up to one and a half meters tall, capable of standing on two legs and moving in long jumps. Glowing red eyes and a resemblance to a kangaroo were also noted. The artists invited to the expedition, according to eyewitnesses, drew up sketches of a strange animal:

In September 2009, news of another bloody massacre came from Opolshchyna, where an elusive predator ruled in two villages of the Velyki Lasowitsy commune. The picture is still the same: 30 rabbits, 18 turkeys, 8 geese and 5 chickens were killed, along with wooden doors torn by claws, a chicken coop covered in blood and a bunch of feathers.

In general, we can say that here we are seeing a similar picture with larger-scale events in Ukraine. These are pieces of the same mosaic, which gradually begins to take shape in front of us into a single picture. Whether the history of the European "chupacabra" will be finally put to an end - time will tell. In the meantime, we can only state that the identified predator of 2004 from Western Pomerania is a weighty argument in favor of the wolverine version. However, the constant statements of eyewitnesses about the two-legged mode of movement of the "unseen beast" still haunt.

Viktor Gaiduchik 22.04.2010


Despite the fact that we live in a world of technological progress, even today we are surrounded by unsolved mysteries that force scientists from all over the world to study unknown phenomena and give humanity reasonable answers to their questions.

The Chupacabra is a mysterious beast that has been haunting human minds since the 1950s.

The first evidence of its existence dates back to 1947, when the appearance of a mysterious animal was associated with the secret developments of the US military. But this version did not find true confirmation and remained just speculation. You can also find other versions, according to which the Chupacabra is nothing more than an alien from another planet, who was exiled to our earth to study earthlings. Scientists put forward their theory - the Chupocabra is a real, yet unexplored animal that appeared as a result of mutations.

And such an unusual name, the beast received as a result of the fact that he hunts animals, with sharp fangs pierces two holes on the neck of the victim and completely sucks out the blood. Therefore, Chupacabra is translated from Spanish as "sucking goats." The second appearance of the mysterious beast was noted in the seventies of the twentieth century in Spain, in Puerto Rico, where an unknown animal attacked goats and completely sucked blood out of them, while leaving the body of the victim intact. Another mystery - the Chupacabra disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared. And only in 1992 its trace was noticed in Latin America. The beast also attacked domestic animals and sucked blood from them.

And already in the twenty-first century, traces of the Chupacabra were seen on the territory of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.

Eyewitnesses claim that the beast is really real, they clearly describe its signs, although depending on the territory, external signs (size, color, etc.) also differ somewhat. Many even offer photos of the Chupacabra. But how much they can be trusted is still a question, because in the world of high technology, photographic evidence is debatable.]

General signs of a mysterious beast

What the Chupacabra looks like, we can only judge by the description of eyewitnesses and the photos provided. An animal that raged in Latin America is described as a beast from seventy centimeters to two meters high. The structure of the body resembles a kangaroo, and he moves in jumps, on his feet he has webbed paws. The whole body is covered with growths and spikes and is completely devoid of hair. At the same time, there are eyewitnesses who claim that the Chupacabra still has a short dark gray coat, and besides, it is also capable of flying. What opinions agree on is the similarity to a kangaroo and the presence of sharp fangs. To prove their words, eyewitnesses even provide photos.

An unknown beast that sucks the blood of domestic animals on our territory, according to eyewitnesses, is slightly different from its American counterpart. The Slavic Chupacabra has more resemblance to a dog, it does not have the ability to fly, but its favorite habitat is near water bodies. The mysterious beast has a dog's muzzle and fangs, the body is disproportionately folded, of a strange shape and covered with gray or even reddish hair. Below is a photo of an animal that is most likely the mysterious Chupacabra.

The beast attacks animals in the dark, so it most likely has good eyesight and is well oriented in the dark. The monster attacks poultry, rabbits, goats, calves and even cats. An attack on a person has not been recorded for the entire time of the existence of a mysterious and unknown beast to science.

Science of the Chupacabra

No one seems to doubt that the mysterious beast exists, because there are many confirmations of this:

  • victims, with characteristic signs of violent death;
  • eyewitness testimony;
  • photo, although their authenticity is also still in question.

The mysterious behavior and unusual appearance gave rise to many versions as to what kind of animal appeared in the open spaces of our and other territories. In scientific circles, they also cannot yet find a real explanation and attribute this beast to some class or species of animals.

Studying photographs and descriptions of the monster, scientists agree that the way the Chupacabra looks like, the saber-toothed kangaroo looked like, which disappeared from the face of the earth many centuries ago. One of the versions is that it is somehow a reborn animal. However, it has not yet been confirmed.

Scientists studied the remains that came to them, and presumably could be the remains of the Chupacabra, but after a detailed study, it was unequivocally established that they belonged to the studied animals, most often they were foxes, coyotes, dogs.

There is an assumption that the Chupacabra is an animal that received the right to life as a result of natural mutations. However, it still needs to be proven.

In the meantime, people in different parts of the world are faced with a mysterious creature that looks like either a dog, or a fox, or a kangaroo, which has a disproportionate body and is not yet amenable to scientific explanation, which sucks blood from pets, is afraid of a person, although it leads to he was horrified by his ugly appearance. In support of this, you can watch a video where information about the animal is briefly collected, and you can also see what is called the Chupacabra.

In May 2010 in Tinjing (a forest village in Engels) a wave of mysterious cases of killing domestic rabbits swept through. An unknown animal destroys enclosures at night, leaving three-toed footprints on the ground and in wooden cages. The predator has already managed to strangle more than fifty animals. Moreover, it is alleged that the beast not only strangled some rabbits, but bled them. This is reported by the socio-political weekly "Novaya Gazeta" (Engels).

Journalists from the left bank found out that the Engels police learned about the unusual murders of domestic rabbits from the statement of a local pensioner. On the night of April 12, four animals were killed in her. The bodies of the rabbits, she said, lay on the ground in a row, without visible damage, all in the same position. One of the animals had a neat wound on the neck. The broken rabbit cages bore marks from the claws of a large animal.

In addition, the Engels "Novaya Gazeta" reports that several witnesses have recently appeared who claim to have seen a mysterious beast. A girl living in the same area reported that she was returning home late at night and saw what she thought was a dog in a dark alley. Approaching, the animal jumped over her head and disappeared. The girl claims that she managed to make out this creature: it was a monster with a rat-like head.

“Law enforcement officers seem to be seriously puzzled by the rumors about the so-called chupacabra,” Novaya Gazeta writes. “Interrogating neighbors, the district commissioner found out that this was not the first case in this area. - thirty, and their bodies, also without visible injuries, were folded in a circle. But most of all, the words of one of the victims led to confusion.

“A former law enforcement officer told the police that he personally saw this animal and even tried to kill it, but the chupacabra, which he had been chasing for some time with an ax, managed to escape. According to the man, this animal is the size of a sheep dog, his head is really a rat, and a physique like that of a kangaroo. "The beast is clearly emaciated," says the witness, "skinned and bones, but moves quickly," the newspaper said.

Chupacabra (Spanish chupacabras, chupar - suck and cabra - goat, literally "sucking goats"), also "goat vampire" - a mythical creature that kills domestic animals. There is no reliable scientific evidence confirming the existence of the Chupacabra.

It is believed that the Chupacabra hunts at night and attacks defenseless animals, sucks blood and disappears.

Some journalists conditionally call "chupacabra" animals (fox, coyote, jackal), modified as a result of mutations or diseases.

Tin Zin - village on the left bank of the Saratov Lake. The vast majority of local residents believe that the name Tinjin is of Far Eastern origin and was given to the village by Chinese merchants who settled here. It is very tempting to produce Tin-jin from the Chinese port city Tian-jing (the name consists of the hieroglyphs "tian" - sky, heaven and "jing" - a well and means "heavenly well"), which is the sea gate of Beijing.

At the same time, some locals ironically suggest that in translation from Chinese Tin - zin means "Five frogs".

According to another version, Tinh-zin is just a distorted German name for a village located among small lakes and indicating their number with German pedantry: ten (Zehn Seen)

A bit of history:

Throughout 1975, Puerto Rico was plagued by a wave of unexplained livestock deaths. Animals died due to severe injuries, and in many cases the cattle turned out to be completely bled. These events remained a mystery, but 20 years later, in 1995, everything happened again. This creature was called El chupacabras"(Que chupa las cabras), literally "sucking goats."

Who is this chupacabra?

Some believe that the Mexican vampire chupacabro is associated with UFOs. Traveling with the aliens, the beast goes out to hunt, collect DNA samples, and scout the area. People tamed dogs, why couldn't they aliens domesticate a creature from another planet?! In the end, the vampire may turn out to be a biorobot created by aliens specifically to study our planet. Some researchers of the phenomenon believe that chupacabra- a mutant born in the depths of American secret bases. They even talk about secret photos of the Chupacabra taken at the American base in Roswell (yes, yes, this is the same base where the fallen UFO was investigated in 1947. Roswell, by the way, is located in New Mexico, in close proximity to the Mexican border). Whether the Chupacabra was released by the Americans in order to convince the generals of the strength of a potential live weapon and knock out additional funding for the continuation of experiments, or whether he escaped himself, for example, during transportation, is unknown. The Pentagon remains silent, it is not worth hoping for an early declassification of the documents of the "Project Chupacabra".

If we discard the supernatural versions of the origin of the reptile ( UFO, mutation, Parallel Worlds, werewolf), then the version of biologists who see the Chupacabra as an “ordinary unusual” animal looks most plausible. A small population of vampires does not allow them to multiply, they have no natural enemies (perhaps other than humans) capable of repelling bloodsuckers, which indirectly confirms that the creatures have intelligence and a desire to remain unknown. Meanwhile, paleontologists echo their colleagues, noting that the remains of a petrified saber-toothed kangaroo they found in Queensland look very much like a chupacabra, only much larger. The ancient jumper, unlike the descendant, did not have a peaceful disposition, the scientists themselves call it almost an ideal killing machine. By the way, he died out due to lack of food, which is understandable - the weight of predatory kangaroos reached 2-3 tons!

Chupacabra in Russia and Ukraine.

In the 21st century, reports of Chupacabra activity began to come from Russia and Ukraine. In the area of ​​the Oka River (near the Vyksa region), hunters discovered the skeleton of a creature that looked like a goat vampire. men made photo of chupacabra, but zoologists disappointed the hunters - a fox with torn off front legs got into the picture. He operated a murderer in Orenburg, in the Volga forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the Chupacabra also made his way to Ukraine (Kremenchug, Lvov, Ternopil, Vinnitsa region). A new wave of media reports about an unknown animal in Ukraine in the Lvov, Cherkasy, Kyiv and Kharkiv regions, called “chupacabra” by journalists, rose in 2009 and 2010, there were even reports of an attack on a person. In early August 2010, an animal was killed in the Chernihiv region, which journalists presented as a chupacabra, but no serious research was carried out, and the body of an unknown animal was cremated.


Relaxes and alarming at the same time the fact that mainly animals are attacked. attacks chupacabra on people - single. Victims among domestic animals, and not only small ones, number in the hundreds and thousands during the entire time of the Chupacabra. Relaxes, because it reduces the likelihood of suffering from a chupacabra attack from a dark alley. On the other hand, such selectivity may suggest that the Chupacabra is intelligent. The phenomenal elusiveness speaks about the same.

Officially existence chupacabra not yet recognized, but the facts remain facts, and the bloodthirsty dogs and stray crocodiles of the victim cannot be explained. So chupacabra became the object of close attention of cryptozoologists, and the chupacabra itself - ranked among the most famous cryptids - the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot and others like them.

The place is of unprecedented beauty: a quiet bay of the Volga, small beaches between the reeds, a flat shore where giant silvery poplars, oaks and birches grow. Trees rarely stand, and between them there is an emerald grass-ant ... In general, a miracle, not a place.

In the summer you can have a picnic here, go fishing, take a break from the sweltering heat and swim in Sazanka Lake and other accessible reservoirs.

And in winter here - expanse for a "healthy lifestyle" - knurled ski tracks and a skating rink.

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