Research work what is a good speech. Research work "features of the culture of speech of modern youth". MOU "Podgornenskaya secondary school them. Chirkin"

Research work "Words-weeds in our speech"

slide 1 My speech is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of the modern Russian language. We see how the language is changing significantly right before the eyes of one generation. The processes taking place in it, at the moment, require reflection not only on the part of language specialists. Very often, students wonder if it is necessary to learn Russian today, if the vast majority of young people speak primitive slang, adults use jargon, and the speech of prominent figures, TV presenters is far from perfect. This question is becoming relevant, and it needs to be answered. We need to know what clogs our speech, how to correct the situation, from whom to take an example.

A poem by E. Moshkovskaya is dedicated to these words:

Once upon a time there lived this one, like him,

Well, that means that

This very thing lived

With my mom.

There was another weirdo

It generally means that.

And his beloved son-in-law

Named son-in-law so to speak

And his wife's name was... well...

And the neighbor's name was ... this ...

And his parents are

Do you see and do you see.

And some other uh

Lived on the top floor...

And they were all friends...

Well, that means, and in general.

These words are a linguistic phenomenon expressed in the use of superfluous and meaningless words. Syntactically, most of these words are introductory words.

3 slide.

Swear words have native Russian roots. In ancient Rus', mat was nothing more than a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, calling them into their lives. But everyone knew: you can’t scold children with obscenities: they will be tormented by demons. You can’t swear in the house: demons will live in this dwelling. It was also impossible to swear in the forest: the goblin may be offended; on the bank of a river or lake - the water one will be offended. The man walked into the field, where he could throw out his anger. Hence the expression - battlefield.

In Rus', until the middle of the 19th century, foul language was a criminal offense. Later, a man swearing obscenely was subjected to a public flogging. Unfortunately, at present there are no prohibitions on the use of swear words. Foul language has entered into a real war with normalized language

But there are other seemingly normal words. (Show and explain on the slide)

4 slide . This is the true meaning of some words: (slide)

Briefly speaking

Sharpness, desire to finish a speech faster

In short, it went like this...

As if

Uncertainty in what he says; approximation

We have already read this book.


Desire to stand out

Pause substitute

Like, who are you?


Pause while speaking or using certain words

Yesenin... this... loved... this... animals. He ... this ... dedicated many poems to them...


Confidence in your words

So it was, in fact.

Like it, uh, like it, like it

Instead of some words; trying to remember something

Dinosaurs... like him... in the process of evolution... how is it... extinct.

Do you understand, do you understand

Appeal to the interlocutor if you want to confirm your words

I, you know, I’m walking, I hear screams, I turned around, you know, and there ...

In general, finally!

slight indignation

Summary of the speech

Are you going to school? - Well, you, finally!

Actually, I wanted to...

Slide 9. Table

slide 11

My thoughts on extra words:

  • Harmful words are terrible
  • They are not beautiful at all.
  • And probably not wonderful.
  • Not useful in our life.
  • Doesn't suit you at all
  • All "infectious" words:
  • Tolya, maybe, so, in short.
  • However, it's just - EMPTY!
  • Don't use them in speech
  • Not enough trouble for you!

slide 12. Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property handed down to us by our predecessors... Treat this powerful tool with respect...

I.S. Turgenev

slide 13 Summing up the work done, I come to the conclusion that the general and verbal culture in our country is declining, and the aesthetic taste of native speakers is deteriorating under the influence of the changes that are taking place in society.

"Podgornenskaya secondary school named after. Chirkin"

Research work in the Russian language

Completed by: Grezneva Olga Alexandrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU "Podgornenskaya secondary school them. Chirkin"

Podgornoe 2016 academic year


“Well, that means, so to speak, so I came, and you yourself understand, well, uh-uh, mmm, so, so to speak, I want to tell you”

Object of study: speech of students of the MOU "Podgornenskaya secondary school named after. Chirkin"

Research objectives:

Research methods: Method of theoretical research (synthesis, analysis, comparison and conclusion)

The method of empirical research (the study of educational literary materials on the topic of research work, observation, comparison, study, survey methods: conversation, questioning, testing, the method of studying the products of creative activity (creative work of students - essays, presentations)

Problem questions:

    Fundamental question:

Initial data: the main source of information was literature on the Russian language and culture of speech

II. Main part

1. Theoretical content of the research project

1).Definition of the term

Pure speech is speech in which there are no linguistic elements that are alien to the literary language, as well as words and verbal phrases rejected by the norms of morality. The purity of speech implies the observance of not only linguistic, but also ethical norms.

There are different terms in the literature: “non-significant vocabulary”, extra words, “empty particles”, “weed words”

2).Causes of occurrence

Most linguists believe that “weed words” are used because of the poverty of the vocabulary and the regular hitches associated with it, but in some cases a kind of “fashion” appears for these words. Therefore, they can be used by people who do not have speech problems. Sometimes "weed words" are used to "buy time", for example, to think for at least a few seconds on a given question and therefore, in some cases, can be used even by people with a rich vocabulary.

    Insufficient vocabulary (the speaker is not always able to quickly find the right word):

    Intentional filling of a pause between words or expressions;

    Rapid, unprepared, spontaneous speech;

    Fashion for some words


as the saying goes

as a matter of fact

do you see / do you see

how to say


can/can you imagine

so to speak


can/can you imagine

in general (something)

In fact

something like that



all that

The fact is that...

yoshkin cat


this is the most / this is the most

do you know / do you know


I mean

"Briefly speaking" - a person is not disposed to communication, he does not like conversations, therefore he wants to shorten his speech. However, because of this endless "shorter" effect, the opposite is achieved.

Young people have a word "as if". It means conditional. This is how the youth lives - how would we go, but how would we not go; how we will, and how we will not. Young people are not burdened with responsibility, this affects their speech.

Words "type", "shorter", "means" used by people who are somewhat aggressive.

"By the way" speaks just about the fact that a person feels awkward and out of place. But with the help of this remark, he tries to attract attention to himself and give meaning to the words.

"Exactly this" decorates the speech of people with poor memory or lazy people, who often do not even try to remember the right word. They shift the intellectual work of finding the right word to the interlocutor. However, they tend to shift the rest of their affairs and responsibilities to others.

"In fact" used by people who believe that their inner world is richer, their eyes are sharper, and their thoughts and guesses are more interesting than those of everyone else. These are people who constantly open their eyes to reality. Of course, they are firmly convinced that their worldview is the only true one.

"As if" is used equally by teenagers (along with "type" and "means"), and artistic natures, who value uncertainty in life situations.

"Practically" - management word. It sticks very quickly to people who live with specific goals, especially those who do not think about the philosophical meaning of life. They, sorry, are not up to such trifles.

"Actually" - a word of people who are not self-confident, quickly losing self-control, always looking for a catch in everything that happens, and those who, even because of nonsense, are ready to start a verbal skirmish.

"So to speak" And "actually" - used in speech by intellectuals.

Students in grades 5-9 took part in the survey and oral survey (Appendix No. 1)

Of these, the most common are “well (65%), “here” (55%), “in short” (47.5%).

Sharpness, desire to finish a speech faster

In short, it went like this...

Uncertainty in what he says; approximation

We have already read this book.

Desire to stand out

Pause substitute

Like, who are you?

Pause while speaking or using certain words

Yesenin... this... loved... this... animals. He ... this ... dedicated many poems to them...

Confidence in your words

So it was, in fact.

Like it, uh, like it, like it

Instead of some words; trying to remember something

Dinosaurs... like him... in the process of evolution... how is it... extinct.

Do you understand, do you understand

Appeal to the interlocutor if you want to confirm your words

I, you know, I’m walking, I hear screams, I turned around, you know, and there ...

In general, finally!

slight indignation

Summary of the speech

Are you going to school? - Well, you, finally!

Actually, I wanted to...

Read good literature;

Strengthen self-control over your own and other people's speech;

Punish yourself with a fine;

Practice speaking in front of an audience;

Increase self-esteem to be confident in your words.

Learn to pause in speech, make it measured. It is much more difficult for a listener to hear a meaningless stream. In place of commas, make small pauses. And at the end of the sentence - long.

4. Conclusion

studied the linguistic literature on the research topic,


This research work can be of great practical importance in organizing a school curriculum and will help to draw the attention of schoolchildren to a careful attitude to their native language.

« Take care of our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property handed over to us by our predecessors... Treat this powerful tool with respect...”,- wrote I.S. Turgenev

IV. Literature

2. Ilyash M. I. Fundamentals of speech culture. Kyiv/M.I. Ilyash. - Odessa, 1984.-254 p.

4. Ozhegov S. I. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" / S.I. Ozhegov. - M, 2004.

5. Fomenko Yu.V. Types of speech errors: Proc. allowance./Yu.V. Fomenko. - Novosibirsk, 1994. - 189 p.

6. For the preparation of this work, materials from the sites were used:

Annex 1

3. Which of these words do you use most often?

6. What ways of struggle can you offer?

Annex 2

Annex 3

"Culture of speech" (Scientific - research work on the Russian language)

The purpose of the work To talk about the culture of speech, about its signs To improve the general language culture of students To identify weaknesses in students' speech proficiency To find ways to improve the state of students' speech culture To arouse interest in learning the Russian language and reading fiction

Survey results I conducted a survey among the students of our school (grades 5-8) in order to identify the level of their speech, their attitude to learning. To the Russian language and literature, to find out their opinion on the importance of knowing the Russian language. After processing the answers to the questions he proposed, I got the following results: (60 students were interviewed) - 12% of students believe that deeds are more important than words; -19% of students believe that they are Kabardians and they do not need to know Russian at all, it is enough to know one language; -72% of students believe that their speech is not at a good enough level, and they would like to improve the culture of their speech. About 60% of the students surveyed spend their free time outdoors with friends and neighbors; 25% - at the TV and computer screens; And only about 15% of students read fiction, pay a lot of attention to their studies. After processing the answers to 5-7 questions, I got the following result: 78% of students believe that speech affects the feelings of other people; 96% of the students had a chance to comfort people close to them and they were good at it; 81% of students brought others to tears. But the most surprising thing about this survey is that all the respondents helped to do something good with their word, and everyone considers themselves cultured people. On the survey, how you can improve the culture of speech, the most frequent questions - Could read books; –Watch more TV; - Pay more attention to your studies.




A culture of speech



Chapter 2 .8



Chapter 1. Culture of speech

Thus, the culture of communication consists of the ability to listen to the interlocutor, speech etiquette, as well as compliance with the rules of good manners.

Often, being carried away by the topic of conversation, we completely forget about the culture of communication: we try to impose our point of view on the topic of conversation on the interlocutor; we do not try to delve into the arguments that our counterpart cites, we simply do not listen to him; and, finally, in an effort to make everyone around us agree with our view of things, we neglect speech etiquette: we stop following our own words.

According to the rules of the culture of communication, it is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the interlocutor. In addition to the fact that imposing one's opinion is very ugly, it is also inefficient. Your demeanor is likely to cause a defensive reaction from your partner, and then your conversation will simply not work out at best.

If you not only do not listen to your counterpart, but also constantly interrupt him, not allowing him to finish, you should know that you not only demonstrate your lack of speech culture, but also show disrespect for the personality of the interlocutor, which characterizes you by no means on the positive side .

The ability to listen is an indispensable component of the culture of communication. If you show genuine attention to the thoughts and feelings of the person you are talking to, if you sincerely respect the opinion of your counterpart, you can be sure that you are a good conversationalist and people enjoy talking to you. The ability to listen is the key to your success in any life situation and in any society.

But what to do if you adhere to the rules of communication culture and follow speech etiquette, and your interlocutor, neglecting the rules of good manners, is trying to pull you "to his side"? If you do not like the manner of communication of your counterpart or you do not agree with what he is trying to convince you of, express your point of view by starting your speech with an etiquette cliché: "Does it seem to you that ...".

If during a conversation you had an argument with your interlocutor, as a result of which you realized that you were wrong, according to the rules of communication culture, you must admit your mistake. Do not bring the situation to conflict.

According to most people, speech is just a mechanism for putting your thoughts into words. But this is an erroneous assumption. Speech and speech etiquette are important tools in establishing communication with people, in establishing contacts (in particular, in the business sphere), in increasing the productivity of communication, in persuading a mass audience to their side (in public speaking, for example).

Among other things, the culture of speech has a huge impact on the behavior of the speaker himself. After all, everyone knows that the manner of speech and the choice of words in a dialogue not only set the interlocutor in the right mood, but also program our own behavior. We monitor our speech etiquette, weigh every word spoken and heard in response.

In the business sphere, situations often arise when, according to our speech culture, others judge not only ourselves, but also the institution, the official representative of which we are. Therefore, it is extremely important to observe speech etiquette during business meetings and meetings. If you have a bad culture of speech, it sharply lowers your career opportunities. You will have to familiarize yourself with the rules of speech etiquette in order to first get a job in a prestigious organization, and then not spoil the company's image and have a chance for promotion.

Another situation in which the culture of speech plays a decisive role is public speaking.

If you want to be successful in front of a mass audience of listeners, prepare a plan and the main theses of your public speech in advance.

When speaking, try to avoid an instructive tone.

Try to put some lively emotions into your oratory. The correct intonation will help you convey your own indifference to the problem. Speak from the heart, but at the same time simply and competently - and then you will make a positive impression on the audience, captivate them with the topic of your public speech.

In order to interest the audience and attract the attention of all listeners, to convince them that you are right, you need to use comparative statistics as an argument in defense of your position.

Try to exclude the cliches that bother everyone from the text of your public speech. By using words that have already been said hundreds of times, you thereby "lull" the attention of the entire audience.

At the end of a public speech, it can be effective to return to the beginning of the oratorical speech, to re-focus on the problem.

Chapter 2

In recent years, there has been a decline in speech culture. A sharp change in the eighties of the twentieth century in the political and economic course of the state, the emergence of relative "freedom of speech" - all this rather soon turned into a lack of control over the purity of speech for Russian lexicology.

Streams of vernacular, jargon, vulgarism broke out into the open spaces of newspapers, magazines, political stands, television screens, book pages. All this led to the loss of speech culture skills by the majority of the population.

But a high level of speech culture is an integral feature of a cultured person.

Based on the foregoing, we thought about the question of whether a culture of speech is needed and at what level it is for students. In accordance with this, we compiled and tested a questionnaire among students of OGBOU NPO PU-6.

This questionnaire includes four questions. We conducted a survey among students of OGBOU NPO PU-6, 60 people took part in it.

The students responded to the questionnaire as follows:



1. What is, in your opinion, the culture of speech?

46 people - "The culture of speech is the culture of communication between people"

10 people - "The culture of speech is the ability to speak correctly, without mistakes"

4 people - did not answer

2. How would you characterize a person who speaks at a high level?

53 people - A person who owns his speech is a person who speaks beautifully, competently, who knows how to listen and respects his interlocutors.

7 people - did not answer.

3. Do you think that a culture of speech is needed in our time? For what?

58 people - A culture of speech is needed in order to better understand each other and so that various conflict situations do not arise.

2 people - answered in the negative, saying that they were already doing well.

4. In your opinion, at what level do students develop speech in your educational institution? Why?

A) high

B) average

B) low

0 people - high;

38 people - medium;

22 people - low.

Based on our analysis of the survey, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. In OGBOU NPO PU - 6 the average level of speech development among students.

Based on the above, we would like to offer the following tips to improve speech culture:

Avoid verbosity in any communication situation. If you want to convey some idea to the listener, you do not need extra words that distract attention from the main subject of speech.

Before entering into a conversation, clearly formulate for yourself the purpose of the upcoming communication.

Try to always speak briefly, clearly and precisely.

Strive for verbal diversity. For each specific communication situation, you must find suitable words that are different from those that are applicable in other situations. The more complexes of various words for individual situations you have, the higher your speech culture will become. If a person does not know how to choose words that meet the requirements of a particular situation of communication, then he does not know the culture of speech.

Learn to find a common language with any interlocutor. Regardless of the manner of communication of the counterpart, follow the principles of the culture of speech, be polite and friendly.

Never answer rudeness with rudeness. Do not stoop to the level of your poorly educated interlocutor. Following the principle of "an eye for an eye" in such a situation, you will only demonstrate the absence of your own culture of speech.

Learn to be attentive to the interlocutor, listen to his opinion and follow the course of his thoughts. Try to always show the right response to the words of your counterpart. Be sure to answer the interlocutor if you see that he needs your advice or attention. Remember, when you do not respond to the words of the interlocutor, you are grossly violating speech etiquette.

Make sure that during a conversation or public speaking, emotions do not overpower your mind. Maintain self-control and self-control.

Violation of the rules of speech etiquette is possible in cases where it is necessary to achieve expressiveness of speech. However, in no case should you stoop to the use of obscene words. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any culture.

When communicating with the interlocutor, do not adopt his communication style: stick to your positive speech habits. Of course, it is necessary to look for a common language with any interlocutor, but imitating his manner of communication, you lose your individuality.


The culture of speech is one of the main indicators of the general culture of a person. Therefore, we all need to constantly improve our manners of communication and speech. The culture of speech lies not only in the ability to avoid mistakes in speech, but also in the desire to constantly enrich one's vocabulary, in the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, respect his point of view, in the ability to choose the right words in each specific communication situation.

Speech is one of the most important characteristics of a person. The way we communicate affects the impression we make on others. A person's speech can attract people to him or, conversely, repel them. Speech can also have a strong influence on the mood of our interlocutor.

After conducting research on this topic, we came to the following conclusions:

  1. The students of OGBOU NPO PU No. 6 have a low level of speech culture.
  2. The culture of speech is needed at the present stage.


  1. Actual problems of culture of speech. - M., 1970, 180s.
  2. Golovin, B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture / B.N. Golovin - M: Higher School, 1988.
  3. Vasilyeva, A.N. Fundamentals of speech culture / A.N. Vasilyeva - M: Russian language, 1990.
  4. Vvedenskaya, L.A., Pavlova L.G. Rhetoric and culture of speech. Ed. 3rd., supplemented and revised. Rostov-on-Don: 2003.
  5. Culture of Russian speech. Textbook / Ed. L. K. Graudina and E. N. Shiryaeva.- M.: NORMA Publishing House, 2000.
  6. Sirotinina, O. B. Good speech: shifts in the idea of ​​the standard / / Active language processes of the late XX century / O.B. Sirotina - M., 2000.

Regional scientific and practical conference "Eureka"

"Culture of speech and language norm"

Section "Linguistics" (Russian language)

Avakyan Margarita Andreevna,

Grade 10 MBOU secondary school No. 20

Scientific adviser:

Mustakimova Luiza Rashitovna,

teacher of Russian language

MBOU secondary school No. 20

With. Shepsi


Table of contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 3-4

Chapter 1. The concept of the culture of speech……………………………………………………….. 4-6

Chapter 2

2.1. Borrowings from other languages………………………………………………… 7-8

2.2. Reasons for using youth jargon…………………………………… 8

2.3. Jargon of schoolchildren as a component of youth jargon…………………… 8-9

2.6. Who is susceptible to “infection with a speech infection”……………………………… 13

Chapter 3How to learn to speak competently…………………………………….. 13-16

Conclusion………………..……………………………………………………………. 16

References……………..……………………………………………….............. 17

Application ……………………………………………………………………………. 18-19

Take care of the purity of the language as a shrine! Never use foreign words.

The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.

I.S. Turgenev


The Russian language is the language of a great people, the language of great literature.

Hymns to the Russian language, its richness and expressiveness can be found in the writings and reflections of almost all the major Russian writers. For Turgenev, for example, reflections on the fate of the Motherland were inseparable, inseparable from the thought of "the great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language."

The Russian language has become an international language, the language of interstate communication and cultural and ideological interaction between all the peoples of the CIS. The Russian language is spreading everywhere, in the countries of the West and the East. Interest in its study is growing on all continents of our planet.

Under these conditions, the responsibility of all of us, those for whom the Russian language is native, for its purity and correctness, for its accuracy and expressiveness, increases immeasurably. “You have to think about speech, words,” said Chekhov. “We must cultivate in ourselves a taste for a good language; how they bring up a taste for engravings, good music,” Alexei Maksimovich Gorky urged the young generation of Soviet writers to write. The study of a language helps to discover the laws of its development, the rules of its use and ways of enrichment.

In our time, communication is one of the main factors of mutual understanding between people, so the culture of speech behavior is important to all people whose activities are somehow related to communication. By the way a person speaks or writes, one can judge the level of his spiritual development, his inner culture.

The culture of speech is a concept that combines the knowledge of the language norm of oral and written literary language, as well as the ability to use expressive language means in different communication conditions.

Thus, the relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. The fact that in recent years there has been a decrease in speech culture is also relevant. A sharp change in the eighties of the twentieth century in the political and economic course of the state, the emergence of a relative "freedom of speech".


1. Give the concept of "culture of speech"

2. Talk about aspects of speech culture

5. Give advice on how to speak competently.

Research methods:

Chapter 1. The concept of the culture of speech

The culture of speech is the doctrine of the content and style of effective and exemplary speech, of its basic communicative qualities.

The doctrine of the qualities of good speech arose in ancient times - in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. It was developed mainly within the framework of poetry and oratory (associated with the names of famous ancient figures of science and culture, including the names of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Horace, etc.).

In Russia, the formation of the culture of speech as a science is associated with the activities of famous scientists: Lomonosov, Vostokov, Buslaev, Shakhmatov, Ushakov, Shcherba, Peshkovsky, Larin, Vinogradov and Ozhegov.

Today, the culture of speech is an independent scientific discipline. The subject of its study is speech in oral and written forms, specific and genre features of these forms, stylistic differentiation of speech, its literary norms and deviations from them, variants of speech units, communicative qualities of speech, etc.

An important feature of the culture of speech is the knowledge of the communicative qualities of speech - that is, the qualities that ensure effective communication. The question of these qualities was raised in ancient times by the theoreticians of poetics and oratory. So, Aristotle considered clarity as the main quality of speech, subordinating to it other qualities, among which he named relevance and plausibility. Theophrastus identified four "virtues" of speech: purity, clarity, relevance and beauty. Five qualities of speech were noted by Diogenes of Babylon: purity, clarity, brevity, relevance and beauty. The listed properties of literary speech formed the basis of various classifications.

Today, the main communicative qualities of speech include: correctness, accuracy, consistency, purity, richness and variety of language means, expressiveness and figurativeness, brevity and relevance.

Correctness is the main communicative quality of speech - its compliance with the accepted literary and linguistic norms of the time.

Accuracy is a quality that implies the ability to think clearly and clearly and find adequate, accurate language forms to convey one's thoughts.

The logicality of speech is the correspondence of the statement to the laws of logic, that is, the ability to provide the means of language (introductory words, conjunctions, particles, etc.) with transitions between the main thoughts and parts of the statement.

Expressiveness of speech - liveliness, emotionality, imagery, which are created due to the ability to use various expressive means of the language (tropes - metaphors, epithets, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, aphorisms) + intonational expressiveness.

The richness of speech - semantic saturation, a variety of language means: an extensive vocabulary, knowledge of grammatical, syntactic and intonational structures.

The appropriateness of speech is the expediency of using language means for each specific situation of communication, possession of different functional styles of speech.

The modern concept of the culture of speech, developed in the 90s of the twentieth century by prof. E.N. Shiryaev, includes three aspects of speech culture:

1) regulatory; 2) communicative; 3) ethical

let's characterize them.

1 aspect of speech culture - this is correctness or normativity - provides for compliance with the norms of the literary language. The culture of speech begins where it becomes possible to choose one language unit from among the options that have the same meaning (grammatical or semantic). Therefore, the central concept of the subject of the culture of speech is the concept of a language norm. In general terms, a language norm is the generally accepted use of a variety of language means, regularly repeated in the speech of speakers.

Thus, answering the question "What is correct speech?", we can say that "this is speech in which there is no violation of the norms of the literary language."

The normative aspect of speech culture is the most important, but not the only one. The study of the text from the point of view of its compliance with the tasks of communication is called the communicative aspect of language proficiency.

2 aspect of speech culture is the communicative aspect. Since the language performs different communicative tasks and serves different areas of communication, it is necessary to correctly and appropriately use language tools depending on the situation. That is, a high culture of speech lies in the ability to find the exact means for expressing one's thoughts, intelligible (that is, expressive), suitable for a given case, stylistically justified).

3 aspect of speech culture - ethical - prescribed by the rules of speech etiquette. Every society has its own ethical standards of behavior. These rules apply to many aspects of verbal communication. For example, ethical norms, or otherwise language etiquette, relate, first of all, to the appeal to “you” and “you”, the choice of the full and abbreviated name, the choice of appeals, such as: citizen, comrade, master. Thus, in the field of speech culture, the ethical aspect involves following certain rules of speech etiquette, the use of etiquette formulas of speech.

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate the final definition of the culture of speech. The culture of speech is a linguistic discipline that studies the principles of selection and organization of language means for a specific communication situation, which, subject to modern language norms and ethics of communication, can provide the greatest effect in achieving the set communicative tasks.

Chapter 2

But, to our great regret, the Russian language has been actively polluted in recent years. Philologists have been sounding the alarm for a long time: a lot of verbal “garbage” constantly penetrates into the language, as a result of which the language loses many of its features.

Words penetrating the Russian language can be divided into the following groups: jargon (slang), neologisms, slang of various social and professional groups, simple borrowings.

Youth culture is its own world, unlike anything else. He differs from an adult in his expressive, sometimes even harsh and rude manner of expressing thoughts, feelings, a kind of verbal absurdity that can only be used by young people who are courageous and resolute, opposed to the whole world and created their own unique world. As a result of this - the emergence of youth jargon.

Jargon (French jargon) is a set of features of colloquial speech that occurs among people who are in similar professional and living conditions, united by common interests, joint pastime. Linguistic features of youth jargon.

2.1. Borrowings from other languages

In the vocabulary of slang, several groups can be distinguished:

The first and largest group of words is formed from the common Russian vocabulary through rethinking (“vobla” - a thin girl, “jump” - dance). This also includes the formation of new words as abbreviations (“schmuck” - a fool, a dumbass, (from: a person morally lowered), “zoya” - “evil” (from: a particularly poisonous snake).

The second group - borrowings from slang, conventionally professional languages: "grandmother" - money, "dude" - a girl. However, much more words pass from slang to youth jargon than from jargon to slang. This is due to the relative stability of the slang, based on the traditions of the criminal environment, and the rapid change in the vocabulary of youth jargon, often dependent on the influence of fashion.

The third group is borrowings from other languages. Now in slang a significant place is occupied by borrowings from the English language, or rather its American version. And this is no coincidence. Over the past 25 years, a large number of Americanisms have passed into the Russian language: “ziper” - lightning, “gerla” - a girl, “men” - a guy. Often foreign words are distorted, changed into Russian manners such as “bezdnik” - birthday, “pull out” - drink. Increasingly, indeclinable nouns began to be used: "party" - a party, "tatu" - a tattoo.

The fourth group is the convergence of words based on sound similarity, sound transfer: for example, "lemon" instead of a million, "soap", "Emelya" instead of e-mail (from the English word - e-mail).

At the same time, the meaning of many slang words is blurred. “Awesome”, “cool”, “kapets” can be both positive and negative assessment of the situation. Words like "damn" and "oh my gad" are used in jargon only as emotional exclamations, they lose their meaning, replacing it with both positive and negative emotion.

2.2. Reasons for using youth jargon

There are many reasons for using jargon. This is, firstly, the desire to separate from the elders, to speak with peers in "one's own language." Informal communication is subject to such motives as the search for the most favorable psychological conditions for communication, the expectation of sympathy and empathy, the thirst for sincerity and unity in views, the need to assert oneself. Another reason for the use of jargon in youth speech is the need of young people for self-expression and mutual understanding. The youth, being the predominant carrier of jargon, makes it an element of pop culture, which in turn makes it prestigious and necessary for self-expression.

Boys and girls are partly attracted to the use of jargon by the disregard for chance, danger, death expressed in the word (“fall asleep” - do not pass the exam, “burn out” - get caught when committing a bad deed, “blind man's blind man" - a dead person). Young people are attracted to jargon by sound, emotionally expressive coloring. Hence such evaluative words: “awesome”, “stunned”, “killer”, “high”. The slang is rich in funny words, which removes the rudeness of some expressions (“hooves” - legs, “philolukh” - a student of the philological faculty).

2.3. Jargon of schoolchildren as a component of youth jargon

The carriers of school jargon are exclusively representatives of the younger generation - respectively, schoolchildren. Thus, school jargon can be qualified as corporate youth jargon.

School jargon includes:

Names of educational subjects (matesha, matika - mathematics, physical education - physical education, etc.),

School grades (pair - grade "2", triple - grade "3", etc.),

Some school premises (canteen - dining room, tubzik - toilet, etc.),

Individual school employees (teacher - teacher, sackcloth / sackcloth - school director),

Types of educational activities (homework - homework, contra - control work), etc.

This lexical group can be considered as the "core" of school jargon - the units included in it are realized in the speech of most schoolchildren without any (for example, territorial) restrictions.

This group is adjoined by units (their number does not exceed one dozen), which are the names of pedagogical workers in the taught subject (for example, a physicist is a physics teacher, a biologist is a biology teacher, an Englishwoman is an English teacher, etc.) or by the type of professional activities (for example, head teacher - head of education).

Separate consideration deserves such a specific part of the school jargon as the slang names of teachers and other school workers according to their specific characteristics. This group is quite extensive, but its constituent lexemes, even in the case of an abstract name for teachers of different subjects (for example, Kolba is a chemistry teacher, Brush is a drawing teacher, Pencil is a drawing teacher, Molecule is a physics teacher, Printer is a computer science teacher, etc. ) have a pronounced "local" character and are realized in the speech of students only in the school (or even within several classes of the school) where they were developed.

Most of the units in this group nominate quite definite, specific people and, therefore, cannot be relevant for all schoolchildren as a whole. Otherwise, these lexemes fully correspond to the concept of jargon - they are expressive, reduced-familiar, implemented only during intra-group communication of schoolchildren.

It is impossible not to notice that the formation of such units (the development of slang names for specific people) is a specific feature of school jargon, which is not characteristic of other slang formations (for example, student jargon).

Unfortunately, many actively insert “favorite words” into their speech: so to speak, it means, here, as a matter of fact, you see, it’s understandable, yes, so, you understand, etc.

Why do weed words appear in our speech?

This is the excitement during speaking, and the inability to think publicly, to select the right words to frame their thoughts, and, of course, the poverty of the speaker's individual vocabulary.

“So, well, you see, every person, so to speak, here, has, it means, this is the very thing, his “favorites”, the so-called “weedy”, that means words, here. You see, here, it happens that, it means, well, that the speech, then, here, the usual, so to speak, conversation consists of half, so to speak, means, well, of such words.

How and where did they come from and firmly settled in our speech?

As a child, when you didn’t know how to start a phrase, such words would pop up on their own. The child wants to say something, but the right word is not remembered, instead it appears here, but still a hitch, then the word well pops up - it doesn’t help, the third word pops up - that means ... Finally, the necessary word pops up in memory.

Imagine: a man entered the room and wants to tell what he saw recently on the street. The thought has not yet formed, but the mouth is open, it is necessary to speak. The speech begins: "Well, that means I'm walking down the street and I see ...".

When there is a hitch with how best to convey what he saw, then these words are repeated: “Here, then, the car of a high-ranking official rushes, breaking all the traffic lights, jumps out into the oncoming traffic lane ... and then, it means, here, another car is turning from a side street - And…".

Agree: you can make out, understand such speech. But it is simply impossible to listen to it, it is annoying: the shorter a person wants to say, the longer and more incomprehensible he gets. Such speech slips past the listener.

Why and why is this happening? What are the origins?

Please read the few lines below. At first it will be difficult for you to read, probably even irritation will arise. But the second time you do it fluently and you will easily understand everything. Is not it?

According togysokgounviertiset, not ieemtzanchneiya, in the coca prairokdersapoglenybkuva in solva. Galvone, chotbypreavya and psloendyabkvuyblyi on the site. Osatlynebkuvymgoutseldovtai in plonmbseordyak, everything is torn tkestchtaitsey without porbelm. Pichrionyego means that we don’t read it from a distance, but everything is a solvotlike.

If this text is pronounced, then it is difficult to perceive it by ear. Why?

When we read, we have time to stop, think about the incomprehensible, guess what is missing, notice the mistake. The process of perceiving and processing information by ear is completely different.

Once upon a time there lived this one, like him,

Well, that means that

This very thing lived

With my mom.

There was another weirdo

This generally means

And his beloved brother-in-law.

The name of the son-in-law

So to speak.

And his wife's name was...

And the neighbor's name was...

And his parents

You see

And you see...

And some other uh-uh

Lived on the top floor...

And they were all friends...

Well, that means, and in general.

The word "simple" burdens their speech with people who are accustomed to actually complicate everything in life. And the more complex the motivation for their intricate actions, the more often the word “simple” will slip through their speech. By this, they seem to invite the interlocutor to understand them: it's so simple! It is also abused by dependent people, often making excuses: “I just wanted to look at the vase, but it suddenly broke.” Or: “I just told him not to interfere in his own business, but he just took it and was offended.”

The words “type”, “shorter”, “means” are used by people who are somewhat aggressive. More often these are teenagers or people who have retained their dependence on teenage stereotypes in their adult life.

By the way, ”says just that a person feels awkward and out of place. But with the help of this remark, he tries to attract attention to himself and give meaning to the words.

This is the most” embellishes the speech of people with poor memory or lazy people, who often do not even try to remember the right word. They shift the intellectual work of finding the right word to the interlocutor. However, they tend to shift the rest of their affairs and responsibilities to others.

In fact, "are used by people who believe that their inner world is richer, their eyes are sharper, and their thoughts and guesses are more interesting than those of everyone else. These are people who constantly open their eyes to reality. Of course, they are firmly convinced that their worldview is the only true one.

How would” is used equally by teenagers (along with “type” and “means”), and artistic natures, who value uncertainty in life situations.

Practically” is a managerial word. It sticks very quickly to people who live with specific goals, especially those who do not think about the philosophical meaning of life. They, sorry, are not up to such trifles.

Actually, ”is a word of people who are not self-confident, quickly losing self-control, always looking for a catch in everything that happens, and those who, even because of nonsense, are ready to start a verbal skirmish.

So to speak” and “actually” are a vignette in the speech of an intellectual.

2.6. Who is at risk of "speech infection"

First group

Second group

These are hypercommunicative people who, because of the desire to find a common language with the interlocutor, begin to copy his movements, facial expressions and, of course, the manner of speech. This category also includes people in whose system of life values ​​the definition of “fashionable” occupies a leading position. They simply copy the manner of speech of those who, in their opinion, are worthy of respect.

Third group

These are people who rarely listen to their speech.

Chapter 3How to learn to speak fluently

Step #1. Highlight the main

The ability to express yourself competently lies not only in the lexical compatibility of words and the correct placement of stresses. It is necessary to learn to highlight the main thing from a large amount of information.

Imagine that you are watching an interesting series that your friends have been telling you about so enthusiastically. After the tenth episode, the most interesting begins, and the producer, unfortunately, stretched this moment and hid the climax behind a bunch of unnecessary details. After a few more episodes, you will quit watching and switch to a more informative movie.

So it is with speech. Opponents are not interested in listening to a story with a lot of the smallest details. The story should be concise, logically connected. Boredom repels interlocutors and kills interest.

Step #2. Increase your vocabulary

Refuse to use those words whose meaning you do not understand. An explanatory dictionary will help to expand the area of ​​​​knowledge in terms of Russian speech. If you do not know the meaning of foreign words, refer to the World Wide Web. Such actions not only help to express themselves diversified, but also contribute to infusion into different segments of the population. After a month of regular practice, you will be able to find a common language with teachers, dancers and professors. Make it a habit to learn the meaning of 3-4 words a day. It is important to learn, understand and remember the studied aspects.

Step number 4. Retell the information received

Psychologists advise standing in front of a mirror and talking to the reflection. Of course, this technique is worth trying. But there is another way that allows a person to learn literacy. Once a week, gather friends together (at least 4-5 people) and retell them the knowledge gained earlier. Have you seen an interesting movie? Highlight the essence and try to present the plot in an interesting, concise manner, without unnecessary preludes.

Watch the audience's reaction. If the audience yawns, lowers their eyes, or asks questions that are not related to the topic, they are bored. In this case, you have 2 options: independently analyze what exactly you did wrong, or contact your opponents directly. A common mistake of newly minted "narrators" is the excessive use of pronouns instead of calling the characters by their names.

Step number 5. Avoid tautology

A tautology is a figure of speech when the speaker uses words that are close in meaning or have the same root. Such phrases make it difficult to understand, so they should be avoided. An example of a tautology can be considered "butter oil" or "similar analogue". Remember, this rule is fundamental to literate speech.

To learn how to choose the appropriate words, you can follow the announcers on the radio or TV, and then analyze their misses. People who have a full-time job should look into remote writing activities. Copywriting forces you to select words that are the same in meaning, but different in pronunciation.

Step number 6. read books

Classical literature is rightfully considered a model of artistic speech. Unconsciously, you will begin to adopt words and expressions from books that are ideal for a particular situation. Do not rely on the fact that a daily 15-minute reading will make your speech literate. This process must be allocated at least 2-4 hours a day.

After a month, the information you read will make itself felt, you will no longer experience difficulties in choosing words and building sentences. People who learn through the development of fiction are called well-read. This is due to the fact that a person begins to express himself with once learned words, learned at the subconscious level.

Step number 7. Follow the speech

In Russian, there are a lot of slangs that are designed for specific situations. In an official setting and during a public speech to the upper strata of the population, it is necessary to use professional vocabulary. In a conversation with friends or "ordinary" people, youth slang should be preferred. With regards to expressive jargon, discard it altogether. The words "hut", "bucks", "car" do not intersect with literate speech.


The culture of speech is one of the main indicators of the general culture of a person. Therefore, we all need to constantly improve our manners of communication and speech. The culture of speech lies not only in the ability to avoid mistakes in speech, but also in the desire to constantly enrich one's vocabulary, in the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, respect his point of view, in the ability to choose the right words in each specific communication situation.

Speech is one of the most important characteristics of a person. The way we communicate affects the impression we make on others. A person's speech can attract people to him or, conversely, repel them. Speech can also have a strong influence on the mood of our interlocutor.

My work does not pretend to be an all-encompassing problem of the "Problem of clogging the Russian language", it is an invitation to think about what each of us can do to improve the language.

“We learn the language and must learn continuously until the last days of life,” said Paustovsky. It is necessary to help the “great and mighty” Russian language survive, preserve it and make sure that it takes possession of the lips and hearts of us, our children and grandchildren..


1. Golovin, B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture / B.N. Golovin - M: Higher School, 1988.

2. Vasilyeva, A.N. Fundamentals of speech culture / A.N. Vasilyeva - M: Russian language, 1990.

3. Kozhevnikova K. Spontaneous oral speech in Russian epic prose. - Praha, 1970.

5. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. Moscow: Education, 1976. c. 272

6. Sirotina O.B Modern colloquial speech and its features. M., 1984

7. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Dahl //

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