What is a Dutch rudder? What does Dutch rudder mean? City tour - what are the expectations? See another world? Get to know original bands performing on the same stage

) a mass-bearing slowcore group. In anticipation of the May tour of the country, the PARTY asked its leader questions about creativity and not only.

City tour - what are the expectations? See another world? Get to know original bands performing on the same stage?

This is not our first tour. Last fall, the "Dutch" steering wheel traveled to cities that can be reached from St. Petersburg overnight - Voronezh, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl and Minsk. We went on weekends and worked on weekdays.

This time we will not be at home for three weeks. We chose the Urals because there was a driver who was ready to take us around the cities. In addition, I spent my childhood in Perm and have not been there for 15 years. I'm on my way to deal with childhood memories.

Are there plans for a Siberian tour in the future? Some groups really divide their trips into certain cities or ride conditionally in the European part.

Yes, I want to see Baikal. Only the guitar and pedalboard are difficult to carry on the plane, so we are not planning it yet.

Do you feel the connection between slowcore and blues, because love and sincerity unites them?

Slowcore is alternative rock of the 90s, freed from the replicated, stadium receptions. And so radically that they never perform at the stadium. In this respect, it is similar to the very first blues from New Orleans, from the docks and plantations. Many sing about love, but not everyone succeeds in it sincerely. It is dangerous to talk about love directly, you become vulnerable, not in vain “weakness” is the closest synonym for the word “love” in the synonymic series. Sincerity is an important criterion for expressiveness, in order to influence the listener, inspire him and give him the opportunity to change.

What would have been instead of "Dutch Steering Wheel" without its musical or philosophical background?

Before "Dutch Steering Wheel" I was making alternative metal. I wanted to raise the same problems as in the Steering Wheel, but I was afraid and filled up the problems with metaphors.

Was there such a moment when drawing "Smeshariki" you participated in the creation of the script?

Never participated in the script "Smesharikov". Ten years ago, he proposed a plot plan where Barash manages to get close to Nyusha. But I was refused, considering that this idea contradicts a children's cartoon.

The question was not without reason - there is an analysis of the series "The Meaning of Life", about how each character of the animated series thinks about personal and global meaning ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFTaJR8dOmQ)

The series "The Meaning of Life" was made somewhere in 2007, I got a job later. At that time, Smeshariki had one screenwriter who knew how to write interestingly and worked well with his superiors. It was difficult to write something of your own if it was not a masterpiece. Now he has created his own studio and is making the series "Pirate School".

Understanding beyond borders - Olin Janusz from the Canadian slowcore project Bare Wire Son chose the album "Shturvala" in the list of favorite releases of 2017 - was he familiar with his work before he found out about it?

Yes, I've heard it before. It's kind of a slowcore shoegaze with a thick, dark vibe.

Well, did you get acquainted with the work of the bands that will also perform in the selected cities (this is not about the St. Petersburg concert, of course)? Who on the domestic stage is now worth a "separate" for you? There is no feeling that "indie rap" is finishing its formation?

Yes, we ourselves chose with whom we will perform. I liked the Yekaterinburg Group " Liz Sherman”, these are texts with the tradition of abstract hip-hop - about booze, loneliness and abandonment to this world, sung to noise rock. There is a very stylish group in Tyumen " Taboo dancing» . It's dark, cold trip-hop.

The group stands apart 4 Positions Bruno» . They do what they can and do not show off once again.

I don't understand anything about rap. Popular is what is done in the easiest way, for fun and in the same breath. Such tracks will be listened to for fun - just what you need when flipping through the news feed.

We did a slowcore fest, gathered bands close to the genre. Two groups came from Moscow and one from Volgograd. I thought that similar groups would appear gradually.

It seems to me that abstract rap is becoming obsolete. Purulent won - he tries to do everything simply, and this is perceived as sincerity. In terms of music, I don’t know at all where everything will go, people are less and less interested in it. I will be glad if aside Sonic Death at least.

Metamodernism was mentioned in one of the interviews with you - and what musical groups would you attribute to such a philosophy? Lovozero maybe?

I understand metamodernism as a rollback from post-modernism to modernity. That is, the rejection of the game in favor of sincerity and direct speech. Here I can name many: Arab Strap, Bill Callahan(I especially like his albums under the pseudonym Smog), many emo bands - mineral, for example. John Frusciante with my album Smile from the Streets You Hold, which he wrote to sell a dose. I can't remember anyone here, except for " night movers".

It's already the 21st century. One can easily notice a significant change in both physical and psychological development is observed in everything, even in feelings, sensations and desires! The sexual sphere is no exception, because very often we learn something new and unusual from this area.

Everything around has changed significantly: there are new views and mores on the portrait of a modern person in society, sexual contacts have become freer. Indulgence in temptation has become open and has a lot of new forms and images: the number of new forms of bed comforts has rapidly increased - from the most tender to the most perverted and bright.

The Dutch helm is a new kind of easy gratification without direct touching of the genitals. The steering wheel was invented in Holland. Although you can already guess this by reading the title. Holland is the capital of debauchery, lust and passionate entertainment. Amsterdam is a beautiful city, but it evokes animal feelings. It has luxurious pubs, strip clubs and other types of entertainment and comfort. To an even greater extent, this is facilitated by the quite loyal attitude of the Dutch towards same-sex partners. It is not at all surprising that various sexual notions arise here.

For the first time, the Dutch steering wheel was mentioned in the movie "Zak and Miri Make a Porno". It is not necessary to watch the entire film to see how it really looks, just find a short excerpt from the film. It goes a little over two minutes. Holland steering is not at all gay entertainment, according to the guy from the film, but still it is not entirely true, because two men want to bring each other to orgasm. One of them must take the other by the hand during the actual masturbation process and control the movements until he reaches the peak of pleasure. This video is already listed as one of the most shared in the world.

Our quick-witted men have already perfected this find - the double steering wheel is practiced in parallel, when both help each other. This way of satisfaction can be divided into two types: quantitative and qualitative. The first is a double Dutch helm. Quality is normal. Recently, you can see a very interesting trend - if something can be multiplied by two, people are trying to increase it even more and modernize it as much as possible. Quite a curious fact remains that there is a fivefold Dutch steering wheel, but this is not a perversion and not a "mini gay parade", but an ordinary flash mob.

In general, the main purpose of such a process is to masturbate straight people in order to help each other in obtaining an orgasm, but at the same time remain partners of the classical orientation.

There has been an evolution in the relationship between men. After the release of the video about the steering wheel, many people began to perceive it as a joke and a joke to make fun of their friends. Very often you can hear a phrase like: "Yes, you probably practice the Dutch steering wheel, you unfortunate pervert! .." Perhaps, it is for such a situation that you should find out what this phenomenon is.

From a medical point of view, this activity is a deviation from the norm and indicates certain mental disorders. Since purely from the side of psychology, a normal person cannot enjoy such a process.

4 In our time, when promiscuity is not a vice, but rather a blessing, new trends, expressions and terms come to us from the West. One of these phrases is "Dutch rudder", what does it mean you can read below. Bookmark our site, which is popular in shirov circles, to your bookmarks so that you can visit us from time to time. As you probably understood, we will talk about the most perverted country in Western Europe - Holland. After all, it was in him that the concept was invented. However, before I get started, I would like to recommend you some interesting articles on the topic of street slang. For example, how to understand the phrase Being in a Tank, who is Bayer, who is called an Outsider, what is a Rocking Chair, etc.
So let's continue what does dutch rudder mean?

dutch helm- this is an unusual type of onanism, when one man masturbates, and at that moment his partner holds his hand, controlling his actions, thus helping him to ejaculate.

Double dutch helm- this is when another person participates in the process of masturbation, including a woman.

dutch helm- this is a completely new kind of quick satisfaction, without touching each other's genitals.

In Holland there is a very depraved city of Amsterdam, which awakens erotic fantasies and forbidden desires. In this den of passion there are many brothels, strip clubs, rich pubs and other types of establishments offering various pleasures and entertainments. Besides Holland is the most loyal country in relation to homosexuals. Therefore, there is nothing strange that all kinds of perversions appear here.

dutch helm- Designed to help two straight guys reach orgasm while still being heterosexual.

How is a Dutch rudder made?

One of the partners takes the hand of the other and begins to control his movements, masturbating by his hand. In addition, there is a method called " Triple Dutch Helm"- means that two more people joined the two partners, and together they began to control each other's hands ..
In general, this phrase has become widespread among teenagers thanks to the stupid and vulgar film " Zack and Miri Filming Prono". In it, one hero explains to another what is " dutch helm". After this movie, the entire Internet was full

It's already the 21st century. One can easily notice a significant change in both physical and psychological development is observed in everything, even in feelings, sensations and desires! The sexual sphere is no exception, because very often we learn something new and unusual from this area.

Everything around has changed significantly: there are new views and mores on the portrait of a modern person in society, sexual contacts have become freer. Indulgence in temptation has become open and has a lot of new forms and images: the number of new forms of bed comforts has rapidly increased - from the most tender to the most perverted and bright.

The Dutch helm is a new kind of easy gratification without direct touching of the genitals. The steering wheel was invented in Holland. Although you can already guess this by reading the title. Holland is the capital of debauchery, lust and passionate entertainment. Amsterdam is a beautiful city, but it evokes animal feelings. It has luxurious pubs, strip clubs and other types of entertainment and comfort. To an even greater extent, this is facilitated by the quite loyal attitude of the Dutch towards same-sex partners. It is not at all surprising that various sexual notions arise here.

For the first time, the Dutch steering wheel was mentioned in the movie "Zak and Miri Make a Porno". It is not necessary to watch the entire film to see how it really looks, just find a short excerpt from the film. It goes a little over two minutes. Holland steering is not at all gay entertainment, according to the guy from the film, but still it is not entirely true, because two men want to bring each other to orgasm. One of them must take the other by the hand during the actual masturbation process and control the movements until he reaches the peak of pleasure. This video is already listed as one of the most shared in the world.

Our quick-witted men have already perfected this find - the double steering wheel is practiced in parallel, when both help each other. This way of satisfaction can be divided into two types: quantitative and qualitative. The first is a double Dutch helm. Quality is normal. Recently, you can see a very interesting trend - if something can be multiplied by two, people are trying to increase it even more and modernize it as much as possible. Quite a curious fact remains that there is a fivefold Dutch steering wheel, but this is not a perversion and not a "mini gay parade", but an ordinary flash mob.

In general, the main purpose of such a process is to masturbate straight people in order to help each other in obtaining an orgasm, but at the same time remain partners of the classical orientation.

There has been an evolution in the relationship between men. After the release of the video about the steering wheel, many people began to perceive it as a joke and a joke to make fun of their friends. Very often you can hear a phrase like: "Yes, you probably practice the Dutch steering wheel, you unfortunate pervert! .." Perhaps, it is for such a situation that you should find out what this phenomenon is.

From a medical point of view, this activity is a deviation from the norm and indicates certain mental disorders. Since purely from the side of psychology, a normal person cannot enjoy such a process.

Attention, only TODAY!

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    "Zack and Miri Make a Porno"
    the movie was recently in theaters

    they still say: yes, I remember this chela! I had a cassette with his translation! great translation!

    That's mainly because of this.
    We watched it as a child with this translation, and now they want to watch it again.

    I remembered this because I'm looking for a movie and I find only with such a translation

    Download without translation. It removes a lot of problems - you don't run into nasal translations, you don't want to make a facepalm from stupid mistakes in translation, and you can also raise the level of English at the same time.

    It happens to me too .. glitches, so you should keep track of the number of SMS, delete something periodically so that the inbox folder is not crammed to the brim)

    right now, many phones copy into their memory all contacts from the sim card, also sms, etc., I advise you to check the phone, when I bought used phones, there was a lot of interesting information about the former owner, including passwords from the mailer, pictures of the former owner and his environment, sms messages, audio and video recordings, I don’t understand what place people think when they sell their old phones without removing all the information from them.

    how a person goes through life, how many years he feels - how long he will look at the world and show his inner state)

    The steering wheel is for steering directly. By car, bike directly with wheels. On ships - the ship's rudder hangs at the back, on airplanes there are elevators, ailerons, flaps .. On a raft there is a steering oar .. Well, since the plane and ship already have a device called a rudder, then a remotely remote device that is connected to the rudders or rudder, called the steering wheel.

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