Scenario development of a New Year's performance for high school students: "New Year's Adventures of Santa Claus". Scripts for holidays for children. Children's scenarios of the New Year. Scenario of the New Year's performance for high school students "Winter's Tale" Scenario of the New Year

Development-scenario of the New Year's performance for high school students:

"New Year's adventures of Santa Claus"

Two leaders come out.

Vedas 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Vedas 2: We welcome everyone to our New Year's Eve performance.

Vedas 1:

Let's light the New Year's candles
Let's light all 12, one by one.
Let there be light tonight
Let it be warm for you and me.

Vedas 2:

Let the midnight waltz spin
Blinding lanterns with pearl fire,
In the eyes, you can see something on purpose
Left that year, leaving forever!

Vedas 1: Our New Year's concert opens with the song "Winter Dream" performed by Kristina Zavyalova.

^ Winter Dream

The stars are rising higher
The light is no longer crazy.
If you don't hear me
So winter has come.
The sky, saddened, leaned,
At dusk, wrapped at home,
Nothing else happened
It's just winter.

I came up with everything myself
Quietly sank to the ground
Winter, winter.
I didn't pay for you
Light in a lonely window
What a pity that I dreamed all this.
The moon plunged into my dreams,
The wind turned into mist.
If I didn't come back to you
So winter has come.
Maybe the shadows got in my way
Maybe predawn deception.
And remember, you and I wanted
For winter to come?
Voice, quiet, mysterious!
Where are you, dear, the only one,
My dream?
Blizzard, white, snowy,
I will become the most gentle
My dream.
The day I dreamed of you
I made it all up
Quietly sank to the ground
Winter, winter, winter.
I didn't pay for you
Light in a lonely window
What a pity that it was all a dream to me

Vedas 2: Listen, we are already showing a concert number, but the main characters of our holiday are not there.

Vedas 1: Do you mean Ded Moroz and Snegurochka?

Vedas 2: Yes. This seems kind of suspicious to me. Did they get lost in our village? Have you accidentally contracted the swine flu?

Vedas 1: Wait, what is that music? (points to the tree). Let's go, let's see, maybe we'll see someone! (They go behind the tree)

^ At this time, the Snow Maiden comes out, sings the song "Snow is spinning."

Vedas 1: Oh, Snow Maiden, and we are waiting for you with Santa Claus . (come out from behind the tree)

Vedas 2: Why are you singing such a sad song? We are here to celebrate the New Year, have fun, and why are you sad?

Snow Maiden: How can I not be sad? Santa Claus and I agreed to meet together, and I've been waiting for him for an hour, but he still doesn't come and doesn't come!

Vedas 1: Yes, history! Or maybe he is waiting for you on the other side of this tree? Let's go and see! (They go behind the tree)

At this time, gypsies enter the stage with a gypsy dance .(from the dining room)

(From behind the hall, Santa Claus comes out, they surround him, offer to tell him fortune)

^ They speak in turn

- Oh, handsome, gild the pen.

“I’ll tell you everything, I won’t hide anything.

- What was, what will be, how the heart will calm down.

- What surprises can descend on your little head in the coming year!

"Don't you want to know?"

- Well, gild the pen, do not be stingy.

(Grandfather spreads his arms, puts the bag on the floor, the gypsies quietly take the bag from him to the dining room)

- Joy, happiness awaits you ...

- A lot of fun, songs ....

- Be healthy, dear, do not be sick golden ...

(Gypsies leave, Santa Claus looks around, sees that there is no bag with gifts)

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old muddler! What am I going to go to the Christmas tree with now? What can I do without gifts?

(2 policemen enter the stage to the music from "Deadly Force".)

1 Ment: Oh look, strangers on the site.

2 Ment: Come on, citizen, show me your documents!

Father Frost: ( fumbles in pockets) I have my Santa Claus ID here somewhere.

1 Ment: Are you talking about grandfather? Why are you walking around the streets in the middle of the night! All pensioners at this time see the 10th dream.

Father Frost: Yes, I'm in a hurry to the New Year's tree to the high school students! (Pulls out ID card from pocket)

2 Ment: (checks) Santa Claus, you say. Belarusian or something, but where is the registration?

Father Frost: Well no! I'm Russian! I have been all my life, and I am not going to change my nationality.

1 Ment: Then change your last name to Morozov. There will be fewer problems. Sorry! (Salute turn around to leave...)

Father Frost: Oh guys, who are you? I see you are following the rules here. So after all, I was attacked here, deceived, confused, and the bag with gifts was taken away. I do not know what to do.

2 Ment: How, what to do. Let's go to the department. We will draw up a protocol, there are signs, evidence and so on. ( ^ The presenters leave the stage from behind the Christmas tree)

Vedas 2: There is no Santa Claus anywhere. What to do, I have no idea.

Vedas 1: What to do, what to do? Announce the next number, otherwise all the spectators will die of boredom.

Ved.2. And now the song "Winter Cherry" performed by Christina Zavyalova

(After the numbers, Santa Claus comes out of the dining room)

Father Frost: One hope for the police, maybe they will find my bag of gifts, and I will go look for my granddaughter. (suits to the plate, it says BEAUTY SALON). Oh, maybe here I will find my Snow Maiden? After all, all the girls want to be beautiful for the New Year !? I'll go take a look. ( sits on the edge of the stage)


The daughter of Baba Yaga comes on stage, screams, falls silent, starts crying again, falls silent, screams again
B.Ya. - Oh, oh, daughter, what is it who offended the little one, whom to turn into a rotten toadstool, whom to wipe into tooth powder?
D.B.Ya. - They don’t take me as a Snow Maiden to the School Christmas Tree, I already say ugly anyway.
B.Ya. - Isn't it beautiful, look at yourself and stately oh and clever wise woman. Yes, you wait, I have a hairdresser friend, Leshy, says every girl is beautiful, you just need to emphasize this beauty. He will tint you that you will needlessly scrape off, you will be no worse than any other fool.
D.B.Ya. - Snow Maidens and not Fools. And I don't need your hairdressers. They wash their hair, they cut their braids, they braid some filthy things, and they also have colognes, they have toilet water, but I’d rather drown myself in kerosene than go to such a hairdresser.
B.Ya. - Calmly do not drive the wave Leshy knows his work, he only works with natural material resin and fir cones, a little bit of spring water and you're in order just the same Figurine.
D.B.Ya. - Yes, not a Figurine, but Sne-_gu-_ro-_chka. And the Snow Maiden was already discharged, she is coming with Santa Claus, his granddaughter.
B.Ya. - Well, you can dress up as the Snow Queen. Do you want me to make you an outfit?
D.B.Ya. - You’re old, completely crazy about my health, you don’t get sick with your soul, only that you thought up the outfit of the snow queen, it’s how many kilograms of icicles and ice and a kokoshnik made of pieces of a broken mirror is a direct threat to the safety of life activities.
B.Ya. - Oh, I did not think! Oops, I almost lost it! Well, I have one more remedy.
D.B.Ya. - Which?
B.Ya. Are you my robber?
D.B.Ya. - Rogue.
B.Ya. - Bandit?
D.B.Ya. - Bandit.
B.Ya. - Tearaway?
D.B.Ya. - Tearaway.
B.Ya. - So, you will be a fairy and you know how to conjure a little. Conjure them a gift. You know how everyone will love you.
D.B.Ya. - Hurrah! Hurrah! I'll be a fairy: I'll conjure each wart. They will know how to offend me. Mom, move your hands, wave your wand more actively: I need a fairy set: a leather jacket, hair to make it curly and a magic wand and Prada beauty.
B.Ya. - I'm conjuring, daughter. I swear, daughter.
Chur chur fax pax
Hey you two from under the bench
Deleted two little ones
Look for new things
For daughter's party
Santa Claus: Look what they invented! I'll conjure you now, I'll give you a Snow Maiden! Well, shoo, shoo, from here! (drives B.Ya and her daughter into the dining room)

Father Frost: (grabs head) Oh my God! Where did I get ... This is certainly not my Snegurka. I'll go further... (approaches the plate, it says “Disco”). But didn’t my Snow Maiden go to the disco? I'll go and have a look


My snow maiden is not here either, where did she disappear to? Oh, HOUSE OF CREATIVITY, maybe they are celebrating the New Year here, and she came here? I'll go and have a look

Scene “The Tale of Nesmeyan

The song of the Lyceum group sounds “She no longer believes in love”

The princess sits on a chair and cries. The king is standing next to her.


Well done darlings! Not cripples, not old men!

And funny guys are rich, brave!

I have issued a decree from the king:

"The same evening, the same hour"

Who will make the princess laugh

Who will cheer her up

The one now, straight, finally

Lead her down the aisle.

For the fifth year she is sad,

Cries, howls and screams.

A lot of people gathered in the courtyard:

Princes and princes are everywhere

Heard talk, talk,

All locks are open

The grooms stand aside

Who is in damage, and who is in a sheepskin coat.

Everyone is a little annoyed

And they are seduced by hope.

1 groom:

Oh princess, oh beauty

The heavens turned

I would immediately down the aisle

And yes, the story is over

I have a new suit

Tie with pearls silk

I'm not lame, I'm not oblique

You can see right away - I'm a cool guy.

I have a lot of bucks

sea ​​view villa,

Three cars, two horses,

There is a helicopter and a yacht -

All amenities are innumerable.

Come out for me

I want to be king.

^ Song "Black Boomer"

I grew up on the outskirts of a working city

Fashionable boy in a cap

Shabby golden tooth

The boy is all simple

And I'm not handsome at all

And all the girls smile towards me

When in the evening I am from home

I go out into the yard

I sit in the car, smile and start the engine

I turn on the music and colorful lights

With longing love in the eyes

They look after me

Fast and crazy

Because I have a black boomer

He is always with me

Because I have a black boomer

boomer clockwork

Sit down girl let's ride with you

Black boomer, black boomer stop signal lights

Black boomer, black boomer if you can catch up

Black boomer, black boomer rides under the window

Black boomer, black boomer girls really like it


You are not a bad fiancé

And wealth over there.

I don't like braggarts.

I'll look for it sooner...


Daughter, daughter, don't cry

Right now, the grooms will arrive.

2 groom:

Hello beautiful girl!

I want you to like it!

Even a little scary

Bald and old.

Teeth are still chattering

But I love dearly.

Semolina porridge in the morning

And you princess-beauty.

Will you scratch my back?

Take my teeth out at night

You will sing songs and dance.

And put to bed!

I will love you

And feed bananas

^ Factor 2. "Beauty" (Chorus)

Tell me, beauty, what do you not like,

Understand that I just want to please you

you like you like


I don't want for the old man

Drive him home

Or head off


Okay, okay, don't scream

Look what a daredevil there

A real good guy!

3 groom:

The song "I won't brag, dear..."

I won't brag, honey

I know what I'm saying

I'll get a star from the sky

And I'll give you a souvenir.

All people will say about me

Pure in heart and not arrogant

Or am I on your scale

Not handsome enough

I would like to walk without despair

Past your village

Field stitch only

Brought to you forever

Nothing to be sorry for dear

And nothing for a friend

Why are you walking past

Past my gaze

I work great

Awarded many times

It's only a pity that in personal life

Missing you so much

For such an explanation

I knocked on your window

Invite for Sunday

At 9.45 at the cinema

Because of you, cherry

I quarrel with a friend

Why, the local climate

Influenced by love

I yearn for the neighborhood

And in the distance

Eh, without you I'm like without a heart

Unable to live


Maybe this one will fit

And dancing and singing!

And good, and well done!

A real stalker!


This one doesn't suit me at all.

Wow, and gave you all the heat here!

And longing takes me, even cry

Where is our executioner?


Now baby, calm down

You better tune in.

Well, daughter, welcome

Meet the guy from Africa


I come from Simbabwe

Happy New Year!

Went nafik!

^ Song "Chocolate Bunny"

Happiness baby in the palm of your hand

I'll put it carefully

I am a wrapper with a red bow

Appetizing, very satisfying,

This form attracts everyone

Neat and

I receive a report

I'm real, very fine

For girls I replace

I will jump with you

Above leather balls

I am a chocolate bunny

I am a gentle bastard


Damn, where else?

Get him out of here!

Yes, wash a little

He's so damn dirty.

Tsar: (Kicks out the groom, looks out of the dining room and screams)

Daughter, there is the last groom,

Oh. only

Vanya is a fool


Come on, call here

Your Vanya the Fool!


Where is the bride, where is she?

The one that sits in the chair?

Yes, sheds tears!

God save us,

To live with such

You have to drink a lot of vodka.

She's so scary

And made up terrible


What are you muttering, you fool?

He said that he was a master of singing songs!

Sing, laugh, princess.

Yes, roll to your village


What should I sing

Why would she kick me out right away?

Wow, where did ours go!

^ The song "Well, you're so scary"

Princess: But this one will do

He dances and sings!

Vania: How can I be related to such

Better take it and drown yourself!

(Vanya runs away, everyone rushes to the dining room after him)

Father Frost: My Snow Maiden is not here either. Some kind of unsmiling ... Everything roars and roars. My Snow Maiden is cheerful, perky. ( turns to the hall) I don't know where to go next. (approaches the tablet, it says Buravtsovskaya school).

I will look for my granddaughter at school.

Scenario scene "Again deuce"

There is a table on the stage, Natalya Alexandrovna is sitting at the table. On the curtain in the background is a portrait of Pushkin. On the table is an open classroom magazine, a stack of notebooks. (the phonogram of Shatunov "Childhood" sounds).
Nat. Alex. :

Childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry?
Our kids have grown up.
And graduation is coming soon.
They will fly away like birds to the big world.
And everyone wants to become a star soon:
Jump around the stage, shout into the microphone,
And who will milk the cows for us?
Roads to build and people to treat?
He checks notebooks for a loss, puts deuces. Throws a stack.
M.I.: Well then, let's start! Who is our first?
Enter Potap
^ NAT. ALEX. Ready?
Potap shakes his head.
NAT. ALEX. Let's diary, two!
(incl. phonogram "Not a couple")

Put anything, but not a couple, not a couple,
I have a problem with the school, a problem,
And if my mom finds my diary -
Oh, how can I get it!
(2 times)
^ NAT. ALEX.: Okay, I won't give you a two.
Come on Tuesday at ten
Read an excerpt from "Poltava"
And call me Timati.
Enter Timati. He has headphones in his ears, twitches to the beat of the music, yawns.
^ NAT. ALEX. comes up to him, takes out one earpiece, puts it in his ear, "dragging". Coming to his senses, he pulls out the earpiece. For a portrait:
- Excuse me, Alexander Sergeevich!
M.I: So why are you not answering?
Let's go! Can I help you?
And why are you yawning again?
Where did you spend tonight?
(Incl. phonogram "In our club")
^ NAT. ALEX.: Will the club give you a certificate too? Go two! (Timati leaves)
- Orbakaite, come in! (Kristina Orbakaite enters)
NAT. ALEX. pats her on the head.
-Kristinochka, honey, can you at least tell me about Eugene Onegin? Well, how do you imagine him? (Incl. phonogram "Sponges with a bow")
^ NAT. ALEX.: So, who would explain to me why you study so badly? Go, tomorrow you will come with your mother, and if you don’t learn it again, then I’ll complain to Galkin! (Orbakaite leaves).
^ NAT. ALEX. : Next!
(On the soundtrack "Number one fan", Dima Bilan appears, dances, falls to his knees.)

Get up, Bilan! Get up soon! (Rises).
What can you tell me?
Here you have of all the items
In physical education, only five,
You jump like a bunny all the time
And you go to school in a wrinkled T-shirt,
And on my knee for a long time
A window has been broken in Europe!

This is my image!
You, Natalya Alexandrovna, understand
Few years will pass
And in Russian show business
I'll leave my mark!
You, Natalya Alexandrovna, believe me:
And I won't let the school down
I'm going to Eurovision
And all at once - I will win! (shows V sign)
^ NAT. ALEX.: (mimics him, showing V)
Bilan, Bilan - "I will win",
You would speak Russian first!
Bilan: And me, NAT. ALEX., I will sing in English! (On "Believe me" backing track. Out.)
^ NAT. ALEX. waves at him.
- Next! (Seryoga enters).
NAT. ALEX.: Seryoga! You are the last one today. What, you're not ready either? Who will study for you? Pushkin?
Seryoga: Why Pushkin? I have a dad. (Incl. phonogram "Black Boomer")
And I have a fat dad with a fat wallet
My dad even knows the oligarchs
He rides a black boomer all day,
All the girls smile towards him.
Papa, papa, dear papa,
Dad will always help
He rows money with a shovel -
The rest is nonsense!
^ NAT. ALEX. : Well, what did you say? What have you come to!
If Pushkin had found out, he would have shot himself!
Enter Pushkin. NAT. ALEX. in shock, drops the magazine.
NAT. ALEX. Oh, hello, Alexander Sergeevich! Sit down please!
Gives him a chair, helps him sit down
The Losers enter the stage, stand in a semicircle around Pushkin, with curiosity goggling at him.

Well hello, young tribe, unfamiliar
I remember wonderful moments
When I was in school I:
To sciences, books, to enlightenment
All my friends were running!
What have you guys done?
What has our language become?
Where did the high syllable go?
Around pop, parties, rock.
no need for literature
In the age of SMS and glamour.
And although I have the most honest rules,
How would I take the rods and here they are
I would force you to learn again
Our great Russian language!
Pushkin: (removes top hat, rips sideburns, puts on glasses.) Fu… Well, Nat. Alex, how did I do it?

^ NAT. ALEX. Oh, good, Sergey Vladimirovich! Though one the lesson will go well! Now they will never forget Pushkin either!!!

Father Frost: Some lessons, but I need a holiday ... (leaves the hall)).

The cops come out from the other side of the stage

1 Ment: Well, where to look for it now. So we will carry this bag all over Buravtsovka.

2 Ment: And where was this grandfather going?

1 Ment: On the Christmas tree to the schoolchildren.

2 Ment: It became to be in school!

1 Ment: There we will find him (they leave, and immediately after them the presenters with the Snow Maiden come out).

Vedas 1: Here they brought a bag of Santa Claus, and he himself is somewhere not easy to carry (at this time Santa Claus comes out).

All: Hello Santa Claus!

1. Ment. Happy New Year,

Citizen Morozov grandfather.

I'm sorry, I'm breaking

But I need your answer.

You didn't lose anything

In the last half hour?

And never forgot

Here is such a bag?

^ Santa Claus: Oh, how could I,

Lose a bag on the way!

2. Ment: But these hooligans

We'll take it with us!

And on these hooligans

Let's even start a business!

Snow Maiden: Wait, wait!

Maybe on a day like this

Don't punish gypsies!

^ Gypsies: Forgive us, we won't do it anymore, we'd better sing to you now.

(Song "Fortuneteller" performed by gypsies)

Father Frost:

How many people are in the hall,
Have a nice holiday here!
So they told me the truth
That my friends are waiting for me here.

Snow Maiden: Where have you been, Grandpa?

Father Frost: I'll tell you about it on the way home. And now let's wish everyone a Happy New Year 2010!

Snow Maiden:

New Year's Eve with Love
We send you greetings.
We wish you happiness and health
And new joyful victories!

Father Frost:

Friends, how glad I am to meet you!”
My path to you was not easy!
I have made friends of the heart, (points to the cops)
It was like being in a wonderful fairy tale.

Vedas 2:

The clock is ticking, the old year is leaving,
His last pages rustle.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst can't come back.

Vedas 1:

Look how wonderful
What a wonderful New Year.
How many jokes, how many songs
At this hour went on a hike!

Snow Maiden:

So, friends, we have today
Merry Christmas holiday.
Let's all, as they say,
Play, laugh, have fun.

D.M. Happy New Year, you friends! With new happiness!

WITH. We wish you a happy holiday!

Final song "New Year"

1. White snowflakes are spinning outside the window.

We are all, of course, waiting for a miracle tonight.

And we all want to be kinder to each other.

And I wish only happiness to all my friends!


All dreams and wishes come true

New Year! New Year! New Year's Eve

Everyone in the world is lucky.

2. The glasses are already filled to the brim,

May the New Year bring us joy and love.

And finally, the clock is already striking 12,

We are waiting for friends, fun and fireworks!

3. How good it is to have this holiday in my life!

It's good that all my friends are here today!

And of course someone will make a toast,

That the New Year will only bring joy to everyone!

Two leaders come out. to the music

Vedas 1: Good evening, dear friends!

HOST 2: Hello dear viewers! I am very glad to see you at our New Year's concert. After all, this is not just a concert, but a new step towards a brighter future." According to the Eastern calendar, 2011 is the year of the white rabbit. This is a family animal. The Year of the Rabbit for talented people of art.

Vedas 1: To appease him, you should arrange a big performance with masquerades, practical jokes, smiles on faces.

(An electrician enters the stage with a ladder.)

Electrician: Why did they have a concert here? Nothing is ready yet!

Puts a ladder, climbs poking around and the light goes out.


Today everything should be beautiful. So take away... (searching for words) this! So, now everything is ok and we begin! ..

Vedas 1:

Let's light the New Year's candles
Let's light all 12, one by one.
Let there be light tonight
Let it be warm for you and me.

Vedas 2:

Let the midnight waltz spin
Blinding lanterns with pearl fire.
In the eyes, you can see something on purpose
Left that year, leaving forever.

Vedas 1: Opens our New Year's Eve guest performance song

"New Year's".

Vedas 2: Guests arrived at our New Year's concert, and so meet the Barbariki children's group.

Vedas 1 The theater of Karabas Karabas will continue our concert. Meet!

A stretcher with an old woman (felt boots, a shawl, a long skirt, shaggy) is brought onto the stage. They leave her and leave. She's shaking all over, painfully old. He looks around the room with a contemptuous look, closing one eye.

Old woman: Oh, what is this? You again? What, my dears, did you want a New Year's concert? Did you come to see the show? And I've been watching this show for 2000 years. How tired I am of this soap opera ... (gets up) And now, my dears, I will perform my last swan song for you.

Dancing the ballet of the Little Swans

Old woman: Oh, and exhausted me ...

Where is my remote control? (takes out)

What do we have there on the first channel?

Turns on the TV, where the Snow Maiden gathers at the mirror.

Old woman: (makes faces, grumbles at the Snow Maiden.) Look, you sang, dressed up, dressed up. Ugh! He’s going to a holiday, I’ll see who you will look like in 2 thousand years (continues to grumble)

Vedas 2: Listen, grandma, who are you? We did not invite you to our New Year's party.

Old woman: I showed you my performance, are you satisfied?

Vedas 1: Well, yes. Probably, you have not met Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden by chance

Vedas 2: Yes. This seems kind of suspicious to me. Did they get lost in our area? Did you get sick by chance?

Old woman: I'll go to a beauty salon and sign up. Maybe on New Year's Eve I'll be younger again. Farewell!

Vedas 1: Wait, what kind of music was that (showing the Christmas tree). Let's go and see if we can see someone! (They go behind the tree)

At this time, the Snow Maiden comes out,

Snow Maiden: (to the music of the song "Wonderful neighbor")
The snow is white today
It's light all around,
I put on gloves
I'm warm in my winter coat.
I'm going to the winter holiday:
There will be games, there will be laughter,
There will be fairy tales, there will be dances
Happy holiday for everyone!

Vedas 1: Oh, Snow Maiden, and we are waiting for you with Santa Claus.

Vedas 2: What song are you singing? We are already celebrating the New Year, having fun, and why are you alone?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus and I agreed to meet, and I have been waiting for him for an hour, but he still does not come and does not come!

Vedas 1: Yes, history! Or maybe he is waiting for you on the other side of this tree. Let's go and see!

(They go behind the tree)

At this time, the gypsies come on stage with a song (to the motive from the film “The Tabor goes to the sky”).

I rode a nomadic camp
Through the meadows of the valleys
There are gypsies, like icons,
How beautiful they are!

The night has come down and the gypsies
On a familiar path
He approached the wagon,
Where does beauty live?

That gypsy is handsome
And she is beautiful
Eyebrows like a clear moon
Lips like raspberries.

(Father Frost comes out from behind the Christmas tree, they surround him, offer to tell him fortune)

They speak in turn

1st - Oh, handsome, gild the pen.

I'll tell you everything, I won't hide anything.

What was, what will be, what will calm the heart.

2- What surprises can come upon your little head in the coming year!

3- Don't you want to know?

4 - Well, gild the pen, do not be stingy.

(Grandfather spreads his arms, puts the bag on the floor, the gypsies imperceptibly take away the bag from him)

Joy, happiness awaits you ...

Lots of fun, songs….

5- Be healthy, dear, do not be sick golden ...

(Gypsies leave, Santa Claus looks around, sees that there is no bag with gifts)

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old bungler, What am I going to the Christmas tree with now? What can I do without gifts?

(2 Policemen enter the stage to the music from “Deadly Force” or to “Operators”)

1 Ment: Oh look, strangers on the site.

2 Ment: Come on, citizen, show me your documents!

Father Frost:( fumbles in his pockets) Somewhere I have here my certificate of Santa Claus was.

1 Ment: Are you talking about grandfather? Why are you walking around the streets in the middle of the night! All pensioners at this time see the 10th dream.

Father Frost: Yes, I'm in a hurry to the New Year's tree to the high school students! (Pulls out ID card from pocket)

2 Ment:(checks) Santa Claus, you say. Belarusian or something, but where is the registration?

Father Frost: Well no! I'm Russian! I have been all my life, and I am not going to change my nationality.

1 Ment: Then change your last name to Morozov. There will be fewer problems. Sorry! (Salute turn around to leave...)

Father Frost: Oh guys, who are you? I see you are following the rules here. So after all, I was attacked here, deceived, confused, and the bag with gifts was taken away. I do not know what to do.

2 Ment: How, what to do. Let's go to the department. We will draw up a protocol, there are signs, evidence and so on. (The presenters leave the stage from behind the Christmas tree)

Father Frost: One hope for the police, maybe they will find my bag with gifts (suitable for the sign, it says SHOP). Oh, maybe here I can buy gifts for the guys in this store.

Father Frost: Yes, I probably won’t buy anything in this store, I’ll go further ... (approaches the sign, it says “Disco”). But didn’t my Snow Maiden go to the disco? I'll go and have a look

Father Frost: My Snow Maiden is not here either, I don’t know where to go next (he approaches the sign, it says PETROVSKAYA school).

I will look for my granddaughter at school.

Vedas 2: There is no Santa Claus anywhere. What to do, I have no idea.

Vedas 1: What to do, what to do? Announce the next number, otherwise all the spectators will die of boredom.

And Father Frost tumbles into the hall, puffing.

Santa Claus: (falling on a chair) I'm tired, oh Snow Maiden! You're already here! Oh, tired! Where have I not been today! (Unfolds a sheet of paper) I was at the North Pole, I was at the South Pole ... penguins, you know, they went crazy with this New Year! They demand gifts, dance in circles, barely escaped ... In Africa there was ... monkeys almost plucked their entire beard ... Here I was, here I was (looks through the list)

Snow Maiden: And I was in this school, grandfather! Here something!

Santa Claus: (irritated) Yes, I was! Was! And in the first classes, and in the third, and in the second! Sang and danced with everyone! You can also rest...

Snow Maiden: Grandpa! And here are some more guys...

Santa Claus: (frightened) Where?

Snow Maiden: Yes, here it is! Here!

Santa Claus: No, no, fire me, I can't. Yes, they are already big. It’s not for me to dance with them!

Snow Maiden: And that's right. And so no justice. People have a holiday, and we are like horses in soap, with round dances and gifts. Let's entertain them...

Santa Claus: I'll sit here and I won't leave my place! Snow Maiden, did I come with a bag or not?

Snow Maiden: No, Grandpa without a bag.

Grandfather: Oh, foolishness, my head is all the gypsies are to blame for robbing me old. What we are going to do?

(The cops exit from the other side of the stage)

1 Ment: Well, where to look for it now. So we will carry this bag throughout the region.

2 Ment: And where was this grandfather going?

1 Ment: On the Christmas tree to the schoolchildren.

2 Ment: It became to be in school!

1 Ment: There we will find him (they leave, and immediately after them the presenters with the Snow Maiden come out).

Vedas 1: Here is a bag of Santa Claus brought.

Vedas 2: It's time for you to light the Christmas tree and start round dances.

Santa Claus: Here I rested

How many people are in the hall,
Have a nice holiday here!
So they told me the truth
That my friends are waiting for me here.

Father Frost: And now, Snegurochka, let's congratulate everyone sitting in this cozy, beautiful hall on the upcoming New Year 2011!

Snow Maiden:

New Year's Eve with Love
We send you greetings.
We wish you happiness and health
And new joyful victories!

Father Frost:

Friends, how glad I am to meet you!”
My path to you was not easy!
I got heart friends, (points to Cops)
It was like being in a wonderful fairy tale.

The old woman comes out. Her skirt is cut off. On the head is a semblance of a hairstyle.

Old woman: My light, mirror, tell me
tell the whole truth.
Am I the sweetest in the world,
all blush and whiter?
These plastic surgeries just work wonders. I even went to the hairdresser's. Updated my wardrobe. I still have time to go to the disco!

Vedas 2:

The clock is ticking, the old year is leaving,
His last pages rustle.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst can't come back.

Vedas 1:

Look how wonderful
What a wonderful New Year.
How many jokes, how many songs
At this hour went on a hike!

Snow Maiden:

So, friends, we have today
Merry Christmas holiday.
Let's all, as they say,
Play, laugh, have fun.

The disco begins with games and pranks.


With songs and laughter
Everyone ran into the hall
And everyone saw a forest guest
Tall, beautiful, green, slim,
She shines with different lights
Isn't she a beauty?
Do you all like the tree?
We are all very well
fun today
Because he came to us
New Year's holiday!
We've been waiting for this day for a long time
Haven't seen each other for a whole year
Sing, ring under the tree
New Year's round dance.

“The song is being played.

Children sing the song “All the Week” to the melody of the song “Komarovo”.

We will decorate the Christmas tree with colorful balls.
Miracles will come to visit us, and then together we will ask:
“Why is it noisy in the hall, and so many kids”?

All week, until the eighth, we will rest again.
With us together this time will be a good Santa Claus!

All week until the eighth we will rest again,
Let's go skiing, let's go ice-skating.
We will send telegrams to everyone, Happy New Year to you.
We will prepare gifts for everyone, put them together in bags!

All week, until the eighth we will rest again.
We want the New Year to continue in our school!

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed

Snow Maiden:

Congratulations to all my girlfriends
Congratulations to all friends!
And with all my heart I wish
I have the brightest days for you,
Good fun,
Never know adversity
But, most importantly, learn
Excellent all year round.
Let's continue the holiday
Everyone sing and dance together.

A dance is being performed

“1 and 2 and 3-4 5 and 6 and clap. chlo, clap"

Father Frost:

Well thank you guys
You danced with me.
Now show me
Who has the talent.

Children read poetry.

Snow Maiden:

In beautiful bright gold
The tree sparkles.
We have a happy holiday
How not to have fun!
We can continue the holiday.
You can sing and dance!

A dance is being performed

We will now go to the right - 1-2-3, and now we will go to the left - 1-2-3. Bistro to the Christmas tree will gather - 1-2-3. We will also disperse quickly - 1-2-3. We quietly sit down - 1-2-3. And lightly get up - 1-2-3. Dance our legs - 1-2-3. And clap your hands - 1-2-3.

Father Frost:

How fun, how fun
How joyful all around.
We greeted the Christmas tree with a song,
And sing her a song!

A song is being performed

New Year's, snowfall, Oh, how Santa Claus dances "…...

Snow Maiden:

It's time, friends, to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.

Father Frost: Carnival sparkles bright, children have fun, it's time to receive New Year's gifts.

Props required for the competition:

Specially prepared drawing paper and markers for the 4th competition;

Prizes for the winning team.

Good evening, dear friends! Here comes the most long-awaited holiday -

The New Year, which is associated with new hopes for happiness, good luck, and I sincerely wish you that in this new year everything that you wished at the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve will come true! Not a single New Year can do without gifts, holiday greetings and, of course, it is unthinkable without Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a New Year tree, snow, funny jokes and jokes. And at our tonight's party, the New Year's characters beloved since childhood will become heroes, and you and our esteemed jury will have to determine which of the New Year's teams will turn out to be the most real.

1st competition. "Carnival costume"

So, the 1st competition is a competition of New Year's costumes, and I ask New Year's teams to take the stage.

Each of the teams take turns on stage, showing off their costumes.

2nd competition. "New Year's report"

These days, nothing escapes the keen eyes of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman, who are now setting off to make an outdoor holiday report about how the guys in different groups have a rest.

Such a topic for a report can be given if you are spending an evening at a winter camp. If you are holding a competition at school, then the topic might be: “How did the class prepare for the New Year's Eve”. Preparation time is 15 minutes while the 3rd and 4th contests are underway.

3rd competition. "Symbol of the Year"

We are already used to the question “What year were you born?” - answer: “In the year of the Dog,

Tiger, Dragon... The coming year is the year of the Goat (Dog, Tiger or Dragon depending on when you spend the evening). Now we will try to draw a symbol of the coming year. We will ask the New Year and the Bunny to complete this task.

To hold this competition, it is necessary to prepare the drawing paper in advance as follows: the sheet is folded in half, on one half the animal that is the symbol of the year is drawn. But only half of it is drawn. For example, in a dog you draw either a head and two front paws, or two hind legs and a tail. On the second half of the drawing paper, only two lines are drawn, which ends your drawing. Team members see only that half of the drawing paper where these two dashes are drawn. They do not know what is drawn on the second half of the sheet: the head or the tail. Their task is to finish the second half of the animal, suggesting which part needs to be finished. Of course, both the coincidence of the drawing and the quality of execution should be evaluated in this competition. Approximately 10 minutes are given to complete the task.

4th competition.

The maximum score is 3 points.

4th competition. "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter"

Only Christmas trees remained. Little Christmas trees are not cold, not bored alone on stage without the support of New Year's teams? Nothing, I hope that now it will become fun, and the well-known song "It's cold in winter for a little Christmas tree" will not seem so dreary and sad, because we will ask our participants to perform this song in different styles:

In marching rhythm;

In the style of rap;

In folk style.

Each participant will have to sing this song in only one of the styles, and in which one, the lot will determine.

The maximum score is 3 points.

After the competition, we look at the drawings and listen to the reports.

5th competition. "Christmas litter"

The New Year holiday has one amazing feature - it never looks like the previous one. What is even more surprising - the New Year in each country is not like the neighboring one. And now we will learn some features of the New Year celebration in different countries: where did the different New Year traditions come from, and what do they mean. And 2 participants from each team will help us in this, who will have to choose one correct answer from three possible answers.

For each team, 2 questions are offered, the correct answer is 1 point, the correct explanation is 2 more points. It is clear that the guys do not know the exact answers to all the questions, but they can put forward their own assumptions, which may coincide with the correct answers.

1. In ancient China, the New Year was announced:

a) a day of fifty percent discounts on all goods;

b) the feast of the poor;

c) the day of the dragon and the purge of red lanterns.

Could you tell us what this tradition was?

In ancient China, the feast of the poor was declared, which consisted in the fact that any person on this day could enter any house and take what he needed in it. Those hosts who refused uninvited guests were condemned.

2. As you know, December 25 is considered the birthday of Jesus Christ, it is on December 25 that Catholic Christmas is celebrated. When is the first mention of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ?

a) BC

b) with the advent of our era;

c) in our era.

Who knows the exact date?

The first mention of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ dates back to 354 AD.

3. In Ireland, one very ancient custom has been preserved: here on the evening before the New Year they open wide:

a) the doors of all houses;

b) all windows in the apartment;

c) all wallets

The doors of all houses are opened because the owners will be glad to anyone who comes to the light, they will give you a satisfying drink and food.

4. What are the names of Christmas carols in Europe?

a) verbs

b) bucolics;

c) carols.

5. In Scotland they see off the old and celebrate the New Year:

a) in a large company, laughing loudly;

b) in the family circle, singing songs;

c) in complete silence, staring blankly at the fire in the fireplace.

Could you explain the meaning of this tradition?

Hot Scottish guys see off and meet the New Year in silence. The whole family sits silently and looks at the burning fireplace, burning the hardships of the outgoing year there. With the first stroke of the clock, the head of the family still silently opens the door through which the old year leaves and the new one enters.

6. What do the Dutch call their Santa Claus?

a) Sinterklaas;

b) Santa Claas;

c) Singershucher.

7. The Germans against the background of the Scots look just sparkling merry fellows - here, as soon as the clock starts to strike midnight:

a) everyone goes to bed

b) everyone climbs on the pieces of furniture available to them: chairs, armchairs, tables, etc.:

c) everyone opens the windows and shouts: “Happy New Year!”.

Could you explain the meaning of this tradition?

The Germans climb on the furniture in order to jump together with the last blow into the New Year.

8. What are the permanent attributes of Santa Claus?

a) a staff, a red nose and a large bag with gifts;

b) Snow Maiden, a staff and a large bag with gifts;

c) a reindeer, a sleigh and a large bag of gifts.

7th competition. "Gifts"

The arrival of Santa Claus is impossible to imagine without gifts. Each New Year's team has prepared its own gift, and now they will present them to us.

The maximum score is 5 points.

After the last competition, the jury sums up and awards the winning team.

Sounds like music from the movie "My sweet and gentle beast." Against the background of the music are the words:

The last leaf is torn off

The calendar has been removed from the wall.

Waiting for a long time congratulations

January behind the door.

The old year is leaving

His last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away

And the worst cannot happen again.

Let him not skimp on happiness

Let the stars light up on time

To make all wishes come true.

Let the frost play more fun

Let it freeze your cheeks.

Happy New Year to you,

With a year of joy, happiness, love!

Hours go by, days go by

Such is the law of nature.

And we want you today

To congratulate with new Year!

We wish you a New Year

All the joys in the world

Health for a hundred years ahead

Both you and your children.

May the New Year that you celebrate

A happy year will enter your life.

And all the good things you dream of

Let it come true and it will definitely come.

11.01.2016 10:52

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Jester:Listen, honest people, decree!

The king issued the following order:

I announce the ball today!

The ball is cheerful, New Year's.

fairy land people

You must be at the ball.

Cavaliers and their ladies

At the court of King Peas

The hall was washed, decorated,

The Christmas tree was decorated for a long time.

Cavaliers for beauty

Everyone smoothed their mustaches.

Well, the dresses are all fashionistas

Brought from overseas.

Everything is ready at last

Guests are coming to the palace!













TSAR:Well? Liked which one?


The girls leave.







IVAN TSAREVICH:Whose pen is this, old man?




Fit to the mirror






TSAR(smartly): Where is her home?



The light is dimmed.

Ivan Tsarevich appears in the forest. The Shamakhan queen and the princess on the pea appear shivering from the cold.

Ivan Tsarevich. Who are you?

Shamakhan queen.

Princess on the Pea. And I'm the princess and the pea.

Ivan Tsarevich.

Shamakhan queen. I don’t know myself. I’ve just been to a ball, dancing with the prince, and now in the winter forest and barefoot.

Princess on the Pea. And I was just about to go to bed on twelve featherbeds, when everything around me darkened. And now I'm here, in the forest, where there are no featherbeds ... We will freeze here.

Shamakhan queen. And who are you yourself?

Ivan Tsarevich.

Shamakhan queen


Ivan Tsarevich.

Father Frost.


Father Frost.

He takes them away.














New Year's song.





IVAN TSAREVICH(surprised): Are you Vasilisa?







BOYARIN:Two hours, tsar-father!






She is in a raincoat.











SNOW MAIDEN: This is us in a moment!



(referring to the guys)
And now all together!
One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!
One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!
Even louder!




SANTA CLAUS: Happy New Year!

SNOW MAIDEN:With new happiness!

Happy New Year

Congratulate everyone

SANTA CLAUS:Happy New Year,

I wish everyone happiness!

Congratulations to all children!

Congratulations to all guests!

New Year's fairy tale for high school students.

GRANDCHILD: Grandmother, tell us about the firebird!

The light is slowly fading. Fantastic music plays. Heard, as if from afar, the voice of the grandmother: "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...".

Jester:Listen, honest people, decree!

The king issued the following order:

I announce the ball today!

The ball is cheerful, New Year's.

fairy land people

You must be at the ball.

Cavaliers and their ladies

Looking forward to the holiday with us!

At the court of King Peas

There hasn't been such a commotion for a long time.

The hall was washed, decorated,

The Christmas tree was decorated for a long time.

Cavaliers for beauty

Everyone smoothed their mustaches.

Well, the dresses are all fashionistas

Brought from overseas.

Everything is ready at last

Guests are coming to the palace!

Throne on stage. At the throne of the grandmother-nanny and other retinue. The king sits on the throne. A melody sounds.

TSAR: Boring!!! I'm bored! New Year's Eve! (pulls mournfully) And the king is bored. Woo... (snarls at the retinue) Retinue! (capriciously) How will you surprise the king today?

COOK(stepping forward): Tsar-father! Maybe you want to tempt the duck? Or borscht? Navarnogo, with sour cream!

TSAR(patting his belly and sides): I already have these borschts with ducks! Here! (pokes a finger in the stomach) The new throne had to be ordered again last week! And that is worthless - the king cannot even sit on the throne.

The cook takes an offended step aside. The commander comes forward.

VOIVOD:Or maybe we will conquer Europe again? Et-ta we instantly! (a contented rumble passes among the soldiers)

TSAR:No! I'm tired of conquering Europe! And then you win, as soon as you return home with good, honestly won, - then the king of England is waiting for you, and the king of Switzerland. And they say something to me not in our way, they poke their constitutions under my nose.

BOYARIN:Or maybe you, the king, is ... Marry?!

TSAR(pleasantly stroking his mustache): Marry? And what? Marrying is possible! I'm just getting married, and what's next? I'm tired of my old wife. (capriciously) You'll want to marry a new one! But the wedding can be held on New Year's Eve. (looks at the retinue) Who will we marry?

Everyone backs away in fear.

BOYARIN:So we, the king, are all married!

COOK(smiling contentedly): And married!

TSAR(disappointed): How so? (screaming loudly) I'll kill everyone!

BOYARIN(hurriedly): I remembered, the king-father. Remembered! (rushes to the tsar's throne) Ivan, the tsar's son, is not yet married!

The retinue whispers: “Not married. Not married". The king smiles contentedly.

To the music, the action is transferred to the reception hall. A loud male voice announces: "Casting brides!".

Bride dance. A bride from the East, from Japan, from England, a kikimora bride.
After the dance, the king turns to the prince.

TSAR:Well? Liked which one?

IVAN TSAREVICH:This one dances strangely painfully ... (points to a kikimora) This one is too high ... (points to a girl from the East) This one is too thin ... (points to a Japanese woman)

The girls leave.

TSAR:Ivan, of course you are my son, but you are a fool. (indignantly) For twenty years I have raised you, fed you, but you feel sorry for marrying for your father's sake?! Look how beautiful the girls are! And how that green one danced! (tries to imitate a kikimora dance)

IVAN TSAREVICH:That's not my desire! They don't like me. (dreamy) I'm waiting for her, the only one ...

Music. An old man in lapotochki enters the reception hall.

TSAR:And who are you? Who let? You don't look like a bride!

OLD MAN:Hello king father! Hello, Tsarevich Ivan! I brought a gift to the prince, a marvelous, golden pen (holds out a bundle to the prince)

IVAN TSAREVICH:What do I need, old man, your pen?

Ivan Tsarevich reluctantly takes a feather from the bundle. Lights are scattered across the stage. Ivan looks at the pen in fascination.

IVAN TSAREVICH:Whose pen is this, old man?

OLD MAN:Feather is the Firebird. Wherever you find a bird, there you will find a narrowed one.

The light is on. The old man is nowhere to be seen.

IVAN TSAREVICH(looks around): Hey! Old man! Where can I find that Firebird?

TSAR:Don't be sad, son! We have a magic mirror! Do you remember that year the Prince of England presented it?

Fit to the mirror . Before us appears a mirror in a massive frame. On the other side of the mirror is a foreign man.

FOREIGNER:Hello! (heavy accent) Welcome to the Moogle mirror search engine. Please express your request!

TSAR(grabbing a pen from Ivan Tsarevich): Here is a pen. It's the Firebirds! Where can you find such a bird?

FOREIGNER:The desired combination of words does not occur anywhere. Try keywords.

TSAR(to Ivan): Ugh! Silly system! (turning to the mirror) The Firebird and its habitats.

FOREIGNER:The Firebird, she is Vasilisa the Beautiful, lives in her house.

TSAR(smartly): Where is her home?

FOREIGNER:The position of her house is not marked on the Moogle Maps. According to my information, where Vasilisa's house is located is known only to her aunt, Baba Yaga.

The king throws the veil back over the mirror.

TSAR:Well, prince, it seems that you should go look for Baba Yaga.

The light is dimmed.

Ivan Tsarevich appears in the forest. The Shamakhan queen and the princess on the pea appear shivering from the cold.

Ivan Tsarevich. Who are you?

Shamakhan queen. (rattling teeth). Shamakhan queen.

Princess on the Pea. And I'm the princess and the pea.

Ivan Tsarevich.And what are you doing here in these outfits?

Shamakhan queen. I do not know. Just been to the ball, dancing with the prince, and now in the winter forest and barefoot.

Princess on the Pea. And I was just about to go to bed on twelve featherbeds, when everything around me darkened. And here I am, in the forest, where there are no featherbeds ... We will freeze here.

Shamakhan queen. And who are you yourself?

Ivan Tsarevich.And I'm Ivan Tsarevich. My father sent his bride, Vasilisa the Beautiful, to look for me.

Shamakhan queen . Well, why do you need to look for someone, look around. Am I not fit to be the royal bride?


Ivan Tsarevich.No, you know, I'd better go, my fiancee is waiting for me somewhere. (dreamily)

The girls sit next to each other. Gradually the voices subside, they close their eyes. Santa Claus appears, notices the guests at the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.What kind of miracle Yudo? Are you warm girls? Are you warm beauties?

Girls.(in chorus). Thank you, father, thank you, Morozushko! We freeze.

Father Frost.Oh you! Get up quickly and run to my tower.

He takes them away.

Ivan is coming. A hut on chicken legs runs out onto the road.

IVAN TSAREVICH:How should you speak there? Hut, hut, right! (hut turns to the right) Nale-e-vo! (hut turns to the left) Wow! (hut rotates, Ivan laughs)

Baba Yaga comes out of the hut, staggering. Falls on Ivan. He picks her up.

BABA YAGA:Ouch! Who am I going to eat now? Who will climb into the oven on a shovel? (looks at Ivan) Ah! It's you, Ivan! King's son! What is there according to your law, royal something, I suppose you can’t eat?

IVAN TSAREVICH: No, Baba Yaga. You tell me better, where does Vasilisa the Beautiful live?

BABA YAGA:Of course, I am kind with royal people. But isn't it too much, Ivan? What do you promise me in return?

IVAN TSAREVICH:Yes, ask, old, what you want! Do you want to raise your pension? (comes closer to Baba Yaga; she steps back from him)

BABA YAGA:Why. Why. We are satisfied with what we have.

IVAN TSAREVICH:Well, do you want to send it abroad? To the Canaries?

BABA YAGA: I was already on the bunk (fearfully retreats from Ivan)

IVAN TSAREVICH(impatiently): Well, what do you want?!

BABA YAGA(blushing): I want to invite the merman to visit!


BABA YAGA:So he demands entertainment! Dances, songs of all kinds. Likes to eat.

IVAN TSAREVICH:Set the table, Yaga! You will have dances and songs.

New Year's song.
Dance around the Christmas tree. Buffoons, frogs, princess dance. Baba Yaga and Vodyany are circling in a separate pair.

WATER(croaking): Madam, you are such a gorgeous woman!

BABA YAGA:You embarrass me ... (dancing past Ivan) Here is a ball for you, it will bring you to Vasilisa's house!

The ball rolls backstage. The light is slowly fading. The ball, jumping out from behind the scenes, stops at Vasilisa's house.
Ivan enters the house. The Firebird sits on a perch. Beautiful music, rays of light emanate from the Firebird.

IVAN TSAREVICH(runs up and kneels in front of the Firebird): You are a beautiful girl! You're not a Firebird at all! Contact Vasilisa!

Everything fades. A flash of light, a roar and an explosion. Beautiful music is replaced by hard rock.

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL: What do you want, pepper? If you came to roll a barrel at me, that I pecked your millet or something else, then get out of here, and hurry up! And then ... (blows a bubble out of the gum, it bursts loudly) Otherwise I’ll turn it into a frog!

IVAN TSAREVICH(surprised): Are you Vasilisa?

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL: Well, who else! Not a swamp kikimora. (walks around Ivan, feeling clothes; her movements are accompanied by the rattling of chains) And you, boy, nothing like that. (chuckling) You can even be a suitor.

IVAN TSAREVICH(stuttering): Yes, that's what I came for...

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL (with a unique intonation): Burn! Well, I agree! (hugs Ivan Tsarevich)

IVAN TSAREVICH:I have to think... (tries to push Vasilisa away, but she holds him tight in her arms)

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL: What is there to think! Well, let's go to the father-king!

Royal quarters. The king sits on the throne. Sad, resting his cheek on his hand. Next to him is a cook, a governor and a boyar.

TSAR:How many there have us until New year?

BOYARIN:Two hours, tsar-father!

TSAR:Will Ivan make it? (like a child, pouts his lips and looks inquiringly at the boyar)

BOYARIN:Will have time! Will have time! How can he not be in time, because Santa Claus himself, in his person, favors the wedding!

COOK:And what a pleasure to look at Vasilisushka! (crying) She must be such a beauty, such a beauty! (holds her cheeks) But thin, probably beyond her years! Well, it's fashionable for them right now, to be thin! (enthusiastically) But we'll get her quick! Ducklings, borscht with sour cream.

TSAR:No duck! I need a daughter-in-law, not a pig in ruffles.

BOYARIN(pointing at the window): Bah! Tsar! Check this out! There Ivan runs! Carrying something on the back. You see, the bride liked him very much.

Ivan runs into the Tsar's chambers with Vasilisa. She is in a raincoat.

TSAR(hugging Ivan): Ivashechka! You brought the red girl! Vasilisushka! (tries to hug Vasilisa)

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL: Uh! Take it easy, papa! (pulls the petrified king away from him)

TSAR(quietly to Ivan): What is this? Deceived us? Did they set it up? Who is Vasilisa the Beautiful? It must be Vasilisa the Terrible.

IVAN TSAREVICH:No, father. There is no error here. Meet your bride. There is not enough time to run for a new one (looks back at the clock standing near the throne; the clock is fifteen minutes to twelve)

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL (pointing to the door): Oh!!! Santa Claus has come to visit us!

Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden.

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL: Yes, not one, but with fifa! (makes special emphasis on the word fifa; passes near the Snow Maiden, mimics her)

SNOW MAIDEN:Hello everyone! Hello my dear ones! New Year's Eve! (Vasilisa is heard mimicking the Snow Maiden: “New Year is just around the corner!”)

Come on, Santa Claus, let's light the Christmas tree with colored lights. (Vasilisa mimics: “Christmas tree with colored lights!”)

IVAN TSAREVICH(waving his hand): Yes, what a tree there! Look what kind of bride I have at the New Year's hour!

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL (noticing that all eyes are on her): Why? (approaches Ivan, throws his hand on his shoulder) Yes, we are the future unit of society!

SANTA CLAUS(Snow Maiden): I see a spell on this girl! She is entangled in the witchcraft of Baba Yaga, she has lost her way! Come on, Snegurka, put her in order!

SNOW MAIDEN: This is us in a moment!

The Snow Maiden leads the stubborn Vasilisa backstage. Vasilisa mutters: “What kind of charm? I'm not going anywhere!"

TSAR:Why don't I please you, dear guests, with a New Year's song?

Sounds like a Christmas song. At the end of the song, the transformed Vasilisa with the Snow Maiden comes out.
Fascinated, Ivan approaches Vasilisa and takes her by the hand.

SANTA CLAUS:And now it's time to light the Christmas tree!
With a wave of my hand, I will light the Christmas tree,
At the wave of Ivan's hand, I'll marry!
(referring to the guys)
And now all together!
One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!
One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!
Even louder!
One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

The tree is lit up with lights. Heroes, admiring, stand by the Christmas tree. Ivan hugs Vasilisa.

A light comes on in the corner of the stage. There sits a grandmother in a rocking chair and a granddaughter. Alyonka looks at the square with surprise.

GRANDDAUGHTER:Grandmother! Look! (points to the Christmas tree) There, on the square, Vasilisa! And Ivan! And the king! And the tree! (looks up at the tree with admiration)

GRANDMOTHER:No wonder, granddaughter, because on New Year's Eve all fairy tales come true! And there, look! (points to the figurine by the Christmas tree) Katya! Waving to you!

The granddaughter happily waves Katya back.

GRANDDAUGHTER:Grandma, hurry, hurry, run to the Christmas tree!

Granddaughter and grandmother go to the Christmas tree, granddaughter will support her grandmother.
The clock starts to strike twelve. The song sounds.

SANTA CLAUS: Happy New Year!

SNOW MAIDEN:With new happiness!

Happy New Year

Congratulate everyone

I wish you success, health and strength.

SANTA CLAUS:Happy New Year,

I wish everyone happiness!

Congratulations to all children!

Congratulations to all guests!

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The scenario of the New Year's performance for college students and schoolchildren of middle and older age "Winter's Tale".

Tkachenko Tamara Vladimirovna, teacher-methodologist
Target: development of creative abilities.
- development of skills in theatrical and performing activities, elements of acting;
- education of bases of spectator culture.
Decoration: costumes, "Hollywood passions" announcement, clearing in the forest, separate Christmas trees.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Koschey, Kikimora, buffoons (2), Magpie, Alice the fox, Basilio the cat, Wolf, Hare.

We will show you a New Year's fairy tale,
Everyone understands let him intrigue himself,
The forest is in a fever from serious passions,
Believe it or not - expect miracles!

Magpie flies, reads the text on the ad
Casting today for the role
Do you want to film? Feel free to turn on
Open up your talent and hurry to the winter forest,
There is enough for all New Year's miracles!

Buffoons run out
1 Hello to you! We are buffoons!

2 As artists, we are not bad!

1 And now we are here with you

2 And tell us what to eat!

1 Quiet! Watch your ears!
What's there?

2 Where?

1 Yes, listen, listen!

2 The loud clatter of hooves is heard -

1 This New Year is in a hurry
Flying towards us from afar

2 What carries is a secret for now.

1 In the holiday of the soul, no tea!

2 Traditionally, we meet!

1 We wanted to say a lot.

2 But it looks like they didn't.

1 Yes, and it's time to know the honor.

together Time to start the story!

The melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds, in a clearing
Baba Yaga and Koschei are discussing something, Kikimora appears.

Koschei Oh, Kikimora is jumping out,
Whether laughing or crying...

Yaga Well, when, did you come?

kikimora I have my own business!

Koschei Baba, and there there: business! distorts

kikimora Why did I come to you
I heard nonsense news,
It's like shooting "Spark"
Will you?

Koschei Well pester
Everyone will now me -
Glory more than fire
I was afraid - it is!

the fox Alice and the cat Basilio sneak up, eavesdrop

Alice What an honor this is. dreamily
Names on the posters
And I'm the only one for everyone!

Basilio Well, what about me? Will I shoot?

Alice You run into everywhere with annoyance
Here's another - shoot you!

Basilio Meow! I'm not for myself
I worry about you...

Alice Hush! Be quiet! I guess
I'll show up at the right time
And, here it is, an engagement!

Yaga And what are you stuck here?
You would, girlfriend, ride away
And did not call trouble ...

kikimora Oh, you are! then I'll leave!

pretends to leave, hides behind a Christmas tree)

Yaga Well, I'll turn around today
And I'll star in a blockbuster!
I dreamed of a career
Just didn't get it
In entot, how is he? Hollywood!
Nevermind, I'll take a picture here!

Koschei Will you pester again?

Yaga You hurry up to shoot!
I've watched the roll
So you get to work!

Koschei And what is this role? skeptically

Yaga You want to know, naughty - if you please! coquettishly
Today I ... I will be a Snow Maiden ...

Koschei Where did you get this from?

a curious Magpie appears, listens

Yaga Well, it's almost New Year's Eve.
People will celebrate
Take a picture soon
I'll give you ideas
Yes, rent it and run it.
Don't crack your fingers!
Take off the butterflies, as from a bush preens
So that such beauty
Did it disappear in vain?

Magpie appears, meticulously examines Yaga

Magpie Do you want, Yaga, a lot,
I will only give advice to Koshchei:
Would you look for skinny
Yes, her blondes.

Yaga This is none of your business!

Magpie Open wide your ears
You listen to smart advice:
Invite a foreigner
An American would be better
Claudia Schiffer, Demi Moore -
I would spin here la mour ...

Yaga You, Magpie, do not meet,
Look, don't give locals!

Koschei I saw in this role
Candidates and more.
Maybe I'm my girlfriend
I want to film...

Magpie Frog? derisively

Koschei Shh, chatterbox, don't interfere,
Don't interrupt the elders...

Kikimora runs out from behind the tree

kikimora What? Is it Yagu again?
Oh wait, I can't!

Koschei Well, faq, do you want to faq?
And you probably want
To play a role?
Confess, green thief!

kikimora Fi, I need this role!
Tokmo headache
From her one was b.-
My antilect has not weakened.
Here I would go as a producer -
I'm a woman, not a woman! proudly

Magpie I'll offer an alternative:
Let's choose another diva.
Submit a role for the competition
I'll come up with a password:
Kom, dog, dot, ru -
We start in the morning!

Koschei I'm in trouble with you Magpie
Okay, I'll arrange the casting,
You fly through the forest here,
Gather applicants

Let, without delay, closer to the night
Gather before the eyes
mine unsleeping,
Yes, let your talents
They expose us...

Magpie May the strongest win!

kikimora Ek, that's enough! Come on, shoo!
Look - the strongest! On the cookie!
Who is stronger and so it is known -
It doesn't interest us... meditates
I will choose him for the role
Not in the heart - in the mind:
Who can break through
That's what I'll deal with
Until then, let's fly Magpie
Let's announce louder.

Magpie All glamorous citizens
Shy and hooligans,
I have known for a long time:
Movies will be filmed here
Home Need an Actress...

The fox Alice and the cat Basilio appear

Alice It's me, the fox Alice!

Magpie brushes off the fox

Magpie All Koschei ordered to collect -
He will choose!

Alice What to look for, take me
You see deeper, at the root:
In show business I'm an ace
I'll show you the tutorial!
Why is Alice not the same for you?
I am pure beauty
Chic, gait from the hip -
It's time to figure it out!
And the hairstyle, what a suit -
Why do you need another?

kikimora I'm an assistant director
Main Yavo support,
What can I tell you, Lisa:
Your suit and hair
Not important for cinema, no -
In whatever color we can
Repaint - no problem
So why don't you!

Alice Humiliate me, actress!
You don't know Alice stepping on kikimora
Come on role, but now ...

kikimora We have democracy... regretfully
Okay, if you want a role, hold on
What can you show me gives text
And let them choose Koschey
He is happy to show off.

Alice Well, I'll sing, I'll dance -
Where else can you find one?
Hey, Basilio, come to me!
We are with you under the moon
More than once seriously played
We can hardly go wrong!

Basilio That's right, that's right
You, Alisonka, are a star!

Crime Tango Valery Leontiev
Alice and Basilio dance tango to a recorded soundtrack

I haven't been filmed in Hollywood yet,
But after the premiere, the world will know me,
I'll be the number one actress
And this day will be more important than the name day!
Here I am on the cover of shiny magazines,
Basilio is just not a match for me anymore,
With DiCaprio, maybe I'll sip a cocktail,
I love fame, fame and money!
etc. Crime tango, crime tango, crime tango,
Crime tango, crime tango, crime tango.
My income will skyrocket
I will not rummage on the field of Miracles at night,
Burrow more impressive and buy a yacht,
Comfort, I confess, since childhood I love it very much.
Then I will be able to break with crime,
I'll tear out the eye of the one who remembers the old,
Robbery I'm ready to forget for a while
But I will love crime tango!

Alice I feel like a superstar
I'll be here very quickly

Basilio Get to know you
Let them dream - it's an honor!

Koschei Good, oh good
But not to her my soul
It is torn, but to whom is a secret.

kikimora Oh, he said! There is no secret!
Number two is Yaga.
Where are you? Tuta?

Yaga I? Aha!

kikimora Come on, talent swords -
Here you don't have cabbage soup in the oven!

Yaga I faq? I always!
By nature, I'm a star!
Do what, dance or sing?

Koschei Start watching!

Queen of beauty M. Magomaev

You have seen few beauties,
So look quickly
Let me not play the Snow Maiden,
But we are not rivals.
I'll plug it easily into the belt,
After all, I have no equal in intrigue,
I can outshine her
Check out my portrait!
In cinemas around the world
I will sing in full screen Kikimora spits to the side
Then a chic apartment
Applause hurricane.
Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes,
In fans of Gorynych snakes,
I will become the favorite of the press,
Shoot me soon, Koschey!
etc. After all, any role is up to me,
And I'll get an Oscar soon!

Koschei I told everyone, yes,
Here's your main star!

kikimora She is not the only one with us
'cause high class
Let everyone who wants to show!

Yaga What is she muttering again?
Why won't they approve me?
Koshchei You yourself will be to blame:
If you bury my talent,
You better not go home!

Koschei Who will continue our casting?

the Wolf appears, dragging the Hare

Wolf Everything, the end has come, the coven!
Right now I'll shove, and it will be clear
What were you looking for in vain -
The role suits me...

Koschei You saw her in a dream
Or tried on in a psychiatric hospital?

Wolf I'm on this edge
Rehearsed with Kosy -

Hare Ouch!

Wolf Even in the cartoon we are with him
Filmed very successfully -

Hare Yeah...
It turned out fun!

puts on a hat with braids, as in the cartoon "Just you wait!"

Well, I was already a Snow Maiden,
I didn't even forget the words.
Come on, Hare, don't yawn,
Sing our song!

Dance of the Wolf and the Hare phonogram "Tell me, Snow Maiden, where were you"

Koschei drives the Wolf away, asks painfully

No more contenders?
I'm leaving for lunch.

Yaga Wait, but how, dreaming!
For three hundred years you stayed
And without porridge, and without cabbage soup -
I'll avenge everything, Koschey!

Song of Baba Yaga Galina, "It's all the same"

You can smile
You can object
Can you script me
Infinitely distort
I will play the Snow Maiden
Even thunder, even snow, even hail,
I promise you
That there is no turning back!
etc. All the same, I will be in spite of all the Snow Maiden,
And remember, I'll shake everyone with a figure,
After all, in the forest everyone knows for a long time,
The whole Hollywood movie is crying behind me!

Koschei Kikimore
It's all your work! kikimora
Here's another! One concern is to sort out your squabbles!

Koschei Gotta end it all
Women, gossip, always squabbles!

Magpie Here! Not Gossip Magpies!

Song "Galki" Kirkorov

Forty, you have not met Forty before,
I know every corner here
And they know me in the forest for a long time.
I always know what, where, when,
Even if I myself am not a star at all,
But I am also involved in cinema.
Didn't waste time
I gathered everyone for the casting,
I even connected the Internet.
etc. Let me "Oscar" does not shine,
I know everything in the world
There are no secrets for me
Forbidden topics.
Incidentally, I note
In the stars I do not sword at all,
Why? I will answer:
I have no reason!

Koschei Okay, where's number three?

kikimora Well, Koschei, come on, look!

Over the four seas shiny

Here they call me Kikimora,
My talent is still buried
But I can't live without a movie and a day,
Glory is so close, oh, how close it is!
etc. I will glorify our forest,
I will bring joy to everyone
At least who will I play -
I'm the only one here
I'm an actress anywhere
real star,
Believe or don't believe
Hurry up and check me out, ah!
I take high notes
You definitely can't fly after me,
I drink eggs early in the morning
To sing like Karol and sing like Lorak.
etc. And I also dance,
All my friends know
Leshes don't roam
They lead a round dance with me.
I don't need casting
The cat is friendly with me
He will take me to the role
There he will call for marriage! (kiss)

Koschei I'm in shock! You are not a star!

kikimora It's true, yes. hangs his head guiltily

Koschei Well, and how to understand -
You were going to shoot
So what did you sing?

kikimora Here, Koschey, such a thing:
I deceived you...
Don't worry, I love...
I've been dreaming since birth
That she became a movie star
How can you miss a chance?
Well, don't be mad, let's be friends.

Koschei Just like a soap opera
Everything! Your movie got me!
I announce the verdict:
I'm not a director anymore!
I will play the Snow Maiden myself grimacing
Look at the figurine!
I fit in all respects
So I'll play it myself!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear

Father Frost What's the noise, but no fight? everyone freezes
We went around the white light
Sorry, late!

kikimora That's it, my dreams are covered ...

Snow Maiden Good day everyone today! everyone is silent
Are you too lazy to answer?
Have fun, because the holiday is coming soon! refers to Basilio
And tell me, prankster...

Basilio What am I? I'm nothing...
Here is Alice - wow!

Alice What is Alice? What's again?
Who are you to give me
Are you going, kitty?

Basilio What are you, what are you, we are a couple! Alice steps on Basilio's paw Meow!

Father Frost I don't understand what's going on?

Yaga He finds a whim on Koshchei!
Don't look at reality
Nothing happened.

Father Frost Well, then we congratulate everyone
And we'll leave gifts for you
And the New Year will come,
Have fun, forest people!

Snow Maiden May the coming New Year
Will bring wealth to everyone
Both health and success
And a cheerful ringing laugh!

Father Frost Let things go well
Jokes are funny
Wishes come true

Snow Maiden There will be plenty of attention for everyone
And love and respect...

Baba Yaga pops out

Yaga And from the evil eye of protection ... pushing her back

Snow Maiden You don't interrupt us
Wish you all the best
Lots of happiness and good luck
No one else should cry!

Hare We call everyone to a round dance
Happy New Year!

Basilio We wish you not to quarrel

Hare We promise to help everyone

Alice Let dreams come true

Baba Yaga pops out

Yaga So that they can act in films! pushing her back again

Koschei Head so as not to hurt

kikimora And a favorite thing to do
Only brought joy...

Wolf We wish you a lot!

Hare Let friendship not leave you

Magpie And talent will always glorify

Basilio And let the weather please
you at any time of the year!

Father Frost Let my snowflakes circle
Let the crystal icicles ring,
Let the blizzard fly easily
The spruce tree is turning green!

Snow Maiden Let the hearts burn bright
Let joy be a gift
At this New Year's hour

all We congratulate you together!

Several options for celebrating the New Year 2020 for high school students. Mini-scenes and competitions are offered, as well as a New Year's fairy tale.

New Year is an unusual holiday, which is expected not only by children, but also by adults. It is necessary to pay special attention to the celebration of the New Year among teenagers. It is worth noting that the script of the holiday should be humorous and make the audience laugh.

Competitions for the New Year for high school students

It is not necessary to link the scenario of the New Year holiday to the symbol of 2020 - the Rat. But at the same time, you should not use boring fairy tales and well-known contests. Teenagers love musical cuts that make up a humorous scene.

Competition - Mummy or New Year's gift

Pairs of guys and girls take part in this competition. Girls need to wear a snow maiden hat. At the same time, a roll of toilet paper must be placed in the hands of each participant. The girl must wrap her "gift" in the role of which the guy acts in 2 minutes. Whoever does the best job wins.

Competition "Let's dance"?

Musical competitions are very popular among young people. It is necessary to divide the whole class or company into two teams. In random order, turn on the music tracks on the disc. Each of the participants must take turns showing their dance move. In this case, the opposite team must reproduce the dance element. The team whose participant could not come up with a new movement lost.

Competition "Napkin"

2 napkins are placed on the floor, they need to be laid out. Now each participant must walk through them. Gradually, the number of napkins increases, respectively, the one with the best stretch will win.

Crocodile in a new way

A fun competition for high school students. Two teams take part in the competition. The host must provide a music video for each team. Participants have 5 minutes to prepare a presentation. It is necessary to show and reproduce what is sung in the song.

New Year's lottery

For the competition, you need to prepare a hat with pieces of paper in advance. Write a riddle on a piece of paper. Do not use children's riddles. It is best to think of youth something fun.

for example What can a bald person do without? The answer is a comb. This item will be a gift for the participant.

fruit lottery

You can use another version of the 2020 win-win lottery. To do this, you need to prepare a dish with pieces of various products in advance. It can be fruits, cheese, lemons and even spices. Participants are divided into pairs. I blindfold one of the team members. The second participant must feed his partner something from the plate. A blindfolded high school student must guess what he is eating. Whoever has the most matches will win the main prize - a package of onions. All losers receive bananas and tangerines.

Lottery "Gifts in the ball"

For this lottery, you need to take a few opaque balls and put some small change inside. It can be a whistle, a keychain or chewing gum. Balloons are inflated and tied to the legs of the participants. To the music, high school students should try to crush and burst the ball of their opponent. The one who survived the ball, receives the main prize - a needle.

Games and entertainment for the celebration of the New Year 2020

Games for high school students should be exciting and fun. Students should not be allowed to get bored, so it is best to come up with games that allow the whole class to be involved.

Fun Alphabet Game

The host announces the yoke and offers to test the knowledge of the alphabet. It is necessary to start a phrase with each letter in the alphabet in order, which concerns the New Year. For example: Shark wishes everyone a Happy New Year, or Bom-bom, the clock is knocking, they are in a hurry to congratulate everyone on the New Year. And so on until the end of the alphabet, the most interesting will begin when the participants reach the letters X, Y and B.

Game "Santa Claus"

This game is played by multiple players. it is necessary to seat each guy at the table and put on him a Santa Claus hat. A paper snowflake is placed at the edge of the table. It must be blown off in such a way that it flies off the other end of the table. But not the one who blows the snowflake first will win, but the very last of the participants. The host explains that the real Santa Claus is the one who froze the snowflake and it stuck to the table.

New Year's joke "Money Egg"

It is necessary to put any banknote on the table. In this case, two participants sit opposite each other. Whoever puts his hand on the banknote faster wins. The banknote is given to the winner. Participants are now blindfolded. After that, instead of a bill, the host puts an egg on the table, whoever breaks it wins.

New Year's joke "Merry Tournament"

For this fun competition, you need to attach a few balls to the fishing line. Should be a skirt. Such skirts are tied around the hips of girls. The music turns on, the dance partners must dance and snuggle up to the participants in such a way that all the balls burst.

New Year's joke "Fountain of emotions"

For the competition you need to purchase raincoats. Balloons filled with confetti, feathers and water are hung above the ceiling. The participant is given sticks with attached needles. They must pop the balloons. Viewers will enjoy watching the suffering of the participants.

Fun quiz about the New Year

This quiz is conducted in the form of questions and answers. The facilitator asks a question, and the participants answer

  • Who entertained the Christmas tree in the forest and sang songs to her (blizzard)
  • New Year's drink of cheerful guests (champagne)
  • Frozen water sculpture (snowman)
  • A phenomenon that causes tremors in the legs and "falling" (ice)
  • Ball for the New Year. Designed for guests who love stealth (Masquerade)

Geography quiz

  • In which country is New Year's "Water Festival"? In this country, all passers-by are poured with water from the balcony (Myanmar. New Year is the hottest time in this corner of the planet)
  • In which country do they feed animals and birds on New Year's Eve (in Norway. Children outside the window hang out feeders and put bowls of dog food)
  • In what corner of the planet do they rejoice at the fragments of dishes at the door (in Sweden it is customary to beat a jug in front of the door, this is a sign of well-being. Usually the owners of the house treat such guests with sweets. This is something similar to our Sowing)
  • In which country do dolls appear on the streets on December 30, and on New Year's Eve they are blown up (in Mexico, the doll is a symbol of the old year, which they get rid of)

New Year's wall newspaper

New Year's posters and wall newspapers will cheer up children and make the approach of the New Year desirable. It is desirable that the wall newspaper be boring and banal, but thematic. Teenagers love computer games Minecraft and Tanks. You can use these drawings when compiling a wall newspaper. This year the next part of Star Wars will be released, you can make a Snow Maiden out of Princess Leia.

Mini-sketch for the New Year's holiday "Teremok"

Usually skits are rehearsed in advance, but we suggest adding an element of surprise.

The scene was created based on the fairy tale of the same name. For the performance, the host selects 10 participants. Now distributes roles. Someone will be the Tower, the Fox, the Mouse, the Hare and the Wolf. Other participants Trees.

“A teremok grew up in the middle of the forest, beautiful and big.” The participant must imitate what the leader says. "A mouse ran and said that she would live here." The mouse pronounces these words and touches the Tower. “The gray wolf is running, angry and hungry. Drooling, shivering from the cold. Participant Wolf shows what the director says. “I will live here,” says the wolf and touches Teremka. “A clumsy bear is walking, hobbled about. He also sees the house and settled in it. This participant also concerns Teremok. “Here the light turns on and all the inhabitants scatter when they see each other.” All participants disperse to the sides. The trees are waving their hands all the time, imitating the wind.

Scene for the celebration of the New Year "Komarik"

This is a scene based on Chukovsky's "Fly-Sokotuha". It is written for young children, but all the participants, whom the host chooses from the audience, are given Spiderman costumes made from garbage bags and a sexy fly. It is advisable to choose the most beautiful girl for the role of the fly. This tale has a new interpretation:

A fly was walking along the country road
And I found a nickel in the dust.
The fly went to the zucchini,
Take a walk on the patch.

Musicians approach her
suburban talents,
Their guitarist is a cricket,
And the drummer is like a bug:

Bald, gloomy
And a drunk guy.

“Let's drink brandy, fly?
Shall we dispel sadness-longing?

“For me, a tavern is a joy,
I'm always happy to hang out in it!
Open Yegor window
Bring Foma an accordion, -

I will sing and dance
Burn five kopecks!
And the mosquito is a drunkard
I haven't looked for a long time."

New Year's fairy tale for youth

It is best to take an old fairy tale and remake it in a new way. For example, a fairy tale about Grandfather and Baba.

An example scenario of a fairy tale

  • Grandfather and Baba lived, but they are not poor, but modern. Everything in the house they had and a Samsung vacuum cleaner and a Redmond slow cooker.
  • Grandfather says to Baba: “Bake me pies and clean up the house, otherwise dirt. Why did you buy a vacuum cleaner?
  • Baba replies: “so you repaired him for the last time so that he stopped vacuuming, but began to talk.”
  • Grandfather: "Well, I'll go make a housekeeper."
  • The grandfather brings the Snow Maiden, takes out a microcircuit and attaches it to her head. Says: “The newest model of a housekeeper. She bakes everything, cleans the house and dances.
  • Snow Maiden: "My head hurts, Panadol from pain."
  • Baba is shocked and says: “Go on, dear, bring me some juice.”
  • Snow Maiden: “Won’t you burst, baby?”.
  • Grandma opened her mouth.
  • He says to Grandfather: “What have you done to the old bastard, will she generally do homework?”
  • Grandfather rummaged around and scratched his head: “I put an advertising block for her from the TV, so now she talks like in advertising.”
  • The Snow Maiden went to take out the garbage and returned with a woman: “My name is Maria, I am an agent of a modeling studio, I invite your Snow Maiden to a beauty contest.”
  • The Snow Maiden left and took first place, met a cool oligarch and married him.
  • But after a while I got tired of my advertising.
  • The oligarch decided to imitate her kidnapping, but without a ransom, so that she would be lost forever.

  • But Grandfather found out about the kidnapping and hired Vanya, a young man.
  • He came to the bandits, and they told him: “save us from the Snow Maiden, otherwise she got sick of her advertising. We'll give you money."
  • Vanya picked her up and brought her home.
  • Grandfather sits and thinks what to do with her. The girl is prominent, beautiful, but a complete fool.
  • Vanya says: "Give her to school."
  • Snegurka studied for a year, and the teachers' council gathered to decide what to do with her. After all, they could not teach her mind to reason.
  • The head teacher says: “maybe we will show it to our school psychologist, let him figure it out.”
  • A man in a white coat comes out, looks, talks to the beauty and says: “It’s a difficult case, I need to treat it, now I’ll put on my work suit.”
  • He leaves and returns dressed as Santa Claus. He puts the Snow Maiden on the table, covers it with a sheet and pretends to delve into his head. He throws out the part and says: "That's it, I repaired your beauty."
  • Everyone is clapping, Vanya is happy, Grandfather and Baba too.
  • Santa Claus and says: “There is nothing for you to do nonsense with Grandfather and Baba, to make technique.
  • Grow a turnip and don't get sick. That's the end of the story." Santa Claus distributes gifts to everyone.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 for the presenter

It is desirable to create a themed evening, while it does not have to relate to the New Year. You can remember that the Rat is the symbol of 2020, so it’s worth beating everything like in a village. For this, a fence made of branches or reeds is placed in the center of the hall. They hang pitchers on the fence. The host can also wear a rat costume.

An example host scenario:

“Hello, my puppies, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale about grandfather and Baba, who loved to play with technology and made a Snow Maiden.”

  • Actors from the previous fairy tale are invited to the stage.
  • Next, the host invites the ducklings to the stage to dance their signature dance.
  • The host from the audience must choose several applicants.
  • Participants dance to the music "On Dancing Ducklings".
  • The leader invites the next group of young people and says: “we are in the village, and these are your favorite cats who will dance a cat dance for you.”
  • All cats must be girls. The well-known music from the movie "Moonlight" is turned on.
  • Under it, the heroine of the film danced a striptease. The girls are confused and dance to the music.

The host distributes gifts and invites all the animals from the yard. It can be goats, cows and piglets. Everyone is dancing and having fun. After that, you can take a quiz.

As you can see, it is not necessary to purchase expensive gifts for the New Year holiday. Use these New Year's Eve tips when planning your high school entertainment program. It is worth forgetting about the banal and tedious contests. Young people will appreciate the non-standard approach and humor. The evening can be completed with a disco with a DJ.

Video: New Year's Scenario for High School Students

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