What name is mentioned in fairy tales. Calendar - records archive

Answer: Allah Almighty said: "Indeed, Allah is High, Great." Women, 34. "Indeed, Allah is the All-Informed, the All-Knowing." Hosts, 34. "...because He is the Knowing, the Mighty." Creator, 44. “Indeed, Allah is Hearing, Seeing.” Women, 58. "Indeed, Allah is Almighty, Wise". Women, 56." Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." Women, 23. "... verily, towards them He is Compassionate, Merciful." Repentance, 117. "... and Allah is Rich, Meek." Cow, 263. “Verily, He is the Praised, the Glorious.” Hood, 73. “Indeed, my Lord is the Keeper of everything.” Hood, 57. "... Verily, Allah is Watching over you!". women, 1. "... And Allah is sufficient as a Guardian." Women, 81. "...and Allah is sufficient as the Counter." women, 6. “Indeed, Allah is the Sustainer of everything.” Women, 85. "... your Lord is the Witness to everything ...". Explained, 53. "Allah - there is no god but Him, the Living, the Eternal." Cow, 255. "He is the First and the Last, the Conqueror and the Hidden, and He knows everything." Iron, 3. Allah Almighty also said: “He is Allah, besides whom there is no other god, Knower of the hidden and the obvious. He is the Gracious, the Merciful. He is Allah, besides whom there is no other god, the Lord, the Most Holy, the Peaceful, the Faithful, the Manager, the Almighty, the Mighty, the Superior. Praise be to Allah, He is higher than what they worship alongside Him! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper. He has the most beautiful names ... ". Collection, 22-24. Other verses could be cited as examples.

Question 51. What are the most beautiful names mentioned in the Sunnah?

Answer: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is reported to have said: "There is no god but Allah, the Great, the Meek, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the great throne, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the heavens, and the Lord of the earth, and the Lord of the noble throne." / La ilaha illa Allahu-l-"Azymu-l-Halim, la ilaha illa Allahu, Rabbu-l-"arshi-l-"azim, la ilaha illa Allahu, Rabbu-s-samavati, in Rabbu-l-ardi wa Rabbu-l-"arshi-l-karim. / Al-Bukhari, Muslim.

“O Creator of heaven and earth, O Possessor of majesty and Honored One, O Living One, O Eternal One!” . Ahmad, al-Hakim. / Ya Badi "a-s-samavvat wa-l-ard, ya Za-l-Jalal wa-l-ikram, ya Hayy, ya Kayyum! / . "With the name of Allah, with the name of which nothing will harm either on earth or in heaven (for) He is Hearing, Knowing." Ibn Maja, At-Tirmidhi. / Bi-smi-Llahi allazi la yadurru ma "a-smi-hi shay" un fi-l-ardi wa la fi-s-sama "and in hua-s-Sami" u-l-"Alim /

“Oh Allah, the Knower of the hidden and the obvious, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Lord and Lord of everything ...” / Allahumma, “Alima-l-gaybi wa-sh-shahada, Fatira-s-sama-wati wa-l-ard, Rabba cully shyyin wa Malika-hu... / . At-Tirmizi.

It is also reported that when calling on Allah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and earth, our Lord and Lord of all, splitting grains and kernels, sending down the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran, I resort to You from the evil of any bearer of evil, for he is subject to You! You are the First, and there was nothing before You, and You are the Last, and there will be nothing after You, and You are the Conqueror, and there is nothing above You, and You are the Hidden, and there is nothing behind You ... "// Allahumma, Rabba-s-samavati-s-sab "and, wa Rabba-l-apdi, wa Rabba kul li shayn, Falika-l-habbi va-n-nava, Munazzila-t-Taurati, wa-l-Injili wa -l-Kur "an, a" uzu bi-kya min sharri kulli zi sharrin Anta akhyzun bi-nasyyati-khi! Anta-l-Avvalu, fa-laysa cable-ka shayyun, wa Anta-l-Ahyru, fa-laysa ba " yes-ka shayun, va Anta-z-Zahyru, fa laisa fauka-ka shayyun, va Anta-l-Batynu, fa laisa duna-ka shayy ... / . Muslim, Ahmad

It is also reported that when calling on Allah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “O Allah, praise be to You, You are the light of the heavens, and the earth and their inhabitants, praise be to You, You are the Knower of the affairs of the heavens, the earth and their inhabitants.” Al-Bukhari, Malik, Ahmad, ad-Darimi. / Allahumma, la-ka-l-hamdu, Anta Nuru-s-samavati, wa-l-ardi wa man fi-hinna, wa la-ka-l-hamdu, Anta Kayumu-s-sa-mawati, wa-l -ardi wa man fi-hinna. /

It is also reported that when calling on Allah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O Allah, verily, I make requests to You, for I testify that You are Allah, besides whom there is no other god, the One, the Eternal, who did not give birth, and was not born and no one was equal to Him [See: "Sincerity"]!" At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad, ad-Darimi, Abu-Dawud. / Allahumma, inni as "alu-ka bi-anni ashkhadu anna-ka Anta Llahu Allazi la ilaha illa Anta-l-Ahadu-s-Samad allazi lam yalid, wa lam yulyad wa lam yakun la-hu kufuan ahad. /

It is also reported that when calling on Allah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O Repulsive* of the heart!" /Ya Mukalliba-l-kulub!/ . At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Ibn-Maja. And many other similar examples could be cited. *[Here "Repulsive" means "He who changes the state of hearts"].

Question 52. How many types are the indications related to the most beautiful names?

Answer: For three types: 1 - An indication pertaining to the essence of Allah. 2 - An indication of such attributes that are derived from the most beautiful names that include them. 3 - An indication of such attributes, which are not necessarily derived from the most beautiful names.

What female names are more common in Russian folk tales for girls? Why these names, can you explain? and got the best answer

Answer from Natalia Askerova[guru]
The name Vasilisa means: queen, royal, royal. The name Vasilisa (colloquial Vasena, old Vasilisa) is from the Greek word "basileus" - king. Often found in Russian folk tales. By the origin of the name, it is clear why .... So is the name Alyonushka (Elena). Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is, as it were, predestined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender. Since the name Anastasia means "resurrection", therefore, a girl with this name tends to overcome the hardships of life and be reborn for new achievements. We wish all Anastasias patience and courage in order to be able to overcome all difficulties and look into the unknown future with a smile. May your kindness never be fertile ground for treacherous people who want to profit at the expense of others. Many people know Mashenka as a kind, gentle, calm girl. She herself is still a child, but she already undertakes to nurse the younger ones; this is the only job that Masha, it seems, will never get tired of ...
The name Maria is perhaps the most common of the female names throughout the world. This is due to the breadth of coverage of the most diverse countries by Christianity. The name Mary is a transliteration of the Hebrew name Miriam (Miriam), translated - "bitterness".
Marfushenka - Marfa - Russian version of the name Martha (lady), originating from the ancient Aramaic language. The Aramaic language belongs to the Semitic branch of languages, the Arameans are from Arabia, the ancestors of the modern Assyrians. The name Marfa means mistress, mentor, mistress, mistress. Dunya-Evdokia also eats. This name literally means "favor" (from Greek). But for some reason, the cheerful and bright name of Evdokia is used in Russian fairy tales as a symbol of slovenliness and laziness. However, other qualities of character are also inherent in this name: mobility, good nature, sensuality, complaisance and energy.))
It seems that these are the most common names in Russian folk tales ....) There are others, of course. But more often these.)

Answer from Ludmila Vamba[guru]
Vasilisa, Alyonushka.

Answer from Ksyunya[guru]
Vasilisa, Alena, Elena ... probably, at the time when these fairy tales were written, there was no such variety of names ... as now))

Answer from ZAD[guru]
Alyonushko!! ! an eternal name in Russian fairy tales. why? probably the writers have a terribly rich imagination))) but in general this is because this is the most famous and "popular" name in antiquity, probably !! ! just like Ivanushka!!

Answer from Valeria Bystritskaya[guru]
Alyonushka, Nastenka, Elena, Vasilisa. Because at all times there was a fashion for names - then such were popular ...

Answer from Yörgey[guru]
Alyonushka (Elena). I think this is due to the large spread of the name in the church calendar and, accordingly, in society, and possibly with the Christian name (given at baptism) of the first Russian Christian monarch, that is, Princess Olga.

Answer from Karlygash[guru]
Elena, Vasilisa, Nastya, Martha. After all, there is also a fashion for names: one decade entirely of Violetta, Eleonora, and then suddenly a roll - Dunya, Fekla, Praskovya went.

Answer from eduard k[guru]
Vasilisa - Wise and Beautiful. This name originally meant only the ruler (basilissa among the Byzantines) and in pagan times it must have been perceived that way.
Elena - again the Wise and Beautiful. This name meant beauty. Alyonushka - Elena's variant
Even less often, but still there is Marya Morevna - a beautiful princess. For some reason, this one always fights according to the plot, but this has nothing to do with the name.

Answer from Olga Zhurkina[active]
Vasilisa, Masha, Alyonushka. Probably because they are primordially Russian and some of them are very kind, warm ....

Answer from Lesya[guru]
What wonderful comprehensive answers already given by respected answerers! I have almost nothing to add on my own.
I, too, have always been interested in the question of why these particular female names were chosen in children's fairy tales and why there are so few of them. As a child, I decided for myself that this was invented specifically for children, so that they would develop a certain stereotype in relation to the name and this would help them to better understand the plot of the fairy tale.
After all, if a girl's name is Nastenka or Alyonushka, then of course this is a positive heroine who brings good, every child can say this with complete confidence.
Elena or Vasilisa - beauties - princesses.
And Marfusha, perhaps the beloved woman's daughter, from whom luck always turns away, moving on to the good Nastenka. (Morozko's fairy tale).

What female names are more common in Russian folk tales for girls? Why these names, can you explain? and got the best answer

Answer from Natalia Askerova[guru]
The name Vasilisa means: queen, royal, royal. The name Vasilisa (colloquial Vasena, old Vasilisa) is from the Greek word "basileus" - king. Often found in Russian folk tales. By the origin of the name, it is clear why .... So is the name Alyonushka (Elena). Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is, as it were, predestined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender. Since the name Anastasia means "resurrection", therefore, a girl with this name tends to overcome the hardships of life and be reborn for new achievements. We wish all Anastasias patience and courage in order to be able to overcome all difficulties and look into the unknown future with a smile. May your kindness never be fertile ground for treacherous people who want to profit at the expense of others. Many people know Mashenka as a kind, gentle, calm girl. She herself is still a child, but she already undertakes to nurse the younger ones; this is the only job that Masha, it seems, will never get tired of ...
The name Maria is perhaps the most common of the female names throughout the world. This is due to the breadth of coverage of the most diverse countries by Christianity. The name Mary is a transliteration of the Hebrew name Miriam (Miriam), translated - "bitterness".
Marfushenka - Marfa - Russian version of the name Martha (lady), originating from the ancient Aramaic language. The Aramaic language belongs to the Semitic branch of languages, the Arameans are from Arabia, the ancestors of the modern Assyrians. The name Marfa means mistress, mentor, mistress, mistress. Dunya-Evdokia also eats. This name literally means "favor" (from Greek). But for some reason, the cheerful and bright name of Evdokia is used in Russian fairy tales as a symbol of slovenliness and laziness. However, other qualities of character are also inherent in this name: mobility, good nature, sensuality, complaisance and energy.))
It seems that these are the most common names in Russian folk tales ....) There are others, of course. But more often these.)

Answer from Ludmila Vamba[guru]
Vasilisa, Alyonushka.

Answer from Ksyunya[guru]
Vasilisa, Alena, Elena ... probably, at the time when these fairy tales were written, there was no such variety of names ... as now))

Answer from ZAD[guru]
Alyonushko!! ! an eternal name in Russian fairy tales. why? probably the writers have a terribly rich imagination))) but in general this is because this is the most famous and "popular" name in antiquity, probably !! ! just like Ivanushka!!

Answer from Valeria Bystritskaya[guru]
Alyonushka, Nastenka, Elena, Vasilisa. Because at all times there was a fashion for names - then such were popular ...

Answer from Yörgey[guru]
Alyonushka (Elena). I think this is due to the large spread of the name in the church calendar and, accordingly, in society, and possibly with the Christian name (given at baptism) of the first Russian Christian monarch, that is, Princess Olga.

Answer from Karlygash[guru]
Elena, Vasilisa, Nastya, Martha. After all, there is also a fashion for names: one decade entirely of Violetta, Eleonora, and then suddenly a roll - Dunya, Fekla, Praskovya went.

Answer from eduard k[guru]
Vasilisa - Wise and Beautiful. This name originally meant only the ruler (basilissa among the Byzantines) and in pagan times it must have been perceived that way.
Elena - again the Wise and Beautiful. This name meant beauty. Alyonushka - Elena's variant
Even less often, but still there is Marya Morevna - a beautiful princess. For some reason, this one always fights according to the plot, but this has nothing to do with the name.

Answer from Olga Zhurkina[active]
Vasilisa, Masha, Alyonushka. Probably because they are primordially Russian and some of them are very kind, warm ....

Answer from Lesya[guru]
What wonderful comprehensive answers already given by respected answerers! I have almost nothing to add on my own.
I, too, have always been interested in the question of why these particular female names were chosen in children's fairy tales and why there are so few of them. As a child, I decided for myself that this was invented specifically for children, so that they would develop a certain stereotype in relation to the name and this would help them to better understand the plot of the fairy tale.
After all, if a girl's name is Nastenka or Alyonushka, then of course this is a positive heroine who brings good, every child can say this with complete confidence.
Elena or Vasilisa - beauties - princesses.
And Marfusha, perhaps the beloved woman's daughter, from whom luck always turns away, moving on to the good Nastenka. (Morozko's fairy tale).

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Week 3 of Great Lent, Holy Cross. 4th Week of Great Lent, Worshiping the Cross (selection of materials on the site)

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Orthodox calendar

Week 4 of Great Lent, Holy Cross. Mchch. Kodratus and others like him: Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Kriskent, Dionysius, Quiz, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Seraphin, Papias, Leonidas and mtsts. Hariessa, Nunechia, Vasilissa, Nike, Gali, Galina, Theodora and many others (258). Right. Pavel Taganrogsky (1879).

Mchch. Codrates of Nicomedia, Satorinus, Rufinus and others (III). Rev. Anastasia (567–568).

Shmch. Demetrius Legeydo presbyter (1938).

@At the 6th hour: Is. XIV, 24-32. Forever: Gen. VIII, 21 - IX, 7. Proverbs. XI, 19 - XII, [email protected]

At the 1st hour the worship of the Cross. Instead of "My Feet ...", "To Your Cross ..." and stichera for kissing the Cross are sung (as in the Week of the Adoration of the Cross). Similarly, the veneration of the Cross at the 1st hour also happens on Wednesday (on Friday the veneration of the Cross is at the end of the pictorial). On all clocks and pictorial these days, according to the "Our Father" - kontakion "Not to whom is a fiery weapon ...".

We congratulate birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod

Celebration days: March 11th

Saint Euthymius , in Baptism, John, was born through the fervent prayers of presbyter Micah and his wife Anna. For many years they did not have children, and they made a vow: if a child is born, dedicate it to God. Reading sacred books, frequent attendance at divine services, during which the boy served his father, the priest of a small Novgorod church in the name of St. Theodore, sanctified the soul of young John. At the age of fifteen, in 1411, John left his parental home for a monastery.

Twelve versts from Novgorod, in a deserted place called Vyazhishche, among forests and swamps, three monks settled - Euphrosynus, Ignatius and Galaktion. Soon they were joined by the priest Pimen, who took the tonsure with the name Pachomius. Here they labored in complete solitude, with a wooden chapel built by them in the name of St. Nicholas, in unceasing prayer and in a hard struggle with the harsh northern nature.

It was to these ascetics that the young man John, seeking salvation, came. Hegumen Pachomius received him with love and soon tonsured him as a monk with the name Evfimy. The tonsure at such an early age indicates the outstanding spiritual qualities of the young ascetic, seen by the perspicacious Pachomius. At that time, Archbishop Simeon, appointed to the bishopric from ordinary monks, occupied the Novgorod hierarchal see. The archbishop became aware of the virtuous life of monk Euthymius. Saint Euthymius was summoned to Novgorod and, after a lengthy conversation with Vladyka, he was appointed bishop's steward. The Novgorod archbishops occupied at that time a very special position: independent of the princely power, they were directly elected by the veche and took a great part in secular affairs; in particular, they were responsible for the management of huge estates. And the hierarchal steward under these conditions had to combine administrative talent with complete disinterestedness and deep Christian humility. Earnestly asked the Archpastor Saint Euthymius to let him go back to Vyazhishche, but then he submitted to the Saint.

In his new position, Saint Euthymius aroused universal astonishment and respect for the fact that, occupying such a high position, being in the center of the business life of a huge trading city, he carried out monastic deeds with the same zeal as in dense forests. In 1421, Archbishop Simeon died. Under the new bishop Euthymius I, Saint Euthymius again withdrew to his monastery. Soon the monks of the monastery on Fox Mountain chose the saint as their abbot. Upon the repose of Archbishop Evfimy I of Novgorod in 1429, hegumen Evfimy was elected archbishop of his native city and on November 29 entered the Church of St. Sophia. For four years the saint ruled over the Novgorod diocese, remaining named archbishop, and only on May 24, 1434 was he consecrated in Smolensk. The episcopal consecration was headed by Metropolitan Gerasim. For 29 years Saint Euthymius wisely ruled his diocese, zealously fulfilling his archpastoral duty. Saint Euthymius worked hard to build and renew churches, especially after the devastating fires of 1431 and 1442. Sophia Cathedral was richly decorated by the saint, and several new churches were built in the Novgorod Kremlin. “If you want,” Pachomius Logothete writes, “to see a few of his great deeds, go to the church of Hagia Sophia. There you will see the temples of saints created by him, standing like mountains. Not by voice, but by deed, they reveal their diverse beauty. Euthymius, - says one church; another says - with such splendor he adorned me; the third will tell - he erected me from the foundation. The temple of the great John Chrysostom, high and beautiful, blesses him with the hand of Chrysostom and on his behalf says: "Because you built a temple for me and I will beg the Creator to prepare a temple for you in Heaven. " The Cathedral Church of the Wisdom of God, dilapidated from time to time and renewed by it, broadcasts: "He returned my former splendor to me, adorned me with holy icons, he is my praise and beauty" ". St. Euthymius built a church in honor of his Guardian Angel, in 1438 in the Vyazhitsky monastery - a stone church in honor of St. Nicholas, and the following year - a stone church in honor of St. John the Theologian with a meal and services. Zealous for the glory of God, Saint Euthymius cared about the multiplication of spiritual books. Until now, many liturgical books, rewritten "according to the orders of Mr. Archbishop Vladyka Euthymius," are intact. Despite the abundance of deeds, the saint always strictly followed the monastic rule: what he did not have time to do during the day, he completed at night. An hour before Matins, the saint would get up for cell prayer. Often he spent the whole night without sleep; wore chains, but no one knew about them until his death. The first week of Great Lent was spent by the saint at the Vyazhitsky monastery in silent prayer, eating nothing. In 1446, the throne was seized by Shemyaka, who entered into relations with Novgorod. The political situation in Novgorod sharply worsened. Saint Jonah (Comm. 31 March) in 1451 in a special message urged the people of Novgorod to stop the unrest and obey their archpastor - "be obedient in everything to our son and brother, and to your father and teacher, God-loving Archbishop Euthymius." In extreme old age, St. Euthymius, worried in his soul that the activities of Shemyaka could cast a shadow on his attitude towards the First Hierarch, whom he deeply revered, sends a letter to St. Jonah. Anticipating the nearness of death, Saint Euthymius asked for prayers and forgiveness for himself. St. Jonah wrote in a letter of reply - a farewell letter: "We remind you, my son, that you began to act too simply: you accepted the one who was excommunicated by our humility for crimes, you were worthy of your blessing. And you, my son repent of this before God." At the same time, Saint Jonah commanded: if a farewell letter arrives after the blessed death of the Novgorod archpastor, read it over his coffin. Saint Euthymius reposed on March 10, 1458. Confessor Eumenius, sent by Saint Jonah with a farewell letter, arrived in Novgorod 16 days after the death of Saint Euthymius, whose coffin, according to his will, stood in the church of the Vyazhitsky monastery. When the coffin was opened to read the farewell letter, they saw that decay had not touched the body of the saint. Saint Euthymius lay as if asleep, his fingers were folded for blessing. “God still protects Novgorod, St. Euthymius prays for him,” Eumeny said loudly and, having read the letter of St. Jonah, put it in the hand of the deceased saint.

Soon after the death of the saint, the Lord glorified him with gracious gifts to those who resorted to his prayerful help. Highly revering the saint, the grateful monks of the Vyazhitsky monastery erected a church in honor of Saint Euthymius, which was noted in the census of 1500. The celebration of the memory of St. Euthymius was established at the Moscow Cathedral of 1549. The life of St. Euthymius was written on behalf of St. Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod (+ 1470; Comm. 5 November) by Pachomius Logothetes.

Troparion to Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod

Having been chosen by God from youth, / to St. Euthymius, / and for the sake of being a bishop, he was honored with the rank, / you saved the people, who were handed to you by God; / those who honor your honor, / / ​​yes, we all bless you all the time.

Translation: You were chosen by God from your youth, St. Euthymius, and therefore you were honored with the rank of bishop, you led the spiritual life of people entrusted to you by God, and therefore after your death you received from the Lord the gift of miraculously healing various diseases. Pray to God for us who celebrate your dear memory and always glorify you.

Kontakion to Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod

Like a bishop, an altar-throne / and a saint, a fair champion, you were, to St. Euthymius, / do not stop preserving your fatherland, / the city and the people, who honor you by faith / and bow down to your honest relic, / yes, I command the holy one to write // all Bogomudre.

Translation: Dominating together with the bishops and being a special comrade-in-arms to the saints, Saint Euthymius, do not cease to guard your Fatherland, the city and the people who honor you with faith and worship your revered relics, let us exclaim to you loudly: “Rejoice, holy hierarch wise of God!”

Prayer to Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod

Father Saint Euthymius! You loved from your youth, and we will strengthen His grace, all the carnivorious sustaining died, the same life and the tiny morality of the General of Esi, and by the sizes of the Holy of Holy laying down your life on your flock. In the same way, after your death, glorify you, Pastor-Chief Christ, with the alms of miracles flowing from you, giving you an image of a virtuous life and a warm prayer book. Even as a sinner and despondent, crouching down to your relics, I pray to you earnestly: pleasing Christ, give me a helping hand, lift me up with your prayers from the depths of sin. Behold, with waves of carnal passions and despondency, and with other dark worldly turmoil, I am overwhelmed and perish. Wake me, a multiple of the sin, the representer and prayer, and az, and az, from the sinking of the sinful is spared, to the attached life of the life of the gratitude of Christ, and I will glorify my life, and the crown of my own, and the crown of life, eternal in the Kingdom of Heaven, where the honorable and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is glorified, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Reading the Gospel Together with the Church

In the last program we talked about the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ, today we will talk about His temptation by the devil in the wilderness.

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 4, verses 1-11.

4.1. Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil,

4.2. and after fasting forty days and forty nights, he finally got hungry.

4.3. And the tempter came to Him and said: If You are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread.

4.4. He answered and said to him, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

4.5. Then the devil takes him to the holy city and places him on the wing of the temple,

4.6. And he said to Him: If You are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: He will command His angels about You, and in their hands they will carry You up, lest You strike Your foot against a stone.

4.7. Jesus said to him, It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

4.8. Again the devil takes him to a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory,

4.9. And he says to Him, I will give you all this, if you fall down and bow down to me.

4.10. Then Jesus said to him, Get away from Me, Satan, for it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone.

4.11. Then the devil leaves him, and behold, the angels came and ministered to him.

(Matthew 4:1-11.)

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Orthodox educational courses


P preparing her faithful children for the grace-filled time of Great Lent, the time of special spiritual exploits and repentance, the Church brings to our attention the parable of the prodigal son (see: Luke 15:11-32).

(MP3 file. Duration 9:19 min. Size 6.8 Mb)

Hieromonk Ignatius (Shestakov)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

AT section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: online courses " Archpriest Andrey Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to be baptized themselves, or who want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R The section consists of five categorical conversations, which reveal the content of the Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed, explain the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism, and provide answers to common questions related to this Sacrament. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

O The lectures of the course are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course Topics:

    • Conversation #1 Preliminary Concepts
    • Conversation #2 Sacred Bible Story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation #4 Christian Morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently asked Questions
    • Orthodox saints

Reading the lives of the saints of Dmitry Rostov for every day

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Radio "Vera"

Radio VERA is a new radio station that talks about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

TV channel Tsargrad: Orthodoxy

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