Sour cream pizza sauce diversifies the usual taste. White Pizza Sauce Sour Cream Mayonnaise Pizza Sauce

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like pizza. There is sure to be a filling that will win the heart of the most fastidious gourmet. Someone likes thin pizza, someone - on a thick crust of yeast dough. But its main secret is not at the core. He's in the sauce. Therefore, today we will try to cook a real pizza sauce - a recipe, like in a pizzeria, will definitely not leave anyone indifferent! We will not talk for a long time, but immediately proceed to the practical part. Open the refrigerator, there will surely be everything we need.

You can cook any pizza, even "Margarita", even "Four Cheeses" on the basis of a variety of doughs, but the sauce always plays a decisive role in it.

It should be juicy, bright, quite saturated, but at the same time not interrupt the taste of the dish itself, but only set it off.

Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish between three types of sauces:

  1. Red is prepared on a tomato basis. You can use both fresh and canned tomatoes for this. In the first case, it is better to choose sour varieties so that the taste of the filling is not fresh. If there are no tomatoes at hand, you can take the finished pasta. The effect, of course, is not the same, but still, with some effort, the result will come out quite decent.
  2. White sauce is not so popular in pizza, but it also finds its connoisseurs. It is usually prepared on the basis of cream or soft cheese. It happens that kefir is added to the composition.
  3. Green sauce is a rarity in our pizzerias and tables. This is usually the classic basil-based pesto, which gives the mass its color. But there are other, more exotic options, which we will discuss below.

The first type of sauce is usually used in meat pizzas. It harmonizes perfectly with sausages, pork, bacon, olives. Creamy dressing is more often smeared with a dish with seafood - salmon, shrimp, mussels. It is also best added to pizza with mushrooms and vegetables. But cheeses and chicken are "friendly" with both types of sauces. As for green, it is very self-sufficient in itself, and therefore does not combine with complex fillings. It can be supplemented with poultry meat, vegetables, fish, olives.

  1. Herbs are always added as additional ingredients to the sauce. These are basil, cilantro, dill and other herbs.
  2. Not without a hot pepper. Depending on preferences, you can use regular ground pepper or a piece of real cayenne.
  3. By the way, speaking of pepper, you can not forget about Bulgarian. Its delicate taste perfectly complements tomato dressings.
  4. For piquancy, garlic is often added to sauces. You can take fresh or dried - no matter which one is at hand. But, of course, if there is plenty to choose from, give preference to the young. It's more aromatic.
  5. Onions are also a frequent guest in the dressing. It is usually cut into the thinnest, almost transparent half rings. To eliminate a specific taste, onions are sometimes pickled.
  6. Be sure to include oil in the composition of the sauce. It must be neutral. It is better to take olive or sunflower, but refined.
  7. White sauces are prepared with the obligatory addition of butter and flour. Cream, sour cream, kefir, cheeses of all stripes can also be introduced here.
  8. Do not forget to add salt to the mixture so that it is not fresh. Sometimes the sauce also contains a pinch of sugar.

Housewives love to add mayonnaise everywhere. This is not the best ingredient in the composition of the dish. With the same success, you can spread pizza with ready-made Piquant tomato ketchup and not fool yourself.

Sauce recipes that are easy to make at home

So, for sure, a decent set will be assembled in the corners of the refrigerator, which is enough for our purposes.

To make pizza sauce at home, we need:

  • selected vegetables (washed and peeled);
  • knife and cutting board;
  • saucepan or small saucepan;
  • pan;
  • blender;
  • spatula.

It remains to decide on the type of filling and you can proceed.

None of the suggested recipes is canonical. You can easily modify them to suit your tastes and abilities.

Or maybe some recipe will inspire you to create an author's sauce.

Classic Italian pizza sauce

This recipe is a true classic. It is simple and versatile, like a black Chanel little dress.

The ingredients you need are the simplest:

  • ripe tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • basil - a branch;
  • oil - a spoon;
  • hot pepper and some salt.

Canned tomatoes can be substituted for fresh tomatoes. It is also permissible to add tomato paste to the filling if the vegetables themselves are sweet, without sourness. Strong, sour tomatoes do not need to add pasta. So how do you make pizza sauce?

  1. Tomatoes are placed peeled. To make the skin easy to remove, throw the fruit into boiling water for 15-30 seconds (depending on the variety), after making a cross-shaped incision on the “butt”.
  2. Cut the peeled tomatoes into halves or quarters and set aside temporarily - let the excess liquid go away.
  3. Heat up a frying pan, pour oil into it.
  4. Finely chop the garlic or pass through a garlic press and fry.
  5. Add the tomatoes to the skillet and mash them with a fork until smooth. Reduce the fire to medium.
  6. While the tomatoes are simmering, finely chop the basil and add it to the pan near the end of the process.
  7. Remove the pan from the heat when the amount of tomato mass has been reduced by about a third. Rub it through a sieve and season with salt and pepper.

Traditional tomato sauce for pizza is ready - grease the cakes! It can be put in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, and left in the freezer for up to two months.

Tomato sauce for pizza

If you plan to use a complex multi-component filling, then give preference to a simple sauce, for example, from some tomatoes.

  1. Cut the tomatoes in half and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper.
  2. Bake for a few minutes until done.
  3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes (it will already be easily removed), chop them with a blender and transfer the tomato mass to a saucepan. Boil for just a few minutes - you're done!

Creamy pizza sauce

by the most the best choice there will be a classic Italian dressing for fettuccine.


  • 2 cups of the fattest cream (you can take homemade);
  • a glass of grated parmesan;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter (pre-melt);
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • garlic and green onions.
  • salt and pepper.

Let's get started!

  1. Saute chopped garlic until golden brown in butter.
  2. Add cream and milk, stirring slowly, heat but do not boil.
  3. Add flour to thicken the mixture. Depending on the fat content of the cream, its amount may vary, so pour a little. When the mass thickens, remove from heat.
  4. While the creamy sauce has not cooled down, pour grated parmesan, chopped onion into it. Salt and sprinkle with black pepper.

Mix well and use on pizza, pasta or simply on bread.

White pizza sauce

This is a very simple recipe that will require a minimum of cooking time. The taste of the finished filling is neutral, and therefore it is suitable for absolutely any filling.


  • meat broth - half a liter;
  • butter - 40-50 grams;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour.

Please note that for meat fillings, the broth will need meat, and for seafood, fish broth is suitable.

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the flour in it, adding a couple of tablespoons of the broth.
  2. Slowly add the broth to the thick mass, stirring constantly.
  3. Let the mixture boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the finished filling and immediately grease the cake.

Tomato Paste Pizza Sauce

There is no tomato, there is a snowstorm outside, and there is only tomato paste in the refrigerator? Let her go!

  • 2 spoons of pasta;
  • a spoonful of oregano;
  • two pinches of red pepper;
  • some olive oil.

You can add garlic, herbs to the sauce and generally replace tomatoes with them in any of the recipes described. But the proposed option is an excellent base for the first experiment.

  1. Put the paste in a bowl and dilute with a little water.
  2. Pour dry oregano, add oil and red pepper.
  3. Season with salt and mix well until smooth.

You can start making pizza. Since we have gone the easy way, we can safely add sour cream and a little mustard - an excellent soft sauce will come out.

Sour Cream Pizza Sauce

If you plan to put mushrooms and chicken on pizza, then the sauce for it should be only sour cream! This is a classic combination of flavors, win-win and everyone's favorite.

  • sour cream - a glass;
  • melted butter - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • two pinches of salt, pepper.

This is a traditional recipe, but you can change it up by adding two hard-boiled egg yolks and mustard. An excellent addition would be greens, garlic and a spoonful of regular tomato paste.

  1. Pour flour into the pan and fry. Let cool.
  2. Put the butter in the flour, heat again to melt it.
  3. Slowly add sour cream, stir constantly. Bring to a boil.
  4. Add pepper and salt. Boil for a few minutes and strain before using.

Garlic sauce for pizza (Caesar)

There are a lot of options for garlic sauce. You can simply push the garlic through a press, pour it into a jar of olive oil, add salt and let it brew for 3-5 hours. Elegant and European. Well, we love fatter, but meaner.

  • garlic - half a head;
  • sour cream - 6 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice.

You don't have to boil or fry anything. Just crush the garlic in a mortar, add salt, oil and lemon juice. Whisk. Then gradually add fat sour cream and continue whisking so that the sauce comes out light and airy.

By the way, French aioli is also suitable as an excellent garlic dressing for pizza. Not all laurels are given to Italians. Grind the raw yolk with garlic, add the oil, whisking with a whisk. Salt, pepper, add a little vinegar and water. Whisk well.

Unusual green sauce

Consider two options - truly European and oriental, Thai. Both are green, but completely different from each other.

People in Italy love pesto very much and use it, among other things, as a sauce for pizza.

There are only five ingredients:

  • grated parmesan - 150 grams;
  • vegetable (preferably olive) oil - 150 ml;
  • peeled pine nuts (can be replaced with walnuts) - 4 tablespoons;
  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • basil - a lot!

Cooking takes a couple of minutes. Grate the cheese, greens with garlic and nuts in a mortar into a homogeneous gruel. Mix the resulting mass with cheese and butter - your pesto is ready to go to the cake.

Thai sauce has an emerald green color and a very unusual taste. The ingredients are also specific. But if you want to really surprise your guests, believe me - this is your choice.

So get ready:

  • green chili - 4 pieces;
  • bulb;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cilantro, lemon zest - a spoonful;
  • oil - a spoon;
  • cumin, turmeric, cinnamon - a teaspoon.

An unripe chili is not as hot as a red one, but if it seems too hot to you, replace some of it with green bell pepper.

  1. Remove seeds from peppers and chop. Grind onion and garlic with herbs in a blender.
  2. Put all the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, pour in the oil and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. At the end, add spices, and leave the mixture to infuse.

Quick Recipe

Guests on the doorstep and every minute counts? Book a quick recipe!

You will need:

  • a can of prepared tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • any herbs.

Cooking fast. Cut the garlic into slices and brown in oil. Put in the tomatoes and mash with a fork. While the tomato-garlic mass “gurgles”, finely chop the basil, cilantro, dill, or whatever was found there. Pour everything into the pan, salt, cover with a lid and leave to reach while we prepare the filling and dough.

Gourmet Red Wine Sauce Recipe

Fast fill is great.

Now let's add frills for real gourmets:

  • half a kilo of tomato;
  • a glass of red wine;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion, carrot, celery;
  • garlic;
  • thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary - a teaspoon each.

To prepare this sauce, first finely chop the vegetables and grind the herbs in a mortar.

  1. Saute vegetables in oil in a hot skillet.
  2. Add garlic, and immediately all the greens - let them thoroughly soak the vegetables with aroma.
  3. After a couple of minutes, pour the mixture with wine.
  4. While the wine is heating, remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop them finely. Pour into skillet.
  5. Stew for another half an hour, salt and leave to reach under the lid.

Before use, you can grind the mass in a blender until smooth.

Mushroom pizza sauce

This filling option is perfect for meat or mushroom pizza. Delicate and fragrant, but unobtrusive.


  • ¼ kg of champignons;
  • 250 ml of fat (35% or more) cream;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • dill and a pinch of salt.

If you like, add garlic or sautéed onions to the sauce.

This sauce smells like the sun of the southern coast of Italy, where one of the largest cities in the country, Naples, stands. Pastas and pizzas with the addition of the classic tomato sauce with onions are incredibly popular here. We called it "Neapolitania" or "Neapolitano". For cooking you will need:

  • half a kilo of fresh tomatoes;
  • large onion;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of oil;
  • basil;
  • salt, a pinch of sugar and black pepper.

Traditionally, we start cooking by peeling the tomato from the skin.

  1. Chop the onion as finely as you can, it will have to completely “disperse” in the tomato mass, leaving only its taste.
  2. Grind the garlic into a pulp so that the pieces do not come across in the finished sauce.
  3. Cut the tomatoes.
  4. Chop the basil. Optionally, you can add oregano to it (oregano, in our opinion).
  5. Heat up a frying pan, add oil and add onions. Fry until golden. Add garlic and saute for another minute.
  6. Put the tomatoes in the pan and simmer for up to half an hour, until the excess liquid leaves, and the fruits themselves completely turn into porridge.
  7. Pour the sauce with herbs and salt, add a little sugar and ground black pepper to taste.

Leave the sauce to infuse under the lid for 10 minutes and you can start it up.

Vegetable sauce

A spicy mixture of vegetables will well set off the taste of the meat filling.

  • 3 fleshy tomatoes;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • garlic, a couple of cloves;
  • carrots, onions;
  • a third cup of sour cream.

Prepare all the ingredients: peel and chop the tomatoes, cucumbers, champignons, finely chop the onion and garlic, rub the carrots.

  1. Fry the mushrooms, add onions and carrots to them.
  2. When the vegetables are half cooked, transfer the tomatoes and cucumbers to them.
  3. Pour the whole mass with sour cream, bring to a boil. At the very end, add garlic, salt and pepper.

You can leave the sauce in this form, but it is better to grind everything well with a fork, mixer or blender.

Burning spicy tomato sauce

And in this recipe, tomatoes are not present at all, but no one will forbid them to be added if you have such a desire.

  • 3-4 large Bulgarian peppercorns;
  • half a glass of chicken broth;
  • basil leaves;
  • a pinch of chili;
  • salt.

Cooking does not require special culinary skills. Everything is simple. Roast the peppers on a baking sheet until tender, then remove the peel from them and chop into a pulp with a fork or blender. Transfer the mass to the pan, add spices and herbs, pour the broth. Boil the filling over low heat until it thickens.

Any of the proposed sauces is not difficult to prepare and will succumb even to a young hostess. Therefore, feel free to start culinary experiments and be sure - it will turn out delicious!

A single common recipe for pizza simply does not exist, they are all so different and completely depend on the taste preferences of the cook, since making pizza sauce, and even more so creating your own recipe, is considered the height of culinary art. Therefore, there are an infinite number of recipes for preparing salsa - miracle sauces for Pizza.

Everyone knows that pizza is a traditional Italian dish. But the color of the sauce - green, white and red, we can say that they symbolize the national Italian flag. But in the business of making di Pizza thick miracle sauce, innovation and the spirit of experiment have always been welcomed. The main thing is not to be afraid, and then everything will work out.

And I will share some pizza sauce recipe secrets that taste like a pizzeria. All of them are extremely tasty, and very easy to prepare.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • To make a delicious pizza sauce, all ingredients must be fresh and natural.
  • Mayonnaise for white sauce bases, you can also do it yourself. And then the pastries will not only be delicious, but amazing!
  • For authentic Italian cuisine, there are two indispensable components that must be present in any dish without fail - this is oregano and basil.

pizza tomato sauce recipe

Garlic crusher, small saucepan, cutting board, half-liter jar, knife, spatula, tablespoon.


Step by step cooking tomato sauce

Before preparing the classic tomato salsa, you need to Plunge whole tomatoes into boiling water, peel and cut so that small pieces fill a half-liter jar to the shoulders.

This sauce is perfect for any pastry with meat filling., and also, if the Italian dish is stuffed with sausage or poultry meat.

Prepared in a similar way tomato paste pizza sauce, which in the recipe replaces fresh tomatoes at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. paste in 350 ml of water.

Recipe for garlic sauce on sour cream for pizza

cooking time- 5 minutes.
Servings – 1.
calories- 336 kcal / 100 g.
Kitchen equipment and utensils: fine grater or garlic press, a small cup, a tablespoon.


Step by step preparation of sour cream sauce

video recipe

Watch a short video showing how easy and quick it can be to prepare garlic salsa di Pizza. It can also be flavored with pies, fried potatoes, or any other fried, boiled or baked dishes.

I cook garlic-sour cream sauce exclusively for cheese, with a little mushroom, super-pizza. My family just love her.

white pizza sauce recipe

Production time– 15-20 min.
Servings – 3.
calories- 339 kcal / 100 g.
Kitchen equipment and utensils: cutting board, grater, knife, bowls and cups of different sizes, saucepan, tablespoon, whisk.


Step by step preparation of white sauce

Preparation of white miracle sauce consists of in two short steps- preparatory and cooking process.

Preparatory stage

Cooking white garlic sauce

Important! The sauce can be used warm, but not hot.

video recipe

The plot that I suggest you look at is based on a recipe for an original white pizza sauce in its variety. It is usually used when baking pizza with mushrooms, seafood. It is surprisingly combined in taste with chicken, duck or turkey meat.

Basic common truths

  • Fresh garlic and green basil leaves can be safely substituted dried foods.
  • Red salsa di Pizza, as a rule, is used in the manufacture of meat pizza, it is based on fresh tomatoes or tomato paste.
  • Creamy pizza sauce according to the recipe is prepared with heavy cream, and nothing else.
  • White bases are more suitable if the filling of the original Italian dish consists of mushrooms, poultry or seafood.
  • Garlic variation is good for spicy dishes with pickles.

On this culinary site, the classic is very simply and intelligibly presented, which you can read immediately. The essence of the baking process is described in great detail with step-by-step photographs and tips along the way.

And I also want to offer you the simplest note. It can be baked in a pan or in the oven. The main thing is to have more cheese. But this is a matter of taste, and everyone cooks the way he likes.

Pizza is an Italian dish, but this does not prevent it from being very popular among the population of our entire planet. Pizza can be eaten anywhere in the world. Each cook prepares this dish in his own way and people also eat it in different ways, for example, they use various sauces in food.

Today we present to your attention sour cream pizza sauce. Different variations of this sauce will help you make a choice.

Recipe number 1.

The composition of the necessary products:

Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons, garlic - 1 clove, sour cream - 200 grams.

Making sour cream pizza sauce

  1. Remove the core from the garlic cloves. This applies to old garlic, young can be eaten whole.
  2. Pour fresh sour cream into a bowl, add chopped garlic and soy sauce.
  3. Mix all ingredients well.
  4. If the sauce turns out to be liquid, beat with a mixer, adding a little vegetable oil 50-100 ml (odorless).

Recipe number 2.

The composition of the necessary products:

Sour cream-500 grams, tomato paste-50 grams, butter-30 grams, onions-30 grams.


  1. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  2. Melt butter in a frying pan, add chopped onion and fry.
  3. Put the tomato paste, fry a little, then pour in the sour cream, boil for five minutes.
  4. Blend the sauce in a blender until smooth.

Recipe number 3.

The composition of the necessary products:

Sour cream-200 grams, apples-50 grams, horseradish-50 grams, lemon-50 grams.


  1. Rinse the horseradish root thoroughly, remove the skin and grate on a very fine grater.
  2. Remove the peel from apples, remove the core and, like horseradish, grate.
  3. Put sour cream in a bowl, add grated apples and horseradish, mix well.
  4. Pour in the lemon juice and mix again.

Italians are scrupulous about the choice of sauce, for them it is a real crime to grease the cake with store-bought ketchup! Homemade pizza sauce made with love is much tastier, it gives the pastry juiciness, piquancy and indescribable aroma, it combines all the ingredients together. It is he who makes open Italian pies extraordinarily tasty and recognizable all over the world. Especially for you - recipes for pizza sauces, cooked from pasta and tomatoes, with cheese, garlic, sour cream and mustard. Which one to cook, you decide! Choose!

Cooking Basics

For a classic sauce, you will need sweet ripe tomatoes, which are peeled and boiled to the desired density. If there are no fresh vegetables, then you can replace them with canned tomatoes or tomato paste, ennobling their taste with herbs and spices.

Often added:
- garlic, onion, sweet pepper and other vegetables;
- Italian herbs, in particular basil and oregano, both fresh and dried;
- hot pepper in the form of powder or fresh;
- olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil).

Creamy, garlic, sour cream, cheese and mustard sauces are not considered traditional in pizza preparation. However, they are in great demand. They help diversify the menu when you want something non-standard, original.

Sauces are cooked on the stove. For cooking, you will need a small saucepan, a frying pan or a thick-walled pan, enameled or non-stick.

Tomato sauce for pizza

It is tomato sauce that is considered classic, it is universal, that is, it is suitable for any pizza, regardless of the toppings. You can cook on tomato paste or puree, fresh or canned tomatoes. The taste is directly determined by the addition of aromatic herbs and spices of your choice. Basil, thyme, marjoram give a recognizable aroma. Garlic and/or onions, cumin and chili are often added for piquancy.

Do you want to make pizza sauce like in a pizzeria? In this case, you will need: mashed tomatoes - 500 g, tomato paste - 200 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l., sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l., salt - 0.5 tsp, garlic - 1 tooth, spices - 2 tsp. First, heat the oil and simmer the chopped garlic in it, then add the pasta and mashed tomatoes, salt, sugar and spices. Cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat. As a result, you will get exactly the same sauce as in a pizzeria, simple and affordable.

At home, you can upgrade tomato sauce for pizza, make it even tastier and richer in taste. To do this, add onion and sweet bell pepper to the list of ingredients. How to cook, we will analyze step by step.

Total cooking time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Yield: 300 ml


  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 teeth
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • ground black pepper - 2-3 chips.
  • basil and oregano - 0.5 tsp each.
  • water - about 50 ml
  • ground hot pepper - on the tip of a knife

How to make tomato sauce for pizza

    I peeled a medium-sized onion, chopped it into a cube. Crush the garlic clove with the flat side of a knife and chop coarsely. I heated the oil in a frying pan, sautéed the onion and garlic, that is, fried them until transparent. It is not necessary to bring to a golden color, otherwise they will be bitter.

    Peeled sweet bell pepper (preferably red) from internal partitions and seeds, cut into cubes - the size does not play a special role, since all vegetables will still be chopped with a blender. I sent bell peppers to the pan, fried for another 1-2 minutes, until soft.

    Added concentrated tomato paste, sugar, salt and all spices. Choose quality pasta, 100% natural, no starch. It should not be unnaturally bright red or, conversely, brown and married. The higher the quality of the pasta, the tastier the sauce will end up being. Basil and oregano will work fresh or dried, you can use a ready-made mixture of Italian dried herbs.

    Mixed and warmed everything together for literally 1 minute, so that the aroma of spices is better revealed. Next, I poured in a little water to dilute the paste to the desired density. I reduced the heat and simmered for 7-8 minutes until the vegetables are soft. During cooking, the sauce should be stirred frequently, because the tomato thick strives to burn, constantly settling to the bottom. If you want the color to become even more saturated, then add a little ground sweet paprika.

    Using an immersion blender, I blended the vegetable mixture until smooth. You can leave small blotches of bell pepper if you want.

    As a result, I got a rich tomato paste pizza sauce, a beautiful bright red color, with the aroma of Italian herbs and bell pepper. It remains to cool it and can be applied to the cake.

    Yield - 300 ml, designed for 3-4 large pizzas. If you plan to cook in advance, then boil the sauce again, and then pour it into a clean glass container with a lid. Store no longer than 48 hours in the refrigerator.

Creamy (white) pizza sauce

Creamy sauce (second name - white) is mainly used to make mushroom pizza. Pairs well with chicken, sausage, vegetables and white fish. Prepared with milk or heavy cream. In fact, it is a kind of bechamel, when flour is brewed with milk. In order not to interrupt its delicate taste, a minimum amount of aromatic herbs is added. From spices, pepper (preferably white, it is more delicate in taste than black ground pepper), nutmeg, fresh or granulated garlic is used.


  • 20% cream - 250 ml
  • flour - 100 g
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 chip.

How to cook:

  1. Mix in a saucepan lightly warmed cream, flour and butter, softened at room temperature.
  2. The resulting mixture, which resembles sour cream in consistency, heat in a water bath. The bottom heat should be moderate and do not forget to stir with a whisk.
  3. After 10 minutes, pour the yolks, loosened with a fork, into the saucepan. Remove from heat immediately and whisk for another 5-6 minutes. Bring to taste.
  4. Once the sauce has completely cooled down, it is ready to use.

If you want the taste to be more intense, you can make a white sauce on the broth. The cooking technique will be slightly different, since the recipe does not use eggs. First, fry 30 g of flour on a small piece of butter (30-50 g). Gradually pour 700-800 ml of warm broth into it (meat - for pizza with meat filling, fish - for seafood). As soon as it boils, boil for 10 minutes over moderate heat with salt and pepper, until the desired consistency. If lumps come across, pass through a sieve or punch with a blender.

Fresh tomato pizza sauce

Italian chefs traditionally prepare the sauce for their national dish based on fresh tomatoes (or marinated in their own juice). In fact, these are mashed and heavily boiled fruits, with the addition of fragrant onions and garlic, dried herbs.


  • ripe and necessarily sweet tomatoes - 1 kg
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • salt - about 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • oregano, basil, marjoram - 0.5 tsp each.
  • olive oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • chili pepper - 2-3 rings

How to cook:

  1. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin, chop the pulp into a cube. Also cut the onion into cubes, chop the garlic with a knife. Pepper cut into small pieces. Place vegetables in a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Pour in the oil, season with spices and herbs to taste. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour until the vegetables are soft.
  3. Bring the resulting sauce to a homogeneous consistency with an immersion blender, boil again, salt and pepper. Cool down.

From canned tomatoes, gravy is prepared using a similar technology. Here, at the initial stage, you need to remove the skin from the tomatoes, put them in a blender and grind them into a puree. Lightly sauté the garlic in the pan. As soon as it is browned, remove it and pour the pureed tomatoes into a saucepan with flavored oil, bring the sauce to a boil, bring to taste, adding all the spices on the list. Boil, stirring with a wooden spatula, until the density you need and cool slightly.

Garlic pizza sauce

Suitable for meat fillings, in particular, it harmonizes perfectly with chicken. It helps to set off the inexpressive taste of white meat, adds spice and piquancy to the dish. Prepared on the basis of bechamel in milk, with the addition of a large amount of garlic. To muffle the sharpness, the cloves are pre-fried in oil and only then added to the total mass.


  • milk - 200 g
  • butter - 20 g
  • flour - 50 g
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth.
  • salt, pepper, parsley - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Melt a small piece of butter, add the entire norm of flour. Stirring constantly, soak for 2 minutes on a quiet fire.
  2. Slowly pour in cow's milk in a thin stream, warm for a minute.
  3. Put salt and pepper, chopped fresh or dried parsley. Bring to a boil, remembering to stir constantly.
  4. Remove the dishes from the stove and immediately add the garlic, chopped and stewed in butter.
  5. Whip with a blender and refrigerate.

Sour Cream Pizza Sauce

Used for pizza with balyk and sausage. Often lubricate cakes with mushroom, fish and vegetable filling. It is very popular because it does not require heat treatment. It is enough to combine all the products and grind until smooth. By the way, this sauce is suitable not only for pizza, but also for pita bread.


  • sour cream 20-25% - 100 g
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 3 teeth
  • hard cheese– 100 g
  • fresh or dried basil - 0.5 tsp
  • dill - 2-3 sprigs
  • salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Combine mayonnaise with sour cream, stirring with a fork until smooth, without beating.
  2. Add garlic, finely chopped with a knife or passed through a press.
  3. Grind the cheese on a fine grater, chop the greens with a knife. Combine all ingredients. Bring to taste and use as directed. If desired, you can combine sour cream and tomato sauce in one pizza, then the taste will be brighter.

Cheese sauce for pizza

It goes best with mushroom filling. Prepared by analogy with white creamy, that is, based on bechamel. But here hard cheese is introduced into it, often combined with garlic, various spices and herbs, due to which the pizza acquires a richer and richer taste. Choose fusible cheese, preferably spicy or spicy, then its taste will not be lost against the background of the filling.


  • hard cheese - 200 g
  • butter - 50 g
  • milk - 500 ml
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 50 g
  • pepper and salt - 2-3 chips each.
  • garlic and herbs - optional

How to cook:

  1. In a dry frying pan, dry the flour until pinkish. Add a little salt and pepper, warm everything together for a few seconds.
  2. Then slowly pour in the milk, intensively working with a whisk, boil. While the mixture is hot, pass it through a sieve.
  3. Separately, beat the eggs, combine with grated cheese and pre-melted (can be in the microwave) butter.
  4. Mix all ingredients and chill slightly. For spiciness, you can add garlic, of course, if it is combined with the filling. Italian dried herbs in small quantities are good.

Mustard Pizza Sauce

Suitable for pizza with sausage or beef. Spicy sauce is prepared on the basis of bechamel on the broth. Mustard gives it a sharpness and a special piquancy. To soften and harmonize the taste, sour cream and lemon juice are added.


  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • broth - 500 ml
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • sugar and salt - 2-3 chips each.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the butter, add the flour and mix vigorously so that the lumps disappear.
  2. Slowly pour in the broth, add sugar and salt, lemon juice, mustard.
  3. Mix the yolk with sour cream and pour into the pan. Once it boils, remove from heat. You can add chopped herbs if you like.
  1. If the tomatoes are sour, then add a little sugar. It will balance the taste. For 200 g of tomatoes, usually add no more than 1 teaspoon.
  2. Lots of sauces come with garlic. To soften its taste, lightly pass it in oil or boil for a couple of minutes, and only then add it to the total mass.
  3. If there are no tomatoes or pasta in the refrigerator, then ketchup can be used as a base. To turn it into a brighter sauce, add sauteed onions and garlic, pour in a little water, season with Italian herbs and boil.
  4. Remember that after cooling, any sauce will become thicker than just removed from the stove. Therefore, do not boil it for too long.
  5. The Italians believe that the recipe for any sauce can be endlessly modified, based on their intuition. Therefore, trust your taste completely when adding herbs and spices. The main rule is that all ingredients must be combined with each other and in harmony with the chosen filling. You must be delicious. Successful experiments!

Pizza sauces 22 recipes

An important question is what to serve pizza with. Pizza is seasoned with various sauces that give it a special taste. The most suitable for this purpose are tomato, mushroom, from fuck and white.
Suitable for salty pizza, for example, garlic or sour cream. Tomato sauce should not be served in this case, since any salty pizza is usually made with a tomato base.
There are many different cooking options tomato sauce. Its essential ingredients are fresh tomatoes and garlic. As well as a set of dry ground spices, it is called oregano.
sour cream or mayonnaise The sauce will complement the taste of pizza with sausage, fish and vegetables well. BUT soy usually served with rice or mushrooms.
To prepare the sauce, you can use the products that are left over from the pizza toppings.
1. White sauce

Ingredients : 1 l meat broth, 50 g flour, 60 g butter.


Spasser the flour with a little broth and butter. Gradually dilute it with strained broth, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Cook the sauce for 45-50 minutes at a low boil, stirring frequently with a wooden spatula to avoid burning. Remove foam and fat from time to time during cooking. Strain the finished sauce.

2. Vegetable sauce

Ingredients : 2-3 pickled cucumbers, 100 g of canned asparagus, 70-80 g of boiled mushrooms, 120 g of mayonnaise, 30 g of spicy ketchup, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper.


Cucumbers and asparagus cut into thin chips. Chop mushrooms. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup, garlic, salt and pepper.

3. Spicy sauce with tarragon

Ingredients : 800 g of tomato sauce (the recipe is given above), 100 g of vinegar, 4 egg yolks, 180 g of butter, 20 g of tarragon and parsley, 50 g of onions, salt, black peppercorns.


Finely chopped onion and parsley, crushed pepper, tarragon leaves pour vinegar and cook for 8-10 minutes. Then pour in the tomato sauce and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Cool the sauce to 70 ° C, add the egg yolks, previously boiled with butter, stir, salt and strain.

4. Tomato sauce

Ingredients : 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 head of garlic, 6 onions, 120 ml of vegetable oil, salt, red pepper, 30 g of suneli hops, 20 g of coriander.


Cut the tomatoes into quarters, put them in an enamel bowl, leave for a day and then drain the juice that has stood out. Boil the remaining pulp over low heat to remove the skin, and rub in a puree or squeeze through a juicer. Place over low heat and cook until thickened, stirring all the time. Season with spices, salt and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil and add to the sauce. Mix thoroughly and cook for another 5-10 minutes over low heat.

5. Red sauce

Ingredients : 1 kg of tomato sauce, 70 g of butter, 1 clove of garlic, salt, pepper.


Heat the tomato sauce, salt, add ground red or black pepper, finely chopped garlic, boil and strain. Put the dishes in a water bath, put butter in the sauce and mix well.

6. Sauce from curdled milk, kefir or yogurt

Ingredients : 250 ml of yogurt, 30 g of flour and butter, salt.


Fry the flour with butter, add hot curdled milk, salt and cook, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. If pizza is with meat, you can add whipped yolk, a little lemon zest and sugar, broth to the sauce, bring to a boil, remove from heat and strain.

7. Sauce with champignons and tomatoes

Ingredients : 650 g of red sauce, 90 g of butter and creamy margarine each, 100 g of fresh tomatoes and champignons, 300 g of onions, 250 ml of white grape wine, 10 g of tarragon and parsley.


Sauté finely chopped onion in creamy margarine. Rinse fresh peeled champignons in cold water, chop, fry in creamy margarine, then add the sautéed onion. Then put sliced ​​​​tomatoes into the mixture, pour in the wine and simmer under the lid for 15 minutes. Combine prepared products with red sauce and boil for 5-10 minutes. Add salt, parsley, tarragon to the finished sauce, mix and season with butter.

8. Sauce "Original"

Ingredients : 3 eggs, 10 g of powdered sugar, salt, 20 g of mustard and vinegar each, 2 cloves of garlic, 600 ml of vegetable oil.


Grind the chilled eggs with powdered sugar and salt, gradually add vinegar and beat until foamy. Pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream and beat until smooth. Add mustard and minced garlic. Cool down.

9. Sauce "Spanish"

Ingredients : 650 g red sauce, 150 g tomato puree, 100 g mushrooms, 60 g ham, 80 g onions, 50 g melted butter, 250 ml white grape wine, parsley, tarragon, ground black pepper.


Introduce tomato puree into red sauce, put sautéed onion, fried ham and mushrooms. Pour in the wine and cook for 5-8 minutes, add parsley, tarragon, pepper, and bring the sauce to a boil.

10. Chicken sauce

Ingredients : 1 l chicken broth, 30 g creamy margarine, 80 g carrots, 20 g parsley root, 40 g onions, 50 g wheat flour, 200 g tomato puree, 25 g sugar.


Strain the broth. Pour some of it into a separate bowl, cool, add the sifted sautéed flour without fat and stir so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Put the sautéed tomato puree, roots and onions into the rest of the broth, heat to a boil, then pour in the dressing, stir immediately and cook, stirring, at a low boil, for 1 hour. At the end of cooking, add sugar and strain.

11. Sauce with fresh mushrooms

Ingredients : 800 g of red sauce, 200 g of champignons or porcini mushrooms, 150 g of onions, 50 ml of concentrated meat broth, 90 g of butter, 1 clove of garlic, 1 g of citric acid.


Chop onions and mushrooms and spassero-vat in butter, combine with red sauce and cook at a low boil for 15-20 minutes. Then season the sauce with citric acid, butter, add finely chopped garlic and stir.

12. Sauce for vegetable pizza

Ingredients : 100 g mayonnaise, 10 ml vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard.


Add vinegar, mustard, salt, ground black pepper to taste to chilled mayonnaise and beat everything well.

13. Sauce "English"

Ingredients : 500 ml of kefir, 60 g of butter, 120 ml of cream, 75 g of white wheat bread, 1 onion, salt.


Boil yogurt with bread, rubbed through a sieve, butter and onion, salt. Boil the sauce for 10 minutes, remove the onion, and beat the mass, adding a little cream. The sauce is served hot.

14. Pizza sauce with seafood

Ingredients : 2 eggs, 10 g sugar, salt, 70 ml vegetable oil, 60 ml milk.


Beat chilled eggs with salt and sugar until foamy. Continue whisking and add milk to the sauce. At the end, pour in vegetable oil, stir the sauce again.

15. Sauce with cheese

Ingredients : 500 ml milk, 60 g butter and flour, 3 eggs, 200 g cheese, SALT, pepper, 1 onion.


Fry flour for 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, salt and dilute with hot milk boiled with onion, bring to a boil and strain. Put grated cheese, beaten yolks, pepper, remaining butter into the sauce and stir.

16. Red wine and garlic sauce

Ingredients : 800 g of red sauce, 150 g of ham, 250 ml of red wine and grape vinegar, 50 g of green onions, 60 g of celery and parsley, a clove of garlic, salt, red pepper, black peppercorns.


Pour grape vinegar into a saucepan, add finely chopped ham, chopped parsley, celery, green onions, garlic, peppercorns and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then pour in the hot red sauce and cook until a mass of cream consistency is obtained. Then strain, pour in red wine, put red pepper, salt and boil again.

17. Nut Sauce

Ingredients : 1 cup walnuts, 380 g sour cream, 30 g flour, 400 ml boiled water.


Pass nuts through a meat grinder and mix with sour cream. Warm up a little. Dilute the flour in a small amount of warm water, then pour 1 cup of water into the sauce. Rub the flour well so that there are no lumps. Mix everything and bring to a boil.

18. Sauce with roots

Ingredients : 800 g red sauce, 60 g creamy margarine, 50 g leeks, 75 g onions, 100 g carrots, 30 g each parsley, celery, turnip, canned green peas and beans, 250 ml Madeira, bay leaf, black peppercorns.


Onions, carrots, turnips, parsley and celery cut into thin slices or cubes and sauté on creamy margarine. Add hot red sauce, Madeira, pepper, bay leaf, salt and cook at a low boil for 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, put green peas and bean pods, cut into pieces.

19. Pepper sauce with vinegar

Ingredients : 850 g red sauce, 250 ml each chicken and concentrated meat broth, 75 ml 9% grape vinegar, 90 g butter, 20 g each onion and carrot, 40 g parsley or celery, sugar, cumin, cloves, nutmeg walnut powder, red pepper, herbs.


Pour finely chopped roots and onions with grape vinegar and broth, put spices (cumin, cloves, nutmeg, parsley) and simmer at a low boil under a lid for 20-25 minutes. When the liquid is reduced by 2/3, pour in the red sauce and cook for another 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. Strain the finished sauce and season with butter and red pepper.

20. Sauce with tarragon and dry wine

Ingredients : 850 g of red sauce, 90 g of butter, 250 ml of white grape wine, 100 ml of concentrated chicken broth, 40 g of onions, carrots and tarragon, 25 g of parsley and celery, ground red pepper.


Finely chop onions, carrots, parsley, celery and sauté in butter, then pour in the wine, put tarragon and boil down to 1/2 of the original volume. Combine this mixture with red sauce and broth and cook for 25-30 minutes. Season the sauce with salt, ground pepper, strain, add tarragon leaves and bring to a boil.

21. Egg Sauce

Ingredients : 10 ml of table vinegar and powdered sugar, salt, mustard, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 60 ml of milk, 2 eggs.


Cool the eggs, beat with a mixer with powdered sugar and salt. When the mixture turns into a thick white foam, add mustard and vinegar. Continuing to beat, pour vegetable oil into the sauce in a thin stream. Beat the sauce for about 3-5 minutes. Finally, add milk and stir until smooth. Refrigerate before use.

22. Red wine sauce

Ingredients : 800 g of red sauce, 60 g of onions, 40 g of parsley and celery, 100 ml of red grape wine, 250 ml of concentrated meat broth, black peppercorns, red hot pepper, cloves, nutmeg.


Finely chopped onions, parsley, celery, chopped black pepper and cloves pour wine, cover and boil down to 2/3 of the original volume. Pour red sauce into the prepared mixture, add powdered nutmeg and cook for 15-20 minutes at a low boil. At the end of cooking, season the sauce with salt, pepper and strain.

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