Ceremonies and rituals for the old new year. Christmas conspiracies for the old new year Rituals and divination for the old new year

On the night of January 13-14, it's time to conduct rituals for the Old New Year. According to a long tradition, this time is used to bring good luck, family happiness and improve health into your life.

During the period of the Old New Year, many rituals and rituals are held, the universe at this time is open and supportive.

This time period falls on the period of Christmas. From time immemorial, these days, young girls gathered to tell fortunes about their betrothed-mummers. Married women performed their magic rituals, which helped to attract family happiness, prosperity, health and financial stability.

New Year's Eve on January 13 is a special hour. The celebration of this New Year has become one of the family traditions of many people. Millions of people celebrate this "unofficial" holiday, which falls on January 14 according to the Julian calendar. The point is not only that this is another reason to arrange a family celebration with a magnificent feast.

This magical night is literally filled with mysticism and mysteries. Everyone hopes that today his wish will certainly come true. And this happens very often. The main thing is to believe in your luck and be responsible for conducting rituals.

Since ancient times, during Christmas time, young girls gathered to tell fortunes about their betrothed-mummers

New Year's Eve according to the old reckoning is a great time to conspire to attract good luck, love and wealth. Almost all of them are rooted in the distant past. However, over the past decades, many modern rites have developed. Whatever rituals are used, the main thing is that the words of the conspiracies come from the very heart. And then the higher good forces will hear you and come to the rescue.

Improving the quality of life using the magic of a magical night - advice from a practicing magician

On January 13, people solemnly celebrate the Old New Year. This holiday has been present in our lives for almost a hundred years. This tradition developed after the Gregorian calendar began to be used.

This day was considered special among the Slavs before the chronology was changed. January 13 coincided with the holiday of Malanka, and the 14th was the day when the celebrations were dedicated to St. Basil.

On these days of folk celebrations, magical rites were also performed. Only a few of them have reached us. Traditionally, all types of divination on the eve of the Old New Year remain the most popular.

These days the universe is not only open to human thoughts, but even ready to listen to them. Don't miss the chance to change your life for the better!

We use products from the festive table

After a solemn feast, perform a ceremony to attract wealth and happiness

Sometimes rituals and conspiracies are very unusual. When, after the solemn feast, the guests have already dispersed, do not rush to fold the festive tablecloth. Remove the dishes first, then carefully fold the tablecloth. You need to push her out of the balcony or out of the window and read the magical text׃

"How many crumbs on the tablecloth, so much happiness and wealth in my house."

Bones are also not to be thrown away. At dawn, they are taken out into the street and buried under a young and spreading tree, which is located next to the dwelling. Then say ׃

“As this tree grows stronger, grows, so do I bring good to the house! The tree will live and live, and I will meet love and happiness!

Do not be afraid that you will be noticed and prevented from performing a magical rite. During these hours, the streets are usually empty, and it is quite difficult to meet a casual passer-by.

call of love

Rituals held on the Old New Year will help fix problems with personal life if a person is tired of spending his days alone. A girl who seeks to find her betrothed must perform the following ceremony. You need to bake a lot of pancakes. To make the dish more refined, you can stuff them with pre-cooked minced meat, mushrooms, eggs with onions, etc.

When pouring the dough into the pan, you need to pronounce ׃

“Damn-pancake, find your mouth, bake pancakes, swarm suitors, look at me, don’t take your eyes off. I’ll be, I’m beautiful and sweet to everyone and like me. ”

The plot is read on the first and last pancake. After that, you need to put on a beautiful dress and set the festive table.

There should be many guests in the house this evening. It is very important that all the pancakes are eaten. You can not cheat and put only a few pancakes on the table. Better use your imagination and make several pieces with different fillings.

How to get a guy's attention

If a girl liked a guy, but he does not notice her, the following ritual should be performed. On the night of January 13-14, put on any new clothes. It is important that it is not sporty and businesslike, but as romantic and feminine as possible. Let your long hair down. If your hair is short, make it fashionable.

To meet her betrothed, a girl must bake a lot of pancakes and treat guests to them.

The ceremony is performed in complete solitude. Choose candles of red, white and gold (or yellow) color for the ritual. You need to light these candles, after tying them together with a red woolen thread. One end is left free to wrap around the left wrist three times.

Lighted candles are set in a crystal dish or vase filled with water. This vase is mounted on a round mirror. Looking at the flickering fire of candles, they pronounce the following conspiracy׃

“Power of fire, turn the love of the betrothed to me. Let his love be hot like a flame, pure like water, and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my labors will be crowned with success. My word is strong."

It is necessary to leave the entire magical structure so that the candles burn out and go out when they touch the water.

Attract financial success

Some rituals will help improve your financial situation. In order to have prosperity in the house, water procedures are used. On the evening of January 13, they prepare a fragrant bath, add ׃

  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • fragrant bath foam;
  • a few drops of essential oils.

Of the flavors, you need to use bergamot, rosemary and orange. While taking a bath, you need to say the following magic words:

“As sweet water flows and washes me, so money flows to me, sticks. As the Jordan River flows and its water is enough for everyone, so much good comes to me. Water flow, take good care of me.

As you prepare your bath, light some yellow and green candles. They will not only create the necessary atmosphere, but also add their energy to the magical ritual.

For luck to come

Rites and conspiracies that are carried out on one of the most magical days of winter have great magical potential. To attract good luck, on the evening of January 13, a yellow, green and white candle is lit, then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced.

“The old year is leaving, the problems are blowing away. The New Year is coming, it brings good luck!

However, before embarking on this conspiracy, during the day you need to prepare - to clean your home. In the morning, light a candle purchased in the church and slowly go around your home. You need to move clockwise. During the ritual, say the following words׃

"God's fire, help! Burn out all quarrels and scandals, leave no trace of any evil.

The rite of purification helps to get rid of the negative energy accumulated in the house and the evil entities that could settle in it.

At night say the following words׃

“As the morning lightning comes, so good luck will come to me, the dawn will bring it to my house and leave it there for a whole year. Trouble will never come to my house, I will live, I will work, I will pray to the Lord God. Let it be so".

While reading the magic words, turn your gaze in the direction where the Sun rises.

Effective rituals that our grandmothers used on the night of January 13

Ancient rituals have existed for almost a hundred years. In some families, magical conspiracies are passed down from generation to generation. Customs and traditions are observed today.

A magical rite that helps fulfill a cherished desire

Turn in your own words to the Lord and ask him for your family and yourself for good health and happiness on the evening of January 13th. When the hands on the clock converge at 12, light 7 candles brought from the church. Read the prayer "Our Father" once for each candle. It should sound 7 times. Then say the following prayer׃

“Lord, Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Thou didst speak with Thy pure lips: Amen, I say to you, the land of every thing, ask for it, you will have from My Father. Even in heaven: where two or three have gathered in My name, there are seven. I am in the midst of them, Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is inapplicable and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this sake we pray to Thee; Grant us, Your servants (list the names), who agreed to ask You (briefly state the request), the fulfillment of our petition. But both not as we want, but as You. May Thy will be done forever and ever. Amen".

Leave the candles burning until morning.

Create a magical talisman

This ceremony is performed on the evening of January 13th. You need to melt some of the wax. Take the required amount to make a flat cake, the size of a coin. On one side, they write their name on the wax. On the other hand, a special code number.

To find out it, you need to add the numbers that make up the date of birth. For example, you were born on June 3, 1981. You need to add the numbers in this way׃

  • 3 + 6 (month of birth) = 9;
  • 9 + 1= 10;
  • 10 + 9 = 19;
  • 19 + 8 = 27;
  • 27 + 1 = 28;
  • 2+8 = 10;
  • 1+0 = 1.

Thus, for this date of birth, the code number is 1.

After that, you need to take a cake of wax and close it on both sides with coins. During the day, carry this talisman with you so that it is nourished by your energy. Then take it to a secluded place.

How to attract money into your life

It is necessary to prepare two envelopes with large bills enclosed in them. One envelope is sent to the address of the church as a donation. The address must be known in advance. Another envelope is sent to your address. When envelopes are signed, each of them is slandered׃

"To whom the church is not a mother, God is not a father."

This ceremony can be performed both on January 1 and January 14. If everything is done correctly and from the heart, money will constantly arrive at the house.

So that the officials do not find fault

Sometimes you have to wander endlessly through the authorities, drawing up a pension, an inheritance, or doing your own business. So that everything goes without a hitch, they read such a conspiracy over the folder with documents.

"Like the dead don't bite their teeth, and their tongues don't swear,

How they do not rush in anger, do not wave their hands at the living,

They do not knock with their feet, as they do not shout at me,

So that not one person forever and ever and ever -

Neither the senior in rank, nor the junior, nor the one who believes

Neither the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in the chair -

Let him not look strictly at my face, do not scold me.

That's how I read, how I said everything,

So it should be, and my slander cannot be broken.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

This ritual can also be used if the boss constantly finds fault with you, yells and threatens to fire you. In this case, you need to bring home some small item from your work and read the magical text over it. Do not forget to return your talisman to the duty station. The ceremony is held on the afternoon of January 14th.

An old ritual for a home broom

We are accustomed to treating a household broom as a tool for cleaning. However, among the ancient Slavs, it served as a talisman and symbolized family well-being and happiness, good luck and a quiet life. According to some beliefs, a brownie often sat under a broom and watched his wards from the household because of him.

In order not to use a charmed broom for cleaning, they made a special decorative amulet, which was beautifully decorated, and then prayers and conspiracies were read on it.

For the rite of fulfillment of a wish, you will need seven church candles

Before the onset of the Old New Year, you need to buy a new broom at the market without bargaining. You should choose the one on which there will be more grains, then it will really bring wealth to the house.

Remove the apartment. Throw away stale and unnecessary things. Make room for luck and success to take over. Money is reluctant to go to a house that is cluttered with old things and rarely cleaned. They love order.

You need to pick up a new broom and symbolically sweep your home in a clockwise direction. Don't miss any corner!"Sweep" the web, expel evil spirits from all dark nooks and crannies. Say the following words

“As dust sticks to a broom, so money sticks to the house of the servant of God (name), may heavenly forces be with me.”

Then follow the same "route" again. Only this time use holy water for cleansing. Sprinkle it with walls, furniture, window and door openings, household utensils.

Modern rituals

Modern conspiracies and rituals also have great magical power if they are carried out taking into account the customs and traditions of our ancestors. A prerequisite is to sincerely believe that the plan will come true.

Talisman for good luck from needles

Rites for the Old New Year can be used to create talismans to attract success and good luck. For this ritual, you need to prepare several spruce branches. All needles are cut off from below, and the upper part is left lush. Pine needles are brewed with boiling water and kept for an hour. Half of the infusion is used for washing during water procedures. The other part is added to the water to wash the floors in the house. At midnight, the branches bare from below are tightly tied with a red satin ribbon. You need to put the resulting "bouquet" in a deep vase. They put a lit green candle nearby and say ׃

“Saint Basil in heaven, a servant of God (name) here on earth, asks for your mercy for protection. How many needles are on the branches, so much happiness would You give me, as the aroma develops from good branches, so would wealth develop in my house. May there be peace and strength in my words."

After that, the spruce "ikebana" is removed to a place where it will not interfere with anyone. On January 31, all needles are completely cut off and hidden in a small bag of green material sewn in advance. Place the talisman in a secluded place. The ritual can be repeated after a year.

Improve health with magic

The magic, which is literally saturated with the night of January 13-14, will help improve well-being, as well as increase the physical capabilities of the body. Practicing magicians are well aware that old clothes collect the bad energy of their owner.

To attract wealth, they use a ritual with water procedures and read a special plot

To get rid of constant malaise, make a fire at night and burn any old clothes. This must be done without regret. It is better to choose the thing in which you felt bad during the illness.

While the fire is burning, ask him in your own words for cleansing the body and good health. When the fire begins to burn out, do not forget to thank him for his magical warmth and energy.

Since ancient times, the old New Year has been considered an ideal time for divination. Many people perform various rituals to look into their future. If you want to improve your financial situation, then perform rituals for wealth on the Old New Year. It is worth noting that everything presented in this article will also be effective on other New Year's holidays, since very powerful energy reigns during this period. To get the desired result, it is important to observe the sacrament and not tell anyone about turning to magic. It is important during witchcraft not to be distracted by anything and not to stop the ritual. Equally important is a strong faith that will allow you to realize your plan.

Ritual for the old New Year for money with wax

To attract cash flow, you need to make a talisman. Take a church candle, cut a small piece from it and melt it so that you can make a small cake. After that, you need to write your name on one side of a neat needle, and the number of your birth on the other. To determine the required value, add up all the digits of your date of birth. Consider an example: 05/25/1975 from here we get: 2+5+5+1+9+7+5=34=3+4=7. The resulting figure must be applied to the talisman. After that, close the wax cake on both sides with coins. Carry the finished amulet with you throughout the next day, and then put it in the place where you keep money or carry it in your wallet.

Money ritual for the old New Year with letters

To carry out this simple ritual, you must purchase two identical envelopes. Sign one to send to, and the other to your address. Put money in each envelope, and the sum does not matter. Dropping letters in the mailbox, say these words:

"To whom the church is not a mother, God is not a father."

According to existing information, if everything is done correctly, then the money will simply “stick” to your hands.

Ritual for wealth on the old New Year with water

The ritual should be performed early in the morning on January 14, when all family members will still be sleeping. Take any metal container and fill it with water. After that, fold your fingers in such a way as if you will be baptized. Dip your hand into the water and draw crosses inside, asking God for well-being. It is important to repeat the request exactly 12 times, how many months in a year. Then cross yourself with the same hand, and sprinkle all the corners in the house with charmed water, and pour the remaining liquid over the threshold.

Ritual for the old New Year on paper

To conduct a simple ritual, you need to take a piece of paper and write on it your desire related to the material sphere. It is important that the request be clear and short, so please include a specific amount and time frame. Just don't ask for millions, and for it to fall on your head right tomorrow, everything should be as realistic as possible. Roll up a sheet of paper and put it under the tree at night, and burn it the next day at lunchtime.

Ritual to attract money for the New Year

This is a powerful ritual that will improve your financial situation. To carry it out, you need to purchase a small toy boat, but to save money you can make it yourself. In this case, use brightly colored paper. Fill the vessel with coins, various decorations, sweets and grain, which has been a symbol of wealth since ancient times. It is important during the manufacture of the "money magnet" to constantly think about money and your desires. If you want to buy an apartment, then put the key in the boat. Put the ship in a prominent place and decorate the surrounding area with various toys, rain, etc. During the holidays, sort through the "wealth" and think about desire.

The night of January 13 is the best time for divination. This night in the old days was considered the time of St. Basil, who helped people to know the future. Every year at this time, people perform various rituals. It is believed that at this time the Earth is filled with magical energy. Earthly life is closely intertwined with magic and witchcraft, so each rite carries the fulfillment of desires.

Divination for the Old New Year for money is accompanied by good luck and gives prosperity. The first thing to remember is the good atmosphere of the holiday. Be sincere, enjoy the magic, and this year you will definitely be successful.

Divination for the Old New Year for money

Divination for money does not always carry good intentions. Perform the ceremony if you sincerely wish to improve your financial condition. If there is a place for greed and dreams of wealth in your thoughts, you should not guess. Most likely, you won't get anything good.

For coins

There are many options for predicting January 13 aimed at attracting money. This is what the magic ritual for coins is aimed at. To do this, you need to take coins of a large denomination and wrap each in a piece of red. The fabric should be natural, such as cotton or linen. The coin should go to each member of the family.

On the night of the Old New Year, set the table and put the prepared coins under the plates. Warn that before the end of the meal, money cannot be touched. After dinner, when you start clearing the table, have everyone take their coin. The next day, you need to put these coins in your wallet. It is believed that the family atmosphere of love and the magic of the holiday will fill the money with good luck, turning it into a strong talisman. Another version of fortune-telling, see the video:

By pebbles

Evening and night are suitable for divination by pebbles. The rite is simple, it does not require much strength or knowledge. The main thing is to conduct it without tricks and be frank.

Late in the evening, take a large container and fill it with water. Get some pebbles ready. Make a wish and throw a stone into the water. Count how many circles are formed: an even number - your desire will be fulfilled, an odd number - you will have to wait a bit.

It is not necessary to end fortune-telling after one question. You can ask more, and more than one. Also, this fortune-telling can be done with a family, where each person can find out whether his dream will come true or not.

On the cat's paws

Divination for the Old New Year can also be with the participation of your pet. Feel free to guess if you have a cat, because a cat is considered a magical animal, especially if it is black. On the night of January 13, make a wish and say it in a whisper three times. Then call your pet. Pay attention to which paw the cat crosses the threshold of the room. If it’s right, your wish will soon come true, if it’s left, then it won’t.

Remember that divination is not a rite designed to fulfill your desire. This is the answer to the question you are asking. If you don't like the "answer" of your pet, don't be discouraged. You can conduct not fortune-telling, but a full-fledged magical ritual that will help you fulfill your dream. The main thing is to believe that luck will definitely smile at you.

New Year fortune-telling for money

An effective way would be to perform the ritual for wealth on the growing moon. At this time, the world is filled with positive energy. You will be able to get the exact answer to your question.

On the night of the rising moon, place a glass filled with water on the window. Wait for the light of the moon to touch the water. Make a wish and drink water. At the same time, say the magic words:

“The thin moon will soon be full. So our house will be filled with goodness.

At the same time, as the moon grows, your income will increase. It is believed that this ritual begins to act instantly. However, no one except you should know about your divination, otherwise the power of magic will not work.

Online fortune telling

You just need to point to 6 random cards:

Choose 1st card

Signs for the old New Year are always correct. This mysterious night is considered a truly magical time when you can lift the veil of secrecy. From ancient times, on the eve of the holiday, mass festivities were held, the weather was predicted, fortune telling.

What does old new year mean

Old New Year, or popularly Vasiliev's Day, is traditionally celebrated on the night of January 13-14. This celebration began to be celebrated after the abolition of the Julian calendar in 1918 and the transition to a new chronology, according to which Europe lives.

How to celebrate the old New Year

At present, in Russia, the old New Year is not loved as much as the Slavs in ancient times. Most people perceive this somewhat forgotten holiday as an occasion to once again meet with their relatives and friends to have a fun evening.

In Russia, the eve of the old New Year was celebrated on a special scale.

Since ancient times, this holiday has been distinguished by stormy feasts, omens and merry festivities. On the evening before, treats were prepared, tables were laid and guests were received. There was a sign that the richer the feast, the more fruitful and fruitful the coming year would be.

The hostesses prepared the best and richest dishes. A mandatory attribute of the table, according to good signs, was a pig's head or a baked (or fried) pig, since St. Basil the Great is considered the patron saint of pig breeding. Also, a special dish was prepared in each house - kutya, made from whole grains and berries, generously flavored with honey and butter. Unlike Christmas and Epiphany, the festive porridge for the old New Year was very satisfying, which is why it was called "generous kutya."

It was a positive sign to share treats with all the guests. On this night, children and youth walked around the courtyards and collected pies, sweets, and other gifts.

In the villages, after sunset, young boys and girls gathered in the company to carol

Traditionally, on the eve of the old New Year, unmarried girls of marriageable age were waiting in the house for long-awaited matchmakers. Only at this time, the rejected suitors could re-propose to their beloved.

On the night of the old New Year, young girls walked around the village until midnight and sang songs, wishing happiness and prosperity to their fellow countrymen. In ancient times, according to a sign, it was believed that such a rite drives away evil spirits and evil spirits.

On Vasiliev evening, or according to the modern interpretation, on the old New Year, anyone could cross the threshold of the house and taste the treats. According to the legend, in gratitude for the warm welcome and delicious food, the guest had to leave money to the owner. The next morning, all the collected coins and gifts had to be taken to the church.

Important! The evening preceding the celebration was called "Generous", "Rich Kutia", "Melania".

Signs and customs for the old New Year

The Old New Year is rich in various superstitions and signs, thanks to which the weather and crop yields in the coming year were accurately determined:

  • the starry sky on the night of the old New Year, according to signs, promises a rich harvest and a warm summer;
  • if you get up early in the morning and shake off the snow from the fruit tree - to the well-being and wealth in the family;
  • frost on plants on the old New Year is a good omen for a rich harvest of honey and cereals;
  • non-cold south wind - according to a sign, to hot weather in the summer, north - to cold;
  • snowstorm - according to the sign, to a large collection of nuts;
  • frost - the number of mushrooms this year will be small;
  • very warm weather - to a rainy summer.

Other predictions for the old New Year:

  • a negative sign - if a person fell ill on the eve of the holiday, then he will be sick for a long time;
  • dreams that occurred during the celebration are always prophetic;
  • one more accurate sign - the festive table should be generous - the more treats, the richer the year will be;
  • another prediction is that the holiday should be celebrated in new clothes, and not old things, so that the whole year there is an opportunity to replenish the wardrobe.

Important! Signs and superstitions for the old New Year are always true.

Conspiracies and rituals

Conspiracies and rituals carried out from January 7 until Epiphany have a special powerful energy.

In ancient times, there was a rite of crop protection, which was performed as a special obligatory ritual. Early in the morning on the 14th, according to the legend, it was necessary to go out to the site, go around it, touch each fruit tree and mentally ask St. Basil to protect the collection from bad weather and pests.

According to the sign, in order for everything made for the old New Year to come true, you need to carry out a simple ritual. To do this, you will need a small sheet of paper, a pen and a red thread (any). On the old New Year at midnight, on a piece of paper you should write the number of the coming year (2020, 2021, etc.) and a wish. Holding the bundle in your hands, you need to close your eyes, visualize the fulfillment of desire and read the text below seven times.

After that, the paper should be rolled up into a tube and tied with a red thread, hidden in a secluded place until the magic works.

Love conspiracies read during this period are very effective. In order for a lonely girl to meet her betrothed, it is better to perform the following ceremony. For the ritual you will need:

  • 3 candles (red, white and golden);
  • round mirror;
  • red thread or ribbon;
  • a glass of water.

According to the sign, it is correct to conduct the ceremony two hours before midnight on the eve of the old New Year. The girl should retire to the room, let her hair down, tie the candles with a red thread and place them in a glass of water. The container should be placed on a mirror, candles should be lit and the words of the conspiracy should be read.

At the end of the reading, the wax should burn down to the level of water. According to the signs, the cinders should be thrown out behind the house the next morning.

In order to improve health and not get sick, a few hours before the onset of the old New Year at midnight, you should take off any thing and throw it into the fire, uttering the words of the conspiracy.

According to tradition, on the eve of the festival and at night, young girls guessed at the suitors, as well as the fate of future children.

Fortune telling on wax on the old New Year is probably one of the most popular at the present time. This prediction should be taken seriously. The process will require:

  • 2 church wax candles;
  • tablespoon;
  • small capacity.

A small piece of one candle should be melted in a spoon over the flame of the second. The molten mixture must be quickly poured into a container of water, mentally asking a question. The figure formed from frozen wax will tell you the development of events for the next period of time:

  • rounded outlines - good luck;
  • pointed uneven - the fortuneteller has envious people or enemies;
  • castle - disclosure of secrets;
  • plane - the rapid development of any events;
  • star - fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • house - change of place of residence;
  • the figure of a man, woman or animal - the arrival in the life of a person who will play an important role;
  • a tree with a crown - well-being;
  • ledges - obstacles in business;
  • grooves on wax - closing the road in some important process.

According to signs, another reliable version of fortune telling on the old New Year can be done with the help of grains. Suitable seeds of any crop, including coffee.

To determine what events await a person in the coming period, on the eve of the Old New Year, you need to scoop up a handful of seeds with your palm or a container so that none of them wake up on the floor, and count their number.

The resulting value should be brought to a simple value by addition. For example, 102=1+0+2=3. Based on this number, it is necessary to interpret the result of fortune-telling:

  1. Fulfillment of desire.
  2. Meeting with the second half.
  3. A difficult choice between several boyfriends, you need to decide not earlier than next year.
  4. Moving.
  5. Realization of a new dream.
  6. An ordinary, unremarkable year.
  7. Marriage.
  8. Unrequited love.
  9. Positive changes in fate.

This type of prediction is more often used in love topics.

What not to do on the old New Year

Signs and beliefs have been preserved that warn a person against possible failures in the coming year:

  • you can not count small bills and coins, otherwise you will have to live in poverty;
  • for the same reason, on the old New Year it is forbidden to voice the number 13, when pronouncing toasts, do not use the particle “not”;
  • according to a sign, dishes containing poultry and fish should not be present on the festive table - happiness and luck will fly away or float away;
  • so that peace always reigns in the family, there must be a treat from a pig's head on the table;
  • according to ancient signs, you can’t borrow money on the old New Year;
  • a bad prediction - to celebrate the old New Year in a purely female company - in order for this period of life to be happy, at least one man should be invited to the feast;
  • it was considered a good omen if a man or a boy enters the threshold of an apartment or house first in the morning - to luck;
  • take out the trash in the evening or at night on the old New Year - according to signs, to financial losses over the entire upcoming period.


Signs for the old New Year have been used since ancient times to predict the weather and crop yields in the coming year. It was on this evening that noisy festivities were organized, rich tables were laid in honor of St. Basil, the patron saint of pig breeding. Signs and beliefs, as well as rituals and divination held at such a time, were considered very accurate and truthful.

Seeing off the Old New Year is a time not only for fun, but also for attracting prosperity. Proven rituals will help get rid of poverty and attract good luck.

Miracles happen on the Old New Year, because this holiday is no less important than the New Year. On the night of January 13-14, you can easily bring the necessary benefits to life if you know how to do it. Site site experts recommend getting acquainted with proven rituals that will allow you to bring financial flows and good luck to life.

Ritual for getting rid of poverty

At midnight, a handful of coins are poured from hand to hand, saying:

“I say goodbye to the old year, I leave poverty in it, I attract well-being into life. As midnight passes, so will monetary luck enter the house.

Coins are laid out in secluded corners, and one of them is hidden in a wallet and not spent throughout the year so that finances do not flow through your fingers.

Rite of bad luck

You can cope with failures and become more successful if you perform the ceremony on the night of January 13-14. To do this, they write in advance everything they want to get rid of, and also make a list of failures that they don’t want to repeat in the new year. At midnight, a piece of paper is set on fire, the ashes are scattered in the wind with the words:

“The old year is leaving, taking trouble with it, clearing the path to success for me.”

Ritual to attract money on the Old New Year

Financial well-being is an important component of life, and in order not to need a new year, it is worth holding a ceremony on the Old New Year. To do this, in the morning you need to count the money in your wallet, take a coin and a bill, put them on the windowsill and leave until midnight. At 12 o'clock at night they whisper over them:

“Coins are sonorous, crispy banknotes will not leave me. I get rid of poverty, I attract finances into life, I don’t know bad luck anymore. ”

The coin is placed next to the front door under the rug so that financial flows do not pass by, and the banknote is spent on good deeds so that good always returns.

Seeing off the old year is important: at this time, you can finally leave grievances, doubts and disappointments in the past and start life from scratch. On the Old New Year, be sure to make a cherished wish. On this day, the Universe is open and able to fulfill the most secret dreams, if they do not carry self-interest or evil intentions. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.01.2020 06:40

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