Valery Mitskevich Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Belarus. Valery Mitskevich, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, took part in the subbotnik in his "small homeland" - in Lida. Tasks of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus

Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers(Union of Lawyers) is a republican public association whose activities cover the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The Union of Lawyers is an association of citizens created on the basis of the principles of legality, voluntariness, independence, equality and publicity, and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Public Associations”, other legislative acts, the Charter of the Union of Lawyers and other local legal acts of the Union of Lawyers.

Full title:

in the Belarusian language - Hramadskaya ab'yadnanna "Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers";

in Russian - Public Association "Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers";

in English - Public organization "Belarusian republican union of lawyers".


in Belarusian - GA "Sayuz Yurystaў";

in Russian - NGO "Union of Lawyers";

in English - PO "Union of lawyers".

Legal address of the Union of Lawyers: Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 220029, st. E. Pashkevich, 9–5H.

History of the Union of Lawyers-

The objectives of the Union of Lawyers are:

Assistance in the formation of the rule of law, the development of civil society, the improvement of the legal system of the Republic of Belarus;

promotion of corporate cohesion and the development of a professional culture among lawyers;

increasing the prestige of legal professions in the Republic of Belarus.

The tasks of the Union of Lawyers are:

organization of interaction and cooperation of members of the Union of Lawyers in their professional activities;

consideration of the most urgent problems of the development of national legislation, the formation of law enforcement practice and the preparation of recommendations for their solution;

increasing the effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations;

implementation of public monitoring on the most important issues of the formation of the rule of law and improvement of the legal system of the Republic of Belarus;

participation in rule-making activities by submitting proposals to the competent state bodies (organizations) for the preparation of draft legislative acts;

organization of participation of members of the Union of Lawyers in public discussion of drafts of the most significant acts of legislation;

promoting the development of legal education and legal science, mediation and other alternative ways of resolving disputes;

creation of information databases (banks) of data of vacancies in legal specialties and various areas of legal topics;

distribution of legal information in accordance with the established procedure, including through the establishment of mass media and legal entities engaged in publishing activities;

participation in the preparation of comments on laws and other legislative acts;

participation in events for the legal education of citizens, including the provision of legal advice;

provision of organizational and legal assistance to members of the Union of Lawyers;

organization of sports, entertainment, cultural and other public events aimed at developing high moral, patriotic and ethical qualities of members of the Union of Lawyers;

Members of the Union of Lawyers there may be able-bodied citizens of the Republic of Belarus who have reached the age of eighteen, foreign citizens, stateless persons, who, as a rule, have a legal education, recognize the Charter of the Union of Lawyers and pay entrance and membership fees.

Bodies and officials of the Union of Lawyers

The supreme body of the Union of Lawyers is the Congress of the Union of Lawyers.

Congress of the Union of Lawyers:

approves the agenda of the Congress of the Union of Lawyers, resolves other organizational issues related to the holding of the Congress of the Union of Lawyers;

approves the name and the Charter of the Union of Lawyers, makes changes and additions to it;

elect for a period of five years the Chairman of the Union of Lawyers and his deputies, the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers, the Chairman and members of the Central Audit Commission of the Union of Lawyers;

adopts the Program of the Union of Lawyers, makes changes and additions to it;

makes decisions on the most important issues of prospective and current activities of the Union of Lawyers;

hears and approves the reports of the Chairman of the Union of Lawyers and the Central Audit Commission of the Union of Lawyers;

has the right to cancel (change) the decisions of the bodies and structural divisions of the Union of Lawyers (their heads);

decides on the reorganization and liquidation of the Union of Lawyers.

The permanent governing body of the Union of Lawyers during the period between Congresses of the Union of Lawyers is the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers.

The Central Council of the Union of Lawyers is elected by the Congress of the Union of Lawyers, consisting of 30-35 members of the Union of Lawyers.

Central Council of the Union of Lawyers:

determines the ways of implementation and organizes the implementation of decisions of the Congress of the Union of Lawyers;

approves the annual plans of the main events of the Union of Lawyers, aimed at the implementation of the Charter and the Program of the Union of Lawyers;

makes decisions on convening the Congresses of the Union of Lawyers and carries out activities related to the preparation of their holding;

organizes the development of the Program of the Union of Lawyers, coordinates activities for its implementation;

coordinates the activities of the bodies and structural subdivisions of the Union of Lawyers, evaluates their work, hears and approves the reports of the heads of bodies and structural subdivisions of the Union of Lawyers;

makes decisions on the acquisition of property and its disposal;

approves the estimates and reports on income and expenses of the Union of Lawyers;

in the period between congresses of the Union of Lawyers, makes changes and additions to the Charter of the Union of Lawyers related to the change of the legal address of the Union of Lawyers or due to changes in legislation;

makes decisions on the creation, granting the rights of a legal entity, liquidation of structural divisions of the Union of Lawyers;

creates, reorganizes, liquidates organizations of the Union of Lawyers in accordance with the law, approves their charters and appoints (dismisses) their leaders;

makes decisions on the creation of unions (associations) with other public associations, joining international public associations established on the territory of other states;

establishes awards of the Union of Lawyers, approves symbols, regulations on the title "Honorary Member of the Public Association "Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers", on the highest legal award "Themis" and other awards of the Union of Lawyers established by the Union of Lawyers, makes decisions on sending submissions for awarding to the relevant bodies members of the Union of Lawyers with state and other awards;

have the right to delegate part of their powers to the Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers;

considers and resolves other issues of the statutory activities of the Union of Lawyers, except for those that fall within the exclusive competence of the Congress of the Union of Lawyers.

The working body of the Union of Lawyers is the Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers.

Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers:

solves the tasks determined by the Congress of the Union of Lawyers and the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers;

organizes the work of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers, prepares its meetings;

approves the structure, staffing, cost estimates for the maintenance of the Executive Directorate of the Union of Lawyers and the procedure for remuneration of its employees;

forms permanent commissions and working groups from among the members of the Union of Lawyers, designed to contribute to the achievement of the statutory goals and objectives of the Union of Lawyers;

organizes the development and adopts local legal acts necessary for the implementation of the activities of the Union of Lawyers;

approves candidates for the positions of heads of regional, Minsk city branches of the Union of Lawyers and branches of the Union of Lawyers by professional affiliation, in case of gross violation of the Charter of the Union of Lawyers, removes from office the heads of structural divisions of the Union of Lawyers with subsequent transfer of materials for consideration to these structural divisions;

approves sketches of the seal, stamps, forms, a sample certificate of a member of the Union of Lawyers;

determines the procedure for internal control and reporting in the Union of Lawyers, the procedure for paying admission and membership fees by members of the Union of Lawyers (including the amount of contributions), as well as the procedure for their use;

on behalf of the Union of Lawyers interacts with state bodies, public associations and other organizations, including foreign and international ones;

Chairman of the Union of Lawyers:

carries out general management of the Union of Lawyers within the competence determined by the Charter of the Union of Lawyers, ex officio is the Chairman of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers and the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers;

has the right to conclude transactions with citizens and organizations, sign on behalf of the Union of Lawyers contracts and other documents related to the activities of the Union of Lawyers;

without a power of attorney acts on behalf of the Union of Lawyers, represents its interests in state bodies, public associations and other organizations, including foreign and international ones;

convenes and organizes meetings of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers, the Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers;

chairs the meetings of the Congress of the Union of Lawyers, the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers, the Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers;

presents to the Congress of the Union of Lawyers and the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers a report on the activities of the Union of Lawyers;

considers and resolves other issues of the statutory activities of the Union of Lawyers in accordance with the law and the Charter of the Union of Lawyers within its competence.

Central Audit Commission of the Union of Lawyers- the control and auditing body of the Union of Lawyers, which carries out an internal audit of the financial and economic activities of the Union of Lawyers and internal control over the compliance of its activities with the law and the Charter of the Union of Lawyers, including the implementation of decisions of the Congress, decisions of other bodies of the Union of Lawyers and the Chairman of the Union of Lawyers.

Executive Directorate of the Union of Lawyers is the executive body of the Union of Lawyers, carries out its activities in accordance with the Regulations on it, approved by the Chairman of the Union of Lawyers on the proposal of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers. The Executive Directorate of the Union of Lawyers is headed by the Executive Director of the Union of Lawyers, which:

ensures the financial and administrative activities of the Union of Lawyers;

ensures control over the rational, economical use of material and financial resources, the safety of the property of the Union of Lawyers;

in agreement with the Chairman of the Union of Lawyers, opens and closes bank accounts;

in accordance with the staffing table of the Executive Directorate of the Union of Lawyers and in agreement with the Chairman of the Union of Lawyers, hires and dismisses employees of the Executive Directorate of the Union of Lawyers, encourages them and applies disciplinary measures to them;

distributes and redistributes functional duties among employees of the Executive Directorate of the Union of Lawyers, taking into account their interchangeability;

ensures timely and high-quality preparation of materials submitted for consideration by the bodies of the Union of Lawyers, as well as necessary for other events organized by the Union of Lawyers.

The Union of Lawyers established the highest legal award "Themis"– the highest public legal award in the Republic of Belarus.

The title of laureate of the highest legal award "Themis" is annually awarded on the basis of a decision of a special jury to citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens, stateless persons, as well as organizations (their subdivisions) in the following main categories:

1. "Public service";

2. "Legal support of the organization's activities";

3. "Legal education and legal science";

4. "Standard-making";

5. "Justice";

6. "Preliminary investigation";

7. "Prosecutor";

8. "Executive proceedings";

9. "Notaries";

10. "Advocacy".

The President of the Union of Lawyers is Mitskevich Valery Vatslavovich- Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus (elected Chairman of the Union of Lawyers on June 2, 2017). .

  • Composition of the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers-

Five Deputy Chairmen of the Union of Lawyers:

Name Position

Evgeny Iosifovich

First Deputy Chairman of the Union of Lawyers, Director of the National Center for Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus

Sergey Aleksandrovich

Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Belarusian State University

Andrey Anatolievich

Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Belarus for Property

Viktor Sergeevich


Andrey Frantsevich

Head of the Department of Financial Law and Economic Activities of the Law Faculty of the Belarusian State University

Head of the Main State and Legal Department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus


The unified system of the Union of Lawyers consists of:

structural divisions of the Union of Lawyers- regional branches of the Union of Lawyers (regional and Minsk city branches), branches of the Union of Lawyers by profession (currently in the process of being created) and primary organizations of the Union of Lawyers;

International Arbitration (Arbitration) Court "Chamber of Arbitrators at the Union of Lawyers";

Sports Arbitration Court under the Union of Lawyers;

educational and practical institution "Center "Mediation and Law";

other legal entities (other organizations) created by the Central Council of the Union of Lawyers for the implementation of the statutory goals and objectives of the Union of Lawyers.

Regional branches of the Union of Lawyers

Brest regional branch Brest region Chebusheva

Oksana Viktorovna

Vitebsk regional branch Vitebsk region Egorov

Alexey Vladimirovich

Gomel regional branch Gomel region
Grodno regional branch The Grodno region Yurgel

Elena Ivanovna

Minsk regional branch Minsk Region Ipatov

Vadim Dmitrievich

Minsk city branch Minsk Borisenko

Natalya Vladimirovna

Mogilev regional branch Mogilev region Chaikova

Valentina Mitrofanovna

Primary organizations of the Union of Lawyers (of republican significance)

Name Chairman of the primary organization
House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Kuzurov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus Kuzurov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Shupegina Elena Mikhailovna
Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus Sarnavskaya Natalya Nikolaevna
General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus Turko Vladimir Leontievich
State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus Loput Nadezhda Alexandrovna
Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus

State Committee of Forensic Examinations of the Republic of Belarus

Shandarovich Oleg Stanislavovich

Zanimon Ludmila Olegovna

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Khil Mikhail Alekseevich
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Khlabordov Vladimir Alexandrovich
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

Sauta Sergey Anatolievich

Gresko Alexander Maryanovich

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus

Popkov Andrey Nikolaevich

Malkina Iya Vitalievna

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus Mikhalevich Tamara Fedorovna
State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus Akhremchik Evgeny Serafimovich
State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus

State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus

Vechorko Vitaly Yurievich
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus Shimkovich Marina Nikolaevna
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus Laskevich Alexander Sergeevich
Belarusian State Economic University Shklyarevsky Alexander Nikolaevich
Economic Court of the CIS Severin Dmitry Nikolaevich
JSC Savings Bank Belarusbank

The distinguished guest of the capital, together with the chairman of the Lida regional executive committee, Mikhail Karpovich, took part in planting trees in a wasteland in the city center. During a short time-out, Valery Mitskevich shared his feelings:

- When you visit your homeland, you are overwhelmed with special feelings. We must remember where we came from, who we are. Each of us is a part of our common history and, I am not afraid to say this, of the independence of our country. It is this, among other things, that drives us forward towards the goals that we set for ourselves. Subbotnik is a very good tradition that we manage to maintain. Well, such a noble event as planting trees is both good and right. We have a beautiful, green, blooming camp - and it is in our power to make it even more beautiful.

Valery Mitskevich, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, was born in Lida and graduated from a local school. He still remembers how he planted his first birches near her.

By the way, according to Mikhail Karpovich, about 2,000 trees are planned to be planted in the Lida region this spring alone. Part of this work will be done today at the subbotnik, something will be planted later:

- Today we are planting trees that will soon rustle with foliage and decorate our city. About 35,000 people participate in this subbotnik in the region. Public organizations, deputies of the district council, and, of course, residents, very actively joined. All the money received today will be used to complete the reconstruction of the Lida Castle and prepare children's camps for summer work.

News of Belarus. More than 30 questions, from personal to socially significant. On January 10, the speaker of the upper house of parliament, Natalya Kochanova, held a reception of citizens, the 24 Hours News program on STV reported. The most painful areas are housing and communal services and the social sphere, almost all questions were from this plane.

Such meetings take place all the time. For Belarusians, this is an opportunity to get answers to complex, sometimes controversial issues, and for officials - to find out what the society is worried about. The President always directs officials to work with the population. The head of state does not get tired of repeating that a person is at the center of everything, and solving his problems is the main task of managers. By the way, this technique showed that many appeals might not have happened if they were resolved at the local level in time.

All the details from the correspondent Evgeny Pustovoy.

Vasily Yakushev has worked in oil refining for over 40 years. As a leader, he also held receptions for people. And now he himself, with documents in his hands, came in search of the truth. His patented development is used, but they forget to transfer the due money. The last straw for the Naftan veteran was silence in response to his appeal.

Vasily Yakushev, veteran oil refiner:
According to our invention, a device was mounted that helps to clearly distribute the flows of the gas-raw mixture. Thus, the catalyst system was enlarged, and the plant was able to produce diesel fuel of European quality.

The country has a well-functioning system of work with appeals of Belarusians. Helping people find the truth is the head of state's parting word to all officials. In the work schedules of the heads of departments and government agencies, the reception of citizens is a mandatory item.

The bad weather outside conveyed the mood of the people who came on January 10 for an appointment with the speaker of the Council of the Republic. Natalya Kochanova managed, if not to solve the problems immediately, then at least to warm the attention of the people who came.

More than 30 questions, and an even greater number of applicants. Some problems concern several people at once, and sometimes a social problem is reflected in the personal drama. They even came to the official for the truth, hiding their face. The wife drinks and lives under the same roof with the children raised by the father. And all allegedly according to the letter of the law.

This is the form of communication between parliamentarians and people - the shortest way to find the right legislative initiatives.

Natalia Kochanova, Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus:
Laws must come from life. They must be understandable to people. Therefore, when we hold receptions on personal matters and hear what concerns our citizens, this should be taken into account when drafting bills, when adjustments are made, new bills are being developed, or existing ones are being corrected. We see in refraction in real life how they work, these laws. Therefore, this form of work is very important.

Life tells us: Decree 18 needs changes, and the mechanism for legalizing extensions in the private sector of the capital needs new approaches. This topic is one of the most acute in Minsk. Communicating with people, you have to react not only according to the job description, but often just like a human being.

The main topics of appeals are housing and communal services and social programs. By the way, among those who applied there were also people with an active civic position. It was about the construction of a memorial and the creation of a museum of parliamentarism. Often, it is at a high level that one has to raise the image of the authorities, spoiled by slow or indifferent bureaucrats on the ground. In general, everything happens, as one of the applicants said, like this: he went around everyone - and came to you.

All requests will be considered. They will not just be answered, but solved if possible. The receptions themselves continue, follow the publications of the schedule in the press.

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