How long to fry raw potatoes. How to fry potatoes correctly is a classic technology. Step-by-step recipe with photo of frying potatoes with onions

Despite the simplicity of the products used for frying, each time you can cook different dishes from each other. How to fry potatoes so that everyone likes it? To do this, you need to take into account several recommendations. And various auxiliary products will give an additional taste to the potatoes.

What do you need to know about frying?

How to fry potatoes? What do you need to know to achieve exactly the effect you intended? Let's start from the very beginning. It is better to choose older potatoes for frying. Young can also be deliciously cooked, but the taste of the usual will be richer. Peel the tubers, cut into strips, plates or slices.

To get a fried crust, you need to put the dry product on a pasted pan with oil. The lid does not need to be covered. If you want softer potatoes, be sure to cover, but not immediately.

The best spices are salt, pepper, bay leaf. You can add herbs, oregano, suneli hops, ginger and nutmeg.

As additives use:

How long does it take to fry potatoes in a pan? It all depends on the temperature, portion size, readiness of other products. It is best to stand it for 25-30 minutes, and then check with a match how soft it is.

How to fry potatoes in a pan? We heat the oil, you can ghee, or lard. Fry onions, add potatoes and stir. Periodically turns the lower slices up.

How to fry delicious potatoes in a slow cooker? To do this, just pour the oil, put the peeled and cut potatoes in the bowl, add the onion, mix and put in the frying mode for 30 minutes.

There are many ways to prepare such a simple dish. Here are some of them.

New potatoes

With young potatoes, you can make such a dish. Select the smallest tubers, the smaller the better. It is desirable that they do not need to be cut. Scrape off the rough skin. Boil in lightly salted water until tender.

Crush the breadcrumbs in a bowl. Roll potatoes in them. Pour a frying pan or cauldron with oil and heat well. Put potatoes in there. 10 minutes - and the dish is ready! Add butter.

With herbs, garlic and lard

From young tubers you can make one more tasty dish. Potatoes are fried with their skins on. All you need to do is cut it into slices. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Cut lard or bacon into thin strips. Fry until transparent. Add potatoes and simmer uncovered for 25 minutes.

Turn over periodically. During this time, chop the greens: dill, parsley, onion. Mix with salt, pepper and crushed garlic (to taste). Turn off the heat under the pan and add the prepared mixture there.

A la deep frying

Cut potatoes into strips. It is convenient to take large oblong tubers of yellow varieties. Heat the oil in a cauldron. You need to pour enough so that the depth is about 5 centimeters at least. When the oil boils, you can get down to business.

How long to fry depends on how hot the oil is and how browned you want it to be. Salt and pepper at the end. Spread on a napkin to get rid of fat.

With egg and cheese

The pan is greased with ghee. Potatoes are cut into thick strips and poured onto a heated surface. When the entire portion is laid, you need to pour vegetable oil on top. Fry the slices for 10 minutes and turn them over with a spatula. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat.

The bottom layer will be baked into crispy pieces. When the dish is almost ready, salt and pepper. We break 2-3 eggs up, pour grated cheese in a thick layer, cover and leave on low heat for 7 minutes. Turn off the stove and leave for another 5-10 minutes.

A very tasty combination - potatoes and chanterelles, as well as porcini mushrooms and honey mushrooms. You can use ordinary champignons and oyster mushrooms, but the flavor will be slightly different. To get rid of excess fluid and possible toxins, it is better to boil the mushrooms in advance. How to fry forest chanterelles with potatoes?

Fry the onion in butter, toss in the sliced ​​potatoes. After 10 minutes, add the mushrooms. To get a fragrant yushka, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water. Spices are added after the liquid boils. Since you need to fry the boiled mushrooms with potatoes a little less, you can throw them 10 minutes before the dish is ready.

If you cook such a dish with meat, you get a full hearty lunch. Additionally, you can add some grated carrots and nuts.

With vegetables and meat

This recipe is similar to the previous one. But here it all starts with the fact that you need to cut into pieces meat, for example, pork. Fry it in oil for a few minutes. When the yushka flows, add onions and carrots. After 10 minutes, add chopped potatoes. We fry everything together.

When the dish is almost ready, add vegetables: peas, corn, zucchini, beans, broccoli, etc. Salt, pepper. Cover with a lid for 5 minutes. Vegetables should remain slightly crunchy. Turn off the fire and leave to infuse.

with spices

This recipe is great for cooking in a slow cooker. We fry the onion. Put the chopped potatoes in a bowl, mix everything. Pour in salt, pepper, suneli hops and some Italian herbs.

Close the multicooker and set to fry for 20-30 minutes. The aroma is simply amazing! You can also add pork or chicken thighs. Then we put the meat first, and then everything else.

Fried potatoes - great option for a hearty lunch. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, sometimes you can afford to relax a little and eat delicious.

On fasting days, you can easily fry potatoes in vegetable oil, add salt, get sauerkraut, pour fragrant oil - and a tasty, satisfying and simple dish is ready. So, today we will find out how much to fry potatoes in a pan so that they are moderately ruddy, not boiled and not too fried.

So the first recipe is just fried potatoes, basis for other options.


  • Actually, potatoes (better choose the same, because different varieties will be cooked differently in time, and as a result you can get half raw, half sprawling)
  • vegetable oil

Initially, wash and peel the strawberries, then an important process is to cut them correctly. I usually do this - I cut a large potato into several plates along, and then I start to cut thinly across, trying to make the pieces approximately the same, for even frying.

Next - the pan is sent to the fire, the oil is poured in enough so that the potatoes do not turn out dry. When the oil is well warmed up, only then the potatoes are sent there, otherwise they will stick to the pan.

With a wooden spoon, stir occasionally until browned, and then cover with a lid and reduce the heat to steam.

Advice: look at the potatoes, and as you like - if you like crispy, then do not cover with a lid, and continue cooking. If you want a soft, tender one, then a lid is a must. In time, if the potatoes are good, boiled, you will have to fry for 15-520 minutes, if hard varieties - up to half an hour.

The second option is fried potatoes with onions

At the half-readiness stage, add the onion, cut into thin half rings, to the potatoes, and then fry together. Salt almost at the end. You can add crushed garlic along with salt, a couple of minutes before turning it off, the extra taste and aroma will be very appetizing!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Another lean version of fried potatoes in a pan. You do everything as usual, but in the second pan, fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms with onions in parallel, and then add to the potatoes, salt, pepper, let the flavors mix and turn it off.

You can immediately add mushrooms and onions along with potatoes, but the first option is tastier.

Fried potatoes with lard when the post ends!

Very tasty potatoes in lard, or even better on a meat undercut or fry with pieces of meat.
Again, we cut the potatoes, as in the first recipe, cut the lard into slices, and do this: first heat the pan, if there is a lot of lard - immediately spread the lard, if you have meat and not fatty - first heat the vegetable oil a little, then lay out the meat pieces. Once they are lightly fried, then add the potatoes and continue cooking as usual.

Fried potatoes in some families are the most favorite and sought-after dish. There are many men who are ready to eat it every day (and even without meat). We will tell you how to fry potatoes in a pan so that they do not fall apart and remain appetizingly fried, as well as how easy it is to supplement dishes with unusual ingredients.

Loose, with and without a crust, on lard and butter, with ketchup or sauerkraut - tastier fried potatoes maybe just fried potatoes! Each housewife has her own secrets of frying, but still there is something in common between recipes - two ingredients are usually used: potatoes directly and vegetable oil. The rest of the ingredients are always at the discretion of the craftswoman.

For the simplest way, we need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg (the number of tubers depends on the number of eaters);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.

We clean the potatoes and cut into sticks. The main thing is that they are not too thick, the same size. How to get oriented? Very simple - remember the french fries familiar to everyone and cut, trying to give the same shape. Put the potato slices in a bowl of cold water so that it does not have time to darken.

The secret of an experienced housewife: varieties where the starch content is low are suitable for roasting. It is best to use light yellows and reds, but whites are good for mashed potatoes and first courses.

While the potatoes are being cut, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. The best dishes for such a dish are those with a thick cast-iron bottom. The fire should not be too strong, otherwise the root crops will quickly burn below and remain raw on top. The optimum temperature is slightly below average. In the meantime, we discard the potatoes, carefully wipe them from the water with a paper towel or a kitchen towel, but clean and dry.

It's time to put the potato strips in the pan. And now, attention, remember the instructions for proper frying!

  1. You can’t touch the potatoes for the first 8-10 minutes: let them fry quietly: if you start stirring the pieces, they will quickly lose their shape.
  2. We carefully pick up the straw with a spatula, turning it over in one solid layer: usually the crust from below grabs the pieces evenly.
  3. We turn around and go back to our business. Only after 5-7 minutes will it be possible to approach the potato and stir it a second time.
  4. Salt the dish correctly at the end so that the potatoes do not fall apart.
  5. A minute or two before the end of the process, cover the potatoes with a lid so that it simmers slightly.

Well-fried potatoes are ruddy, golden, exude magical aromas, and melting delicious pulp is hidden inside each piece. We eat it with pickles or dipping it in barbecue sauce.

It may seem like a tedious process. In fact, it is enough to cook potatoes a couple of times to master the skill well and for a long time. By the way, it takes only a few minutes to fry one or two tubers (and this is quite enough for a hearty dinner for one person).

With the addition of onions

Many housewives fry potatoes in a pan with onions and do not recognize other options for the dish. Onions add sweetness, juiciness, perfectly shading potatoes. It is worth recognizing that if you don’t know some tricks, the dish turns out to be more stewed, so we’ll tell you a step-by-step recipe for the right “onion” potatoes.

The best potatoes are the same size - so they are fried more evenly.

  1. Peel the potatoes and fry until half cooked.
  2. When the straws have reached the “aldente” stage (remained slightly crispy inside), add the onions and mix.
  3. If you put a chopped onion right away, it will turn out “boiled” and change the taste of the dish for the worse, so you should add it at the end of frying.
  4. We add potatoes. Bring to readiness and serve.

Serve potatoes with onions with slices of black bread, barrel cucumbers, herbs and sour cream. Or we eat it as a side dish for fish or chicken.

With a crust

Potatoes in oil will turn out to be more appetizing if you fry them not on vegetable, but with the addition of cream. The crust is crispy, the potatoes melt in your mouth, and the dish acquires a pleasant creamy aftertaste.

To get a crispy crust, you can soak the potatoes in advance - the excess starch will go away, and it will crunch perfectly after frying.

The crust always turns out ruddy, if you do not cover the pan with a lid, but fry the potatoes in an open pan.

In this recipe, you can move away from traditions and cut the root crops into rounds: they will fry faster, the correct golden crust will form. For the rest, follow the instructions of the first recipe - everything will come out perfectly!

With mushrooms

Fried potatoes with mushrooms (also called mycelium) is a traditional dish for autumn, when people actively gather forest mushrooms. The main mistake of many cooks is to add boiled mushrooms to the finished dish, and then simmer everything together. The potato begins to “float”, acquires a not very pleasant mushy texture.

  1. Fry the potatoes in a skillet until almost cooked through.
  2. In a separate saucepan, fry the boiled forest mushrooms with onions until all the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Add a piece of butter to the mushrooms (they complement each other perfectly and make the taste of potatoes much brighter).
  4. Combine with potatoes.
  5. Lightly simmer everything together until fully cooked.

Before serving, you can sprinkle potatoes with fresh dill, season with a spoonful of fresh sour cream. We eat a dish with a light vegetable salad seasoned with fragrant vegetable oil or lemon juice.

How to fry potatoes in a pan with meat?

Show at least one man who, after a hard day's work, will refuse tender and hearty potatoes fried with meat?

In order for the potatoes to turn out to be fried and not stewed, we recommend that you write down a few rules:

  1. For potatoes, it is better to take meat that cooks quickly: pork, chicken fillet, young veal.
  2. Meat and potatoes are fried separately and combined at the last moment.
  3. If you want to make the dish juicier - add more onions or pieces of lard.
  4. The potatoes are cut into square pieces - the straws in this recipe will quickly break, causing the consistency to lose accuracy.

The total cooking time for potatoes is calculated based on the type of meat, but in general it rarely exceeds 60 minutes (we take into account the time for peeling potatoes!). Vegetarians can replace meat with soy or eggplant slices - it turns out very tasty and “nutritious”.

Variant of frying potatoes in lard

In Ukraine, lard potatoes are a national pride and a traditional dish of all the inhabitants of the country.

The trick of the dish lies precisely in the frying of the fat: it is important to evaporate the fat from it, and only at the end fry it, turning it into cracklings. To do this, cut the pieces of fat into cubes of 5 mm in size and fry over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer until tender, until the fat begins to melt.

In the melted bacon, add potatoes, cut into cubes, mugs or sticks, and fry it until tender. Potatoes cook faster, because the heating temperature of the fat is high. And in this case, you can salt it right away so that it absorbs all the juices, becomes juicy and fragrant.

This version is hearty, high-calorie, truly masculine. Usually it is served with smoked or salted fish, pickled vegetables. On holidays, you can present the “little white” to the eater - ice, of course, from tiny glasses.

Rustic fried potatoes

Dish on hastily, but at the same time hearty, very “warm”, they learned to cook in the villages. At the time of harvest, when there is little time for cooking, it has been helping housewives for centuries. And in parallel, it helps to put into operation substandard potatoes of small size, which are not stored for a long time.

You can boil the potatoes in advance - all that remains is to fry them in a large frying pan with onions and salt.

For cooking we need:

  • small potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - to taste;

Rinse small potatoes thoroughly, removing dirt with a stiff brush. Boil water in a large saucepan, boil the potatoes right in their uniforms and let them cool. Then it's up to you to decide: someone loves potatoes with a peel, and someone is not lazy, peeling off the skin. The taste will be different, but both options are very tasty.

Next, cut the potatoes into 2 pieces. Chop the onion into cubes, saute until golden in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Add potatoes to the onion, fry everything together until golden brown. The finished dish exudes magical aromas and attracts eaters. Serve with herbs, pickles, sauerkraut - everything that is in the house. Rustic potatoes are self-sufficient, satisfying, do not require additions in the form of steaks, and they are also delicious cold.

If suddenly the remnants of dinner for some unknown reason survived, fill them with eggs in the morning, add bell peppers, garlic and tomatoes - you will get an original breakfast.

A few secrets of cooking a delicious dish

Why do some craftswomen get fragrant, sweet potatoes, while others get watery and constantly burn?

  1. A wide frying pan is suitable for frying, while the straw layer should not be thick - so it will not boil in its own juice.
  2. Potatoes well dried with a towel are the key to a pleasant crunch and a delicious crust.
  3. The pan should be thoroughly and evenly heated.
  4. You can soak the straws in advance (for example, in the evening) - excess starch will come out, and the dish will turn out even tastier.
  5. Salt potatoes only at the very end - so it does not soften and does not absorb excess fat.

You can cook the dish with any vegetables, pieces of bacon, hunting sausages, ham, beat in eggs and add garlic and herbs - there are a lot of options, and it's easy to please yourself with a dish several times a week, without fear that it will get bored.

Diet fans will exclaim: “But what about the figure! In just 100 grams of potatoes, more than 300 calories are “hidden!” But let's remember about the gastronomic pleasure this dish gives and recall the measure - it is enough to eat the dish in small portions, do not season with fatty sauces, do not eat bread and it will not bring harm for sure! Bon appetit.

Today I want to tell you how to cook fried potatoes in a pan. Yes, yes, I know that fried potatoes- this is not at all useful, but ... It's so tasty! And I'm not at all urging you to cook it every day, not at all. But sometimes you can afford a small portion of delicious fried potatoes in a pan. I was surprised when, after talking with many of my friends, I realized that few people know the right recipe fried potatoes in a pan.

No, it is, of course, prepared, but the result is not always what is expected. Either it turns out ruddy, but raw inside, then it’s ready, but without an appetizing crust on top ... Then the oil splashes too much, then the potatoes do not hold their shape, but fall apart ...

So today I decided to tell you how and what to do: how to fry potatoes in a pan so that they do not fall apart, and how much to fry potatoes in a pan, and how to achieve a golden crust on the outside and a soft middle ... In general, a real master class on topic: "How to cook fried potatoes in a pan." Ready to remember? Then let's get started...

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

How delicious to fry potatoes in a pan:

Wash potatoes in cold water and cleanse the skin. Rinse thoroughly again.

When answering the question of how to properly fry potatoes in a pan, it is worth remembering a few important rules. One of them: no excess moisture. We spread the potatoes on a clean napkin and get wet, removing the water. If this is not done, the water remaining on the tubers will splash during frying, which will greatly complicate the process.

Cut the potatoes into strips, about 5-7 mm thick. The length of the straw depends on the size of the tubers. If the potatoes are large, cut them crosswise so that the slices do not turn out to be too long (they may break during frying). Not very large potatoes cut lengthwise.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Lay out the potatoes. There should not be too much potatoes in the pan, otherwise it will not be fried, but rather stewed. Here is the answer to the question of how to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust - do not put too much of it in the pan. For the indicated amount of potatoes, you will need 2 pans with a diameter of 24 cm.

Fry the potatoes over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes, then carefully flip over. Fry for another 3-5 minutes. Turn over again, reduce the heat slightly (it should be below medium) and cover the pan with a lid. Fry for 4-5 minutes and mix gently.

Cover with a lid again and fry for another 5 minutes. How long to fry potatoes in a pan in time depends on the thickness of the potato slices and its variety. Therefore, taste the potatoes for readiness and decide for yourself whether to continue frying.

Salt the finished potatoes, put the garlic passed through the press to it, and mix gently. Actually, garlic is not an essential ingredient at all, if you don’t like it, you may well not use it.

We send the pan to the smallest fire for another couple of minutes.

Hot potatoes are served immediately.

For frying, it is better to choose tubers of the correct shape, then there will be less waste when cleaning.

The quality of the finished potato depends on the amount of vegetable oil. If you fry potatoes in a large amount of oil (4-5 tablespoons), they will be all with a crispy golden crust.

Fried potatoes are a favorite dish of many that can be easily prepared at home, so it will be interesting for everyone to know how long and how to fry potatoes in a pan so that they turn out delicious and with a golden crust.

How long to fry potatoes in a pan?

The time for frying potatoes depends on the form in which you fry the potatoes (raw, boiled), as well as on the variety and type of potatoes themselves (young, old). The average frying time for potatoes is:

  • How long does it take to fry potatoes in a pan? Fry the potatoes for 20-25 minutes in a pan until golden brown on all sides.

Having learned how many minutes to fry potatoes, we will further consider the cooking process itself in order to figure out how to deliciously fry potatoes with a golden crust in a pan so that they do not fall apart and do not burn.

A step-by-step recipe for how to fry potatoes with a crust in a pan?

It would seem that frying potatoes is a fairly simple task, but most are faced with problems such as burning, potatoes fall apart during frying, do not fry well and do not form an appetizing crisp on them, so it is important to know simple rules how to fry potatoes in a pan and how to prepare them for frying. Let's take a closer look at how to properly fry potatoes in a pan so that it has a crust and does not fall apart during cooking:

  • We choose potatoes of the same variety of approximately the same size and peel them, after which we cut them with a knife into strips (bars) or cubes (1 cm by 1 cm in size), as you like. To cut the potatoes into uniform cubes, you can use a special vegetable cutter, which will greatly facilitate this work and help cut pieces of the same size, which is very important when frying potatoes.
  • Pour the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes with cold water and leave for 5-10 minutes so that the “extra” starch comes out of them, after which, using a colander, thoroughly rinse in cold water again.
  • We leave the washed potatoes in a colander or put them on a paper towel for 5-10 minutes so that all the water is drained from it and it dries slightly (the moment is important so that it does not stick together and fall apart during frying, but evenly fried on all sides).
  • Pour sunflower oil into a deep pan with a wide bottom (should cover the bottom of the pan by 2-3 mm) and heat it over high heat (it should become hot, but not hot to the maximum, otherwise it will “shoot” when we move the potatoes to the pan).
  • When the oil in the pan is hot, put the prepared potatoes into it and fry for 5-7 minutes until a golden crust forms on the bottom layer (make sure that the potatoes do not burn), after which, using a wooden spatula, turn the potatoes over to the other side (so that the top layer is on the bottom) and fry for an average of 5 minutes, after which we again carefully turn over. We repeat this procedure several times until the whole potato acquires a golden crust on all sides. It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid during frying.
  • When the fried potatoes are ready, salt and pepper them and put them on plates. That's all! A delicious side dish with a crispy crust is ready!

Note: in the same sequence, you can cook fried potatoes with mushrooms or onions, which must be fried in a separate pan and a couple of minutes before the end of frying the potatoes, add to it.

Answers to popular questions on the topic, how delicious to fry potatoes in a pan?

  • What pan is best for frying potatoes? For frying potatoes, it is best to use a deep frying pan with a wide bottom. good option are cast iron and aluminum pans with a thick bottom and non-stick coating.
  • Can you fry potatoes in a wok? Answer: Of course you can! There are many recipes on the web for how to fry potatoes in a wok.
  • Can you fry potatoes on a grill pan? As with the wok, the grill pan can also be used when frying potatoes.
  • How to fry potatoes in a pan - with the lid open or closed? You do not need to cover the pan with a lid while frying potatoes if you want to fry crispy potatoes with a crust, but if you cover the pan with a lid, you will get stewed potatoes.
  • What kind of fire to fry potatoes? Potatoes need to be spread on a well-heated pan and fried over medium heat until cooked.
  • Can you fry potatoes in olive oil? Potatoes can also be fried in olive oil, as it is healthier than regular vegetable oil, but fried potatoes in this oil will have a slightly unusual taste (you may like it more than when fried in sunflower oil).
  • Can you fry potatoes in butter? It will take a lot of butter if you use only it. A good option is to use sunflower oil with the addition of butter.
  • How to fry potatoes so that they do not burn? So that the potatoes do not burn during frying, at the beginning before frying, after you cut them, you need to rinse and dry them, and then spread them only in a well-heated pan with vegetable oil. Also, potatoes can burn due to the use of a poor quality frying pan.
  • Is it possible to fry potatoes in a slow cooker? Yes, you can. In "Baking" mode. Many sites provide many recipes for cooking fried potatoes in a slow cooker.
  • When to salt potatoes while frying? Potatoes must be salted at the very end of frying, otherwise they will start to fall apart and not turn out with a crispy golden crust.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to deliciously fry potatoes in a pan with a golden crust, you can quickly prepare a delicious side dish that you and your loved ones will definitely like. Your reviews and helpful tips, how much and how to fry potatoes in a pan, leave in the comments to the article and share it in social networks if it was helpful to you.

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