Moisture determination methods. Meat products. Moisture determination methods Meat and meat products






Methods for determining moisture

Official edition

Form Standards

GOST 9793-2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2015 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov (FGBNU VNIIMP named after V.M. Gorbatoe)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of September 27, 2016 N9 91-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of February 14, 2017 No 47-st, the interstate standard GOST 9793-2016 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2018.


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Standartinform. 2017

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology




Methods for determining moisture

Meet end meet products.

Methods for determination of moisture content

Introduction Detail - 2018-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to all types of meat, including poultry, meat and meat-containing products and establishes methods for determining the mass fraction of moisture by drying in an oven at a temperature of (103 ± 2) * C and drying in an oven at a temperature of (150 ± 2) * C .

In case of disagreement, according to the results of the analysis, the mass fraction of moisture is determined by drying in an oven at a temperature of (10312) * C.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 12.1.004-91 Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.007-76 Occupational safety standards system. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.019-79 Occupational safety standards system. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection*

GOST 12.4.009-83 Occupational safety standards system. Fire equipment for the protection of objects. Main types. Accommodation and service

GOST OIML R 76-1-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Non-automatic scales. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests

GOST 3118-77 Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications

GOST ISO 3696-2013 Water for laboratory analysis. Technical requirements and control methods**

GOST 4025-95 Household meat grinders. Specifications

GOST 4288-76 Culinary and semi-finished minced meat products. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST ISO 5725-2-2003 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 2: Basic method for determining the repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method***

* 8 of the Russian Federation, GOST R 12.1.019-2009 “System of labor safety standards. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection”.

"8 of the Russian Federation GOST R S2S01-2005 "Water for laboratory analysis. Specifications" is in force.

The Russian Federation has GOST R ISO S72S-2-2002 “Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 2. Basic method for determining the repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method.

Official edition

GOST 9793-2016

GOST ISO 5725-6-2003 Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 6: Using Accuracy Values ​​in Practice*

GOST 6709-72 Distilled water. Specifications

GOST 7269-2015 Meat. Sampling methods and organoleptic methods for determining freshness

GOST 7702.2.0-95 Poultry meat, poultry by-products and semi-finished products. Sampling methods and preparation for microbiological studies

GOST 8756.0-70 Canned food products. Sampling and preparation for testing GOST 9792-73 Sausage products and products from pork, lamb, beef and meat of other species of slaughter animals and birds. Acceptance rules and sampling methods GOST 20469-95 Household electric meat grinders. Specifications

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 26678-85 Household electrical compression refrigerators and freezers of the parametric series. General specifications

GOST 33319-2015 Meat and meat products. Method for determining the mass fraction of moisture

Application - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in a public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which it is referred to shall apply to the extent that the reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following term is used with the corresponding definition:

3.1 moisture content by mass

4 Safety requirements

4.1 The room in which the analysis is carried out must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. Work must be carried out in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and fire safety in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004. and have fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.009.

4.2 When working with electrical appliances, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.019.

4.3 When preparing and conducting analysis, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements for working with chemical reagents in accordance with GOST 12.1.007.

5 Measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, materials and reagents

Homogenizer or meat grinder, mechanical according to GOST 4025. or electric according to GOST 20469 with a grate, the hole diameter of which is not more than 4.5 mm.

Scales of non-automatic action according to GOST OIML R 76-1 or according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard. special or high class of accuracy with the limit of permissible absolute error not more than ± 0.001 g.

Refrigerator according to GOST 26678.

Salvation-heated muffle furnace capable of maintaining a temperature of (550 ± 25) *C, with or without a programmable temperature control device depending on the time.

* The Russian Federation has GOST R ISO 5725-v-2002 “Accuracy (correctness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 6. Using precision values ​​in practice.

GOST 9793-2016

Drying cabinet providing temperature maintenance (150 ± 2) °C.

Sieves laboratory with a hole diameter of 0.3 mm and 1.5 mm.

Metal bottles with a diameter of 50 mm. height 2S-35 mm or cups for weighing SN-45/13, SN-60/14 according to GOST 25336.

Desiccator in accordance with GOST 25336 containing an effective desiccant.

Glass pouches.

The vessel is airtight with a lid.

Paper indicator universal.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118. x. h.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709 or water for laboratory analysis according to GOST ISO 3696.

Sand river or quartz.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments with metrological characteristics and auxiliary equipment with technical characteristics not worse, as well as materials and reagents in quality not lower than those specified in this standard.

6 Sampling

Sampling is carried out according to GOST 4288, GOST 7269. GOST 7702.2.0. GOST 8756.0, GOST 9792.

The sample must be representative and without damage or change in the quality of the product during transportation and storage.

A sample weighing at least 200 g is taken from a representative sample.

The sample is stored in such a way as to prevent deterioration and change in chemical composition.

7 Preparing for analysis

7.1 Sand preparation

7.1.1 Preparation of dilute hydrochloric acid (1:1)

Mix one volume of hydrochloric acid (p 20 \u003d 1.19 g / cm 3) with one volume of distilled water.

7.1.2 Sand cleaning

The sand is first sifted through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1.5 mm. and then through a 0.3 mm sieve. The line remaining on the sieve is washed with tap water until. until the water stops clouding. Then the sand is poured with a double volume of dilute hydrochloric acid and kept for a day, stirring occasionally. After acid treatment, the fishing line is washed with water until a neutral reaction of washing water with indicator paper and dried in an oven at a temperature of (150 ± 2) ° C for 5 hours or calcined in a muffle furnace at a temperature of (550 ± 25) ° C for 1 hour Sand is stored in a closed bottle.

7.2 Sample preparation

Samples of products are freed from the shell or skin, crushed on a homogenizer or passed through a meat grinder twice and mixed thoroughly. In this case, the temperature of the sample should not exceed 25 °C.

Samples of pates, jellies and brawns are crushed in a meat grinder once and thoroughly mixed.

Part of the prepared sample is placed in an airtight vessel, closed with a lid and stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of (4 ± 2) * C until the end of the analysis.

The analysis is carried out within 24 hours after grinding.

8 Determination of moisture by drying in an oven at

The determination is carried out according to GOST 33319.

9 Determination of moisture by drying in an oven

at a temperature of (150 ± 2) °С

9.1 Essence of the method

The method is based on drying a sample with sand at a temperature of (150 ± 2) C for 1 hour.

GOST 9793-2016

9.2 Testing

9.2.1 Place 8-10 g of purified fishing line, a glass rod in a weighing bottle (glass) and dry for 30 minutes in an oven at a temperature of (150 ± 2) 9 C. Then close the weighing bottle with a lid, cool in a desiccator to room temperature and weigh .

Weighing results are recorded to the third decimal place.

9.2.2 Place 2-3 g of the prepared sample into a weighed bottle, reweigh it, mix it thoroughly with sand with a glass rod and dry it in an unopened bottle drying cabinet at a temperature of (150 ± 2) 9 C for 1 hour.

9.2.3 The bottle is then covered with a lid, cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and weighed.

10 Processing results

10.1 Mass fraction of moisture X.%, calculated by the formula

y = t > "t g -100. (1 >

where m t is the mass of the bottle with a sample, stick and sand, g;

t 2 - weight of the weighing bottle with sample, stick and sand after drying, g m - weight of the weighing bottle with stick and sand, g;

100 - conversion factor to percent.

The calculation is carried out to the second decimal place.

10.2 The final result is taken as the arithmetic mean of two parallel measurements, rounded to the first decimal place, if the conditions of repeatability (convergence) are satisfied.

11 Metrological characteristics

11.1 The accuracy of the method is established by interlaboratory tests performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO 5725-2 and GOST ISO 5725-6.

11.2 The metrological characteristics of the method at a confidence level P = 0.95 are given in Table 1.

Table 1

11.3 The discrepancy between the results of two parallel measurements performed by one operator when testing the same sample using the same measuring instruments and reagents should not exceed the repeatability (convergence) limit r, the values ​​​​of which are given in table 1.

!*, - x 2 | yg.

where x and x 2 are the results of two parallel measurements. %; r is the repeatability limit. %.

GOST 9793-2016

11.4 Discrepancy between the results of two measurements performed in two different laboratories. should not exceed the reproducibility limit R, the values ​​of which are given in table 1.

where X, uX 2 - the results of two measurements performed in different laboratories. %;

R - reproducibility limit, %.

11.5 Relative error limits for measurement results (± 10). subject to the conditions of this standard, shall not exceed the values ​​given in table 1.

12 Checking the accuracy of measurement results

12.1 Monitoring the stability of the measurement results (repeatability, intermediate precision and error) is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in the laboratory, according to GOST ISO 5725-6 (subsection 6.2).

12.2 The verification of the acceptability of the measurement results obtained under repeatability (convergence) conditions is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO 5725-2. The discrepancy between the measurement results should not exceed the repeatability limit (r). The values ​​of r are given in Table 1.

12.3 Checking the acceptability of measurement results obtained under reproducibility conditions. carried out taking into account the requirements of GOST ISO 5725-2. The discrepancy between the measurement results obtained by the two laboratories should not exceed the reproducibility limit (R). The R values ​​are given in Table 1.

GOST 9793-2016

UDC 637.5.07:006.354 MKS67.120.10

Key words: meat, poultry meat, meat products, meat-containing products, method, moisture, mass fraction. drying

Editor D A. Meiunoaa Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader M.S. Kabashova Computer layout A.N. Zolotareva

Handed over to the set 02/16/2017. Signed for publication on February 21, 2017. Format 60»64^. Ariap headset

Uel. oven paragraph 0.92. Uch.-ed. l. 0.84 Circulation 48 copies Zak. 376.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FSUE STAMDARTINFORM. 123005 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. www.90stinfo.1u

Meat products. Methods for determining moisture

replaced This standard applies to raw smoked, semi-smoked, boiled-smoked, boiled, stuffed, liver and blood sausages, meat loaves, sausages, sausages, products from pork, lamb, beef, poultry meat and other types of slaughter livestock (boiled, boiled-smoked , smoked-baked baked, fried and raw-smoked), salted bacon in half carcasses, brawns, jellies, pates and minced canned food and establishes the following methods for determining moisture: drying in the Ya10-FVU device; drying in an oven at a temperature of (103 plus minus 2) deg. WITH; drying in an oven at a temperature of (150 plus or minus 2) degrees. WITH; drying in a SAL dryer with heating by infrared lamps. In case of disagreement according to the test results, the moisture content is determined by drying in an oven at (103 plus minus 2) degrees. With

Text GOST 9793-74

With amendments and changes:
Amendment No. 1 to GOST 9793-74 of 01/01/1983 (the text is integrated into the text or description of the standard)
Amendment No. 2 to GOST 9793-74 of 07/01/1988 (the text is integrated into the text or description of the standard)
Amendment No. 3 to GOST 9793-74 dated 06/01/1990 (the text is integrated into the text or description of the standard)

Other GOSTs

GOST 30305.4-95 Dry dairy products. Solubility Index Measurement Procedure
GOST R 53951-2010 Dairy products, dairy products and milk-containing products. Determination of the mass fraction of protein by the Kjeldahl method
GOST R 51331-99 Dairy products. Yoghurts. General specifications
GOST ISO 29981-2013 Dairy products. Enumeration of presumptive bifidobacteria. Method for determining the number of colonies at a temperature of 37 (C)
GOST R 51770-2001 Canned meat products for feeding young children. General specifications
GOST 29301-92 Meat products. Method for the determination of starch
GOST 8558.2-78 Meat products. Nitrate determination method
GOST 9959-91 Meat products. General conditions for organoleptic evaluation
GOST 9794-2015 Meat products. Methods for determining the content of total phosphorus
GOST 9794-74 Meat products. Methods for determining the content of total phosphorus
GOST 8558.1-2015 Meat products. Methods for the determination of nitrite

GOST 9793-74

Group H19



Methods for determining moisture

meat products. Methods for determination of moisture content

ISS 67.120.10
OKSTU 9209

Introduction date 1975-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee for Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 10.01.74 N 71

3. The standard fully complies with the international standard ISO 1442-73

4. REPLACE GOST 8793-61


Item number

GOST 25336-82

6. The limitation of the validity period under the protocol N 4-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 4-94) has been removed

7. EDITION (January 2010) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3 approved in November 1981, January 1988, December 1989 (IUS 1-82, 4-88, 4-90)

This standard applies to raw smoked, semi-smoked, boiled-smoked, boiled, stuffed, liver and blood sausages, meat loaves, sausages, sausages, products from pork, lamb, beef, poultry meat and other types of slaughter animals (boiled, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, baked, fried and raw-smoked), salted bacon in half carcasses, brawns, jellies, pates and minced canned food and establishes the following methods for determining moisture:

drying in the Y10-FVU device;

drying in an oven at a temperature of (103±2) °C;

drying in an oven at a temperature of (150±2) °C;

drying in a SAL dryer with heating by infrared lamps.

In case of disagreement, according to the test results, the moisture content is determined by drying in an oven at a temperature of (103 ± 2) ° C.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).



1.1. Sampling is carried out according to GOST 9792 *.
* GOST R 51447-99 additionally applies on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.2. Samples of products are freed from shells or skins and crushed.

Samples of sausages, boiled, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, baked and fried products, minced canned food, as well as salted bacon are crushed twice in a household or electric meat grinder and thoroughly mixed.

Samples of raw smoked sausages are crushed twice in an electric meat grinder or cut with a sharp knife into circular slices no more than 1 mm thick, after which they are cut into strips and chopped with a knife so that the particle size of the sample does not exceed 1 mm, and thoroughly mixed.

Samples of pates, jellies and brawns are crushed in a household or electric meat grinder once and thoroughly mixed.

1.3. The sample prepared for testing is placed in a glass jar with a ground stopper, with a capacity of 200-400 cm 3, filled it completely, and stored at a temperature of 3 to 5 ° C until the end of the tests. The tests are carried out within 24 hours.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


2.1. To determine moisture, the following equipment, reagents and materials should be used:

household meat grinder in accordance with GOST 4025 or household electric meat grinder in accordance with GOST 20469 with a lattice hole diameter of 4 mm;

drying cabinet, electric with thermostat;

dryer SAL;

general-purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class, with the highest weighing limit of 200 g with a permissible weighing error of ± 0.001 g according to GOST 24104 *;
* Since July 1, 2002, GOST 24104-2001 has been put into effect **.

** On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 53228-2008 applies. - Database manufacturer's note.

water bath;

cups for weighing SV-14/8, SV-19/9 according to GOST 25336 or metal bottles with a diameter of 50 mm, a height of 25-35 mm;

desiccator 2-140, 2-190, 2-250 according to GOST 25336;

glass sticks;

sieves with a hole diameter of 0.3 mm and 1.5 mm;

ethyl alcohol rectified according to GOST 18300;

river or quartz sand, treated as follows: sand, sieved through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1.5 mm and remaining on a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.3 mm, is washed with tap water until the water stops clouding. Then the sand is poured with a double volume of dilute hydrochloric acid (1:1) and kept for a day, stirring occasionally. After treatment with acid, the sand is washed with water until the wash water reacts neutrally to litmus, dried at (155 ± 5) ° C and stored in a closed bottle.

Ya10-FVU device.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2, 3).


3.1. Conducting a test

Sand is placed in the bottle in an amount approximately 2-3 times greater than the sample of the product, a glass rod is slightly longer than the diameter of the bottle (so that it does not interfere with closing the bottle with a lid) and dried in an oven in an open bottle at a temperature of (103 ± 2) ° C within 30 min. Then the bottle is closed with a lid, cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and weighed. A weight of the product from 4 to 5 g is added to a weighed weighing bottle with sand and re-weighed. Add 5 cm of ethyl alcohol to the contents and mix with a glass rod.

The bottle is placed in a water bath (80-90 ° C) and, stirring with a stick, heated until the smell of ethyl alcohol disappears. Then the sample is dried for 2 hours in an oven at a temperature of (103 ± 2) °C, cooled in a desiccator and weighed.

Drying is continued until constant weight. Each re-weighing is carried out after drying for 1 hour at a temperature of (103 ± 2) °C. The results of two consecutive weighings should not differ by more than 0.1% of the weight of the sample.


4.1. Conducting a test

Sand is placed in a weighing bottle in an amount approximately 2-3 times greater than a sample of the product, a glass rod and dried in an oven at a temperature of (150 ± 2) ° C for 30 minutes. Then the bottle is closed with a lid, cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and weighed. Then a sample of the product from 2 to 3 g is added to the weighing bottle with sand, weighed again, thoroughly mixed with sand with a glass rod and dried in an oven in an open weighing bottle at a temperature of (150 ± 2) ° C for 1 hour. Then the bottle is closed with a lid, cool in a desiccator to room temperature and weigh.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).


5a.1. Conducting a test

A weight of the product weighing from 1.8 to 2.2 g is added to a bottle weighed with a glass rod, 1.8 to 2.2 cm3 of distilled water is added, thoroughly mixed with a glass rod, evenly distributing the contents along the bottom of the bottle. An open bottle with a sample is placed in one of the sections (13) of the drying unit (11) of the Ya10-FVU device (see drawing) and dried for 16 to 18 minutes at a temperature of (163±2) °C and an air velocity of (3.6 ±0.1) m/s. The bottle is removed from the drying block, covered with a lid, placed in one of the sections of the cooling block (19), cooled in an air flow at room temperature from 5 to 7 minutes at an air speed of (5 ± 1) m/s and weighed.

1 - timer;

2 - signal lamp; 3 - fan toggle switch; 4 - fan controller; 5 - fuse; 6 - temperature controller; 7 - temperature controller toggle switch; 8 - body of the command device; 9 - electrical network toggle switch; 10 - signal lamp; 11 - section of the drying block; 12 - heater; 13 - bottle holder in the drying block; 14 - bottles; 15 - cover of the drying block section; 16 - thermistor; 17 - glass; 18 - cover of the cooling unit; 19 - openings of blocks of drying and cooling; 20 - air gap; 21 - fans; 22 - body; 23 - insulating partition; 24 - diffuser

Section 5a. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).


5.1. Before starting work, the SAL dryer is heated for 10-15 minutes at a voltage of 150-200 V. After the lamps have warmed up, a voltage of 100-105 V is set, which ensures a temperature in the drying zone of 135-140 ° C.

5.2. Conducting a test

Sand is placed in the weighing bottle in an amount approximately 2-3 times greater than the sample of the product, a glass rod is slightly longer than the diameter of the weighing bottle (so that it does not interfere with closing the weighing bottle with a lid) and dried in a SAL dryer at a temperature of 135-140 ° C for 10 minutes . Why is the bottle closed with a lid, cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and weighed. A weight of the product from 2 to 2.5 g is added to a weighed weighing bottle with sand, re-weighed and mixed with a glass rod. Then the bottle is placed in the SAL apparatus and dried at a temperature of 135-140 ° C for 20 minutes, cooled in a desiccator and weighed.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).


6.1. The mass fraction of moisture () as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the bottle with sand and a stick, g;

- weight of the bottle with sand, a stick and a sample, g;

- weight of the bottle with sand, a stick and a sample after drying, g.
* The formula corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

Note. When calculating the mass fraction of moisture determined by the method of drying in the Ya10-FVU device, the mass of sand is not taken into account.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

6.2. The arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations is taken as the final result.

The discrepancy between the results of parallel determinations should not exceed 0.5%.

The final result is calculated with an error of up to 0.1%.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Meat products.
Methods of analysis: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2010

UDC 637.525:006.354 Group 1119



Moisture time 9793_7

meat products. Methods for determination of moisture content

MKC 67.120.10 OKSTU 9209

Introduction date 01.01.75

This standard applies to raw smoked, semi-smoked, boiled-smoked, steamed, stuffed, liver and blood sausages, meat loaves, sausages, sausages, products from pork, lamb, beef, poultry meat and other types of slaughter animals (boiled, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, baked, fried and raw-smoked), salted bacon in half goose. brawns, jellies, pates and minced koiserv and establishes the following methods for determining moisture:

drying in the Y10-FVU device;

drying in an oven at a temperature of (103 ± 2) "C;

drying in an oven at a temperature of (150 ± 2) "C;

drying in a SAL dryer with heating by infrared lamps.

In case of disagreement according to the test results, the moisture content is determined by drying in an oven at a temperature of (103 ± 2) * C.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 3).


1.1. Sampling is carried out according to GOST 9792*.

1.2. Samples of products are freed from shells or skins and crushed.

Samples of sausages, boiled, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, baked and fried products, minced canned food, as well as salted bacon are crushed twice in a household or electric meat grinder and thoroughly mixed.

Samples of raw smoked sausages are crushed twice in an electric meat grinder or cut with a sharp knife into circular slices no more than 1 mm thick, after which they are cut into strips and chopped with a knife so that the particle size of the sample does not exceed 1 mm. and mix thoroughly.

Samples of pates, jellies and brawns are crushed in a household or electric meat grinder once and thoroughly mixed.

1.3. The sample prepared for the test is placed in a glass jar with a ground stopper, with a capacity of 200-400 cm 3, filling it completely, and stored at a temperature of 3 to 5 "C until the end of the test. The tests are carried out for 24 hours.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).


2.1. To determine moisture, the following equipment, reagents and materials should be used:

household meat grinder in accordance with GOST 4025 or household electric meat grinder in accordance with GOST 20469 with a lattice hole diameter of 4 mm;

* GOST R 51447-99 additionally applies on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Reprint reproduced

Official Edition ★

© Standards Publishing House, 1974 © STANDARTINFORM. 2010

drying cabinet, electric with thermostat; dryer SAL;

general-purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class, with the highest weighing limit of 200 g with a permissible weighing error of ± 0.001 g according to GOST 24104 4 ; water bath;

cups for weighing SV-14/8. SV-19/9 according to GOST 25336 or metal bottles with a diameter of 50 mm, a height of 25-35 mm;

desiccator 2-140. 2-190. 2-250 according to GOST 25336; glass sticks;

sieves with a hole diameter of 0.3 mm and 1.5 mm; ethyl alcohol rectified according to GOST 18300;

river or quartz sand, treated as follows: sand, sieved through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1.5 mm and remaining on a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.3 mm, is washed with tap water until. until the water stops clouding. Then the sand is poured with a double volume of dilute hydrochloric acid (1:1) and kept for a day, stirring occasionally. After treatment with acid, the sand is washed with water until the wash water reacts neutrally to litmus, dried at (155 ± 5) 1 C and stored in a closed bottle.

Ya10-FVU device.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2, 3).


ZL. Conducting a test

Sand is placed in the bottle in an amount approximately 2-3 times greater than the sample of the product, a glass rod is slightly longer than the diameter of the bottle (so that it does not interfere with closing the bottle with a lid) and dried in an oven in an open bottle at a temperature of (103 ± 2) "C within 30 min. Then the bottle is closed with a lid, cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and weighed. A weight of the product from 4 to 5 g is added to a weighed weighing bottle with sand and re-weighed. Add 5 cm 3 of ethyl alcohol to the contents and mix with a glass rod.

The bottle is placed in a water bath (80-90 'C) and, stirring with a stick, is heated until the smell of ethyl alcohol disappears. Then the sample is dried for 2 hours in an oven at a temperature of (103 ± 2) °C, cooled in a desiccator and weighed.

Drying is continued until constant weight. Each re-weighing is carried out after drying for 1 hour at a temperature of (103 ± 2) *C. The results of two consecutive weighings should not differ by more than 0.1% of the weight of the sample.


4.1. Conducting a test

Sand is placed in the bottle in an amount approximately 2-3 times greater than the sample of the product, a glass rod and dried in an oven at a temperature of (150 ± 2) "C for 30 minutes. Then the bottle is covered with a lid, cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and Then a weighed portion of the product from 2 to 3 g is added to the flask with sand, weighed again, thoroughly mixed with sand with a glass rod and dried in an oven in an open flask at a temperature of (150 ± 2) "C for 1 hour. Then the flask is closed cover, cool in a desiccator to room temperature and weigh.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 3).

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No one wants to grow old and see ugly wrinkles on their face, indicating that age is inexorably increasing, ...
A Russian prison is not the most rosy place, where strict local rules and the provisions of the criminal code apply. But not...
Live a century, learn a century Live a century, learn a century - completely the phrase of the Roman philosopher and statesman Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC -...
I present to you the TOP 15 female bodybuilders Brooke Holladay, a blonde with blue eyes, was also involved in dancing and ...
A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...