Shallots differ from onions in taste. What is the difference between shallots and onions, is it possible to replace them with each other. Shallot - what is it

In the article we discuss shallots - how is it different from onions. We will tell you what shallot looks like, what useful properties it has, and what dishes it is added to. You will find out if they can replace onions.

Onions and shallots - different types of vegetables

Shallots have gained popularity among consumers due to their milder semi-sweet taste and silky texture than onions.. It does not leave bad breath and does not cause tearing when cutting.

Shallots are a cold hardy crop. It tolerates frost and germinates easily after thawing. Shallot seeds have a high germination rate and several bulbs germinate in one hole, forming a nest of 5-20 pieces.

A distinctive feature of shallots is early ripeness. This culture is growing very fast. About a month after planting, the first crop of green onion feathers is harvested. It takes about 70 days for bulbs to ripen, while onions ripen only after 85-90 days.

Shallots have a longer shelf life compared to onions. It does not dry out or germinate even at room temperature. In a cool place, it retains its flavor properties throughout the year.


In appearance, shallots almost do not differ from onions. Shallot bulbs are much smaller and, depending on the variety, may be more elongated. On the section of the onion, from 1 to 3 zones with rudiments are visible. Look at the photo - what is a shallot.

Appearance (photo) shallots

Beneficial features

The medicinal properties of shallots are much higher than that of onions. It contains more B vitamins, carotene and ascorbic acid. Green shallots are high in phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese.

Shallots increase the body's defenses and have an antiviral effect. Calcium, which is part of the plant, strengthens the bones. Shallots improve appetite, but on a par with this it is also a dietary product, since it contains less than 4% sugar.

Where add

Shallots are a popular ingredient in French and European cuisines. It is used to make the famous onion soup. Green feathers and bulbs of the plant are added to salads, soups, sauces and marinades.

Shallots are combined with meat, fish and vegetables. It does not interrupt the taste of the main ingredients in the dishes. Small onions are used as an independent dish - pickled pickles.

You learned how shallots differ from onions, what useful properties it has and how it is used in cooking. We will tell you whether these types of onions are interchangeable.

Can they replace onions?

If onions are indicated in the recipe, and you want to replace them with shallots, of course, you can do this, you just need to take into account some features. Shallots have a more delicate texture and mild flavor. It is not bitter, but leaves a sweetish aftertaste. If overcooked shallots become bitter.

For more information on shallots, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Shallots easily tolerate sub-zero temperatures and germinate after thawing.
  2. It differs from onions in size, speed of ripening and taste.
  3. Shallots are widely used in cooking. It is added to soups, main courses of meat, poultry, fish and vegetables.

Small onions of yellow or lilac color are shallots. In Asian cuisine, it is simply an irreplaceable ingredient.

It is not at all tart in taste, has a pleasant sweetness and is used in the preparation of salads, soups and stir fries (quick frying dishes over very high heat).

Shallots are a great addition to any salad. You can safely combine it with lettuce leaves, tomatoes and cucumbers, avocados and other vegetables. Also chic, shallots will replace onions in a Greek salad and any other where you need to add a little piquancy.

What are the benefits of shallots?

About how and when to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the suburbs

About how and when to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the suburbs?

When to plant onions in the winter in the Moscow region to get a guaranteed harvest? The planting time for onions in the Moscow region is slightly different from the planting time for garlic. And if garlic can afford to show feathers above the soil level before the start of snowstorms, then onions are like death. It is forbidden to plant such a beam, too prematurely. Because after releasing seedlings, extra efforts will be required for additional protection of seedlings, and it is equally dangerous to fill it up late. The bulb may not give roots at the right time.

Planting onions before winter in the Moscow region takes place from September 19 to October 25. Moreover, the first terms are small fractions and “oatmeal”. And the larger the onion head, the later you can plant it. So the most successful for landing is the period, during the day from 0 to plus 5-8 ° C, and in the dark it drops to -3 ° C. At this time, the figures for warming up the soil are in the zone from +3 to +5 ° C at a depth of 0 to 10 cm. But the forecast does not predict a thaw

See also: Do-it-yourself garden and garden, not like everyone else, interesting ideas

How to plant onions before winter, to what depth to deepen so as not to freeze out?

For the purpose of landing, it is desirable to give preference to a dry and well-warmed place by the sun. And besides, for winter onions, it is good to arrange a bed after growing, on these beds, cucumbers, potatoes, beans, peas or tomatoes.

The planting of onions for the winter itself begins with the initial digging of the planting site with flat-toothed pitchforks, followed by cutting the soil with a rake and manually selecting all the roots and rhizomes of weeds. After a week, the soil should settle, mark the beds. If onions are planted from 1 to 2.4 cm, then the distance between rows is 15-17 cm, and if small onions are 10-15 cm. The depth depends on what kind of soil is in the beds. If it is heavy, then the depth is up to 8 cm, and if it is sandy loam, then 10-12 cm.

In dry autumn, it is necessary to irrigate the bottom of the row. After complete absorption of water, you can disembark. Between the onions themselves, you need to leave from 2-4 cm (a trifle) to 6-9 cm, if these are large onions. But not larger than 2 cm in diameter.

It is impossible to fertilize the earth with manure, ammonium nitrate and urea before planting onions, it can either freeze out during the winter or “burn out” from rot. A planted onion can and should be covered with humus, leafy or soddy soil, but not sand. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to rake the soil from the garden.

With the onset of a stable winter, it is good to cover the garden bed with corn, sunflower or spruce branches. This will save more water, but will not allow the soil to thaw during deep thaws.

Shallots - description of varieties with photos. Growing, caring and beneficial properties of Ashkelon onions

However, in the spring it is better to remove such protection, but early. Since late warming up of the soil negatively affects the condition and development of the plant, which in turn leads to crop losses. In no case should polymer films and dense agrofibre be used for shelter. This can kill plants, because from the beginning they will be squeezed out of the ground by growing roots, and then, with the complete freezing of the soil and the onset of severe frosts, the bulbs freeze and can no longer recover with the advent of spring.

Small onions of yellow or lilac color are shallots. In Asian cuisine, it is simply an irreplaceable ingredient. It is not at all tart in taste, has a pleasant sweetness and is used in the preparation of salads, soups and stir fries (quick frying dishes over very high heat).

How is shallot different from regular onion?

- Shallots are small, the size of a large plum. Onions are much larger.

- Onions are tart and spicy, and shallots are sweetish, although they also have a pleasant piquancy.

- After raw onions, an unpleasant smell remains in the mouth. And with shallots, you can not be afraid of this.

- A very pleasant and useful difference: not only more sugar in shallots, but also more vitamins, including vitamin C.

How to choose shallots in the market or in the store?

In Asian countries, shallots are most often used, although in Europe they also eat its feathers. Green shallots can also find worthy use in the kitchen of any housewife. When choosing shallots in Asia, be guided only by your own taste, buying smaller or larger onions. There, the onion is always fresh and does not keep for a long time. But if you decide to buy shallots in Ukraine or Russia, then you cannot do without tactile selection.

Feel the bulbs: they should be firm, not frozen and not rotten. Onions should be dry and strong.

What can you cook with shallots?

Shallots are a great addition to any salad. You can safely combine it with lettuce leaves, tomatoes and cucumbers, avocados and other vegetables.

Useful and very tasty shallots - methods of application

Also chic, shallots will replace onions in a Greek salad and any other where you need to add a little piquancy.

In Asian cuisine, shallots are used in Vietnamese Pho soup, Thai Tom Yum soup, green onion feathers are added to Pad Thai fried noodles and Cashew Chicken, which are so popular in Thailand. In India, onions are put into Dal lentil soup in the eggplant dish Baiingan Ka Barta. In the Philippines, shallots are used in the preparation of mussels. Be sure to check out this easy-to-make but interesting recipe - Mussel Adobo.

What are the benefits of shallots?

I have already written about the incredible amount of vitamins in shallots. But in this vegetable there is a lot of not only ascorbic acid, but also mineral salts: phosphorus, iron, potassium and others. In addition, onions are a low-calorie product, only 33-35 kcal / 100 grams.

Sometimes, flipping through the pages of cookbooks with recipes for "haute" cuisine, we often pay attention to one phrase: "Take a few heads of shallots ...". And we raise our eyebrows in surprise. What kind of bow is this? Onion - we know, leek - we saw, we even managed to try chives. But, here, shallots ... And what a name, overseas. Looking more closely at the image of that same shallot, we make a hasty and very wrong conclusion for ourselves - Bah! So this is the usual sevok! Yes Yes. Here are the very tiny onions that are planted in the spring in the ground, and in the fall they are harvested already grown up and down. Imagine our surprise when we learn the real history of shallots.

Uncommon Common Bow

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Whatever they say, a shallot is not a “undergrowth” at all, but a separate variety of onion. Due to its exquisite taste, tiny size and neat shape, it is actively used in cooking. Unlike ordinary onions, shallots do not have a characteristic onion taste, do not lose their shape during heat treatment, have a slightly nutty taste and are perfectly stored for a long time at home.

Shallots, among other things, is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. After all, it contains an incredible amount of sugar, vitamin C and other equally useful substances. So, twist it, don’t twist it, but without shallots in the modern world - well, nothing.

Haute cuisine business card

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Although shallots are a kind of curiosity for us, you can still safely grow them in the garden. And for this it is necessary to understand what he, after all, represents.

Shallot (Allium ascalinicum) is a perennial bulbous plant, also known as "Ashkelon onion", "magpie" and "family". From its natural habitat (Asia Minor), shallots have actively spread throughout Europe, the North Caucasus and the European part of Russia. In addition to pronounced culinary characteristics, it has special medicinal properties. Shrike bulbs are very similar to onion bulbs, but their size is smaller (10-40 grams). Feathers are bright green, thin, reminiscent of green chives. Shallot during its growing season, forms the so-called "nests" of several bulbs, each of which contains the beginnings. The next year after planting, bulbs also sprout from the primordia and the size of the nest can increase to 10-15 heads.

Shallot is cold-resistant, early ripening and very productive. Since this plant is biennial, it gives the first shoots in the year following planting at the very beginning of spring, and this, you see, cannot but rejoice. Especially - when the body so stubbornly requires vitamins.

For culinary purposes, both fresh herbs and onions are used at different stages of formation. Shallots perfectly tolerate long-term storage, without losing their taste, shape and germinating in a too warm room, as is usually the case with bulbous ones.

Let's plant in the garden

The most famous and high-yielding varieties of shallots are Kushchevka Kharkovskaya, Zvezdochka, Kuban Yellow, Danish and the elite Echalote Grise. The easiest way to grow shallots is vegetatively. To do this, you will need a good seed, which you can purchase at the appropriate store.

A bed for planting a magpie should be prepared in the fall, carefully digging up the soil and adding the necessary fertilizers (humus, potassium salt, superphosphate) to it. Shallot loves well-lit areas, so try to give him that pleasure. Ashkelon onions will grow best after cabbages, cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots.

Spring is coming to us with rapid steps.

We will plant our shallots in the second half of April. By that time, the spring sun will have time to warm up the soil enough, and the moisture from it has not yet evaporated. It's time to prepare the seed. Seed shallots are disassembled into individual cloves (similar to garlic) and cut off the necks with a very sharp knife. Immerse the prepared onions in warm water for a day.

While the bulbs are getting wet, we prepare the bed. We carefully loosen the top layer of soil with a garden rake, apply additional fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) and make grooves at a distance of 30-40 cm. Here is our garden bed and is ready for planting a magpie.

We take our onions and carefully put them into the ground at a distance of 10-12 cm, to a depth of about 5 cm. Naturally, with the spine down. Lightly cover the sowing with a thin layer of soil, leaving the upper part of the neck on the surface and set off to wait for the first shoots.

Planting Shallots in April

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After planting the onion, the bed can be watered with a small amount of water and left alone for several days.

The first emerald feathers will appear quite quickly - after 5-7 days. From this point on, it is necessary to regularly loosen the topsoil, actively fight weeds and systematically water the bed. Additional feeding will not be superfluous - a solution of slurry (1:8), bird droppings (1:15) or mullein (1:10). The next top dressing will be carried out in the summer, during the build-up of the onion mass.

Here, in principle, and all the main work on the cultivation of shallots, which await us in the spring. We water, weed, loosen and wait until our “onion mountain” pleases us with the first, yet deciduous, crop.

"Onion Mountain"

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Here it is - our summer

At the end of May and at the beginning of June, our shallots will already grow a sufficient number of feathers and they can be collected little by little for culinary purposes. We tear off the lower leaves, trying not to touch the upper ones - it’s too early for them in the salad. Do not forget about systematic watering and weed control, along the way loosening the aisles.

In the second half of June, the magpie will begin to "breed", building up baby bulbs. Since that time, it can already be almost fully used for food, extracting whole bushes from the ground. The bulbs are not yet fully formed, but are already usable. But do not abuse it - so you can be left without an autumn harvest.

The main feature of the shallot is that it practically does not bloom.

Who needs shallots and why

So your future harvest is not threatened by any unpleasant consequences from the formation of flower stalks (change in taste, slowing down the formation of bulbs, etc.). Calmly continue to do the usual work, waiting for the build-up of the onion mass.

By about mid-July, the shallots will begin to shed. This is the main sign of the development and formation of the bulbs. By that time, you will already have time to enjoy a sufficient amount of vitamin greens, so you should not regret it. It's time for the roots. During this period, abundant watering is especially important, since an insufficient amount of moisture adversely affects the development of the bulbs. We are doing the second and already the last fertilizing this year with organic fertilizers. At the end of July, we completely cut off all the remaining greens and leave the shallots to ripen in the soil. Harvesting weeds at this time is not recommended. They will help to keep the necessary amount of moisture in the soil and save the future crop from drying out.

shallots not blooming

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But in August we are waiting for the first harvest this year, a real harvest. Carefully dig out some of the onion bushes from the ground, dry them, cut off the remaining leaves and send them for winter storage. Why a part? Yes, because the plant is, as we have already mentioned, a biennial. This means that next year you will not need to plant it again - it is enough to leave part of the shallot in the garden, having previously spudded it. The shallot has a rather long dormant period and it will give the next shoots only in early spring, having overwintered well in the open field. By the way, the future harvest will be much richer than today's, because the next year after planting, the magpie will acquire a much larger number of bulbs.

Shallot tolerates long-term storage

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Summer has passed - autumn has come

In autumn, there is practically nothing to do in the garden with shallots. The only thing is to spud up the remaining bushes in time and prepare them for the coming winter. If desired, a bed with shallots can be covered with spruce branches, but, in principle, this is not necessary, since it tolerates winter cold very well. But in early spring, as soon as the shrimp releases the first sprouts, pleasant chores await you again in growing this unusual ordinary onion.

Keeping shallots at home is a pleasure. Its bulbs are perfectly preserved for a long time, do not germinate and do not dry out. We store shallots in the same way as other types of onions - in a dry, cool and well-ventilated room, in mesh shopping bags, "openwork" boxes, or weave them into "braids" and hang them on hooks.

Gorlova M. A.

It is customary to grow onions to obtain large heads, which are used to prepare various dishes. But some types of onions are specially grown to form lush and tender greens. Shallot onions are well suited for this purpose. It has a spicy and distinctive taste. Even some familiar dishes become more refined if, when preparing them, ordinary onions are replaced with shallots.

  • What is Shallot
  • How to grow feather and turnip from shallots
  • Features of growing shallots

What is Shallot

As you can see in the photo, the head of shallots is small in size and consists of several "kids". Sometimes there can be up to 8-10 pieces! For this reason, it is often called the family. One mother bulb is able to form a whole bunch of fragrant and nutritious greens, which does not coarsen for a long time and remains juicy and healthy. For this reason, shallots are considered the most profitable crop for growing greens.

One of the main features of shallots is that they ripen much faster than onions. Adult mature bulbs are ready for harvesting in 70-80 days, ahead of onions in ripening by 28-35 days.

Shallot onions are not harvested before the onset of frost, but only green feathers are cut off. Onions are ready for cutting already 28-30 days after planting. Fragrant greens are used not only as a decoration for salads, but also as a nutritious product. Onion greens are so tender and pleasant that it does not drown out the taste of other products, but only enhances the taste effect.

The Shallot variety differs from ordinary onions in its biological composition. It contains more minerals, sugar and ascorbic acid. It has high dietary and medicinal properties.

Shallot bulbs are very cold hardy. If the morning frosts slightly “grabbed” the onion greens, it quickly thaws and continues to grow without visible damage.

Another important distinguishing feature of shallots is that they can be stored for a long time, until the next harvest. Bulbs do not dry out and do not sprout even at room temperature. Not every variety of onions can boast of this.

How to grow feather and turnip from shallots

Dug mature onions are perfectly stored until spring. And already before landing it is dismantled into "kids". Smaller bulbs are planted separately for greenery. It grows very juicy, tender and tasty. Larger bulbs are planted to grow new "kids". They are heated at a temperature of 40 degrees for 12 hours. This gives the plant strength, energy and increases resistance to disease.

After a long winter and a long absence of natural greenery, you always want to eat it faster. In order to get an early harvest of green feathers, the necks of the bulbs should be cut before planting. They will begin to grow more intensively and after 16-18 days the greens can be cut.

You can grow green shallots not only in the beds, but also on the windowsill or balcony, planting it in convenient containers or boxes. It is enough to stock up with earth and containers in the fall.

Shallots have a deep dormant period and should be planted at home starting in February. After about 28-30 days, the green feather is ready to be cut. So you can provide your family with vitamin greens for the whole year.

After cutting the greens, the bulbs can be used to re-fork the feather. To do this, the bulb is cut in half, placed in a container and covered with earth. Onions planted in this way give a second crop of greens.

You can grow shallots not only on a feather, but also on a turnip. True, its yield is much lower than onions, but it “helps out” when onions have not yet grown enough. To obtain larger onion heads, “kids” are planted at a distance of at least 10 cm, and between rows they keep a distance of at least 20 cm.

Shallots: characteristics of the variety, features of growing crops

This place is quite enough for the growth of shallots.

Features of growing shallots

It is better to plant onions in a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, having prepared for this a bed with loose earth. The soil should be periodically loosened throughout the entire period of onion growth and at the same time ensure that weeds do not interfere with the growth of the bulbs. They are constantly removed with each loosening of the soil. Fertilizing with ash and superphosphate has a good effect on the yield of onions.

During growth, it is imperative to prune the onion to prevent the shooting to which it is so prone. After the green feather grows up, you can pull out the feathers of the onion with the head, leaving two onions in the sockets. In this case, you need to spread them apart, sprinkle with earth and compact. So you can eat young fresh onions throughout the entire growth period, and in August you can get not only new seeds for future planting, but also full-fledged bulbs.

In dry and hot weather, shallots are watered, but this should be done no more than once a week. Onions require intensive watering only at the beginning of the growing season. A month before the onion harvest, watering is stopped. Onions are usually harvested at the end of July. Do not hesitate to harvest, otherwise the family will fall apart, and the bulbs will start growing again.

What is Shallot, and how it is useful

This standard has been modified in relation to the UNECE STANDARD FFV-56:2013 concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of shallots (“Concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of shallots”, MOD), by amending the content of sections 2, 3, separate structural elements and words in sections 1, 3–6, italicized in the text. This standard is supplemented by sections 7,8 and bibliography.

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the specified standard UNECE STANDARD FFV-56:2013 to bring it into line with GOST 1.5 (subsection 3.6).

UNECE STANDARD FFV–56:2013 was adopted at the sixty-ninth session of the Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the specified standard UNECE STANDARD FFV-56:2013 to bring it into line with GOST 1.5 (subsections 3.5, 3.6).

Official copies of UNECE STANDARD FFV-56:2013, on which this standard is based, are available on the UNECE website

A comparison of the structure of this standard with the structure of UNECE STANDARD FFV-56:2013 is given in the DB reference appendix.

Information on the compliance of interstate standards with international standards is given in the Supplementary Appendix DV.

This standard has been prepared based on the application of GOST R 55903-2013.

This standard applies to fresh bulbs of botanical shallots (Allium cera L. Aggregatum Group) and gray shallots (Allium oschaninii O. Fedtsch.) supplied and marketed for fresh consumption.

This standard does not apply to whole green shallots.

Requirements to ensure the safety of fresh shallots for human life and health are set out in 5.4, for product quality - in 5.2, for labeling - in 5.6.

Shallots, outwardly so similar to onions, are distinguished from it by their precocity and the shape of a turnip, divided into slices. The culture is early, respected by summer residents for juicy greens and bulbs, with good keeping quality. The content of trace elements in shallots is an order of magnitude higher than in other onions; it is a dietary vegetable and acts as the basis or addition to various culinary creations.

Shallot plant description

Shallot or "magpie", as it is called in the common people, is a multi-germ bulb, with delicate and juicy greens. One parent bulb is capable of producing up to 7 daughter bulbs, no more than 6 cm, weighing about 45 grams. Depending on the cultivar, shallots can produce daughter bulbs even during storage.

The shape of the bulbs are oblong, oval or elongated, rounded. The head of a shallot looks like a garlic head, several small onions grow into the bottom, forming one whole-separate onion.

The color of shallot scales depends primarily on the cultivar and is dirty yellow, white, red, brown-orange, purple or pink. The inner lobes have a milky or pink-purple hue.

The height of the green mass of shallots reaches 25 cm, the leaves are tubular, thin, dark green. From one turnip of shallots, you can get an "impressive" bunch of fresh, spicy greens.

Shallots are suitable for cultivation in any temperate latitudes, the turnip ripens for about two months, and fresh greens can be obtained as early as three weeks after sowing.

Shallot cultivation: sowing or planting, on greens or head

Shallot farming will not cause much trouble. Growing shallots is similar to growing onions. Culture needs a well-lit, quiet place with moderate humidity. Shallots respond well to loose, aerated, humus-enriched soils with low acidity. When cultivating onion crops, summer residents recommend strictly observing crop rotation; legumes and melons are considered good predecessors.

The good neighborliness of the onion allows it to be planted in the aisles of other crops, for example, carrots. Both plants enter into mutual symbiosis, scaring away harmful insects from each other.

Shallots can be planted in the spring months or before winter, in the fall. Perennial shallots are resistant to freezing and winter well under a layer of snow.

Planting shallots in spring

Planting shallots in the spring is carried out when the first snow melts.

The site is prepared in advance, in the autumn. The soil is dug up, fertilized with rotted organic matter (a bucket of 2 sq.m.) and nitroammophoska is added (55 gr. per sq.m.). It will not be superfluous to make “magpies” and wood ash before planting. In the spring, before planting, phosphorus and potassium are added to the formed ridges and mixed with the soil.

Shallots before planting should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate or in a fungicide for about 7 minutes. To get an early harvest of greens, it is recommended to plant sprouted shallots, aged in a warm room with high humidity for two weeks.

The optimal size can be called an average bulb of 3.5 cm in weight 35-40 gr. Such planting material will give green mass and bulbs much more than smaller or larger "magpie" bulbs. Small shallot bulbs produce late crops of "table-decorative" greens.

To plant a "square" plot will require about 35 calibrated medium-sized onions. Shallots are planted in rows, 25-35 cm between them. In moistened and enriched soil, shallots are stuck bottom down, in increments of 8-9 cm, deepening by 11-13 cm. In the southern regions, you should not deepen shallots deeper than 10 cm, since too deep planting increases the harvest time . After planting, the bulbs are covered with soil mixed with wood ash (3: 1) and the beds are watered.

Plantings can be covered with lutrastil or mulch, for earlier shoots, and for forcing greenery 1.5 weeks ahead of time, the tops are cut off from the pre-sowing material.

Planting shallots in autumn, before winter

When it is decided to plant shallots before winter, October or early November (southern regions) can be considered the optimal time, given that rooting should take place before frost.

After disembarkation, the beds, for better wintering, are covered with peat or spruce branches, and the flooring is removed in early spring. Onions without additional means of protection from the cold can withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees, lower rates can reduce onion yield by a factor of three.

Growing green shallots

Shallots grown on greens outperform onions in that they do not shoot, have delicate greens and early ripeness. It can be stored for a long time without losing its taste and nutritional qualities. Not a large consumption of planting raw materials, subject to agricultural technology, will yield a crop of greens many times greater than the best varieties of onions.

Cultivation of shallots for greens is carried out both in open ground and at home, in planting containers.

The early maturity of shallots makes it possible to get fresh, tall greens within a month after planting.

For planting, medium-sized shallot bulbs are planted in soil enriched with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, the soil temperature is +12 and constant moisture is important. At home, planting can be done at any time by placing containers with seedlings on a sunlit windowsill. In open ground, planting is carried out in the first decade of spring, when the soil warms up.

A month later, the crop is pulled out with the bulb, the greens are cut off, and the tops of the bulbs are cut off by 1.5 cm, and planted again in fertilized, moist soil, and after a month and a half, a new batch of greens is collected.

Growing shallots per head

To grow shallots per head, start planting in the fall, and in the summer you will get a fresh, juicy, onion turnip.

Agrotechnics for growing shallots per head does not differ from the usual autumn planting of onions. Shallots ripen in two months, and in addition to the head, it will also give a “green feather”, the ratio of yield to seed is at the level of 200%, which distinguishes this type of onion from the rest. The taste qualities of the head of shallots differ from the onion in a milder taste, and the small size is much more convenient to use for table purposes.

Shallot care

Caring for shallots is not difficult. Agrotechnical measures include watering, weeding and disease control. If you are growing shallots per head, seedlings should be thinned as early as June. Together with the thinning procedure, top dressing with compost and superphosphate is carried out, arrows are broken out.

Watering is carried out frequently up to 4 times a week, but avoiding moisture stagnation in the areas. Weeding is carried out as necessary and as the growth of harmful plants. Stop watering 3-4 weeks before harvest.

Shallots respond well to fertilizers. You can use both compost and granular mineral fertilizers.

Some gardeners, in order to increase the mass of the bulb, recommend digging up and breaking off the smallest daughter bulbs from the nest.

Try to dig the soil carefully, without damaging the bulb.

Varieties of shallots

Variety Belozerets. Early ripe shallots, with fruits of a mild-spicy taste, in mass reach 30 g. Belozerets ripens in two months. Coloration from pale lilac to dark purple. Yields are high, up to 15 tons per hectare.

Albic. Mid-season shallot with high keeping quality. The moderate sharpness of the head and feather makes it a suitable addition to salads and vegetable dishes. The mass of one bulb reaches 28 grams, the variety ripens in a month and a half. The color of the head is yellow. Albic is a high-yielding variety, subject to agricultural technology, it yields about 20 tons per hectare.

Variety of shallots Vitamin. Sharp taste, with early ripening. Ideal for both greenhouse cultivation and open ground, it is not afraid of frost, it matures in a month and a half. The vitamin variety is prone to lodging. The mass of the bulbs varies from 20 to 35 grams, they are yellow in color, juicy and crispy in taste.

Early cascade.
Shallots are two-year-old, spicy in taste, the mass of bulbs is up to 36 gr., Egg-shaped, light pink in color. An early ripe and high-yielding variety produces about 17 tons of onion fruits per hectare and 35.5 tons of green "feather".

Airat, mid-season high-yielding variety of spicy taste. The head is small, 16gr., yields 1.7 kg per square meter. The husk is yellow or orange. Bulb produces up to 6 bulbs. Most often grown for greens.

Guarantee, variety with a mild taste, medium-sharp. Planted on the greens and on the head. Early Garant, has an excellent yield, up to 25 tons per hectare. Bulbs of 32 grams have a brown tint and ripen in two months. It is used for table purposes and for conservation.

Robust. Variety resistant to various putrefactive lesions. Rarely shoots, has a mild spicy taste and an average yield (17 tons per hectare). The color is pale lilac. Suitable for pickling.

Bonnilla F 1. Shallot is an annual, grown more often by seeds on a green feather. You can harvest a good crop from the site, given that you can get up to 1.6 kg per square meter. onion fruits. Bulbs of average weight of 32 grams, ripen in two months. The nest consists of 4-5, oblong-rounded yellow bulbs. High keeping quality.

Kharkiv Kushchevka.
Variety of universal table destination, ripens quickly, gives about 2 kg. fruit per hectare. Bulbs are oblong oval, brown or light purple, weighing 28 grams.

Siberian amber. Late ripening variety, medium-sharp taste and weight of 27 gr. The bulbous nest forms up to 5-8 onion teeth. The color of the fruit scales is orange. Harvest per hectare is about 18 tons. Not afraid of cold weather, resistant to putrefactive diseases. Has a table appointment.

Guran. Perennial variety, with medium-sharp taste and medium ripening. Bulbs weighing up to 28 gr., The color of the scales is brown, gray or light orange. One bulb can produce 6 daughter bulbs, and the yield is up to 2 kg. from the "square".

The semi-sharp taste of the variety, fast ripening time and good yields make the Kuban onion a leader in demand. The yellow shallot ripens in two months, gives up to 5 large bulbs. The yield varies from 16 to 28 tons per hectare. The shade of the bulbs is predominantly yellow, inside the fruit is white, tasting soft sharpness, crispy. The variety is well kept.

Shallot Sophocles. Productive, sharp, persistent. Bulbs of medium and large size, weight about 52 gr. Fully ripens in a month and a half. The bulbs have a red and brown-red tint, with a purple core, spicy in taste. Up to 7-9 bulbs develop in the nest. It grows well on any soil and gives impressive yields, with minimal costs for agricultural technology.

Shallot Family.
Resistant to frost and disease, it ripens early, gaining weight of about 25 grams. Up to 5 medium-sized bulbs develop in the bulb nest. The mild flavor of the onion goes well with salads and vegetable dishes.

Shallot Sir 7. It has good keeping quality and medium yield. Suitable for cultivation in the northern regions of the country. Differs in early terms of maturing and gives up to 8 bulbs from a nest. About 18 tons of onions can be obtained per hectare.

In addition to the above varieties of shallots, there are such as red shallots of the Starorussky variety, white shallots of the Royal variety, yellow shallots of the Old Believer variety, purple shallots of the Shallot, brown or brown shallots of Andreyka. All varieties have excellent taste, and will be able to diversify your diet.

Harvesting and storing shallots

Harvesting of shallots begins from the moment the upper tier of the plant (leaves) dries up. Ripe bulbs are dug up in August, trying not to disturb the integrity of the fruit.

Before harvesting for storage, the dug up crop is dried, the dry tops are cut off. The bulbs are inspected for spoilage, sorted and laid out in wooden boxes or boxes.

Store shallots in a dark, cool place with low humidity.

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Shallots are planted in rows. Between rows, the distance is kept 30 cm, and between plants in a row - 10 cm. Shallots should be planted in moist soil. The bulbs are buried 10 cm deep, or 3 cm are left between the soil surface and the top surface of the bulb. After planting, the bed with onions is mulched.

Shallots are grown both for greens and for turnips.

Another distinguishing feature of shallots is its early maturity: after planting, it quickly grows and in a temperate climate zone after 25-30 days it is ready for cutting greens, and after 70-80 days the bulbs ripen, ahead of onions by 20-30 days . This bow is especially valued in the northern regions. With the same planting dates as for onions, it gives earlier greens. Leaves 25-30 cm long can be harvested a month after planting. The yield of shallots is high: green onions - up to 5 kg/m2, bulbs - up to 3 kg/m2. Shallot bulbs are very cold-resistant: they can freeze, and after gradual thawing, germinate without visible damage. - an excellent early ripe shallot variety, the bulbs ripen at the end of July. Bulbs of a beautiful oval shape, weighing 35–55 g. It has a high and stable yield and keeping quality.

​- a new mid-season multi-primary variety for growing in a two-year-old culture from sets. The bulbs are round, dense, weighing 25 g, spicy taste. Dry scales are yellow, juicy, white. Stored for 8 months.​

- a mid-season variety of onions. The bulbs are small, weighing from 20 to 35 g, their shape is from round to round-flat. The color of dry scales is yellow-brown, the inner juicy ones are white with a slight green. The taste of the bulbs is semi-sharp. The variety is very productive, there are usually 4-6 bulbs in the nest.

- mid-season semi-sharp variety with a growing season of 49–52 days. The bulbs are rounded flat, weighing 25–30 g. Dry scales are yellow-brown.

- a variety of early ripening, spicy taste. Ripens in 76-85 days. The bulbs are round and round-oval, weighing 21–27 g. The color of dry scales is light lilac with a yellow tint, juicy - purple with a lilac tint. Bulbs of a trade dress, lying.

Varieties of shallots

Shallot outwardly differs from onions in smaller bulbs (20–50 g), strong branching, and most importantly, high early maturity and high keeping quality of the bulbs, which lie without problems until the new harvest. It ripens a month earlier than onions and hardly shoots. Shallot is exceptionally hardy. Even a frozen bulb sprouts and gives a good harvest. Shallots are called "onions of aristocrats". This honorary name has contributed a lot to its unique taste. It differs from onions of other varieties in its delicate aromatic taste and juiciness. Asia Minor is considered its homeland, according to legend, the crusaders brought it to Europe after one of the crusades. First of all, the price.

Sometimes the hangers are cut off, and at the same time, the green crop will appear faster, but it will be less.

​Growing shallots is not that difficult and the growing conditions are similar to

An important quality of shallots is the ability to store well: it does not dry out, does not germinate at room temperature and is stored until a new crop.

Varieties of shallots

​Ural Violet​

  • ​Siberian Yellow​​Kuban Kvochka
  • Asterisk​Bonnila F1​
  • Among the people, shallots are highly valued for their juicy and fragrant greens and medium-sized, well-stored bulbs, which, even in a city apartment, are stored until a new harvest. Its taste is very pleasant, sharp, but softer than that of onions. And his pen is very delicate and does not grow coarse for a long time. Yes, and growing it is much easier than onions. Spread of shallots
  • The subtleties of taste are for gourmets. Caring for shallots is not much different from caring for onions. It is necessary to remove weeds, water, mulch the ground. It is especially important to water the plants when it kicks out the green mass. A month before harvesting the bulbs, watering is stopped.
  • growing onions Family onions, scientifically shallots, are characterized by exceptional precocity.
  • - a mid-late peninsular variety for growing turnips. The color of dry scales is reddish-violet. The mass of flattened bulbs is up to 58 g. The variety is resistant to bolting and rot. - one of the best early ripening varieties. The growing season from germination to leaf lodging is 60–70 days. The bulbs are small, weighing 20-25 g, spicy taste. The color of the outer dry scales is yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. There are up to 7-8 bulbs in the nest. The variety is very productive, has a high keeping quality of the bulbs, disease resistance.
  • - multi-germ, maturing variety with beautiful pink-red bulbs.. One of the most early maturing varieties with a growing season from germination to leaf lodging of 55-60 days. The bulbs are small, weighing 25–50 g, spicy in taste. The color of raw scales is yellow with a pink tint, the inner juicy ones are white. The variety is drought-resistant, productive.
  • - refers to mid-season varieties of peninsular taste, grown in one place for up to five years. The yield of turnip with leaves is 1.5 kg / sq. m. It is grown in an annual culture from seeds. Vegetation period 82–87 days. There are 4 or more rounded bulbs in the nest, each weighing 30–39 g. Dry scales of bulbs are yellow-brown. The variety is soft, gives stable yields of greens and bulbs. Most often, when growing shallots, gardeners pay much less attention to the variety than when growing onions. They are usually looking for just "family look". Nevertheless, there are quite a few varieties of shallots, including excellent varieties of the Ural and Siberian selection. And to make them easier to navigate, below is a very brief description of the most common varieties of shallots.​
  • In Western and Northern Europe, shallots have been ubiquitous since the time of the Crusades and are very popular. And in Greece it has been known since the era of the Byzantine Empire. Due to the huge demand for the plant, many of its varieties were bred. In particular, its cultivation in the northern part of the European continent became possible after subspecies were created that feel good in the harsh northern climate. But in Russia, shallots are much less known. Although recently it has been gaining more and more popularity among Russian gardeners. In our country, it has a number of unofficial names: "shallot", "kuschevka", "bush" and "magpie". And let's see the recipes, read them.
  • If the soil is infertile, shallots need to be fed.​.​
  • Shallots have a greater keeping quality compared to onions, as well as high cold resistance - the bulbs are not damaged at a temperature of -10 ... -15 degrees. Fairly early culture Chapaevsky
  • SIR-7​Kunak​
  • ​Emerald​​Vitamin basket​
  • Airat What are the benefits of shallots
  • thanks Alina. Top dressing
  • Soil shallots love neutral or slightly acidic, and very fertile. The best soil is compost, so you should not spare compost for beds. They prepare the soil for planting shallots in the fall: 2-3 buckets of compost or humus, 70 grams of superphosphate and 70 grams of potassium sulfate are scattered per square meter. Instead of mineral fertilizers, you can use ash. Nothing really different, "the same eggs, only a side view."
  • ​- mid-season variety, universal use, maturing, semi-sharp taste. The growing season is 66 days. Forms 3-8 bulbs in the nest. The bulbs are round or round-flat, weighing up to 40 g. The color of dry scales is light purple with a pink tint, juicy - light purple. - an early ripening variety of shallots. The bulb is dense, small, weighing 20–35 g. The color of the outer scales is yellow with a pink tinge. The number of bulbs in the nest is from 4 to 7 pieces. The variety is very productive, the keeping quality of the bulbs is good.
  • - an early ripening onion variety with a growing season of 70-75 days. The bulbs are flat-round, weighing 25-35 g, very dense, semi-sharp taste. The color of dry scales is yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. - an early ripe semi-sharp variety. The bulb is round, weighing 18–22 g. Dry scales are brown with a pink tinge, juicy are white. There are 3-4 bulbs in the nest. Turnip yield 1.2–1.4 kg / sq. m. Stored up to 10 months.
  • - an early ripe variety of spicy taste. From germination to harvesting for green feathers 19–22 days, to mass lodging of leaves 65–70 days. The color of dry scales is yellow, juicy - white. Bulbs weighing up to 30 g. The keeping quality of bulbs is high. Yield 1.6 kg/sq.m. The bulb is round, with yellow dry scales, weighing 15 g. It forms 5–6 bulbs in the nest.
  • The shallot bulb, in comparison with other varieties of onions, contains more sugar. In addition, there are more minerals: phosphorus and calcium salts. Onions contain germanium, cobalt, chromium, nickel, titanium and silicon.
  • They make it with diluted mullein or bird droppings, and at the beginning of the formation of the bulbs - with potash fertilizers or ash. In addition to fertile land, shallots love the sun and moderate watering.
  • The size and taste are softer."Ural Gardener" No. 13, 2016
  • Snowball Kushchevka Kharkiv
  • Cascade Vonsky
  • Albic The content of ascorbic acid in shallots is also significantly higher than in any other form, there are phytoncides, carotenoids and essential oils. It has long been used in the treatment of a number of gastric and eye diseases, and today is known as an anti-inflammatory agent. The flavonoids contained in it are used for the prevention of cancer. True, everything is good in moderation, so excessive consumption of shallots is unlikely to be beneficial to the body.
  • It is less burning, salad To make the shallots bigger. some of the small bulbs are removed, leaving 5-6 bulbs in the nest. To do this, the earth is raked from the bulbs, and small bulbs are torn off along with a feather.
  • The best predecessors for shallots are legumes.​<Предыдущая статья​
  • Shallots are known under the name "magpie", "charlotte". Shallots have a delicate, delicate and peculiar taste. - an early ripe variety with spicy bulbs. The bulb is ovoid, weighing up to 32 g. Dry and juicy scales are white. Turnip yield 1.9 kg/sq.m. Stored up to 7 months.​
  • - mid-season variety with a growing season of 65-70 days. The bulbs are small, weighing 25-30 g, semi-sharp taste. The color of the outer scales is yellow-brown with a purple tint, the juicy inner scales are light purple. There are usually 6-7 bulbs in the nest. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and lack of water in the soil. - an early maturing, spicy, maturing variety for growing in a two-year-old culture from sevka. In the nest there are 5–6 bulbs weighing up to 35 g each. The bulb is broadly ovate. Dry scales are pink,
  • - a late-ripening onion variety. Bulbs are small to medium in size (30–70 g), usually 3–4 bulbs per nest. The color of the outer scales of the bulbs is red, the inner juicy ones are white with a light purple tint, the taste of the bulbs is semi-sharp. It stands out among other varieties with resistance to adverse growing conditions, pests and diseases. - early ripe variety. The bulbs are round-flat, weighing 20–30 g. Up to 8 bulbs are formed in the nest. Differs in consistently high yields and good keeping quality of the bulbs.​
  • Shallots: Recipes and small
  • Ash can be used against onion flies. and against the worms in the leaves - a solution of table salt, in the ratio of 1 cup per 10 liters of water. Plant shallots well with carrots, these plants protect each other. Shallot protects carrots from carrot flies, carrots protect shallots from onion flies.
  • One comment Its chemical composition is close to the chemical composition of sweet varieties of onions. Shallots are characterized by good keeping quality.
  • Shrike Marneulsky (Bargalinsky)
  • ​Koinar​​Guarantor​
  • Andrey Due to its unique taste, the use of shallots, like ordinary onions, is widespread in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. But the shallot has one important advantage over it: thanks to its delicate taste, it does not interrupt the aroma and taste of other components of the dish. It is well marinated, salted, stewed. Its use will be appropriate in soup, minced meat, broth, it can be used as an additive to fish or meat dishes. However, it also has contraindications. It is not recommended to eat it in large quantities for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or the genitourinary system. People with high stomach acid should also limit their use of shallots, as it can provoke an even greater increase in acid content.

just eat, once bought

What is the difference between a shallot and a regular onion?

Irina Golovach

Shallots are planted either in early spring or in autumn for the winter. In the spring, shallots are planted when the threat of frost has passed. Before planting, shallot bulbs are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15-30 minutes. If the shallot bulbs were stored in a cold way, they are kept at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a week before planting.
​Next article>​


The most famous varieties: Russian, purple, Kuban, Krasnodar
- productive winter-hardy variety. Bulbs are elongated, form a large nest of 5-7 pieces. The color of the outer scales is brown-violet.

- a late-ripening variety of shallots. The bulbs are elongated-oval, weighing 50–90 g. The color of dry scales is pink-yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. There are usually 4-6 bulbs in the nest. The variety is very productive, it is propagated mainly by seeds.
- mid-season variety, peninsular. Vegetation period 83 days. 2–4 rounded-flat and round-oval bulbs are formed in the nest, weighing about 26 g. The color of dry scales is brownish-pink, juicy - pale lilac with a white tint.

- mid-season variety. The bulbs are round-flat, weighing 25-30 g, semi-sharp taste. The color of dry scales is yellow. The variety is characterized by high yield and preservation of bulbs.
- mid-season semi-sharp variety with dark brown dry and pinkish juicy scales. The bulb is transversely elliptical, weighing 25 g. Productivity is 1.8 kg / sq.m.

Shallots: varieties


The taste is different, rather sour-sweet, does not smell (it is clear where) after eating it. In sauces, salads. Caramelized for meat. Just bake for a side dish.​
next article


The best bulbs to plant


Shallot refers to

Shallots: cultivation and care. Why is it beneficial? | Road to Computer Business

Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Onion family (Alliaceae). Sophocles ​off season​

​Sturdy Miner​Atlas F1​

This onion has three main varieties: Danish, Russian and potato. Each of them is divided into a fairly large number of sweet and spicy varieties, which, in turn, have found application in cooking or traditional medicine. Shallot is also attractive because all its varieties are early ripening and ripen three to four weeks earlier than other types of onions. The bulbs are relatively small, but "lying". They keep very well all winter, do not germinate and do not rot. And not only in storage conditions, but also at room temperature. In a word, shallots have all the data to win the sympathy of the Russians.​

Shallot, or Ashkelon onion (lat. Allium ascalonicum) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Onion (Allium) of the Onion family (Alliaceae).

We will continue to figure out how to grow shallots, and we will analyze the features of growing shallots for greens and turnips.​

Growing shallots

- small, 3 cm in diameter. They branch better and form more daughter bulbs. Small bulbs are less productive, and they are often used for forcing late greens, or for autumn sowing before winter. Large bulbs give a large number of small bulbs, and it is impractical to use them. kind of onion The bulb is small, weighing 25-50 g; purple to white color. The number of primordia is 50-60. When planted, the bulb forms many leaves and up to 20 arrows 50-60 cm high. The leaves are cylindrical-awl-shaped, thin, with a wax coating. Arrows without swellings, cylindrical. Flowers small, whitish. Inflorescence small, loose. The seeds are smaller than those of the onion. Shallot bulbs are very similar to onion bulbs: they are also real, ripening well and very well (better than that of onion) stored, but usually smaller - from 9 to 40 g, and multi-growth. They form many shoots - in one nest up to 30 pcs. and more. The leaves are thinner than those of the onion, subulate, bright green, not coarsening for a long time, 20-40 cm long.

- mid-early semi-sharp variety, 59 days pass before lodging of leaves. Very fruitful. Dry scales are brown with a reddish tint, juicy - pale purple. In the nest there are from 4 to 8 rounded bulbs weighing from 25 to 50 g. Light, resistant to Fusarium rot.

- an exceptionally productive variety intended for growing on greenery in winter and spring greenhouses and at room conditions. The variety is early maturing. The leaves are bright green, up to 30 cm long. The bulbs are flat-round, small, weighing up to 20 g. The color of dry scales is yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. There are 8–10 bulbs in the nest.

- mid-late peninsular variety with a growing season of 52-69 days. Bulbs are oval in shape, with pink dry scales. In the nest there are from 4 to 7 bulbs weighing 23–52 g. The keeping quality of the variety is high. Resistant to bolting and rot. Suitable for winter planting.​

- a mid-season variety with a semi-sharp taste for growing in a two-year culture. The bulb is round, weighing 16–18 g. There are 5–7 bulbs in the nest. Dry bulb scales are yellow. Yield 1.6 kg/sq. m.​

Planting shallots

- mid-season hybrid. Bulbs of excellent taste, very well stored. Dry outer scales are bronze-brown.

Shallots (popularly - family onions, kuschevka, kusovka, magpie) are a type of onion. It has been cultivated for over 2 thousand years. Its Latin name is Eat young leaves, which are cut several times during the growing season. Small onions of a peculiar taste are also edible. Also use a large onion. There are a lot of recipes here, it is from shallots, there you will see why you bought it, it will suddenly interest you.

​You can get more detailed information in the sections "All courses" and "Utility", which can be accessed through the top menu of the site. In these sections, articles are grouped by topic into blocks containing the most detailed (as far as possible) information on various topics. If you plant shallots before winter, this should be done 1-1.5 months before the expected frosts, because the shallots have to take root. But at the same time, it should not begin to grow. After planting, the beds are mulched with humus with a layer of 3-4 cm, which is then removed in the spring., and therefore the cultivation of shallots is about the same, but there are differences that we will now consider with you.

Shallots are valued for their early, tender, fragrant greens, as well as medium-sized tasty bulbs, from which excellent pickles are made. It has long been considered a gourmet onion, because it does not drown out the delicate taste of other products.


Shallot Care

​Russian Violet​

Bulbous Guran Athos

Allium ascalonicum

Pest protection


You can also subscribe to the blog, and learn about all the new articles. It does not take much time. Just click on the link below:​ Plant before winter Unlike ordinary onions, several small daughter bulbs 3–4 cm in size appear from one planted mother bulb. They are attached to the mother bulb and form a kind of necklace around it. In total, there can be from 6 to 12 such bulbs, but in some varieties their number can reach up to 25, and even 40 pieces. It is for this reason that the shallot is sometimes called the magpie. Also, a whole bunch of thin and narrow feathers appears from the mother bulb.

Relatively recently, beyond the Urals and in Siberia, because of its properties and cultivation characteristics, shallots have become popular among gardeners. In the countries of Europe, neighboring countries, in the Far East and the Caucasus, it has been loved and grown for a long time. First of all, shallots are loved because of the fragrant, vitamin, tender and juicy greens, precocity and winter hardiness. Delicate, sweet, not causing tears and giving fast and high yields, onions are the dream of any gardener and gourmet.

Description and main advantages of shallots

It is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant. forms "family nests", therefore, in the people it is often called "family". Its slightly elongated bulbs have a weight of 20 to 50 grams and thin scales. Shallot feathers are delicate, thin and begin to coarsen very late.

Unlike onions, shallots contain more solids, so they are suitable for drying. Until the next harvest, it can be perfectly preserved at room conditions.

Benefits of shallots:

  1. Shallots are suitable for growing on a windowsill, as a lot of greenery is obtained from a compact bunch of a plant.
  2. High yield is formed due to the mass of the nest of 150-300 grams, in which up to 10 bulbs can form.
  3. Fast and gentle distillation.
  4. It is stored for a long time, while not germinating.
  5. Does not lose its qualities within 8-12 months.
  6. Early drying and aging of the leaves protects the plant from neck rot and downy mildew.
  7. The friendly lodging of feathers at the end of summer allows you to get well-ripened bulbs in the fall.
  8. Bulbs have a short growing season and, as a result, early ripening.

Shallot bulbs and leaves contain many useful substances:

  • minerals;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • essential oil;
  • mineral salts of iron, phosphate, calcium, potassium;
  • B vitamins;
  • phytoncides;
  • carotenoids.

Shallots differ in dietary and some medicinal properties. It is used to treat some stomach and eye diseases.

Onion varieties differ in taste, degree of branching, scale color and ripening time.

Early ripe varieties of shallots

Mid-season varieties

  1. "Albic"- a variety with a vegetation period of 62 days, high yield and keeping quality. Transverse eleptic bulbs can weigh up to 30 grams and have yellow scales. In the nest usually formed from 3 to 8 pieces of heads.
  2. 'Bonnila F 1' is semi-sharp and has a growing season of 82-87 days. More than four heads ripen in the nest, the weight of each of which can be up to 40 grams. The variety gives stable yields of bulbs and greens, is well stored and can grow in one place for up to five years.
  3. "Garant" is a semi-sharp variety with round-flat heads and a growing season of about 50 days. The mass of bulbs, which are from 3 to 10 pieces in a nest, can reach 32 grams. The grade is recommended for cultivation in the open and closed ground for receiving bulbs and greens.
  4. "Earring"- a very productive hybrid with a growing season of up to 58 days. From 4 to 10 rounded bulbs with a mass of 25-40 grams are formed in the nest. Culture can be cultivated in any region. The variety is resistant to rot and bolting, keeps well and is suitable for mechanical harvesting.
  5. "Chapaevsky" - shallots of universal use, the growing season of which is 66 days. Rounded bulbs have a mass of about 40 grams and light purple scales. 5-8 heads are formed in the nest. The variety is rarely affected by peronosporosis, it is well and long stored, suitable for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region.

Medium late varieties of shallots

Features of growing shallots

To grow a crop, highly fertile loose soils with a neutral reaction are needed. Experienced gardeners recommend planting onions after cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage or legumes.

Distance between rows depends on the size of the planting material:

  • 20-30 cm for large bulbs;
  • 15-18 - for medium;
  • 8-10 - for small ones.

Before planting planting material, on the beds are made furrows 5-6 cm deep which flow well but do not compact. Planted bulbs are sprinkled with 2-3 centimeters of earth. When planting, it should be remembered that with a strong deepening, the emergence of seedlings will be delayed.

Planting onions in spring

Shallots are best planted in early spring. A culture planted in late spring or autumn does not ripen for a long time and is poorly stored.

The best time for planting is the end of April-beginning of May. At this time, the soil has already warmed up well and there is enough moisture in it for the seedlings to take root. Shoots will appear in about 10-14 days.

When planting shallots in late spring, when the soil is dry and its temperature is elevated, seedlings may appear only after 20-30 days. In dry soil in hot weather leaves grow faster than the roots, the photoperiodic growth regime is disrupted, as a result of which the bulbs do not have time to ripen.

Planting onions in autumn

By choosing frost-resistant varieties with a reduced percentage of shooting, in the second or third decade of September, shallots can be planted before winter.

Advantages of autumn planting:

  • storage of planting material is not required;
  • in comparison with spring planting, the bulbs ripen 10-12 days earlier;
  • plants rooted in autumn use spring moisture reserves in the soil more efficiently;
  • greenery harvesting is possible already in the first half of June.

Shallot Care

The culture does not require frequent watering. In dry weather, it is necessary to ensure that the onion is watered when mass shoots appear, that is, at the end of May. On average, no more than three waterings are required per season.

During the period of active growth between the rows should do weeding and loosening. When the leaves grow back, this will help destroy the eggs of the onion fly.

To make the bulbs larger, the nests are thinned out in early July, removing entirely two or three shoots, leaving to ripen three or four. Watering and feeding plants during this period of time is not recommended. With excess nutrition and moisture in the middle of summer, only leaf formation will continue, and the bulbs will ripen poorly.

Until the arrows have grown to 10 centimeters, they must be broken out at the exit from the sinus. Otherwise, only greens will continue to grow.

Harvesting and storing shallots

At the end of the first decade of July, early-ripening varieties, and by the beginning of August, mid-ripening and medium-late shallot varieties begin to fall leaves. This is a signal to harvest, the delay of which can lead to a reduction in the shelf life of the bulbs.

Early ripe varieties should be harvested at the end of the second decade of July, and the remaining varieties - in the first decade of August. Shallots are a delicate plant, so it is not recommended to leave dug up shoots in open sunlight. It is better to dry the crop under some kind of canopy.

During the year, the crop will retain its valuable qualities when stored at a relative humidity of 60-70% and at temperatures from 0C to +10C. Planting material should be stored at a higher temperature up to +20C.

Thanks to their small tasty bulbs and early tender greens, shallots are valued all over the world. In addition, the culture is distinguished by high dietary properties and medicinal characteristics, which are much greater than those of turnips. Shallot is a favorite spice in French cuisine. It is used for fresh and pickled food, as well as for flavoring meat, poultry, soups, sauces.

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