Cosine Fourier transform examples. Sufficient conditions for the representability of a function by a Fourier integral. Options for tasks for settlement and graphic works

I. Fourier transforms.

Definition 1. Function

called Fourier transform functions .

The integral here is understood in the sense of the principal value

and is believed to exist.

If is an absolutely integrable function on ℝ, then, since for , the Fourier transform (1) makes sense for any such function, and the integral (1) converges absolutely and uniformly with respect to the entire line ℝ.

Definition 2. If a is the Fourier transform of the function
, then the associated integral

Understood in the sense of the main meaning, is called Fourier integral of the function .

Example 1 Find the Fourier Transform of a Function

The given function is absolutely integrable on , indeed,

Definition 3. Understood in the sense of the principal value of the integrals

Named accordingly cosine- and sine Fourier transform functions .

Assuming , , , we obtain, in part, the relation already familiar to us from the Fourier series

As can be seen from relations (3), (4),

Formulas (5), (6) show that the Fourier transforms are completely defined on the entire line if they are known only for non-negative values ​​of the argument.

Example 2 Find the cosine - and sine - Fourier transform of a function

As shown in Example 1, the given function is absolutely integrable on .

Let's find its cosine - Fourier transform according to the formula (3):

Similarly, it is not difficult to find the sine - Fourier transform of the function f(x) by formula (4):

Using Examples 1 and 2, it is easy to verify by direct substitution that for f(x) relation (5) is satisfied.

If the function is real-valued, then formulas (5), (6) in this case imply

Since in this case and are real functions on R, which is evident from their definitions (3), (4). However, equality (7) under the condition is also obtained directly from the definition (1) of the Fourier transform, if we take into account that the conjugation sign can be placed under the integral sign. The last observation allows us to conclude that any function satisfies the equality

It is also useful to note that if is a real and even function, i.e., , then

if is a real and odd function, i.e., , then

And if is a purely imaginary function, i.e. . , then

Note that if is a real-valued function, then the Fourier integral can also be written in the form


Example 3
(assuming )

since we know the value of the Dirichlet integral

The function considered in the example is not absolutely integrable on and its Fourier transform has discontinuities. The fact that the Fourier transform of absolutely integrable functions has no discontinuities is shown by the following

Lemma 1. If the function locally integrable and absolutely integrable on , then

a) its Fourier transform defined for any value


Recall that if is a real or complex-valued function defined on an open set , then the function called locally integrable on, if any dot has a neighborhood in which the function is integrable. In particular, if , the condition of local integrability of the function is obviously equivalent to the fact that for any segment.

Example 4 Find the Fourier transform of the function :

Differentiating the last integral with respect to the parameter and then integrating by parts, we find that


Means, , where is a constant, which, using the Euler-Poisson integral, we find from the relation

So, we found that , and at the same time showed that , and .

Definition 4. They say that the function , defined in a punctured neighborhood of the point , satisfies the Dini conditions at the point if

a) both one-sided limits exist at the point

b) both integrals

agree absolutely.

Absolute convergence of the integral means the absolute convergence of the integral at least for some value of .

Sufficient conditions for the representability of a function by a Fourier integral.

Theorem 1.If absolutely integrable on and locally piecewise continuous function satisfies at the point Dini conditions, then its Fourier integral converges at this point, and to the value

equal to half the sum of the left and right limits of the function values ​​at this point.

Consequence 1.If the function continuous, has at every point finite one-sided derivatives and absolutely integrable on , then it appears as with its Fourier integral

where Fourier transform of a function .

The representation of a function by the Fourier integral can be rewritten as:

Comment. The conditions on the function formulated in Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 are sufficient but not necessary for the possibility of such a representation.

Example 5 Represent the function as a Fourier integral if

This function is odd and continuous on ℝ, except for the points , , .

Due to the oddness and realness of the function, we have:

and from equalities (5) and (10) it follows that

At the points of continuity of the function we have:

But the function is odd, so

since the integral is calculated in the sense of the principal value.

The function is even, so

if , . For , the equality

Assuming , from here we find

If we put in the last expression for , then

Assuming here, we find

If a real-valued function is piecewise continuous on any segment of the real line, absolutely integrable on and has finite one-sided derivatives at each point, then at the points of continuity of the function it is represented as the Fourier integral

and at the discontinuity points of the function, the left side of equality (1) should be replaced by

If a continuous absolutely integrable function on each point has finite one-sided derivatives at each point, then in the case when this function is even, the equality

and in the case when is an odd function, the equality

Example 5'. Represent the function as a Fourier integral if:

Since is a continuous even function, then, using formulas (13.2), (13.2’), we have

We denote by the symbol the integral understood in the sense of the principal value

Consequence 2.For any function satisfying the conditions of Corollary 1, there are all transformations , , , and there are equalities

With these relations in mind, transformation (14) is often called inverse Fourier transform and instead write , and equalities (15) themselves are called Fourier transform inversion formula.

Example 6 Let and

Note that if , then for any function

Let's take a function now. Then

If we take a function that is an odd continuation of the function , on the entire numerical axis, then

Using Theorem 1, we get that

All integrals here are understood in the sense of principal value,

Separating the real and imaginary parts in the last two integrals, we find the Laplace integrals

Definition . Function

will be called the normalized Fourier transform.

Definition . If is the normalized Fourier transform of the function , then the associated integral

We will call the normalized Fourier integral of the function .

We will consider the normalized Fourier transform (16).

For convenience, we introduce the following notation:

(those. ).

In comparison with the previous notation, this is just a renormalization: Hence, in particular, relations (15) allow us to conclude that

or, in shorter notation,

Definition 5. The operator will be called the normalized Fourier transform, and the operator will be called the inverse normalized Fourier transform.

In Lemma 1, it was noted that the Fourier transform of any absolutely integrable function on a function tends to zero at infinity. The next two statements state that, like the Fourier coefficients, the Fourier transform tends to zero the faster, the smoother the function from which it is taken (in the first statement); a fact reciprocal with this will be that the faster the function from which the Fourier transform is taken tends to zero, the smoother its Fourier transform (second statement).

Statement 1(on the connection between the smoothness of a function and the rate of decrease of its Fourier transform). If a and all features absolutely integrable on , then:

a) for any


Statement 2(on the relationship between the rate of decay of a function and the smoothness of its Fourier transform). If a locally integrable function : is such that the function absolutely integrable a , then:

a) Fourier transform of a function belongs to the class

b) there is an inequality

We present the main hardware properties of the Fourier transform.

Lemma 2. Let there be a Fourier transform for the functions and (respectively, the inverse Fourier transform), then, whatever the numbers and , there is a Fourier transform (respectively, the inverse Fourier transform) and for the function , and

(respectively ).

This property is called the linearity of the Fourier transform (respectively, the inverse Fourier transform).

Consequence. .

Lemma 3. The Fourier transform, as well as the inverse transform, is a one-to-one transformation on the set of continuous absolutely integrable functions on the entire axis, having one-sided derivatives at each point.

This means that if and are two functions of the specified type and if (respectively, if ), then on the entire axis.

From the assertion of Lemma 1, we can obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 4. If the sequence of absolutely integrable functions and an absolutely integrable function are such that

then the sequence uniformly on the entire axis converges to the function .

Let us now study the Fourier transform of convolutions of two functions. For convenience, we modify the definition of convolution by adding an additional factor

Theorem 2. Let the functions and be bounded, continuous, and absolutely integrable on the real axis, then

those. the Fourier transform of the convolution of two functions is equal to the product of the Fourier transforms of these functions.

Let's compile a summary table No. 1 of the properties of the normalized Fourier transform, useful in solving the problems below.

Table #1

Function Normalized Fourier Transform

Using properties 1-4 and 6, we get

Example 7 Find the normalized Fourier transform of a function

Example 4 showed that

as if

According to property 3, we have:

Similarly, you can compile table No. 2 for the normalized inverse Fourier transform:

Table number 2

Function Normalized Inverse Fourier Transform

As before, using properties 1-4 and 6 we get that

Example 8 Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

As follows from example 6

When we have:

Representing the function in the form

use property 6 when

Options for tasks for settlement and graphic work

1. Find the sine - Fourier transform of a function

2. Find the sine - Fourier transform of a function

3. Find cosine - Fourier transform of a function

4. Find cosine - Fourier transform of a function

5. Find the sine - Fourier transform of a function

6.Find cosine - Fourier transform of a function

7. Find the sine - Fourier transform of the function

8. Find cosine - Fourier transform of a function

9. Find cosine - Fourier transform of a function

10. Find the sine - Fourier transform of a function

11. Find the sine - Fourier transform of a function

12. Find sine - function transformation

13. Find sine - function transformation

14. Find cosine - function transformation

15. Find cosine - function transformation

16. Find the Fourier transform of a function if:

17. Find the Fourier transform of a function if:

18. Find the Fourier transform of a function if:

19. Find the Fourier transform of a function if:

20. Find the Fourier transform of a function if:

21. Find the Fourier transform of a function if:

22. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

24. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

26. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

28. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

30. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

23. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

25. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

27. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

29. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

31. Find the normalized inverse Fourier transform of a function

using the formula

32. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

33. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

34. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

35. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

36. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

37. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

38. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

39. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

40. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

41. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

42. Represent a function as a Fourier integral

43. Represent the function as a Fourier integral, extending it in an odd way to the interval if:

44. Represent the function as a Fourier integral, continuing it in an odd way to the interval if.

Which are already pretty fed up. And I feel that the moment has come when it is time to extract new canned food from the strategic reserves of theory. Is it possible to expand the function into a series in some other way? For example, to express a straight line segment in terms of sines and cosines? It seems incredible, but such seemingly distant functions lend themselves to
"reunion". In addition to the familiar degrees in theory and practice, there are other approaches to expanding a function into a series.

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the trigonometric Fourier series, touch on the issue of its convergence and sum, and, of course, we will analyze numerous examples for expanding functions into a Fourier series. I sincerely wanted to call the article “Fourier Series for Dummies”, but this would be cunning, since solving problems will require knowledge of other sections of mathematical analysis and some practical experience. Therefore, the preamble will resemble the training of astronauts =)

First, the study of the page materials should be approached in excellent shape. Sleepy, rested and sober. Without strong emotions about the broken paw of a hamster and obsessive thoughts about the hardships of the life of aquarium fish. The Fourier series is not difficult from the point of view of understanding, however, practical tasks simply require an increased concentration of attention - ideally, one should completely abandon external stimuli. The situation is aggravated by the fact that there is no easy way to check the solution and the answer. Thus, if your health is below average, then it is better to do something simpler. Truth.

Secondly, before flying into space, it is necessary to study the instrument panel of the spacecraft. Let's start with the values ​​of the functions that should be clicked on the machine:

For any natural value:

one) . And in fact, the sinusoid "flashes" the x-axis through each "pi":
. In the case of negative values ​​of the argument, the result, of course, will be the same: .

2). But not everyone knew this. The cosine "pi en" is the equivalent of a "flashing light":

A negative argument does not change the case: .

Perhaps enough.

And thirdly, dear cosmonaut corps, you need to be able to ... integrate.
In particular, sure bring a function under a differential sign, integrate by parts and be on good terms with Newton-Leibniz formula. Let's start the important pre-flight exercises. I strongly do not recommend skipping it, so that later you don’t flatten in zero gravity:

Example 1

Calculate definite integrals

where takes natural values.

Solution: integration is carried out over the variable "x" and at this stage the discrete variable "en" is considered a constant. In all integrals bring the function under the sign of the differential:

A short version of the solution, which would be good to shoot at, looks like this:

Getting used to:

The four remaining points are on their own. Try to treat the task conscientiously and arrange the integrals in a short way. Sample solutions at the end of the lesson.

After a QUALITY exercise, we put on spacesuits
and getting ready to start!

Expansion of a function in a Fourier series on the interval

Let's consider a function that determined at least on the interval (and, possibly, on a larger interval). If this function is integrable on the segment , then it can be expanded into a trigonometric Fourier series:
, where are the so-called Fourier coefficients.

In this case, the number is called decomposition period, and the number is half-life decomposition.

Obviously, in the general case, the Fourier series consists of sines and cosines:

Indeed, let's write it in detail:

The zero term of the series is usually written as .

Fourier coefficients are calculated using the following formulas:

I understand perfectly well that new terms are still obscure for beginners to study the topic: decomposition period, half cycle, Fourier coefficients and others. Don't panic, it's not comparable to the excitement before a spacewalk. Let's figure everything out in the nearest example, before executing which it is logical to ask pressing practical questions:

What do you need to do in the following tasks?

Expand the function into a Fourier series. Additionally, it is often required to draw a graph of a function, a graph of the sum of a series, a partial sum, and in the case of sophisticated professorial fantasies, do something else.

How to expand a function into a Fourier series?

Essentially, you need to find Fourier coefficients, that is, compose and compute three definite integrals.

Please copy the general form of the Fourier series and the three working formulas in your notebook. I am very glad that some of the site visitors have a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut coming true right in front of my eyes =)

Example 2

Expand the function into a Fourier series on the interval . Build a graph, a graph of the sum of a series and a partial sum.

Solution: the first part of the task is to expand the function into a Fourier series.

The beginning is standard, be sure to write down that:

In this problem, the expansion period , half-period .

We expand the function in a Fourier series on the interval:

Using the appropriate formulas, we find Fourier coefficients. Now we need to compose and calculate three definite integrals. For convenience, I will number the points:

1) The first integral is the simplest, however, it already requires an eye and an eye:

2) We use the second formula:

This integral is well known and he takes it piecemeal:

When found used method of bringing a function under a differential sign.

In the task under consideration, it is more convenient to immediately use formula for integration by parts in a definite integral :

A couple of technical notes. First, after applying the formula the entire expression must be enclosed in large brackets, since there is a constant in front of the original integral. Let's not lose it! Parentheses can be opened at any further step, I did it at the very last turn. In the first "piece" we show extreme accuracy in substitution, as you can see, the constant is out of business, and the limits of integration are substituted into the product. This action is marked with square brackets. Well, the integral of the second "piece" of the formula is well known to you from the training task ;-)

And most importantly - the ultimate concentration of attention!

3) We are looking for the third Fourier coefficient:

A relative of the previous integral is obtained, which is also integrated by parts:

This instance is a little more complicated, I will comment out the further steps step by step:

(1) The entire expression is enclosed in large brackets.. I did not want to seem like a bore, they lose the constant too often.

(2) In this case, I immediately expanded those big brackets. Special attention we devote to the first “piece”: the constant smokes on the sidelines and does not participate in substituting the limits of integration ( and ) into the product . In view of the clutter of the record, it is again advisable to highlight this action in square brackets. With the second "piece" everything is simpler: here the fraction appeared after opening large brackets, and the constant - as a result of integrating the familiar integral ;-)

(3) In square brackets, we carry out transformations, and in the right integral, we substitute the limits of integration.

(4) We take out the “flasher” from the square brackets: , after which we open the inner brackets: .

(5) We cancel out the 1 and -1 in brackets and make final simplifications.

Finally found all three Fourier coefficients:

Substitute them into the formula :

Don't forget to split in half. At the last step, the constant ("minus two"), which does not depend on "en", is taken out of the sum.

Thus, we have obtained the expansion of the function in a Fourier series on the interval :

Let us study the question of the convergence of the Fourier series. I will explain the theory in particular Dirichlet theorem, literally "on the fingers", so if you need strict formulations, please refer to a textbook on calculus (for example, the 2nd volume of Bohan; or the 3rd volume of Fichtenholtz, but it is more difficult in it).

In the second part of the task, it is required to draw a graph, a series sum graph and a partial sum graph.

The graph of the function is the usual straight line on the plane, which is drawn with a black dotted line:

We deal with the sum of the series. As you know, functional series converge to functions. In our case, the constructed Fourier series for any value of "x" converges to the function shown in red. This function is subject to breaks of the 1st kind in points , but also defined in them (red dots in the drawing)

In this way: . It is easy to see that it differs markedly from the original function , which is why in the notation a tilde is used instead of an equals sign.

Let us study an algorithm by which it is convenient to construct the sum of a series.

On the central interval, the Fourier series converges to the function itself (the central red segment coincides with the black dotted line of the linear function).

Now let's talk a little about the nature of the considered trigonometric expansion. Fourier series includes only periodic functions (constant, sines and cosines), so the sum of the series is also a periodic function.

What does this mean in our particular example? And this means that the sum of the series necessarily periodic and the red segment of the interval must be infinitely repeated on the left and right.

I think that now the meaning of the phrase "period of decomposition" has finally become clear. Simply put, every time the situation repeats itself again and again.

In practice, it is usually sufficient to depict three decomposition periods, as is done in the drawing. Well, and more "stumps" of neighboring periods - to make it clear that the chart continues.

Of particular interest are discontinuity points of the 1st kind. At such points, the Fourier series converges to isolated values, which are located exactly in the middle of the discontinuity "jump" (red dots in the drawing). How to find the ordinate of these points? First, let's find the ordinate of the "upper floor": for this, we calculate the value of the function at the rightmost point of the central expansion period: . To calculate the ordinate of the “lower floor”, the easiest way is to take the leftmost value of the same period: . The ordinate of the mean value is the arithmetic mean of the sum of the "top and bottom": . Nice is the fact that when building a drawing, you will immediately see whether the middle is correctly or incorrectly calculated.

Let us construct a partial sum of the series and at the same time repeat the meaning of the term "convergence". The motive is known from the lesson about the sum of the number series. Let's describe our wealth in detail:

To make a partial sum, you need to write down zero + two more terms of the series. That is,

In the drawing, the graph of the function is shown in green, and, as you can see, it wraps around the total sum quite tightly. If we consider a partial sum of five terms of the series, then the graph of this function will approximate the red lines even more accurately, if there are a hundred terms, then the “green serpent” will actually completely merge with the red segments, etc. Thus, the Fourier series converges to its sum.

It is interesting to note that any partial sum is continuous function, but the total sum of the series is still discontinuous.

In practice, it is not uncommon to build a partial sum graph. How to do it? In our case, it is necessary to consider the function on the segment, calculate its values ​​at the ends of the segment and at intermediate points (the more points you consider, the more accurate the graph will be). Then you should mark these points on the drawing and carefully draw a graph on the period , and then “replicate” it into adjacent intervals. How else? After all, approximation is also a periodic function ... ... its graph somehow reminds me of an even heart rhythm on the display of a medical device.

Of course, it is not very convenient to carry out the construction, since you have to be extremely careful, maintaining an accuracy of no less than half a millimeter. However, I will please readers who are at odds with drawing - in a "real" task, it is far from always necessary to perform a drawing, somewhere in 50% of cases it is required to expand the function into a Fourier series and that's it.

After completing the drawing, we complete the task:


In many tasks, the function suffers rupture of the 1st kind right on the decomposition period:

Example 3

Expand in a Fourier series the function given on the interval . Draw a graph of the function and the total sum of the series.

The proposed function is given piecewise (and, mind you, only on the segment) and endure rupture of the 1st kind at point . Is it possible to calculate the Fourier coefficients? No problem. Both the left and right parts of the function are integrable on their intervals, so the integrals in each of the three formulas should be represented as the sum of two integrals. Let's see, for example, how this is done for a zero coefficient:

The second integral turned out to be equal to zero, which reduced the work, but this is not always the case.

Two other Fourier coefficients are written similarly.

How to display the sum of a series? On the left interval we draw a straight line segment , and on the interval - a straight line segment (highlight the axis section in bold-bold). That is, on the expansion interval, the sum of the series coincides with the function everywhere, except for three "bad" points. At the break point of the function, the Fourier series converges to an isolated value, which is located exactly in the middle of the “jump” of the break. It is not difficult to see it orally: left-hand limit:, right-hand limit: and, obviously, the ordinate of the midpoint is 0.5.

Due to the periodicity of the sum , the picture must be “multiplied” into neighboring periods, in particular, depict the same thing on the intervals and . In this case, at the points, the Fourier series converges to the median values.

In fact, there is nothing new here.

Try to solve this problem on your own. An approximate sample of fine design and drawing at the end of the lesson.

Expansion of a function in a Fourier series on an arbitrary period

For an arbitrary expansion period, where "el" is any positive number, the formulas for the Fourier series and Fourier coefficients differ in a slightly complicated sine and cosine argument:

If , then we get the formulas for the interval with which we started.

The algorithm and principles for solving the problem are completely preserved, but the technical complexity of the calculations increases:

Example 4

Expand the function into a Fourier series and plot the sum.

Solution: in fact, an analogue of Example No. 3 with rupture of the 1st kind at point . In this problem, the expansion period , half-period . The function is defined only on the half-interval , but this does not change things - it is important that both parts of the function are integrable.

Let's expand the function into a Fourier series:

Since the function is discontinuous at the origin, each Fourier coefficient should obviously be written as the sum of two integrals:

1) I will write the first integral as detailed as possible:

2) Carefully peer into the surface of the moon:

Second integral take in parts:

What should you pay close attention to after we open the continuation of the solution with an asterisk?

First, we do not lose the first integral , where we immediately execute bringing under the sign of the differential. Secondly, do not forget the ill-fated constant before the big brackets and don't get confused by signs when using the formula . Large brackets, after all, it is more convenient to open immediately in the next step.

The rest is a matter of technique, only insufficient experience in solving integrals can cause difficulties.

Yes, it was not in vain that the eminent colleagues of the French mathematician Fourier were indignant - how dared he decompose functions into trigonometric series ?! =) By the way, probably everyone is interested in the practical meaning of the task in question. Fourier himself worked on a mathematical model of heat conduction, and subsequently the series named after him began to be used to study many periodic processes, which are apparently invisible in the outside world. Now, by the way, I caught myself thinking that it was no coincidence that I compared the graph of the second example with a periodic heart rhythm. Those interested can get acquainted with the practical application Fourier transforms from third party sources. ... Although it’s better not to - it will be remembered as First Love =)

3) Given the repeatedly mentioned weak links, we deal with the third coefficient:

Integrating by parts:

We substitute the found Fourier coefficients into the formula , not forgetting to divide the zero coefficient in half:

Let's plot the sum of the series. Let us briefly repeat the procedure: on the interval we build a line, and on the interval - a line. With a zero value of "x", we put a point in the middle of the "jump" of the gap and "replicate" the chart for neighboring periods:

At the "junctions" of the periods, the sum will also be equal to the midpoints of the "jump" of the gap.

Ready. I remind you that the function itself is conditionally defined only on the half-interval and, obviously, coincides with the sum of the series on the intervals


Sometimes a piecewise given function is also continuous on the expansion period. The simplest example: . Solution (See Bohan Volume 2) is the same as in the two previous examples: despite function continuity at the point , each Fourier coefficient is expressed as the sum of two integrals.

In the breakup interval discontinuity points of the 1st kind and / or "junction" points of the graph may be more (two, three, and in general any final amount). If a function is integrable on every part, then it is also expandable in a Fourier series. But from practical experience, I don’t remember such a tin. Nevertheless, there are more difficult tasks than just considered, and at the end of the article for everyone there are links to Fourier series of increased complexity.

In the meantime, let's relax, leaning back in our chairs and contemplating the endless expanses of stars:

Example 5

Expand the function into a Fourier series on the interval and plot the sum of the series.

In this task, the function continuous on the decomposition half-interval, which simplifies the solution. Everything is very similar to Example No. 2. There is no escape from the spaceship - you have to decide =) An approximate design sample at the end of the lesson, the schedule is attached.

Fourier series expansion of even and odd functions

With even and odd functions, the process of solving the problem is noticeably simplified. And that's why. Let's return to the expansion of the function in a Fourier series on a period of "two pi" and arbitrary period "two ales" .

Let's assume that our function is even. The general term of the series, as you can see, contains even cosines and odd sines. And if we decompose an EVEN function, then why do we need odd sines?! Let's reset the unnecessary coefficient: .

In this way, an even function expands into a Fourier series only in cosines:

Because the integrals of even functions over a segment of integration that is symmetric with respect to zero can be doubled, then the remaining Fourier coefficients are also simplified.

For span:

For an arbitrary interval:

Textbook examples that are found in almost any calculus textbook include expansions of even functions . In addition, they have repeatedly met in my personal practice:

Example 6

Given a function. Required:

1) expand the function into a Fourier series with period , where is an arbitrary positive number;

2) write down the expansion on the interval , build a function and graph the total sum of the series .

Solution: in the first paragraph, it is proposed to solve the problem in a general way, and this is very convenient! There will be a need - just substitute your value.

1) In this problem, the expansion period , half-period . In the course of further actions, in particular during integration, "el" is considered a constant

The function is even, which means that it expands into a Fourier series only in cosines: .

Fourier coefficients are sought by the formulas . Pay attention to their absolute advantages. First, the integration is carried out over the positive segment of the expansion, which means that we safely get rid of the module , considering only "x" from two pieces. And, secondly, integration is noticeably simplified.


Integrating by parts:

In this way:
, while the constant , which does not depend on "en", is taken out of the sum.


2) Let's write the expansion on the interval, for this we substitute the desired value of the half-period into the general formula:

One of the powerful tools for studying problems of mathematical physics is the method of integral transformations. Let the function f(x) be defined on the interval (a, 6), finite or infinite. The integral transformation of the function f(x) is the function where K(x, w) is a function fixed for a given transformation, called the transformation kernel (it is assumed that the integral (*) exists in its proper or improper sense). §one. Fourier integral Any function f(x), which on the segment [-f, I] satisfies the conditions of expansion into a Fourier series, can be represented on this segment by a trigonometric series The coefficients a*, and 6n of series (1) are determined by the Euler-Fourier formula : Fourier transform Fourier integral Complex integral form Fourier transform Cosine and sine transforms Amplitude and phase spectra Application properties The series on the right side of equation (1) can be written in a different form. For this purpose, we introduce into it from formulas (2) the values ​​of the coefficients a» and op, subtract under the signs of the integrals cos ^ x and sin x (which is possible, since the integration variable is m) O) and use the formula for the cosine of the difference. We will have If the function /(x) was originally defined on the interval of the numerical axis greater than the interval [-1,1] (for example, on the entire axis), then expansion (3) will reproduce the values ​​of this function only on the interval [-1, 1] and continue on the entire real axis as a periodic function with a period of 21 (Fig. 1). Therefore, if the function f(x) (generally speaking, non-periodic) is defined on the entire real axis, in formula (3) one can try to pass to the limit as I + oo. In this case, it is natural to require the following conditions to be satisfied: 1. f(x) satisfies the conditions of expansion into a Fourier series on any finite segment of the xx\ axis 2. the function f(x) is absolutely integrable on the entire real axis. (3) tends to zero as I -* + oo. Indeed, Let us try to establish what the sum on the right-hand side of (3) will go to in the limit as I + oo. Let us assume that Then the sum on the right-hand side of (3) will take the form Due to the absolute convergence of the integral, this sum for large I differs little from an expression that resembles the integral sum for the function of the variable £ compiled for the interval (0, + oo) of change. Therefore, it is natural to expect that for , the sum (5) goes over to the integral С On the other hand, for fixed) it follows from formula (3) that we also obtain the equality The sufficient condition for the validity of formula (7) is expressed by the following theorem. Theorem 1. If the function f(x) is absolutely integrable on the entire real axis and, together with its derivative, has a finite number of discontinuity points of the first kind on any segment [a, 6], then of the th kind of function /(x), the value of the integral on the right side of (7) is equal to Formula (7) is called the Fourier integral formula, and the integral on its right side is called the Fourier integral. If we use the formula for the day of the cosine of the difference, then formula (7) can be written as The functions a(t), b(t) are analogues of the corresponding Fourier coefficients an and bn of a 2n-periodic function, but the latter are defined for discrete values ​​of n, while a(0 > HO are defined for continuous values ​​of G(-oo, +oo). The complex form of the Fourier integral , obviously an odd function of But then On the other hand, the integral is an even function of the variable so that Therefore, the Fourier integral formula can be written as follows: Let us multiply the equality by the imaginary unit i and add to the equality (10). This is the complex form of the Fourier integral.Here, the outer integration over t is understood in the sense of the Cauchy principal value: § 2. Fourier transform Cosine and sine Fourier transforms Let the func f(x) is piecewise smooth on any finite segment of the x-axis and absolutely integrable on the whole axis. Definition. The function whence, by virtue of Euler's formula, we will have is called the Fourier transform of the function f(r) (spectral function). This is the integral transformation of the function / (r) on the interval (-oo, + oo) with a kernel. Using the Fourier integral formula, we get This is the so-called inverse Fourier transform, which gives the transition from F (t) to / (x). Sometimes the direct Fourier transform is given as follows: Then the inverse Fourier transform is determined by the formula The Fourier transform of the function f(x) is also defined as follows: FOURIER TRANSFORM Fourier integral Complex form of the integral Fourier transform Cosine and sine of the transform Amplitude and phase spectra Application properties Then, in turn, In this case, the position of the factor ^ is rather arbitrary: it can enter either formula (1") or formula (2"). Example 1. Find the Fourier transform of the function -4 We have This equality allows differentiation with respect to £ under the integral sign (the integral obtained after differentiation converges uniformly when ( belongs to any finite segment): Integrating by parts, we will have The term outside the integral vanishes, and we we get from where (C is the constant of integration). Setting £ = 0 in (4), we find С = F(0). By virtue of (3) we have It is known that In particular, for) we obtain that Let us consider the function 4. For the spectra oyu of the function F(t), we obtain Hence (Fig. 2). The condition of absolute integrability of the function f(x) on the entire real axis is very strict. It excludes, for example, such elementary functions as f(x) = e1, for which the Fourier transform (in the classical form considered here) does not exist. Only those functions have a Fourier transform that tend to zero fast enough for |x| -+ +oo (as in examples 1 and 2). 2.1. Cosine and sine Fourier transforms Using the cosine formula, the difference, we rewrite the Fourier integral formula in the following form: Let f(x) be an even function. Then, so that from equality (5) we have In the case of odd f(x), we similarly obtain If f(x) is given only on (0, -foo), then formula (6) extends f(x) to the entire Ox axis in an even way, and formula (7) - odd. (7) Definition. The function is called the cosine Fourier transform of the function f(x). From (6) it follows that for an even function f(x) This means that f(x), in turn, is a cosine transform for Fc(t). In other words, the functions / and Fc are mutual cosine transforms. Definition. The function is called the sine Fourier transform of the function f(x). From (7) we obtain that for an odd function f(x), i.e., f and Fs are mutual sine transforms. Example 3 (right-angle pulse). Let f(t) be an even function defined as follows: (Fig. 3). Let's use the obtained result to calculate the integral By virtue of formula (9), we have Fig.3 0 0 At the point t = 0, the function f(t) is continuous and equals one. Therefore, from (12") we obtain 2.2. Amplitude and phase spectra of the Fourier integral Let f(x) be a periodic function with a period of 2m and expand into a Fourier series. This equality can be written as we come to the concepts of the amplitude and phase spectra of a periodic function For a non-periodic function f(x) given on (-oo, +oo), under certain conditions, it turns out to be possible to represent it by the Fourier integral, which expands this function over all frequencies (expansion in the continuous frequency spectrum Definition The spectral function, or the spectral density of the Fourier integral, is an expression (the direct Fourier transform of the function f is called the amplitude spectrum, and the function Ф ") = -argSfc) - the phase spectrum of the function / ("). The amplitude spectrum A(t) serves as a measure of the contribution of the frequency t to the function /(x). Example 4. Find the amplitude and phase spectra of the function 4 Find the spectral function From here Graphs of these functions are shown in fig. 4. §3. Fourier transform properties 1. Linearity. If and G(0 are the Fourier transforms of the functions f(x) and g(x), respectively, then for any constant a and p the Fourier transform of the function a f(x) + p g(x) will be the function a Using the linearity property of the integral, we have Thus, the Fourier transform is a linear operator. Denoting it by we will write. If F(t) is the Fourier transform of a function f(x) absolutely integrable on the entire real axis, then F(t) is bounded for all. Let the function f(x) be absolutely integrable on the entire axis - the Fourier transform of the function f (x). Then 3 "flts J. Let f (x) be a function, the tolerance of which is the Fourier transform, L is the number of properties. The function fh (x) \u003d f (z-h) is called the shift of the fundium f(x).Using the definition of the Fourier transform, show that Problem.Let a function f(z) have a Fourier transform F(0> h is a real number.Show that 3. Fourier transform and differentiation ooeresis.Let an absolutely integrable function f (x) has a derivative f "(x), which is also absolutely integrable on the entire axis Oh, so /(n) tends to zero as |x| -» +oo. Assuming f "(x) to be a smooth function, we write Integrating by parts, we have the term outside the integral vanishes (since, and we get Thus, the differentiation of the function / (x) corresponds to the multiplication of its Fourier image ^ П /] by the factor If the function f (x) has smooth absolutely intetable derivatives up to order m inclusive, and all of them, like the function f(x) itself, tend to zero, and then, integrating by parts the required number of times, we obtain the Fourier transform is very useful precisely because it replaces the operation of differentiation with the operation of multiplication by a value and thereby simplifies the problem of integrating certain types of differential equations.Since the Fourier transform of an absolutely integrable function f^k\x) is a bounded function of (property 2), from relation (2) we obtain the following estimate for : Fourier transform Fourier integral Complex integral form Fourier transform Cosine and sine transforms Amplitude and phase spectra Application properties From this evaluation with follows: the more the function f(x) has absolutely integrable derivatives, the faster its Fourier transform tends to zero at. Comment. The condition is quite natural, since the usual theory of Fourier integrals deals with processes that, in one sense or another, have a beginning and ends, but do not continue indefinitely with approximately the same intensity. 4. Relationship between the decay rate of the function f(x) for |z| -» -f oo and the smoothness of its Fourm transformation. Let us assume that not only /(x), but also its product xf(x) is an absolutely integrable function on the entire x-axis. Then the Fourier transform) will be a differentiable function. Indeed, formal differentiation with respect to the parameter £ of the integrand leads to an integral that is absolutely and uniformly convergent with respect to the parameter. . If, together with the function f(x), functions are absolutely integrable on the entire Ox axis, then the process of differentiation can be continued. We obtain that the function has derivatives up to order m inclusive, and Thus, the faster the function f(x) decreases, the smoother the function turns out. Theorem 2 (about the drill). Let be the Fourier transforms of the functions /,(x), and f2(x), respectively. Then the double integral on the right-hand side converges absolutely. Let's put x. Then we will have or, changing the order of integration, The function is called the convolution of functions and is denoted by the symbol Formula (1) can now be written as follows: From this it can be seen that the Fourier transform of the convolution of the functions f\(x) and f2(x) is equal to multiplied by y/2x the product of the Fourier transforms of foldable functions, Remark. It is easy to establish the following properties of convolution: 1) linearity: 2) commutativity: §4. Applications of the Fourier transform 1. Let Р(^) be a linear differential operator of order m with constant coefficients. y(x) has a Fourier transform y (O. and the function f(x) has a transform /(t) Applying the Fourier transform to equation (1), we obtain instead of a differential algebraic equation on the axis with respect to whence so that formally where the symbol denotes the inverse Fourier transform The main limitation of the applicability of this method is connected with the following fact: The solution of an ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients contains functions of the form< х < 4-оо, и преобразование Фурье для них не определено, так что, строго говоря, применятьданный метод нельзя. Это ограничение можно обойти, если ввести в рассмотрение так называемые обобщенные функции. Однако в ряде случаев преобразование Фурье все же применимо в своей классической форме. Пример. Найти решение а = а(х, t) уравнения (а = const), при начальных условиях Это - задача о свободных колебаниях бесконечной однородной струны, когда задано начальное отклонение <р(х) точек сгруны, а начальные скорости отсутствуют. 4 Поскольку пространственная переменная х изменяется в пределах от -оо до +оо, подвергнем уравнение и начальные условия преобразованию Фурье по переменной х. Будем предполагать, что 1) функции и(х, t) и

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