Raisins are the main. Raisins (Donetsk region.). Neighborhoods and other localities

Izyum (ukr. Іzyum) is a city of regional significance in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine. It is located on the Seversky Donets River, in the southeastern part of the region.

Raisin is an integral part of the region, which in the historical literature was called Sloboda Ukraine. The favorable natural and geographical position of Izyum determined that from ancient times on the territory of the modern city events took place that played an important role both in the history of the region and the state as a whole. It was in the 11th-12th centuries that within the boundaries of the modern city there were battles between the ancient Russian princes and the nomadic Polovtsy, the descriptions of which have come down to us in ancient chronicles.

The mention of the Russian watchman "Izyumskaya sakma" is available in written sources for 1571. In the 60s of the XVII century, a small group of settlers settled in these places. In the documents of 1680, the settlement was called the Izyum town. In the 80s of the XVII century, a fortress was built on the site of the current Izyum, which consisted of a "big" and a "small" city. Where there was a "big city" - now the central part of Izyum. The main building here was a fortress, which occupied almost a quarter of the territory of the "big city". The location of the ancient Izyum on the border with nomadic tribes also determined its further development as a military center. In the 16th century, to control the Izyum sakma, one of the main roads of Tatar attacks, guard patrols were created on the site of Izyum. Later, in the 70s of the 17th century, a small fortification appeared - the Izyum trench. And in 1681, under the leadership of the Cossack colonel Grigory Donets-Zakharzhevsky, a large Izyum fortress was built. The successful terrain - the fortress was washed on three sides by the Seversky Donets River, and on the fourth side was covered by Mount Kremyanets - served to quickly transform Izyum into the center of the region.

The date of the official establishment of the city of Izyum is 1681.

In 1685, Izyum became a regimental city - the center of the Izyum Sloboda Cossack Regiment, to which 13 surrounding cities and settlements were subordinate.

The Izyum Cossack regiment, from 1765 - hussars, took part in almost all military campaigns: the Northern War, the Russian-Turkish wars, stormed Ochakov, Bendery, Izmail, fought near Borodino, entered the capital of France as a winner.

Since 1765, after the elimination of the regimental structure in Slobozhanshchina, the territory of the regiment was turned into the Izyum province of the Sloboda-Ukrainian province. With the formation of the Kharkiv vicegerency in 1780, Izyum became the county center.

The railroad that runs through the city has been one of the most economically important railroads since the days of Tsarist Russia, as it served regions rich in coal and metal, fossil valuable raw materials. Therefore, already in 1915, the German firm "Karl Brandt" built the Main Izyum railway workshops - the necessary repair base for servicing the rolling stock of the railway. Over time, the company has been reconstructed and reorganized several times. Today, the Izyum State Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant is a modern, highly mechanized enterprise for the repair of diesel locomotives.

The favorable natural - geographical position of the city determined that Izyum became the birthplace of optical glass in Russia - in 1916, according to the order of Tsar Nicholas II, the construction of the first optical glass plant in the country was started in the city. In 1923, production was already started, which laid the foundation for the development of the entire field of domestic optical glassmaking.

In 1923, Izyum became the center of the district, which, in addition to Izyum, included several more districts of the Kharkov region. After the liquidation of the districts in 1930, the Izyumsky district was directly subordinate to the center, and since 1932 it has been part of the Kharkov region as a city of regional subordination.

Raisins repeatedly during the Second World War became the scene of hostilities. In January 1942 the city was liberated from the Germans.

In May 1942, in the vicinity of Izyum, on the Izyum-Barvenkovsky ledge, heavy fighting took place, known as the Kharkov operation of 1942. To the east of the city, in the area between the settlement. Merefa, Lozovaya and Balakleya were surrounded and killed tens of thousands of soldiers and officers of the Red Army.

He was finally released in 1943.

Modern Izyum is a city of regional subordination, the center of a district located in the southeast of the Kharkov region. The territory of the city is 43.6 sq. km. The city is spread on both banks of the river Seversky Donets, at a distance of 127 km from the regional center.

The city of Izyum is the administrative center of the Izyum region. The area of ​​forests around the city is about 60,000 hectares, of which 430 hectares are within the city, and at a distance of 9 km there is one of the largest reservoirs in Eastern Ukraine - Krasnooskolskoe.

Website: http://izum-city.com

In the Kharkiv region there is a "sweet" city - Izyum. On the map of Ukraine, you can see that it is located in the place where the rivers Sukhoi Izyumets and Wet Izyumets flow into the city, which is the center of the Izyum region. Near it are the villages of Donetsk, Dibrova, Kamenka, Kapitolovka, Pimonovka, Babenkovo. Izyum (city) has an advantageous geographical position. The map will show that on three sides the river blocks the path to it, and behind it is protected by Mount Kremenets (in colloquial speech - Kremyanets).

A bit of history

It is this position of the city that was the reason that in its history it has seen many battles. And although in official written sources one can find references to the city, or rather, to the watchman "Izyumskaya Sakma", only from 1571, scientists are inclined to believe that the age of this settlement should be counted from an earlier time. So, in the territory where it is now located, in the 11th - 12th centuries, wars were fought between the Polovtsians and Russian princes, and in 1111 the army led by Vladimir Monomakh won a victory on the Salnitsa River. This river is annalistic, and it cannot be found on the maps. However, historians are sure that it was a tributary of the Seversky Donets and flowed into it just not far from the place where Izyum is now located. The city as such was formed, of course, not immediately. In the 16th century, the Izyum sakma was one of the main roads along which the Tatars raided Russia. That is why guard fortifications were erected on Kremenets. And already in the second half of the 17th century, the Izyum fortress was built. The city began to grow gradually around, and from 1685 it became a regimental one.

The 20th century was also marked by bloodshed in this settlement. Denikin's brutal reprisals against almost a hundred political prisoners of the Izyum prison. In memory of this tragedy, a white-stone obelisk was erected, located on Mount Kremenets. Brutal battles during the Great Patriotic War. It was here that the Kharkov operation was carried out. Izyum is a city that held back the advance of the Nazis for eight whole months. It was rightly considered the “door” to the Donbass, which is why it was so important for the enemy army to capture it.

Modern city

Now the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region is a picturesque small locality with a population (according to the 2001 census) of slightly more than 56 thousand people. There are still huts along the banks of the river. Walking around the city, you can meet the surviving county houses that were not destroyed by the war. Although five-story buildings predominate in the city. Very close - one of the largest forests in Ukraine. Predominantly pine forests occupy about 60,000 hectares of land, and 430 - within the city. The Chervonooskol reservoir is located 9 kilometers away - one of the largest in Eastern Ukraine. In the XIX - XX centuries. The industrial development of the city proceeded by leaps and bounds. The railway that passed through it was extremely important even in tsarist Russia, to say nothing of the times when mining was carried out in large volumes. Izyum became the first city in Russia where they began to produce optical glass. In 1916, the construction of a plant for its production began.

Polovtsian women

Despite the fact that Izyum is a small town, travelers who love history have a lot to see. The most ancient monuments include the statues of the so-called "Polovtsian women". There is no consensus among historians about their origin. But there is one legend. According to her, these statues were once people who worshiped the god of the sun. An angry deity once turned them into stone. They did not always stand on the slope of Kremenets. The statues were collected from all over the county. The time of their appearance is approximately the XII century. If we leave aside the legends and talk about scientific hypotheses, then some historians believe that these are idols for worshiping the goddess of fertility. There is, however, another opinion: these stone statues are tombstones. Whatever it was, but if you study them, you can get an idea about the life, tools, jewelry, weapons of the ancient nomads.

to the 40th anniversary of the Victory

On the top of Mount Kremenets, a memorial was opened on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It can be seen from anywhere in the city. On the territory there is a monument "Grieving Mother" and the grave of the "Unknown Soldier". The road to the top passes through Victory Park. Somewhat unusual and amazing place. Even the urns in it resemble an exploding shell. There is also a monument representing soldered bombs. Also on the central alley are military equipment from the Second World War. There are artillery pieces, T-34, KV tanks and, of course, the legendary Katyusha. It is at this place that festive events and fireworks are held annually on May 9th.

Transfiguration Cathedral

Izyum is a small town, as already mentioned. It has only three churches, but each of them is worthy of attention. Almost the same age as the city is the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in 1684, shortly after the foundation of the Izyum fortress. In 1751 it was repaired, and in 1886 the complex was supplemented with a bell tower and a vestibule. The next restructuring took place at the beginning of the 20th century. And as a result, the appearance of the temple has changed significantly. It began to resemble buildings in the style of Ukrainian wooden architecture. The Great Patriotic War did not spare the cathedral either. It was very badly damaged. However, already in the 50s of the last century, it began to be reconstructed. As a result, the temple almost regained its original appearance and interior. The walls were cleared of traces of all repairs. And even if it was necessary to restore part of the masonry, the bricks were made using old technologies.

Nicholas Church

In 1809-1823. Nicholas Church was built. Its other name is the Holy Cross Exaltation Church. Later, side aisles were erected. It is much smaller in size and built in a classic style. And although in terms of architecture it is not so interesting, but the painting of interior interiors is amazing.

Ascension Church and miraculous icon

Finally, the third temple is the Ascension Church (Holy Ascension Cathedral). It was built in 1792 on the site of an old wooden church. In 1903, side aisles appeared, and the bell tower increased by one tier and became a four-tier one. Each of them is made in its own style. The lower one is in harmony with the facade of the church. The second is square. It is limited by the cornice and window frames. The third has the shape of an octahedron and is decorated with flat porticos with pilasters, reminiscent of the style. Triangular pediments complete the design.

The Holy Ascension Cathedral is also known for the fact that a relic is kept there, which the city of Izyum is proud of. Ukraine honors the miraculous For the first time she appeared to St. Josaphat of Belgorod. And in 1999 she was found again. And then an unparalleled procession: for five days, the icon was carried by plane along the Russian borders.

Holy spring

One of the most beloved corners of the residents and guests of the city is Kirichenkova Krinitsa. It is located near the Holy Ascension Cathedral. People often come to the spring to draw healing water. A chapel-bath was built nearby. They say that by visiting this holy place, you can get rid of many ailments and wash away all sins. To take a dip in the bath, you need to take a cotton shirt with you. And inside you need to behave quietly, keep clean.

The city of Izyum, whose photos show its unusualness and beauty, is permeated with warmth and comfort.

Founded First mention Former names

Guard Izyum sakma

City with Square Official language Population Density

1374.390 people/km²


izyumchan, izyumchanin, izyumchanka

Timezone Telephone code Postal codes car code KOATUU Liberation Day twin cities

The mention of the Russian watchman "Izyumskaya sakma" is available in written sources for 1571. In the 60s of the XVII century, a small group of settlers settled in these places. In the documents of 1680, the settlement was called the Izyum town. In the 80s of the XVII century, a fortress was built on the site of the current Izyum, which consisted of a "big" and "small" cities. The current central part of Izyum is the former "big city". The main building here was a fortress, which occupied almost a quarter of the territory of the "big city". The location of the ancient Izyum on the border with nomadic tribes also determined its further development as a military center. In the 16th century, to control the Izyum sakma, one of the main roads of Tatar attacks, guard patrols were created on the site of Izyum. Later, in the 70s of the 17th century, a small fortification appeared - the Izyum trench. And in 1681, under the leadership of the Cossack colonel Grigory Donets-Zakharzhevsky, a large Izyum fortress was built. The successful terrain - the fortress was washed on three sides by the Seversky Donets River, and on the fourth side was covered by Mount Kremenets - served to quickly transform Izyum into the center of the region.

Raisins on a 1787 map

The date of the official establishment of the city of Izyum is 1681.

Further history

post-war period

After liberation from the Nazi invaders, the city began to quickly recover and grow. There was an active housing construction.

  • In 1956, the IOMZ giant plant was launched.
  • In 1967, the Izyum bakery was launched.
  • In 1969, a new city hall building was built, as well as the Yubileiny restaurant and the Kremyanets hotel.
  • In 1979, in the eastern part of the city for the Olympics-80, a large palace of culture "Youth" and a sports palace with a swimming pool were built. Both structures are now in ruins. In 2010, a major overhaul of the Lokomotiv sports complex was carried out, in the area of ​​​​the railway market.
  • In 1997, an international optical exhibition was held in the Donets sports complex.


Modern Izyum is a city of regional subordination, the center of a district located in the southeast of the Kharkiv region. The territory of the city is 43.6 sq. km. The city is spread on both banks of the river Seversky Donets, at a distance of 127 km from the regional center.

The city of Izyum is the administrative center of the Izyum region. The area of ​​forests around the city is about 60,000 hectares, of which 430 hectares are within the boundaries of the city, and at a distance of 9 km there is one of the largest reservoirs in Eastern Ukraine - Chervonooskolskoe.

Unemployment has risen in Izyum in recent years as a result of the closure of two of the city's three core enterprises. At the moment, trade and services are widely developed in the city.


The current coat of arms of Izyum has more than 230 years of history and is a vowel: depicted raisin.

Culture and sports

Izyum has well-developed cultural, sports and health-improving spheres. In the city there is a city palace of culture. Kirov (former DK IKPZ), DK "Railwayman", regional house of culture, cinema "Spartak". There are many sections and circles for children and adolescents, there is the Izyum Children's Art House. Sport in Izyum is represented by sports complexes "Donets" and "Lokomotiv". The city also has the Lokomotiv stadium. 9 km from the city, on the banks of the Krasnooskolsky reservoir, there is a children's health camp "Eaglet". There are many parks and squares in the city:

  • Central
  • Railway
  • Dzerzhinsky
  • Arboretum
  • Square "Kremyanets"

Neighborhoods and other localities

There is no official division in Izyum, but locals There are several districts of the city:

  • Vepritsky farm. Located in the south of the city. Private sector, agricultural lyceum No. 61.
  • 1st district. among the people "IZOS" (Izyum plant of optical glass) The oldest microdistrict of the city, located between the IKPZ and the 2nd microdistrict. Mainly built up
    in the 1930s and 60s with three-story buildings.
  • 2nd microdistrict. in the people "Zheltik" The largest microdistrict of Izyum. Located between the 1st microdistrict and the central market. It was built up in the 1970-90s, mainly with five- and nine-story houses.
  • Centre. In the people "City" (the central part of the city).
  • Monument (Goncharovka). This is the private sector. Where is Selkhoztekhnika, Gosleskhoz, Tubdispenser.
  • Oilman. (by the name of the Izyum oil and gas exploration expedition of INGRE). This is a private sector, as well as one five-story building. Where is Komunkhoz, RES, Fire Department
  • Turn. The area is located at the entrance to Izyum along the Kharkov highway, from Kharkov. It has a shopping complex where truckers stop.
  • Sands. A large area, represented mainly by one-story private buildings (one 5-story building and 4-story building).
  • Revolution square. Small northern part of the city.
  • Ostrovsky (Lokomotiv). In the northeastern part of the city.
  • Railway station). It is located in the northeast of the city. Built up with five- and two-story houses, as well as the private sector. On the territory of the district there are: the Izyum diesel locomotive plant, the Railway market, the 5th distance of the South Railway and the railway station, the vocational school No. 24 and the school No. 12.
  • Barracks. Northeast of the railway station. Represented mainly by the private sector, as well as nine- and five-story houses. On the territory of the district there is: Izyum bakery.
  • IOMZ. Eastern part of the city from the railway station. Nine and five-story houses, as well as the private sector. In this area there is an Optical Market, the remains of IOMZ, a Fuel Depot.
  • Sunny. The extreme point of the city is located on the outskirts of IOMZ. There is an optical institute here.
  • The upper village is the private sector above IOMZ. School No. 11 is located in the middle.
  • The lower village (in the people Gnidovka) is located in the area of ​​the river Sukhoi Izyumets.


The city is a regional transport hub: roads and railways.

The European motor transport corridor Lviv - Kyiv - Kharkov - Donbass - Rostov-on-Don passes through the city M-03 (E 40 ).

The nearest cities (distances along highways): Lozovaya - 97 km (west), Chuguev - 84 km (north-west), Kupyansk - 79 km (north-east), Slavyansk - 52 km (south-east); to the regional center (Kharkiv) - 129 km. Public transport is represented by buses and fixed-route taxis.

Educational establishments

In Izyum there are such educational institutions:

  • gymnasium No. 1
  • School number 2
  • gymnasium No. 3
  • school number 4
  • school number 5
  • school number 6
  • School number 10
  • school number 11
  • school number 12
  • vocational school № 24
  • agricultural lyceum № 61
  • Medical College


  • The Holy Ascension Cathedral houses the miraculous Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God, acquired by St. Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod in 1754.


In the 1990s, all large enterprises were closed in Izyum. As a result, the ecological situation in the city has improved. The main air pollutant is road transport, as well as the city boiler house, the boiler house of the 2nd microdistrict.

twin cities

see also

  • Administrative-territorial formations with the center in Izyum
  • Izyum forestry
  • Coat of arms of Izyum



Objects on the Seversky Donets (from source to mouth)

right tributary Sazhnoy Donets | right inflow

Liberation Day twin cities Awards
K: Settlements founded in 1681

The mention of the Russian watchman "Izyumskaya sakma" is available in written sources for 1571. In the 16th century, to control the Izyum sakma, one of the main roads of Tatar attacks, guard patrols were created on the site of Izyum. In 1637, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in his letter pointed out the need to build a city near the Izyum barrow. The first memories of the existing town in 1639. Later, in the 50s of the 17th century, a small fortification appeared - the Izyum trench. In the 60s of the 17th century, a small group of settlers settled in these places.

Initially, the fortified town of Izyum was located on the left bank of the Seversky Donets and was a small wooden fortress in the depths of defense.

Elected Colonel Yakov Chernigovets can be considered as the first outstanding historical figure. It was a colorful figure in the suburban regiments of the 60-70s of the 17th century. This figure was significant in the Hetmanate. In 1663, with the Cossack settlers, he arrived in Slobozhanshchina, where he founded several settlements. Under his leadership, a fortress was built in Izyum, on the left bank of the Donets. In 1677, Yakov Chernigovets was removed from his post. The reasons for the disgrace of Yakov Chernigovets are still not entirely clear. Nevertheless, Grigory Erofeevich's participation in these events is obvious. Being in excellent relations with the Belgorod governor, he could influence the attitude of the throne towards the Balakleysky colonel. And in 1681, according to the royal decree, under the supervision of Lieutenant-General Grigory Kosagov and under the leadership of the Cossack colonel Grigory Donets-Zakharzhevsky, a second fortress was built in Izyum. The fortress of Yakov Chernigovets existed until 1700. The successful terrain - the fortress was washed on three sides by the Seversky Donets River, and on the fourth side was covered by Mount Kremenets - served to quickly transform Izyum into the center of the region.

The first church in Izyum is Pokrovskaya, its history goes back to the time of the Kiev metropolis. The first written records date back to 1653. Obviously it was built much earlier, but there is no information on that. During the construction of the subsequent fortress in 1681 on the right bank of the Donets. The Intercession Church was moved from the left bank and placed almost in the center of the new fortress. After several transfers and reconstructions, it existed until 1941. The first Izyum church was destroyed by the Izyum destroyer battalion of the Soviet army before retreating. The ruins of the temple remain today in the central city cemetery.

The railway passing through the city has been one of the most economically important railways since the days of Tsarist Russia, as it served regions rich in coal and metal, fossils of valuable raw materials. Therefore, already in 1913, the German firm "Karl Brandt" built the Main Izyum railway workshops - the necessary repair base for servicing the rolling stock of the railway. Over time, the company has been reconstructed and reorganized several times.

The favorable natural and geographical position of the city contributed to the fact that Izyum became the birthplace of optical glass in Russia - in 1916, according to the order of Tsar Nicholas II, the construction of the first optical glass plant in the country was started in the city.

The beginning of the 20th century brought turmoil to the Izyum region. From 1917 to 1921, power changed nine times:

The power of Tsar Nicholas II

The power of the provisional government

Central Council of the UNR

Bolshevik power

The power of Hetman Skoropadsky

Directory of the UNR (Petliura)

Bolshevik power

White (Volunteer) Army

Bolshevik power

Not taking into account the capture of the city by the army of Old Man Makhno. From 1920 to 1922, until the final capture of the Izyum region by the Red Army, Soviet power on the ground existed episodically, for some time the resistance of Ukrainian nationalists against the Bolsheviks continued. The largest detachment of the Ukrainian insurgent resistance in the Izyum region was under the leadership of Grigory Sazonov.

Gradually, the region returned to peaceful life. At the beginning of 1922, Soviet power was fully established in the Izyum region. On March 15, 1922, the Presidium of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee awarded the Izyum County with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The document says "for successful economic work."

In 1923, production was continued, which marked the beginning of the development of the entire branch of optical glassmaking in the USSR.

Since 1923, Izyum became the center of the district, which, in addition to Izyum, included several more districts of the Kharkov region. Since 1932, Izyum has been part of the Kharkiv region, as a city of regional subordination.

The famine of 1932-33 affected the Izyum region. According to modern Ukrainian researchers, there was a secret report of that time, which states that in the region in May 1933, more than 1,000 people died of starvation. However, there is no documentary evidence of this fact.

The Great Patriotic War

post-war period

After liberation from the Nazi invaders, the city began to quickly recover and grow. There was an active housing construction. In the post-war period, until 1991, the city's infrastructure was rebuilt and increased. On the eastern outskirts of the city, in 1956, the Izyum Optical and Mechanical Plant - IOMZ was built (now does not function, and is partially dismantled). IOMZ, specialized in the production of spectacle optics. The technological process was as follows: first, glass was cast at the IPM, blanks were formed, after which the blank was delivered to IOMZ. In 1979, IOMZ mastered the production of contact lenses. According to some sources, IOMZ was unique in its kind, it produced up to 48% of all spectacle optics in the USSR. There was an era of stagnation - the plant developed, new buildings were built, the Palace of Culture and the Sports Complex, a microdistrict was built along Proletarskaya Street for the plant's workers, a recreation center was built on the banks of the Krasnooskolkoye reservoir. With the collapse of the USSR, things at the plant went from bad to worse. Breakage of ties developed over the years, the economic crisis, inept leadership - have done their job. IOMZ first reduced production volumes and the number of employees, and later completely ceased to exist, unable to withstand competition with cheaper, but lower quality Chinese optics.

  • In 1956, the IOMZ giant plant was launched.
  • In 1967, the Izyum bakery was launched.
  • In 1969, a new city hall building was built, as well as the Yubileiny restaurant, the Kremyanets hotel, and the Post Office building.
  • In 1979, in the eastern part of the city for the Olympics-80, a large palace of culture "Youth" and a sports palace with a swimming pool were built. Both buildings are now in ruins. In 2010, a major overhaul of the Lokomotiv sports complex was carried out, in the area of ​​​​the railway market.
  • In 1997, an international optical exhibition was held in the Donets sports complex.


Modern Izyum is a city of regional subordination, the center of a district located in the southeast of the Kharkiv region. The territory of the city is 43.6 sq. km. The city is spread on both banks of the river Seversky Donets, at a distance of 127 km from the regional center.

The city of Izyum is the administrative center of the Izyum region. The area of ​​forests around the city is about 60,000 hectares, of which 430 hectares are within the boundaries of the city, and at a distance of 9 km there is one of the largest reservoirs in Eastern Ukraine - Chervonooskolskoe.

Unemployment has risen in Izyum in recent years as a result of the closure of two of the city's three core enterprises. At the moment, trade and services are widely developed in the city.


The current coat of arms of Izyum has more than 230 years of history and is a vowel: depicted raisin.

The coat of arms is "old", that is, historical, and was drawn up long before approval - before 1775. For the first time, the coat of arms was published in Shcherbatov's Armorial, published that year, with images of regimental coats of arms (the Izyumsky regiment was constantly quartered in the city); also the arms of 4 more regimental cities of Slobozhanshchina were included in the coat of arms: Akhtyrka, Sumy, Ostrogozhsk and Kharkov. A distinctive feature of the "old" coats of arms was the only field of the shield - with the coat of arms of the city itself (without the coat of arms of the governorship / provincial center in the upper part).

Red grapes (three vines with fruit) are depicted in the golden field of the coat of arms, publicly showing the very name of the city, horticulture and the abundance of grapes in its vicinity. (In addition to the coat of arms of Izyum, grapes from the cities of the province are also depicted in the coat of arms of Chuguev).

    Coat of Arms of Izum.png

    Modern coat of arms of Izyum from the 1990s

Interestingly, in the coat of arms of Izyum, an 18th-century artist painted red grapes (variety). The modern coat of arms of the 1990s, approved by the City Council, already depicts green grapes. The modern flag of the Izyum region depicts blue grapes.



  • furniture factory
  • Khlebzavod (Kulinichi)
  • Izyum forestry, SE
  • Izyum animal husbandry, LLC
  • Izyumsky milk powder plant.
  • Izum has been founded since ancient times as a trade and craft center. Only since the beginning of the 20th century, the Izyum industry began to take shape. In 1906 the Brewery was founded, and in 1916 IZOS and ITRP. Currently (December 2015), a revival of the Raisin industry is planned. After 20 years of mothballing, the milk powder plant was launched. After 9 summer downtime partially resumed its work brewery. But most importantly, with the beginning of the ATO in the east of Ukraine, one of the town-forming enterprises of the city, the instrument-making plant, increased its output. After the systematic destruction of the plant, which has been going on since 1991, with the coming to power of the Yatsenyuk government and the outbreak of war in the Donbass, the plant begins its work. In 2012, he was included in the State Enterprise Ukroboronprom. GP IPZ is included in the state program for the import substitution of weapons from the Russian Federation. At present (December 2015), specialists are being recruited at the IPP, the number of employees has been increased (almost 1,000 people against 500 in 2013), and the average salary has also been increased to almost 3,000 UAH.


Trade, the only branch of the Izyum economy, which has experienced a boom since 1991. During the years of independence, many industrial enterprises of Izyum were closed, but a new covered market "Povorotka" was opened, the central market doubled in size, many new stores were opened. There are four markets in the city:

  • Izyumsky central market, the largest market in the city. Located in the 2nd district.
  • Railway market. Located near the railway station Izyum.
  • covered market "Povorotka". It is located at the exit from Izyum.
  • optical market. It is located in the IOMZ microdistrict.

Culture and sports

Izyum has well-developed cultural, sports and health-improving spheres. In the city there is a city palace of culture. Kirov (former DK IKPZ, now the registry office), DK "Railwayman", regional house of culture, cinema "Spartak". There are many sections and circles for children and adolescents, there is the Izyum Children's Art House. Sport in Izyum is represented by sports complexes "Donets" and "Lokomotiv". The city also has the Lokomotiv stadium. 9 km from the city, on the banks of the Krasnooskolsky reservoir, there is a children's health camp "Eaglet". There are many parks and squares in the city:

  • Central
  • Railway
  • Dzerzhinsky
  • Arboretum
  • Square "Kremyanets"

Neighborhoods and other localities

There is no official division in Izyum, but local residents distinguish several districts of the city:

  • Vepritsky farm. Located in the south of the city. Private sector, agricultural lyceum No. 61.
  • 1st district. Among the people "IZOS" (Izyum plant of optical glass) The oldest microdistrict of the city, located between the IKPZ and the 2nd microdistrict. Mainly built up
    in the 1930s and 60s with three-story buildings.
  • 2nd district. In the people - "Yellow". The largest microdistrict of Izyum. Located between the 1st microdistrict and the central market. It was built up in the 1970-90s, mainly with five- and nine-story houses.
  • Centre. In the people "City" (the central part of the city).
  • Monument (Goncharovka). This is a private sector, where Selkhoztekhnika, Gosleskhoz, Tubdispenser are located.
  • Oilman (by the name of the Izyum oil and gas exploration expedition of INGRE). This is a private sector, as well as one five-story building, where the Kommunkhoz, Distribution Zone, Fire Station, SSH No. 6 are located.
  • Turn. The area is located at the entrance to Izyum along the Kharkov highway, from Kharkov. Has a shopping complex where truckers stop.
  • Sands. A large area, represented mainly by one-story private buildings (one 5-storey building and 4-storey building).
  • Revolution square. Small northern part of the city.
  • Ostrovsky (Lokomotiv). On the northeast side of the city.
  • Railway station). It is located in the northeast of the city. Built up with five- and two-story houses, as well as the private sector. On the territory of the district there are: the Izyum diesel locomotive plant, the Railway market, the Izyum distance of the South Railway and the railway station, vocational school No. 24 and school No. 12.
  • Barracks. Northeast of the railway station. Represented mainly by the private sector, as well as nine- and five-story houses. On the territory of the district is located: Izyum bakery.
  • IOMZ. Eastern part of the city from the railway station. Nine- and five-story houses, as well as the private sector. In this area there is the Optical Market, the remains of IOMZ, the Fuel Depot.
  • Sunny. The extreme point of the city is located on the outskirts of IOMZ. The Optical Institute is located here.
  • The upper village is the private sector above IOMZ. School No. 11 is located in the middle.
  • Gnidovka - in the area of ​​​​the river Dry Izyumets.


The city is a regional transport hub: roads and railways.

The European motor transport corridor Lviv - Kyiv - Kharkov - Donbass - Rostov-on-Don passes through the city M-03 (E 40 ).

The nearest cities (distances along highways): Lozovaya - 97 km (west), Chuguev - 84 km (north-west), Kupyansk - 79 km (north-east), Slavyansk - 52 km (south-east); to the regional center (Kharkiv) - 129 km. Public transport is represented by buses and fixed-route taxis.

Educational establishments

In Izyum there are such educational institutions:


There are two in the city Orthodox cathedrals, miraculous source and two churches.

  • In the Ascension Cathedral there is the miraculous Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God, acquired by St. Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod in 1754 on P e skakh (then a village, now Izyum district).
  • Holy Cross Church was founded in 1719.
  • Since May 2012, Izyum has been the center of the Izyum and Kupyansk diocese.
  • Since the end of 2012, the Peschansky Monastery has been under construction at the site where the Pescha Icon was found.


In the 90s, many enterprises were closed in Izium, as a result of which the ecological situation in the city improved. The main air pollutant is motor transport, as well as the city boiler house, boiler house 2 of the microdistrict.

twin cities

see also

  • Administrative-territorial formations with the center in Izyum

Write a review on the article "Raisin (city)"



  • Red Banner Kyiv. Essays on the history of the Red Banner Kiev Military District (1919-1979). Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Kyiv, publishing house of political literature of Ukraine, 1979.
  • Military encyclopedic dictionary. M., Military publishing house, 1984.
  • Handbook "Liberation of cities: A guide to the liberation of cities during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945". M. L. Dudarenko, Yu. G. Perechnev, V. T. Eliseev et al. M.: Voenizdat, 1985. 598 p.
  • Isaev A.V. From Dubno to Rostov. - M.: AST; Transitbook, 2004.
  • Journey of Academician Gildenstedt in the Sloboda-Ukrainian province. - Kharkov, 1892. - S. 68-69.


  • Soldat.ru website.

An excerpt characterizing Izyum (city)

“And the devil brought them! he thought while Tikhon covered his dry, senile body, overgrown with gray hair on his chest, with a nightgown. - I didn't call them. They came to ruin my life. And there's a little left."
- To hell! he said while his head was still covered with a shirt.
Tikhon knew the prince's habit of sometimes expressing his thoughts aloud, and therefore, with an unchanged face, he met the inquiringly angry look of the face that appeared from under his shirt.
- Lie down? the prince asked.
Tikhon, like all good lackeys, instinctively knew the direction of the master's thoughts. He guessed that they were asking about Prince Vasily and his son.
- We deigned to lie down and put out the fire, Your Excellency.
“There’s nothing, there’s nothing ...” the prince said quickly and, putting his feet into his shoes and hands into his dressing gown, went to the sofa on which he slept.
Despite the fact that nothing was said between Anatole and m lle Bourienne, they completely understood each other regarding the first part of the novel, before the pauvre mere appeared, they realized that they had a lot to say to each other secretly, and therefore in the morning they were looking for an opportunity see you alone. While the princess went to her father at the usual hour, m lle Bourienne met with Anatole in the winter garden.
Princess Mary approached that day with special trepidation to the door of the study. It seemed to her that not only did everyone know that today the decision of her fate would be made, but that they knew what she thought about it. She read this expression in the face of Tikhon and in the face of the valet Prince Vasily, who met with hot water in the corridor and bowed low to her.
The old prince this morning was extremely affectionate and diligent in his treatment of his daughter. This expression of diligence was well known to Princess Mary. This was the expression that used to appear on his face at those moments when his dry hands clenched into a fist from vexation because Princess Mary did not understand an arithmetical problem, and he, getting up, moved away from her and in a low voice repeated several times the same and the same words.
He immediately got down to business and began the conversation by saying "you."
“They made me a proposition about you,” he said, smiling unnaturally. “I think you guessed,” he continued, “that Prince Vasily came here and brought his pupil with him (for some reason, Prince Nikolai Andreevich called Anatole a pupil) not for my beautiful eyes. I made a proposition about you yesterday. And since you know my rules, I treated you.
“How can I understand you, mon pere?” said the princess, turning pale and blushing.
- How to understand! the father shouted angrily. - Prince Vasily finds you to his liking for his daughter-in-law and makes you a proposition for his pupil. Here's how to understand. How to understand?! ... And I ask you.
“I don’t know about you, mon pere,” the princess said in a whisper.
- I? I? what am I? then leave me aside. I won't get married. What do you? Here is what you want to know.
The princess saw that her father looked at this matter with unkindness, but at that very moment the thought came to her that now or never the fate of her life would be decided. She lowered her eyes so as not to see the look, under the influence of which she felt that she could not think, but could only obey out of habit, and said:
“I desire only one thing - to fulfill your will,” she said, “but if my desire had to be expressed ...
She didn't have time to finish. The prince interrupted her.
“And wonderful,” he shouted. - He will take you with a dowry, and by the way, he will capture m lle Bourienne. She will be a wife, and you ...
The prince stopped. He noticed the effect these words had on his daughter. She lowered her head and was about to cry.
“Well, well, I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he said. - Remember one thing, princess: I adhere to those rules that the girl has every right to choose. And I give you freedom. Remember one thing: the happiness of your life depends on your decision. There is nothing to say about me.
- Yes, I don't know ... mon pere.
- Nothing to say! They tell him, he will marry not only you, whom you want to marry; and you are free to choose ... Come to yourself, think it over and in an hour come to me and say in front of him: yes or no. I know you will pray. Well, please pray. Just think better. Go. Yes or no, yes or no, yes or no! - he shouted even at that time, as the princess, as if in a fog, staggering, had already left the office.
Her fate was decided and decided happily. But what the father said about m lle Bourienne - this hint was terrible. Not true, let's say, but all the same it was terrible, she could not help but think about it. She was walking straight ahead through the conservatory, seeing and hearing nothing, when suddenly the familiar whisper of m lle Bourienne woke her up. She raised her eyes and saw Anatole two paces away, embracing the Frenchwoman and whispering something to her. Anatole, with a terrible expression on his beautiful face, looked back at Princess Mary and in the first second did not let go of the waist of m lle Bourienne, who did not see her.
"Who's here? What for? Wait!" as if Anatole's face was speaking. Princess Mary looked at them silently. She couldn't understand it. Finally, m lle Bourienne screamed and ran away, and Anatole bowed to Princess Mary with a cheerful smile, as if inviting her to laugh at this strange incident, and, shrugging his shoulders, went through the door leading to his quarters.
An hour later Tikhon came to call Princess Mary. He called her to the prince and added that Prince Vasily Sergeyevich was there too. The princess, while Tikhon came, was sitting on the sofa in her room and holding the weeping m lla Bourienne in her arms. Princess Mary gently stroked her head. The beautiful eyes of the princess, with all their former calmness and radiance, looked with tender love and pity at the pretty face of m lle Bourienne.
- Non, princesse, je suis perdue pour toujours dans votre coeur, [No, princess, I have lost your favor forever,] - said m lle Bourienne.
– Pourquoi? Je vous aime plus, que jamais, said Princess Mary, et je tacherai de faire tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour votre bonheur. [Why? I love you more than ever, and I will try to do everything in my power for your happiness.]
- Mais vous me meprisez, vous si pure, vous ne comprendrez jamais cet egarement de la passion. Ah, ce n "est que ma pauvre mere ... [But you are so pure, you despise me; you will never understand this infatuation of passion. Ah, my poor mother ...]
- Je comprends tout, [I understand everything,] - answered Princess Mary, smiling sadly. - Calm down, my friend. I'll go to my father, - she said and went out.
Prince Vasily, with his leg bent high, with a snuffbox in his hands, and as if utterly moved, as if he himself regretted and laughed at his sensitivity, sat with a smile of tenderness on his face when Princess Marya entered. He hurriedly raised a pinch of tobacco to his nose.
“Ah, ma bonne, ma bonne, [Ah, dear, dear.],” he said, standing up and taking both of her hands. He sighed and added, “Le sort de mon fils est en vos mains.” Decidez, ma bonne, ma chere, ma douee Marieie qui j "ai toujours aimee, comme ma fille. [The fate of my son is in your hands. Decide, my dear, my dear, my meek Marie, whom I have always loved like a daughter. ]
He went out. A real tear appeared in his eyes.
“Fr… fr…” snorted Prince Nikolai Andreevich.
- The prince, on behalf of his pupil ... son, makes a proposition for you. Do you want or not to be the wife of Prince Anatole Kuragin? You say yes or no! he shouted, “and then I reserve the right to say my opinion. Yes, my opinion and only my own opinion, ”added Prince Nikolai Andreevich, turning to Prince Vasily and answering his imploring expression. - Yes or no?
“My desire, mon pere, is never to leave you, never to share my life with yours. I don’t want to get married,” she said resolutely, looking with her beautiful eyes at Prince Vasily and at her father.
- Nonsense, nonsense! Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense! - Prince Nikolai Andreevich shouted, frowning, took his daughter by the hand, bent her to him and did not kiss, but only bending his forehead to her forehead, touched her and squeezed the hand he was holding so that she frowned and screamed.
Prince Vasily got up.
- Ma chere, je vous dirai, que c "est un moment que je n" oublrai jamais, jamais; mais, ma bonne, est ce que vous ne nous donnerez pas un peu d "esperance de toucher ce coeur si bon, si genereux. Dites, que peut etre ... L" avenir est si grand. Dites: peut etre. [My dear, I will tell you that I will never forget this moment, but, my kindest, give us at least a small hope of being able to touch this heart, so kind and generous. Say: maybe... The future is so great. Say maybe.]
- Prince, what I said is everything that is in my heart. I thank you for the honor, but I will never be your son's wife.
“Well, it’s over, my dear. Very glad to see you, very glad to see you. Come to yourself, princess, come, - said the old prince. “Very, very glad to see you,” he repeated, embracing Prince Vasily.
“My vocation is different,” Princess Marya thought to herself, my vocation is to be happy with another happiness, the happiness of love and self-sacrifice. And whatever it costs me, I will make poor Ame happy. She loves him so passionately. She repents so passionately. I will do everything to arrange her marriage to him. If he is not rich, I will give her money, I will ask my father, I will ask Andrey. I will be so happy when she is his wife. She is so unhappy, a stranger, lonely, without help! And my God, how passionately she loves, if she could so forget herself. Perhaps I would have done the same!…” thought Princess Mary.

For a long time the Rostovs had no news of Nikolushka; only in the middle of winter was a letter handed over to the count, at the address of which he recognized the hand of his son. Having received the letter, the count, frightened and hastily, trying not to be noticed, ran on tiptoe to his office, locked himself and began to read. Anna Mikhailovna, learning (as she knew everything about what was going on in the house) about the receipt of the letter, with a quiet step went to the count and found him sobbing and laughing together with the letter in his hands. Anna Mikhailovna, despite her improved affairs, continued to live with the Rostovs.
Mon bon ami? - Anna Mikhailovna said inquiringly sadly and with a readiness of any participation.
The Count sobbed even more. "Nikolushka... letter... wounded... would... be... ma shere... wounded... my darling... countess... promoted to officer... thank God... Countess how to say?..."
Anna Mikhailovna sat down beside him, wiped away the tears from his eyes, from the letter dripped by them, and her own tears with her handkerchief, read the letter, reassured the count, and decided that before dinner and before tea she would prepare the countess, and after tea she would announce everything, if God will help her.
All the time of dinner, Anna Mikhailovna talked about rumors of war, about Nikolushka; she asked twice when the last letter from him had been received, although she had known this before, and remarked that it was very easy, perhaps even today, to receive a letter. Every time, at these hints, the countess began to worry and glance anxiously first at the count, then at Anna Mikhailovna, Anna Mikhailovna in the most imperceptible way reduced the conversation to insignificant subjects. Natasha, of the entire family, most gifted of all with the ability to feel the shades of intonations, looks and facial expressions, from the beginning of dinner pricked up her ears and knew that there was something between her father and Anna Mikhailovna and something concerning her brother, and that Anna Mikhailovna was preparing. Despite all her courage (Natasha knew how sensitive her mother was to everything related to the news about Nikolushka), she did not dare to ask a question at dinner and, from anxiety at dinner, did not eat anything and fidgeted in her chair, not listening to the remarks of her governess. After dinner she rushed headlong to overtake Anna Mikhaylovna and, in the sofa room, threw herself on her neck from a running start.
- Aunty, my dear, tell me what is it?
“Nothing, my friend.
- No, darling, my dear, dear, peach, I will not leave you, I know that you know.
Anna Mikhailovna shook her head.
“Voua etes une fine mouche, mon enfant, [You are an agitator, my child.],” she said.
- Is there a letter from Nikolenka? Maybe! cried Natasha, reading the affirmative answer in the face of Anna Mikhailovna.
- But for God's sake, be careful: you know how it can hit your maman.
- I will, I will, but tell me. Won't you tell? Well, I'll go tell you now.
Anna Mikhailovna short words told Natasha the contents of the letter on the condition that she not tell anyone.
“Honest, noble word,” Natasha said, crossing herself, “I won’t tell anyone,” and immediately ran to Sonya.
“Nikolenka…wounded…a letter…” she said solemnly and joyfully.
– Nicholas! - only Sonya uttered, instantly turning pale.
Natasha, seeing the impression made on Sonya by the news of her brother's wound, for the first time felt the whole sad side of this news.
She rushed to Sonya, hugged her and cried. - Slightly wounded, but promoted to officer; he is healthy now, he writes himself, she said through tears.
“It’s clear that all you women are crybabies,” said Petya, pacing the room with resolute long steps. - I am so very glad and, really, very glad that my brother has distinguished himself so much. You are all nurses! you don't understand anything. Natasha smiled through her tears.
- Have you read the letters? Sonya asked.
- I didn’t read it, but she said that everything was over, and that he was already an officer ...
“Thank God,” Sonya said, making the sign of the cross. “But maybe she deceived you. Let's go to maman.
Petya silently paced the room.
“If I were in Nikolushka’s place, I would have killed even more of these Frenchmen,” he said, “they are so vile!” I would have beaten so many of them that they would have made a bunch of them, ”Petya continued.
- Shut up, Petya, what a fool you are! ...
“I’m not a fool, but those who cry over trifles are fools,” said Petya.
– Do you remember him? Natasha suddenly asked after a moment's silence. Sonya smiled: "Do you remember Nicolas?"
“No, Sonya, do you remember him in such a way that you remember well, that you remember everything,” Natasha said with a studious gesture, apparently wanting to attach the most serious significance to her words. “And I remember Nikolenka, I remember,” she said. I don't remember Boris. I don't remember at all...
- How? Do you remember Boris? Sonya asked in surprise.
- Not that I don’t remember - I know what he is, but I don’t remember it like Nikolenka. Him, I close my eyes and remember, but there is no Boris (she closed her eyes), so, no - nothing!
“Ah, Natasha,” said Sonya, looking enthusiastically and seriously at her friend, as if she considered her unworthy to hear what she was about to say, and as if she was saying it to someone else with whom one should not joke. “I once fell in love with your brother, and no matter what happens to him, to me, I will never stop loving him all my life.
Natasha looked at Sonya with curious eyes and was silent. She felt that what Sonya was saying was true, that there was such love that Sonya was talking about; but Natasha had never experienced anything like it. She believed that it could be, but did not understand.
Will you write to him? she asked.
Sonya considered. The question of how to write to Nicolas and whether it was necessary to write and how to write was a question that tormented her. Now that he was already an officer and a wounded hero, would it be good of her to remind him of herself and, as it were, of the obligation he had assumed towards her.
- I do not know; I think, if he writes, - and I will write, - she said, blushing.
- And you will not be ashamed to write to him?
Sonya smiled.
- Not.
- And I will be ashamed to write to Boris, I will not write.
- But why are you ashamed? Yes, I don’t know. Embarrassing, embarrassing.
“But I know why she will be ashamed,” said Petya, offended by Natasha’s first remark, “because she was in love with this fat man with glasses (as Petya called his namesake, the new Count Bezukhy); now she is in love with this singer (Petya spoke about the Italian, Natasha's singing teacher): so she is ashamed.
“Petya, you are stupid,” said Natasha.
“No stupider than you, mother,” said nine-year-old Petya, as if he were an old foreman.
The countess was prepared by Anna Mikhailovna's hints during dinner. Having gone to her room, she, sitting on an armchair, did not take her eyes off the miniature portrait of her son, fixed in a snuff box, and tears welled up in her eyes. Anna Mikhailovna, with the letter on tiptoe, went up to the countess's room and stopped.
“Don’t come in,” she said to the old count, who was following her, “after,” and she closed the door behind her.
The count put his ear to the lock and began to listen.
At first he heard the sounds of indifferent speeches, then one sound of Anna Mikhaylovna's voice speaking a long speech, then a cry, then silence, then again both voices spoke together with joyful intonations, and then footsteps, and Anna Mikhaylovna opened the door for him. On the face of Anna Mikhailovna there was a proud expression of a cameraman who had completed a difficult amputation and was leading the public in so that they could appreciate his art.
- C "est fait! [It's done!] - she said to the count, pointing solemnly at the countess, who held a snuffbox with a portrait in one hand, a letter in the other and pressed her lips first to one, then to the other.
Seeing the count, she stretched out her arms to him, hugged his bald head, and through the bald head again looked at the letter and portrait, and again, in order to press them to her lips, slightly pushed the bald head away. Vera, Natasha, Sonya and Petya entered the room and the reading began. The letter briefly described the campaign and two battles in which Nikolushka participated, the promotion to officers and it was said that he kisses the hands of maman and papa, asking for their blessings, and kisses Vera, Natasha, Petya. In addition, he bows to Mr. Sheling, and to mme Shos and the nurse, and, in addition, asks to kiss dear Sonya, whom he still loves and remembers in the same way. On hearing this, Sonya blushed so that tears came into her eyes. And, unable to endure the looks that turned on her, she ran into the hall, ran away, whirled, and, inflating her dress with a balloon, flushed and smiling, sat down on the floor. The Countess was crying.
“What are you crying about, maman?” Vera said. - Everything that he writes should be rejoicing, not crying.
It was perfectly fair, but the count, the countess, and Natasha all looked reproachfully at her. “And who did she turn out like that!” thought the countess.
Nikolushka's letter was read hundreds of times, and those who were considered worthy to listen to him had to come to the countess, who did not let go of him. Tutors, nannies, Mitenka, some acquaintances came, and the countess reread the letter each time with new pleasure and each time discovered new virtues in her Nikolushka from this letter. How strange, unusual, how joyful it was for her that her son was the son who, almost noticeably tiny members, moved in her 20 years ago, the son for whom she quarreled with the spoiled count, the son who had learned to say before: “ pear ”, and then“ woman ”, that this son is now there, in a foreign land, in a foreign environment, a courageous warrior, alone, without help and guidance, is doing some kind of masculine business there. The entire world age-old experience, indicating that children imperceptibly from the cradle become husbands, did not exist for the countess. The maturation of her son in every season of maturation was just as extraordinary for her, as if there had never been millions of millions of people who had matured in the same way. Just as she couldn’t believe 20 years ago that that little creature that lived somewhere under her heart would scream and begin to suckle her breast and begin to speak, so now she couldn’t believe that this same creature could be that strong, a brave man, a model of sons and people, which he was now, judging by this letter.
- What a calm, as he describes cute! she said, reading the descriptive part of the letter. And what a soul! Nothing about me… nothing! About some Denisov, but he himself, it’s true, is braver than all of them. He writes nothing about his sufferings. What a heart! How do I recognize him! And how I remembered everyone! Didn't forget anyone. I always, always said, even when he was like this, I always said ...
For more than a week they prepared, wrote brillons and wrote letters to Nikolushka from the whole house in a clean copy; under the supervision of the countess and the care of the count, the necessary gizmos and money were collected for the uniform and equipment of the newly promoted officer. Anna Mikhailovna, a practical woman, managed to arrange protection for herself and her son in the army, even for correspondence. She had the opportunity to send her letters to the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, who commanded the guard. The Rostovs assumed that the Russian guards abroad had a completely definitive address, and that if the letter reached the Grand Duke, who commanded the guards, then there was no reason that it should not reach the Pavlograd regiment, which should be nearby; and therefore it was decided to send letters and money through the courier of the Grand Duke to Boris, and Boris was already supposed to deliver them to Nikolushka. Letters were from the old count, from the countess, from Petya, from Vera, from Natasha, from Sonya and, finally, 6,000 money for uniforms and various things that the count sent to his son.

On November 12, the Kutuzov military army, camped near Olmutz, was preparing for the next day for a review of two emperors - Russian and Austrian. The guards, who had just arrived from Russia, spent the night 15 versts from Olmutz and the next day, right at the review, by 10 o'clock in the morning, entered the Olmutz field.
Nikolai Rostov on that day received a note from Boris informing him that the Izmailovsky regiment was spending the night 15 miles short of Olmutz, and that he was waiting for him to hand over a letter and money. Rostov especially needed money now, when, having returned from the campaign, the troops stopped near Olmutz, and well-equipped scribblers and Austrian Jews, offering all sorts of temptations, filled the camp. Pavlohrad residents had feasts after feasts, celebrations of the awards received for the campaign and trips to Olmutz to the newly arrived Karolina Vengerka, who opened a tavern with female servants there. Rostov recently celebrated his production of cornets, bought a Bedouin, Denisov's horse, and was indebted to his comrades and sutlers all around. Having received a note from Boris, Rostov and his friend went to Olmutz, dined there, drank a bottle of wine, and went alone to the guards camp in search of his childhood friend. Rostov has not had time to get dressed yet. He was wearing a worn cadet jacket with a soldier's cross, the same breeches lined with worn leather, and an officer's saber with a lanyard; the horse on which he rode was a Don one, bought on a campaign from a Cossack; the crumpled hussar cap was smartly put on back and to one side. Approaching the camp of the Izmailovsky regiment, he thought about how he would hit Boris and all his fellow guardsmen with his fired fighting hussar look.
The guards went through the whole campaign as if on a festivities, flaunting their cleanliness and discipline. The transitions were small, satchels were carried on carts, the Austrian authorities prepared excellent dinners for the officers at all the transitions. The regiments entered and left the cities with music, and the whole campaign (which the guardsmen were proud of), by order of the Grand Duke, people walked in step, and the officers walked in their places. Boris walked and stood with Berg, now a company commander, all the time of the campaign. Berg, having received a company during the campaign, managed to earn the trust of his superiors with his diligence and accuracy and arranged his economic affairs very profitably; During the campaign, Boris made many acquaintances with people who could be useful to him, and through a letter of recommendation he brought from Pierre, he met Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, through whom he hoped to get a place in the headquarters of the commander in chief. Berg and Boris, clean and neatly dressed, having rested after the last day's march, sat in the clean apartment allotted to them in front of a round table and played chess. Berg held a smoking pipe between his knees. Boris, with his usual accuracy, with his white thin hands placed the checkers like a pyramid, waiting for Berg's move, and looked at his partner's face, apparently thinking about the game, as he always thought only about what he was doing.
- Well, how will you get out of this? - he said.
“We will try,” answered Berg, touching the pawn and lowering his hand again.
At this time, the door opened.
“Here he is at last,” shouted Rostov. And Berg is here! Oh, petizanfan, ale kushe dormir, [Children, go to bed,] he shouted, repeating the words of the nanny, over which they once laughed with Boris.
- Fathers! how you have changed! - Boris stood up to meet Rostov, but, getting up, he did not forget to support and put the falling chess pieces in their place and wanted to hug his friend, but Nikolai moved away from him. With that special feeling of youth, which is afraid of beaten roads, wants, without imitating others, to express their feelings in a new way, in their own way, if only not in the way that the elders often express it feignedly, Nikolai wanted to do something special when meeting with a friend : he wanted to somehow pinch, push Boris, but just not kiss in any way, as everyone did. Boris, on the contrary, calmly and friendly embraced and kissed Rostov three times.
They had not seen each other for almost half a year; and at the age when young people take their first steps on the path of life, both found in each other great changes, completely new reflections of the societies in which they took their first steps in life. Both had changed a lot since their last meeting, and both wanted to quickly show each other the changes that had taken place in them.
“Oh, you damn floor polishers! Clean, fresh, as if from a walk, not like we are sinners, the army, ”said Rostov with baritone sounds new to Boris in his voice and army tricks, pointing to his breeches spattered with mud.
The German hostess leaned out of the door at the loud voice of Rostov.
- What, pretty? he said with a wink.
- Why are you screaming like that! You will scare them,” said Boris. “But I didn’t expect you today,” he added. - Yesterday, I just gave you a note through a friend of Kutuzovsky's adjutant - Bolkonsky. I did not think that he would deliver to you so soon ... Well, how are you? Already shot? Boris asked.
Rostov, without answering, shook the soldier's St. George's cross hanging on the laces of his uniform, and, pointing to his bandaged hand, smiling, looked at Berg.
“As you can see,” he said.
- That's how, yes, yes! - Boris said smiling, - and we also made a glorious campaign. After all, you know, his highness constantly rode with our regiment, so that we had all the conveniences and all the benefits. In Poland, what kind of receptions there were, what kind of dinners, balls - I can’t tell you. And the Tsarevich was very merciful to all our officers.

The city of Izyum, located in a picturesque area in the southeast of the Kharkiv region, at the foot of the ancient Kremyants, is famous for its historical past. Undoubtedly, at all times it has aroused and continues to arouse keen interest among its guests.

There are a number of hypotheses about the origin of the name of the city, but neither historians nor local historians have come to a consensus. Some argue that the city owes its name to the river Izyumets (a tributary of the Donets) and the ancient Izyum ford, near which the settlement itself arose. Others believe that Izyum got its name from a slightly modified word "guzun", which
translated from Tatar means "crossing". Indeed, the Izyum ford, or crossing, was known long before the foundation of the city. And, finally, the third version: the name "Izum" comes from the modified Tatar word "izzun", which means "long", "elongated". This version is associated with the shape of Mount Kremyanets.

The territory on which the modern city is located began to settle down by people from ancient times. Favorable natural-climatic and landscape-geographical conditions, rich flora and fauna, and most importantly, the dominant position of Kremyants contributed to the appearance of the first settlers on these lands already in the Mesolithic period. The favorable natural and geographical location of Izyum also became the reason that from ancient times events took place on the territory of the modern city, which played an important role both in the history of the city, the region, and the state as a whole.

Lands at the crossroads were open to trade, diplomacy and in turn, possession of them gave many advantages, which repeatedly caused violent devastating raids. Thanks to these factors, our region has become a contact zone of various civilizations and cultures.

Over time, this territory is not only populated by people, but also, thanks to flint deposits, becomes a kind of "factory" for the manufacture of stone tools. According to one of the most famous local historians of the Izyum region, archaeologist, founder of the Izyum Museum of Local Lore N. V. Sibilev, in the middle Neolithic period “... Raisins acquired for several millennia a value that he probably will never be able to achieve again. Here, in thousands of copies, flint axes-cleavers, saws, cutters for cutting animal skins, chisels for carving bone and wood, piercing awls, scrapers for processing skins and other things intended not only for domestic use, but, as far as can be judged by their number and uniformity, and for sale outside.

Evidence of this was the sites of that era, discovered during archaeological research in the city and its outskirts. It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the 20th century expeditions of world-renowned archaeologists worked here: professors V. A. Gorodtsov, Yu. V. Gotye, A. S. Fedorovsky, P. P. Efimenko, S. S. Gamchenko, P. Liberavs, and the collection of flint tools of the Izyum Museum of Local Lore before the Great Patriotic War was considered one of the best in the country.

The tribes of primitive hunters and fishermen were replaced by the peoples of bronze and iron. A site discovered in the Bondarikha tract not far from Izyum gave the name to an entire archaeological culture, the Bondarikha culture.

In this regard, it is clear that N. V. Sibilev’s statement, made by him in the work “The Distant Past of Izyum”, that “... with its antiquity, Izyum can compete with the eternal city itself - Rome.” Of course, in this case, the researcher had in mind not the city itself, but “... Izyum as a settlement in general ...”, that is, the area within the city, which has long been inhabited by people.

In the future, replacing each other, the Khazars, Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, Huns, Alans, Pechenegs, Polovtsy lived on the territory of the Izyum region. Silent witnesses of those times have survived to this day - burial mounds and Polovtsian stone "women" who look at the city from the height of ancient Kremyants.

In the 6th century, Slavic settlements appeared on the territory of the region, and gradually it turns into a kind of outpost and an important point of transit trade between the lands of the Rus and nomadic tribes (Polovtsy).

During the early Middle Ages, one of the most important battles in the series of confrontations between Kievan Rus and the Polovtsy took place within the city. According to some historians, it was within the boundaries of modern Izyum that in 1111, on the banks of the annalistic river Salnitsa, the Russians, led by one of the most famous ancient Russian princes Vladimir Monomakh, utterly defeated the Polovtsians.

Approximately at the same place, in May 1185, the fighting squad of the Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich (the hero of the famous "Tale of Igor's Campaign") was camped before setting off on a campaign against the Polovtsians.

"Russian land! You are far away from the mountains!

Night fades! Light-dawn sunk!

Mist covered the field. The nightingale's tickle fell asleep.

The galicic conversation has ceased!

The Russians blocked the great field with scarlet shields,

Seeking honor for himself, and glory to the prince! - this is how the author of an ancient poem wrote about what he saw, probably at the foot of Kremyants.

Devastated by the Mongol-Tatar invasion in the second quarter of the 13th century, the region became depopulated for a long time and was called the “wild field” for more than three centuries. Many years and even centuries passed when a man reappeared here.

The history of the region in the 16th-17th centuries is a separate chapter in the annals of the settlement of the entire Sloboda region and Izyum region in particular. At the beginning of the 16th century, in order to protect the Russian lands, the Muscovite state established a guard service on its outskirts, designed to block the path of invasions of nomads. One of the components of the guard line was the guard stationed near the Izyum sakma. We find mention of it in the annals of 1571. The guard was located on two fords and controlled the Izyum Way - one of the main routes used by the nomads to attack Russian lands. Of course, small outposts that carried intelligence and guard services could not ensure the security of the borders.

In order to strengthen the line of defense in 1599, by decree of Boris Godunov, governors Bogdan Belsky and Semyon Alferyev on the Oskol River began the construction of a fortress and the first city of Sloboda Ukraine - Tsareborisov. From 1635 to 1658, new cities were built, which formed the so-called Belgorod defensive line, or the Belgorod line.

Gradually, the territory of the region is populated. Here, in Slobozhanshchina, two migration flows met - Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants who fled from the oppression of Polish magnates from the territory of the Right-Bank Ukraine and immigrants from Russia, whom the Moscow government, interested in settling its southern borders, encouraged by providing benefits, including exemption from taxes, the right to duty-free trade, advantages in trade and crafts. The features of this migration process are reflected in the names of the settlements founded by the settlers. From the word "sloboda" comes the name of the whole region of the Left-Bank Ukraine - Sloboda.

These processes did not bypass the Izyum region. Later, before 1651, in various sources we find information about the Izyumsky trench - a small fortification built on Mount Kremyanets in the quarter of the 17th century). In the 60s of the 17th century, on the left bank of the Donets (within the boundaries of modern Izyum), there was a small settlement of royal hunters who were engaged in catching wild animals. And already in the 70s, a small group of Ukrainian settlers settled on these lands under the leadership of the Balakliya colonel Yakov Chernigovets, who built a small fortification. In a document dated 1680, this settlement was called the Izyum town. About 70 families lived there.

The history of Izyum itself as a city begins in 1681, when the Kharkiv Cossacks under the leadership of Colonel G. Donets-Zakharzhevsky on the right bank of the Donets built the Izyum fortress - one of the most powerful fortifications of the region of that time.

The construction of the Izyum fortress was documented. In the Discharge Order of 1681, the following entry was made: "The city of Raisins, and there are three cities in it: Big, yes Lesser, yes Castle." The small city-fortress was built on Mount Kremyanets.
It contained stocks of weapons and ammunition, and for the first time the colonel of the Izyumsky regiment also lived here. Below the Small City, on the territory of the modern central part of Izyum, the main fortress, the so-called Big City, was built. Almost a quarter of the fortress was occupied by the Castle (citadel), located in its northwestern part. The castle was connected to the fortress by a passing tower. The construction of the Izyum fortress is also mentioned in the "Historical and Statistical Description of the Kharkov Diocese" by the Archbishop of Kharkov and Akhtyrsky Filaret. He writes: "Kharkov Colonel Grigory Donets built the Izyum fortress on the right side of the Donets, below the Tatar Kremyants." In support of his words, Filaret cites the text of a letter from Colonel G. Donets-Zakharzhevsky himself to General G. I. Kasogov dated June 29, 1681, which says: “Know you, sovereign, wake up that I made my regiment as Cossacks on a high mound he fenced the town with fires, the district from the field with an oak forest, a wall of 64 sazhens, and added a moat ... ".

It should be noted that while engaging in military affairs, the founders of the city did not forget about spirituality and faith. Almost simultaneously with the construction of the fortress and the city, in 1684 the Cossacks built the stone Transfiguration Cathedral, which has survived to this day, as well as a wooden church in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. (The temple was destroyed in 1941).

In 1685, Izyum became one of the five regimental cities of Slobozhanshchina - the center of the Izyum Sloboda Cossack Regiment, which subordinated 13 nearby towns and settlements. The transformation of Izyum into a regimental center contributed to the further development of the city. It grew noticeably and at the beginning of the 18th century was one of the most densely populated cities in Sloboda Ukraine. Around the fortress, suburban settlements began to appear, which were called forshts (forshtadts). This is how Sands, Popovka, Goncharovka and other settlements appeared, which later merged with the city, but how its districts have retained their names to this day.

The further development of the city was greatly facilitated by its favorable location near trade routes. Agriculture and beekeeping developed. Almost all crops typical of this strip were grown, and much attention was paid to horticulture and horticulture. The Cossacks maintained schools and almshouses at their own expense.

Many glorious pages in the history of our Fatherland were written by the Cossacks of the Izyum Sloboda Cossack Regiment. The Izyumsky regiment not only protected the region from Tatar raids, but also took part in various battles and campaigns of the Russian army.

In 1696, the regiment was a participant in the Azov campaign, in memory of which (and the participation of the Izyum residents in the capture of Azov), the commander of one of the groups of troops, Ya. The Izyum regiment also took part in a number of battles of the Northern War, especially distinguishing itself in the battle of Erestfer in 1701, where the Russian army, led by B.P. Sheremetyev, defeated Schlippenbach's troops. Izyum residents also distinguished themselves in the foreign campaigns of the Russian army in Persia and Poland.

In 1765, in accordance with the royal manifesto, the Sloboda regiments were liquidated and the Izyum Sloboda Cossack regiment was reorganized into a regular hussar regiment, which continued the glorious fighting traditions. The Izyum hussars participated in almost all the most important military campaigns of the 19th century, as evidenced by the awards: the war with France in 1806-1807. - 17 St. George's pipes for the regimental band with the inscription - "Izyumsky regiment for the courage shown in 1807 against the French"; Patriotic War of 1812 - St. George's Standard with the inscription "For Distinction" during the defeat and expulsion of the enemy from Russia in 1812" (kept in the Museum of the Battle of Borodino), signs and headdresses with the inscription "For Distinction"; war with Turkey 1828-1829 - ranks of the regiment bronze medals on St. George's ribbons; Crimean War and Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878 - ordinary ranks - bronze medals, and officers - cords on Hungarian guards. In addition, two squadrons of hussars became the basis for the creation of the 2nd Life Guards Lancers Regiment, and it is known that at all times the most worthy were taken into the guard. At various times, such well-known personalities in our history as M. B. Barclay de Tolly, L. L. Benningsen, I. S. Dorokhov served in the Izyum Regiment. Later, the name of the latter was given to the Izyum Hussar Regiment.

After the formation of the Kharkov province in 1835, Izyum became the county center. Doing Agriculture continued to be the main occupation of the population. Handicrafts began to develop: blacksmithing, sewing and leather production, the manufacture of linen and clothing. Pottery products were especially famous. At the end of the 17th century, the first manufactory-type enterprises appeared in Izyum. It was then that a distillery and a water mill were built.

Four fairs were held annually in the city: on the day of the Ascension of the Lord (Prepolovenskaya, May 9), on the day of John the Baptist (Ivanovskaya, June 24), on the day of the Exaltation of the life-giving Cross of the Lord (Krestovozdvizhenskaya, September 14), on the day of the Great Martyr Dmitry Solunsky (Dmitrievskaya,
October 26); trades (bazaars) were held weekly.

The names of many prominent public figures are associated with the history of the Izyum region. Among them are the educator-democrat, the first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum V. F. Malinovsky. While in public service in Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad, he often visited his estate near Izyum. The eldest son of Malinovsky, Ivan, was a pupil of the Lyceum and a friend of A. S. Pushkin. It was with the Malinovsky family, living in the Izyum region, that many participants in the Decembrist movement were associated. Sister of I. Malinovsky,
Anna Vasilievna, married A.E. Rosen, a participant in the uprising on Senate Square. After the Siberian exile, the family returned to their home on the Viknino farm near Izyum.

Here, A.E. Rosen was engaged in social activities: he founded a peasant bank, taught at a rural school he created, was elected a juror of the district court, and served as a conciliator in the county for six years.

The second sister, Maria Vasilievna, was married to V. D. Volkhovsky. The families of the Decembrists lived in the Izyum region for many years. Unfortunately, their houses and personal belongings have not been preserved, and in our time, memorial signs have been installed in the village of Kamenka and in the Viknino tract.

The unique and picturesque places of the Izyum region - charming nature, rivers, lakes, forests - have always served as a source of inspiration for artists, writers and poets.

Izyum is the birthplace of the talented Ukrainian artist S. I. Vasilkovsky, the author of more than three and a half thousand paintings. The diploma work of S. I. Vasilkovsky, for which he received the title of artist of the first degree and was awarded the Big Gold Medal and the right to a four-year trip abroad, was called “On the Donets”. Its plot was inspired by memories of grandfather's stories and nostalgia for distant native places. Wherever S. I. Vasilkovsky was - in Kharkov, St. Petersburg or abroad - he always remembered his hometown. Together with the artist M. S. Samokish and the historian D. I. Yavornitsky, S. I. Vasilkovsky created a unique album “From Ukrainian antiquity”.

The name of the famous romantic poet M. N. Petrenko is associated with Izyumshchina. Among the best works of the poet are the poems "Evening", "Evening Ringing" and others. famous work M. N. Petrenko “Nedolya” (“I marvel at the sky and guess the thought ...”) has practically become a folk song.

Our region is the birthplace of poets, the father and son of the Alexandrovs, the writer N. S. Sokhanskaya (better known in literature as Kokhanovskaya). In the Izyumshchina (village of Danilovka), the childhood years of the novelist G. P. Danilevsky, the author of the well-known historical novels and stories “Mirovich”, “Burned Moscow”, etc., passed; People's Artist Ukrainian SSR A. I. Borisoglebskaya, as well as professor, People's Artist of the RSFSR E. I. Time.

Cultural life in the city is activated with the founding in 1892 of the Society of Lovers of Musical and Theatrical Art. Members of the society held exhibitions and concerts: in the summer - in the city garden (now the park of the instrument-making plant), in the fall - in the rented auditorium of a real school (now the premises of school No. 4).

A third of the collection from each performance was sent to the fund for low-income pupils of the school. The small income that the society received allowed it to invite famous artists to performances. For example, in 1894, M. L. Kropivnitsky and A. I. Borisoglebskaya were invited to participate in the play “Shelmenko the Batman”.

In 1903-1905. in Izyum, the People's House was built at the expense of the city and voluntary donations, the opening of which became a significant event in the cultural life of the city. Concerts and performances were held in the People's House, dance evenings, New Year's parties for children, various exhibitions, lotteries were organized. Since 1906, films have been shown here occasionally.

Often city-wide events were held in the People's House. So, in 1910, a banquet was held on the occasion of the commissioning of the railway line. Within its walls, the People's House also saw participants in the revolutionary events of 1917.

The abolition of serfdom and bourgeois reforms in Russia contributed to the development of capitalist relations. A rapid growth of industrial enterprises began everywhere.

In the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, Izyum was one of the most important markets for the sale of livestock, wool, and grain. There were 24 industrial enterprises in the city, 1079 artisans of various specialties. Since 1906, the Izyum brewery of Shadluna and Blaise, the Sabo agricultural machinery plant,
3 brick factories of Boltunov, sawmills of Bednichenko, Belovitsky, Deryugin, in 1914 a power plant was built. In terms of the development of industry in the province, Izyum took the 2nd place. At that time, about 18 thousand people worked at his industrial enterprises.

Industrial production reached a new, higher level after the opening of the railway line in 1910, which connected the city with Kharkov and Donbass. In the spring of 1912, the German company "Karl Brandt" began the construction of the Main Izyum railway workshops, and by 1915 the work was completed. At that time, the workshops were a modern enterprise with the latest technological equipment and machines. The events of 1917 made significant adjustments to the company's plans - only in 1929 the workshops were reorganized into the Izyum Locomotive Repair Plant.

With the development of industry, the need for qualified and educated personnel increases. A 3-class city school, a women's gymnasium, and a real school begin to operate in the city.

The history of the 20th century is a special page in the history of our people. Mankind knows no analogues for such a relatively short period of time to have so many social cataclysms, wars and losses.

In February 1918, the power of the Soviets was proclaimed in Izyum. But Civil War disrupted the peaceful life of the city. The territory of the region was twice occupied: first by German troops, and later by Denikin's troops. Soviet power in the city was restored in December 1919, but even before 1922, the fight against various bandit formations of opponents of the new government continued in the county.

Despite all the conflicts and upheavals of the war time, the city strove for a peaceful life and further development. A museum, a library were opened, a local newspaper began to appear on January 19, 1919, 12 secondary and incomplete secondary schools, a factory apprenticeship school, medical and agricultural technical schools worked.

The city actively restored the destroyed economy, expanded production, recreated repair shops, and new forms of management were introduced in the countryside. On March 15, 1922, the Presidium of the VUTsIK awarded the Izyum Uyezd Executive Committee with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Ukrainian SSR for successful economic work. In 1923, Izyum became the center of the district, which included Barvenkovsky, Izyumsky, Petrovsky, Savinsky and other districts.

The successful natural and geographical location of Izyum became fateful - it was the small provincial Izyum that was destined to become the birthplace of optical glass in Russia. Back in April 1916, Emperor Nicholas II signed a decree that laid the foundation for the construction of an optical glass factory. Its creator was G. Yu. Zhukovsky, the first technical director of the Izyum Optical Glass Plant (IZOS). In his explanatory note, he noted: “Proximity to the Donbass provides fuel supplies, proximity to Bakhmut (now Artemovsk) makes it possible to use the best refractory clay in Russia (Chasov Yar) and quartz sand. Slavyansk and Konstantinovka guarantee cheap chemical and raw materials. Proximity to Kharkov provides scientific and technical potential, the use of the university library and the Institute of Technology. In addition, there was enough labor force in Izyum.

Revolutionary events and the civil war made adjustments to the process of creating optical glass. However, thanks to IZOS, Russia entered the top five countries in the world that managed to master its production.

The first optical glass that met world standards was welded on May 13, 1923. This day became the plant's birthday and laid the foundation for the development of the entire optical glassmaking industry. Having independently mastered the secrets and subtleties of the production of optical glass, the specialists of the plant under the leadership of G. Yu. Zhukovsky managed to provide the country's optical and mechanical industry with their own glass in almost three years. The level and achievements of the Izyum glassmakers are evidenced by the fact that in 1936 the plant received an order to create ruby ​​glass for the Kremlin.
sky stars and successfully completed it.
In 1939, a group of plant specialists, including the creators of ruby ​​glass, were awarded orders and medals.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Izyumshchina again became the scene of fierce battles. From October 1941, for 8 months, the front line passed through the city.

Tragic events unfolded in the Izyum region in May 1942, when, as a result of the unsuccessful Kharkov offensive operation, the 6th and 57th armies were surrounded. For almost a week from May 23 to May 29, fierce battles continued in conditions of complete encirclement. As a result of a breakthrough in the defense zone of the 38th Army, almost 22,000 Red Army soldiers managed to escape. But the defeat of the troops of the Southwestern and Southern fronts was catastrophic. Among the dead were senior and senior commanders: Generals A. I. Gorodnyansky, K. P. Podlas, Major General L. V. Bobkin, Deputy Commander of the Southwestern Front F. Ya. Kostenko. Soviet troops were forced on June 23, 1942 to leave Izyum. During almost eight months of occupation, the city suffered huge losses. Its industry and housing stock were almost completely destroyed.
“I saw many cities abandoned by the Germans, from Rzhev to Stalingrad, but Izyum stands out among them as completely dead, cold and empty,” wrote Pravda’s special correspondent, Petr Lidov.

On February 5, 1943, thanks to the efforts of the 267th Infantry Division, Izyum and the left-bank part of the region were liberated from German troops.

Heavy defensive battles were fought south of the city in March 1943. In April, an attempt by the Germans to break through the defense was not crowned with victory. Soviet troops in the north of the region, and in the summer the Soviet command
on the Izyum bridgehead, it actively held large enemy formations, preventing them from being transferred to the area of ​​the Kursk salient. Tank battles were especially difficult. In one of them, in the southern part of the city, the commander of the armored forces of the Southwestern Front, Lieutenant General P.V. Volokh, was killed.

Thirteen soldiers who fought on the land of the Izyum region were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Bravely fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and izyumchane - 8 of them were awarded the highest award - the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and attack pilot A. K. Nedbaylo was awarded this title twice.

Forged Victory over the enemy and home front workers. In 1943, during the evacuation, IZOS specialists developed a unique technology for stamping blanks from liquid glass mass, for which they were awarded the USSR State Prize.

The Motherland highly appreciated the contribution of the Izyum residents to the victory over the enemy and the successes achieved in post-war years. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 7, 1985, the city of Izyum was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree.

In the post-war years, more and more attention is paid to the creation of high-precision optical and optoelectronic devices, and the city becomes one of the centers of instrument making. The Izyum optical glass plant acquires the status of an instrument-making plant (IPZ). In almost all industries where optical technology was used, the products of the Izyum opticians were in demand and had a well-deserved fame: from geodetic instruments - compass, kipregels, levels to ultra-precise laser rangefinders and measuring equipment for defense needs and astronautics.

The company has developed a unique glass manufacturing technology, and many of its types - fiber, photochromic, laser - have repeatedly received honorary awards.

In 1954, the construction of one of the largest enterprises for the production of ocular optics, the Izyum Optical and Mechanical Plant (IOMZ), began, which on October 29, 1957 produced its millionth lens. In 1964, for the first time in the USSR, IOMZ replaced natural diamonds with synthetic ones. In 1965, the Izyum Optical and Mechanical Plant became one of the largest enterprises in the country for the production of optical lenses.

In March 1979 (for the first time in the USSR) the plant mastered the production of hard and later soft contact lenses. In 1980, the factory workers mastered the production of bifocal sintered lenses with a segmented zone. The plant's products were supplied to 370 cities of the former Soviet Union and abroad (to Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Cuba). The specialists of the plant assisted in mastering the technology and adjusting the equipment at the enterprises of India.

Simultaneously with the expansion of production, social and cultural enterprises were put into operation: the Palace of Culture and a sports complex with a swimming pool, residential buildings and hostels, kindergartens and recreation centers.

Raisins are primarily optical glass and everything connected with it. But not only.

The diesel locomotive repair plant (which became one of the city-forming enterprises), a bakery, a bakery plant, a plant building materials, Izyum brewing company, furniture factory, reinforced concrete plant, construction and installation department, Izyum oil and gas exploration expedition.

Izyum residents keep and increase the cultural traditions of their native city, they are rightfully proud of their contemporaries - famous fellow countrymen. Izyum is the birthplace of the singer and composer Igor Demarin, People's Artist of Ukraine, holder of two Orders of Glory - V. I. Zabashta.

Since the declaration of independence of Ukraine, a new stage has begun in the history of the country in general and the city in particular. The new political conditions, exacerbated by the economic crisis, have significantly affected the measured life of our city. Today he is experiencing, perhaps not the most better times. But nothing can kill that special atmosphere and spirit that the glorious Izyum Cossacks and hussars laid on these lands three centuries ago, and later picked up by glass makers and instrument makers - all those who founded, built and raised Izyum. The connection of times, which connected the city and our history into a single thread, will not be interrupted either. But invaluable experience, acquired over the centuries, economic, creative and, of course, human potential allow us to look into the future of Izyum with optimism and faith.
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